The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 07, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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So Say the Various City B -aris
of Health.
.Evidence That Even Impure Vegetables
and Tainted Meat are Not so Bad
as Food Undigested.
There has beun n great deal sold in the
papers about adulterated foods. Every
large city has a Hoard of Health that
carefully Inspects the fruits nnd vegeta
bles that come into the city. This Is all
very well, but It does not reach thesource
of the trouble, from which men and
women buffer. No food is healthy if it is
not digested. If the sweetest and freshest
vegetables form acid or gas in the stomach
they are poisonous. A boiling, rotting
mass of food in the stomach that is not
and cannot be digested, becomes simply
rank poison, no matter how pure and good
the food may have been before It was
oaten, so that the troublo is not so much
with the foods as it is with our power of
digesting them and turning them into
pure blood, flesh, muscle, nerve, brain and
What is the lesson from these clear nnd
often unthought of truths? Look to your
digestion ! Food will help you if it is the
right kind, providing you digest it. If
not, any food will injure nnd poison. It is
here that science has come to the rescue.
The discovery of a process of artificially
digested food has actually been made so
that the stomach becomes relieved of the
necessity of overwork, and so that perfect
digestion enn take place without effort.
The discovery of this pre-digested food
has aroused n great deal of attention in
medical nnd tcleutlflc circles, nnd now
thnt it is being manufactured and put up
in a form ho thnt people can obtain it, it
has worked n revolution In the subject of
foods. It is known to the public ns
Paskola. Increased weight, freedom from
dyspepsia, and the pleasing sensation of
healthy acting organs are certain to be
found by all who use this grent pre-df
Rested food.
This has been stilklngly illustrnted in
the case of Mrs. Charles Bock, who resides
at No. 2S4 S4th street, Detroit, Mich. She
said :
"I had been feeling Bick for five months.
5Iy strength and ileah were so fearfully
reduced that 1 could not leave my room
for weeks. Jly appetite was poor nnd it
seemed as though I could not find any
thing that would restore my strength,
appetite or health. Jly complexion was
very snllow during this time, my sunken
pyes were surrounded by deep, black clr-
cles. and my nervous system was so badly
shattered that the faintest noise would
send me into hysterics.
"One day whllo I was suffering very
much nnd felt pretty despondent my hus-
b.iud brought mo a bottle of that great
pre-digested food Paskola. I commenced
Its use and in four days I not only ate
heartily, but I gained sufficient strength
to leave my room and look after my usual
duties. By the time the first liottlo wnB
c onsumed I had gained Ave pounds, the
circles disappeared from around my eyes,
and my complexion showed n marked im
provement. I continued tho use of Pas
kola and have gained !) pounds, am
attendtue to my household duties, and
believe I owe It all to Paskola, and that
any others who may be suffering like
myself may receive the same wonderful
Such statements ns the above confirm
what the best scientists, doctors and phy-
aicians have already learned, unniely.thnt
PaBkoln, the pre-digested food, which is
justly so popular, does accomplish what
wns never before known in the history of
the world.
A pamphlet giving full particulars re
specting Paskola will bo sent on applica
tion to tho Pre-DIgested Food Co., 80
llendo St., N. Y. City.
Now or Never.
People who have not secured copies of
the exquisite photographs of the world's
Fair embraced in "The Magic City," Hud
upet l photographs of famous men and
w-in. en nud scenes in every land as in
c ,rpnrtod in "Voyage Around the
Wni Id,'' should apply for them at the
HntLi office without delav. as onlv a
lew i npies are left and the supply will uot
be n-neweu. .No household should be
with uit a complete set of these marvelous
When Baby mi aloe, we gav her Cutorla.
'Wlu-a Bhe mu s CliIU, site criwl for OtMorla.
When she beoaue Ml), she dung to Qwtoria,
Ylieu the had Children, she gave tlwrn Owtorla
Irving W. Larluiore. nhvsloal director
of V M. C. A., Des Moines, Iown, says ho
can conscientiously recommend unnniwr
lam's Pain Halm to athletes, eviuunsts,
bicyclists, foot ball players and the pro-fe.s-.ioii
In general for bruihes. snralns and
dislocations; also for soreness and stiff
ness of the mufeoles. hen applied before
the parts become swollen it will effect a
win one hall the tlmeUBually required
X'T Milt) uy uruuier uros.
