The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 04, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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mTTTT)T 171 T T rTTT"vVT
A Newspaper Man Sees a Strange and
Interesting Experiment Meat Com
, plctciy Digested In an Open Dish.
Views of Col. J. R. Fellows,
and Other New Yorkers.
(New York Exchange.)
It Is not often that science mnkes a dis
covery that demands special investigation
on the part of the newspapers. Once in it
while it does, however, such na occurred
In New York recently.
H has been stated positively that n pro
cess has been found whereby food, mixed
with a certain ferment became digested
before It had oven entered tho mouth.
Certalnly if this were true it wonld mark
nn era in tho history of civilization, nnd
the writer was delegated to thoroughly
investigate nnd report upon the same.
The first call was made at the office of
the company which is now manufacturing
the food in question, nnd I was permitted
' to Inspect the process of manufacture. I
found it exceedingly elaborate and scien-
tlllc, and after Inspecting it thoroughly I
was shown tho way In which It actually
A piece of fresh meat was placed In an
open dish nnd some of the pre-dlgestcd
food mixed with It, when the temperature
was raised to that of the stomach. Al
most Immediately thero wns a change In
the color of the meat, next Its libera
seemed to separate, and soon It assumed n
liquid form, the snme as It does In tho
human stomach after being eaten. The
effect, the change, tho entire process, was
most wonderful and speedy.
"This, ns you see, is a demonstration of
what can be done," said the manager,
"'but we prefer that you ascertain Just
what this food accomplishes with the
people who tibe It. Here Is n list of
nnmcs, and yon nre at liberty to see them
and ascertain just what their opinions
may be."
Armed with this list the writer began n
tour of investigation, with the following
result :
Sergeant Kilns B. Dunn, chief of the
Weather Bureau, was found In his office,
looking exceedingly well. In response to
my Inquiry he sntd : "1 have used the
pre-dlgestcd food Pnskola myself and in
my fnmlly, nnd I must say thnt I have
found It just what Is claimed for It. In
fact, I have been chanting the praises of
it very steadily ever since I first began to
use It. Why shouldn't I ? It has built
me up nnd made a new mon of me. You
see how fresh and rosy 1 am, nnd I intend
to keep so."
Colonel John It. Fellows, the eloquent
District Attorney of New York, in re
sponse to my question said: "If I nm
called upon to deliver nn address or make
n speech upon which much depends, I first
look out for my stomach. When that Is
healthy my brnln Is clear, my thoughts
are logical, and It Is a comparatively easy
matter to clothe them In proper language
When I nm not feeling well I tako Pas
koln, the pre-dlgested food, which sets the
stomach right, clears tho cobwebs from
tho brnln and sets tho machinery of
thought nnd eloquence in motion. Thero
Is nothing like Pnskola for such a pur
pose nud I believe It has won more enses
before a jury than you would imagine.'
Both Messrs. Howe and Hummel, tho
well-known lawyers, fully confirmed
what I had already heard. Mr. Howe
said :
"Look at me I Feel how firm my arm Is I
You can see I am In perfect health, and
yet I was, not long ago, advised by my
doctor to go away for my health. My
present condition is the result of the uso
of Pnskola. It Is n lnbor saving discovery
saves your stomach the labor of digest
ing food. Try it ns 1 did, nnd grow fnt
nnd Jolly."
His partner, Mr. Hummel, said :
"I have seen n number of people try
Pnskola whose stomachs wore so weak
that they could digest nothing else, but
who were able to assimilate this pro
digested food without the slIghetBt dilll
cult. I have known nn ailult man
wasted to a shadow by indigestion, who
gained 40 pounds in three mouths by its
Wherever I went the reports were the
same, nnd I was forced to tho Inevitable
conclusion thnt n great discovery had cer
tainly been made for building up the
system, Increasing the strength and pro
longing the life, without any drain or
strain upon the digestive organs, which
has been the great band of our American
life. Certainly the resultsot the research
prove so.
Any one who doires further informa
tion upon the subject should send for a
free pamphlet to the Pre-DIgested Food
Co., 30 Iteado St., New York.
Now or Never.
