The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 23, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dally, except Sunday by
hxjiasjH rviiLisnisa coarvAtrr,
Zublloatlon offlce and mo hanloal department,
2. Bant Coa Street.
nu tJot,T A I delivered In Shenandoah and
aB i168"4 Bbrroundlng towns for Six Oents
ireek, payable to the carriers, lly mall, Three
Dollars a year or Twenty-rive cents per month,
In advance.
AdvertUemenli charged according to space
and position. The publishers reserve the right
to ohango the position ot advertisements whon
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Bent, whether paid for or not, that the pub
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mado known t'pon application.
Entered at tho post offlce at Shenandoah, Fa.,
at second closs mall matter.
TUB KVJtNIttO lll'.JtAI.n,
Shenandoah. Pcnna.
Evening Herald.
Republican State Ticket.
For Governor!
Centre county.
For Lloutonnnt-Govornor,
Allegheny county.
For Auditor-General,
Lancaster county.
For Secretary Internal Affairs,
Philadelphia county.
For ConBrossmon-at-Largo,
Susqueliauim county,
OEonaE r. hufp,
Westmorelnud county.
County Ticket.
For Contjress,
Of Jllnersvllle.
For Senator, 30th District,
J011N J. cotli:,
Of Mshnuoy City.
For Representative, 1st District.
Of Shenandonh.
For Sheriff, SCOTT,
Of Prnckvllle.
For Director of the Poor,
Of Wnyne Township.
For Jury Commissioner,
Of Hellly Township.
Despite the reportB of poverty Indus
trlously circulated by tho Democratic
Congressional Committee, it appears thnt
they hnve plenty of money nt their ills-
posnl, nnd nro using it with a lavish hnnd
In quarters where they think it Is needed
or will do good. It is wild thnt fully
80,0)0 hns been placed In tho Second West
Virginia District to nld in the re-election
of Professor Wilson, nnd thnt a generous
sum hns gone Into tho Third District in
thnt stnte. Other doubtful districts also
seem to hnve received generous consldcrn
tlon. The outlay genernlly hns been on
so liberal n scale as to suggest thnt the
"poverty" complaints were put forth for
effect merely nnd to throw tho Itepubll
tans oft their gunrd.
MR. REED nccurntely described the
Democratic pnrty, dishevelled and torn
as issuing promises to pay, when n renm
ot its dishonest paper is already nt the
bank nud mnrked "no funds." That is
its nttltude on all Issues, national, statu
and municipal. It shoves Its promises in
the fnco ot every ono credulous enough
to take them, but it never redeems them.
Voters ought to tnko note of this fnot
and reflect deliberately upon It. In Xa
tionnl affairs the Democracy is now lssu
Ing unlimited promises. It pledges Itself
to reform the tnrilT, to destroy inoiiopo
lies huiI trusts, to bring In a new era o
industrial Hotlvlty nud foreign trade and
to restore natlonnl prosperity. These are
new promUtes issued by a party wliioh by
common oonsentof Its own leaders dur
ing the last year 1ms compromised lt
tariff principles, violated the pledges of
It national platform, surrendered under
the most scandalous conditions to the
trusts, brought ou bad times nnd para
lyged nil industrial Interests.
It Is in a tone ot righteous indignation
that we have heard many citizens ot un
questionable reoord refer to the A. P. A.
bugaboo, with which discredited and des
prte politicians are seeking to blind the
eyes of people to the real issues of reform
and decent government. This country Is
too broad, too great aud too liberal for
such n hypocritical issue to succeed. As
i ohnrmless political device this A. P. A.
cry does not deserve serious consideration,
but as n wanton In.ult to Iloman Catho
lics themselves, the tactics of those Demo
cratic oontptrntors are to be condemned
by men ot all parties. It Is nothing less
than an insult to citizens ot thnt religious
communion tor tricksters aud corruption
Ists to aisume that they can he driven by
so contemptible a trick Into an attitude of
defence of political marauders. To as
sume, as ihese desperate tricksters venture
to do, thnt members of tho Iloman Cntho
lie church will regard It ns a religious
duty to protect mid defend by their bal
lots n political p.irty thnt hns debauched
the nation, U a foul aspersion upon the
hnrncter nnd work of thnt communion.