Give Them Vour Orders.
Hooks & Brown, the North Main street
stationers, are the authorized town agents
of the K KNINO Herald and all orders left
in their care will he promptly attended to.
The Herald Is also on sale at nil the other
leading stationery stores In the town.
Ample VrovlKloa for All the Victim of
Oia Great Dlmuttrr
PlNR CITY, Minn., Sept. 0. The worst
hns been told at Hinckley. There ha
been but one party of dead discovered
since yesterday's report. Thoy were in a
cellar west of Hinckley, and it cannot lie
told whethor there are three or four bod
ies, so badly are they burned. The work
of draining the mill pond Is progressing
slowly, but the opinion Is that little will
uc revealed. A huge building for office
and shelter Is almost enclosed. The sur
vivors have authorized their village or
ganization to prepare an expression of
their deep gratitude to the People all over
the United States who have come so gen
erously to the aid of this strlokeu people.
Supplies are coming in rapidly, nnd thoro
is no lack In any department of relief
work. The committee of citizens of the
state appointed by the governor went to
Duluth Inst night, and will return to Pine
Uity for n general inspection of the work
that has been performed aud n careful es
timate of the total relief required.
UULUTH, Minn., Sept. 7. Sluce the ar
rival of tho first party of refugees from
the awful Hinckley fire last Saturday Du
luth has cared for 1,300 people. Hospitals
have been established all over tho city,
aud every public building and hundreds
of private residences are sheltering ref
ugees. Nearly ilS.OOO In actual cash has
been paid into the relief fund here, nnd
the subscriptions, including lumber nnd
supplies, will aggregate $20,000. Last
night the stato relief committee arrived,
nnd the local committee has turned tho
work over to It Mnny of tho refugees nre
leaving the city, returning to their homes
to begin tho work of reconstruction.
Ilobbers Carrlod the Safe luto tho Street.
Mascoutaii, Ills., Sept. 7. Safe blowers
broke Into the store of William Peters, at
New Memphis, and moved a heavy safe
into the street, where they were prepar
ing to blow it open. Louis Krauso, a
young farmer coming to town for a phy
sician, ran upon tho crimlnnls, who opened
fire upon him without warning, shooting
him in several plnces, but uot fatally.
The robbers were chased by citizens. A
suspect wns found in the Okuw bottoms.
He resisted arrest, and fired upon the con
stables, who retaliated with fatal effect.
The man had the appearauce of a tramp,
but had nothing In his possession to indi
cate that he hud been Implicated in the
Btifo burglary.
Cleaned Ont by Ilurgiar.
NonniSTOWN, Pa., Sept. 7. The home
of Valentine Schomosky, a naturalized
Polouder, nt bwedelond, was entered dur
ing the absence of tho family, and looted
from cellar to garret, hvery article of
wearing apparel in the house was stolen.
In nddltlon two silver watches, 68 In
mouey, and Mrs. Schomosky's wedding
ring are also gone. Shoes, tidies and
everything portable -which could bo
gripped up and carried away were, taken,
practically nothing remaining but the
furniture nnd carpets.
Another Hank fluftpemls.
MlDDLETOWN, Pa., Sept. 7. Tho Middle-
town bank, of Muldlctown, the. oldest in
stitution of its kind in Dauphin county,
failed yesterday, on account of depression
In business. The directors buy that the
institution will resume in a short time.
and that the depositors will not loso a
cent. It is thought that tho fnllure will
not cause any distress in this locality, as
the bank had no relations outside of Mid-
dletown. The institution was founded by
the Into deueral Cameron.
Lyncher! Indicted for Murder.
Mr.MHlls, Tenn., Sept. 7. The grand
jury, after having examined nearly a hun
dred cases, fixed upon six persons as par
ticipants in the lynching of theslxuegroes
uoar Kerrvllle last Friday night. Indict
ments for murder were found against
three persons Klchardson, the detective:
Atkinson, who drove the wagon In which
tlielynched negroes rodo, nnd Laxtou, the
Kerrvllle storekeeper, who swore out war
rants for tho arrest of the negroes.
