set '1 TVhen ict llttlo clrl was one month old, she had a scablorm on her face. It kept spreading until she waa completely covered from head to foot. Then he had boils. Bhe had forty on her head at one time, and more on her body. When alx months old she did not welli seven pounds, a pound and a half less than at birth. Then her skin started to dry up and Rot o bad he could not snut ner eyes 10 steep, out xay vim iiieiu v half opon. About this time, I started uslnir the It'CTicUBA Kkmkoiks. and In one month the teat complilily cured. The doctor and drug bills were over bne Atm lrtd dollar: the Ccticura bill was not more than rfrf dollar. My child la now strong, healthy, and large as any child of her age (tee photo.), and it Is all owing to CUTICi'BA. Yours with a Mother's Messing, JJBS. OKO. II. TUCKER, JR., C32 Walker St., Milwaukee, Wis. Bold throughout the world Pornn IRro akd Chkk. Conr., bole Props., Iloston. "All about the Blood, Skin, Scalp, and Hair," mailed free. Baby niemlslies, falling hair, and red, rough hands prevented and cured by Cutlcura Boap. WOMEN FULL OF PAINS Find In Cntlnira Antl.Paln I'las tcr Instant and grateful relief. It Is the f!rt and on.y paln-kUUng, strengthening pliiU.r. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. snntiTr.KH.L .Division. , JUNK.M. 1604. . . Trains will leave Shenandoah alter the abou date for Wlggan's, OJlDerton; rrackilllejNe Castle, St. C'alr, Pottsvllle; IINmhurg, ReaJlni Pottstown, Phcenlxville, Norrlatown and Phi. adelphla ''road street statlouVaLSHMaadillU' a. m, and 415 p. m. on weekdays ForPotti Tllle and Intermediate stations 9; 10 am. SUNDAYS. For vTngan's, Ollberton. Fraekvlllrj, Ms CaFtle, St Clair, PottsvlUo at 8:00. :40a.n and 8:10 n. m. For Hamburtr. Readlnir. Pott town, Pt Tinixvllle, Norrlatown, Pblladelprlj atc:uo, v ' a. ci., o;iu p. m. Tralns ,i ave frackville for Shenandoah i lu'.iU a. tn ana i-h, s:m, ?: an? ivwp. rr J Sundays, 11 18a. m andS:40p. m, Leave Pntaville lor Shenandoah at. low. 11.13 a. m. And 4;40,7!l5 and 10:00 p. m.SunOaj ltiu'iua ti. anas:jo p. m. Leave Philadelphia (Uroad street station) fo Bhenandoai. at 6 67 and 8 4b a it, 4 10 and 7 11 p m week days. On Sundays leav- at 6 ISO l m. Leave Broad StreotBtatlon, Philadelphia, TOR NEW YORK. For Now York. Expresd, week day, at 8 20, 4 06. 4 60, 6 15, 0 60, 7 S3, 8 SO, 9 50, 11 0C II II am. 12 00 nooc. 12 41 d. m. (Limited It press 1 09 and 4 i'2 p m. fining ears.) 1 40, 2 30 'dining ear), 3 20, 6, 6, 0 0 50, 7 13, 8 12, 10 p m, i2 01 night. Sundiys, am. 4(6, 450, 515, SS2.Vi 11 03am, 1241, 1 -1J, 23J (dlnlngcar), 1201 night. Express for Uoston, without change, 11 a m, weeicaays, ana ooupm uauy. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH, For lialtlmore and Washington S CO, 7 20, 8 CI, 9 10. 1020. II IS. 1140 am. (12 35 limited dtnlnt car,) liju, 3io, tti, mining car), (Din con gressional Wmttea, dining car), 0 17, 055, 7 40 (dlnlngcar) p m, and 1203 night week Cays. Sundays, 350, 7 20. 910, 1118, 11 to a m, 441 (dining oar), tJ 55, 7 40 (dining oir) p m and 13 03 night. Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia, FOK ATLANTIC CITY. Exnrens. 8 50 a m. 2 10. 4 00 and 5 00 o m week days. Sundays, Express. 8 45 and 43 a m. For Capo May,, Anglesea, Wlldwood and Holly lleacb, express, 0 a. m., 4 W p m week days. Sunday, 9 00 a ra. For Sea Isle Gltv, Ocean City and Avalon Express, 9 00 a m,4 00 P ra week days. Sun days, 9 CO am. For homers Point, express, 8 50, am, 4 00 p m week days. Sundays, 8 45 a 'n. i. j. t'ua'osi J n. W09S, a'l Manape.r t RAW ROAD S l srrEOT JbNE 29. 1891. