The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 18, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dally, except Sunday by
ukhai.d vviii.tuniNO company.
Publication office and me hanioal department,
2.15 East Ooa Street.
I'hs iavA 1,1 delivered In Shenandoah And
X ne peraia ,urfounalI1B f0I.8)Jt oonui
I week, payable to the carriers, lly mall, Three
Do'lars a year or Twenty-five rente per month,
In advance.
Advertteementt charged according to apace
ltd poeltlon. The publishers reserve the right
to change the position of advertisements when
tier the publication of newt requires It. Tko
right Is also reserved to reject nay advertlso
sett, whether plM for or not, that the pub
lishers may deem Improper. Advertising rates
Hade knows upon application.
Entered at tho post offloe at Shenandoah, Pa.,
aisseond oloss mall matter.
Tim even i no irisnj.r.D,
Shesaadoah, Peaaa.
Evening Herald.
Republican State Ticket.
For Covernor,
Centro county.
For LloutenantOovornor,
Allegheny county.
For Audltor-Gonornl,
Lancaster county.
ForSoorotary internal Affairs,
Philadelphia county.
Ror Congressmen-at-Large,
Susquehanna county,
V Westmoreland county.
County Ticket.
For Congress,
Of MlnerHVlllc.
For Sheriff
Of Frackvllle.
For Dh3ctor of the .Poor,
Of Wayne Township.
For Jury Ctmmlsslonor.
Of Itellly Township.
That Is a new Ulea that the nomination
jnpMntthe State Departuieut, sworn
so before Prothonotaries, are InTiilid be
inttse a Prothonotary can only adminis
ter oaths in connection with tho-duttos of
his olllce. It that be so, there nre a great
many papers Invalid all over the fctate.
The Slav has not turned out an indus
trial or social success in the' coke regions.
and as he now evinces a learning toward
military service In the East, it would not
be a had idea to let the bar down and re
move every obstacle to his speedy de
That venerablo cbeesc-parer, Congress
man Ilolman, is likely to have trouble
to get back to the House. The Hepubll-
tans In his district have nominated nn
exceedingly popular young man, and the
throttle objector is going to have n very
lively run for his money, as they say on
ue race track.
Kva LAND sides with China in the pres
ent crisis, choosing her line of policy as
usual with reference to her own interests
and ignoring all others. Her journals are
bow throwing a good many brickbats at
Japan and some at Hussla, but except as
an indication of home sentiment they
have so for been of little consequence,
Japan goes on sinking Chinese ships and
wlnnlnir battles on tho land with peree-
Herniations Wlilcli May Came n Civil
Itcvolt In Alabama.
Bihmwoiiam. Ala., Am. From the
state Headquarters of the Kolbites In this
city thouftftmla of copies of a printed set of
resolutions, Intended to be passed at tho
county mass meetings of that faction,
called for the 28d, have lieen sent broad
cast over the state. The resolutions are
sensational, and if they ate passed and
carried ottt by the Kolbites trouble may
be looked for.
The resolutions bogln by declaring that
Governor Jones was fraudulently counted
In In 1K9SJ, and that a still greater fraud
was committed at the recent state elec
tion. Tho resolutions conclude:
"That we will no longer submit to snch
fraudulent and corrupt methods, nor will
tve recognize and sustain n government
brought Into power through such Im
proper agencies, and We here nnd now de
clare our purpose nnd intention to have
and maintain our rights under the constl
tlon and laws of the land, nnd to carry
out this solemn declaration of purpose on
our own part we hereby organize our
selves Into an honest election league."
That part of the resolution which savs
they will not recognize and sustain the
Btate government is regarded as revolu
tionary, and on this point trouble is ex
pected. A Srlioof ItiiW I: Kilnaas City.
KANSasCity, Kan., Aug, 18. The Ccfth
ollc priests of this city hare recommended
to Hishop Fink that tho pnrochlcol schools'
here bo abandoned and the pupils, about
1.000 in number, take advantage of thcit
rights under tho law to attend the public
schools. The movement is in retaliation
on tho board of education for the dis
missal, as the Catholics claim, of theit
teachers In the public schools. Tho ma
jority of the members of the board arc
composed ot nvowcti a. tr. j. men:
Campania Now the Ocean Queen.
New Yohk, Aug. 18. The Canard line
steamer Campania, which arrived last
evening from Liverpool and Quecnstown,
has earned the title of queen of the ocean,
bes'des being a record breaker Her time
of passage was 5 days, f hours and 29 min
utes, which beats all previous roeorua uy
about) 3 hours and 10 minutes. The
Lucanln, tho sister ship of the Campania,
had held tho best western record between
QneenBtowu and New York since Nov. 3
Sent to Gray Gables.
