The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 24, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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therms Rothmtf
The new veg-ei Ate shortening.
AVherr. ,r i -.voduced, it drive
lard iro.-i th l.iti-hen, and inui
jrestin from t'-a househol'i.
It hf.s b:en tsbd by every test,
and has mat every requirement..
It is as rweh superior to lat d a3 the
electric light ii to the tallow-dip
The question now is, will
yon friv3 y&ur miily the benefits
-which its use bestows?
iu composition, in healthfulness
'in. flavi. r. or i:i economv.
It success ha-, called out a lot oi
imitations a:JL counterfeits mde
for the sole purpose of selling
in the place and on the merits o'.
Avoid them all. They made
to sell cad they are a sell.
Get the Cottolkne.
t.. I la 3 ftu.lj imuml palls.
Made only 1s
Dr. Iliimuhreys' Specifics are scientifically and
carefully prepared ltemeutef, used tor years In
private practice ana ior over winy years uy inu
jx?ople with entire success. Every single Spcclao
a ipcclal cure for tue disease named.
They cure without drugging, purging or reducing
the system nnd are In fact and deed the Sovereign
lleuiedles of (lie World.
vo. rents, rsict.
1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations., .25
. 1 . If IT'.. T...-- ,T--..w OnlU 1 1
I) 3-Toctlilnui Colic, Crymff. Wakefulness ,33
f 4-Illnrrlicn, ot Children or Adults 25
8 Ncurnlg-ln, Toothache, Faceache. ,35
II-IIcndiiclicB, Kick Headache, Vertigo.. .33
lu-IrsDODsln, Biliousness, Constipation. .33
11 Suppressed or l'nhifnl Periods... .33
13 Whites, Too Profuse Fcrlods .35
1.1-Croup, Lnrynzltls, noarsencss 33
14 Snlt Jtlieum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .35
15 Ilhcumatlsiii, Itheumatlo Tains 35
10-IUalnrln, Chills, F!vcr and Aguo 35
10-Cntn.rrh, Influento, Cold In the Head. .35
l!0-VuoopInsr Coitsli ,35
37-Kldncy Diseases .35
12S-Norvons Debility 1,00
30- Urlnnry Weakness 35
3 1 Sore Throat, Qulncy, Clcerated Throat .35
"The Pile Olntmcnt."-TrlaI 61e, 23 Ots.
Sold tr DrDStlsta, or seat frep.14 on mlpt ot pries.
TJA. llUHrBI.T., (lit paf..,l MAItKD VflCX.
Iiixi-nuitS', Ill lis W1UU su. Mil lOItE.
JUNK 3d, 18P4.
Trains will leave Shenandoah at lor the above
ante for wlirstan r. Qllberton. Fraonvliie. No s
Castle. Rt. Clalr.Pottsvllle, Hambirc;, Readier,
Pottstown, Phmnixvllle, Norrletown and Phfl.
delphla HroadBtreet station) at3:00aivl Hue
n, nr. ana 1:10 p. m on apbh usjb rurt-oiw"
vllle and intermediate stat) w 8-10 m.
For vrigcan'a, UUbervon, Jfraokvllls, Ne
Castle St. Clair, Pottsville at V. S;..r.
and 8:1" n. m. J"or Hamburc. Ra. linn. T?o' .
town, Phccnlxvllle, Norrlstown, l'blladelvbia
at c.uu. I'Wi m., o:iu p. m,
Train leavi rrtol-vllle for Hhe ,ti. jmt
Ii: 10 a m and 12; U, 6:01, 7:12 and
Bunda vs. 11:11-1 a.m. and 6:40 rj. m
Leave PottuvlUe for Shenandoah, st lSitt.