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows! For New York via Philadelphia, week df 2.10, 5. a, 7.20. a.m.. 12.32, 2.65, 5.55 p.m. Sund 2.10, a. m. For New York via Mauot Chunk week days, 5.25,7.20 a. m., 12.32, 2.S5 p. m For ReaiUng and Philadelphia, week dayr 2.10,5.25,7.1X1, a.m., 12.32, 2.55, 5.55p.m. 3'V day, 2.10, a m For Potts vine, week days, 2.10, 7.20, aj m 12.31, 2.55, 5.51 p.m. Sunday, 2.10 a. m. For Tamacua and Mahanoy City, week days 2.10, 5.25, 7,20, a. m., 12,82, 2.55, 6.65 p. m. Sun day 2.10, a.m. Additional for Mabanoy City week dars, 7 00 p. m. For Willlamsport, Sunbury and LewUbn week days, 3.25, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00 p. m. Bunday, '1.25 a. m. . For Mahanoy Plane, week days. 2.10, !., 6.1 7.20, 11.30 a.m., 12.32, 1,35, 2.55, 6.55, 7.03, 9.1 y. ui. iuuua, .iu, s.w, a. in. For Ashland and Shamokln. week days, 8.31, 7.2U, a. m.,, j.uu, v.aa p. m. qui cay 1.25 a. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH) Leave Nc - York via Philadelphia, weekday 8.00 a. m., 1 .0. 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night. HU' day, 6 00t m. Leave N wYorkvIaMauch Chunk, weekday 4.30. 9,10 a. u., 1.30 p.m. r.eavo Phllndelnhia. Heading Terminal week day, 4.20, 8 35, 10.00 a. m., and m., 1 20,7.15, 9.29 p. m. Sundav. 3 18 a. m. Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3.45, 9.11, it. i a. iu i.di,, .w p, m. aunaay, i.i: a. uu S.30, 9.37, 11.69 a. m., 12.69, 2.09, 6.20, 6.2t!,7.6 j.ll.ll' p. m. auuuay, .w a. Leave Wllliamsport, week days, 10,10, a.m. 8.36,11.15 p.m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m. ror lialtlmore. Washington and the West Til It A O. It- 1L. through trains leave Readlct Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. X K. R. R.) at 8.10, I IV, 11. 0 U. IU.. 0.10,0,10, f,, y. Ul., DUUUIJ t , 7.10, 11.29 a, m., 3.49, 7 22 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Whirl ana uouth street Wharf for Atlantio utty. Week-Dayi Expreaa, 9.00, a. m., -2.00, 4,00, u.w y. Ul. AuuutuuiDuaaiou, O.UU U. Ult. U.1J p.m. Sunday Ttxpross. 0.00, 10 00 a, m. Accom modatlon.8tOa. m. and 4.30 n. m. Returning, leave Atlantio City, depot, corner Atlantio and Arkansas avenues. Week-Days Expross, 7,3, 9.00 a. m. and i.uu ana o.m p. ai. Accommodation, 8.15 a. m and 4.32 1). m. Hunda. !"'x ress, 4 90, 7 30 p. m. Accommo dation, 7 15 a. m., and 4 15 p, m. Parlor oars on all expresa trains. u u. u, UAiiuuuii, uen. pass. Agi. PhlladelnVti P. I,A.SWEIfABD, Oen. Supt. ff( e Your Stomach : : : ' Cannot Btand the same washing that your boot s do, and the water yon drink Isn't even fit for that purpose. Use Loreuz Schmidt's Beer and Portor, JAMES BIIIELD3, y. i ier Shenaudoah Branch, mimm 41 k II A rvu., II do p m. Munday, 11.30 p. m. 1 (0 V Leav F isdtng, week days, 1.55,7.10, 10.CJ, 11.11 Aim) a. to . 6 A 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.35, a. ra it I Lcavi lottsvllle, week days, 2.85, 7.40 a. m , 12 0. . lp. m Sunday, 2.85 a. m. 1 ir Leav, Ttmaqua, week days, 8.18. 8.50, 11.13 t WILD BALTIMOREANS. Enthusiastic) Booeption to the Baseball Heroos, THE 17EL00ME OF THE "ROOTERS." A M on iter I'nrnrii, Lett by the Gnrnrnnr of Mntjlntiil, a Public Kfcaptlnn find n llnnfint to the Vnnnant Wlunert of 1H1M. Haltimore, Oct. 8. Probably never In t lie history of the national came wns there anything lu the way of a demonstration to greet the victors npproachlng the scenes depleted here yesterdny. From enrly mornluB the streets wore a holiday aspect. hvery business house nnd dwelling nlong the route of the procession Inst night, al most without exception, was covered with thu orange and black colors of the Orioles. All day long the streets were crowded with nu unending stream of bumaulty, many carrying "peunnnt" lings, nnd all wenrlng Oriole badges. Many staid busi ness men were noticed with the gnudlest of omuge and black cravats, ench wear ing n huppy countenance, as If some great personal success had been achieved. Some women were abroad In iackets composed of tbVlinltimoru club's colors. The slt- uitlon can be briefly stnted by saying that lialtlmore is baseball wild. Mingled wjth the crowds of "rooters" on the streets during the day were Bcorcs of faklrs wltb "rooters' badges," "rooters' tnnes," "rooters' tics," nnd in fact nbout everything