It will be resented, ns It ought to be, with
Indignation nnd wrath by Iioamn Cntho
lic voters. The only clnss of voters to
which these bngnboo pollttoal tricksters
onn nppenl with nny nppronsh to renson
Is the orlmtunl clnss having neither mor-
llty nor religion.
Ono of tho causes ot privation to the
working classes of this country hns been
n neglect on their pnrt when tho oppor
tunity offers to net for themselves. This
Is especially the case with worklngmen
when they go to tho polls on election dny.
At times they rise In their might nnd In
the strongest terms denounce certnln men
In public office, but when election dny
arrives something transpires to blind
their Judgment nnd to the surprise of the
observing public they wnlk to the polls
nnd CHSt their ballot for the very man
whom they have repeatedly denonnced ns
antagonistic to their Interests. It the
worklngmen ever expect to benefit their
condition they must net, nnd net with
good sense. Discussions of the merits of
candidates in the mine, mill or the ditch
is not the kind ot action which will benr
fruit. These discussions are mere side
Issues. They nre good enough nsnvenues
for informntion, hut the plnce to net Is nt
tho polls and the time to net is now,
Hon. John J. Coyle, whoso record In
behalf of the worklngmen daring the
last session of the Legislature wns beyond
reproach, Is now beforo the public ns n
candidnte for tho Senate in this district
In behalf of the working people. Will
they net f
To the World of Women.
For Mothers' and Daughters' Health.
Weak, nervous, delicate, overworked
women nre the oues thnt need a strength
builder, n tonic for their nerves, nud cure
for thnt awful interunl trouble that is
wearing out their lives. Thousnnds of
women have found such In Dr. Kennedy's
Favorlto Remedy. Mrs. Christiana Heal,
ot Jonesport, Me., writes thnt her dnugh
ter had been a grent sufferer from female
trouble, and nf ter repeated trinls of doc
tor's prescriptions nnd. other so-called
cures, all of which gnve no relief, she
used Dr. Kennedy's Favorlto Remedy and
It permanently cured her.
If you hnve hendache, uterine catarrh.
irregular menstruation, Ieucorrhcoa, or
Irregular monthly periods, sickness in
cidental to change of life, or any of the ' rendered necessary by tho rulo of tho Ro
attendlng evils that nre present In female inauoff family compelling every heir np
oomDlnlnts. use Favorlto Remedv : it will parent to marry beforo ascending tho
build no nulcklv tho run down c-n.iat.ltn.
tlon and bring refreshing sleep. It will
dispel those tired looks nud fecliugs, re
store the nervous Bystem nnd permnuently
cure you. Our dnughters grow up wenk
nud delicate; mothers can avoid such
conditions by giving them Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy.
A Sunday
of ratnlltlci In Two Lit tin
ivnniyttunln Towiu, i ers for tho same offered in the army nnd
PiTTsnunu Oct SK McDonald and navy aud ou lionrd tho vossels of tho Bus
Jenuetto, smi'ill towns just outside of this slan Pacllflomunicdlterraueausqundrons.