(1 48 a. m. and 4:40,7:16 anJM:U0p m Sundays
Lteave I'nu&aeinnia mroaa street bis-tii ioi
henondoah at b 67 and a 85 a m, 4 (0 and '1 p
Lcavo uroaa wiroet station, rnttaueipni,
Vnr Nev Yorlr. Gznreaa. wf jlL di
al 3 20, 106, 4 50, 515, 0 50, 7 83, Si S.W. U Ml
11 11 a m, 1201 noon, 12 41 p. m. (Lim'trd f
mas 1 1'- ana si n m. nining ears i su,
so aim ug enr), s i. o, o, o, o ov, is, n u, vt
l. 12 01 nlBht. SuSidtys. 320. 405, 45. 5 1
8 22, D 5 ,11 03 am, 12 II, 140, 230 (dlnlngcar),
i 0, (Limited 4 22), 5 20,0 3J, 6 50, 7 13, 8 12 pm,
12 01 nigbt.
Erprri-u) for Boston, without change, 11 a m,
, For Ualtlmore and Washington 8 60, 7 to. 8 ,
t h iu, iu a i, 1 1 ir, ii -s j im, tudo umiieu aintp i
lear.) 130. 8 46. 4 41. (dlnlne car). (51 Con-
tressloaal Llmltei?, dining car), 6 17, 6 55, 7 40
(illnins car) p m, and 12 03 night week days.
Bundays, 360
OU M. V LU, 11 19, 11 su a III, S 11
I (dining c .r), 6 55, 7 40 (dlnlug oar) p m and
,iuj nigat.
Leave lariet Htreet Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express, 5 10, 8 50 am, 2 00. 400, 420 and 600
m week davs. Sundava. Bxnres4. 8 00. t) 00
Hud 15 am.
For Cane Ma v. Anclesen. Wlldwood and
lolly Bunch, einrasa, 0 a. in., 4 0b p m week
lava. Sund -y, 8 31 a m.
h'orBea Islu Ultv. Ocean Chtv and Avalm.
'Bisreas, 8 00 a in, 4 00 p m week days. Sun-
ana1 -.viMuni
bomoia Point, oxiirass. 850. am. 4 00 d
.wtckday4 Buudaj-s, 8 a ra.
1. hL Phm a vi. J K. WOOD,
OfMi'l Uen-i Pa 4r
ftlH GRiiAT 5UCCt;iS.
C3 5
tu O ft O L ATt s?n
STr - J" f?r
B, B Seve-n, r K, Magargle, W, H. WaUrt
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that
your boots tlo.aud the water yon drink
tsu't even lit (or that purpose. Use
fcrenz Schmidt's Boer and Porter,
Jlttmifer Shenandoah Branch.
rA'ki. 8 jo
rum tit
2 l U UctsJ 5 S
! i5 ,, Z .2 . f
rJ S S MOH0-?-Ti E
ft 15 if ?sV K'lfe
!W BY A T(
Disastrous Effects of Its Visit in
Iowa and Minnosota. ,
A runnel Simp ,1 Cloud Wlilcli Cnrrlod
Uverythlng HeftirH It The Los of Life
nnd Property Not Yet rnlly Known,
hilt Will he Very Ilenvy.
ST. PAUL, Sept. 34. Ily n tornado that
swept tlii-oUgti this state nnd town at least
llfty lives were wiped out and thousands
of dollars worth of property Was wrecked.
The storm rtsiUined n cyclonic character
weit of northern Iowa In Palo Alto or
Clay county, extending enstward through
KoftMUh and Hancock, counties, north
edst through Ccrro Gordo, Worth nnd
Mitchell counties Into Minnesota, qou
tlnulng through Mower1 nnd Ohnstend
couutles and spending Its forco In 'Win
ona county Without leaving Mlnpesotn.
Ileports from Iowa show that Kmmctts
hurg and the surrounding country suf
fered severely, and that several were
killed nnd mnny seriously Injured. In
Kossuth county many dwellings were
blown down, nnd two deaths nre reported.