Grent Hrltnln Mny Interfere.
SllAN'nilAl, Sept. 7. The war operations
nre making slow progress, ft is reported
that the Japanese have threatened to
withdraw their promise not to molest
Shanghai If the Ktaugan arsenal here is
uot closed. This threat is supposed to be
nn indirect motive which may possibly
provoke tho Interference of Grent Britain,
ns the arsennl is pronounced to bo an Im
portant establishment.
Dlichnrged for Cclebrntlnff Labor Day,
HoroiiTON, Wis., Sept. 7. Professor
Kidwell, in charge of tho repair work at
the state mining school, during the nh
seuco of Director Wadsworth, discharged
seven workmen Tuosday because they
lalleu to come to work on L.abor Day.
The work wns not urgent, and much In
dignation Is felt over his summary ac
tion, liovernor iuch will bo appealed to.
Determined Vail Hirer Strikers.
Fall Kiver, Mass., Sept. 7. The Indi
cations are becoming stronger that a ma
jorlty of tho striking mill operatives will
resist the reduction in wages until cool
weather at least. They claim that the
print cloth market has so improved that
there Is now no excuse for a reduction in
wages, and declare that they will stay out
until victorious.
Wlfn Heater Lathed by Women.
Waldo, Fla., Sept. 7. Dan Wiggins, a
notorious wife boater, was taken from his
home by masked men, carried into the
woods and lashed to a tree. Then several
women of the neighborhood began to lash
htm with rawhides. After beating him
unmercifully Wiggins was untied and left
to mako his way home. It is thought ho
will die.
The Viking Ship Halted,
ClIICAGO.Sept. 7. The flreboat Yosemlte
went to the rescue of the sunken Viking
ship, and after an hour's pumping the
craft was brought to the surface of the
water again. Everything about the boat
was soaked with the muddy water, and
the lines and sails were in disorder. It is
thought she can soon he rehabilitated.
Attempt to Asiastlnuto Illnpolyt
Paris, Sept. 7. The Haytlan minister
here has received the following telegram
from PorUau-Prlnoe confirming the re
ports of the attempt to kill President
Hlppolyte: "There Iibb been an nttempt
against the life of the president. The
authors have been shot. Perfect quiet
A Ilattle In Muroooo.
PARIS, Sept. 7. A dispatch recoived
here from Fez, Morocco, mys tliHt the
troops commanded ny the enereel or
Lnnieranl, while on their wuy to JJara-
sue to subdue some rebellious tribes,
were completely routed, at Tadla.
MAliAlfov Cur, Sept, 7.
I). Graham removed to his old stand to
D. 1J. S) after had a runaway without
any damages.
Mr. Thomson, of Morea. drove through
town last evening.
J. Noonnu. of St. Nicholas, was seen In
town last evening..
ThomaB Samuels boomed business in
Pottsvlllo y estci day.
J. T. Onlun has received n flock of
shocp from Ashland.
Thomas Samuels boomed business in
Pottsville yesterday.
ltev. Zimmerman is away, spending his
three week vacation.
Edward Mates, of Shoemakers, was
seen in town yesterday,.
M. Mavorlsh was serenaded liv the
Polish band last evening.
Our people were entertained by a band
of Germnn musicians yesterday.
Miss Nellie Young, of East Centre street,
left for Newark, N. J., yesterday.
Miss Nellie Young, of East Centre street.
Is visiting friends In Newark, N. J.
Lemuel Foster, of Ilochester. N. Y.. Is
visiting S. S. Senger, nt the Fair store.
Miss Lillian Kcmcrcr. of North Main
street, Is visiting friends in Shamokin.
A cow belonging to J. Smith was struck
by a train yesterday and Instantly killed.
Misses Fritz and Smith, of Delano, vis
ited friends in town Wedncsdny evening.
Miss Mnbel Shuck, of West Mahnuoy
avenue, left for Philadelphia yesterday.
