The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 03, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dally, except Sunday by
ubualv l'vnhtaiiiso company,
rubllcatlon office and mo bnnloal department,
SiSEaatCoa Street.
The jierald
Is delivered In Shenandoah and
1 surrounding towns for Six Cents
t week, payable to the carriers. Bymall.Three
Dollars a year or Twenty-live cents per month,
In advance.
AdvrrtUement chanted according to spaco
and position. The publishers reserve the right
to change the position of odvertlsements when
iver the publication of news requires It. The
right Is also reserved to reject any advertise
ment, whether paid for or not, that the pub
libera maytleeni Improper. Advertising rates
made known upon application.
Entered at the post ofllce at Shenandoah, Pa.,
ai second oloss roall matter.
Shenandoah. Pcnua.
Evening Herald.
Republican State Ticket.
For Governor,
Centra county.
For Lleutonant-Govornor,
Allegheny county.
For Audltor-Gonoral,
Lancaster county.
ForSooretary Internal Affairs,
Philadelphia county.
For Congressmen-at-Larso,
Susquehanna county,
Westmoreland county.
County Ticket.
For Congress,
CltAHLHft N. HIiUJIM,' .
Of MiuersviUe..
For Sormtor, SOth District,
Of Mabauoy City.
For Representative, 1st District,
Of Sb.euaudo.ih.
For Sheriff,
Of Frnckvllle.
'For Director of the Poor,
Of Wayne Township.
For Jury Commissioner,
Of Ilellly Township.
Swell tU(i Soldiers' Monument fund.
Ill MXF.SS men seldom have n holiday,
Will they take advnntage of to-morrow
nnnnrtunltv t .... Hill will be the
upxt President of
That bettles Hill.
the United State.
, , c.
Kvhl'.r patriotic citizen in tho town who
can possibly do so Should help make to
morrow's demonstration a success.
J U ANgoes right ahead smashing China
just as if Secretary Grosham had not
warned her to keep bauds oil Coreu.
Japan either didn't receive Gresham's
order or she is using It for gun wadding.
Xo wonder the Louisiana planters are
hot when they see the $10,000,000 bounty
taken nway from them and ft $0,000,000
bounty given to the Hawaii planters, who
are the agents pierely of the Sugar Trust.
The Japonose have for years called
themselves "the Yankees of the Orient,"
nnd their style of fighting rather goes to
support their claim to the title. Their
warfare against China is going ahead in
an immensely practical businesslike way,
nnd the results of It ore peculiarly Ameri.
can in character.
Tm. ll.ltll, ,i.. i.i. . r , .,
Hit Hritish Admiralty are formulating
n plan to man Certain subsidized merchant i to "Pen their shells, as if 'tp call put. Gov"lor M,t.,,lBl,1nn Mblll1ly ' ordered
s.eamshlps with the oillcers and men of "llmvo' ')rnvo!" nnu "hen' they Ve till I 'j"'?n,t a."' "uto t tlifa ottf,
., ,1 . , " "m,'erB HUU Uleu 01 . ngope and the clear notes of the cornet nro' ud i'1')' the Jtatu roO were held utf
tiie Koyal avtll Jfcrve. This would oansing thorn to bo fully alive to tho tlo-'i "er Hruls "'"their quarters, but were' not
place on thane .vetiwls thoroimhlv illnnl I Ughta of llfo the old oystarnmn sploshes " nt",!Ie'.1, U8 tl'ur? HB,i 110 disorder. The
l0o,,B ,, . in , i
pliued oleus, ready to assist in naval war-
fare at 'once, If necessary. Tho project
includes twenty vessels, such as the Ma
lefic, Htrurla and Umbria.
We have been so much aocustomed of
late years to hear of the intensity of
Irlih poverty that it is rather satisfactory
to learn from nn ollleliil report presented
to Parliament that durlug the first si
months of the current year the denjslts
, I
and balunces lu the jpint-stock banks of
the Emerald Isle have Increased by more
than $4,000,000, the total at the end of
being ' $180,000,000, the largest
amount e'ver shown ou hnnd at that date.