Parts of Hancock county were nlso dovas.
tated, and three deaths aro reported neat
Brett.- North Cerro Gordo was struck
and several people nre missing there.
Malby and Plymouth were In the trnck of
the wind,
In Minnesota three peoplo were killed
at Leroy, nud the whole eastern part of
the-town wn4 badly damaged, the loss be
ing fully $150,000. The tornado struck Le
roy from the southeast. The storm first
struck the Milwaukee depot there, de
mollshlng it, J. F, Trask's two story
store was crushed In, causing n loss of
$3,000. Threu elevators nud three ware-
, houses on the Milwaukee lino were de
molished. The Union Opera house fell
in on n dnnclng party nnd two dead
bodies were taken out. During the storm
a Arc broke out, destroying a hotel and
three stores. Eighteen people who sought
shelter in one of the demolished houses
were severly hurt fend one woman will die.
Lowtuer. n smnll town near Leroy, Is
wiped out of existence. Spring Valley
snllerH heavy oso, nnd threo were killed
and forty or fifty badly Injured there. The
storm then passed iu a northeasterly di
rection, crossing the Hoot river and strik
ing north of Preston, through the county
of Fillmore, north of Kushford, nnd Into
Winona county, where it struck the little
village of Homer, four miles south of
Winona, destroying several hou&cs. Ilenvy
winds nre reported from other pnrts of the
state out of the Hue of tho tornndo.
Georco W. Heavers, of Algona, la., had
just returned from the county fnlr with
his wife nnd three children when the tor-
undo struck the house and demolished it
completely. Tho whole family was burled
in the ruins, a. loaded ireigui car stnnu-
lnc on tho side track at tho Aluona sta
tion wns set In motion by tho wind nnd
ran out on the tnnln trnck nnd down tho
pjrado enst for nbout n mile, where it
camo into collislon with n heavily londed
coal tralu. .Engineer John Humphrey
nnd Flremnn Charles McKldnou nnd the
brnkemen jumped. The engiueer nnd
fireman were very seriously injured.
The tornado struck tho Cotter residence,
three milos norlhenst of Osage, la., de
molishing the house nnd farm buildings.
At the same place Mrs. P. Lonergnu's
h uso was razed, and she wns blown sev
eral rods into n hay "lot, where she was
picked up dead. Her dnuglitor was badly
injured. It destroyed P. It. Herbert's
dwelling, killing Mrs. Herbert and two
clrildren.aud then struck F. Perry's house,
killing his daughter Anna, nud it is
thought family Injuring severnl others.
At llurt, In., it is definitely known thnt
eluht people wero killed ami severnl in
jured, nnd n large number of farm houses
nnd barn3 were bl wn down nnd de
stroyed. Unrr Onk, In.,n villncefour miles north
east of Osage, wns destroyed. Thirteen
farm b- ues in tho vicinity were totally
defaioii'-bed. even fences and stumps of
trees being blown nwny nnd uprooted.
North of Mason City, la., four person's
were battered to death by falling timbers,
and nine badly injured nre not expected
to live. At tho farm of David Haddow
the house wns lifted in tho air over n grove
of trees, landed in n cornfield, then swept
back ngnlnst tho trees, smashing it to bits
and killing-. Haddow nnd his wife. A lnd
15 yenrs old wns blown three-fourths of a
mllo nway. He still lives.
At the farm of D. K. McKeroher, three
miles west of Manloy, his 12-year-old son
nnd his hired man, Louis Grnvgnald, wero
Threo miles north of Wesley, Kossuth
county, J. Ulnghnni's house was over
turned and set nflro. The inmates hnd n
narrow escape. There were n total of
fourteen killed In the vicinity ot Mason
City so fnr as heard from.
Tho storm struck near Crystal Lake.