People who have not secured copies of
the exquisite photographs of the World's
Fair embraced In "The Magic City," and
superb photographs of famous men and
women and scenes in every land as in
corporated In "Voyage Around the
World," should apply for them at the
HKllALD oDlce without delay, as only a
lew copies are left nnd the supply will not
be renewed. No household should be
without a complete set of these marvelous
While In Chicago. Mr. Charles L.
Knhler, a prominent shoo merchant of
Des Moines, Iowa, had quite a serious
lime of it. He took Buch n severe cold
that he could hardly talk or navigate,
but the prompt use of Chamberlain's
Tough Jtemedy cured him of his cold so
intcKiy mat oiuers nt tneuoieiwno naa
bad colds followed his example and half
n dozen persona ordered It from the near
est drug store. They were profuse In their
thanks to Mr, Hauler for telling them
how to cure a bad cold so quickly. For
sale by Gruhler Bros.
Twolf 51 eu Nnrrowl) Ktrnpe SlllTociitloii
In h Mtna
WlLLIA MsruttT. l'a., Sept. 4. Forest
fires ore reported ns biirnlnK fiercely Id
the Pino creek lumber region, nnd valu
able property Is in great dauuer there
Curamlngsfis Ilellman's bark ami lumber
yards have been threatened, but by back
Srlna It has Urns far escaped destruction.
The Are has been burning In the llabb's
tteek district since Saturday. Tbe woods
have been back fired (or n distance of six
miles tn order to save property Forest
Ores are also reported (rom Potter county.
The (lames (rem the forest tires came
near suffocating twenty men mho were
working In the Keystone mine, near Here,
last evening They were tn an upper
gangway, which filled with smoke from
the firs above, and the alarm was gtvsn
that the mine was on lire, The men
rushed to the bottom ol the shaft, and
all but four of them succeeded In reach
ing tho surface. These were overcome,
and fell unconscious In the gangway.
Rescuers brought them out, but they are
so seriously Injured that their recovery Is
doubtful. Their names are JncoD bint-
enBky, Michael Arnot, John Mateo and
John Datski.
Bradford. Sept. 4. Forest fires are
taalna all along the line of the Buffalo,
Rochester and Pittsburg railroad. He
ports from all points on the narrow
gauge roads state that the woods are on
KU(,e T0Rl state that the woods are on
fire for miles, and the damage will be
heavy unless rain should fall. The woods
The woods
along the pike to Corydon are on fire for
miles, and oil property In the vicinity of
the weBt branch Is threatened. Shonld
the fire spread to the oil field serious con'
sequences would result. The woodsalong
the Bradford, Uordell and Klnzua rail
road between here and Smethporl are re
sorted on fire, nnd valuable property Is
In danger of being destroyed On the big
level between Mount Jewett nnd this city
and the head of the west branch the woods
are ablaze and several oil well rigs are re
ported burning. At Songbird and the
Quintuple the woods are a roaring mass
of flames, nnd valuable oil property Is be
ing devoured. At Lewis Run the woods
are ablaze, and the people are fighting the
fire to save the property.
KANE, Sept. 4. Forest fires nre within
a mile of town. Should no rain fall the
damage and loss to property will be great.
Men are watching the fire and are prepar
ing to prevent It from reaching the oil
ells and nltro-glycerine magazines lo
cated close by. A heavy fire near John'
onburg Is destroying millions of feet of
lumber nnd timber. Authentic reports
ar Area along the line of the Pittsburg
and Western railroad in Elk nnd Forest
conntles have destroyed several sawmills
and a large amouut of sawed lumber and
timber In the last few days.
KUBSBLL ClTr. Pa., Sept. 4. The woods
are on fire on both sides of this place and
the Are extends over an area of twenty
miles. A large gang of men are fighting
the flames and digging trenches to pre
vent the Ore from spreading to the oil
end gas field In this vicinity. There area
number of sawmills and lumber camps In
the woods south of here, and nothing has
been learned from them as to their condi
tion. It Is feared the mills have been de
stroyed and that some loss of life bus oc
HUSSRLL CITY, Pa,, Sept. 4. Word was
received here at 7:30 to the effect that tho
forest fires have reached the Watson farm
In Forest county, nnd several oil wells are
now burning. The loss will be heavy, ns
there is a large number of oil wells on this
farm, nnd it Is feared the lire will spread
to adjoining property.