Mr. Brown has re-onenedn grocery store
on East Centre street, at Seligmnn's old
Charles Trier nnd Oscar Lntz Bat be
hind tho former's three-minute horse Inst
Misses Lena nnd Mnrr KliuglnB.ot East
Mahnnov avenue, visited frlend3 in
Tho Shlmmels Preserving Co.'s travel
ing ngent, Mr. Meschter, transacted busi
ness in town yesterday.
The New York Jobbing branch of the
National wallpaper compnny was repre
sented by C. Jb . Kendall In town yester
Misses Bradlgnn nnd O'Hnro. of Shen-
andoah, were the guests of the Gorman
family, on West Pine streot, Wednesday
J. J. Ouirk has several good shows
booked for the coming season. The first
of them is to appear here next Thursday
evening, it. is caueu "wueior wile.
Wm. Sudden, one of tho Locust Volley
milk men, met with nn nccldent while
crossing the electric road between Main
nud Centre streets on Wednesday. Tho
wagon sustained ajar, causing tne tongue
to break and frightening the horses, which
ran over toward tho opera house, where
tney uroKo looso nnu rnn several snnnres.
coming in contact with n note, causing
ono of tho Hues to catch and holding the
norses until buuuen released them, sud
den escaped without injury.
A. M. Bnllev. a well known citizen of
Eucene. Orecon. snvs his wife has for
years been troubled with chronic dlarrhcea
and used many remedies with little re
lief until sho tried Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera nnd Dlnrrhoen Hcinedv. which
has cured her sound and well. Give it n
trlnl nnd vou will be surprised nt the
prompt relict it nllords. lio and &u cent
uot ties lor sale uy urunier tiros.
Ilrltlth Wnrnhlp on n Reef.
SYDNEY, N. S. W.. Sept. 7. The British
warship Hlugaroonm, eight guns, a twiu
screw cruiser of 2,575 tons nnd -1,000 horic
power, detailed for service in Australian
waters, is ashore on a reef off Mallicollo
Island, Now Hebrides. 1 he British war
ships Dart, I.iz.ird and Wallaroo have
been ordered to unj spo,, and the French
cruisers Serif mid Loyaute have also
started for M.itlicolio Island, in order to
try aud be of .issUtance to the endangered
warship. It is believed that the officers
nnd crew of the Hingaroomn are safe.
The VIliliiL- Ship Sunk.
CHICAGO, Sept. 0. The Vikiug ship ex
hibited at the World's fair was sunk In
the river here during the storm of Mott
day night.
Low Rates to Norrlstown.
For tho beuefit of persons desiring to
visit Norrlstown durlug the time of the
Annual uonveui ion oi tne l'euusyivnnln
State Firemen's Asspciation to be held nt
thnt point September 18 to 21, the Penn
sylvania Iiallroad Compnny will sell to
the public on September 20 round-trip
tickets from Pottsville and Intermediate
stations to Norrlstown and return nt rate
of ono first class fare for the round trip.
These tickets will be good for going pas
sage on nil trains up to noon of September
20, and will bo valid for return passage
only on thnt date. Hound-trip tickets to
Norrlstown nnd retnru will nlso be sold
nt the single f nre rate on presentation of
card orders, from September 10 to 20,
good to return until September 20 in
clusive. An opportunity will be offered
for n trip to Atlantic City on September
21 or 22, round trip tickets from Norrls
town to Atlantic City nnd return being
sold on tho-e days at the extremely low
rate of $1.75 for the round trip. These
tickets will be sold to all persons apply
ing, and will be valid for return passage
until September 25 inclnslve.
Water Notice.
On account of the continued drought
tho supply of water will be turned oft
after (1 p. in. ou Saturday, September
1st, 1804, and remain shut off until 7
o'clock Sunday morning, when the water
will be turned on again until 0 a. in.
Aftr that hour the water will ri main
turned off until 4 p. m. and remain in
force from that time until tl p. m.
This arrangement will give the people n
water supply two hours in the evening
and two hours in the morning and will
remain in force until the reservoirs nro
replenished. A watchman will be
stationed at Fowler's lumber yard, on
East Coal street, to turn on the water nt
a moment's notice in case the fire alarm
is sounded. People should be careful and
not leave their hydrants open during the
time the wnter supply is cut off.
S. D. Hess,
8-31-lw Superintendent.
