The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 08, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dally! except Sund&j by ivjti,inmxtt company.
Publication ofllce and me hanieal department,
3.16 East Coa Street.
nJu ti,.nTJ In delivered In Shenandoah and
me jieraia surroundnKtoWMfoI.Sixcent
t week, payable to the curriers, lly mall.Threo
Dollars a year or Twenty-five cent per month,
In advanee.
Advertisement charged according to spnco
tad position. The publishers resorve the right
to1 change the position of advertisements when
ever the publication of news requires It. The
rltht Is also reserved to reject any advertise
ment, whether paid for or not, that the pub
lihtrs may deem Improper. Advertising rates
made known upon application.
Entered at the post offloe at Shenandoah, Pa.,
is second closs mall matter.
Shenandoah, I'enns.
Evening Herald.
h.VTL'ltDAY. SKI'TKMIJKH 8, 1804.
Republican State Ticket.
For Governor,
Centre county.
For Lieutenant-Governor,
Allegheny county.
For Auditor-General,
Lancaster county.
For Secretary Internal Affairs,
Philadelphia county.
For Congrossmen-at-Large,
Susqnehiinna county,
Westmoreland county.
County Ticket.
For Congress,
Of Mluersville.
For Ssnator, SOth District,
Of MRhHiioy City.
For Representative. 1st District.
Of Shenandoah.
For Sheriff,
Of 1'raokvllle.
For Director of the Poor, .
Of Wayne Township.
For Jury Commissioner,
Of Kellly Township.
Notice !
Hereafter all political advertisements,
Is imperative, a the management has ex.
perimented long enough and finds tbat
collections for this kind of work are more
easily made at the time the contracts are
made than at any other time.
Wiiw a pity it was that that Texas
cloudburst dld'ut occur in the Minuesota
1 ime-Hwept forests.
Tm s far the only persons pleased with
the Democratic tariff are the foreigners,
who expect to scoop our markets.
Tijk results of battles in the Orient
depend a good deal on whether the
Chinese or the Japanese send the news.
.It 1'iUKO from the accounts from all
over the oountry the celebration of the
first national Labor Day was a great suc
cess. Philosophers are still undecided as to
which la the more reprehensible a party
that enacts a Perfidious and Dishonorable
measure, or a President who, by a stroke
of the pan, might have prevented the
infamous bill from becoming a law.
t he window glan worker content
piute the reduotlou of 22 per ceut. in
their wages caused by the Democratic
t u id hill they can figure out how inuoh
i heir balance on the wrong side will he
.ilifu Id addition they will pay a ceut
more for . their sugar a pound and lu
iiaituslmaUy lew for their wool clothing
by reason of that measure thau under the
McKiuley bill.
The peculiar atmospheric effect which
have- been observed from the MissUelppl
Valley to the Atlantic Coast are attribu
table to the forest ftree raging for many
weeks in the Xorthweet. Day after day
there are dull sklee enveloped with a dry
ha resembling that of Indian summer,
and likely to be thickest at noontime.
'The sun either shines with a red, molten
glow or Is nearly obscured. The oondl-
1ion resemble those of the famous "dark
days" and "yellow lays" known to trad!
tlon, and would be equally ttnonnny if the
world had not outgrown Its superstitious
dread of unusual phenomena, as If satis
factory sclent I flu explanations were not
nt once available. In 1781, when the sun
was at first blood red and then withdrew
Its light, leaving darkness that could be
almost felt at mlddny, there were search
logs of heart In religions New England,
and many apprehensive souls anticipated
an approaching Day of Judgment. The
1 signs of the heavens nre soniewhnt an
alogous now, but the Weather Bureau
calls profoMors of meteorology to Its aid
and lisues bulletins ou the onuses ami
range of a phenomenon wholly Intelli
gible. The Kmpress Dowager of China would
like to have the IO,000,000 provided for
her birthday fete, which occurs this year,
handed over to the war fund, and this
may be done, though the ministry will
make an earnest eilort to provide a suf
ficient sum to whip Japan with, and not
lnterfero with the appointed royal cele
bratlou. It shows a patriotic spirit on the
part of the Empress, however, and does
her more credit than any amount of pa
goantry and fireworks. She Is not the Em
peror's mother, but only his aunt, and
was once an article of merchandise, hav
lug been sold by her parents to a man
darin, and by the mnndnrln permitted to
enter the civil service examination requir
ed candidates for the position of King's
concubine, when suo carried off high hon
ors and roio to the highest position of In
fluence, which she still maintains. Her
proposal to surrender the fund provided
for her fete, In this critical emergency,
will contribute to ttrengthen her popu
larity and may make her as Important a
dgurehead In the affairs of the Middle
Kingdom as LI Hung Chang has long been
and still continues to be.
