The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 03, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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.A Minister's
Wife Who Dresses Her
Family In
Excellent Taste-How a
Small Income Went a Long: Way.
The puckers In twit. n mother's fore
lifiiul nro deepened as she studies how to
dress her boys nnd (tlrls In a respectable
tnnnner ou the small amount that is
A minister's wife In a small town near
Shenandoah was confronted by this ills
couraglnK situation, but her woman's wit
and a few ten cent imckatres of diamond
dyes solved the problem, and haudsomc
-clothes were soon evolved from n pile of
odds and ends.
The Home, Housekeeper, Ladles' Home
Companion, nnd other household papers
have published mnny articles telling how
to uJ diamond dyes In ranking new
clothlnK out of old. Pretty dresses,
handsome cloaks, serviceable stockings,
nnd gay hat ribbons nnd fenthers nre
obtained at but little expense, not only
for children, but for the mothers as y, ell
The ease with which diamond dyes are
used Is really surprising. Thoy make
beautiful colors that never crock and are
non-fading. "While there are other
package dyes, there nro none so easily
used, nor such fast colors," snys Jenn
Hunt in n recent number of The Home.
4,I have tried other tlyej, but the diamond
color the most goods. Their fast stocking
black Is the only black dye for cotton I
have ever found that makes a fast black
which never turns gray when washed,"
XVo1 Triitiiil,Ml I'mlcr UnrM'V Iffit llur
Itlff tltt l.itiotc' Itrtscbibil t'lirilile.
IiALTlMiut' ,rt. 3 During the lii.l)all
procession lnsr mglit a seriou vncciduit
occurred, and that it did no5 result fa
tally to surui nl purt' 1 11 h TiTy lltliusliort
of miraculous. WiiImj the parade had
reached the corner nt I. xini'tim mid How
nrd streetHyVlie six li irse i 'ached to a
lieavy bimin which were n huge number
f 5KOplu beciune friglileued nt the llre
;f)rks, and miiile a plunge into I he crowd.
The streets al this point were a perfect
Jam of humanity, wedged In so tightly as
to render it impossible for them to escape.
Host of them being wumen and children
tnado the mutter worse. The horses, be
coming more and more frightened at the
(creams of the people, reared, plunged
nnd trampled them down In a frightful
manner. When olllcers and others hail
secured the horses and succeeded lu get
ting them oil the sidewalk, eleven per-
eons, mostly women aud children, were
louud to be more or less Injured.
Florence Ingle, aged 18, was taken out
Irom under the horses' feet unconscious,
nnd has since remained in that condition.
It Is feared her skull Is fractured. Henry
Krueheu, aged IS, had b ith his arms so
badly crushed that amputation will be
necessary Tnese two will probably die.
When Baby was tick, we gave her Costarlo.
Vben (.ho was a Child, Bho cried for Costorla.
When the became Jllsa, she clung to Costorla.
When tho had Children, she gavo them Costorla
lnJurMl liv a L.nii Kxpln.lbit.
PAItli HlPOR. N. ,1., Oct. a. Mrs. Abram
Petersen, of i his place, was badly burned
by the explosion of a kerosene, lamp in
the bedroom. Tho oil in the lamp caught
lire and she was about to throw it out
when it exploded, setting lire to her
Ou th I.oukiiut far Killed Anurclifati.
Washington, Oct. 3. The bureau of
lmmigratlo'i has received personal doscrii
tions of sixty-six anarchists recently ext
pulled from r rauce. ulnars at all ports
will be furnished with duplicates of this
list for purposes of identification.
Uunrrymtiu on Strike,
EARTON, Pa., Oct. 3. Employes of the
Mldrale and Acme slate (Hurries and the
Wind Ga" ii'id East llangor Consolidated
slate qtiurry, at hast Hangor, about 300 in
u.i, uro on strike for an iui reao of pay.