Incendiaries Caught In the Act.
ABHLAND, Wis., Sept. 4. Smoke nnd
dirt uegrimmed settlers have been strag
gling into town all the morning with tales
of losses of cattle and everything on their
farms. They are taken In hnnd and every
thing possible Is being done for their re
lief. To add to the intensity of tho scene
at Was'ib'tru incendiaries got out nnd
started Ores in different parts of tho city.
Five have been arrested, three being
caught In th act. When the first one
was caught rumors of lynching were
prevalent. A largo number of deputies
were placed on guard In different parts of
the city with instructions to guard the
docks in particular. A straggler who
walked In from Benoit says that every-
thing Is gone there but tho mill. Fires
have raged around on nil sides, but there
Is no more danger of the Inhabitants be
ing burned,
Forest Fires In New York State.
DoLOEVlLLR, K. Y., Sept. 4. Tho sun
ias not been seen here for nearly a week,
so dense Is the smoke overhead from for
est fires in the west Tho Associated Press
correspondent drove twenty miles north
of here to Investigate, and found not less
than a dozen tires burning In tho woods.
Moit of them were north of the Canada
lakts in rhe neighborhood of Caroga, but
they have not yet reached the valuable
spruce timber tracts south of Caroga. The
Ores are being fought stubbornly by the
Grave Robbers at IlulTalo,
Buffalo, Sept. 4. A ghastly discovery
has been made in Forest Lawn, the cem
etery most commonly used by the Pro-
estants of this city for the burial o( their
dead, In a clump of underbrush were
found the remnuuts of seven coffins and
one complete caiket, almost now. There
ire uuo fragments of rough boxes and
grave boards, rne newest casaet nnu
evidently been dug up receutly, rilled of
its contents nnd then hidden in the busb.
The ghoulish rascnls who have been at
this work have probably carried on tuts
business for a long time. Kvery mark of
identification bad been removed from the
The Ilaee for the Cape Slay Cup,
Cowes. Isle of Wight, Sept. 4 The
American sloop yacht Vigilant arrived
here yesterday afternoon from Dart
mouth. She e computing her prepara-
tlons for the Cape May challenge cup
lace, which is lo take place tomorrow.
Unlee there Is some change in the pres
ent arrangements the course will be Item
off Alum Bay pier. Isle of Wight, out of
the Ntedlet psttngr to the western end ol
Cherbourg troll water; thence to Cher
bourg rcadt out of the eailetn end of thi
breakwater and back through the Needle t
ctanntl to the starting line, a total all
Unci cf about 122 miles
Bissau's Hepatite Ftrmls Btlabllihed
WAlElMiTCN. Sept 4 Hear Admiral
Walker, whe Is In the city for the pur-
pott of layinz te(cr the navy depart
ment tbe Information acquired by blm in
pit itcent ttip to me uawanau isianus,
spiik'ng of aflulri 1c tbt lilaods. said
"Tbe new republican government stems
to be firmly, established and thoroughly
competentio take good care of luelf un
less there .'is Interference from the' out
side. Tbtl sentiment among the people
for annexation to the United States still
The Other Day
There seemed to be a misun
derstanding about the mean
ing of the above cut the 500
lbs. does not refer to the
strength of the Butter. It
means that we sell over 500
pounds a week of the Finest
O ...... T..4-4- . .1 !
J """" " -"v-
country We get it fresh every
, i i riicsTmrtprss
understand that the 500 refers
Detroit's Street Itallroads Sold.
OnANQE, N, J , Sept. 4. Thomas Nev-
lns, the millionaire contractor of this
city, returned to his home yesterday from
Detroit, where ho not long since bought
all the street railways, paying 3,000,000
for them, He announces that ho bos sold
the entire system to a syndicate of New
Yorkers. He would not tell the term- of
the sale. Colonel J, M, Howard, of New
York, is understood to be president of the
new syndicate and R, T, Wilson secre
tary, Japan's Losses nt Fins Tang.