Jon't Tobacco Spit orSmokeyour Life Away
Is the truthful, startliug titlo of a little
hook that tells all about No-to-bnc, the
wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco
uablt cure. The cost Is trilling and tlio
man who wants to quit and can't runs no
physical or financial risk In using "2o-to
utic." Sold by all druggists.
Hook nt drug stores or by mall free.
Address The Sterling Remedy Co., In
diana Mineral Springs, Iud. wAs-ly
Where and When Services Will be Con
ducted To-morrow.
Trinity Reformed church, Rev. Robert
J'lloyle, yastor. Services to morrow at 10
t. m. and 0.30 p. m. Sunday school at 1: 30 p. m,
tvorybody welcome
Kehelos Israel Congregation, West Oak
ltreet, Itev. s. ItablnowUz, Kabul; services
very Friday evening; Haturday and Sunday
lliernuuu uuuuvemug.
Welsh Baptist church. Preaching services at
0 a. m. and 0 p. in. by ttao pastor, Kev. D. I.
Ivans. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Everybody
Itoman Catholic church of the Annunciation,
Cherry street, above West street, Itev. H. P.
J'Kqllly, pastor. Musses at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.
espers at s:uu p. m.
at. George's Lithuanian Catholic church,
;orncr Jardln and Ctaorrv streets. Rev. L.
Vbremalils, pastor. Mass and preaching at 10
. m. vespers ai a p. m.
Ebenezcr Evangelical church, Rev. It. M. Lien,
icnwalner. Dasior. Services to-morrow at 10 a.
a In uerman, and 0:30 p. m. In English. Sunday
school at 1 :30 p. m. All are heartily Invited to
English Lutheran church. Preaching at
10:30 a. m. ana o:uu p m. by the pastor, itev
I. I'. Ned, M. I). Sunday school at 1:30 p. m.
j'rayermeeting inursoay evening at 7 ociock.
JsveryDouy welcome.
Welsh Congregational church. Services on
Sunmiy at 10 a. m. In Welsh and 0 p. m. In
Well i Preaching by Mr. James Williams,
or Yale Collfge. dundjy school at S p. m.
All are inviiea.
Klrst Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Wm.
Powiok, pastor. Services at 10:30 a m. and
4:30 n. m. -Sunday school at 3 p. m. Epworth
League at (.45 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7:30
on Thursday evening. Strangers and others
Are always welcome.
Presbyterian church. Rev T. Maxwell Mor
rlson. pastor. Services n; 10-30 a m. and 0:30
p m. unaay school at i p. m. Christian
endeavor Society win meet on Tuesday even
ing at 7:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday
evening at t.m. ah arecoruiatiy inviiea.
English Baptist church, South Jardln street,
Hcrvlces at 10:30 a. m. and at 0:30 p. m.
PrenchlDg by the pastor, Itev. W. li. Harrison.
Praise service at p m. Sunday school at 2
d. m. Monday evening nt 7:30 the Y. I". iJ
II. will meet. Wednesday cvenlne cenoral
prayer meeting, iveryoouy welcome.
Prlmttlvo Methodist church. Rev. John Hath
pastor, services to-morrow nt 10:30 a. m. nnao;
d. m. Wfslev Dravcr meetlnc at 6:45 n. m
Sabbath Bchool at 2 p. m. Wesley League
Monday evening at 7:30. Class meotlugs
Tuesaav ana Wednesday evenings nt 7 o'clock
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 p. m. All
seats free. Anyone not having a church home
i is corJiauy inviiea to come nere.