There is no medicine so often needed in
every home and so admirably adapted to
the purposes for which It Is intended, as
Chamberlain's Pain Ualm. Hardly a
week passes but some member of the
family has need of It. A toothache or
headache may be cured by It. A touch of
rheumatism or neuralgia quieted. The
severe naln of a burn or scald tiromntlv
relieved and tha sore healed In much less
time thnu when medicine has to be sent
for A sprain may bo promptly treated
before Inflammation sets In. which lu.
sures n cure In about one-third of the
time otherwise required. Cuts and
bruises should receive Immediate treat
ment before tho parts become swollen.
which cau only be done when Pain Halm
Is kept nt hand. A sore throat may be
cured before it becomes serious. A
troublesome corn mny be removed by
fipplylng It twice a day for a week or two.
lA lame back mav be cured and several
. lai
days of valuable-time saved or a pain In
the side or chest relieved without paying
a doctor bill. Procure a GO cent bottle at
once and yon will never regret it. For
sale by Gruhler liros.
Coming Events.
Oct. lGth.-sjAnnual supper of the Eng
lish Baptist church lu Robbins' opera
Oct. 10. Lecture, entitled "Social
Purity," by Rev. Anna Shaw, of Pbtla-
ilelphla, in the Evangelical church, under
t'te auspices of tho Shenandoah W. C. T,
Every mother should know that croup
can be prevented. The first symptom of
true cioup is hoarseness. This Is fol
lowed by a pccullur rough cough. If
Cht mberlnln's Count! Reniedv Is irlvflh
f retly ns soon as the child becomes hoarse
or even after the cough has develoned It
-will prevent the attack. 25 and W pent
Dottles lor sale by uruhler won,
Ilrntntilr to Cltlirn Wl.ii oirrml tl.o
HiB'i mill Mlality lNillcx.
N'BW YoitK, Oct. a Chief Counsel 0o2
surprised 111 Lexow committee yestur
dny. He HUbiinnai'il nil the members of
the force whti hiwl been convicted of club
bing citizens duriiiK the past your, but
who for some reason lmve retained ncwl-
most nil of tho otllcers summoned were
ill nttelidauce, One of the first ofllcers
who testified was Thomas Coleman, who
had been called to explain his statements
In connection with the alleged assault
upon George Appo. The theory of the
police and the testimony of the proprietor
and the Inmates of the hotel where Appo
was Injured Is that Appo cut his own
throat. Coleman was badly rattled at
times during tho examination.
The feature of tho day was the testi
mony of the men accused of clubbing
citizens. A son of Jlev. Dr. John Hall,
the Presbyterian divine, claimed that he
Una lieeu forcibly ejected from ft station
house because he had gono there and pro
tested against an nsMitilt by an officer
upon an Italian fruit peddler. A Colum
bia college student told of the assaults
that the policemen made upon the stu
dents while they were building bonfires
In n vacant lot to celebrate one of their
Thomas Lucca said that ho hall asked
Policeman Hernard Dunn if he had caught
a thief who had stolen four dollars from
him. lly way of retly the policeman
clubbed him, inflicting wounds on his
head and requiring twenty-seven stitches
to patch him up. When he reached the
police station another policeman pum
meled him In the face.
Policeman George Lair was accused of
clubbing a woman and trying to tear her
cheek by lusertltig his finger between her
Hps. Policeman William llohrigacknowl
edged that he had broken a boy's Jaw, but
claimed that this particular case of club
bing was accidental.
One policeman who carelessly handled
a rovolver was fined twenty days pay, but
was allowed to remain on the force,
though It was admitted that the citizen
who was Injured died from his wounds.
Sea Cnptnln Charged with Crusltr.
ban jfitAXClsco, Uet. a. Juck Uny, a
studentof Columbia college, New York,
nnd J. II. Mcol, n studentof the Uni
verslty of Pennsylvania, have arrived In
San Francisco on the American ship Hen
jauiin F. Packard. They went bofore the
United States ship commissioner nnd told
a story o alleged maltreutment at the
hands of Captain Allen, to whom they
said they had paid 100 each to he taken
on board his ship as apprentices. They
claim they were treated as common sea
men before the mast, aud in addition to
thlslhey were but half fed.
