The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 06, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dally, except Sunday by
Fnblloatlon office and me hanlcal department,
a Hast Coa Street.
nv if 9? j ls delivered In Shenandoah and
i ae jieram surroutl(ltng towng for s)x cents
avfeelt.piTablo to the curriers, lljr mall, Three
Dollars a year or Twenty-flvo cent per month,
In advance.
Adrertltementt charged according to apace
ftnd position. The publishers reserve the right
to change the position of advertisements when
sver the publication ol news requires It. The
rltht Is also reserved to reject any advertise
xatlit, whether paid (or or not, that the pub
lahcrs may deem Improper. Advertising rates
leads known upon application.
Entered at tho post offlco at Shenandoah, Fa.,
at second close mall matter.
the evening herald,
Shenandoah, Ponns.
Evening Herald.
Republican State Ticket.
For Governor,
Centre county.
For Lieutenant-Governor,
Allegheny county.
For Auditor-General,
Lancaster county.
For Secretary Internal Affairs,
Philadelphia county.
For Congrossmon-at-Largo,
OALU81IA A. onow,
Susquehanna county,
Westmoreland tounty.
County Ticket.
For Congress,
Of Mluersville.
For Senator, SOth District,
Of Mahanoy City.
For Representative, 1st District,
josnrn watt,
01 Shenandoah.
For Sheriff,
Of Frackville.
For Director of the Poor,
Of Wayne Township.
For Jury Commissioner,
Of Iteilly Township.
Notice !
Hereafter nil political advertisements,
is imperative, as the management has ex
j.eilinentuil long enough nnd finds that
'llccttons for this kind of work are more
ijt'ily made at the time the contracts nre
aj.tde than at auy other time.
Aj'Miisal hKEitiiETT told a reporter that
the navy of either China or Jnpim la
uporiur to that of the United States.
t us not boast any more, or until we
get some more ships.
M (Tii the other losses this year must be
counted those of the towuH nud villages
of the Northwest by Are, traceable to th
unwonted drouth. And they will foot up
more than many persons In this part of
the world would Imagine.
THE awful calamity that has fallen on
Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, In
'stead of being exaggerated in Its result
:n tho earlier reports from the stricken
region, appears to have been understated
Tl'p forest flies have carried destruction
.ml death so far that the victims are now
J-etieved to number nearly a thousand.
lilioiii of dollars worth of property has
- n destroyed and whole towns hav
t on -tti-pt away. The suffering has of
t-u 1, euii extreme, and the need of holp
-rent. At the momeut of such au
h. ".lowing calamity as this the great
'tvoieiice of the Amerioau people Is ills
y 'l With thousands of a ores of
'iQtl burned over, thousands of homos
-wept away and perhaps a thousand lives
K-r henued of Immediate relief must
10 f.'rcat, and the response of our citizens
u . lit to be prompt and generous.
t. ivrANWK to taxation Is not the baste
k r'.iclpJe of Anarchism. Anarohtsta nro
fit taxpayers ; and taxpayer, are not Au
artlilsts. There may be a few theoretical
-xceptions to this rule; but none practl
a The more property a mnn owns, and
. taxes, therefore, be Is compelled
to pay, the more conservative he becomes,
and the less inolined toward Anarchism.