All Saints' Protostant Enlsconal church. Oak
street, near Main. Morning scrvlca at 10:30
tnd evening at 7 o'clock. The rector ofll
elates at morning service alternately and at
every evening service. The lay reader, Charles
Haskins, officiates in the absence of tho
rector, O. II. liridgman. Sunday school at 2
5. m All seats free and everybody made
eartlly welcome.
Tough Superscription.
The letters from abroad which have fail
ed of delivery ou account of bailly written
addresses are handled by experts, who ox
hlblt wonderful skill In deciphering them
Miss Clara RichU-r, in charge of tho for
eign divisiou, i a famous hand ut such
work. The spoiling on some of the en
velope is amazing Kor exomplo, "Su
snrmeii" is Intended for Sault tit: Ma
rie That Is a ounipurntlvely euny olio.
"Schlensoham, Toulocontus, " is Chine
Camp, Tuolumne county. "Grym Pit '
twnt" Is meant fnrUroen Point uveuue
Rene Buoho in Huston Transcript.
Soarlntti was fond of oats, and to thh
oiroumstauoe U owing the celebrated am
very ourlous ''Cat Kugue" which appeuri
in his works.
"Assisted emigration" has mator'allj
elded to fill the colonies of South Africa.
of a run-down system oan be
accomplished by the use oi Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. A long procession of
diseases suirt from a torpid
liver and impure blood. Take
it, as you ought, when you
feel the lint symptoms I lan-1
guor, loss of appetite, dullness, I
depression) nnd you'll save 1
yourself from something ce-1
rious. I
As an appetizing, restorattvo I
tonic, to repel disease and
build up the needed flesh end I
strength, there's nothing to
equal It. It rouses every orpn n
into healthful aetlon, purulos
and enriches tho blood, braces
up the whole system, and re
stores health and Yigcr,
For evory disease caused
Dy a disordered nver or
impure oioou, u is
doesn't benefit . &&&&
or cure, youl
hare yourJ
lObjeotioHB of Defendants' Counsel
;a rebuke from judge woods.
(A Quiet Lecture In Response to n Sutlrien
Outburst by Attorney Kruln, Cnnnsel
for the Accused American Hallway
Union Omclals.
CHICAGO, Sept. 8. The examination of
(railway strikers was begun yesterday In
the trial of the American Railway union
(officials. Switchman Krleger, of the Chi-
kngo, Mllwaukoe and St. Paul, testified
that Con AlcAulifl, head of the Milwaukee
American Hallway union, had come to
(hint with a request from Debs that all ths
Milwaukee railway men strike. Not many
of thorn went out, however.
A fireman on the St. Paul road testified
.that he had left his plaoe because of in
itimtdatlon, and an engineer on tho same
line said he was told that If he did not
Heave bis engine he would never get out of
Chicago alive.
William A. Henry, of Kankakee, a
switchman In the employ of the Illinois,
Indiana and Iowa railroad, was the next
witness, and one of the most Important
uffered by the government, becuuse he
had personally received a telegram order
ing him to call out the men.
At that time wltuess wns a member of
(tho Americou Railway union. Witness
.showed the telegram when he received It
(to several switchmen, hut took no further
Mr. Irwin objected to the testimony be
cause It concerned a road uot included In
the Injunction, but the court decided to
(admit the evidence.
At the afternoon session several wit
nesses took the stand and testified to a
'cnie of violence committed at various
points during the continuance of the
strike. Their evidence was strenuously
objected to by the defense, ou the ground
that It was totally foreign to the issue be
cause it did not show that any of the
actual defendants in the case Debs,
Howard, Kellher, Rogers, or any of the
other directors of the A. R. TJ- were in
any way connected with such disturb
ances. Mr. Walker, assistant United
IStates attorney, always replied that he
would show how that connection came
Inter, mid the evidence was promptly ad
mitted by the court upon that assur
ance. The defence also objected to all testi
mony that dealt with the nets of the
strikers before July 2, tho day on which
the injunction!) of Judges Wood and
Grosscup, tho bnsis of the contempts
suits, were posted. In overruling this
objection the court said that such evi
dence was admitted to show that the sit
uation on the (lays immediately succeed
ing the posting f the injunction wus no
better than before, or In other words.that
no attention was paid to the erdersof the
.Timt. hpfnrn tho flftprnnnn sroifllnn nrt-
Ijourned Mr. Erwln arose and lurt Into n
heated denunciation of the methods pur-
tsueu oy mo governments attorneys, lie
bald: "The government hus no more right
to lay before your honor this strained coa
lition of public duty tlmu to vex the
public by this proceeding."