Tientsin, Sept. 4. An imperial edict
has been issued rewarding General Yeh
and TOO officers for their victory over the
Japanese at Ping Yang on Aug. 17. Gen
era! Yeh reports that the Japanese lost
5,000 men in the engagement at Ping
Yang and during the days when the
Chinese were In pursuit of the enemy,
while the casualties of the Chinese were
Making a Legal Fight for' Debs.
Cincinnati, Sept 4. While the labor
parade was marching yesterday Erwln,
Gregory & Shumaker, attorneys for K. V
Debs and others in the omnibus Injunc
tions, Med in the united States court a
demurrer asking that the cases be dis
missed on the ground of the court not
having jurisdiction and insufficiency of
Delaware's Pupallit Candidates.
Wilmington, Del., Sept. 4. The Dels-
ware Populists, in state convention here
yesterday, nominated Alexander Fulton,
lawyer of Dover, for governor. Charles
Beadenkoft, n morocco manufacturer, of
this city, was selected as the candidate
for congressman.
Twenty Pleasure Seekers Drowned,
LONDON, Sept. 4. A party of twenty-
seven pleasure seekers from Burnley was
overturned Into the water of Morecambe
bay by the capsizing of a boat they had
hired. Of this number only seven were
saved. Four bodies have been recovered,
Death of a Noted Professor.
Edinburgh. Sept. 4. Professor John
Veltch, professor of logic at Glasgow uni
versity, died yesterday, aged 05 years, near
this city. He was the author of several
poetical aud other works.
The Weather.
Probably fair, except showers on tho
coast; easterly Winds.
Standing of
the Clubs In
I.engun Series.
the Eastern
w. L.
r.c. w.l.
.CW Springfield 51 51
.531 Wllkesb'o.. 50 63
.513 Scranton.. . 51 56
Providence. 73 31
Syracuse ... 69 53
Uuflalo w 57
Erie 63 IS .625 Yonkers 23 75 .Z3i
yesterday's eastern league uames.
At Providence Fi rst game: Providence,
(: Springfield, 3, Second game: Provi
dence. 6: Springfield, 3. At Buffalo
fflrit game (10 iuuiuus): Buffalo, 8; Erie,
0. Becond game: Erie, 4; Buffalo, 1. At
Yyilktsbarre First game: Yonkers, 9
TVIlktsbarre, 7. Becond game: Wilkes
fearre, 12; Yonkers, 0. At Syracuse First
same: Syracuse, 11; Scranton, 1. Second
sjoast: Syracuse, 9; Scranton, 1.
National Lsag-ue.
At Philadelphia Flrrt game: Philadel
(this, 8; St. Louis, 1. Serond game: Phila
delphia, 0; St. Louis, 4. At aew yoric
First game: New York 10; Cincinnati, S,
Becond game; New York, 6; Cincinnati
4. At Brooklyn First gam: Brooklyn
: Louisville, 4. Second game; Brooklyn,
9; Louisville, 3. At Baltimore First
game: Baltimore, 10; ( lereUiiu, 3, bec
ond game. (U Innings'.- Baltimore, IK;
Cleveland, 3 At Plttf burg Pittsburg,
22; Washington, 1. At Boston First
game: Boston, 5; Ch'iago, 4. Second
game: Ijostou, 11; Chici-go, 4.
Charged with n nonhle Murder.
Decoraii, la., Sept. 4. John A. Cater
was lodged in jail yesterday strongly ms-
peoted of the double murder of his wifo,
Mary Cater, "nd George Wemette, at
Burrnk, a village twelve miles north of
Decorah. The body of Mrs. Cater wai
fpund tn the barn under a pile of hay, her
throat cut In two places. At the school
house, some distance away, Wemette was
found dead with a bullet bole back of one
of his ears aud a revolver Vying on his
body Wemette had until recently been
employed In Cnter's butcher shop. Cater
claims that Wemette killed Mrs, Cater
and then committed suicide.
Aruenstift tlemncratlo .Majority,
Little Rock, Sept. 4. The state elec
tion In this state yesterday progressed
very quietly, no excitement of any Kind
having been reported. The campaign
Just closed has been one of the most
friendly In the history 01 Aricana pon
tics. The Populists aud Democrats bad
full state tickets, but the Republicans
put forth only a gubernatorial candidate.