Killed In a Ilunnwnjr.
Titov, N. Y., Oct. a George Miller, his
wife and Miss Jessie Gnblcr were on their
way to Sand Lake last evening, after
spending tho day in Troy shopping. In
tho suburbs tho team became frightened
nt au electric car and ran away. Mr. Mil
ler was thrown ogaluBt a post and his
skull crushed. He died soon afterwards.
Mrs. Miller was seriously Injured, and
may die. Miss Gnbler received only
few scratches. Mr. .Miller recently moved
from Newnrk, N. J., to Sand Lake, where
he purchased n paper mill he was operat
Double Tragedy lu Illinois.
MT. VKIINON, Ills., Oct. 8. Three miles
south of hero James Scott, a farmer, shot
aud instantly killed Littleton Hullet, un
Itinerant Methodist minister, Hullet had
camped on Scott's farm ou his way from
near Centralia to uallatlu, aud bcott or
dered him to move on. Hullet refused
and a hond-to-haud conflict was waged,
Hullet was shot twice, dying instantly,
but first Inflicting wounds ou Scott with
a club from which ha died a few hours
Serious Charge Against Martin from,
Four WoitTH, Tex., Oct. U. Martin
Irons, whose name wns made famous by
the conspicuous part that Its owner took
in the great railroad strike of 1880, during
which he occupied a place similar to that
recently held by Eugene Debs In tho strike
In Chicago, Is a prisoner In the county
jail here. Irons Is charged with having
attempted to assault little 7-year-old
Hosiilia hstrada. The child a mother Is
the complainant in the case.
Kvlotod Tenants Itevenge.
DunUN, Oct. 3. A sensation has been
caused by the recent destruction of three
houses built by the iunrquts ol Ulnnrl
carde, at Woodford, County Galway. Two
of tho houses were blown to pieces and
the other was burned. Each of the struc
tures stood ou tha sldo of a homestead
from which a tenant had been evicted.
A Rtiok Driven Through Her Skull
PAWNEB, Neb., Oct, 8. A cyclone struck
the home of John Nelson, seven mile
south of hero. The family of seven per
sons were blown Into an adjoining Hold
uud a little girl, 0-years-old, had a stick
driven through her skull, and cannot live,
lave others of the family were severely In
Jealousy and Murder,
HUNTINOTON, W. Va., Oct. 3. On Beech
Fork.twelve miles south of this city, Will
lam Adklus uud Tom Mays, two promt
nent young men, became Involved in
diulculty.whon Ailkins cut aiayo'g throat,
the latter dying Instantly. Jealousy was
the cause of the trouble. Adklus Is still
at large.
lletumed After Four Months' Idleness,
TltENTON, Oct. 3. The Now Jersey Steel
und Iron company yosterday resumed
work in their rolling mill department
after a shutdown of four months. Several
hundred men have thereby been give:
The Weather,
Fair; southwest winds; warmer In the
His reported that the Prince of Naples,
tho crown prince of Italy, is engaged to
marry au bugllsh princess.
Commander W. A, Morgan nnd Chief
Engineer II. W. Fitch have been placed
ou the retired Hat of the navy.
A nlatuh race between Allr and Direc
tum, for ti,BU0 u side, has been arranged,
to take place within thirty days.
Cholera hns broken out at Constanti
nople. Nothing is known olllclally of the
outbreak, however, although several
deaths are kuowu to hare occurred. ,
The monument erected to tho memory
of Major Stephenson, founder of the G.
A. H., was dedicated at Petersburg, Ills.,
with appropriate ceremonies, In the pres
ence of fully 6,000 veterans and civilians.
MA1IANOT Cm, Oct. 3, 1804.