I T...1 it' 1 i .,.nl..n.i . .r.
USrwlu's sudden outbreak, then leaning
forward in his chair calmly said: "The
court of course gives counsel credit for
candor in all his objections, and has not
laniiounced to the contrary In one way or
another, and so far as the burden tlirown
on the court Is concerned, the court will
necehsarily have to bear it. But It is ex-
ipressly averred In this Information that
these scenes of vloluuce did go on, and
that your people were responsible for
them, wow, I Uon't pretend to Know or
Isny or guess how far government aan
.carry its prool in that respect, but i don't
see, because one wltuess has testified to a
thing, that I have not the right to nllow
another to testify to the same thing.
Strike Lender Convlrted.
Indianapolis. Sept. 8. In the United
States district court here Judge linker
found Illrnm Aglock, president of the
'American Railway union, Ashley, Intl.,
where WubasU trains wero stopped, guilty
of contempt or court lu violating tho re
straining order of the court during the
railroad strike, but suspended sentence
The cases of Arthur Deslieno and Oscar
Larsen, two Chicago men, who led a riot
against the railroad operators at Hum
'tnond, Ind., were also decided. Limeu
was released and Desheno was sunt to jail
for thirty days.
Paid Ood Was Ills Counsel,
WlLUAMSl'OBT, Pa., Sept 8 Herman
Pfanneufchmldt, of Altoonn, wns ploced
I in trial In the United States dlttrlct
loourt last evening to answer to the aharge
tot sending obscene postal curds through
'the mail. Pfannenschihidt refuted ooun-
bl, saying God was his counsel. He did
..jt deny having sent postal cards to a
(number of congressmen. It was evident
.from the man's actions that he was tu
jsane. The jury found him guilty and
recommended that the prisoner be sent to
an insane asylum. It touk three men to
Take him from the court room.
1 Against Archbishop Gorrlgnn.
New YokK, Sept. 8. -The World today
Mays: There is excelleut reason to believe
Vhat within the past few months grave
charges, accompanied by documentary
evidence, have been brought against
.Archbishop Corrlgan lu Rome. The New
'York archhlbhop has been accused of In
'sidloua aud perfidious opposition to the
Inpostollc delegate. The evidence is al
leged to be partly direct and partly Infer
ential. It Is said that much of It has been
supplied by the archbishop's own letters,
I The Forepaugli Show seized.
I Prr.ivc.FiH-I), Ills., Sept. 8. At Gibson
X'tiy I'mtid States Marshal Urintou
teued Adam Forepauirh's circus on n writ
of attachment issued by Judge Allen, of
the I niied ntates circuit court, sworn out
by George Coupe, lato chief musician of
the show, who tiled a suit fur f 10,000 dam.
ares in court here for personal Injuries
Vereivod at the hands of the proprietor
of the show, who, he alleges, brutally as
saulted him and set a hound on him at
Alamn, Kan., aud disabled him for life.
j Disappointed Hank Xtobbers.
RammiLI'H, N. Y., Sept. 8. Robbers en.
tered the State bank of Randolph, at an
early hour lu the morning and made au
attempt to rob the safe. They succeeded
In drilling through two plates of chilled
stsel, hut were uuahle to penetrate the
third, and left without securing any booty.
The vault was completely wrecked with
uynamiie, no ciew,
Bight lloats liailirtt to Pieces nnd Seven
teen Lives Loftt.
LONDON. Sent. 8. A dl.nnteh from Nel-
singfors. capital of Finland, tell the
story of the drendful sufferings experi
enced a few days ago by men employed In
the Raltlc fisheries. Tho fishing fleet were
all at sea when n terrific gale sprong up,
iorcing me boats to run for shelter. Some
of them reached harbors of refuge nnd the
otners rotle out the storm. Eiirht of them.
however, lost their bearings nnd ran on
the Noerpes Islands, where the tremen
dous seas soon pounded them to plecet.