thnt could be utilized as an article of wearing apparel or pers nal adbrbi'neUt, gotten up with the proper colors, found ready purchasers, and the small boys and others reaped A rich har vest from the sales. The enthusiasm is not confined to Bnlti moreans by any means, as Is manifested by the reports from nlong the entire line of trnvel through Maryland. At Cumber land, on the arrival of the train bearing the "Jieroes,"the entire cityseemed to have turned out to welcome them. The mnypr of that place headed a'delegalion of busi ness mt'ii.'nnil waited en Manager llanlon and the'teamf6 thank tho.Orloles on t'ja iJreat victory they had ncqomplishud. , The receptibu n't Ui)gers(qyi nnd all other points nlong the journey through Mnrylnnd was a repetition of the Cum berland greeting. As nn evidence of the extent to which the Indies of the statu Bhnred lu the "rooting" the boys brought bnck with them hnlf a carload of souve nirs lu the way of slippers, necktie cases, and all such products of feminine hands. These were handed in nt each stop made by the train. The enthusiasm exhibited during the day in lialtlmore was but mild to that of last night, hen the 'heroes" themselves arrived, fliu scene nt Camden station when their train pulled in was one of the maddest ever witnessed in lialtlmore. As the Orioles died out of the beautifully decorated special car, prectded by the committee rf citizens who had gone to Washington to meet nnd escort the team to this city, there was one long cheer from the thousnuds of throats. This was fol lowed by n throwing up of hats, enncsnnd handkerchiefs and a general scrambling to get ueur the brdsniid If possililo to grasp one ot the players by tie bund. The procession of tile night was such, both from a point of length and interest ing; featuvex.ns but fow have seen. It was participated in by delegates from nenrly every towu lu Maryland. Governor Frank Hrown was the most conspicuous "rooter" in tho first carriage, just in advance of the ones containing lialtlmore s Idols. Others In carriages were Mnyor Latrobe, ox-Postmaster John sou, and, In lact, nearly every prominent man In the city. As the carriages con taining the Orioles came along the street the tooting of horns, cheering of the vast multitude, ringing of beils, .ogether with tho constant noise onm.ed by tiring rock ets, etc., caused n racket tliac will long live lu every ualtlmoreuu's memory Prominent through the entire parade wtrt- displayed traiiipnrcncies with such inscriptions as "Get at 'etui" "Did you ever i-m Mich Jlttle glantht" "What did 'llohliie' do to them t" nnd scores of others In a similar strulu. One delegation from llngerslown exhibited n float composed of a, cage in which u large live bog looked knowingly at the crowd and grunted Its approval br dlmpproval of Us novel quar-. ters. The procession occupied nearly three1 hdurs in nnstng n given point, and dur- I lng nil this time tutbui-iabtB were noticed ', hanging and Iro vor us pronched no Item of interest ti be, njeu in this, thu most' glorious riotplioii ever tendered a baseball team on its triumphant ornvui home. ' ' After the pfocew-ion, had gna through the principal streets of the city tuey headed for i lie Fifth Heglmcnt armory, where a reception was held, in order to give the general public on opportunity to Btlll further demonstrate the ntlectlon with which the "pets" are held lu lialtl more. After the reception, which lasted about two hours, the players were ecorted to tho Hotel Heuuert, where1 a banrjuet wouni up the festivities, 'sn'eeches were made by ,U the banquet ex-i-ohtninsier Johnson, City Solicitor llryan, Manager Haulou aud others. Fassenser Trains In Collision. Mabsiixon, O., Oct. 8. Two passenger grains on the Cleveland, Lorain aud Wheeling road collided at Paul's station, yesterday and several passengers were painfully but not seriously injured. Among the Injured were Mrs. Kate Slo Kelvey, of Ulrlohsville, O.; Miss Mahou, sister of ltev. Father .Million, pt this city. William Ellis, A. Head, Ilev. Lee, of Kos coe, O.; .'