city, furnished yesterday a list of crimes Archbishop Jfoghlleff has ordered pruyors
anduetldeuts seldom equaled even In tho tho Catholic churches,
large cllles. At MoDnn .Id, In the morning, I cilice MosUihcrsky's CitlziJtho first
Vrnnk Lyons, a well pumper, was found newspaper to break the dendtonco In
murdered In his boiler house, on Host fllcted on tho press by tho censors conccrn
O'Hnnv street. Louts Morgan, who found 8 tho express ion of grief because of tho
the body, tells conflicting stories concern- Mar's illness. That paper gives a gruphlo
ing tho case ' , description of tho solemn nud pathetio ser-
Atnoon James Hanks, colored, shot a vice of prayer within the ancient walls of
white woman named Mnggle Allison three the Cathedral of tho Assumption in tho
times In the breast. She will die. When Kremlin nt Moscow. It m Ids that , thoso
Banks wiw what he hud done he took poi- prayers w 11 bo contlimed dnl y until God
son nnd threw himself down besldo the listens to tho Muscovite supplicat ons.
writhing body of the woman. When taken " announced from Sofia, Bulgaria,
to the lockup he was thought to bodying, that no special services have boon hold
In tho evening three men waylaid a well there for the recovery of tho cznr. Tho
known tank builder, Jacob Morrow, and clergy appear to havo been Instructed from
beat him wverely. Ills fnco is badly hum- headquarters.
mered, and his condition Is serious. Peter ' dispatch from Paris states that llaron
Mefiarvcy, said to bo one of tho assailants, X" Mohrenholm, Itusslan ambassador to
is belnghunted by tho police. I lftl fnlnB Jlvod bul 'u
At Jeanette early in tho morning n Sporting that there had been a sensible
freight train on the Pennsylvania railroad Improvement in tho condition of Emperor
was bncked Into a siding and smashed into Alexiuuier,
a box ear id which tint men were sleep-' ,1,r'uo Mlx .nrrlwl nt U1?
... , mi... m i .. night. Tho ozarlua accompanied her to
"X.."".A"Z"""!.:U "'"T,.--"'""L
w ln.nitlr kinl wlilln Tnlm Me-
JI-w uit.nSi
....... u..,.
at Carpenter's Station, by which Oliver P01 8tati th,,t, hfr Jty !"
Brown, watchman, will probably lose his Jtrlekeu with paralysis or apoplexy are un
life. A freight jumped the trnok nnd tr"0- T, ,, , ,
crashed into the tower. Brown was badly Yesterday's bullet n from Ltvmlla Is of
smashed, and Telegraph Operator Murphy the same unsatisfactory nature us tho for
esoape by jumping (jner ones. Everybody is surprised that no
In the afternoon Kd Parker, colored, and ",HU 1" u. 'lo of the pulse and ten -Frank
Marshall quarreled over a game ol pwaturei in short, there is no clew as to
craps. Parker slashed Mur-hull on th. what the disease from which the ezar is
neck with a razor and received in return a sullorl iig actually U. It is rumored that
,...i .,. ,,. a iii, an operation is oontemplatod. Another
UUUOI, UVCI 1, w ir i-,u uu.ii.w-uu..
revolver. Parker cannot recover.
Probably fatal Football Gome,
Philaiieivhia, Oct. 28. In n gams of
football at Forty-ninth street and Balti
more nvenuo liotween teams from the
Drexol Institute nnd Hamilton school, an
academy In West Philadelphia, O. If.
Knight, a player on the Institute team, re
ceived injuries from whloh he may die.
Knight and anothor player wore running
nt full speed whon they collided. Knight's
skull was fractured.
Itnllroad Iteorgniilzntlon Kftected.
YonK, Pa., Oct. 38. Warren K. Wal
worth, who recently purchased tho Balti
more and Iiohlgh railroad at sheriff's snlo
met the other Interested parties yesterday
and a reorganization was effected, The
I name adopted was tho York Southorn rail
road. The capital stock was fixed at
1 1000,000 and tho bonds at 1160,000. Mr.
Walworth was elected pn-nldontj Charles
O. Frlok, treasurer, and liuorgo W. Itupp,
becretury. It Is proposed to hroodguago
the road nnd to consolidate with tho cor
poration operating the Maryland end.
