The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 19, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dally, except Sunday by
arnxhii vviiTitsiiiNd company,
?ubllctlOD oIHee and me banloat department,
IttBastOoo Street.
fl'jio tIovaM Is Asllvered In Shenandoah and
loe jieraia BU,rouadlBR towns for BIx Oents
week, payable to the carriers. Hy mall, Throe
Dollaru a year or Twenty-live tents per month,
Ib adyance.
Attrertltrnitnl charged according to space
and. position. The publisher reserve the right
10 change, the position ot advertisements when
ver the.' publication ol news requires It. The
tight Is also reserved to reject any advertise
went, whether paid (or or not, that the pub
lehers may deem Improper. Advertising rates
rafle known upon application.
Entered at the post office at Shenandoah, Fa.,
B second closs mall matter.
Shenandoah, I'cnna.
Evening Herald.
Republican State Ticket.
For Governor,
Centre county;
For Lieutenant-Governor,
Allegheny county.
For Auditor-General,
AM 03 H. MrLIN,
Lancaster county.
For Secretary Internal Affairs,
Philadelphia county. '
For Congressmen-nt-Largo,
Susquehanna county,
'Westmoreland county.
Couniy Ticket.
For Congress,
Of Jlluersville.
For Senntor, 30th District,
Of Maaanoy City.
For Representative, 1st District.
Ot Shenandoah.
For Sheriff, '
Of Krackville.
For Director of the Poor,
Of Wayne Township.
For Jury Commissioner,
Of Rellly Township.
THE Republicans are on tho high road
to victory. Let them not make the woe
ful blunder ot thinking that the victory
is already wou.
The smokeless chimneys of every
factory and forge forced Into Idleness by
the 11111 of Sale will serve as exclamation
points to punctuate the people's angry
November declaration of distrust and con
tempt against Democratic treachery and
Those of the cuckoos who began to chirp
for Hill without waiting for the Cleve
land clock to strike are now repenting of
their rashness. The owner of the time
piece ovidontly intends that the cuckoos
shall be seen but not heard In the present
Chaikman Wilso.v, who only three
weeks ago assured his Loudon friends
that the cause of Protection in America
was dead, Is now compelled to admit that
it is the liveliest corpse he ever sat up
with In the whole course of his life. The
news from West Virginia Indicates that
when the political coroner comes around
next month Wilson will have trouble to
show that he is not himself the subject
for the inquest.
Pretty soon we shall hear from Demo
crats that ex-Speaker Reed is In favor of
keeping the present tariff unchanged.
The same Democrats, on no betterground,
reckoned him in favor of free coinage of
silver. It would be well for them to go
slow. A man who has brains does not
utter all he thiukB or knows iu one speech.
It is Mr. Reed's idea that the present
tariff cannot be repealed by Republicans
until the country gets rid ot the President
who refused to sign it. That may be a
mistake. Ouo certain thing is that Mr.
Reed himself and Republicans iu Con
gress will try it whenever they get a
chance. If they get a straight vote only
two months houce on the question whether
the absurdities and robberies, the blunders
and Infamies of the present tariff shall
be continued any longer, and whether the
woolen duties nnd the Income tax shall
takeelfect next January, they will have
Democrats for the motion who did not
dare to voleagaiust the tariff last August.
There are states to be heard from on the
subject which will speak quite distinctly.
Louisiana will probably be heard, and
likewise New York, New Jersey and
Massachusetts. The Democrats may rest
assured that Mr. Reed will not be at all
slow to pitch the Democratic tarlll into
the waste-basket It ho gets u chance,
and the voters will show whether
they mean aot shall havja, a chance.
lit reasons that the Democrats, however
foolish they may be, will not dare in the
face of public condemnation to renew
tariff agitation for Free Trade ends, and
It ts to be hoped that ho Is right. But a
little bill ot two lines repealing the tariff
act of August, 1801, and restoring the law
then In force, would not cost one day's do-
ay, If the men who wcro opposed to It
when it passed should get pluck enough
to vote according to their conviction'. It
could never havo passed the House If Dem
ocrats opposed tolthad dared to call their
souls their own. The House passed It
without correcting a single one of US hlun
ders, because It was certain that, It re
turned to the Senate at all, It would not
then pass that body. ' The repeal of It
would offer to industries and business
Such Incalculable blessings that the mere
proposal would encourage trade every
where, except in foreign countries. It Is
safe for our Democratic friends to reckon
that Mr. Reed Will not be found In the
future, any more than ho has been In the
past, legislating for' the benefit of Ger
many and Great Britain against the
United States.