Inasmuch as lt Is the Irish farmers who
are the chief depositors In the joint-stock
banks, their condition, to say the least,
shows Improvement. The savings banks
afford similar evidence respecting the
peasantry aud the poorer olasses' lu 'the
towns, the Increase lu deposits during the
half year exceeding $3,000,000 ; the, total
on hand being $40,000,000. 1 1
r -'t
WHATsicklyand siUysentlmenUllsm.; h companT ZT2tZ
Here are' members of the Domocratlo i out on the back platform aud kicked him
CongrcsslDiia! Committee ami' Senator M'11"1"" Record. . ,
Faulkner, of West Virginia, In a dread
fnl stnteof mind because the Free Tradcrg
London have Invited Ileprescntatlve
Wilson, chairman of tho Democratic
Committee of Wnys aid Means, to n
Krnnd banquet, The courtesy nppenrs to
people on this side it cheap way of paying
bl(? debt, and yet In fashion au honest
and manly way. Chairman Wilson has
served the llrltlsh Industries and British
commerce better than any other uinu In
this country for the last thirty years,
except President Cleveland, and the Pres
ident does not happen to be in Loudon nud
within range of honors or social courtesies.
Mr. Wilson Is there, and lu some remarks
recently published has graciously in
formed his British friends thnt the light
for Free Trade on this side has only just
begun, and that he and his party mean to
do a great deal better than they yet have
done In the way of promoting British In
stead of American industries. It would
ave been shabby in the last degree it
such distinguished performance and such
gratifying promises had not been thought
worthy of recognition.
It. jiutilloun oil,,' I,. (Sinnrrtlrut.
Nkv, Havin Oft. 3. Itciiirh from 10:
towns of (.Jomi' i'n' Ut xhow unprecedented
calns for t li t- Ki-piililtciui In the town
election. Ill YntrllUry tlie A. 1'. A
movement aroused the Catholics, who
succeeded In electing an entire school
board of Catholics. Iu Xew Britain the
no license vote of one year ago Is reversed
In almost all towns where tho A P. A
made a light it met with defeat.
lrofe..or Rlinrtllilce lint n Hla!ita.
Ciikstkh, Pa., bet. 3. Dr. Richardson,
hvslclan lu cliarge nf tue male uepart
mutitof the NorristoWu Insane asylum,
renorts that Professur S. C Shortlldge.
acquitted last Week of murdering his
wife because vi insanity, uas iaKen a
change for the worn-. The strain Upou
him was too seveie, anil his nervous ya
tern has received a serious setback.
Nw Zratnml'i SweepltiB Exclu.tiin I.nw.
AUCKLAND. X 7j.. Oft. :i.-The'mlrtlstcr
of labor has introduced a bill In the house
of representatives, providing fur the ex
elusion from the, colony of undesirable
immigrants, such ns Chiueso and other
Asiatics, contract workmen, cripples, con
sumptlves and paupers.
Pol.mifMl by llnlngim SHllsnee,
LANCAsTElt, Pa., Oct. 3. The family o
E. O. Dully, comprising his wifo and llv
children, whose ages range from 2 to 12
vears. were taken seriously ill last nlgli
after eating bologna sansnge purchased
at a neighboring grocery store, me doc
tor iironounced it a case of poisoning du
to decomposed meat In the bologun,whioh
was of Imported variety, i'rumpt admin
lstr.itlon of emetics somewhat restored
tin) victims, but nil are still In a serlou
Dentil nf nil Knilnnnt t.inryrr
I'HILADKLPHIA, Oct. 3. Richard C. Mc
Murtrle, the eminent lawyer, died at fc,
, r,l ....... Hill ,u,n.,lni. o.ri 0'
t I,-1,4."''' ' ?nT a? " "nI"'
liunie lit uiiu-iuui .i1111 JK HnV..