MIm Katie Gorman Is visiting friends
in Philadelphia.
W. II. Snyder attended to business nt
Tamanua to-day.
Mr, Masur, u wholesale cigar agent of
town, Is attending to business lu Lans-
Mr. Haworth, of Dillon's dry goods
store, is vloltlng his "expected" at Wash
ington, I). C.
Miss Hose Kestler, of Ashland, was the
guest of tho Snyder family, on West
Centre street, yesterday.
George Stltztr hns been awarded the
contract for painting the fifteen new
houses belonging to II. Ball.
An entertainment under tho nusplces of
Camp 4, P. O. of T. AM will be produced at
Kaler's opera house to-morrow evening.
Miss Klla Lutz, a nurse nt the State
Hospital at Fountain Springs, visited
relatives nnd friends in town yesterday.
An Ice cream and coffee nnd bun fes
tlvnl was held by the Presbyterian Sun
day school last evening. It was a success.
Miss M. Horan, the West Centre street
milliner, Is building n two story butldiaR
nt the tenr of the piemlses on Railroad
The business men's demonstration nnd
Soldiers' Monument picnic at Shenandoah
will draw a large number of people from
this place to morrow.
J. Merges, tho well known barber of
Knst Centre street, hns moved to Phtla
delphln. Ills old stand Is occupied by Ed.
Ilrltz, who expects to build up a Inrge
An Intoxicated Pole raised quttend!s
turbance nt the Lehigh Valley depot last
evening. Wesley Bailor found it a very
uneasy task to handle the man, so he left
him alone.
Don't Tobaooo Spit orSmokoyourLlfe Away
Is the truthful, startling title of a little
book that tells all about No-to-bac. the
wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco
hnhit cure. The cost is trifling nnd the
man who wants to quit and can't runs no
physical or financial risk in using "No-to-
uac." &oiu oy an uruggisis.
liookat drug stores or by mall free.
Address The Sterling Remedy Co., In
dlnua Mineral Springs, Ind. w&s-ly
It sounds like n self-evident proposition
that "She Couldn't Marry Three," but in
the piny of thnt name which Miss Lillian
Kennedy brings to the theatre this
evenlnir It Is shown what n lot of trouble
may fall upon a girl because she can only
marry one man at n time. This most
charming little soubrette, Miss Kennedy,
has created in this piny n new type of
maidenly sweetness. There is plenty of
excitement in the piny, especially in the
final climax where the villain tries to tie
the hero to the railroad track upon which
an express train Is approaching. A real
passenger locometlve steams upon the
Btage In this scene, and for realism the
tableau has never been beaten. Of course
Miss Kennedy's songs nnd dances ndd
greatly to the brightness of the play.
"imsii iNsnnATioN."
Mr. Barry O'Nell as Larry deserves
special mention for his clever work, and
wns sntlsfnctory In every sense of the
word. He ncted with vigor nnd sang
sweetly, his dancing was one of the
features of the performances. New YorJf.
Herald. At Ferguson's theatre on Wed
nesday evening, Oct. 10th.
Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes.
Dr. Acnew's cure for the henrt elves
serfect relief in all cases of organic or
svmnathetic heart disease in 30 minutes.
and speedily effects a cure. It Is a peer
less remeuv ior palpation, suoriuess 01
i .1. nMn.i.nHu.r. ..n i..
UrClUll) DUlUlUdlUh OIDIID. I'll. II IU
side and all symptoms oi a uiseasea ueart
One dose convinces, boiu uy J. Al nil
lnh. wis 0-0-ly
A Long l)inillnck llrohen.
WILLIASISI'DUT, Pa., Oct. 3. The dead
lock lu the Sixteenth congressional dis
trict was broken late yesterday afternoon
by the selection of Frederic Leonard, one
of the conferrees from Potter county, as
tho Republican nominee. The choice was
made on the 5T!ld ballot, and lu ten min
utes after the vote was announced t
special train started for Harrlsburg to get
tho certificate of nomination to the stute
department In time for Leonard's name
to ntipear ou tho regular ticxei. iiopxius,
tho present incumbent, withdrew several
days ngo, and Packer and Lewis gave up
the struggle yesterday.