At Brltt, Hancock county, two persons
are known to have been killed and sev
eral wero seriously injured.
it Carried Heath and Destructlou to the
People of Algoim. "
ALSOSA, Is... S--pt. 84, Yesterdny wns
a day of sorrow for Kossuth county. Nine
teen funerals were held nnd others .will be
held this atturnoon. The death list in the
qouuty is now known to reach eighteen,
and at least six will die. The injured are
reported as thirty-nine In number.
Professor A. J. Lilly, of Northern Iowa
Normal school, came in from Garner nud
reports thirteen dead in Ellington town
ship. Cofilus for the dead are piled up at
every station, nnd scenes of tho wildest
grltif are being euautod. The storm as
witnessed from this plnce was one of in
describable grandeur. A funnel shaped
cloud of inky hlaekussa swept along to
the northeast, illuminated by almost con
tinuous flashes ot lightning and a roar of
thunder that was deep nnd continuous.
The opera house wns packed with people
to witness a popular play, ami a puulo was
Almost occasioned by the warring ele
ments. Jtobert Stevenson, living nbout four
luilesnorth of Whittemore, was tho first
victim. He was hit in severnl places and
wns fatally injured. Ills gtuvu looked us
though it hud been mowed down by u
scythe. Calvin KnrracVs house, on the
Heury Duraut place, wn made into kind
ling 'wood iu an iiihtnnt, and si) of the
fourteen occupants but two rhildieii were
Injured,. Mrs, Ilfjrrack was hint in the
back by tlmbtr. nnd Inr spine wns so
baojly injured that lier lit dy nud lower
limbs were paralyzed, A O-year-oId , boy
namfd'pfiar)e,s Lev,' ,Vas lnt ou 'the Uvti$
aud will die. The house of Fred Pompe
was completely demolished, 'but his wife
.,n,t 0,.a ..... 1.
What is
Castorln Is Dr. Smuttcl Pitcher's prescription for Infants
nnd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless substituto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castorln is tho Children's Panacea
tho Mother's Friend.
"Castorlntsso well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to roe." II. A. Ancnsn, M. D.,
ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
11 Tho uso of 'Castoria Is so universal and
Its merits so well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to endorso it. Few aro tho
intelllgenWamilles who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Caalos SLuvmr, D, D.,
New York City.
TriE Centaur
unhurt. 'The force of the wind was such
that barbed wire was stripped from the
At Georgo Holmnn's tho roof of the
house went, leaving tho walls standing,
and tho whole family was carried up from
between the walls and nwny nbout twonty
rods, one of the children being killed, M.
W. Ferguson's family was carried
through the air, and all but one lauded In
n willow hedge. The baby went n llttlo
f urthor nnd wns found sented on a piece
of tho roof. The wife of Swnn Peterson
had her skull cut open iu two places, and
some exposed parts of her head wero lit
erally packed with sand, plaster, hair nud
Particulars nro coming in all the time
which indicate thnt hnlf of the terrors of
the cyplone has not been told. The scene
of desolation was vi-lfed nil tiny by great
crowds, every available conveyance being
chartered. The devastation of property
will not be less than $100,0UQ. Most Of the
farmers were well to do, with, snug bank
accounts, nud others wero Wealthy, but
numbers of the victims who wenl renters
lost everything, some of them even losing
thoir families. Tho permanently crippled
will make a Inna list.
The wires nro down ondJiews Is hard to.
tfpr. nr annd i ' .,
Two Tracts of
Valuable Coal and Timber Land
In Tennessee. BOO acres each.
If Bold Immediately. The tracks bear
heavy timber and are near railroads.
For particulars as to price call or nd
3 la pip an cl o-evIj., Pa
First District,
Drop In at
Linton's Photograph Gallery,
And let him fasten your likeness
Itobbins' Building, West Contre St.
Citizens' Cornet Sana
Allentown Fair
Thursday, Sopterabor 27, 1804,
Via L. V. R. R.
lit st Ureex
Mahanoy Oity .,
6.1 1 a. m,
1 80
a iV "
001 "
Ittj(urnlQf 1 leaves Atldoto.wn u; 0 p, re.