AVafHIKoton, Aug. Vs The sundry civil
appropriation bill was received at the
White House from the Capitol yesterday
and sent to Grpz Gables.
Z,n.t In a Know Storm.
Los ANOELKS, Cnl Aug. 18. Last No
vember Colonel C. Ln;tg Winston, of Pas
adena, while hunting wlth'a party up the
San Gabriel canyon became lost In a
snow stotiu, and was never ogaln. seen
alive. Hiscompanlonsmde an attempt
to And him, but without suoeoss, and
were compelled t rctnrn to I'asadena.
On Tuesday a youngman vrho w as hunt
ing in the Little Book Creek, canyon
found the body of the lost man.
To bo HanEfid for Ilorclarr.
IlALF.IGH. N. C, Aug. 18. Arson and
"burglary are capital offcu&es in North
Carolina, ami the latter crime is aonneci
in law as tho breaking into a dwelling
house or a business house where a porson
is sleenlnii. So George Cofly and William
Cody, who linvo JUHt neon eouviorau or
breaking into the reMflence oi acitrzen oi
Madison county for the purpose of rob
bery, have been sentenced t bo hanged
on Oct. 5.
Zolfl-r Mnkri a Nsw Cycling Itesoril.
DKSVKR. Aug. VS. The great event at-
the cycling tournament yesterday wan the
two-mile naiional cuniupionsuin rare
Tills wns won by-Ottn Zeifiler of ban J, se-
Cnl.. with C. M. Murphy of lirookly sec
ond and V. J. Titus of New York third.
Sanger was left far in the rear. Zeigler5
time, 4.21 3-5, a new recent.
Ohio! KuftAmi Cundid'ito.
Cm.miuus. O.. Aug. 18. The ftmlon
convention of th- Populists and organ-
lzed labor of Ohk nominated the follow-
George Troutman. of Ceutralla. natsed
through town yesterday.
liOttis Ilohtnovitz will leave for Wilkes-
llarre to-morrow, to remain Ave days.
.Miss Annie Horsewood, of Haven Hun,
attended the Hooks-Hughes nuptials.
Miss M. Moore, of Philadelphia, is the
guest of her cousin. M. V. Maley, of West
Oak street.
Miss Kmma llochm. of West Coal
street, Is visiting friends in Philadelphia
and Camden.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Burke have re
turned from u week's stay byjtlie shore at
Asbttry Park, N. J.
Councilman Sttaughn and family are
Mt. CABMEL, Augtiit 18.
Miss Mabel Thlele is about lo take a
complete course at Pleroe's Business Col
lege, Philadelphia.
James Sterner, wife and daughter, Miss
Klltli, will attend the Ocean Grove camp
Mrs. Lambert Camp, who has lieen se
riously 111, is able tu be about again. Dr.
W. T. Williams wns the attending phy
sician, MI.s Alice Wirt was pleasantly enter
tained by Sliamokln friends to-day.
Mfss Kva BIshoff, after a pleasant so
journ among friends here, has returned
to her home at Philadelphia.
A. A. Barr, of the Mt. Carmel Ledger,
was n Shnmokln anller to-day.
J. 11. Young Is the proud father of n
I.UUI1CJ1II1HU C31II1UK11II HUH JflUiUJ mo ..,. ..!.. ' . " . . .n,l.nw
slnorenBar,OU8ntthe mdo& S&.
VSST. SAnSS d fr,t&ls
He will extend the trip to Niagara Falls. t0, 1 hls VCTV levf friends.
O'&tfeTledMl "and fiJSSl Jt&ETStl'lSS? ?rt
... . . . young lady Is Mghlv connected, being n
Miss Jennie Cooney,of town, accompan- iIlelberof the M. K. chtrrch, and we fear
led by her aunt, Sister Mary A. A eroni- 8b0 is on the brink of a downfall.
cl. will leave Now erk for VestMan- . . T .i .
Chester, N. 11., to day. haven't, rnmn vet.
Weknow of a venturesome youui? editor
who ventured out into political waters
with his frail Httle-skiH n short time ago
nnd had not sailed far wheaybe bumped
tip against n rock that was placed there
by opponents In his own party to Impede
his progress. The massive obstruction
proved fatal to his llbtle baat and he per
ished beneath the waves of dtfeat. Tho
next day It snowed. Young man, you
have the eymptth of all defeated candidates.
To-morrow's game at the Trottiag park
will be called at 3 o'clock.