Church Fair Lotteries Illegal.
Elizaiiktii, X. J., Oct. 3. Judge Van
Sycklo, In the Union county court.charged
the grand jury that the practice at church
fairs of holding drawings for prizes is n
violation of the law against lotteries, aud
as much an nllenso ns race track pool sell
lug aud other gamming, lie read a pro
cram of n fair held in St. Joseph's Kninati
Catholic church at North Plalnfield, at
which there were drawings, and charged
the jurors to Investigate It.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters have been adver
tised ns remaining uncalled for nt th
postofllce: Mrs. Polly Grlfllths, J.
Klrkpntrlck, Frank Delnlrt, A. Itosent-
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
name Lessio & Baer, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
"1 would rnther trust thnt medicine
than any doctor I know of," says Mrs.
Hat-tie Mason, of Chilton, Carter Co.,
Mo., in speaking of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and DIarrhtca llemedy. For
sale by Gruhler Bros.
Tho trouble over the procuring of clay
lor ubc in the puddle ditch of tho reser
voir nt Davis' Ilun has been adjusted.
Messrs. McElhenny and Dougherty, the
committee nppolnted by tho Borough
Council, waited upon ex-Senator William
L. Glrard Manor, and succeeded
in making an ngreement satisfactory to
nil portles. Mr. Torbert agreed to let tho
borough have nil the clay required for
the ditch for One hundred dollars.
- Cleaning Up.
Supervisor McGulre had a large gangof
men nt work to day sweeping the streets
to have them in good condition for the
demonstration to-morrow.
Waterproof collars nnd enffa that -will
not wilt, arc not effected by moisture
and look just liko linen nre nU the
fashion now. Tlicy nre made by cov
ering a linen coUar or cuff with "cel
luloid " nnd ore tho only Vfatcrproaf
goods made with on interlining, con
sequently the only ones that will stand
wear nnd give perfect satisfaction. Try
them and you will never regret it. Al
ways neat, nnd easily cleaned. When
soiled simply wipe off with a wet cloth
or sponge. Every piece of the genu
ine is stamped as follows :
Ask for those so marked and refuse any
imitations, C3 they cannot possibly
please yon. If your dealer does not
keep them, wet will send n sample di
rect on receipt of price. Collars 25c.
each. Cuffs 50c pair. State size and
whether stand-up or turned-down col
lar is wanted.
Droadnrny, Nevr Yorla
titmBeaprMtuLiiemsilalliiiijajaiai. iiiimiamiilll
I Hlnl 1 .-H.-II1 t I'lrn.
NEW YflHK. Oo" 3 Fire caused n pan'c
and one d "ih In a double tenement house
ou Madi-ou street. Two women and two
children were rescued from the burning
builibng hy the firemen nnd citizens.
After I oe lire was under control the dead
body of LiMti- Ki-'eger, 2 years old. wa-
foiind lyinu .an l ty cm "-in the front
basement, bin1 1. ad diet from sunoca ion
:oil:t'i Ultimatum.
Boston, Oct. 3. James J. Corbett, the
chatn 'ion tuigHls', -s.ue-i au ultimatum
to priz" II ah t r- He declares he will de
voteauyone week after July 1 next to a
series tit prize fight, v-tth any number ol
pugilists wli" r to wnitf " "
ou the re-nl of each battl . He declores
he will fight one nn.i ( r each nigut in
the week, no welgut or color barren.
Colorei! Oytf'tm-ii Drowned
IlALTIMOIlE, Oct. 3. The steamer Esex,
of the Weems ompany, which arrived a
this port yesterday, reports the drownlnit
off Windmill Point last week of John
Dunaway and Harry Casty, colored oys
termen. mle dredgiug for oysters a
sudden squall struck their boat, washing
them overboard. The b.dies were recov
ered. Appointed by G,v- n-r Wert.