The Islands are principally desolato rocks
whose frowning, Jagged fronts menace the
destruction of anything that Is cast ashore
upon them. As the seas swept over the,
wrecked fishing boats before the latter
broke up they carried away fifteen fisher
men, whose bodies were never afterwards
Those left on the bonts knew that their
vessels were doomed, nnd made what few
preparations were possible to oet nshoro.
There seemed to be only one chance In a
hundred or their reachlmr a nlace of
safety, but this chnuce thoy took, und
landed on one of the Islets almost com
pletely exhausted. For three davs the
storm raged with unabated fury, and the
men, wno were without food, were ex
posed to its full force. At the end of three
days a passing vessel was sighted, and In
response to the llsuermen's glgnalevau in
under the lee of the islet and sent boats
to take off the shipwrecked men. In the
meantime two of the fishermen had suc
cumbed to their terrible experiences, and
their bodies wero left on the Island. The
rescued were In a pitiable condition. Sev
eral of them were unconscious when
found, and it is feared that some of them
will die.
To Itemcltate tttt Panama Canal.
Paris, Sept. 8. An Issue of new shares
to resuscitnte the Panama Canal com
pany has been filed for the 18th Inst. The
capital will be 05,000,000 francs, of which
5,000,000 will be handed to the Colombinu
government. Subscriptions will be asked
for MO.000,000 francs. The remainder of
the issue will be taken by various oredlt
establishments and former contractors
under the liquidation of the old com
pany. Pngllltm in a Mayor's Oftlce.
CHICAGO) Sept. 8. The attaches of the
mayor's ofllce were trented yesterday
afternoon to a brisk one round mill be
tween Alderman O'Connor, of the Seven
teenth ward, and the mayor's private sec
retary, Felix Senll. O Connor claimed he
had been Insulted, and sought satlsfac
tiou with such well directed enthusiasm
that Mr. Seuff was badly battered.
ICIIloil by a Ilurttlns lioller.
Tiinr.F. Rivp.its. Que., Sept. 8. Gagnon's
sawmill, on the St. Maurice river, oppo
site this city, was blown to pieces yester
day by the explosion of the builer. Ham
uel Beauger. the fireman, was blown 100
feet and killed. He leaves a wife and
seven children. Six others were badly
scolded nnd otherwise Injured, Daniel
Loruuger having his legs broken.
Olney nnd Herbert Visit the Pr mlilent
RrzzAim'g Day, Mass., Sept. 8. A'-
torney General Olney arrived here yester
day and was driven to Gray Gubles where
he spent a few noura with President
Cleveland. Secretary Herbert, of the
navy, also oalled at Gray Gables and was
received by the President and Mrs. Cleve
laud. Mr. Benedict was also a guest at
the president's cottage yesterday.
A Murderer lleoliireil Insane.
PlTTsnmo, Sept. 8. A commission of
pbyMcuius has declared George Ducko
vitz, whose execution is fixed for Thure
day week, insane, and that he was Insam
when he killed Andreas Dubroskovicz
Dubroskovica had Duekovitz sent to ai
insane asylum, where Duekovitz was dls
charged as cured. He hunted up Dulire
kovicz aud killed him.
The Orent Drnucht Uroken.
Milwaukee. Sept b. The remarkable
drought throughout the west, which ha
lasted for more than two months, wa
effeeiually broken yesterday, when a fur
lous ruin was experienced. The nun area
included all of Iowa, the northern part f
Illinois, most of Michigan and all of Wit
consin except the northwestern portion.
Opening a New Coul Vein.
Hazletok, Pa., Sept. 8. The Lehl")
and Wllkesbarre Coul comi'iiny eterduy
begun the work of opening a stripping on
the south side, The excavation to , e
made will require years of irk, and SiOn
rrien will be employed, The vein to be
stripped is known as the Mamma h, and
Is the linest seam of coul tu tue region.