. Adams, Mrs. Miller (residence unknown) were also slightly iujured. A physician on board the train attended the injured. Important llrltlih Oablnrt Council. London, Oct. 3.r-A special cabinet conn- 11 cil has been called for Tuesday next; nnd ' ! the members of the- ministry who nro ab sent from the' city have beU hurriedly summoned to return. Sudden new devel opments regarding the relattous between Great Britain and France are without doubt the reason for the hasty summon lug! of the niiuUters. Fatally llurnad M hlln In n Fit. RlHiwiivll V "V .T rift It .Tunnel S?bnf-' fer, nn upholsterer, living in Kast Somerr' vllle, met a horrible death by burning. " Kehnlfnr. wbn 'tlij tnlWert tn tltk. wntf'1 alone in hU hoiise 't abdiit '9 p'. m.,'when 1 befell across u table n Jl touvulsloti, up-1 settlng a burning oU amp. He died from Uli burns soon after. ' ' ou to tck'Braiili polts, urc.s.-Kims i, ,w 4 3;" ci-JS rvn Ea n invulHB toUb witb as m.icU Itr-t . ; 1 , ; ,s .J f a 1 a i,: FIGHTING FOR LIFE. A SUPPERING WOMAN TF.STIFIBS. Mrs. Heniietta Hurtnn, of Jinvler, X. J,, writes : "For a long time I sullsrml from n disordered stomach. My appetite was gone and what little I ate distressed me terribly. My hetlth failed ranldlv. 1 became very weak nnd feare 1 1 should never be well. After rending your "Guide to Henlth," 1 wai eucouraged to try Munyou's Dyspepsia Cure. Its action was so prompt that 1 soon felt lite n new woman, nnd nm now completely cured." MUNYOX'S Sl'OM.Ynt AN'D DYS PEPSIA CUKE cures all forms of ludl gestlou and stomach troubles such as conitlpntlou, rising of food. dNtress after eating, bloating of the stomaoh, pnlpnta tlon of the heart, shortness of tho breath, and all nffectl ms of the heart caused by Indigestion. It soothes, heals aud Invig orates stomaahs that huve been weakened by over-eitlug, or where the lining of the Rtomach has been Impaired by physic and Injurious med clues. Price 33 cents. Munyou's 11 muu i mtlilu Home Hemedy Company, of PallaiU-lpliU, put up specifics for nc.irly every disease, which nre sold by all druggists, moitly for i!3 cents a bottle. OIL G. 1317 Arcli St. Phila.Pa. Consult Out ltniH'Nt Dr. Thrcl. who Jibs cimti nure witrprvra thAn nil others combined. n nhlpnt In l'lill ndelphla. a tilplnmns nnu ccninrntc prove, counteretUned Ijv SccreUiy o( American LeiBCtoii at Jlxrlln, notwlth fttindlnif wlnitQuuckH ana HpecUMnti wrt vert be or sh 1 here to none to cquaI htm nu ncntim-nt of Anrrinl cllienHCM uf both 'fexe. Ulnml iioimou, nil tut nnd llrr(n of fiintlilul vrrni'Mi lowt ioer, blndilcr, kldnrr ns.U and ncrvouM dlnnriu r, ftc, fresh cases, jjrwllu l-10iIa)'M. Hcllrfnt oner, roor.tle--ci uirfTS consult Old Dp i, F. Tliccli the ?!' urnuiuu itpcrlnlUtf who bui made a study - Uiesf dlvapea under Vruf Jnlir llitmaMM iintlitr, and l'rul. ,UiiIlct4lifl)nIlilcthe tw-c world-renownetl srwclalluts. lliid U tnr urlalnnl ndvertlvment, Mmn and nvold tlw -yonnx' vtfimo o; oiu speciuiwra oonrmK uirne in pain wti 'ic I Iiey Oq tM)f to mHva yOu. Iaaitha ji. vbo erer nowfl" oumke ra warm-n sufii h anf Iningrs. . 'lUi iimctcn OiwiUr-Kssvrtnl If iii ThclTnsmr new iMlvwifiWuinf today we Vt copy rtuaogeBftmo attmtiWTiiit nod the public ' -wov-jina that we nre tho very -person ho ex jvrt Offtcehenn, 0 A. M, to h V. .;ev kb, 6-8..; indHat.evrfs, t-y.3tf. Hunday.HA. M.toUM, eni live two-cent stump' fo bnuic Truth, "only ne expotlnif quacks and let lorol I nd youiu. -lulf or iuarrl"d, poor and ri. 'i. A nniv irlclt uf 'lunji t'lexp'Tltni'id doctor-! i 1 mi ivs N lier.inPU d v-tuMihnd (ill! l- f n -i ! 1 d. 'vv I 'ivmi inn, lia i in nu ola ra in iro ii sti'i.tu) tnthtlr j. iii L' wi cin tin y ifo us u.d - oj . HUMPHREYS7 VETER1NARVSPECIFICS Tcr Hcrscs. Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND FODLTRY. 