i . have cerUluly never been informed
ih it Valllunt was a large land-owner; or
th it Henry was a heavy taxpayer ; or that
r Boerlo had extensive business interests,
On th'' contrary, they wero propertyless,
Don-laxpayiug, nou-produolng, non-indus
trial. Ko with their comrades. Hy their
own confession, some ot them nro co
mon thieves ; some ot them nre so unut
terably debased ns to live on the earnings
of vicious women, nnd most of them do
dare their unwillingness to "degrade
themselves" by lawful work, Of such ore
the hosts of Anarchy. To say that they
are Anarchists because they protest
against the power of government to levy
taxes Is so lnncotlrnte ns to be grotesque
lie mnn who U industrious nnd provident
Is called upon to pny taxes ; but ho pays
thcra cheerfully. And the more Indus
trious nud provident he Is, nnd the more
property he therefore acquires, the larger
Is the tnx-lovy made upon him. Hut be
cause of those very facts he takos all the
more Interest In tho government, h the
more devoted to the maintenance of It, Is
the better citizen, and U the more stead
fast opponent of Anarchism and nil Its
TllHEE murderers of women are under
sentence to be hanged In New Jersey on
Thursday next. For the good of the com
monwealth and the upholding of the law,
It Is to be earnestly desired that the execu
tions shall take plnco as decreed, without
auy further Juggling with appeals nnd
gtnys. Now Jersey has been singularly
unfortunate. In respect of crimes of vio
lence against women. Several dark mys
teries stand yet unsolved on her police
records. It Is, therefore, especially desir
able that In tho cases where guilty men
are caught and duly convicted the law
shall bo enforced and its penalties admin
istered with all possiblo promptness nnd
certainty. This Is the only way in which
there is any hope of establishing such a
respect for the law of the stnte as will
tend to keep men from the commission of
bloody crimes.
Peculiar Method of rUhlnc Indulged 111 by
Natives of Occniiien Inlands.
A peculiar method of fishing Is in
dulged In by tho natives of Tetulln, 0110
of tho Islands of Oceanlca. At a given sig
nal the Inhabitants of tho village nssemblo
on tho seashore, to tho number of about
200 persons.onch of whom carries n branch
of cocoa palm. With these In their bands
they plunge into tho water, and at n cer
tain distance from tho shore turn toward
it, forming n compact half circle, each
0110 holding his pull 11 brunch perpendicu
larly In tlio water, nud thus forming n
Tho lender of tho party then gives a sig
nal, nnd this living net approaches tho
shore gradually in perfect order, driving
before it n inultltudo of flshos. Surround
ed by this living wall nnd entangled In tho
cocoa palm branches mnny of tho fishes
nro enst on tho sand by tho waves, whilo
others nro killed with sticks. After bolng
cooked over hot coals tho fish nro served
with bananas nnd coconnut milk.
Tho Bcono as doscrllied by n Frenchman
who recently visited the island was inter
esting nnd plcturosquo In the oxtremo, tho
effect buing Immensely heightened by tho
nppearnuco of tho nntlvos, whoso costumo
consists of a short tunlo of seaweed or
leaves. Tholrlmlr is iiowdercd with chalk,
whilo tho warriors are distinguished by
tho hnlr being powdered red. Wreaths of
gardenias or red hibiscus are wont on
their heads, alto round their necks. Phil
adelphia Times
The Kuroponn Viper.
Many persons are killed by vipers on
tho continent; but, though Polios bems
Is widely distributed over Europe nnd Is
generally known distinctively as tho "lit
tle viper," tho prevalent and most dan
gerous bpocios nro tho long nosed mid asp
vipers. Mntthlolo relates an Instance of
a man who was fatally bitten by half n
suuko in Franco. An adder had been m;v-
ored in twain with a hoe, nnd ho unfortu
nately picked up tho business ond. Such
nn occurrenco is quite within tho lmunds
of credibility. I havo soon a wretched
python which had boon cut in two by n
sweep of a cooly's cutlass launch itself
furiously at the man who was preparing
to glvo It the coup do gruco nnd toar tho
torch from his hands.
Domestlo animals nro not Infrequently
nttacked but rarely succumb to tho pol-
6011. Shoep and horses nro struck on tho
noo us they graze, cows very commonly
on tho udders while lying down. A bit
ten dog repeatedly plunges Us head under
water to assuago tho llerco heat ot tho in
flamniatory symptoms, but generally re
covers. Human beings niulmoukoys suf
fer fnr more Intensely than do creatures
lower In tho sonlo of life. Uharabers'
Church Wculth.
Tho wealthiest denomination in tho
TTnlted States, if we estimate denomina
tional wealth necordlng to tho average
value of tho church cdlllocs nnd sum, is the
Jewish. The next is tho Unitarian, tlio
third is tho Itoformod (Dutch) and the
fourth the Protestant Episcopal. Thoover -
age value of the churches of Hofonnod
. .-r ... -
Jews is $38,8311; of the Unitarian, $34,
725: of the Ilefornied (Dutch), (lH.aa,,
nnd of tho Protestant Epiftoopul, $10,188.