Valnnble Trottlus; ilorses Xlurnud,
PEKTII AlIBOT, X. J., Sept. 8. The
stables of Charles Whitehead, at South
river, burned yesterday. Of the thirty
four flue trotting horses in the stable whi n
the flames were discovered all hut four
were rescued. The value of the horses
lost Is estimated at eU,0U0.
On the Lookout for Anarchists.
Washington, Sei.t . The bureau of forwarded tu the several
parts of the L nited States del nib d descrip
tions ijf twentj-s;x atiar' !'.i-i - receutli ex
pelled from rrauce unit believed to be en
route to the United Stnte-
Mr, Geo, 11, Dletterlch
The Plain Facts
Are thit I have had Catarrh 10 Years. Ki
catarr'a cure did me any good, but Hood's Bar
Hood's Sarsa-
S. SLwvwt, parilla
eaparllla lislned me V 4 4 -v-y
wonderiully. My head fl LirCS
Is cleared, sense of smell wL y wsvr
returning. Hood's Bar- Hjay fAKjjj
lanarllla is doing my 'WTsVW
wile a world of good for Thai Tired FesL
tag. OeqbqkII. Diettikich, Uobtlt.l's.
Hood'a Pills are efficient and gsnUe. at
HERE is but one
way in the world to be sure
cf h.iving the best paint, and that is
to use only a well-established brand
of strictly pure white lead, pure lin
seed oil, and pure colors. The
"John T. Lewis & Bros."
brand is standard "Old Dutch"
process, and is always absolutely
Strictly Pure
White Lead
If you want colored paint, tint
this strictly pure lead with National
Lead Co.'s Pure White LeadTinting
These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each
can being sufficient to tint Jj pounds of Strictly
Pure White Lead the desired shade ; they are in
no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination
of perfectly pure colors In the handiest lorm to
tint Strictly Ture White Lead.
Send us a postal card and get our book on
paints and color-card, free.
You have seen it advertised for many
years, but havo yea ever tried itt If
sot, you do not know what an lilenl
Complexion l'ovtdcr K.
boMdcs being art aeknnwlodgod beaut! tier,
Imrimnnyrofrc-UingiiML .. ltiuevenfjiebal
lnf Bunturn,wtnd 'u i.lfenei'crsplrntkmi
elo.j .nfiuHtt'.snmobtdol'' atoanddcslmWo
protection to tlio face during hofweathgr.
At is Hum juverywnere. $
For san Die, address
lJ.A,POZZONI CO. St. Louis. Mol
in K 0
1317 Arch St. Phila.Pa.
Commit Old HoiifHt Dr. Theel, who
has cured more BiiiiVrers than nil others
comblnetl Tho ohlt'nt specialist In l'bu
adeJphla, ns tliplumnt and cert 111 cut en
prove, countersigned bv Secretury of
American Legation at Herlln, not with-
vcrtltH or Ba There Is none to eoualblm
it .Uu tLviittneut of Ntit'rlnl iliiin.MiM of both
sts'ps. Hlnnil potion, nil the find circrtf rt
ttfiiuitul crrurn, iuhi ponur, blniUUT, lihliifr.
NK411 and ncrntiH dlsorderN. etc. fretth uftseH?
cuied in 110 iIiiih. lti'lU'l'ut ouve, I'
-.utpwrs I'onsna ild lir J. lf. Tlieeli the
"i ucrminL Hpi'clnlUti who hue wiuio astudy
thte diseflws 'Hitter Prof. Jnlir llnimi'o
imlhto, and I'rur. .IiiUtrf AlioimiliIrftlie twe
world-renon nul b pedal lsti. This Is uiy oriulnnl
uavurtlriement. Shun und nvold the juuiitf
ivnaiu je old iipeclahsts cupyln uniu In part or
wiiOie. They do this to mislead you, I am the only
a vho ever exposed qui-ckB uud warned suUeren lraposters. .The qtincUa openly uerted If
Ui. Theul liibcrts a new uilvertlseiuent to-iiuy we
wtft copy or change s.ime nuiuewbut und the puUlc
vt',1 not linovv l but we are tbe very person he et
xwea ome hours, 9 . M. to S V. M.qv'x, ft-8 Sit;
W ed. uud Nit, uv'tfD, (S-tt.SO. Sunday 0 A. M. tu 12 M
wnd live two cent Btauipd fii IkjoIs " Truth," mly
oue exiting qaackn nntl lieft for old and ynunu.
alnRU'or married, poor and rich. A new trick of
young inexperienced dociuni niid quueks ta ini:
Ihvy rumin old established otHco of an old deceasM
n Hiuliin, hurlnganoldman (no physician ) lu their
olbee waona they use aa a decoy.