It Is a rather reniarknblo fact thnt all
the papers of both 'parties ngreo ln'attrlb
utlng an Improved feeling in business to
the general expectation ot Republican
victory. Dollars indulge no prejudice.
When men are making calculations on
which they are, to realize profits or losses,
they all reckon Republican victories a
good thing for business. But no vote this
fall can immediately get rid of the pres
ent tariff, though it may stop more legis
lation ot that sort. No vote this fall oan
give the worklngtnen at' once their old
wages, though it may prevent furthor de
cline. Nor con any vote glvotho country
0 better corn crop or higher prices for the
uuneuso surplus ot wheat and cottou.
The improvement which a vote can bring
must therefore be prospective rather than
mmedlate. The startling fact of the
situation is that half a million gold was
prepared for shipment last woek, and mny
begin to go abroad any day, although the
country has practically unlimited sup
plies ot cotton and wheat to sell at the
lowest prices ever known. Knrope sends
us more goods under the new tariff, but
takes from us leBs of our products.
A Mint Cordial Ilervptlnn to the Hoy
King of Scrtto.
Potsdam, Oct. 18. Alexander, the 18-
yimr-old king of Servla, arrived hero last
evening from inula I'esth on u visit to
Kmperor William. Great preparations had
been iniido for his reception, and it wits
generally understood that this meant that
his visit had political signillcnico. Tho
railway station was beautifully decorated
and n guord of honor was drawn up on the
platform Tho party waiting to recelvo
King Alexander was n brilliant ono, con
sisting of Kmperor William nnd his sons,
Huron Marschal Von Sohellendorf, minis
ter of war, and tho members of the goncral
Tho emperor greeted tho king most cor
dially, and utter nn inspection of the
guard of honor their majesties drovo to the
palace, escorted by tho guards. A grand
gala dinner was given last night at tho
now palace. Tho emperor proposed the
health of King Alexander. Tuo latter,
speaking in German, thanked Kmperor
William for tho cordiality of his reception
and wild ho hoped tho friendly relations
between Suvla and Germany would bo
further strengthened. Ho then culled for
thrco cheers for tho emperor and Imperial
family. A reception followed in the Grottd
saloon, which Is Inlaid with shells, with
friezes ot minerals and precious stones.
Holivrt J, Winn by Default,
Nashville, Oct. 10. Six thousand poo-
plo gathered nt Cumberland Park yester
day, being clileliy attracted oy tho pros
pects of a match between Robert J. and
John R. Gentry. The horses came in so
closely together in the first hcut that tho
Judges decided It ft dead heat: time, 2.01
After the second heat It was found Unit
Gentry had cut himself, and was allowed
to be withdrawn. Robert J. was given
the race, and then sent a 111II0 with a run
ning mntOj time, 2.0Ui,
Sulrlil.i Ilnnfnnl Was a Miiltl-Mllllnimlrr,
Chicago, Oct. 11). Tho Inventory of the
estate of Second Vice President P. C. linn
ford, of tho National Linseed OH 00m
pauy, who killed hliusolf hero about three
months.ago, reveals the fact that tho sul
olde was Immensely wealthy. His estate
consisted largely In holdings in sliver
minus of Colorado uud Idaho, and in the
Harrison International Telephone com
pany. His fortune was over (20,000,000.
Tho cnuso of his suicide Is still u mystery.
Alleged Incendiaries Acquitted.
nT,ni.... e r m mi i..i
ily, who are charged with having started
the numerous flrJs at Ualtou, ono of which
.1tv.-..l l.ulf rf tl.t tr... n .I... H...U
ago, wore given a hearing beforo Pjobutu
Judgo McCIarran. After a thorough ex
apilnutiou of wltuossos, lasting two days,
tho judgo decided to release them, there
,,( ctitllMant itvl.lani, in lirtl.l tl,,r, '
fortrlal in common picas court. Applause
from the crowd greeted the deolslou of the
The Ivm l'nrly Wins.