The abovn trclui.e4 admiWlon to tnu Pal
Hrounds. whk'h ma"e-8 tue rtiu the suae n
previous years this uvoios the push and
josuo to Duy ticueis.
Committee: John RoMh, Jacot Holder,
Win. Williams, John itartung.
Chance for kestment
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Dlarrlnr-o, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, und promoted di
gestion. Without Injurious medication.
MFor several years I have recommended
your ' Castoria,1 and shall always contlnuo to
do so as it lias Invariably produced beneficial
EnwiN F, FanoEE, M. D.,
126th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Compant, 1
MciutAT Strkkt, New Yohk City
p. J. rsnausost, manager
Walter Lawrence and
Miss Engel Sumner
Supported by n good company in
Aiden Benedict's
"Fabio Roinani 1"
Living pictures by the greatest ancient
nnd modern masters, the latest craze of
London nnd New York. And the famous
stereoptlcon nnd Spanish dnnces by Miss
urace uuuier.
Prices), as, 50 aud 75 Cents
Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug store.
4-J.5-0 F1NECA" F&rftN6A501
P0LICE.3 Soles.
You can save money bvpnrchaslus W. Ii
r, . lT ,nrrr.t m n M.I f rt ,,re T 9 Ol
advertised' shoes In the world, oud guarantee
the value by stamping tne name ana price ou
the bottom, which protects you against high
prices ana tne miaaicmoa s .V.Y'i"" ,
tanal custom work in style, easy nttinB and
I.. v hivi them sold everv
where St fower prices for the value given than
anv other make. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we can. boia Dy
Joseph Ball, Shenandoah, Pa.
IN EFFECT JUNE 29, 1831.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows i
ror New York via Philadelphia, week dav
i.10. a.m . 1".33 ?.S5. 5.S, D.ra. Sunds
8.10, a. m. for Now Vo via Maue- Chuc
week asvs. & 23.7.-i a. m i - jw. n, m
For Rsdlni! aud Phll- ) nhia, week day
s.10,6.. 7.a), a. m., l.3i, J-oa, o.oop, m. sa-
uav, x i", a. in.
'nr I'ottsvuie, week osys, z.u, t.&i, s m
113? 9 Mi. n. m. Nundav. 2.10 a m.
For Tamaoua and Uahanoy City, wctt dy
S.10. 6 35, 7.J0. a.m.. H.82. 2.55, 6.W p. m Si-
day, 8.10, a.m. Additional fo MauauoyGil
week uan, T iu p. m.
ror Wllllamiiport, Sunburv rd Lewlsoi
week days, S.. 11. W a, m., 1.D6. r- '
Rundav. slh a. in.
For MahanoT i'lane, week aavs. z.tu, s., p.f
r.SO, 11.3C a.m., ltK, l.sS. 1M, 5.M. 7.M,
p, m Sunday, s tti, w, a. m.
For Ashland and Snamokln. wtek days, 8.S1
7.20, 11 W a. m., l., 7.00, p. in Hi 0
S ift a ra
Leave New York via Pntladelpnia, week dan
s.uu a. m . I au, i.uo, 7.tfJ p. m., wgui.
' p. n
ave New York via Vauoh Chunk, week day a. m., l.lo, i.sop. m.
i.tvp I'tatlsbdslnhlu. Readme TersaiBi
week days, 4,90, 8,, 10,M s. m and i.Ct
i ne n. m. Hunaav. ,i.wi o. m.
Leave Reading, week days, I. it, 7.10, 10.00, 11
a. m., 5 . 7.CT p. m sunaty, l., a xl
Leave I'otMvuie, week aays, v.iu a, m
lt.m, 8,11 p. m Sunday, 85 . m.
Leave, week days, 3.1, s.ftu, ii.D t
... I 20. 7 IB. fl.Sf n. m Sundav. 8.18 a rr.