PrincoBs Alix Has Arrived at tho
Striokou Eulor's Bedside,
In All Pnrts of ltiiMln nnd on All llimlan
VomoIb IVtltliHis -ro Uncrnslnglr Asccntl
Inn to tin, Throne of Grace To Hurry tlio
ltoynt WVilillng.
London, Oct. S3, Todnv has nroduccd
practically nothing to the point In regnrd
to tho situation of tho oznr. In nil tho
continental capitals and lit London thoro
huvo been streams of callers, officials, dig
nitaries, aristocrats nndhumblo pooplo, at
tho Russian embassies. To those, how-
ovor, llttlo information was vouchsafed,
and that llttlo consisted of gloomy foro-
uouiugs. jrayers anu masses aro unceas
ingly offorcd from St. Petersburg to Vlnd-
lvostocK, irom Homo to Uuonos Ayrcs.
tjio wuct rumors reported on Sunday
from St. Petersburg wero reported vester-
duy In still wilder forms. I'roat Moscow
comos a report that thero aro pcuplo there
wuo inBisi uini tuo cznrowltz lias roluscu
to ascend tho throno, nnd thnt tho czar. In
order to compel him to do so, hns ordorcd
Ms immediate mnrriiigo to Princess Allx.
(Russia's Next llulcr.)
Tho Moseovites fear that should tho ru
mors prove truo thoy will havo to fnco tho
gravest porll possible AVlillo the people
crowd tho churches to pray for tho cznr,
the fears thnt tho rumor has bred glvo
added fervor to their petitions. Tho ques
tion of succession still holds tho principal
plnco in the flood of otntcments, rumors
and surmise.
Tho Cologne Gazette prints a St. Poters-
Durg telegram stating thnt tho czar has
given orders for n settlement of tho sue
oosslon to tho imperial council. lie has
advised thot Grand Duke Georgo, his soo-
ond son, should ou account of the state of
his health renounce his claim in favor of
his brother, Grand Duke Michael, who
ought to take tho oath as heir presumptive
to tho throno,
Tho Berliner Tngeblntt publishes n telo
grnm from Llvndln asserting that tho be
trothal of tho cznrowltz and Princess Allx
formally occurred today, and thnt tho map
rlfYrrn will lin pflntirntjvl bmnrmw Tlila
hastening of tho ceremony Is said to bo
uirone, ami to procmim ins successor, un
this account tho proclamation of tho near
est magnate, the Grand Duke Michael, as
tho ultimate heir apparent is generally ex
Another rulo In connection With
of nlleglnnce to n new cznr is administered
to the troops and officials an oath of fidel
ity to ihe heir apparent must bo taken nt
tho sumo tlmo.
Besides the offering of prnyor for tho ro
oovory of tho oznr In all tho churchos, tho
Holy Synod has ordered thnt thero 1m pray-
the ohnnel of the oostlo. where bothnrnvod
earnestly thnt the llfeof the oznr be spared.
,Tho czarina looked careworn, but sho
walked without assistance. All the to-
.,.1,. I tl,f. 1, ,1,1 la.
story has It that the malady Is expoctod to
reach a crisis within tho next duy or two.
A l'ortrult of the Crnr,, Oct. 23. Mine. Parlaghl, a
famous iKirtralt painter, who painted pic
tures of Kmperor William, Count Von
Moltke and Prlnco Blsiuarck, has been
summoned to Llvadla to paint a portrait
of tho ozar.
South Jersey Train Wreckers,
BlllDdKTON, N. J., Oct. 38. An nttempt
was mado to wrock a train ou tho Wont
Jorsey railroad at Kast Bridgeton. An ob
struction ot ties was placed ou tho track
and a switch wedged with road rollers.
The train struck, but was not thrown
from tho track. Tho passengers wero ter
ribly shaken up.
1'Ieeeed by Sharpers.
ATHKN8,Pn.,Oot.33. Chaunoy Whcaton,
a weulthy farmer or this place, was bun
coed out of fC.OOO by two sharpers who
led Wheaton to bolievo that they wished
to purchase hi- farm and induced him to
ougngo In it game of cards, by whloh they
succeeded in (leecng hltn The swindlers
jnado good thylr utcunw.