New Yoiik, Oct. 10. At the annual
meeting of the stockholders of tho North
crn Paclflo Itallroad oompany tho follow
inir board of directors woaelccted: August
Ilelmont, II. L. Burnett, J. Horace Hard
ing, JIarccllus Hnrtlry, K, O. Hageler,
llrnytou Ive, Donald MaoJCny, II. S, Itod
mond, AVilllam 13. ItcKlgers, W. F. San
ders, John K Series, Wlnthrop Smith und
Charlemagne Tower, Jr.
An Accused Minister Acquitted.
SVUACUSB, N. V., Oct. 11). Tho select
numlwr of fifteen members of the central
New York oonfetvnro of the M. E. oliurch,
appointed to try the rv of Itev. Luke C.
Queal, ot Auburu. w ui was charirod with
perfidy, immoral conduct, lying and dls
obedience to the book of dlsclplluo of the
Al. u, cuurcn, reported to too conrerenco:
"None of the charge sustilnod."
Do You Know What That
Weakness Means ?
is a limit lo Your Endurajco.
Have Von Reached II?
Beware of the Last Straw ! It Will
Come Like a Shock.
Shikespeare sojst ''When sorrows
come, they come not single spies but in
battalions." How true this is of disease.
How surely will over-work lead to nerv
ousness, headaohe, nervous exhaustion,
prostration, paralysis and the most terri
ble nervous diseases.
Bad blood causes humors, stomach,
liver and kidney complaints, rheumatism,
bad complexion, tumors and all kinds of
blood diseases. That tired feeling means
exhaustion ot the nerves and vital forces
It kills. If the liver Is torpid, constipa
tion follows. This clogs tli- circulation
and causes congestion ot all the organs,
Y?u must stop these complaints right
where they are, if you value your life.
The way to do it is to take Dr. Greene's
Nsrvura blood and nerve remedy. It
cures disease and makes you well.
The popular Miss Rose McCarthy, of
317 East 87th street, New York City,
writes i
"For n long time I was troubled with
nervousness and violent headaches. I
would He awake nearly all night and was
id constant misery. Previous to this my
complexion was a very healthy color, but
it now became very bad.
"i iook uiree oomes 01 ur, ureene s
Nervliru blood and nerve remedy and was
entirely cured. My nervousness nnd head
aches left mo, my good complexion re
turned and I Blept perfectly. I can salely
say to everybody who is suffering, just
give it a trial ana you win ue cureu. 1
hope my statement ivill find relief for
many people who do not know the benefit
or such a wonuenui medicine."
Dr. Greeno's Nervura blood and nerve
remedv strikes disease like the lightning's
uasn, which noturag can resist, uuuwnere
it strikes It cures. Put it .to the test iu
your own case and see how quickly health
and strencth will be yours.
Physicians recommend It because it is
the discovery of tho most successful
specialist in curlug nervous and chronic
diseases. Dr. Greene, of 35 West 14th
street. New York City. You can consult
him free, personally or by .letter.
l'liLallllcs un the Oreau.
Washington, Oct. 10. General J. A,
Dumout, Mipervisiug inspector general of
steam vessels, In his uununl report to tho
secretary of the treasury, calls attention to
tho exceptional fact that while fires of
Kreatcr or Iom oxtent occurred on ninety-
four steam vessels during the year, there
was no loss of life. The total number of
llvos lost by accidents from various caufws
during the year was 355, an Increase of
twenty-seven over tho year WM.
KxpriMM Ihnployes Charged with Itohbery.
Tim Dalles, Ore., Oct. 1!). After re
moving h N. Hill from I1I9 position as
agent at this place,- the olllclals of tho Pa
cific Express company placed Edward
Kurtz, iu cburgoof tho olllco uud .caused1
Hill, Messenger Tlbbetts and tho watch
"man, Gibbous, to bo arrested. They are
'accused of complicity In Saturday night's
robbery, when jll.OOO was stolen.
General Uonth's Daughter Wedded.