Leave Mahanov City, week days, 8.46, 9.11
11.47 a.m., 1.61, 7.44, u.ih p. m. aunaay,
Leave Masanov i'lane, week airs, s.iu, .
5.80, 87, 11.88 a. m., 1Z.M, z.08, B.w, tj.a3,7. W,lt).
Leave Wllllamsnort. week days, 10.10, a, B
m. Munaav. ?.tu, t.iu a. m..
lift. 11 its. m. Sunday, n. m
for uaitimore, wasningion ami mo hob, m
ii. ft o. it. R.. throuuh trains letve Keaiot
Terminal, Philadelphia, P. 4 U. A. R.) at MP,
7.40. ll.e a. m., a 7.W, p. ououst i.ii
7.4U, u w a. m., a 1Q, l as p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Ohestnut Htreet Tht
and South Htreet Wharf (or Atlantic City.
nDK'UU,. UllCB.) O.W. 4l'..W IU fc
(Haturdays only 1.30). 2.00, 3.00, 4 00. 4.80, 5.00,
3.4 p, m. Acoomiuodatlon, to a. m , 4,45
8.80 p m. On dollnr exeurnlou train, lilO a. m.
-unda -rJxoress. 7). 8 00, 8.80 9.00, 13.0B
a.m., 4 4 1 p. oi, Accommodation, 8' a. n
an i I 1 p. in. One dolltr excursion train,
7.00 a ra.
IteturnlDg, leave Atlantic City, dopot, corner
AllanHound Arkansas avenues.
Wtek-Uays Kxpress, 8 'JO, (Monday only
6.4i) 7 00,7 45, !),IW, 10.15 a. m and 3.). 4.80,
5,SC, 7.30, 9.30 p, to. Accommodation, 8.i0 a m
an.1 4 '2p ra One dollar excursion truta. from
ivt Mlsslnht Ave only, '1 00 p. m
fun ..--Mtife. 1:10. 1.00, 8.00, 880
,.iiu, 7 tXI 8 0O 0 80p m. Aooonmod tion, 7.1
a ii ii'S b tn Oaedoliarexiut-slonlram
n,.. I. u ...... il v f, ,1,1 fn ,R o v.
t.-jm rot Mis.lSrtppi Ave.otuy p. in.
farMr curt on uu eipreu. trains.
O O.HANCOCK, On. Pass, A 1.
Fhllaaelpta ft
1, A. SWEIUARD, Oen. Sunt,
No Selection of a Candidate for
Governor as Yet.
John Hot,! Th ktehr, I'rederlek I. Cnnk
nnd Sentittir Illll Almi Mentioned,
Though It Is Said the Senator Will
Not l'nrinlt tlte Un nf Ills Nnine.
SAltvrtxu, N. Y Sept. 21. A sititstl.ui
more strange tliau nnv that has yet con
fronted the Democratic party, anil the
like of which litis never been seen by any
of tho as.emljU-d party lenders, Is pre
retited here today, within twenty-four
hours of tho timo set for the nomination
of a candidate for tho office of governor of
the stnte of New York. No selection of
aoandldate has yet been made, aud while
one name Is prominently mentlonod here,
no one person can be satd to hnve any
thing like n mortgage on tho nomination.
Nothing can be Indulged in but specula
tion. It Is true thnt Judge Gaynor's name
Is on every Hp, but when It Is known that
the delegates here number less than n
fourth of tho wholo number It Is cusy to
see thnt events of the day may chango
the whole current.
So fnr there nre four candidates mcu
tloned for governor, Judge Gaynor of
'Hrooklyn.John Hoyd Thatcher of Albany.
Frederlpk P Cook of Rochester and Sena
tor uavm 11. urn. uanlel s. L,ockwood,
ot DuHalo, was mentioned, but it is said
by those who know today that he is prac
tically out of tho race, aud that Mr. Sbee
han's support, which may dominate Erie,
will be thrown towards Frederick Cook.