An V)e Willie.. Tell -,f ttm Mnnnttr Ex
plosion at Itlo.
IHLTIMOIIE, Ort. 33. Cnntnln Iludnlns.
of tho ooffoo linrk Dnm Pedro II, now In
port, gives a graphic description of a dy
namite explosion that occurred In Hlo'n
few days prior to Sent. 0. when his vessel
sailed for Unltlmore. A brief report of tho
affair was cabled to the Associated Press
nt the time.
A Brazilian soldier discovered near tlie
Kngllsh cemetery a subterranean maga
zine, In which tho insurgents of the recent
rebellion had concealed n large quantity of
Buupowder.oartrliltresnnddvnamlto shells,
which thoy evidently intended using
against the government. Tho soldier re
ported his find to tho general command
ing, ana n rough cart, drawn br two
mules, was sent to tho scene to removothe
contents of the hidden magazine ton place
of safety. A detachment of soldiers ac
companied tho cart, and a curious crowd
of citizens followed It to tho llttlo hill
which had been dug out to hold tho explo
sives. A quantity of tho shells hnd been nlaced
in tho cart, and n pllo of others had been
passed out closo behind It, whon ono of tho
soldiers, whllo In tho act of handling a
sncii, uroppeu it among tho others. Tho
same second an explosion shook tho earth.
A sheet of unmo shot upward and a cloud
of whitish smoko hid everything from
view. Tho vessels In tho harbor rocked at
their moorings, and tho entire olty was
thrown Into wild excitement. Over n ton
of dynamite had exploded from tho drop
ping or. tuo such. Tho soldiers nud mules
wero blown Into fragments, nnd only tho
Iron tires of tho cart wheels wero found.
Over sixty persons wero killed.
Koff.a llaq n Grievance.
New York, Oct. 23. O'Donovun Rossa
has sont n letter to President Cleveland
protesting ngainst tho action of Edwin F.
Uhl, nssistnnt secretary of stato, in refus
ing to issue n passport to him, although he
hns been voting hero a numbor of years on
papers granted by Judge Larremoro In tho
court of common pleas Feb. 21, 1871. Mr.
Uhl's ruling was to tho effect thot tho
papers wero worthless on the ground that
the qualification of five years' continuous
residence has not been complied with. Mr.
TJhl's decision, Rossa says, prevented him
from visiting Great Britain, where ho had
contracted to lecture, and compelled his
return to this country. In his complaint
to President Cleveland he Inquires whether
Mr. Uhllsnu Englishman, an Orangeman
or n member of the A. P. A.
Democrats Itepuullcnn Komince.
New York, Oct. 23. Colonel Strong wns
yostorday afternoon waited on by tho noti
fication commltteo of tho New York stato
Democracy nnd was officially tendered tho
nomination for mayor mado by that or
ganization, in a urter speech of accept
ance Colonel Strong snld that tho citizens
of Now York for tho Inst six yenrs hnve
been governed by a corrupt ring of con.
spirators that had brought disgrace upon
municipal government throughout the
Effort to Unite Iron Workors.
INDIANAI'OLIS, Oct. 123. One hundred
nnd fifty thousand Iron workors of Amer
ica havo sent delegates to a conference
which began yesterdny at English's hotel.
Various branches of tho iron industry nro
represented. Tho solo purposo of tho gnth
ering, said ono ot tho delegates, Is to bring
tho iron workers closer together. No strlko
is contemplated. If tho general organiza
tion can bo effected tho workers will he
benefited nnd their strength Increased.
ItfirmrUulilu Catch of Whales.
BAH Francisco, Oct. 23. Tho steam
whaler Naruwhals came Into port yester-
,lnr imil lamlwl Hin linnnl. Int nt whnlnn
thnt hns nrrived hero this senson. The
Narawhnls' cruise In the Arctlo regions ex
tended over a period of thirty-two months.
