The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 10, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dully, except Sunday by pvnutsuufo coarvANT,
Publication otOco and mechanical department,
235 East Col Street.
1he Tierald ' allTBrd '& Shenandoah and
surrounding towns for Six Cents
week, payable to theoarrlerB. Bymall,Throe
Dollara n year or Twenty-five cents per month,
Is advance,
AdvtrtUcmmU charged according to spaco
and' pbslUon. The publishers reserve the right
to tuttrgo tile posltlen ot advertisements when
ever the publloiuton ot newt requires It. The
rlcht Is also reserve to reject any advertise
ment, whether paid (or or not, that the pub
Ushers may deem Improper. Advertising rates
m&rto known upon application.
Entered at the post office at Shenandoah, Pa.,
as second close mall matter.
the xrxNisa iierat.h,
Shenandoah, Penna.
Evening Herald.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1894.
Republican State Ticket.
For Covornor,
Centre county.
For Lieutenant-Governor,
Allenheny county.
For Audltor-Coneral,
Lancaster county.
For Secretary Internal Affairs,
Philadelphia county.
For Congrassmon-at-Largo,
Susquehanna, couuty,
OEonaE f. iiorr,
Westmoreland county.
Politics everywhere.
Candidates nro at w hlto heat.
If the coming hot wave will only fire
up for nil It Is worth the turiff couferrees
will be materially aided in reaching a
TilK D.ivls and Scott fight for the
Shrievalty nomination is attracting the
greatest attention. The peoplo are deeply
interested in this important ollhe.
A distinguished clenry man asks: "Can
a innn bo the author of his own repent
ance V" Well, just ask any of those
Democratic Congressmen who were so
eager to revise the tariff.
PnSilliLY It is in view of another hard
winter that the Treasury sends out the
assurance that there is a good six months'
supply of sugar and whisky. Aroundthe
Treasury Department thai la thought to
ba euough for a reasonable peoplo.
TDK Democratic state ticket in Minne
sota was nominated by acclamation.
When there are no contests in a Demo
cratic state convention the fact may bo
accepted as a Htrong indication that there
is very little hope of the party electing
their candidates.
A Washington dispatch describing in
detail the movements ot our naval ves
sels show that, notwithstanding the ltn
portant additions to the navy in the last
decade, the number available is Btlll In
adequate to meet the demands ot an
emergency like that which has arisen,
Several vessels are now undergoing re
pairs, hut it thoy were all in commission
it would be Impossible to man them for
service. The law allows only 9,000 en
listed men in the navy, whereas It would
tako 15,000 to keep all the ships in com
mission on a strictly peace footing. The
facts and figures given should be studied
with care by those who think the build'
lnir of war ships has been overdone in
this country, as well as by the members
of Congress who are rospouslhlo for the
size of our naval force.
The latest report of coming agreement
on the tariff question Is not of such a
character as to iucrease the prospect of
the passage of thu bill. Tho sugar ached
ule sulci to be adopted is ouo which Louisl
nna Senators and two Populists have
stated they would not accept. It imposes
a duty of 40 per cent, on raw sugar, allko
duty on the quantity of raw required to
make refined, n fifth ot a cent on refined
as direct bounty to the Trust, and a tenth
Of a cent on sugar imported from a coun
try paying a higher bounty on exports of
refined than on exports of raw sugar.
The admission of iron ore free ot duty la
a "concession" ot largo value to tho
Juragua and Slgua companies, it not to
the House. The continuance for five
years ot the proposed duty of 40 cents on
coal is a humiliating defeat for the Presi
dent, but the duty proposed Is not high
enough, it is probable, to prevent large
Importations of Canadian coal. On the
other schedules the nature of the arrange
ment 1 not clearly stated, and probably
not yet dellultely fixed. But tho question
remains whether the necessary votes to
pass any bill In tho Senate can be obtained
for a measure which departs materially
from the compact to which Democratic
Senators bound themselves.
Charted with Abettlnc h Mnrder or
Itnbrrt O. Iloin,
MojfTOOMMtr, Ala., Aur. 10. The su
preme court handed down Its decision In
the impeachment caw of Clroult Court
Judge Tally, of Jackson county.