London, Oet. to. Thousands 'of Salva
tionists gathered at tho Salvation Army
"barracks" to witness the marriage of
Miss Iiucy Booth, daughter of "General"
Booth, of tho Salvation Army, to "Col
onel" HollbOrg, a Swedish member ot the
army. It is tho Intention of the couple to
go to India nnd engage in missionary1 work.
Cabinet Crisis in Chile.
SANTIAGO UK Chile, Oct. 10. Tho cham
ber of deputies has passed a vote, of confi
dence In tho ministry I'ubllo opinion in
Cliilo Is steadily growing In favor of tho
conversion of 'paper money. Tho govern
ment lias definitely deeded tdTrfU60
China's offer to purchase six warships.
Tito Porl.U and Two Kurrmvly lcapo.
GliKKN Si-MNUS, O., Oct 10. Tiio resi
dence of Herman Barthold, a fannor living
lu '' uasiroyeu oy
hid. mnu uu iub m iiu mm mju iauuiv
j"1' ."Vf " 1 . w
I "'"ttM- "Kul1 13 aud 7, were burned to
Fearing an Attack on Wel-IIalo-Wel.
London, Oot. 10. A dispatch from
RlmniHiMl Suva that Wol-llnln Wat In helm?
hurriedly strengthened Tho troops In the
forts there four a sudden Japanese naval
descent, It is added that reports havo been
received of nserlousreuelllonln loo Chow.
The French oxpedlllon to Madagascar
will number 15.CKX) men.
W111T Mnrtln.nfarmerln Clark county,
Wis., murdered ills Infant child lxionusu it
cried too much. Lynching Is feared.
Tho Cool; gang of outlaws havo held up
nnd robbed throe commercial travelers In,
Indian T erritory In tho Inst three days.
Airents of tho Paclllo Kxproas company
in Indian Territory have bwjn Instructed
to receive no more money for forwarding.
Shortly atter 8 o'clock this morning
Otto Wonlght uud Churles Krmlsh, the
youthful murderers of Bartender Llughoff,
wore uangou ut ht. 1 aul.
Kllot )',. Tltps and Ids flaiicee, Miss
, Mary Duff, wero fuu,nd dead in a bath
I houso at Sea CJllT, L. I. , TJtus had, Jilel
tuu gin uy cuiurutorui auu tiion suoi, uuu
All of tho Eoyal Family Hasten
ing; to Livadia,
The Mnrrlngp nrtliiiGmrmilUnnd I'rlnrm
Allx Will Thkn l'luiT Within n Month.
The llrlde-ISlcct Is Niw llll llullto to
St. I'ETEnshunu. Oct. 10. Prayers for
the recovery of tho czar wero offered yes
terday In the listnn cathedral. Hence
forth bulletins telling of bis majesty's
condition will bo posted, on the streets.
An olllolal dispatch Indicating tho sud
den gravity of tho czar's condition was
sent to Dani'istndt, And a reply was re
ceived saying that the Grand Duko of
llesse-llnrmstndt and tho Grand ljuchcss
Sergius, his sister, had started for St.
Tho news from Livadia has caused con
sternation in St. Petersburg, and there Is a
general feeling that tho end mny bo ex
ported any day. Consequently great anx
iety Is expected regarding thoconscouoncos
of tho czar's sudden demise.
Tho announcement that tho condition
of the czar has porceptlbly changed for the,
worso was contained In un official bulletin
Unied nt 11 o'clock Wednesday night at
Llvodla, and signed by Professors Loydon,
Illrsch, Zachorin, Popolf and Beljamlnoff.
The bulletin added that his majesty
showed symptoms of general debility, nnd
t'l nt his weakness of heart was mora pro
h'mnccd. Tho bulletin produced a most
depressing effect horo, nnd caused agita
tion on the bourso.
Pere Ivlnn, othcnvlso known as "Holy
John of Cronstadt," who Is golug t.o Liv
adia to pruy for tho czar, Is u miraclo
Tho pliyricVmS havo prepared tho czarina
for tho orgt. Tho czar realizes his con
dition, f-ants to witness tho marriage
of tho czaro.vltz beforo ho dies.