"'li". hi iue uiiiiBu ninietnavy.aml
men entered upon the practice of tho lnu.
Ho quickly attained prominence, and at
his death was nut) of the recognized lead
ers of the Philadelphia bar.
Dans ,,r Itulll' Impei-lnl I'nmlly.
St. PKTKltsnUKQ, Oct. 3. It is now re
ported that the Imperial family, with the
exception of Grand Duke George, will
pass the winter at Corfu, one of the
""""" i"iuu3 ui uii-i'uu. uriinu jjuko
George, It is added, will go to Cairo. The
cznrowltz wjll not go to Darmstadt in
order to visit his Intended wifo, Princess
Alix, as previously proposed. He will bo
appointed regent during his father's ab
sence from Russia.
Fattening Ojisters to Bruslc.
Down in South street there is an aged
oystcrman who fattens his Btock by feed,
lng them on oatmeal and water, and dur
ing tho meal tho bivalves nro regaled with
n concert especially arranged for their '
benoflt. Tho old man has a cool, dark ",r 8 . T , ?, ,nt(J e"ch poll,l,r
cellar, nnd tho ontmcal water Is kept in Pln,cu,"uu mined their intention of re
tubs nud splashed over tho oysters with a ' mnilll"K' 1 )'e inspectors all Over tho city
uqiper, uui inoy aro not led until tho oon-
cort is well ii.i,i,,r -nw a .. it
Kpnlnc. lina rt ci.,,1 fn. ,i,.ln t. 1. A
- ' v' .
, - " ... ..iitoiu, uiiu ib la uuii
pnrtlculnr so lougas tho music Is loud and
I lively. Thoreforo whllo tho old man is
' , mixing tho water and meal n negro boy,
who Is known In the neighborhood of Kttl
( ton market as "the black Iajvj-," site on
an upturned tub nnd plays tho cornet
...i.t. .. ....
"iiii uuuuueruuio rough sum.
AftnP ,. fmv .,? .., ' ,,,..
them with the meal and water, Hild they
Rhauth lt grtuiy uml wux fllt.' ,Ie " ,
that he con fatten 100 bushels of ovstrs
to Jierfection in ono-lialf the time It would
take to do so without music, and that if
heoould get the right to have nn oyster
fattening cellnr under tho stflgo of tho
Metropolitan Opera House hU fortuno
would lie made, New York ilnll and Ex -
A Feminine Rute,
Two very bright young women boarded
n enr bound wrt on Spring Garden street
nnd looked about for twits. Tho oar was
" " urauiiiiuiiKJu - uiiiisy, oeing ,
provided only with n driver nnd a box for
I mo reception or inree. There was just ono
vacant soot In the oar, and after a little
. KOCld Uatllred dlinlavof nnllrn nrnfaaj,lnn
0,1 .tho I,nrt ot 110111 ono young lady sent !
ncrsuu. un ins young lauys right , courts, removing the lay judges from of
wit a very stylishly dressed young fellow. flee ult eiher. The naturalization bill
The girl who remained standing glared at , and the marriage lloenso hill were among
lltm SlL'tllflcailtlv. mill lin In turn irlnnul tliM iltliur vat..uo
at uer indlHerently. Sho was not nt all
good looking," Tho two trlrls oxahnnnml
glances, nnd thon both glared nt tho dudo.
Tho girl who was seated finally nodded
I cnoouraglngly toheroompnnlon, nnd open
ing her pocketbook took out n. dlnip,
"Will youpleasoputourfnrMlnthoboxj''
sho asked sweetly, turning to tho dude.
He took tho money, pnd wakod lp pho ,
front end of thp car'nnd dropped It. In tho '
box. WheU ho coirto Imrfk. tho other girl '.
: i t.i . . . . . . . ?
Can't Hold Out Long
This Way.
ou Arc
Working Too
Know It.
Hard and You
You Can Get Strong Without Slopping
Your Work.
What the people want is to get over
that weakness and tlrod feeling, that
nervousness and sleeplessness without
stopping their work. They can't afford
to bo idle. They must work.