During thnt time sho took thirty-nine
whnles, which it Is 6stimnted will not her
owners nearly f500,000. Tho men In the
forecastlo estimate that they have ?1,000
each coming to them.
A "nrtuno for the Maine's Itulldcra.
Wabiiikqton, Oct. 23. Tho engineer
board which has been engaged In calculat
ing tho actual horso power developed by
tho armored crulsor Maine on her trial
trip last Wednesday has practically com
pleted Its work. It Is said tho machinery
mado 0.220 horso power, which Is 289 horss
power inorj than was required by contract,
so that tho builders ot tho cnglnos will
earn n bonus of between &9.000 and $30,
000. The Decrease of Cholera.
Washington, Oct. 23. Dr. Fairfax Ir
win, surgeon of tho mnrlno hospital ser
vice at London, In a spocinl report to the
surgoon general covering the progress of
cholera In Europo for tho week ending Oot.
10, says thero is n steady deorcoso in the
epidemic everywhere, amounting In tin
case of Austro-IIungary to nearly 60 pot
cent. Tho decrease in Russia Is also re-
ISoyg Suspected of Murder.
OnANOEBOIIQ, S. C, Oct. 23. Throo
young white boys, ranging In nge from IE
to 20, are sustootod of tie murder
nro sustootod of tie murder il
County Irousurer Copes, lhey are llvlna
in Orangeburg, nud there Is strong clr-
, oumstantlnl evidence against them.
against them. It
wns thought they would lie arrested yes.
terduy, but the purpose Is to get all tin
evidence against them boforo making tho
Gloueustcr Fiihermcn Lost.
GhouciWTKU, Mass., Oct, 23. The
schooner Magglo aud May arrived here fly
lng her flag- nt half mast. Captain Mo
Kaohern reported that on Aug. 81, whll
tending trawls, two of the crow, Allen
and John MoEachern, went adrlflt In u
dory nud wero lost. This makes flv
Gloucester fishermen reportod lost within
a week.
ltorough Couucllnien Arrested.
WILLI AMsroitT, Pa., Oct. 23. Every
member of the borough oounell of Jersey
Shore was orrebted yesterday, charged with
maintaining a nuisance. All gave ball.
Tho affair arises out of a recent attempt to
ousi mo uurgess ot the village, who, It wai
claimed, was not acting In tho lutorosts ol
tho people.
Shot Himself unit Ills Child.
Camuuidok City, Ind Oot. 28. John
Waldz, an old r-nid-nt of Cambridge City,
snot nunm ami nisu-year-om son yester
day, nnd both will die. Family trouble Is
giyon as the cause or the act. The hus
hi"-! nti wi( hnve been hopurutod for two
wee KB.
Murder Sutpi-etuil.
Lock IUvkn, l'u Oct. 23. A Wosport
uispatcn Bays a lumnor nuss tiamAl Stimlo
vant was found ulong tho railroad noar
Abbottsvllle with hU head crushed. i Is
supposed that ho was murdered and
All That's Claimed
' I had a poor appetite, that tired I eelln t and
was run down, but llood's Bariaparllla has
done mo a great deal oi
good. I have a batter
appetite and do not
ftel tired, I can reo.
ommend flood's Barsa
parllla as an excellent
spring or fall medlclnt
to keep the blood la
order. Myielt and
three daughters liars
taken over tlx bottles,
and It has done ui
much good. We da
not now hare to call
upon, a doctor, as for
merly, In the spring
Albert Ulnae? time, ami I can say that
Auburn, ra. Hood's Barsaparllla Is
all that Is claimed for It. I most heartily rec
ommend K, and shall always keep It in my
houie." Albert ICikset, Auburn, ra.
Hood's Sava
JL Slww parilla
Be sure to get fUVQS
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, aid do
Dot purge, pain nr gripe. Bold by all drugglits.