Jsisrl. sthjth AJa. jB.
Wholesale neent tor
Feljtmpaii'i Kewark, I J Export
Upt nd him Pile Beer.
No finer made. Pino liquors and Clears
J20 South Main Mt.
eB.lsE and
29 Ea3t Centre Street,
Bread, Cakes, Confectionery and
Vanlllo, Chocolate and Straw
berry Ice Cream and Soda Water.
Wholesale and Retail.
Orders for parties and other events tilled
on short notice. Ice cream delivered to
all parte of town lu pint or quart buckets.
For Fainting ....
The Season Is here:
and Paper Hanging
Get your work done by
Mahanoy City's leading artist,
Perfect Work.
Ilnriralng In natnta and oils, nlaiu and
stained, glass. All the new patterns it.
wall paper. All daily and weeKly papers,
novels, novelettes and stationery.
133 Wo8t Obntre Street.
Headquarter" for the Evbnino Hpralp.
Sometimes ncei a rellshlt1,
the purest drugs
H In I'osIokp, no will send u
, ASnmpIo Kmelnpo, of clllier S
7 wiiitj:, ixr.siiorimirxKTri: y
1 v.v-
lt(&U eas Penreyroyal Pills
vV Thertreprnnapt,t(earilcertalnlnresult.ThiiBulne(Dr.rl'snvruijJ
1 Os uolnt. Jj. aj anywhere, 81.00. Adireiu Pull M--iicvb Co., Oorelsnd, O, Vft
Hoid by P. P. a. KIULIN, Druught, bhenandoah, la.
Oculist and
111 W. Centre St.,
Mnhnnnv Hiiu Pn
Eyes examined ond glasses prcscrlbedS
special attention to iiiiiicuu cases.
Professional Cards.
Office Room i. Post Offloe building, Bhensn
donh, Pa.
Office U0 North Jirain street, Bbecsndoatg
Office Uedasll building, Bhesasaots, ft.
M, M
snxKADOAn, Tl.
OSce. Egan bnlldlnir, corner of Slain and '
venire streets, rjnenanaoan.
No. 85 East Coal Btreet,
Office Hours 1:80 to S and 6:30 to 9 p. m.
No. 81 Bouth Jardln Street, Shenandoah,
OrriOE Hours: 1i30 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 P. M.
Except Thursday evenlcr.
No offtet work on Sunday except bv arrange
ment. A strict adherence to the offlce howt
U abtoltUelv necessary.
Successor to
SOI MahantouRO Street, Pottsvllle, Pennn
IN CIFECT UAT 13, lhl.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah
l'cnn Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. Le-
hlehton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catassuqua,
aiientown, uetcienem, taaton ana wcsineriy
0.04, 7.38, 8.15 m 18.43, 2 67, 5.87 p. m.
Tor New York and Philadelnhls. 6.W. 7.88.
9.15 a. m.. 12.43, 2.57. For Quakake, Hwitch-
back, Gerhards and Uudsosdale, 0.01, 0,15 a
mu. and 2.67 p. m.
ror Wllkes-Uarre, White Haven, PIttston, i,
Laceyvllle, Tonanda, Sayre, Wavorly and
Elmira. I3.W. 0.15 ft. m., 2.57, 5.27 p. m.
For Rochester, UuCalo, Niagara Falls and
the West, 6.04, 9.15 a. m. and 2.57 5.27 p. m.
For Ilelvldere, Delaware Water Oap and
Stroudsburg, 6.01 a. m., 2.57 p. m.
For Lambcrtvlllo and Trenton, 11.15 a. m.
For TunUhannock, 8.01. 9.15 a. m., 2.57, 5.27 p. m.