500 Tase II no It on Trrntmrnt of Allium M uuil Clinrt feeui Frcis rrnE9(Frvcr(iCon(retlon(i,InllnrnnmtIon A.A.J Hpliml ilIcnliiKltld, milk I "over. lt.HStrnliifl JmmrueNN Ulipnmntiiiui. CtJ.l)Ifltcitiprrf lSnsnl DUchareca. ),l,.Itota or (Jrubs, Worms KK.Coiik1iH( UrnTcn, l'nruntonln V.F.-.olic or (iripeHf llellyncho. U,3,M(iiiKcnrrln80i Ilcmorrhnsci. Il.II.Urinnry nnd Kidney JltNcancfl J.I.Kruptlro HUonncs ninnsf1 J.K. DlcivnscH uf Dlafutioni raralyiilf BIngle bottle (over SO doses), - ,00 Htablp Cnsp, with Specifics. ManfadL Viterlnary CuroOIland Mod tea tor, ST. 00 Jtir Veterinary Cure Oil, - - 1.00 Solil by PmitTlt( or tint f rtpld anywhere ui In any dnanlllr oa recti pt of prlr. IIl3irUIIF.8' MED. CO., 1 1 1 1 1 8 WlITUm 6L, Now York. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC Ho. Tn ii a 41 fours Thit nnlv n irt n fill re med T f OP Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and rrostr&tlon, from over-work or other c&tjms. 9 1 por vial, or 6 vlala and large rial powder, for 93 6o)J by lirnggtot, jr Bvtii i,Mtill on ncult or price. UCIirmitlS'IlED. CO.,111 XlllIUuaSU,.Vcwlort. THE GREAi SI CCffSS. . Scierq, r K. MaRargle, "VT.H. WltWa WHEN YOU'RE LOOKING BRIGHT Drop in at Linton's Photograph Gallery, And let til in fasten your likeness X0 a7X3ST-MfX"2P J3. 1 , , , , ,, ,, liouuina uuiiiiuiK, tteabeuire Professional Cix;d. M, 8. KIHTLKR, M V Olce lto North Jardln street, PhensnCcah. M. u. iinnicx, J. TTORNEY AT-LAtT aniBiKDOAD, Tk. Ofnce. Bgan binWlns, corner o(, Mala and Centre Btreets, bcnand-Jah. T PIEUITE EOBMRTH, M: D No. 85IiMtCoalitreo. "HKNANDOAH. Pi. Office floare 1:M to 3 ana 8:50 ta 3 p. u Ko. 81 HoulbJardlnBtrrM.rnsm... Ornoi Houii . l:su tr s ano a-.xn to 8 P Kicep t Thursday evening. No ogtee work on tfundoj ertept bv airon. meiU, A Uriel adherence to V11 ttjlce Afu-. it a'lfiweij, scwaryr" . frr 't ' Vf v Id. HF.BEft, - - J ' .'. suce-'Hor to OR. ClIAS. T. PALMEH, STB .ixd jest k a tohjioIv,- . r ''('J, " I 30t Mahantougo Street. Pottavi!;, Penna, 3ij a ! ui r n r .') 55 t ' 1 l. Pjti'i- isjSsn o 0 0 fr STOCK ATiD r,v-nrp MARKETS Clnlne Ju 't' ttm N Vu U unit JMllM. 1 I Xr.W Y011K. On. ?.-ii, i:..- itoct. Kxehanee todar tb sales ut 'on stoiik. SUtiar. escee led 1 . ii.iiniii nil- imi inn n, 1 More than !i"j".,nrofih"Hinck ehanired liandaon a si .. ::iv 4.- 'U.-.tna wale fromojion ln todo'e. cios:nt bids; lniitn vaitsy . 87's xv. ,v in.. Pennsylvania... . Alt i'rle.. 14M IWH I4l 1KI m trauma v. :.. I., ft w V.'.t .-l(or , X. Y d i.iral... Ik Krle V I-.i'l A Miilun 81. Paul 1. Lehigh Nhv 1, N. Y. N E. pf .. 9.( New Jersey ( en . 1 ''4 llnnrTfti IaM. U PnuAMii.i' ii . Pm flour k:ln- tor HUpprflnr. fL'.KI; ilo. Mrm Jtf.!(rV!S.4(l; l'ennarlvai'l'' rnllcr tralht, f! V v west ern wltiter. 1; f2 itiOS.B.'. Wlieat ilull. hiwcr, with M' l.M nnd ir-4' akrl for Oclol)r. Corn ui'. uIriI, lnrT, villi VV. bid Wlo, nrtkutl for Oi tolmf . ()nt dull, wpalccr, with 3lJio. bid and lliHc. lutUnd for Oct lieef steady, l'ork dull, twirl enk, lower; western Btoatn 1 1 wed nt 99 V asked Putter steiulyt western dairy. IMUfe.i do, ereainery. li!a9c.;(lo fn. -r. IgrtflWy.i Klvrtns. IWc.; Imitation creameri . IWI c ; New York dairy, HSiak).; do. m i-uerj, lf.'iWtic.i I'ennsyl. vanla criiner. jirli'ts. fant y, KV.i do rholce. Ltvaiiu., do. 1m r m koikI. 'iKri-K.: nrlnln Job- blnii nt SO.ia.. Clu-ese quiet: large. tvlli4((o.i rart sklm. 1 f , ;' klnis. :i,v1tic. Kitus dull; Now York ami Pennsylvania. 21c.; ice Louse, lsHSl.c : western fresli. lSXttlUHc. I, ve stork Markets. New Y011K. Oct. 2. Enropeun cables quote American sicrs nt 0fiMic. per lb., dressed weight; refrlRerator beef nt B5i.fSo. Calves wenknnd sllKbtlycimler: poor to prime veals. J8S7.S' per lbs.: ur isers, fi.'J-'iiS.'i; goml western calves, l.tfVi l.:tH Slieep and Itiinbs slow, but steady; poor to prime sheep, f 2 IfXlt 3.5(1; Inferior to choice lambs, SJ.rimai.5n. Hoes slltrbtly firmer; Inferior to choice state. 