The Democratic ticket, headed by Johp
P. Clark, is probably elected by about
20,000 majority, while the legislature will
be Democratic by auout us usual major
The Power of n Voice.
Stories nbound to Illustrate tho power
possessed by great sponkers nnd actors to
stir the emotions by the tones of thn voice
It Is said of tho elder Booth that ho brought
tears to tho eyos of a company upon ono
occasion by tho way In which ho uttered
tho opening words, "Our Father," of tho
Lord's Prnycr.
Y hltcfleld, It Is paid, could so utter tho
word Mesopotamia as to startlo his hearer
Into tears. A story Is told of tho great
Irish orator, O'Conncll. An attack had
been nimlo upon him In tho house of com
mons. When O'Conncll roso to reply, his
lofty brow was black with thunder nnd
his arm uplifted ns If to strike Then,
checking himself, ho said:
'But tho gentleman says ho loves Ire
Lowering his tone to tho rippling mur
mur of n summer brook, ho continued,
I nave no words of bitterness or reproach
for nny man who loves Irolnnd."
Tho pathos In tho fragmentary utterance
of tho Inst word brought tears to tho eyes
of many veterans of tho house. London
He Thought She Whistled.
Thero was n ludicrous incident In ono
of our street enra recently. A daintily
dressed gentlewomnn tried to signal tho
conductor to stop nt tho next comer. Sho
Btood up In hor scat, waved her parasol
feobly, but mado not tho faintest sign of a
chirp, nnd consequently her attempts wcro
failures. Sho wns Just about to give up In
despair when n mnn behind her, who hml
noticed her vnln attempts, gnvo vent to n
whlstlo which rang out like n fog horn.
Tho conductor nml halt tho passengers
lookod up In amazement under tho Im
pression that sho was tho author of tho
unrnolodlous note, and as sho left tho car
tho knight of tho bell punch murmured
"Well, thero nln t no dnngcr but what
sho won't get left." Tho few passengers
who saw tho whole performance nro still
laughing every tlmo they think of tho lu
dicrous scene. New York Advertiser.
Will Wheat Turn to Cheat?
8omo who read this headline will say
'yes" and swenr to It, while others, equal
ly as well acquainted with tho mysterious
in agricultural lore, will declare that
Uko produces llko" nnd thnt ono species
of gruin nover sprung from another.
Oero is but ono instance on record in all
tho annuls of agriculture Where a splko
of cheat has been found In n head of
wheat. This curiosity Is, or wns qulto ro
oently nt least, preserved in tho Agricul
tural museum nt Springfield, Ills. St.
Louis Republic.
Noxt tlmo you go to a party watch somo
of tho women us they stand - under tho
chandeliers. Notice how a light shining
from above brings out unsuspocted Hues
and angles In all but tho youngest and
freshest faces. It Is sovero test of beauty.
Irving W. Larimore, physical director
of Y, M. C. A., Des Moines, Iowa, says he
can conscientiously recommend Chamber
lain's fain uaim to atuietes, gymnasts,
bicyclists, foot ball players and the pro
fession in general for bruises, snralns and
dislocations; also for soreness and stiff
ness of the muscles. When applied before
the parts become swollen It will effect a
cure In one half the time usually required.
D or sale by urunier uros.
Antiquity of Wlro.
The manufacture of wlro Is of very an
cient origin. It hns been traced back to
tho earliest Egyptian history. Specimens
nro in existence which can bo proved to
dnto to 1700 B. C. Tho Kensington mu
seum hns a specimen which wns mado In
Minora 800 years B. C. Ancient literature
contains many references to wlro. From
tho ruins of Herculnneum metal beads
have been exhumed on which tho hnlr Is
represented by wlro. Thero Is no question
that this ancient wire wns mado by ham
merlng out tho metal, which was always
hrouzo or of tho precious croup. This held
truo of nil mado previous to tho fourteenth
century, during which tho process of form
ing wlro by drawing or elongating tno
metal by forcing it turougn a conical on
Ceo, mado in somo substance harder than
tho metal treated, was invented. uaS'
slcr's Magazine.
TThen Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
TThen she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
Jthea she had Children, she gavn them Castorla
FaDnsylvaDll's Democratic aoolcty.