The Episcopal church Is, howover, much
more widely distributed than any of the
other bodies named. Tho Jews aro almost
entirely in the cltlos, and tho Reformed
Jews also are largely so, but tho Eplsco- j
pullnus aro found not only In all the larger
cities, but lire represented in nil the stutos I
and territories. This luct ndil to the
slgnlfioaneo of tho high average value re
ported for Its churches. Its ministers,
llko those of tho Presbytorlau church, are
well oared for. It makes no separate re
turn for ministerial sularles. Forum.
PliOiirT RELIEF comes to the woman
sufferinR from any of the painful disorders
and derangements peculiar to her sex. if she
accepts the help that's offered. Dr. Tierce'g
Eavorlto Prescription U the only medicine so
certaln .In its effects that , It .can bemtarait.
teed. In every ,11 Hdoesnt benefit c
WnZ&Xl!o wen the,
owe to good health. It you wish to be beau-
tiful. keep the natural functions of the body
""'"""i .i.-' j
A train of disorders follow the derange-1
ment of the womanly functions. For nervous 1
prostration, excitability, fainting spells, dir
tiness, spasms, convulsions, or "tits," thlf
remedy relieves and cures.
Take it when you suffer from sleepless
ness, backache and bearing-down .tarnations,
for th prompt rxlief it Imparts.
Wisconsin, Minnesota and Miohi
gan Again Eoport Dangor,
Gorernor Fclc Snys Thnt Wisconsin Will
Take Core of liar Stricken
Oltltoni. '
The Dentil List at Hinckley droning,
but Slowly.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept. 6. Tho subscrip
tions for the fire sufferers jumped up ye- 1
terday. The first one came from President
James J. Hill, of the Great Northern rail
way, of which road the damaged Eastern
Minnesota Is a branch, and was for 5,000. (
Accompanying this was another subscrip
tion of 5,000 from President Hill's asso
ciate In the Grent Northern, Sir Donald
Smith, of Montreal. Several New York
commercial firms turned In f 1,300, while
the agents of the leading New York In
surance companies gave tl,000. Alto
gether the money contribution up to this
time will aggregate $25,000.
Minneapolis has already raised (12,000,
nnd is rapidly increasing the amount, and
Duluth has a fund of (10,000, while every
town In the state have sont smaller
amounts. A message was received in this
city from Governor Peck, of Wisconsin,
asking that to avoid confujtou In furnish
ing supplies the Minnesota people look
after their state, that Wisconsin would
tnko charge of all the Buffering in theirs.
Yesterday two car loads of provisions
from this city reached Shell Lake, and
other sections are equally well provided
Reports from the north are to the eflect
that Carlton, Kcrrlck nnd Bnrnuin are In
danger. The fires now surround those
places, nnd are raging furiously. So dense
Is the smoke at Carlton thnt the operator
there said he could not see across the
street. One report was current in this
city that liaruum had been destroyed, hut
it bos been Impossible to confirm the re
port. The men of Kerrlck have sent tho
women nnd children to West Superloj
and Duluth for snfety, and remained be
hind to fight the llres.
Tho Remains of Seven Tenons Taken to
Illuckley Yesterday.
Pink Citt, Minn., Sept. C The death
roll at Hinckley is growing, but slowly.
Yesterday the remains of three bodies
were brought in from the eastern county
road. One was a mnn. Of the other two
there wns left but a hand and a leg. The
hand wns that of a child, but the leg was
that of a boy. Later in the forenoon tho
bodies of Mr. Lovell and his family, four
altogether, were recovered. They lived
about two miles north of the town.
Searching parties are out in all directions,
but their orders are to bury the dead
where they lie. Tho seven bodies brought
in bring the total number in Hinckley up
to 221, nnd in tho vicinity of Hinckley to
upwnrds of 230.