And It is not neceisary to rest. You
can get well nnd strong without losing a
day's work. There is n remedy so great
and powerful In building tip the system,
strengthening the nerves and producing
sleep, thnt It never falls. The following
etter written and signed by Mr, Alien D.
Place, of Hardulck, Vt will tell you
what to dot
Last spring I was In a very feeble state
of health, being all run down. I could
otily work part of the time as Lhed very
little strength. My nerves were terribly
weak and ! could not sleep. I had been
falling for two years, gradually getting
"I told my wife I must have something
to help me right nwny. Seeing Dr.
Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy
advertised I had faith euouuh In it to try
It. Iliad not taken a quarter of a bottle
before l leit tue good results.
"In n short time I
4,tly be
able lo wi
." . .1..., l J-auie 10
li tell. ru 1,1 null b,j iudv . ii ,
:v v . 1,;- 'tdictne i su
that wonderfr.. i..
i , ni ie iu orii auftui.
u u fSrnud good medicine and has
1 J liodsend to me. It cured me com
ip"jiy of all mv troubles. My age is
VJw sixty nnd I feej as well and young
As when forty. And all owing to Dr.
Greene's Nervura blood ' 'and nerve
remedy. . 1
"I write tliisfQr the good h will, do
otlfp-.- ",'".3 "',-","1''"B-"Convliiced It
wiuuobii iniiiissauioi It ana shall do
my-liest to liave everybody take It."
AU kinds of nervous, chronic and
blood diseases ore quickly aud per
manently cured by Dr. Greene's Nervura
oioou anu nerve remedy. Try it and
notice the change In your feelings, for it
iicrs quicK-jy ana it will make you well
nud strong. ,
Dr. Greene, the well-known1 physician,
il uwl hiu street, xew iorit city,
discovered It. He Is tho most Riirenscifnl
specialist In curing nervous and chronic
diseases, and can be consulted free, ner-
"""iujj w uy ici ilt.
No Vnte In Tlir- ,.f ,Ie m,n .'.Hb'b M
I',l,iil.ill4 liUtrleu
jackhoxvillp, i2 a ,-The state and
county eleo.i .u held lii this city resulted
in a tangle which it will probably take Ihe
courts to straighten. The fig In was be
tween two factions of the Democratic
party, and bid fair to be a close one.
Karly In the morning,; in consequence of
iniuu naving peeu threatened, three lep-
'"7i, , . V, : uunms,
, awaiting Instructions from the luuilers.iA
- nmn,n,,,lu,. (r......l i , ... I,".
' ,, h i , , i
?atlTlK wards ln.n, hprt Ome aud vot-
t .... l..vul.. .4. nc.i;,,,, ui IUV
1 s Vs """"dbitt, lu three of the most
. I0l)Ul"? wards in tho city not a vote, was
' a inuure to agree upou
luly "rr""Kulnt. Inaonseqiience of this
Ju"l''i ou' a qualified vote of s.OCK) in
. lllivnl wniiitt, nnlir .. .
I r,. prupuruuu
! was polled. . -
mal9 01 tho factional fight
commission aud the alleged attempt
nf n
rHl'rn,,u "oriioratiou to cupture the next
'"Klsluture, aud nowhere has the bitter,
"e?s n,"'n to suoh nn intensity as lu'Dak
', uly- Throughout the snte Liddor,
for ""I'reme court justice, has met wjth
i urotlen11y no opposition. The Popu'lUts
1 "st " very R,"u11 v"tB 'f their ticket,
i 1 "
uuviiraor v erli' Vetoes.
TREKTON, Oct..3.-The special feature of
interest in connection with the resssem
bling of tho New Jersey legislature was
the uctlon of the governor in vetolmr n
mitu ui uins wuicii were leit on his bands
when the legislature entered upon its
long recess last May. Tho most Impor-
taut of these bills was thecne to abolish
the nnu, n v mniil. na
tuted nnd establish iu their place elective
Jsrser KulgliU "f tlin (Jol.lcn I!ntl,.