For Itbaca and Geneva 0.04, 9.15 a. m. 6.27
p. m
For Auburn 9.15 a. m; 5.27 p. m.
For Jeanesvlllc, Levlston and Uesver Uesdow,
7.H8a. m.. 12.43, B.08 p.m.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 5.04, 7.38
9.15. a. m., 12.43. S.67, 5.27 p. m.
For Bllver llronk Junction, Audenrled and
Hazloton 6 04, 7.38, K n. m , 12.48, 2.67, 6.2T and
8.08 p. n: .
For Scran ton, 0.04, 9.15, a. m., 2.57 and 6.27
p m.
For Hazlebrook, Jeddo, Drlf ton and Freeland, ' '
0.04, 7.88, 9.15, a. m 12.43, 2.67, 6.27 p. rc.
For Ashland, Glrardvllle and Lost Creek, 4.51,
7.51, 9.13, 10.20 a. m 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 0.85, 8.22, 9.U
p. m.
For Raven Run, Centralis, Mount Carmel and
Shamokln, 9.13, 11. 14 a. m., 1.32. 4.40, 6.22 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City ana
Delano, 0.04, 7.36. B.K, 11.05 a m., 12.43, 2.57
5 27, 8.08, 9.33, 10.3S p. m. .
Trains wld leave Shamokln at 8.15, 11.45
a. m., 1.65, 4.30 9.80 r.. m., and arrive at Shenan
doah at 9.15 a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 6.27, 11.15 p. t&
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.50, 7.MV
a na. urn linn . m.. iim 9M. i hrw hs
n. m.
T.eavn PnttBvUlfi tor Shenandnata. fl.OO. 1
9.05, 10.15, 11.40 a. m., 12.82, 8.00,, 440, 5.20, -Uir
T.n, iu.uu p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Hazletos, 0.04,7.88, 9.15,
a. m 12.43, 2.67, 5.27, 8.03 p. in.
Leave Hazlcton for Shenandoah, 7.35, 10.09,
11.06 a. m , 12.15, 2.66, 6.80, 7.25, 7.50 p. m.
Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralla, Mt
Carmel and Shamokln, 6,45 a. m 2.40 p. m.,
and arrive at Shamokln at 7.10 a. m. ana 8.45
p. m.
Trains leave Hhamokln for Shenandoah at
, 7.55 a. m. aud 4 00 p, m and arrive at Shen-
j anaoan at e.iv a. m. ana 4.00 p. m,
Trains leave ior Asmana, u 1
jlrsrdvllleand Lost
Creek, 9.40 a. m., 12.80 p. m.
For Hazleton, lllack Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chank, Aiientown.
Bethlehem, Esston and New York, 8.4 a m.
12.80, 2.55 p. m.
For Philadelphia 12.80, 2.55 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano, 8.49, 11,35 a. m., 12.80, 2.56, 4.5 5.08 p. m,
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, B.3U, 11.80
a, m 1.05, 5.80 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.50, 6 49,
9.30 a. m., 2.40 p. m.
Leave -ottvuie tor snenanaoan, c.w,
a.m.,1,85, 6.16 p. m. ,
ROLLLN' H. WILBURi Genl. Bupt., '
South Bethlehem, Pa
OHAS. S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Act.,
eouin uetnienen!, who can taste our caiD
UUB O UU wit limit n foolintr nt at
OrTrT Ofrl t,on (or tte yung im!
uaQ wll0 brlngg t,em Th
Inst melt In the mouth: the trirl's evl
melt with tenderness the yonm manalsffl
melts-, and the question is settled. Try It. I
Ice Cream, all flavors. W N. Main St.
Millions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc, insured in first-class, relia
ble companies, as represented by -
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agont,
120 South Jardln Street,
Also Life and Aooldental Companies
For the . . .
Hot Season
Cleary Bros'
Temperance Drinko
illueral water, Weis beer. Bottlers ol
the finest laijer beers.
17 srd IS Va Alley. ShocindcaJi, Ft.
monthly, re"atlna medicine. On'r 1 armlosa (tnd
should ba uxu. If you want ths test, get
money d&cic.
, . ....
1 1 Jtii flSflJ'