While In Chicago, Mr. Charles L.
Kahler, n prominent shoe merchant of
Dos Moines, Iown, hnd quite a serious
time of it. He took such a severe cold
that he could hardly talk or navigate,
but the prompt use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy cured him of his cold so
qulokly that others at the hotel who had
bad colds followed his example and half
n dozen persons ordered It from the near
est drug store. They were profuse in their
thanks to Mr. Hauler for telling them
how to cure a bad cold so quickly. For
Bale by Gruhler Bros.
A Chance to Invest.
If vou hnve a few thousnnd dollars vou
can make n good investment In n MX) acre
con I and timber trnct in Tennessee. It
will be sold nt n sacrifice, tho owner
being pushed for mouey. Address Jf eh
ALU office, Shenandoah, Pa.
(TGet your repairing done at Holder-man's.
New York's State Secretary Appeals tn
lite Court.
ALUAvr, Sept. T. S-oretarv of State
John Palmer yesterday nfuruoon made
application to the mi reum court for a
writ of mandamus to compel Comptroller
Roberta to oay the n! ,rv of William H'.
Kweli. of It ichesnr. aoKomted a rterk la
the office of the secretary of state lait
This is the first time In the history of
the state when officials of the same politi
cal faith have gone to law to settle diffi
culties. Kwell is a veteran of the late
war. Palmer appointed him under the
veterans' exemption act of Inst winter,
which provides thnt the head of any de
partment may appoint any honorably dis
charged veterau without any civil service
examlunttnn wheu the salary does uot ex
ceed ii per day, Kwoll's position comes
within the law.
Roberts hns'refused to pay him his sal
ary until he produces a certificate from
the adjutant generni showing thathe was
honorably discharged and the civil serv
ice commission's notification that ha is
eligible uti'ur the law. This Secretary of
Stnto Palmer refuses to allow him to do,
as he holds it is uot within the jurisdic
tion of the civil service .commission to
take nny action in the matter. The law
gives him the power to appoint, and he
does not luteml to have that power Inter
fered with, hiwt II has received no salary
since his appointment.
Xiitioimt Leaifile.
At Philadelphia First gome: Philadel
phia, 14; Cincinnati, 7. Second game:
Philadelphia, 10. Cincinnati, 2. At New
York New York, 0; Pittsburg, 5. At
Baltimore Baltimore, 14; Chicago, 6. At
Washington Washington, 12; St, Louis,
2. At Brooklyn Clcvelnnd, 13; Brooklyn,
2. At Boston Louisville, 15; Boston, 10.
Kasteru League.
At Wllkesbarre Wllkesbarre. 7; Buf
falo, 0. At Springfield Springfield. 10;
Syracuse, 8. At Providence Providence,
8; ScrantQu. 1.
Forgers Secure 824,000.
LONDON, Sept. 0. At the banking house
of Glyn, Mills, Currlo & Co., 07 Lombard
street, E. C, yesterdny, a man sucoeeded
in cashing a forged draft for 4,600
(824,000) on the Credit Lyonnols. The
forger or forgers had previously purohased
a draft for IS, which served them as a
model for the draft which was forged.
Tbe Railroad t&r),l
The Clergyman,
Tbs Bti?iness 7aor
E and nil other men who have to
look neat while at work, should
know about "Celluloid " Col- I
I LARS AND CUFFS. They look ex-
E actly like linen, wear well nnd
I being waterproof do not wilt
down with heat and moisture,
They do not soil easily nnd can
be cleaned in n moment by sim-
1 ply wiping off with n wet sponge
I or cloth. Do not confuse these in 5
H your mind with composition i
I goods. Even' piece of the genu-
s inc is stampcu iikc wis ; s
Ask for these nnd refuse nnythinc
else if you wish satisfaction. Re-
member that goods so marked
S nre the only waterproof goods
made by coating a linen collar
I with waterproof "Celluloid, "thus
I giving strength nnd durability. 5
S If your dealer should not have
jj the "Celluloid" send amount di-
g rect to us nnd we will mail you
S sample post-paid. Collars 2$c.