As yet it has been impossible to ap
proach tho mill pond. The heap of sawed
wood and landings which mark its bank
nre still sending up dense clouds of blind
ing smoke, rendering it impossible for a
man to get neivr the water. It has been
decided to draw oil the water, ns it isnow
supposed that there are many bodies in
the pond. At Pino City tho work of ro
lief is running smoothly.
Millions of Feet of Timber Iturned.
West SiTEmoit, Wis., Sept. 0. Along
tho Hue of tho Omaha rullroad south of
here the fires aro still burning. At Su
perior Junction tho fires nre reported very
bad, but at last accounts the town wns
still safe. At Poplar three residences, a
school house, railroad ties and cedar poles
nnd millions of feet of timber were burned.
A small settlement about twenty miles
north of Iron lliver burned to the ground
Tuesday night, but the residents escaped.
Michigan Forests Ablaze.
IsnrEMtNO, Mich,, Sept. 0. This city is
again enveloped in smoke, the fires in the
forests having started afresh. A party of
campers eight miles west of here were
driven out of the woods by the rag
lag flnmes yesterdny. They drove their
horses through miles ot lire and smoke.
narrowly escaping. Tho damage here is
confined to crops and timber, as the fire
is qQuio distance from settlements.
Two Villages Eudangered.
Manistique, Mich., Sept. 0. Forest
fires nro raging fiercely in this vicinity.
Tho villages of South Manlstlquo nnd
Thompson nro In considerable danger.
Conditions are favorable for 11 disastrous
fire throughout tho county of Schoolcraft.
Their lleslgnatlons ltefjuested,
Washington, Sept. 0. Secretary Car
lisle yesterday asked for the resignations
I . . T T I t T .. ..II .
' i juuiw. l-. ui -uiwui;uuasi.ui, cuiui
1 of the engineering nnd drafting division
in the office of tho supervising architect
jof the treasury; Peter S. Garretson, of
New Jersey, chief of the accounts division,
and l-ranK luuiiKen, 01 amine, chlet ot
the record division of the same offlco. All
ot these officials are Republicans, aud
their places will be filled by Democrats,
The reorganization of the department un
der the Duckery law will result in the dis
missal of about 152 clerks about Oct. 1.
Trial by Jury Refused,
Chicago, Sept. 0. The hearing of tha
ooutempt cate against President Debs and
other officers of the American Hallway
I miinn . whirli irm rilsn.nnttlillMfl mi .Tulxr
26, was taken up by Judge Woods yester
day. Attorney Gregory, for the defense,
I moved for a trial by Jury, which was over
ruled by Judge Woods. The taking of
1 testimony wns then begun.
IFor Governor of New Hampshire,
Concord, N. H., Sept. 0. The Repub
lican state convention met here yesterday.
Charles H. Uarlett, of Manchester, pre
sided. Charles A. lluslel was nominated
for governor. At the Second district con-
Igresslonal Republican convention Hon.
Henry M. linker was nominated by ao-
Nominated to Succeed Ilarnes Comnton.
' CATONSVILLE, Md., Sept. 6. The Fifth
district Democratic congressional oonveu-
tIon nominated State Senator Johu G.
noger, of Howard county, for the long
term, and Dr. GeCrge Wells "of Atme
Arundel, for the short term. Strong tnr-
111 reform resolutlqns were adopted.
tyllKjarNO. W. Va., Sept. 0. Alstpn
Gordon Payton, of Barbour coupty, was
nominated for congress by tho Second dis
trict Republicans to ruu against Hon. W.
L. Wilson, chairman of the ways and
means committee.
Uniting- with Itothsclilldsnml Mora-nns for
Southern Itallrond Kxtetislon.
ClIATTANoooA, Tenn., Sopt. ft-From n
thoroughly reliable source The Times Is
Informed that the underwriters, as they
may be termed, of the reorganization
scheme of tho Hlchmoud and West Point
Tcrmlnnl and the Kast Tennessee, Vir
ginia and Georgia ltallroad company, are
none other than the Rothschilds, of Lon
don nnd Pnrls, nnd the Vnnderhllts, of
"exv iotk Cornelius nnd Wllliaui K.