TltEKTOK, Oct. 3. The eleventh nunital
session of the Knights of the Golden'
Eagle of New Jersey is beiug held here.
The oillcers .elected woro: Past Grand
Chief, . Robert M. Foils of Woodburyt
grand chief,, V, O.JIunterof Swedeaboro;
vice chief, Frank Farley of Trenton; high
nrlenr. .T. f!. Ti" 'I'mliaui nf r. t,!i.
master of records. ' Edward D. Sen,,!
of Uamden; sir herald, W. H. Huff of
Manasquan; keeper of -exchequer, James
7Ielly of Woodbury. The order has a to
tal memhiirsldp throughout the country
ot over 05,000, aud more thauTOO castles.., j
f m
faiiiwii in -4
Fearful Work of the Wind and
Eain at Little Book,
Tlis Jtnln rnrtlon of Urn Ilmlnrm Ru-
tlon nt the (II I r I'mctleatlr In Itnlns.
Ilullillncs Unroofed anil StooUi Oruutlj
Dftltisg"! hy Wnter.
LlTTLK Rock, Oct. a. A terrible cyclone
struck this city at 7;80 o'clock last even
ing, nnd almost devastated the business
portion of tho city. Several people are
known to have been killed nnd injured,
while It Is feared scores of others have met
the same fate. The main portion of the
business renter Is practically In ruins, and
the amount of dnmage Is incalculable.
The total property loss will probably ap
proximate $500,000. Tho cyclone was ac
companied by a terrlllc rain storm, and
the stocks of goods In tho business houses
which were utiroofedi though not other
wise wrecked, were destroyed by water.
The storm si ruck the state penitentiary,
which stauds ou a hill in the western part
of the city, with fearful force, destroying
the dining room, tearing down the sta
ble and shops, unroofing the main cell
building and demolishing the wnrden'B
ofllce. Several of tho convicts were seri
ously injured, one of whom died an hour
Dowu town the Ituhtulng Struck the
Martin block, wrecking the third floor.
A man named Eaton was fatally Injured
there. The Tilles building was unroofed,
and a part of the fourth floorof Gleason's
hotel was blown away. At Alain and sec
ond streets the tops of several adjacent
buildings were piled up lu an lnaescrluu
ble heap.
The worst damnge, however, was done
to properly on Mnrkham and Commerce
streets. Nearly every building In that
district was unroofed, and many nre to
tally wrecked. Tho large three story
building nt Market aud Cumberland, oc
cupied by the E. H. .McCarthy company,
Is a total wreck, as Is also tho two story
building on the opposite corner, occupied
by Max as a saloon. The third
story of the bid Demlng House was blown
olT, nnd the. several stores Under it were
flooded by water and filled with debris.
The large colton warehouse, sitliated
at Second and Scott, owned by J. H. l!a
cum, was wrecked. It fell ou' the West
ern Union Teligrsph oflke, next door,
nud wrecked it, thus cutting oil all tele
graphic communication with outslile
points. The city was left iu tho densest
darkness, and the streets are veritable
streams of mud.
The streets are filled with tin roofs,
cctrlc wires nud other wreckage, and It
wil bo several days before the extent of
the.Jiimage is known accurately. Rescu
lu8 Parties are busy searching for the
dead aid wounded, but a list of casual
ties is uterly unobtainable.
Amoiigthose known to have been seri
ously and irobobly fatally wounded nre
C. P. Monro,, member of the Arkansas
legislature, aid Eaton and Sara
Smith, a promUeut cotton buyer, Is also
badly Injured.
All kinds of ' rumors nro afloat, one to
the ellect that ths Insane asvlum. In
which about 000 patients nre confined, has
oeen mown down and nianv natients in-
tanco from the city, and the rumor cannot
oeconurmed. A number of escaped lu
natics have been captured near the Union
dejiot, aud this fact gives color to the
l'o.tmnl.r Fntnllr Aisaulteil.