Trenton, Oct. a. Governor Werts re
appointed nil Interim the following per
sons whom the senate failed to confirm.
Prosecutors pleas: Camden county, Wil
son II Jenkins; Gloucester c iunty, He -mont
Perry. Lay judges: Camden, John
Gaunt; Cumberland, William Xewell;
Gloucester, Bowman S. Cox.
r. j. rEncusoN, uanaoeh.
Wscnsiiiy rJ!hr:h", Oct. 3d asHft
Special limited engagement of the
sterling soubrette,
Supported by a company of first-class
artists. Produced with all special
scenery. Calcium lights and etectri
cal effects carried especially for these
WEDNESDAY, New Edition cf "Sfie Couldn't Marry Tfiree.'
THURSDAY, t'ADaughterof Dixie."
A succession ot beautiful stago fixtures,
Thrilling climaxes, songs nnd dances. A
mirthful presentation whose chief ingre
dlents are brilliancy, vim, sprightllness.
Prices, as, 35 and 50 Cents
Referred seats at Klrlln's drus store.
Wednesday, October 10th, '94
Mr. Barry O'Neil
"llrln't JlBilmi Offiulrel,"
InllowarAP. Taylor's Comedy-Drama,
A tale of fair Erin a hundred years niro
when they sang "The Wearing of the
Green." Sweet songs and boisterous
Irish dances. Benutifnl scenery and
realistic mechanical effects, built nnd
nalnted by Dodge at Harrlgan's theatre,
New York. Entire new equipment I Pro-
uuceu oy a company oi auie comeaians,
Prlccat as, 50 and 75 Cents,
Greatest Bargains In Town.
Annie Morrison
jjoja jivjznixa,
8 East Centre St., Shenandoah.
French and American Designs of Millinery !
In tonoh with the Mmes nnd prices. We nre stocked wli hall the novelties
of the season, and offer them for wholesale prices at retail for spot cash
only. Plush, 35c per yard. Silk Velvet, COc per yard.
2G Sovilli TVCniax Otroot.
Monongaheln Whiskey, tOe a qt.
Pure rye whiskey, XX, - - tl a qt.
Fine Old Bourbon, XXX, J1.25 a qt.
Superior Blackberry Brandy, tl a qt.
Superior Coenae Brandy, tl.OOaqt.
Imported Jamaica Hum, a qt.
"VUENGLING'S Block and Fitsh
Ut brands of f.c t liars
Safe Deposit Building and Saving
The value of each share Is (200 at maturity. Application fee on each share. 25
cents ; and monthly dues on each share, tl.00. On dues paid in advance for a
six months or longer, 5 per cent, interest will be nllowed at time of payment Is made.
Members may. withdraw one or all shares at nny time by giving 80 dnys' written
notice, nnd are entitled to the full amount of dues paid on such shares, together
with six percent, interest after the first year's membership. No shares will be
forced out. All shareholders ore entitled to loans from the fund on real cstnte secur
ity. Reference and information on application. New scries starts In Sept.. 1804.
Shares may be subscribed for any time, and dues, etc., will be received at the office
ot M. H. Master's marble yard. 127 N. Jardln St.. on the first Mondav after the first
Saturday of each month. We refer to
J. KKITHAN, Baker imdCon'sloner, J
W. JOHNSON. Lumber Dealer.
T tlie Public
I have arrived in Shenandoah with a
o IM of Wssteri Uses
And they are ready for inspection at my
old livery stables, on North Market alley,
wnicn i win oner at puunc saie on a uaie
to be hereafter announced. Watch this
space. After the public Bale 1 will always
nave western norses tor private saie or ex
change. Wm. Neiswenter,
snenanaoan, in.