1 xne reorganization, ns Is well Known,
: was undertaken nnd successfully consum
! inntcd by Drexel, Morgan & Co., of Lon
don, lhese two great banking houses in
terested their richest clients the Koths
chllds nnd Vanderbllts. The syndicate
really is very small In numbers, for it Is
divided into four portions, but is colossal
1 .. 1 , . ..,......4.. 1.
' n' .n , 35
than halt a billion dollars,
The Kothschllds have one nuartor. the
Vanderbllts oue quarter, Drexel, Morgan
& Co. one quarter and J. S. Morgan &
Co. a qunrter. The reorganization plan
provided for (30,000,000 of new capital, and
it is this sum thnt the quartet has agreed
to supply and more if necessary. Tho
money is to be used in heavier rails, new
bridges, new equipment, terminals, ex
tensions, etc. The first annual meeting
of stockholders is to be held in Richmond,
Va., Tuesday, Oct. 2, and bonds to the
amount of 120.000.000 on tho entire nrotv
esty will be authorized.
There is now very little doubt that the
southern railway project Is simply an ex
tension of tho vnnderbilt system Into and
through the south. The Chesapeake and
Ohio will no doubt become a part of the
system within a short time, and the Queen
and Crescent systeni will ultimately be
come part of it,
The Convention Ilelused to listen to Uli
Principal Opponent,
PUEDLO, Colo., Sept. 0. The Populist
state convention yesterday refused to
listen to Thomas M. Patterson, leader of
ot the opposition to Governor Wnlte's re-
nomination, and the Patterson delegation
left for Denver, followed by a dozen other
Governor Walte was renominated on
the first ballot, receiving all but half a
dozen votes, which were given to Con
gressman Peuco. The nomination was
later made unanimous. When Introduced
to the convention ho wns greeted with
tremendous cheers.
Governor Wnlte, after thanking the
convention for the honor bestowed on
him by the rcnomluatlon, said: "I do not
take this as an indorsement ot all my
official acts, as I know I have mnde many
grievous mistakes, but I take It as an ex
pression of confidence in me, and that I
have acted honestly,if not always wisely."
uongressmnn fence, in response to loud
calls, made a speech urging the support
of the ticket. He said that under no cir
cumstance would he be a candidato for
any office.
Henry of Navnrre Heats
New Yohk, Sept. 0. In the bay stnke
race run at Sheepshead yesterday only
Henry of Navarre, Bauquet, Yo Tnmblcn
nnd Sir Walter participated, and that was
the order of favoritism. When they were
Bent away neither seemed to want to make
the pace, but finally Sir Walter and Yo
fniriltlen did so. This wns tho wnv thav
ran up to the last half, when Henry of
Navarro,and llnuquet got away from the
others ns If they wero standing still, and
began the fight through the stretch.
Simms, on Banquet, did a good deal of
crowding, but Taral outrode him and
landed the three-year-old in the first place
by a head.
Employers Urge a Conference.
Trenton, Sept. O.The manufacturing
potters of this state have addressed a let
ter to the operative potters, who have
been out on strike for several mouths,ask
lng for a conference for the purpose of
discussing a reduction of wages from tho
scale agreed upon when the strike was set
tled a few weeks ngo. The manufacturers
name no figures in their communication
to the men, but say that a reduction Is
Imperative on account ot tho new tariff
laws. Tho men have not yet seut a reply.
' Killed by a Falling Troe.
Point Akkan, Cal,, Sept. 0. A party
from San Francisco, including W. W.
Higglnsorj, second officer of tho steamer
Oakland, his wife nnd daughter, William
Spohn and Ed Heed were camped on Gnr
cia river, ten miles from this place. Early
In the morning they were awakened by
the cracking of a large redwood tree. Tho
men ran, but the ladies stopped to dress.
The tree fell over both tents, killing Mrs,
Illgglnsou nnd her daughter Sadie, and
breaking a leg of both Spohn nud Iteed.
Mlrnndn Wrecked, Fassengers ltescned.