Give Aid to the Soldier'
Fund Picnic.
Amrotlngof tho Soldiers' Monument
Associntlon will be held in the Borough
Couuclf chamber at 7 o'clocS p. m. on
Taesuay,ist lust, ah memuers oi v,. SeB McCooch, Welkert, Mtmer awl
committee aro urgently requested to As,eBOacu hit the baH at the TrottUg
attend. Matters pertaining to the picnic
to Le held on tho Business Men's Holiday.
Sentember20th. will bo transacted. Tho
nrironno rlT tills nlrnln trill IT CI t1 (ihe ftlUll
tor the momtment. Help tho good work
fir- MV nlnrtnr-2 snnirner coatir and
vests at less than half price at lleese's
auction-rooms.- 11
park to-morrow.
Miss Mary Joyce, one of Glrardville'e-
nnglit young tames, returneu yesoeruny.
ater a snort visit to towivirieniis.
Messrs, Wllltara Ityan nnd Chorles antl
Bernard MoBrearty, three1 of our popu
lar young men, spent Wednesday lu a
glorious manner among the fair mi of
Shenandoah and Mahanoy City.
James J. Colihan and William Holt
The Knw hlntr, lllniiilly Aert Jnran,
U'ns Ntinli hf Clilno.o l'lrntes.
VlCTOHtA, 11. C, Aug. 18. The steamer
Kiupress of Japan, which left Yokohama
Aug. 6, brings ni'ws of the capture by the
Japanese of Li Hang Chang's old nud
favorite dispatch bint, Bang Yang. She
also brings word of the sinking of a llrst
class Japanese cruiser by the Chinese
man-of-war Chen Yuen, commanded by
Admiral Lien Paltseng.
The Japanese are doing their utmost to
throw the whole blame of the destruction
of tho transport Kow Shlng, with Its load
of Chinese soldiers, upon piratical Chl
ese, and they blandly nssertthnt the Brit
ish government will have the strongest
kind of claim for damages against China.
It Is reported tlmt the government of
Corea has formally notified Japan of her
Intention to sever all connection with
Tho Japanese preparations for the bom
oardmeut of Woo Sung (China) are rapidly
Hearing completion.
Tho Chinese viceroy, Li Hnng Chncg,is
nuiklni lnnre nmd imuoitaut additions to
the defenses of Shan Kai Kaung, where
tlm orrent wall of China meets the sea.
The .Tnnniiese fleet, which has been
n.,,-,.i,li,i. for tlm Chinese snuadron, came
in sight of the enoiuy on Wednesday audi
bore down upon tuem. no uuiuese u
mlral, however., declined battle and
steamed Into a harlwr northwest of Cho
Koo. The Japanese have made- no at
tempt to- attack Che-Koo, but the vesseh
of tho fleet are cruising otf that port.
Japan's Ancrfsslvo Movements-.
Yokohama, Aug. IS. It is offlcinllj
stated tlvat tbe Jnpancjo fleet, which con
sists of seventeen vessels,.is hunting- foi
tho Chinese lleet for tlie purpose- of tn-
mutltii, It-in linttln. Th Jknanese troeps
In Corea have bwen ordered to occupy all
tho nass on tho Cbltm-Corean frontier atsd
nrevent nt all hazards the entry' lntC
Corea of Chinese reinforcements.
Jnirati' tile Waftoan.
Iivnov. Auir. 18. A dispatch from-
Toklo says that an Imperial decree- ha?
been Issued authorizing tho raising or
Jnpaneso lonn of "Vl.noo.000.
Sundrtr Program.
Ynnncr-nponlo's service will be held in
the MetlJidlst Episcopal chnrch to-mor- ,lm3 vlstted sbemaudoah on Wednesday.
row everting, nt. wirwu mc iunuiug
program will-bo reudertd
OneulDB hymn - Congregation
Anthf m - -"r
tcrlDture readlnE - J'r Ca ten
nolo - - ".J I'ltce
iteeita Ion Miss Sactfo Llngbam
A uup or toia 7Bier.--
MkIo party.... - Leader, J Pneo
1-veCliatlOU.... .ive mm.
IUadlnE, "In
'There i no God .
i iiospltii"
Oar qule town was started on Thurs
day by an alarm of lire. Upon Investiga
tion Is was Jound that the property of. J.
Colllen on Park street, was in llamcs.
The flro company was on the sseno
pron.prly nnd the flames were quickly
subdued. Tie losswa light and covered
by Insurance.
Thomas Dsrkin, formerly of town, but
now of Gloucester, Is spending jv few days
In town.