1.15. EAST Ltiir.nTV. Ph.. Oct. 2. Cattle receipts liberal; Rood grades ateady. others lower; prime, JJ.5iVijW.T5; uood. $4."05.M; roUKli fat, $2.403.71). Hoks run fair; market alow at about yesterday's prices. Sheep supply fair' market dull at unchanged prices. WOMEN IN SOCIETY -of ten need the strencth- cnlng support ot a gener al tonlo and nervine. They're tired out or "run -down." This Is frcouontly the result of "woaknoss," and It maKea nio miscrouio. Are you weak, nerr ous. or oUIeit 1 Then Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre BCriDtlon brines you inecia I heln. Ifa remedy crescribed for delicate women, for all tho derangemenU, disorders, and dkenses of tho sex. For regulating and promoting all the proper functions, building up nnd invigorat ing tho entire system, and restoring health and strength, this is tho only remedy that can be gvuiranuta to uoneut or cure, or ma money vui uo rciunueu. It has stood tho test of n quarter of a century of cures Dr. Sage's Catarrh lCcmcuy. That's why the proprietors take tho risk : thov say : " If we can't cum vour Catnrrli. we will oav VOU .S500 in cash 1" Politiral Cards. YOTB FOB OP PUAOKVItiLE, For SHERIFF. First District, "7"OM?JE3 jE7Q3FL JOSEPH WYATT, i SYNDICATE SPECULATIONS IN STOCKS, BONDS, ETC. SAFEST hr modera'e Inves'crs. ' LARGEST RETURNS on the Investment. NO KNOWLEDGE ol speculation necessary. I1 to 11,000 can be Invested with more than usual degree or safety, ai all transactions are mad by tomp tent experts of long experience and UDQuesttoned ablllf. Divider pavacle monthly. All money to y u i're lit 0 n be wlilidrawn ttrat day of nuv montb. Dlvld-nds can be reluvRSte! so as to got the bencat ot compound Interest. $100 at 6 per com per rron'b. caminnd ln-tin-Ht for 4 ears. uinuuut wo'er $1,000. $100 'it 10 er cent. rc tnTitn, com o'mdln. terest for 4 yesrs, amornts to over $9,0 0. SI0 st 20 iter o nt. permoitb, oomnound In terest for 3 years, amounts to over $7 0 0. OUR RECORDS OF DIVIDENDS FOR 1094 : Jan. 1834, 10 per cent. May, 1891, IS per cent. Feb. 1894, 8 " lane. U94, 8 Mar.1394, 10 July, 11194, 40 Apr. 1894, 10 " Aug. 1094, I0J " July ana August dividends the result of the rapid advance In c rn. Conservative Safe Repons'ble. Established August, 1898. limk reference. Our i'reslnent hn bjcn for tiricpn years the prexkleptof one of our National liauks. Money oan bo sent by express or post olBOu moiev order, or Now YorK draft, payable t Tile Traaerv synaicaie, or ti. ii- nooa, Treasurer. Kull particulars mailed free on application to The Traders' Syndicate, Traders' Building, Chlo.igi. Illinois. Representatives Wanted. KTip.'m t n who can taste our caudles Sfiits a tail wltbout a filing of ftffeo. OrlrT njvl "m 'or the young man uu4 WJtrAwho brlusMW. They just melt in th mouth; the (firl's eyes melt -cith tenderness I '.te j man also melts, and the question is settld. Try It, FRED. KEITHAN, Ice Cream, all flavors. 10H X. Main St, For tho... cieary Bros' Hot Season 1 Temperance Drinks Mineral waters, Welhx beer. Bottlers of the finest lager beers. '' JJ '' If ani If) Peteh Al!7. Bhenandoaiii P I viv ALEX. SCOTT FOR 1 A BAD GAMS ('TITIIEI) mi tt , t , lUOy nail Intended 10 HOUl Up a TS M 1 m ' iiaurOaU iraiU, A DETECTIVE LET INTO THE PLOT. He Win n Hare Tntaen Part In Ills Hot. I Up, hut Tut Olllrers nn Tlielr Trneh, nml Tivn uf the (intii; Are Now In I'rUnn. ST. JosKnt, Mo., Oct. 3. Lee Jones and "Scnr Faced" Charley Krlitrell were nr rested here, chnraul with conapifney t rob the Chicniro, Hock Wnnd nnd' IV cillc train. I lie conspirators were be trayed by one of their own band. A week no it was planned to rob n west bound Hock Island train and to blow it up if necessary. This was postponed and finally abandoned, the1 would he robbers learning thnt the police were after them. The ar rests followed, nnd others nre expected. Since the attempt mnde nlmut a month nco to rob the Denver express the ofllccrs of the road have been looking tor the men concerned In the enterprise, suspicion