Nohth Sydney, C. B., Sept. 0. Tho
schooner Rlgel, of Gloucester, Mass., Cap
tain G. W. Dfxon, arrived Ticre yesterday,
having on board the crew and passengers
of tho steamer Miranda, which left New
York July 7 with Dr. F. A. Cook's Arctic
excursiou. All tho party nre well. On
Aug. U the Miranda struck a rock near
Sukkertoppeu, West Greenlnnd, and was
abandoned in a sinking condition Aug. 23
in Davis strait, lat. about 01 degs. 15mlu.,
long. 58 degs. 40 mlu.
Arrested for linltutlni; Hank Notes.
St. Louis, Sept. 0. M. E. Smith, the
secretnry ot the St. Louis Dank Note
company, has been arrested upon the
charge ot violating section 5,430 of the re
vised statutes in connection with the
printing of the special warrants recently
issued by the state of Mississippi 1Q the
likeness ot United States notes. Presi
dent Cheney nnd Mr. Holmes, a repre
sentative of the company, will also bo ar
rested as soon as they return to the city.
Assassinated on the Street,
IlKKBirrrA, Tex.. Sept. 6. J. Y. Witt,
secretary of the Twelfth congressional
district committee and superintendent of
public schools nt Deoatur, was assassin
ated nt the latter place by S. Simmons, a
young business man of Sherman. The
tragedy occurred lu a public street at De
catur. It is alleged that undue intimacy
existed between Witt and a sister of Sim
mons, and that Witt openly boasted of it.
Simmons was arn-nted.
Rtnny Creek 1'lllrcl wlih D-nrt risli.
NoitltlSTOWK, Pa., Sept. 0. Dead flsh
are, floating on htouy creek in HUflleleut
numbers to alarm the health authorities.
The stream, ordluarlly sluggish aud odor
iferous, is now, UT reason of the ptvtracted
"drought, practically a ttagnuut poo) with
green scum. The creek is little better
than au open sewer under average clreum
.tallies, and now the water, reaembllug r
body of greasy filth, is a serious menace
to the DUblle bealth.
All That's Claimed
I had a poor appetite, that tired f celinz and
was run donp, but. Hood's Banoparllla has
good. I havo a better
appetite and do not
f tel tired, I can rto.
ommend Hood's Bursa
parllla as an excellent
spring or fait medicine
to keep the blood la
order. Uyaelf and
three daughters hare
taken over tlx bottles,
and It has done us
much good. We do
not now have to call
npon a doctor, as for.
roerly, In the spring
Albert Klnsey time, and I can say that
Auburn, ra. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is
all that Is claimed for It. I moat heartily rec
ommend It, and (hall always keep it in my
house." Albert Kinset, Auburn, ra.
f-fOOd'S Sarsa
I 1 ow, parilla
Be sure to get fXXYQS
Hood's Pills aro purely vcgctablo, and do
not purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists.
Yon enn save money by .purchasing V . L.
Douslna Shoes,
Because, we are the largest manufacturers of
advertised shoes In the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name and price on
the bottom, which protects you against high
prices and the middleman's profits, our shoes
equal custom work in style, easy fittiug aud
wearing qualities. We hsrve them sold every,
whereat lower prices for the value given than
any other make. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
Joseph Ball, Shenandoah, Pa.
You havo Been It advertised for many
years, but have you ever tried it? If
not, you do not know what an Ideal
ft Complexion Xoder Is.
besides bolnff nn Acknowledged beautlflor,
fiua many reirobnmgueco, 11 prevents ciiar
iritf,Bim-buni,wim1 'n, lessen iwrsnlrntlon,
cto.i Infnctitiantnostdollcatoniuiaesiniblo
prgtuctli a to tho fnco during hot weather.
It In Sold JZverywherce
For sample, address t
.A. POZZON! CO. St. Louis, Mo.t
llr Thpftl 1317 Arch St.
Tho only tlcnulno Specialist In America,
noiTTlinsianmns; wnat outers HUTenise.