.Tnmos Barrett, of PhlladelDhin. clrou-
.. iuuil i r . . ' m- t . r. . '
C. HooH I lateu among town menus yesteruay.
Miss Bridget C jx, one of Lost Creek's
nrniniKMit vniinrr lftilios. returned to-cLav
Shennmloah at tba-l after a pleasant visit to town friends.
Andrew Ilooney transacted business in
Khutinnilnnti vr-ct ni'f 1 ft7
1 . J t. . T . . . 1 J I . I . ................ .. J J
noucc to mo i.uoc. M, Mlok CTle of 1Jilr Mino lun!&
The schools will open on Thorsday, lair damsels, rettiraed yesterday after
AwguetSSd. The superintendent will be I spending a fow days lu town.
itvhis olllce. Main street liulltllng, om Centralia and Logan collieries will rc
Tuesday and V eilnestlny lorenooiis 10 e ,vork ou jfona,!, Iter Thursdarii
iv ho hsvn not been vaccinatea wit urn
snvprr vears. win receive -ucKeis. mr
..Cbolr membtTSl
..uatao susra-r i
. uuoir i
Phllndelnhfn vs.
Trotting park. :o morrow, nt 3 p. IB.
Au),pru will meet In the Hiirh school
room on woauesuay aiternoon at s
o'clock. Mi P: WniTAKEK,
81S-8t tsuperlnteuneni.
Thlladflnhla ts. Shenandoah, at Shen
andoah Trotting park, to moirew, at a
p. m.
A Sufferer Kelteved.
I'klward Henrdon. the 13 ear old boy
who was mangled in the rollers oi the
Indian Hidge breaker on Thursday, died
at his home on South Kmerick street at
elebt o'clock last nlf,ht. Notwithstand
ing the boy's leg was cut oil at tlie tuign
and tho body nt the hip and abdomen
was so badly crushed ami torn mat me
entrails protruded, ho survived for SI
hours nud wascoflsclousmostor tnetime.
Great game atlthe Trotting park to
morrow. I'hllnueipma vs. onraanuoau.
ImprtHntui Daoce.
The Social Seven Club, which so
The dancing uavilion nt tlio W. C.
Band grove was- completely destroyed by
tire yesterday atternoon. rne lire l sain
to have been started by some-small boys
litrhtlnc the dry leave amund the navll
ln. The loss wjll be badly felt by the
band, ns they hne experienced many re
verses lately. It will exceed U0O. No
nsurance wns carried,
Bernnrd J. Reilly. section foremnn ou
the L. V. K. R... was taken suddenly 111
Trliilu attending to his work on Monday
morning, tie was tasen tc ms uome,
wlien he complained of n pain in tho re
gion of the heart. A Dhvsician was som
moned and an examination proved that
his lungs-were blocked. He lay In a arit
Ical condition until Friday marnlng,when
death came to his relief. He was nu hon
est, uorieht nnd industrious -ami nnd hns
many friends in. the community who
mourn his- losa. The funeral will tnke
place on Monday morning
The P. 0. S. of A park was the scene of
4i nrettv Dartv last evening rue atnur
was conducted under the management of
Miss MhuiHh Murnbv and was held- In
honor oi!a youag lady friend who is her
.. . . .
Mood's Saved-
Hy Life
W a.I -7
OcullSi and !
g Optician,
111 W. Ceotre St.,
Mahanoy City, Pa.
Eros examined nnd glasses nrescrlbed.
Special attention to dlillcult cases.
Professional Cards.
Offloe Room i. Post OfflcA huttdlnir. Hhenan.
doah, f.
jyj- 8. KIHTLKK, M. D,
Offico 110 North Jarala street, Shenandoah,
rxace Bedflall bulldlnr, Bhenanff'jsh, Pa.
M. M'
niKAMPOAn, tJl,
ann Eaterly bulldUg, l'ottevlUe.
Offloe Hours 1:80 to 3 and 9:80 to 9 p. m.
B. J. 8. OALLEN,
No) in Houtn J a rain street, unenanaoan .
Ornox Kotras: l:30to3and0:30 to
Except Thursday evening.
No office work on Bitntlc& except by arrangt-
ment. A tCrict udhere-,cc to the eglce luntrc
ii abtoluttly neoettary.
I Can Honestly
Say This
"For years I "was In a Try itrloci condition
With catarrh of tea ttoswck, bawels and blaMtr,
I luffersd lateatslr
from dysptpsla, and'
la fast was a ralitr-
alila wrack, esrsly
a ikaletan. I letm-
eilt ( frm bad
to wane. I really
wlshsd I was daad.