Fall Weather is Here
So Is Mrs. HYDE, with a full stock of
Just from New York, in all fashionable
shapes, styles and colors. Also full line of
Novelties for trimming the bestBhown
in town for the price, our line 01
"Infants' Coats and Caps
and Children's Bonnets can't be beat. See
them and you will say so.
wow riQoh Mi in
York UUU11 1U11J1U
29 N. Main St Shenandoah.,
Evan J. Davies,
13 North Jar din Street.
Shenandoah's Reliable
Hand Laundry
Cor. Lloyd and White Bts.
All work guaranteed to be first-class in ever?
particular. Bilk tics and lace curtain saapeo
laity. Goods called for and delivered. Atrla
"Pin no Tuner,
Pianos and ortans repaired. Orders left at
at North Main street, Shenandoah, will rccelvt
prompt attention
TT7 ANTED. A 5 or 6-ro m house, centrally
YT locatea. inquire at jikiiald cmce. io-s-1
"ITT ANTED Salesman: talary from start;
VV nerma nent Dlce. Drown Uros. Co..
nurserymen, uocnester, , v. mi-eoaim
tlTANTED. Two vounc men to board la
VV nrlvale famllv. All modern conveniences.
lieteience required. Apply at me iieuald
omce. v-zi-ii
nfflt SALE. A good, sound horse. Price
r reasonable. Apply to Michael reters.
bbcnandoab, Pa. B-lSMt
(tnc nf A WEEK paid to ladles and. gents
iDIUiVV to sell tho Uapia uisn wasner.
Washes and dries them In two minutes Witt
out vetting the. haids. No experience neceS'
Knrv: tell, at sluht: permanent Dosltlon. Ad
dress W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. H, Col'
umbus, Ohio.
TfOK BALE. The Mt. Carmel House prop-
t , l J . WU .UW IU.WV. V. VM HUM .MV
Avenue, ML Carmel, Is oSered for sale at a
lnw firure and on easv terms. Will sell the
hotel building with or without the adjoining
ground. Any Information as to figures ana
lerms can oe oouiimi oy applying wewioihod
tjenoecer, ui. tiraa o-i-u
31 South Main St.
Ale, Draught Porter nDd Weliier Beer.
at A all kit ds ol Drinks.
the following shareholders:
J. W. STOKES IAdge No. 51B,' I. O. O. F.
CAMP NO. 206. P. O. S. of A.
CAMP NO. 112, P. O. S. of A.
North Main St., MAHANOT CITY.
Largest and finest hotel In the region.
Finest accommodations. Handsome fixtures.
Pool and Billiard Booms Attached.
ROOF PAINTING promptly done with
A.. TOST, Agent,
139 East Ooil street, Bhensndoah. It Is the best
and only gusrsntee pslnt against corrosion, fire
and every ktna of neither, for metsl, voodeo
tnd paper roots and walls. Olve It a trlaL
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining room
attached. Finest wines, liquors, cigars.
A genuine welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, norterand ale constantly on taDl
Choice temperance drinks and cigars
Weeks' Museum,
Birds and animals ot all selections.
Taxidermist, Robert Murray.
Coldest toil Largest Class ol Beer. Free Lunch Oil!.
JonN Weeks, Proprietor.
Q, W. Davidson, Bartender.
Have business with others, nnd should,
therefore, have a business education.
The quickest way to get the best
ideas of modern business practice is
to attend the
(AU conveniences, elevator service.)
ThU year's catalogue la something
especially fine. Ask for it.
For a Limited Time Only.
New and Used Bicycles.
To Reduce Stock.
Good Wheels from $25 up,
Cleveland Bicycles.
Majestic Bicycles.
Repairing & Parts a specialty
The A, Heebner Co.
106 North Centre Street,
Wholesale agent tor
felgenspan's detail. Hi J.. Expert
Lager aid Saazer Pale Beer.
No Bnermade. Fine liquors and Cigars
Bicycle B