Special Diseases and Stricture
Pcrm&uently Cured In U to 6 dais
Dl nfin nniOnU I'rlmnrv or Sccond-
DLUtJU r Li I II nrv runfl bv entirety
I new mtitliod in JO to w days. 0 years Euro
pean llospltal and 32 practical experience, as
cferttflRAtt'ei anil IMniomas nrove- Bend five
I 2-cent stamps lor book, "TltUTII," the only
I iirvilr oTTMV.lnf fltnrlr llnMors anil Otuersad-
to all sufferers and to tbose contemplating
marriage. TuemoscBiuDuoruuiiuuauKowuo
leases solicited, wnieor caiiauu uwbaYuu
Hoars: 9-8 1 Eve'flfr-8t Wed. and Sat. eve's I
I 6-Wittun. &-12. successn
treatment by mall.
29 Ea3t Centre Street,
lread, Cakes, Confectionery and
Vanilla, Chocolate and Straw-bei-ry
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
Wholesale and Retail.
Orders for parties and other events fllleii
on short nottceL Icecream delivered to
all parte of townUn pint or quart buckets.
For Fainting ....
The Season Is here
md Paper Banging
Get ypur workidone by
.Mahanoy CI y'k leading artist,
Perfect Work.
ltHrcmlns In nnlntAi nnd nlln. nlHln hue
stained glass. All (the new patterns 1l
wall paper. All dally nd weekly papers,
novels, novelettes ana stationery. -
133 "West Ortntre Stroqt.
neadrmnr'er for the JEvitNllf o Hekaijj
a In Post n;;c, no mil send &
Zj A hni.iplo r.nvelopo, of clllicr S
fJonuUl'T" needs reliable uiosth'y, 'atlos; medicine. Only lnrnlo dSd
v the purest rlrggsehoqU hi sJ. JfTonitantthsibMl.itet , , '
m Peal'-'s Pennyroyal HiESs
Thsy htt -"omnt, sale fh certaia la riwvlt. The tannine (Dr. Foal's) navar dlap
oolnt. V I - " -Uuro, 51.00. Addrwj i'Eii M jil.ui v v, ClSTsUnd, C,
Solii byl'.l: J). KIltLJN,Vruggtt, Shennndoah, I'a.
OcullSt and
111 W. Centre St.,
Mahanoy City, Pa.
Kves examined and ulasses prescribed.
Special attention to difficult cases.
Professional Cards.
Offlco Room 4, Post Office building, Bhenan
donn, Pa.
8. KIHTLER, M. D..
Ufflce 1IQ North Jsrdln street, Shensnaoab.
Offlce HeCdill bulldlnt. Shenandoah, Ps.
m. bukkk,.;;
niftAKDOAn, Tl.
Office. Egan building, corner of Main and
Centre streets, Bbenanduaa.
No. 25 K&st Coal Street,
Office Hours 1:80 to 8 and :80 to 9 p. m,
No. 11 South Jsrdln Street, Shenandoah,
Orrioa Uodbs: 1:30 to 3 and 0i30 to 8 p. M.
Except Thursday evenlne.
No office work on Sunday except bv arrangf
ment. A tlrict adherence to the office hour)
is abtolutcly neceisary.
Successor to
301 Mahantoupo Street, Pottsvllle, Penna.
in rrrEci mat is, 1894.
Passenger trains leave Shensadosh
Penn Haven Junction, Msuch Chunk, Le
hlghton, Slatlcgton, White Hall, Cstassuqus,
Allentown, Bethlehem, Esston and Woatherly
6.04, 7.38, S.15 a m.. 18.48, 8 67, 8.27 J. m.
Fot New York and Phllsdelphls, (.04, 7.S8,
9.15 a. m., 12.43, 2.67. For Quakake, Switch
back, Gerhsrds snd Hudsondale, 6.04, 9.15 a
m., aud 3.57 p. m.
For Wllkes-Dsrro, White Haven, Plttston,
Lsccyvllle, Towands, Snyre, Wsverly and
Elmirs, 6.04, 9.13i a. m., 2.67, 5.27 p. m.
For Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls na
the West, 6.04, 9.13 a. m. and 2.57 5.27 p. m.