I had n rest day or
nlrht. I did ntt
had takon so muck
r! medlala of ths
hf'l wrong kind Uat It
IS kad pslsaned tn,
and nty finger mill
la turn
Mr. "VT. It. T.unc, black and ma oS.
rttr'iMin,ra. i ojgau t taka
ricod'i Pariaparilla. I had tilth inthemsdlctna,
and It did more for ne than all prescriptions, I
hare gradually rt;Blnd perfect hnlih, an
entirely free from oatirrh of tho bowels, ana
pala In ray back. Myrcovery is simply mar.
velous." T. R. Tocno Potter's Mills, Pa,
Iioocfsr Cures
Succossor to
301 Mahantougo Street, Pottsville, Penna.
III I'ostngP, tto will soiiil
ASnmnle J'.n lope, or elllior
iviuti:, rxxsii orBituxoTi;
Yon have seen It advertised for raany
years, but have yo:t over tried It? If
not, you do not know whatanldciu
l'oiiiloxlou I'owtlcr Is.
Hood's PIUs rclicT dUtren iltw eatlnt.
besides being nn acknowledgefj boautlfler,
has many rofrcslilnuusc it prevents clinf
tiiU.aun-burn.wlniJ tan.lcMcnBporsulnitlon.
etu.i lnfactitlsnim tdeMcatoniJlaeslrnblo
protection to the lnco during hotweatbor.
For f amnio, address
SJ.A.POZZONI CO. St. Louis, Mo,!
inK Btuto ticket: hecretnry or state, unarie ' cessnUy conaucted the spriiiR AHsembly,
it r o nrMiI,Hinnnt..if irhnnx m i , " , . . -i. uv,u.n,i. nvnn n i at ion a Mice anu an rsbisujil. lu mixu- me
i. , i i. -. . i, un.i invirnrinnn. m Ton. iiiriiier i -- ......- - . . ... -
rinnrn nre resneotiutir mviitu. i nf . r
Ho works, Joel S. Stewart.
Fatal Qnarrot 0r a Cow
TItiktinotok. W. Va.. Aug. 18. During J
- . .. . . a
a quarrel over a cow last utsht near una
place Honry Krailey chopped and bat his tb(j stnt0Vn(,ue. gee hl'm at tbeTrottlnu.
brother-in-law, Prank Kneisley, with an
at in a horrible manner. The vrounHod
man cannot live. FraileyUaa escaptd
SchopPef..ll orchestra vriU furnish tho-nf v. --nln
c. - i nmafaait aYi utnn il lt of the fwason. Music wvs tur
lZ7l Jt ilfl t2alt?ln ?!? y Iuhenstein's orchestra ot Ave
park to-morrow.
Hiu Cnrlnn a Winner.
XlrnE, Aug. 18. The "Vigilant did not
anil In yesterday's race around the Isle of
Wight for the commodore's cup, valued
nt I00. The Britannia crossed the win-
verlng and distressing monotony, giving ig lino llrst and the Satnnlto second,
. . n,l nnlmad- wlth the Carina closely following. Iho
nuiP iiwuiu nrlnii won en time allowance.
Reduced totes tv Freelartd.
The nnvelllng of the soldier's momtt
Tr.ent will tnKe .lace ac rreeiauu oo
August 23rd. Speolal reiuicuon in races
v la the Lehigh Valley Hullroad. Ticlwta
Hold forall trains on August 23rd, good
for return to anttancmaaag August --tn
To-morrow theShenandoahs start Ixon
a winning gait. See tho garao. at tho
rrotung pari;.
Easily. Quickly.
Permanently Restored
and all the train ot ovUi
excesses, tbe results of
ovens orK, sicKness,
worry, etc. Fullfttreugtb,
deTelopment And tone
riven to e evj organ and
portion of the body
Simple, natural methods
seen, manure impogfuoio
2.tUU references. Hook.
explanation nna proon
heir?.' I
AndnStnfTof Ablo AtlMnntH.
Home Offices, 1317 ARCH
Tlte nnBouncement that Council hasde
cidwl to allow the extension of the- Lake
side Kh-ctrlo Itailwny gives general satis-
rerslonaof the Dritlsh editor and helping
-i nnnnof his forecast. If the British
marine took a hand in, the case,
jure, might he different.
to ho
Two MOSTlls ago n lot of Advontlst
preacher of both cexea set out in Ohio to
wnruslimerw of the approaohlng end of
the world. They frightened a good many
people by predicting that the day of doom
-would be In the month of June. At Jllti-
eral Springs, .West- U'10'1 and other
places tho popular excitement ran' very
kigli. We had a despatch from one place
sra the 2Cth ot June, which Bald tbt all
tho neighboring regions were in nu up
loar, and that work had beemsuspeuded,
and that the hour of translation was ex
pooled dally. The Advcutlst preachers,
both men and women, have disappeared ;
Vie days of terror have paBed : the ex-
jlletnent is forgotten ; business Is going
mm usual. It had been n false alarm.