pointed to "a lono; hatred crook from tho Indian Territory" as the prime mover. Chief Special Agent Martin II. Flynn, of the ltock Island, went to St. Joseph and was not Iodk In identifying the "long haired crook," with Jones, who had re cently arrived from the Indian Territory and carried his chnracter in his face, lie was a blustering bully with no visible means of support and with a habit of fre quenting saloons and Asaooiatiug with tlewperote characters. Among his asso ciates was Lee Frlszell and a man named CnllahK" who a few days after the ar rival of tbe railroad ofllcer was arrested by the local nfllolals on the charge of burglary and was lodged in jail. It was learned that tho trio had instlgoted the former attempt, aud that Jones and Frlz zell had not abandoned hopes of ulti mately gaining possession of the treasure in the express ond mail cars. Specinl Agent Flynn returned to Cbl cagotand on Sept. tf n meeting of railroad ofitciols was held in the oillce of General Manager W. I. Allen. Ah a result of the meeting Detective C. C. Harshard took a a train for St. Joseph, and in the guise of a Chicago crook went to the DulTnloIIend saloon, a resort much frequented by Jones, Frlziell and similar characters. Darshard found it nn easy matter to gain access to the society circle in which Jones was a shining light, nnd when on Sept. 17 Flynn, in the guise of n Chicago gambler out of luck, arrived at thu Buffalo Head Darshard wos in a position to introduce him. Speaking of the episode i lyun said: "Jones was a character, lie drank freely and talked openly of crime. He was n hideous looking object, six feet tall, broad shouldered and powerful physique. Ills long blnck hair, hanging from be neath a broad brimmed sombrero, did not conceal any part of the most repulsive hu- mnn face I ever saw. bile in n nt Jones fell into a camp fire, and his entire face was burned almost out of human sem blance. "Ho was one whose criminal procllvl ties could not have beeu concealed. He was 35 years old and possessed of a liberal education. An accomplished artist, he would not work, and openly boasted thnt he would yet out do the exploits of Jese James. Jones had served two terms in the penitentiary for counterfeiting, but had escaped all punishment for n long list of violations of the state laws. This was the leader of the gnng with whom Iiarslinrd wn nu friendly terms. Jones was alwiys heavily armed, and would not hesitate to shunt on the slightest provoca tion. Hut lie was not really a dangerous man, lacking mental force and depending for his reputation on brute courage and blull." A most dangerous man was I.eo Frlz- zell, also on ex convict. II11 was quletiind watchful, aud sometimes appeared to sus pect thnt Ilaihhard was not uli right. It required much tact to dissipate thu fel low's suspicions, but the detective finally succeeded and was taken fully into the confldence of Frizzell nnd Ills friend and associate, Frauklinburg. Darshard was admitted into all the pians ot the raid on the train, .The party was to consist of Jones, Frankiiuburg. Frizzeli, Darshard and two "good people" who were to be on hand in time. Tuesday evening, Sept. 25, was the time sot for the attempt. Thu Denver express, due iu St. Joseph at 7:40 o'clock, was to be intercepted at thu water tank seven miles east of town. As the locomotive stopped at the water If uk one of the ban dits was to break the couplings behind the mail and express cars, while the others commanded the engine,.-!