H AnnisuURQ, Sept. 4. Chauncey F,
Black, prceldent of the Democratic So
ciety of Pennsylvania, has issued a call for
a meeting o( the executive committee of
the society at the headquarters of the
Democratic state committee In Harris
burg on Sept. 11 to fix 11 time for the an
nual general assembly at Altoona.
The Hostile Annies Qulescont.
LONDON, Sept. 4. A dispatch to The
Times from Che Foo says: The Japanese
fleet Is assembled in Dautllus harbor, In
southern Corea. The eutrnncels guarded
by torpedoes. The Chinese neet is mov
Ing between the gulf ports. The hostile
armies in the vicinity of Plug Yang are
apparently quiescent.
InoemlUries at i.tvlsburc
Lmviswi;a. Pn., Sept. 4. Incendiaries.
Bet fire to tbe burn of II. M. Sanders, near
here, while the family was at church Sun
day night, I he structure was consumed,
entalliug a los.- of over $5.01)0, and the hi
vndlnrles will be arrested.
famous RPMPriY feir
NEURALGIA nnd almllar Complaints!
uu,urou uuutjr me una gem
APNIilli s.. ?
r ww.ueu dj rnuneni pBysicians lj
I Only genuine with Trade Mark "Anirhnr."!
I llanuf acturen Commcrzlenrath Dr.IUchtcrofl
I x. &a. h icnters Co., 17 WirtM OS, UIW TOSS
12 Branch Houses, Own QUuwoiltB.
,25 & aOc, for ul. "Shea, bjCS. Hje
uu-.m,jbuui, . .11, ,ia im r r ii sua
0 .us sirecb i
Hjfjf-i olentv
shine. Cycling is the popular
The 1894 Columbias are a
realization of the ideal in bicycle
construction a triumph of Amer
ican skill and enterprise. Con
stantly advancing in the line of
progress, Columbias still maintain their proud position as
the standard bicycles of the world unequalled, un
approached. TOPE MFC. CO., Bolton, New York, Chicago, Hirtlord.
A beautiful illustrated catalogue free at our agencies,
or by mall for two a-cent stamps.
QEOKGE II. KKICK, KrlcK's Hardware Store, South Main Street, la agent for Columbia
Safe Deposit Building and Saving
DEC. 3VC)lSiX,3E:3BL,
. DEC. DB.u3s.OJEC3VCu3L3Nr,
The value of each share Is 1200 at maturity. Application fee on each share. 25
cents ; and monthly dues on each share, 11.00. On dues paid in advance for a
six months or longer, 5 per cent. Interest will be allowed nt time of payment Is made.
Members may withdraw one or nil BhareB at nny time by giving 30 days' written
notice, and are entitled to the full amount of dues paid on such shares, together
with six per cent, interest after the first year's membership. No shares will be
forced out. All shareholders are entitled to loans from the fund onreal estate secur
ity. Reference and Information on application. New scries starts in Sept., 1694.
Shares may be subscribed for any time, and dues, etc., will be received at the office
of M. H, Master's marble yard. 127 N, Jardln St.. on the first. Monday after t he first
Saturday of each month. We refer to
S. W. YOST, Cashier First National Bank. !
E. C. BItOBST, Grocer.
IlurglarN In at Ilanlc.
Woostkr.O., Sept. 4. Burglars effected
an entrance to tho Lndi National bank
during the night. They were discovered
before tbey had opened the strong box,
but from the vault they secured H00 and
one jewelry. The horses and buggies
Were stolen In which the men made their
scape. Officers tracked the band to this
A. M. Bnllev. a well known citizen ot
Eugene. Oregon, snvs his wife has for
years been troubled with chronic diarrhoea
ana used many remedies witn little re
lief until sne tried unamoerlain's uonc,
Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy, which
has cured her sonnd nnd well. Give lt!a
trial and you will be surprised at the
prompt relief it affords. 25 and 50 cent
nottles lor sale oy urunier uros.
Get your repairing
done at Holder-
Evan J. Davies,
13 North Jar din Street.
Cbarlev Lee & Co. will open a laundry
in the Fcriruson House block on Saturday.