'i'here have often been false nlarms of like
' rttnt fltirlntr the nast half century. We
amtpoee they will bo and then
so long as the world stands. Tho whole
it Chriitendom was frightenod by them
many ft thousand years ngo, nud long be
fore that time the early believers were
ver looking for the day when they would
ha caught up In tho air. While perusing
the Scriptures wo aro led to doubt wheth'
r the world will come to an end lor
" - Murdered with an Ax.
WlLvr.6BAllUE, I'n., Aug. 18. While
George Kolly nnd Dell Halford were
mmrreliuu at Golden Hill, Bradford
county, Halford picked up an ax and
htruck Kelly on the head with it, killing
Mm limtnntlv. The murderer wns ar
rested and lodged In Jail.
and del vcr IngrMn and Brussels at 3c per stone of the Gwraan
vard: heavier carpet 4c. 88 K. Coal St. Lutheran church at Fraokvllle will ha
- i mm LOiourru v.
Closing 0u( Stock.
I nm aelllnB out my entire stok of
wall paper nt cost ninl have wnno great
ImrgulUH to oner. imiib siiu uuf jrom
wall pajier now and keep It for future uso.
23t West Centre staeet.
5-18-3m Shenaudaan, ra.
lMillt-lnhln. Hours DuUr. 9-3. Evu's.
en. nnd Sou Kvcs.. 6-10 i unnaajs.
(tit' Olrt lliirio Thlf.
KriiiNOKllXK. O.. Aug. 18. JIlss Flwra
ntr!.iTi 11 viiuiilt irirl llviiiL' at Cedar
vllle, eight mllitH south, Is in jail for hori,o park to-morrow
Bteallng. Hecently sue was arroaieu ior
house breaking.
CouaeAt investliitlons are becoming
There will be no services. In the Trinity
KHforraed church until tbe first Sunday
01 Jjepiemuer.
A raee between the loeaL lilorele riders
would lie interesting. There Is consider
a Lilo dispute ns to who Is the fastest.
There will be no servleo in the Gorman
See the great game between th- Phlln-I Lutheran churoh to-morrow morning.
dolphins and Sheunudoahsnttho-Trottltig
The picnic of the United Mine Workers
Association in High Point park this wei
was a social ami unnnctai success.
ir' Cnrnrr SKCONn nnd VU SK
IN Sts, OUlt-e Hours every --atunlay trou. t A,
I. to lu V. M.i Mundav. from 0 A. M. to I'.M,
livnaut Vlcur, Ynnllirul In.lUrl i clun or I'.x-
ts.i, Hloud l'nl.un, tvni-rnl IH-blllll,
. of 3Il-lilir' nud Ail SlifL-lnl lllnrnaca
uk.i k. 1 . 1 il.,.vli,i ,iri. llr.
TUnel, the Only 1'lnr.iclnn and SiM-elnlUt able
null, r Uut othen, Buy, rile. print or aaverm-M
1 tin A, . . . , . .. .1 II,. .... p.. 1. u I flKf'S
-olil-W. c!. llelli-r nt nncr. iresll cnHi curta
-iuuua, KACII und Ki'rr no '"""
lie Ifortnr' lVrsonnl Attrnlton niid nre.
.t..l(...t uAnv Uimrant.pil to All. HenrtS
:c. Blauim for Hook, "Trutti-," betoraiuoryoun
nn oui. single ana uiHriieu. .mov.,.j
ik QuacKB. v
Tliu Weathur.
Pair; southeasterly winds.
$ Niagara r-alte..
There will bo nu excursion to Niagara
Falls and return via the Letilgn vaiiey
Uoll-na.l nn SlltlirilaV. AUCUSl. lu.
Hate only W. Everything comfortable.
Is level ana iter judg
ment goou wnen sne
outs tier laitu in nr.
mm b ruvuruo
Frescription. Tharo
is no beauty with
out good ?i?a!(,
Nobody expecta to
hAcoma reallv beau
tiful from tbe use of
comnl.xlon beautl
uers. ungni ayea,
clear skin and rotv
cheeks, follow mod-
prutrt exorcise, fresh
air, good food, and-tho Judicious uso of th.