- to go ahead iuto a deep cuf, half a mile up the track, leav ing the passenger coaches behind. Iu the I cut the work of robbing the car wat to ho I completed, four men goltigthrough the express and mall ears, while one, armed with a ri fie, kupt watch on the engineer aud llremam Jndiro Hicks' Itullng .llnrmril, Cincinnati, Oct. 8. During the recent A. It U. strike James Launou, an en gineer of the Atiu Arbor railroad, left his engine nu the main line without bringing it iu. For this he was arrested aud fined $50 for contemnt of court by Judge Hicks, of the United States district opurt, sitting nt Toledo. The A. H. U. appealed the case to the United States supreme oourt, which sent it to the United StHtes circuit court of appeals, holding that tho su preme court bad no jurisdiction lu the case. Iu Cincinnati, yesterday, the cir cuit court of appeals afllrmed the ruiiug of Judge Hicks. Lunatics llrutully Treated. EVASSVILLE, lud., Oct. 8. Herman Weiler, superintendent of the Infirmary, is being investigated for cruelty to in mates. 'I'ha testimony introduced isstnrt Mug. One man swears he was knocked down and beatou when he asked for his clothes, uftxr discharge Several female inmates swears he has been criminally in timate with them, and one thnt she bore a child of which be was the father. Train .Wreckers Contois. TEHHE Hautk, Ind., Oct. 3. The men in jail charged with wrecking the Big Four pawnr trniti at Fontanet on July 13, killlpg EuKlneer Morerham and Fire man lilack, have now uenrly all coufessed. OeorKfa Roberta was the first to confess, nnd his example has beeu followed by two of the other silsp 'cU. planing Students Warned. IUJ.PVJ5H, X. H Oct. 3. President Tuckner, of Dartmouth, yesterday told the students that the initiation of fresh men into RhrKappa Tan, an Imaginary ophomere society, must cease or Its mem bers will be treated aa hazers. The prao tlo t 111 undoubtedly bj stopped. Palpitation of the Heart Shortness of Drcath, Swelling" of Legs an'tl Feet. "For about four years I was troub-. led with palpitation of tho lieart,! shortness of breath and swelling of. tbo legs and feet. At times I would faint. 1 was treated by the best phy-, slclans in Savannah, Ga.. with no re lief. 1 then tried various Springs without bencilt. Finally, I tried J Dr. Miles' Heart Cure1 also his Nerve aud Uver Tills, differ, lnjmning to take thm 1 felt better! II continued taking them and I am now In hotter bealtu Uiai. jur Many years. ' Since my recovery I have gained fifty pouutls In weight. I hope this state ment may be of value to some poor sufferer." I E. H. S0TTON. Wavs Station. flJ Dr. Miles IToart enrols sold on n positive cuarantco that tho lirst bottlo will lienullu Alldrugglstssollltatd, S bottles for&S.or Itwlll bo bent, irepald, on receipt of price by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lud. 3Ls smew's Lap and Pilsner Beer Finest, Pnrest, Ilealthest. Chris. Schmidt, iNgL. 207 West ConI St., Shenandoah. T. M. REILLY'S ckntualia's POPULAR : HOTEL I Where you can always get a glass of pool Beer and Refreshing Wines, Whlsltcys, etc. Don't forget the placo. T. Si, R.ttilly'8, Locust avenue. OENTKA.LIA, PA MAIN AND COAL 8T3., SUcuniulniili, Pcnnm 'Polite and Prompt Waiters. Sale and Reliable Horses to Hire. sneuBln's LIVERY Pear Alley, Rear Coifee House. The best rlita In town. Hori-es taken t6 board. Hauling promptly attended to. THEATRE : CAFE! Formerly kept by Thos. Gibbons, Wain and Oak Sts., Shonmdoati. Fresh and cool Hcer always on tap, Wines, Liquors, Cigars. Cobtfxlo & Cassidt. Proprietors. PEOPLE who hive PAUPKTS, FKAl'llElW or S1ATTI5ES8E8 J?o looe Oloanod Z While cleoDlrp hrufe, will do well to call 00 or address The STEAM RENOVATING COitl'Vr-' 32 East Coal Street. MUSSER & BEDDALL, (Successors to Coalilev llros.) Mo, a6 linHt Centre Htreet. HIIINAM)OAH, PA. Our Motto; Heal Quality at Lowest Calk Prices, Patronage respectfully solicited. When You Want a First-class Rl make it apolnt togo to "Decamp's Liuery, West St., between Centre and Lloyd. Teams to Hire for all Purposee ED. BRENNAN, Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sta. Finest Boors, Wines and Llqaon. Handsome liar Futures. Best Brands of 5 nud 10c jOigan. M fJOOOOOcnrltnl. ro?ltlTBprootBaiiiliH.pOBe Eg yH book,ll!uKlratc4!romltfQfrarai)eopleoarea.PH mm fxSb by mail, oUuna else will cure. Rj0l M COOK REMEDY CO., Chicago, 111, jl GORMAN'S CAFE