I each. Cuffs, 50c. pair. State size 5
3 nnd whether stand-up or turned-
S down collar is wanted. I
427-29 Broadway, New York. 3
MONDAY EVE., SEPT. 10, '94.
Hettie Bernard Chase,
An! her big company o: SO people In
Under the management of L. H. Donnelly.
Six sluglng and dancing soubrettes, eight
alnglug aud dsuclng comedians, comple'e
opr-rstTc OTbeMra nnd trass liand, and he
urtductloa of the 30 beautiful living
pictures. Lady banjo quartette, ampnloa
male quartette, Prof. Campbell's Tableaux
Prices, 25, 50 and 75 Cents.
Reserved seats at Klrlln'a druc store
Popular Spectacular Production,
"SP1R 10 FLY."
The ulay entirely re-written and elaborated
and all the foatures and effects brand new A
colossal scenlo creation. Matchless In all Its
details. The radiant climax of pantomime,
spectacle, comedy and burlesque brilliantly
Prlccst as, 50 nnd 75 Cents,
Reserved Beats at Klrlln's drug store.
shine. Cycling is the popular
The 1894 Coin m bias are a
realization of the ideal in bicycle
construction a triumph of Amer
ican skill and enterprise. Con
stantly advancing in the line of
progress, Columbias still maintain their proud position as
the standard bicycles of the world unequalled, un
approached. 9
TOPE MFC CO., Doiton, New York, Chicago, IUrtford.
A beautiful Illustrated catalogue free at our agenclei,
or by mall for two a-cent atamps.
GEOHGE II. KHICK, KrlcK's Hardware Store, South Main Street, 13 agent for Columbia
Safe Deposit Building and Savin
The valne of each share is KOO at matnritv. Amplication fee nn pnr-l, olmro 9'.
cents ; and monthly dues on each Bhare, fl.OO. On dnes paid in advance for a
six months or longer, B per cent, interest will be allowed nt time of payment is made.
wemoersmay wunarnwone ornii snares
notice, and are entitled to the full amount
with six per cent. Interest after the first year's membership. Jso shares will be
forced out. All shareholders are entitled to loans from the' fund on real estate secur
ity. Iteference nnd information on application. Jew series starts in Sept., 1694.
Shares may be subscribed for any time, nnd dues, etc., will be received at the office
of M. H. Master's marble yard. 127 N. Jardln St.. on the first Mondny after the first
Saturday oi encn montn. we reier to
S. W. YOST, Cashier First National Bank.
K. u. uuuiiST. urocer.
13 Nortli Jardin Street.
Charley Lee & Co. will onen n laundrv
in the Ferguson House block on Saturday,
Sept. 1st. Shirts will be lnundried for 10
cents, collars, 2 cents, aud cuffs 4 cents per
Sair. Ready -washed shirts will be laun
rled for 8 cents. Fnmily washing done.
Mending free. Work called for and de
livered free.
'Wholesale agent for
Felpnspan's Newark, I J Export
Lager ni Saazer Pale Beer.
No finer made. Flee liquors nnd Cigars
120 Mouth Main tit.
A genuine welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wy ait's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter and nle constantly on tap
Chqice temperance thinks and clgarB
MMMMaenv.Piano Tuner.
Pianos and organs repaired. Orders left i.l
at North Main otreet, Bhesandoab.-wlU receive
prompt attention
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
Meals at nil hours. Ladles' dining room
Attached. Finest wines, liquors, cigars.
lOIt SALK.-Cheap, a ten-stop, 5-octave
orcan with two full sets ol reeds- In
eood order. Annlv to lleul. D. Beddall. Wm.
Pcrjn, or Elmer Wilde, muslo teacher, North
jaram street, Biicnanaoan. vo-zw
FOB SALE. Two first-class fresh cows, in
third calf. Apply to Daniel Haley, corner
Lioya ana America streets, rjncnanaoaa, i-a.
A BARGAIN. If sold this month. Two
tracts ot oou acres each, or valuable coai
and timber land In Teunosice. Will bear In.
vesttgnilon. Tracts will be sold elngly. Ad
dress lliUAM), oncnanaoau, ra.