41 tlmlntlnn II
All women require a lonio ana nervmo oi
som. period of their lives. Whether Bulfer-
ing irom nervousnesa, umico, iau.i
lwlvm.nt. riitnrrhM inflammation Of tn.
lining membranon, liearlng-down sensations,
or general debility, th " Prescription"
rnu-flm tha nrlo-ln of tlm trouble and correctj
It. t7uaran(tU to benellt, or the money U
nlHiHnntnnd enlovftble. For rurtucr m- Citv on Sentember 1st for 200 n siilo.
. . . 1 "i " T T . 1 1 ikvr Mr-Vftf I t- ' m 1 1 . . .
rnrinannu itnuiv tu xjciiillu ittiu j i iih i yM i iiriitr iihm iimhii hmipi'ipii ii b niuini
agents, or W. W. Bryan, traveling pas-1 nrer and stakeholder nnd will name the
senger agent. referee.
William woodwartl. of Ashland, writes
Program ror m-nigni. tiuuiMuii un win accept uon
Local Sporting Items.
Martin Fahey, of town, and Jnnies
iiresiin, ot Warrnr Hun. have been
matched to run 100 yards nt Mahanoy
... .I.n.1. i.l..,llann. un.l n.1 1 1 . . "
il'l,. Mlnlni, 1 tho nrorrrnm for tho - nJ
. ......... - . , . . . , n am e mav nnmp.
ri.iattu,i v.wipnvnr inpAtinL- to uo neiu in i
the Kvangelloal church thli ovenlng:
lnilie. Prayer, Hlnitini. Adaress, "now 10
Urine Others to Jeaus." J. o. barapieii; in
strumental solo. Miss lit! K'lilor ; loslf"
mental duet, sir. anu mm. """",'
bp ging, General dl.cucslon, Critic's report,
John Fishburn. of Shenaudonh. nnd
Miss Laura Beam, of Mahanoy City, were
tlence of the bride's parentB lu the latter
Jardln Street Improvement.
tVnn .T. Tlnvls has remodeled his dwell-1 "With McCooch and Sweenev tlm Rlien
lug at 13 North Jardln street, where his I andoahs will put tin a great aggregation
new carriage House is locnteu. iur. 'u.o i at, iub iroitiug purit to-morrow,
IS nOW lllceiy Sliunteu to uiiliverjr, uuui-
IU llll lll.ljl Ml....- I
lng and undertaking. He has good stock
and is tuoronguiy ciiuippeu iur m uu
Feeley's Cafe.
Largest schooners In town. Choice
lunch at all hours. Muslo. SO North Main
street, bttenanuo&u. 818-lm.
Advertised Letters.
rrv, fnllnwtncr la n Hat of letters remain-
Th. way to cur. Catarrh-there Is but on lng uncalled for at the local post office 1 1 1
7Za&tJi,r lPeUr BolUnbacker."r' Z .. 1-1' i Apply t tft HeiUId office,
A good girl for general
Hours JluUr,
9-12. lilt VNfll OVVIVI.
nuHtly L.Mtnullsucd
m irrEtn uat IS, 1SSU
Pisaeneer trains leave Staenanaoaa
rjnn Haven Junction. Afauch Ghualr.,
M,Mnn. siatlnetor. White Hall. Oatasaua'.
T .....1... ...W..,lBr
M. 7.38, B.15 a m . ix.a. hot, m.
ror New York aaa PMladelpnla, O.W, 7.S3,
9.15 a. m., U., !!.67. For Qualane, awitcn-
baeK, ueruaras ana uuasonaaie, o.u v.m o
m., and 2.57 p. m. ........
Tot WUIies-uarre, vvnue uaven, riiju.
Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly and
Elmira, 6.04. K.15 a. m., 2.67, 6.87 p. m.
For Kocnesier, uunaio, nmKar mis mu
the West, 6.01, 0.15 a. m. and 2.57 3.57 p. m.
For Ilelvlnere, Delaware Water Gap ana
Strouasburg, 6.01 a. m., 2.67 p. m.
For tiamuertvuie ana -i-rentou, w.ia ut.
For TunUhatinocK, a. m-ioi , d.i y.
For Ithaca and Geneva 8.04, 8.15 a. m. 5 ST
P. m
. ... r,e. ROVn m
J.38 a. m., 12,43, 8.08 p. n. M , , t
For BtOCKlOti ana liumvcr miu, w.w, .i.u
.15. a. tn.. 12.4S. 2.S7, 6.27 p. m.