It Is impossible now to Ignore tho serious
r-Miorts of cancer, or at least serious com
plications, Tho bulletin causes keen, sor
row among nil classes. Crowds gather at
tho places whero copies of tho bulletins aro
posted nnd cross themselves devoutly nS
they read tho painful news, which is taken
to indlcnto that tho caso ot his majosty is
hopeless. Depldo tho bulletin of the doc
tors la posted tho czar's telegram to tho
Cossack regiments hero, saying that ho
drinks to the health of his brave Cossacks
on tho occasion of their nunuill feto Thcro
seems to be 11 pauso In all government
Berlin, Oct. i0. Tho Cologno Gazctto
has a dl-putch from Kt. Petersburg stnt
lng that tuo czar appears to bo dying. All
tho members of tho Imperial family arecn
routo to Llvndla, whero his majesty is so
journing. Tho dUpatoh adds that it Is reported that
after tho reception of Princess Allx, tho
czarowltz's letrothed, Into tho orthodox
church, a quiet wedding will follow. The
marriage will take place In Livadia beforo
Nov. 20, on which day the great fasts of
the church begin.
It is further said that tho formal appoint
ment of tho czarowltz as regent is hourly
,oxpccted. It Is persistently stated that
PobledonoszolT resigned tho procurator
ship of the holy synod a week ago4 but that
his resignation was not accepted.
KfTect 1111 Kurnpean rolttlcs,
London, Oct. 10. The ' Standard in a
leader this morning nys "Wo shrink
from speculating upon tho coiiBonuoucos
that may ensue lit Asia as well as Europe
when a life so valuable- as that of tho czar
ends. Without oxpectlng tho collapso of
China, the time must soon come when tho
problom of tho far cast must bo taken into
account. When that; crisis arrives it will
be a mlsfortuno to. tho world if Russia's
policy shall bo 'guided by nuy other hand
until uio.
rrinress Allx Leaves, Darmstadt.
I)Amu)TADT, Oct. 10. Princess Allx of
Ilesse-Darmstndt, tho future wlfp of tho
czarowltz, left here today for Llvndla. At
Warsaw tho princess joins the mumbors of
the Husilau imperial family, who are en
route to Livadia.
Arreted l'nr Aliuiidoiiiiient
Chioauo, Ills., Oct. 10. John Fprsytho,
son of the wealthy Chicago roid cstato
dealer, Jacob Korsytho, was held to tho
grand Jury on the charge of abandonment
preferred by his young wlfo. Young Voi
sythe was married to a Michigan farmer's
daughter in 1&8, uud a few weeks ago sho
caused tho arrest of her husband for aban
donment nnd his father for slandor, claim
ing that tho father-in-law hud usod overy
effort to eotiho a separation. Young For
sythe was held under heavy bonds, which
Ills fnther f urnlslied.
China Will Mak n Ixing Struggle.
LONDON, Oct. ID. The correspondent ot
The Times at Tientsin, says that China
desires peace beoavso, though aware of her
immense reserves, of strength, she, woujd
wiuiugiy nvoio mo a-icriuccs, risks ami ox
penses of bringing thuin into action. She
will, however, face a long war resolutely
and will rally such forces as will rendor a
Japanese conquest impossible, though the
eliort may tucliu.iat both sides.
ltllled n't n tirade CrtwHlug,
BvnoN, Ills., O.'t l1'. -A In ,il train ou
the Ch.cnpi, Milw. 'ik.v and Si Paul road
struck it uitrriitf? at tii" ruiul ei'iwing half
u mllo eastof town contiduimt .Mrs. Gwirge
Kddy uud Mrs. C.i nuir. Iloii, women wore
killcxl. The two wor,' follmvt'ii, of Sehwein
fu.-Ui, the Hookford Uhrit.
Thi Weather.
Fair i wju'ds phlit'lngt'osqutherj warm
er ui ceniriu renunyiTttUia.
Tired Feeling
So common at this season, U a serious
eondltjon, liable to lead to disastrous
results. It is a sure sign of declining
health9 tone, and that tho blood Is Im
poverished and Impure. The best and
most tuccestful remedy Is found iu
Which makes rich, healthy blood, and
thus gives strength to the nerves, elas
tlclty to the muscles, vigor to the brain
and health to the whole body. la
truth, Hood's Sarsaparilla
Makes the
Weak Strong
Bo sure to get Hood's and only Hood's
Hood'9 Pills a' purely vegetable, rer
(felly harinks, always reliable uud beneficial.