.AST Palestine, O., Oct. 3. Late last
uight Postmaster David S. Rmvtlio
attacked by footpads, anil,.,l Im
junoi wnicn win probably result iu his
deot i. He had closed tho ofllce aud
start 'd for home, carrying a tin box con
tain! ig stamps and money. When a short
distance from the ofllce two men sprang
upon him nud beat him until he was
senseless. Ho recovered partially aud
crawled to his home. His heud and face
were battered to a jelly. The physicians
say he cauuot, recover. No clew.
Conv nt SoimIhI In Naples.
NA"l'LES. Oct. B. A convent sennilnl lino
arlseu over the forcible detention nt the
Convent of Si. Joseph aud St, Theresa of
a wealthy girl named Silvia Pnlmlerl
The young lady, who is 18 years of age,
accuses the abbess, it is said, of allowing be chloroformed oml' assaulted by
elderjy men, who, she says, often visited
the conveut. THeUbbeBS. wins lo-rn T-onri
of age, has been placed In prison pending
n mi uu me cuarges maae hy the girl.
The Convicts VV.iiit.xl Vegetables.
WArcitoso, Ga., Oct. 3.-Colouel Jones,
uperiuteUdent of'eonvlrts.
Wnltertown, whero he held an investiga
tion of the. eoiWlcts' mutiny. The com
plaint by .the convicts was that they had
si.i.i"K mue toon, except bread and
bacon. Thov wanted vucetnlileu ni,.i
Jones ordered them to be flogged, wheu
they began to plead for mercy. They were
forgiven ou apologizing to their employer
nhd promlsiug future obedience.
A I'urtinl Vleiory for Holm.
Richmond. Vn.. Oct. a.Mru nio a
Lockwond is qualified to practice law in
Henri oouuty district court. Mn,.
wood s application to be allowed to prac
tice before the Virginia court of appeals
was refused last spring. She carried the
case to the supremo court, which sus
tained the Virginia court.
I Acln the Long Illirliwariiinn.
YllKKA. Ca!.. Oct. 3. TIih in. ,i
between this nlace ami Vnrt .rnM
Jield up hy a masked highwayman. The
robber took Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express
'box, which e-mtalned valuable treasure.
;The driver aud eight passengers were not
molested. A posse Is in pursuit of the
i Marjrlnml ConereMlonal .Nominee!.
Baltimokk, Oct. 3. Congressman Tal
cott and Rusk were yesterday renomi
nated by the Second and Third Demo
cratic congressional conventions. The
Fourth district gathering nominated by
acclamation Hon John K. Cowen.
) Atlik. ,J the Solillers.
I 1)t'-....l.T ........ . . n
w. . .r.jioiiuim. uci, o. r,aie
reached h.'re fr :n r.rzeroun, Armenia,
thnt-tlie peiqile nl .sH..,uu, have attacked!
mie Atirillsh nud Turkish soldiery and
killed nptl wounded over'800 or them.
Mereier .Nearlnc the ISiiU.
' Montreal, Out, B.-Knejidsjit Hon. Mr.
Mercier, ex-premler qf Quebec, have been
summoned to his bedside from Quebec
uiid other points, as the family belleye' the
k ad it near at hand.
Ur, J. J- Grtaslnger
Nervous and Weak
All broken down, unable to steep, distress and
burning la my stomach, smothering and choking
spells this was my condition when I began to
take Hood's Sarsap.irllla. I hare taken 9 bot
tles and feci like another mnu, can work
with case, weigh over 200, and am cured. I
hall evar be ready to pralso Hood's Sarsnpa.