For Silver Urook Junction, Audenrled and
Haileton 0 04, 7.S8j 0 15 a. m.. 1S13, 2.67, o.Wand
a iw
r or acranton, o.v., ...u,
a. m., 2.67 and 6.27
VToi riailebrook, Jcddo, Drlfton and Freeland,
For Ashland, Glrardvllle and Lost Creek, LIKi
7,61, 9.13, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.SS, B.22, 9.16
p. rn.
For Itavon Run, Centralia, Mount Cancel ac
Shamokln, 9.1S. 11.14 a. m., 1.32. 4.40, 8.2ip.m.
For Yatesvme, rsrit i-iace, Mananoy uuy ana
Delano. 6.04, T.3S, 9.15, 11.09 a m., 12.42. 2.67
5 71, B.09, 9.83, 10.28 p. ra.
Trains wtii leave anamoicin at tu, iYf
. m.. 1.65. 4.S0 0.80 o. m.. and arrive at SheVr
doah at 9.15 a. m., 12.4S, 2.57, 5.27, 11.15 pV-
Leave Shenandoah lor Pottsville,, 7.3S
DOS, 11.05 11.30 a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 4.105.27, 8.08.
p. in.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah. 6.00. 7.60.
9.05. 10.15. 11.40 a. m.. 12.32. 3.00.. 410. 5.20. 7.16.
7.66, 10.00 p. m.
L,eave unenanaoan tor uazieiOB,o.ut,7.o9,,
a. m., 12.48, 2.67, 5.27,8.08 p. m.
Leave Haileton for Shenandoah, 7.35, 10.00,
11.06 1. 111 , 12.15, 2.66, 6.30, 7.26. 7.66 p.m. ,,
Trains leave for Haven Bun. Centralia, Mt,
Carmel and Hhamokln, 0.45 a, m., 2.40 p. m.,
and arrive at Uhamokln at 7.40 a. m. and 8.45
p. m.
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah at
7.65 a. m. and 4 00 p. m and arrive at Bhen-
anaoan m. n.iv a, m. ana p. m.
Trains leave tor Ashland. Glrardvllle acd Lost
IjtST ItAYKD From the premises of Daniel For Haileton, Ulack Creek Junction. Penn
!j Haley, cornf r Lloyd and Kmerick streets. H;ern junction, Mauch Chunk, AllenWwn,
t!";!"!0. Gaston and Nei York, 8.10 a m..
Oli ItENT. Two roonn. for offlce
heated by steam: gas; cheap. Apply to
L. Hefonlch, B. Main street. 7 25-tf
r ANTED. A good girl for general honse
work. Apply at Jiraaieys meat markei
227 East Centre street. 8 18-tf
111 be pi for the return of same.
8-11 It
WANTED. Men to rep1 esent tho Me tropol
Pan Life Insurance t'oliunnv In Mana-
liov City ana Delano flood nay Apply at
once to Li. a. uasaicr, ox uastueniri' ""'ci,
Aiananoy t;ity, i i im
TITE WISH to emulov a few tool men to make
YV ISO to 1100 a ireek selling our Home Elec
tric Motor, ltuns sewing machines, printing
presses, ventilating fans, pumps, etc Every-
Douy nuys inem. aieauy empioj
situation and irood waaes. At
Harrison & Co , Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
17IOU BALK. The Mt. Carmel House prop
' erty, on the corner of Oak street and the
Avenue. Mt. Carmel. Is ottered for sale at a
low figure and on easy terms. Will Bell tbe
hotel bulldlBK with or without tbe adjoining
ground. Any Information as to figures ana
For Philadelphia 12.30, 2.65 p. m.
For Yateavllfe. Park Place. Uahanov City and
Delano, 8.49, 11.36 a. m., 12.9(1. 2 66 4 Si ' ' p m.
Leave Haileton for SheLauuoab, b.iv,
a. m 1.06, 6.80 p. m.
T eave Shenandoah for Pottsville, b.M, 8 IS.r
U.30 a. m.. 2.40 p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenanooan,, ta.iu
a.m.,1.36, 6.16 p. m.
UULil.114 U. 1V11.UUH, ueni. oupt.,
South Bethlehem, Pa
CHAS. S. LEE, Qenl. Pass.Agt..
Bouth Bethlehem, Pa
! r Pt'"'" Tuner.
Pianos and organs repaired. Orders lMtat
grouna. uy inionuauoa as to n cures ana I " TE T.i- uV,.;.-fl.iT 'zXti Jsll
terms can be obtained by applying w Solomon iliL0t.I?,"'e,t 8heaanaoah,wlll r 1r
Uctoener, Mt. Carmel. g-l-lhr I Prompt attention. 4)
long time yet.