Loins mvlitrom 8100 to 121,000 on person"
or real estate security. No publicity. Loans
can bn returned In small monthly payments or
retained for a number ot years to suit borrower
A loan from this company will not Injure the
financial Btanatcg of any individual or arm
No bonus. Interest 6 percent, annually Money
looned (or any purpose, such as to Increase or
enter buslm bs, to pay oft mortgages, judgement
notes, to build or purchase property, or In fact
tor nny purpose tbat money may be desired
AddrojR. Central Trut Company Pa IS
Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa. MMtm
Sftillions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Take no
risks hut get your houses, .stock, fur
niture, etc., Insured in first-class, relia
ble companies, as represented by,
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent,
120 South Jardln Street.
Also Life and Accidental Companies
To 648 N. Eighth Si.,
above Green, Fhlla, Pa..
Formerly at 206 North Second St.. lsthaola
est In America for the treatment of flpedn
Dteentes and Toutliul Krrora. Varicocele
Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc. Treatment -.;
mall a specialty. Communications facredlj
ConUdentfal. -.nd stamp for book. Hours, t
t. m. to S p. rr Sundavs. 8 to 18 m
$3 SHOEn'WqwS
fa. oouoovAri.
s-4-.-5 F1NECA' F&rftHGAroi
o so . 2. W ORKINGM Ff J?
You can save money by purchasing l. I.
llouslnn buues, , .
Because, we are the largest manufacturers of
advertised shoes 111 tne worm, ana guarantee
the value by stamping the name and price oa
tUm w,nm whirh Tirotecta vou fltrainst lllSu
prkes and the middleman's profits. OurslioM,
ia'iil custbm work In style, eapy fit! ug and,
wearing guallttes. Wc lave them sold every.
wnereai lower ,u, ,usj .fi' ,,;
any oiucr inac. iu.. ..w ouj...-.. .. v - .
... n ,uht, li,t. If vnur
Joseph Ball, Shenandoah, Pa.
is'the cheapest and best Xence made. Cheaper
lhan a wooden fence for residences, 1vras,cem
etery lots or any kind of fencing. M. H. Mastek
aas the agency and carries It in stocir at his
narble apa grotto works, 117 N. JAKD1N, ST
to us in person.
d A. r. DUKMUI, and Bye?, I
For Washing Clothes CLEAN and SW&ET.
It LASTS LONGi'li than other Soaps.
Price Piyi? CV'iTS a bar.
For Siklo "toy -A X-I. tS'VCrVXiXWX.
flUARAll EK inOura StrtL-
isio(W Wd AUS LaiUJ.
Bold by P. P. D, KIJILIN,
jn Is not complete Bl 1
A without an ideal 2 I
! POZZONrS ! t
Combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection,'
. -u- t J- . I - 1 - . '
iu uiu iucc iu mis climate. 1
Inilit upon having the genuine;
For Painting . . .
The Season is here;
and Paper Bangui
Get your work done by
fliauanoy uitys leauing artist,
W. H. SipBES,
Perfect Work.
Bargains in paints and oils, plain and
stained glass. All the new patterns in
wall paper. All dally and weekly papers,
novels, novelettes and stationery.
133 West Oentro Street.
Headquarters for the Evening Herald.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah
Penn lUvon Junction, Mauch Chunk, Lo
hliihton, SlatlngtoD, White Hall,,
Allontown. Bethlehem, Easton ana Weatherlj
8.04, 7.S8. 0.15 Dl . 12.4.1, 2 57, S.S7p. m.
Fot New York and Philaaelnhl, 8.01, 7.33,
9.15 a m.. 12.48, 2.t7. For Quakake, Switch
back, rjerhards and Hudsondale, 8.01, 0.15 a
in , and 2.57 p. m.
For Wllkes-llarre, White Haven, Plttston,
Laceyvlllo, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly and
mu.ll.. Kui. ..iu t. ... ..! , v.iri p. ui.
For Rochester, Bufialo, Niagara Falls's
tho West 6.01. 0.15 a. m. and 2.57 5.27 n m.
For llelvldero, Delaware Water Gap at.
For Lambertvlllo and Trenton. 9.16 a. m.