Tllla. J. I. GlussiNonx, New Grenada, To.
flood's Cures
K. II. Bo sure, to get Hood's and only Hood's
Hood's Pills are endorsed by thousands
Loans midi from 3100 to 121,000 on persons
or real estate security. No publicity. Loans
can bo returned In small monthly payments or
retained for a number of years to suit borrower,
A loan from tbls compnny will not Injure the
financial standing ot any Individual or firm
No bonus. IntcrcstO percent, annually. Mocej
loaned for any purpose, such as to Increase oi
enter business, to pay off mortgages, judgement
notes, to build or purchase property, or In fact
tor any purpose that money may be desired
Addro1 s, Central Trmt Company J'a. 183'
Arch street, Philadelphia, l'a. 6-9-6m
Millions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured In first-class', relia
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent,
120 South Jardin Street.
Also Life and Accidental Companies
REMOVED To 648 N. Eighth St.,
II 1 above Green, Phlla, Pa.,
Formerly at 206 North rtecond St , Is the olo
st Jn America for the treatment ot Specin.
Viaeaaeajand Youthful Errors, Varicocele
Hydrocele, Lost Manhcod, etc Treatment bj
mall a specialty. Communications cacredlj
ooBJenttal. Sind stamp for book. Hours, v
x. m1. to 9 p. tr Sundays. 0 to 11! m
4-.3.5o FINECA! F&KANGAR01
Vou can save monry hy purcliaslug V. L.
Doufflns Hliocn,
Hecouse. we are the largest manufacturers of
advertised shoes In the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name and price on
the bottom, which protects you against high
prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes
equal custom work in style, easy fitting and
wearing qualities. We have them sold every
where at lower prlcei for the value given than
any other make. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
Joseph Ball, Shenandoah, Pa.
Js tho cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
than A wnnclnn tent rn.N.MM. ,
eterr ln S ET"V V'JSW Vi,:
K?w a5oncy ?na carries lt In stock at his
e,uui.u i.uiko, J7 f, JAKDIN ST.
Most of the
days is only
$ I F. B0RM0TFrnM;rr
m - i
For Washing Clothes CLEAN and SM'fiET.
It LASTS LONGER than othoh Soaps.
Pr Icq FIVE a bar.
lT"ox- Salo Toy A. IX. mxxr . T-.-ryr
H, dllnil,.,, W.l
.-SUU.oy 'i'. 2'. If. KXltmit,
i iletui. mi4 AI..I tt.i.-
Is not complete
without au ideal
Combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fyincr, soothinff, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and vhen
richtlv used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
Xnilit upon having ths eenulno,
For Painting ....
The Season is here:
and Paper Hanging
Get your work done by
Mahanoy City's leading artist,
Perfect Work.
Bargains in rjalnts and oils, blalrf and
stained glass. All the new patterns In
wall paper. All dally and weekly papers,
novels, novelettes and stationery.
133 West Centre- Street.
Headquarters for the Evening Herald.
Passenger .tratnb leave Bhenandoah
Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Lo
hlchton, -Slatlngton, WMto Hall, Catasauqua,
AllcntowTi, nethrehem, Easton and Woatherly
.04. 7.S3. S.1& a m.. 12.48. a 67, -.Wp. m.
Tor Now York and Ph(ladolplU, e.04 , 7.33,
9.15 a. m.. HAS, Kor Quakake, Switch.
dick, uernaros anu uuasonaaio,, a
m., and 2.57 p. m.
rnr tvllkes-Uarre. White Haven. Plttston,
Laceyvlllo, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly and
For Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and ,
tne V esi. d.ih, a, m. nun s.o, o.s, p. ni.
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gaj and
StrouosDurc, e.tu a. m., z.oi p. m.
For liambertvllle and Trenton, 0.16 a. m.
' For Tunkhannock, 6.04, 8. is a. m.,2.67, 6.27 p.m.
. .For Ithaca and Geneva 0.04, 8.15 a, m. 5.27
p. m
For Auburn 9.15 a. m. 5.27 p. m.
For Jcanesvllle, Levlston and Bearer Meadow,
7.S8 a. m., 12.43, 8.08 p. m.
For Stooktou and Lumber Yard, 5.04, 7.S3
9.15. . m.. 12.41. 2.67, 6.27 p. m.