Sept. 1st. Shirts will be laundried for 10
cents, collars, 2 cents, and cnfls 4 cents per
pair, tteauy-wnsneu smrts win oe muu
dried for 8 cents. Family washing done.
Mending free. Work called for aud de
livered free.
Wholesale agent for
Ftlgcaspan'. Newark, I J Eiport
Lager aid Saazer Pale Beer,
No finer made. Fine liquors and Cigars
A genuine welcome
Awaits you at
J oe Wyatt's Saloon !
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter and ale constantly on tap
Choice temperance drinks and cigars
iLsiummi Ptnnfr Tuner.
Pianos and organs repaired. Orders left at
31 North Miln street, snenandoah.wlll receive
prompt Httnotlon
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
.Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining room
attached. Finest wines, liquors, cigars,
Foil SALE. Two first-class freih cows, in
third calf. Apply to Daniel Haley, corner
t, .w. 1' atwai. UhonnMln.1i l'a
TOIt SALE. H torero om ana dwelling, aooa
location. Item reasonable. Apply at
Kendrlck House. S.30-tI
T30K SALE A good, souca horse, race
I1 reasonable. Apply to Michael Peters,
Bhenandoab, Pa. S-SJ-tf
on RENT. Two rooms, for office uses
heated by steam: gas: cheap. Apply
L. Ileiowlch, B. Main street. 7-tb-t
TSTRAYED. A cow, white and cream spot
i. if A. lnft horn nrnpUfd. Htraved on Bundav
August SOtn. For further Information address
Oscur UettrWge, 333 west centre oireer. Bnea-
anaoan, ia.
iUv tniispra DAY at home Bellini: Light-
ihfi mnc VMntpr nnii nlatlne lewelrv watches
tableware, etc. Every has house goods needing
ilatlng. No experience; nocapuui, nu uhkiuk.
inm. uffnnt. urn nmlclDC t2S a dav. Permanent
lositlon. Address II. K. Uelno & Co., Cotum-
ius, on lo.
T70K BALK The Mt. Carmel llouso prop
JJ erty, on the corner of Oak street and the
Avenue, Mt. Carmel, Is offered for sale at a
lnw ntrure and on easv terms. Will sell the
hotel building with or without the adjoining
ground. Any Information as to figures and
terms can be obtained by applying to Bolomon
ocnoener. wsni, e-i-u
HERE is Health
in the Wheel.
Firm muscles, good complexion, and
cheerful spirits are the result of
of out-door exercise and sun
sport of the day.
Ride a
the following shareholders:
W. H. ZIMMERMAN, Meat Market.
E. F. KEHLEK, Grocer.
For a Limited Time Only.
New and Used Bicycles.
To Reduce Stock.
Good Wheels from $25 up.
Cleveland Bicycles.
Majestic Bicycles.
Repairing & Parts a specialty
Hie A. Heebner Co.
100 North Centre Street,
Have business with others, and should,
therefore, have a business education.
The qulokest way to get the best
Ideas of modern business practice is
to attend the
(All conveniences, elevator service.)
This vear's catalogue is something
especially fine. Ask for it.
North Main St., MAHAN0Y CITY.
Largest and finest hotel In the region.
Finest accommodations.- Handsome fixtures.
Fool and Billiard Booms Attached.
Drop in at
Linton's Photograph Gallery,
And let him fasten your likeness
Rohhlns' Building, West Centre St.
Shenandoah's Reliable
Hand Eaaundrjjr
Cor. Lloyd and White Bts.
All work guaranteed to be first-class In every
particular. Bilk ties and lace curtain sa spec
ialty. Goods called for and delivered. Atrlal
Weeks' Museum.
Birds and animals ot all selections.
Taxidermist, Robert Murray,
Coldest and Largest Glass of Beer, Fret Lunch Dallj.
JonN Weeks, Proprietor.
. W, Davidson, Bartender.
ROOF PAINTING promptly done with
TOHT, Agent,
189 East Coal street, Shenandoah. It Is the best
and only guarautee paint against corrosion, tiro
and every kind of weather, for metal, wooden
and paper roofs and walls. Give It a trial.
Bicycle bargains
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand tbe same washing that
your hoots do, and the water you drink
isn't even fit for that purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter. f)j
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
V) (
uceara to bt verv strona."