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Qsp and
Stroudsburg, 6.04 ft. m., 2.57 p. m.
For Lambertvllle and Trenton, 9.15 a. m.
For Tunkhsnnook, 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 2.67, 6.27 p. m.
For Ithaca and Geneva 6.04, 9.15 a. m. 5.27
p. m
For Auburn 9.15 a. m. 6.'27 p. m.
7.S3a. m., 12.43,8.08 p.m.
For Stocktou and Lumber Yard, 6.04, 7.S8
9.15, a. m., 12.41. 2X7, 6.27 p. m.
For Silver Brook Junction, Audenrled and
Hazleton 8 04, 7.38, 9.15 a. m . 12.48, 2.57, 5.27 and
8.08 p. IB.
For Scrsnton, 6.04, 9,15, s. m., 2.57 and 6.27
p m.
For Bazlebrook, Jeddo, Drlf ton and Frceland,
6.04, 7.88, 9.15, a. m., 12.48. 2.67, b.27 p. m.
For Ashland, Glrsrdvllle and Lost Creek, 4.6J.
7.51, 9,13, 10.20 a. m 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.85, 8.22, 9.U
For Ravon Run, Centralis, Mount Carmeland
Shamokln, 9.13. 11-14 a. m., 1.S2, 4.40, 8.22 p. m:
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano, 0.04, 7.38, 9.15, 11.05 a m., 12.43, 2.67
5 27, 8.08, 9.83, 10.38 p. m.
Trains wnl leave Shamokln at 8.15, 11.45
a. m., 1.66, 4.30 9.80 p. m., and arrive at Shenan
doah at 9.15 a. m.. 12.43, 2.67, 6.27, 11.15 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.60, 7.38
9.08, 1L05 11.30 a. m., 12.18, 2.67, 4.10 6.27, 8.08
p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.60,
9.05, 10.15,11,40 a. m., 12.32, 3.00,. 440, 6.20, 7.16,
7.65, 10.00 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah (or Hatletoa, 6.04, 7.38, 9.15,
a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 6.27,8.06 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.35, 10.09,
11.96 a. m , 12.15, 2.66, 6.80, 7.26, 7.66 p. m.
Trains leave for Raven Bun, Centralla, Mt
Carmel and Shamokln, 6.45 a. m 2.40 p. m.,
and arrive at Shamokln at 7.40 a. m. ana 3.45
p. m.
l rams leave naumuKiu lur sutiiuuwau
7.55 a. m. and 4 00 p, m. and arrive at Shen
I andoah at 8.49 a. m. and 4.58 p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland, Qlrardvllle and Lost
' Creek, 9.40 a. m 12.30 p. m.
i For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
, Bethlehem, Easton and New York, 8.49 t m.,, p. m.
T'nr PhlUdelnhlalSJlO. 2.65 D m.
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano, 8.49, 11.85 a, m., 12.80, 2.55, 4.58 6.03 p. m.
Leave liazioton tor ancnancoan, d.w, u.du
a. m., 1.05,6.80 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.60, 8 49,
9.30 a. m 2.40 p.m. . .
Leave Pottsvllle lor snenanaoan,, ly.tu
t. io., 1.85, 6.16 n. m.
South Bethlehem, Pa
OHAS. S. LEE, Gcnl. Pass. Act., ,
South Bethlehem, Pa
ff.f o'c nn who can taste our candles
iSUK, till witnout n feeling of nffeo-
rirlrT fit-rl tion for the young man
uao. jrirAwlj0 brlngg them They
just melt In the mouth; the girl's eyes
melt with tenderness the young man also
melts, and the question is settled. Try it,
Ice Cream, all flavors. 101 N. Main St.
Millions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc, Insured In first-class, relia
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent,
ISO South Jardlu Street.
Also Life and Accidental Companies
For the . . .
Hot Eeason
Cleary Bros
Temperance Drinka
Mineral water" Wes beer. Bottlers ot
the finest lager beers.
!7 asi 10 Pe::i Ditty, Shenandoah, P. '
vUilalL. .)lSfiki.tllw