IOK BALE. Storeroom and dwelling. Good
" location. Bent reasonable. App'v at
KendrlcK House. e-w-u
I?OB SALE. A Bood, sound horse. Price
? reasonable. Apply to Michael Peters,
heuanaoan, ra. a-tm-u
OR RENT. Two rooms, for office use
hAMad hv fltnnmi bus: cheap. AnDlv t(
L. Relowlch, 6. Main street. 7-25-tf
TJbTRAYKD. A cow, white and cream spot
ted. lolt horn cracked. Btraved on Sunday
August StStb. For further Information address
usoar ueunuge, xm est uemru Dircei, nuru-
anaoan, I'a. o-oi-iw
rhrr toK15PER DAY at home selllnc LUht
J)D nine Plater ard plating Jewelry watches
tableware, etc. Every has house goods needing
nlatlnrr. No exnerlencc: no canltal: no talktne.
Some agents are making J26 a day. Permanent
position. Auurtbo xi. iv. ijdiuu a i;u., ldiuoi-
bus, UUIO.
FOB BALE. Cheap, an old violin, Cremona
pattern. Apply at Max Heete's auction
rooms, west centre street. v-o-b
TJOR HAT.TC. ThB Ml. Oni-mM House YjrOD-
Avenue, Mt. Carmel, Is offered for sale at a
low figure and on easy terms. Will sell the
hotel building with or without the adjoining
ground. Any Information as to figures and
terms can be obtained by applying to Solomon
ocnoener, xul varmei. o--
Jh ceased. Letters of administration on
the estate of Mary LIndenmuth, late of Union
townsblp, Schuylkill county, rcunsyivania,
dncensed. have been eranted to Wm. 11. Nun-
iresaer. retldlnc at Bingtown, Pa., to whom all
persons Indebted to said estato are requested
to make payment, and those having claims, or
demands, will make known the same without
Wm, H, NUNCESsin, Executor,
Bingtown, Pa.
Shenandoah, Pa., Aug. 2, 1891. 8 3-oaw-6t
Evan J. Davies,
HERE is Health
in the Wheel.
Firm muscles, good complexion, and
cheerful spirits are the result of
plenty of out-door exercise and sun
sport of the day.
Ride a
ns anytime oy giving au uays' written
of dnes Dald on such shares, toe-ether
tne ionowiug snnrenoiuers:
W. II. ZIMMERMAN, Meat Market.
E. F. KEIILEK, Grocer.
For a Limited Time Only.
New and Used Bicycles.
To Reduce Stock.
Good Wheels from $25 up.
Cleveland Bicycles.
Majestic Bicycles.
Repairing & Parts a specialty
The A. Heebner Co.
100 North Centre Street,
Have business with otbers, nnd should,
therefore, hnve n business education.
The quickest way to get the best
ideas of modern business practice 1b
to nttend the
(All conveniences, elevator service.)
This year's catalogue Is something
especially fine. Ask for It.
North Main St., MAHAN0Y CITY.
Largest and finest hotel In the region.
Finest accommodations. - Handsome fixtures.
Pool and Millard Booms Attached.
Drop in at
Linton's Photograph Gallery,
Apd lot him fasten your likeness
Rohhins' Building, West Centre St,
Shenandoah's Reliable
Hand Laund?
Cor. Lloyd and White Bts.
All work guaranteed to be flrst-olasa In every
particular- Silk ties and lace ourlaln sa spec
ialty. Goods called for and delivered. Altrlal
Weeks' Museum, .
17 SOVTir 31 A IX ST11EE1.
111-!,. nnA Animal, j-if -all salAMIina
Taxidermist, Robert Murray.
Coldest nb Largest Glass of Beer. Free Luscb Dallj,
John Weeks, Proprietor.
G. W. Davidson, Bartender.
ROOF PAINTING promptly done with
Jtu. YOST, Agent,
1S9 East Coil street, Bhenandoah. It Is the best
and only guarantee paint against corrosion, firs
and every kind of weather, for metal, wooden
and paper roofs and walls. Give tt a trial.
Your Stomach : s s
Cannot stand the same washing that
your boots do.andthe water you drink
isn't even fit for that purpose. Use
Loronz Schmidt's Beer and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
jicfcle Bargains