Kvery effort will be made, however, to In
duce Mr. Cook to nccept the second place
upon the ticket In case either Judgo Gay
nor or benntor lllll Is a nominee. As to
Mr. Hill ns a candidate, Lieutenant Gov
ernor Sheohan said last evenim;:
'I conversed with Senator Hill ou the
matter Saturday afteruoou, before leav
ing Albany for Saratoga. He not only
said thnt he would not ben candidate, but
nsisted that I should not broach tho sub
ject to him any more, nnd hoped thnt no
further mention of It would be mndti."
Notwithstanding the assertion of Mr.
Sbechnn, tliero nre softie people here who
profess to believe that benator Hill may
yet be induced to accept, with this feel
ing prevailing Tammany, ot its meeting
this nfternoon will, at the suggestion of
senator Cantor, send a committee to wait
upon the senator and try to prevail upon
him to be n candidate.
Would Mr. Illll make n good candi
date?" wns usked of ChnrlesS. Fnirchlltl,
"I must decline to answer that nues-
tion," said Mr. Falrchl Id. "I nm not here
In the interest of any candidate, but
simply to see that all Democrats have n
representation iutho convention."
Mr. bhepnrd, who represents the same
faction in Kings county ns Mr. Fnlrchlld
represents In Jsew York, wns asked If
there was anything new In their contest,
Ho said:
"Nothing except whnt tho Associated
Press has already sent out. We sbnll nt
peto bofore tho committee, on creduntinls
nnd nsk that our whale dolegntion be
seated. So fnr as nominations nre con
cerned we nre for Judge Gnynor."
I' or Jieutenntjt governor there nro three
names mentioned this morning Fred-
crick Cook of Hochester, John J. Liuson
of Clster county nnd Jacob H. Cautor of
Nuw York, with the clmnoe seemingly
largely in favor of the second limned.
For Judge of the court of appeals ouly
oue caudidnte iH mentioned tills morning?
Judge Titus, of Krie although there is
a rumor thnt the name of Judge A. U.
Parker will be presented by his friends.
There was a little hitch in the obtain
ing of the convention hall for the holding
of tho convention. The Unitarian cmi-
fereuce, who begnn their meeting here
this forenoon, sny thnt the hall belongs to
them, anil that they have mado no ar
rangements with tho Democratic lenders
to give It up. In the Uuitnrlnn church
yesterday it was announced that the
Lord's supper would Do administered In
tho convention hall nt 11:30 tomorrow
morning. The party leaders, however,
declare thnt they secured the hnll through
proper authorities, aud It Is bolieved that
the little difficulty will bo amicably set
tled. CUeerlmr for Clothing Workers.
Hoston, Sept. 31. The executive coun
cil of the striking garment makers held
an all day meeting yesterday. Twenty
two contractors appeared before them,
ready to sign agreements, but they were
denied ou the ground tun: an ngreemeut
signed on Sumlny would not bo Iegnl
Several of the largest manufacturers bnvo
instructed their contractors to pay tho
rate demanded by tho strikers, nnd It Is
now Confidently expected that the strike
will end by Weduesdny In a complete vic
tory for the employes.
A Walter's Windfall.
HiNUHAlflioN, N. Y Sept. iM. Will
Palmer, young innii employed iu a State
street restaurant in this oity, who for the
past twenty-ona years has been generally
supposed to be toe sou of n -Mr. and Airs.
Palmer, residing on a farm near this city,
has lust learned that he Is the sou and
ouly heir of a rich English lady, whose
fortune lias been estimated at (3,000,000.
Palmer's mother has provided amply for
his needs nud made preparations to kend
him to oolloge.
The Whisky Trust Ousted,
Chicago', Sept, 24. The formal Judg
ment ot utister In the whisky trust onse
was entered by Judge Gibbous. The
incitement as entered ousts the Cattle
Feeding uud Distilling company of all its
corporate prlviltges aud compels the re
spondent to pay tue costs oi uie suit in
stituted by the people. An appeal wns
prayed ami allowed to the supreme court.