Loans mde from 1100 to 12 1,000 on persona
or real estate security. No publicity. Loans
can be returned In small monthly payments or
retained for a number ot years to suit borrower.
A loan trom this company will not Injure tht
flnanclal standing ot any Individual or Bra
No bonus. Interest 6 per cent, annually. Money
loaned for any purpose, such as to Increase or
enter business, to pay 08 mortgages. Judgement
notes, to build or purchase property, or In (act
for any purpose tbat money may be desired
Address, Central TruH Company Pa 18St
Arch street, Philadelphia, Fa. 6-ft-6m
Millions of Dollars
Go up In smoke every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., Insured In first-class, relia
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent,
120 South Jardin Street.
Also Llfo and Accidental Companies
REMOVED To 648 N. Eighth St.,
1 above Groen.Fhlla, Pa
Formerly at 806 North Second St., Is the old
est In America tor the treatment ot BpeHa.
Dh'nsrs and Touthul Errors. Varicocele.
Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc Treatment oy
mall a specialty. Communications pucre-cUj
confidential. Snd stamp for book. Hours!
. m. to 9 p. re Sundsvs. 0 to 12 m
$3 SHOE,'
You can save money by.purchnslng I.
DoukIhh bhocn,
Decause, we are the largest manufacturers of
ndvertlsed 6hoe in the world, and guarantee
the value by staraplnff the name and price on
ine DOllOm, WHICH piuicvia JWJ -..b
prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes
equal custom worlc In style, easy Ettlug and
wcarinc qualities. We have them sold every.
where at lower prices for the value given man
eny other make. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we can. bold by
Joseph Ball, Shenandoah, Pa.
is'tho cheapest and best fence made Cheaper
tnun a wooden icnce lur roBiuouwo, n.nuo,--etery
lots or any kind of fencing. M. H.MASTKH
nas the agency and carries H In stock at his
ajaroio una grunuo warus, ie rt .naum a..
Is not complete
without nu ideal
I Powder,
Combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
Intlit upon having the genuine.
For Painting . .
The Season Is here:
and Papor Hanging
Get yonr work done by
Mabanoy City's leading artist,
vv . JUL. kJJ-N JL J-JSJJl
"Perfect Work.
Bargains In paints nnd oils, plal I
Binmea glass. Alt tne new natt.
wall paper. All dally nnd weekly i
novels, novelettes and stationery, int 1
133 West Oontro Stroot.
Headquarters for the Kvknino HrRa
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah
l'enn Uaven Junction, Mauch Chunk, L
hlchton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqc
Allentonn, Uethlehem, Easton and Weather
".04. 7.88, 8.15 m . 18.4S, 2 57, 5.27 p. m.
For New York and Philadelphia, o.nj, 7,:
9.15 a. m.. 12.43, 2.57. For Ouakake, Bwltc
back, Oerhards and Hudsondale, 8.W, 9.15
m.. and 2.57 p. m.
For WUUes-Barre, White Haven, Plttstc
Laceyvllle, Towands, Sayre. Waverly n
Elmirs, 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 2.57, 6.27 p. m.
For Kocbester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls ,
the West, 6.04, 9.15 a. m. and 2.57 5.27 p. m. "
For Delvldere, Delaware Water Cap a
Stroudaburg, 0.04 a. m., 2.67 p. m.
For Lambertvlllo and Trenton, 9.16 a. m.
Tor Tunkhan nock, 0.04, 9.15 a. m., 2.67, 6.27 p. 1
For Ithaca aid Geneva 0.04, 9.15 a, m. 5
p. m
For Auburn 9.16 a. m. 6.27 p. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Ueaver Uetdo
f.88 a. m., 12.43, 8.09 p. m.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 0.04, 7.:
9.15, a. m., 12.4S. 2.67, 6.27 p. m.