For Silver Brook Junction, Audenrled and
Hazleton 6 04, 7.38, 9 15 a. m., 12.48, 2.57, 5.27 and
8.08 p. rt .
For Scran ton, 8.04, 9.15, a. m., 2.57 and 5.27
p m.
For Hatlebrook, Jeddo, Drlf ton and Freelacd,
.01, 7.38, 9.15, a. m., 12.48, 257, 6.27 p. IT.
For Ashland.Glrardvlllo and Lost Creek, 4.M,
7.61, 9.13.-10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4,10, 0.85, 8.22, 8.11
p. m.
For Raven Hun, Centralla, Mount Carmel and
ni i..- nil ,,,, IHO a m awnm.
I For Yatesvllle, rark Place. MahanovCitr nd
5ii:m,,VB, $&. m-1l
Trains whl leave Shamokln at 8.16, 11.4S
a. m., 1.65, 4.80 9.30 p, m., and arrive at Shenan
doah at 9.16 a. m.. 12.43, 2.67, 6.27, 11.15 p. m.
,, ciy,n?h,0.n,naonn for Pottsvllle, 6.60, 7.88
9.0, 11.05 11.30 a. m., 12.43, 8.57, 4.10 5.27. 8.08
p. m.
fn?0',"6 'or Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.50,
. "TS ?,hSI!in!??iho,'S,r Hazleton. 0.04, 7,88, 8.15,
a.m., 18.43, 257, 6.27,8.08 p.m.
Leave Hazleton tor Shenandoah, 7.35, 19.81,
11.00 a. m , 18.16, 2.65. 6.80, 7.S6, 7.68 p. m.
Trains leave lor Raven Kun, Centralla, Mt,
Carmel and Shamokln, 6.45 a, m., 2.40 p. m ,
and arrive at Shamokln at 7.40 a. m. ana 8.45
p. m.
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah at
7.55 n. m. and 4.00 p. m., and arrive at Bhen
andoah at 8.49 a. m. and 4.58 p. m.
I Trln1' leTe ,or Ashland, Glrardvllle and Lost A
Creek, 9.40 a, m., 18.80
I For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Pflnn ft
i S.?,11 Junction', Mauch Chunk. Allentown, l-.
I Bethlehem, Easton and New York, 8.49 a m.,
l.OU Ib.UiJ pf t in I
For Philadelphia 12.80, 2.65 p. m.
Tor Yatesvllle, Park Plaoe, Mahanoy City ana
Delano, 8.49, 11,85 a. m., 12.30, 8.65, 4.58 6.03 p. m.
Leave Hazlston' far Rhnnni1n&i. R3D ll n
,. m., 1.06, 5.30 p. m.'
o'&esTe ,Shcnandoah, for PpttsvlUe, 6.50, 8.49,
v.3U &. ni. .40 p. tn
Leave Pottsvjlle for Shenandoah, 8.88, 1C.40
a.m.,1.85, 6.16 p. m.
ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Genl. Bupt.,
,., . South Bethlehem, Pal
OHAS. S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Agt.,
.. W..NONNEMAOHER, Asst. G. P. A.,
flrtlllh IlAll1nV,aM EL
cleaning and dyeing now-a
half dona
No matter where you live, you can send c
anything you wish cleaned or dyed, by 2
express at our expenfgi nnd we v '!
do it at Sartne price as il you deliven J t
.r. .... . 1 1 J
lO U3 111 JJCiaUU. I f " f
Z. r- (?
l7thFairniount Ave., Pliiladeliihia i
1..... i - . a. .J it,. VBWnm
? "ItCmUmoniW,! itj, :.oiof8iul I'owtnn
iSJ .1" .!T Km'l'""tt'"at,Tj.cfai. If cf,flKj,.ach troubl lead li
5ri'y ,r "" ."Tr!. upUtl iliyviIiilTa'boJUIoraS. With ie.
lrua - .t, ShtnaMoah, Aj.
ilk I "t
... .'I