For Tunkhati nock, 6. W, 9.15 a. m., 2.E7, 5. iff p. m.
For Itr- ca aid Geneva 0.04, 9.15 a. m. 5,27
n. m
For Auburn 9.15 a. m. 5.27 p. m.
For Jcanesvllle, Levlstonand HeaverMeadow,
r.SH a. m., 12.43, 8.03 p. m.
For Stockton and I,ur"cer Yard, o.M, 7.!3
9.15. a. re., 12.48, 2.67, 6.27 p. m.
For Sliver I) rook Junction, Audenrled and
Hazleton 8 01, 7.38, 9 15 a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 5.27 and
8.08 p. si..
ForScranton, 8.01, 9.15, a. m., 2.57 and 5.27
d m.
For Hazlebrook, Jeddo, Drltton and Freear.0, .
8.04, 7.88, 9.15, a. m 12.43, 2.67, 6.57 p. rr.
For Ashland, Qlrardvlllo and Lost Creek, 4.61,
7.61, 9.13, 10.20 a. m 1.00, 1.40, 1.10, 8.35, 8.22, ( It
p. m.
For Raven Run, Centralla, Mount Carmel and
Shamokln, 9.13, 11.14 a. m., l.S'2. 4.40, 8.22 p. mi
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, MahanoyCIty ana
Delano, 8.04, 1X, 9.15, 11.05 a m 12.43. 2.67
5 27, 8.08, 9.83, 10.23 p. m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 8.15, 11.46
a. m 1.D5, 4.80 9.30 p. m., and arrive at Shenan
doah at 9.15 a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 6J27, 11,15 p. m.
Loave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.50, 7.88
0.0?, 11.03 11.30 a. in., 12.13, 2.67, 4.10 6.27, 8.S8
p. m.
9C6 iai5, 11.40 a. m., 12.32, 3.00,. 410, 6.20; 7.15,
M iaM ' m. - ' '
L.eave rousvuie rer acenanaoan, o.w, ,,tw.
t nv. 12.43. 2.67. rj. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, T.S5, 13. W,
11.98 a. m , 12.15, 2.66, 6.80, 7.26, 7.56 p. in.
Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralis, Mt
Carmel and Shamokln, 0.45 a. m., 2.40 p. m.,
and arrlvo at Shamokln at 7.10 a. m. and 3.15
p. m.
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah at
7M a. m. and 4.00 p. m and arrive at Shen
andoah at 8.49 a. m. and 4.58p. m. .
Trains leave lor Ashland, Q lrardvllle and Loitv.
Creek, 9.10 a. m., 12.80 p. m, i
For Hazleton, Ulack Creek Junction, Pe
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allento-R
Bethlehens, Ealton and New York, B.4a , JfS
ForFhlladelphla 12.80, 2.65 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano, 8.49, 11,35 a. m., 12.80, 2.65, 4.58 8.03 p. in.
Leave Haileton for Shenandoah, B.8U, 11.33
n.'m.,'1.06,e.80p.m.' :
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.60, 8.49,
fi.30a. m., 2,40 p. m, -
tjeave .f otumiie ior snenanaoan, e.isi, ji.ts
a.m., 1,85. 5.15 n. m.
WILBUR, Oenl. Supt.,
souin xieimenem, raj
HHA9. S. LEE. Oenl. Pass. Act..
Philadelphia! '
South Dethlehem, Pa)
Most of the cleaning and dyeing now-a-days
is only half done.
No matter vhere you live, you can send
anything you wish cleaned or dyed, by
express at our expense, and we will
do it at same price as if you delivered it
r.t.M..M4 ftitn niiilnrlnlntilQ Jk I
im Tctll IIIUUI1 L HKC, rilllHUCllllin V 1 1
PHiniunfMPUW i
III --ft V i'I 1 week r"Vd WHO Vf RITTSH 1
,lu.-.iir Kn.miom (r. wau" oiw. If ntglMlfd. uc,"ii1l '"d
umDt,unwiu4& Hfiilt ' r. t hi Ril, 6 Ii' wft ?r watt
tHi.IT, UIOMU.I 4 ""
.inland. r ". J
Drugytif, thmanilouh, Pa, TO JfJ
s 1
. l
IdlMS it.