Accidentally hliot ills Guide,
CUMBEHLAND, Md., Sept. 24. While
Ilichnrd Klkius, son of Hon. Stephen II.
Klkius. was hunting nt the Client .Moun
tain club on Friday, ho shot at a deer, aud
the ball glnuovd and struck his guide, in
llictiug a scrlvjj. out not fatal wound.
Hawaii's Minister Arrives.
SAK FliANflsco, Cal., Sept. 21. L. A.
Thurston, Hawaiian minister to the
United Slate, was a tmAsenger on tho
Australia, wh'oli arrived yesterday from
Honolulu. He it going to Washington to
assume his omvlal duties.
Ambassador ilayard's Wife Returns
New Yohk, Sept. 24. Among the pas
sengers ou tltf steamer Umbrla, which ar
rived from Liverpool bnturday. were Mrs.
Bayard, wife of the American minister to
Ureut Urltalu.
Heart Disease 30Yrsl
Short Breath, Palpitation.
Mr. Q. W. McKlnsov, postmaster of
Kokomo, lnd., and a bravo ex-soldlcr,
says: "I had been severely troubled
with heart disease ever since leaving
the array at the closo of tho lato war,
I was troubled with palpitation and.
shortness of breath. 1 could not
sleep on my left side, and had pain
around my heart. I became so ill
that I was much alarmed, and for
tunately my attention was called to
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
I decided to try It Tho first bottle
mado a decided Improvement In my
condition, and llvo bottles have com
pletely cured me."
O. W. McKINSEY, T. M., Kokomo, lnd
Dr. Miles Heart Onrols sold on n. poslttvo
cuarnntoo that tho first bottlo will benefit.
AlldruKglstsscllltattl, O bottles forts, or
itwlllbobcnt, prepaid, on receipt of prlco
by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd.
Lager and
Finest, Purest, Healthest.
Chris, Schmidt, Agt
207 West Coal St., Shennndoah.
Where you oau alwayB get
a glass of
Cool Beer ami Refrashing Wines,
Whiskeys, etc Don't forget the place.
T. M. Ucilly'H,
Locrst Avenue. CENTHALIA, PA
irmnnrmt If carefl I
aitoGQ dftT bra I
) MsloEemidrsandet D
nrtYI... U1 T1Aat(rr.rnnrstnn.1 lUkrAilim 1
onnriinij'.iificscu uw n
ill.. . . . !, .nnnA .nlurttlffMsl. H
j lr hi mall. Wothtuu else will cure. -H
UUUn ntMCUl vv. vnis,iyg. ii
Shenandoah, I'ciina.
Polite and Prompt Waiters.
Safe nnd Heltable Horses to Hire.
Pear Alley, Rear CoifeoHonse.
The best rices in town. Horses taken to
bonrd. Hauling promptly attended to.
Koinierl) kept by Thos. Gibbons,
Main aud Oak Sts., Shenandoals.
l'tesli aud cool Beer always on tap,
Wines, Liquors, Cigars.
Costkllo & Oabsidy, Proprletors.
To "to Oloanod I
While cleanlre bouse, will do well to
call on or addreee
32 East Coal Street.
(Successors to Coakley Hros.)
Mo. z6 Rant Centre Htreet,
Our Mottoi Best Quality at Lowest ClasH
Prices, PatronaEe respectfully solicited.
When Yon Want a First-class Big
make It a point to go to
"Decamp's Liuery.
West St., between Centre nnd Lloyd.
Teams to Hire for all Purposes
Cor. Cherry nnd Gilbert Sta.
Finest Beois, Wines and Liquor.
Handsome liar fixtures.
Beat Brands of 5 aud lOo Cigars.
3i sner Beers