For Silver Brook Junction, Audonrlod a
Hazleton G 04, 7.38, 9 15 a. m , 12.43, 2.57, 5.27 a
S.IW p. tr.
For Scranton, 0.04, 9.15, a. m., 2.57 and 5
p m.
For Hazlebrook, Jeddo, Drltton and FreeUt
0.04, 7.38, 9.15, a. m 12.48. 2.67, 6.27 p. ffi.
For Ashland, Qlrardvllle and Lost Creek, 4.'
7.61, 9.13, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 0.85, 6.22, 9
p. m.
For Raven Run, Centralis, Mount Carmel a
Shamokln, 9.13. 11.14 a. m 1.S2, 4.40, 8.22 p.
For Yatesvllle, Park Placo, Mahanoy City a
Delano, 0.04, 7.3!, 9.15, 11.05 a m., 12.43. 2.
5 27, 8.03, 9.33, 10.23 p. in.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 8.15, 11.
a. m., 1,65, 4.80 9.31) p. m., and arrive at Shem
dcah at 9.15 a. m 12.43, 2.57, 6.27, 11.15 p.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottavllle. 6.60, 1
B.OS, 11.05 11.30 a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 4.10 6.27, 8
p. m.
Leave Pottavllle for Shenandoah, 0.00, 7.
9.05, 10.15, 11.40 a. m 12.82, 3.00,. 440, 6.20, 7.
7.66, 10.00 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah tor Hazleton, 0.04,7.39,41
a. m., 12.48, 2.57, 6.27, 8.08 P. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.35, 10.
11.06 a. m , 12.16, 2.66, 6.80, 7.25. 7.50 p. m.
Trains leave for Raven Ran, Centrallk, I
Carmel and Bbamokln, 8.45 a. m 2.40 p. 1
and arrive at Bbamokln at 7.4U a. m. and t
p. m.
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah
7.55 a. m. and 4.00 p. m., and nrrlve at Bhi
andoah at 8.49 a. m. and 4.58 p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland, Qlrardvllle and L
Creek, 9.40 a. m., 12.80 p. m.
For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Y'i
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allen to I
Bethlehem, Easton and New York, 8.49 i J
12.80, 2.65 p. m.
For Philadelphia 12.80, 11.55 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City 1
Delano, 8.49, 11.85 a. m., 12.80, 2.66, 4.63 0.03 p.
Leave Hazleton lor Shenandoah, 8.8U, 11
a. m., 1.06,5.80 p.m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, t.60, 8
9.30 a. m.. 2.40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.39, II
t.m.,1.35, 5.15 p. m.
ROLLtN H. WILBUR, Qenl. Bupt.,
South Bethlehem, Pi
OHAS. S. LEE, Qenl. Pass. Agt.,
A, W, NONNKUAOHEIt, Asst. O. P. A.,
Houth Bethlehem,
Most of the cleaning and dyeing nowa
days is only half done.
No matter where you live, you can send
anything you wish cleaned or dyed, by
express at our expense, and we will
do it at same price as if you delivered it
to us in person.
A. F. BORNOT, ntliFairniount Ave., Pliilaueipnia
- . MARK
Washing Clothes CLEAN and SWEET.
It LASTS LONGER than other Soaps.
Price FIVE 'CENTS a bar.
3Poy Sale Toy ... XX. g3CTT , TsTVf .
SomeUmesneeliaroiliibl'' m-jn'h'v, rmUtlng mouioiue. On'r bermltsa .
the i.uret drugs rkouid be uboa. Ifjfguwanlh.Ui,g-l
Bt. Pemcii'owaB Pilli
m.l t J t.l.I It TV,.ana1nfDr Tm I V. ria vr J .
oolut. Sent, I1.0U. Addrcu JJtAl Mamcwa Co., Clerslind, O.
M4 by'J'. l't J). ICIJtX.rtf,JrugyUt, Blmmn-louh, Pa,