Some tnouths ago a man named I loss was
killed at Stevenson, Ala.., by two or more
Skeltons, tho cause being tho ruin of their
sister by Ross. When Hoss attempted to
got away from Soottsboro the Skeltons
heard of It, pursued him and killed him
before he could lake the train at Steven
son. Tho ground for Impeachment proceed
lugs against Tnlly, who Is a brother-in-law
of the Skeltons, ' was a' telegram
which he sent td the telegraph operator
at Stevenson, directing the operator not
to deliver a telegram to lloss from Hoss
brother. This washold by those favoring
impeachment to make Judge Tally n
party to the killlutr. while Tallv Insisted
that his telegram was for the purpose ol
preventing the waylaying and killing ol
Skeltons, as well a causing the arrest ol
Ross beforo the Skeltons arrived, so that
trouble could he averted all around.
Tho opinion concludes: "And we nre
Impelled to find that John II. Tally aided
and abetted the murder of Robert C.
Ross, and to adjudge that he Is guilty ol
murder Hsoliargnl. Judgment deposing
him frmii olllce will be entered on the
records of the court." Associate Justice
Head dissented.
Tho Impeachment of so distinguished a
man as Judge Tnlly mnkes a profound
Impression. Ho was reported as an able
Judge, and had been unusually popular.
No Trouble at IlluFflalili.
Washington, Aug. 10. The first official
notice that tho Uulted States steamer
Columbia has arrived nt Blucflclds came
to tho nnvy department In a telegram
from Captain Sumner, brought to New
Orleans by steamer from Iilucfields. It
contains an account of hAppenings there'
up to four days ag6, and the encouraging
report by Captain Sumner that he antici
pates no serious trouble In the future.
The captain says that he has lauded a
strong force which he intends to keep
ashoro as long as trouble is impending.
The Relay Illojel Illders.
BurtLTSGTOX, Ia Aug. 10. Tho Washington-Denver
relay race reached llose
vllle, Ills., at 4:40 p. m. yesterday, and
passed Gladstone, Ills., nt 6:30. Tho rider
was delayed by Illinois sandy bottoms,
reaching the end of the Darlington bridge
at 7:45. George Prugh and Gui Jordan,
for the Burlington club, took the message
to Agnecy Hill nnd passed a given point
In Burlington City at 7:52 p. m. The relay
reached Mount 1'lensant at 10 p. m. It is
now twenty-two hours ahead of schedule
Connterrnltert on Trial.
Montgomery, Ala., Aug. AIox Barter.
Wash Hudson and Wllhurn Halghler
were tried yesterday on a charge of nass-
ing $1 notes that were raised to tens and
twenties. Halghler proved his innocence.
Hudson is a son-in-law of Barter, and it
was admitted by both that Hudson re
ceived the notes on which arrests were
made from Barter. Hudson was bound
over in the sum of $300 to answer at court,
Barter was bound over in JfiOO, and in de
fault of bond was committed to Jail.
Protesting: Against l'atrnt Legislation.
Washington, Aug. 10. llepresentatlve
Cliilds, of Illinois, has presented a memo
rial in tho house protesting against pro
posed patent legislation ou the ground
that it is in the interest of the American
Bell Telephone company. The memorial
is signed by Charles II. Aldrich, who was
solicitor general under the last adminis
tration. He says the legislation proposed
will prolong the life of the Bell compuuy's
monopoly for seventeen years.
Ths Smith's Abundant Crops.
Baltimore, Aug. 10. The Manufac
turer's Record says: "Taken as a whole,
the southern crops will probably be larger
this yoar than aver before. The oorn
crop is unprecedented. The outlook
tor cotton, based on acreage and present
condition, Indicates a crop ot from 8,000,
000 to 0,000,000 bales. The smaller erops
have nearly all done well, thus giving tho
south the full measure of abundant crops
of all kinds."
Governor Walt uutvriy iJanouncaa
Colorado Spuings, Colo., Aug. 8. In
addressing the court on behalf of General
Tursuoy yesterday Attorney General Eu
gelry said: "Yesterday the governor of
this state saw fit to send a guard to the
doors of this hall of justice. In mv opln.
ion it was an Invasion of the constitution
and of civil rights, and it is an action that
I, standing in the presence ot this court.
repudiate ns I repudiate the state admin
istration. I do not believe the otricluls of
the state indorse such notions. We have
in this state a G rover Cleveland, a Cicsur,
a despot. 1 repudiate Mm."
FnOSTUUUG, Md., Aug. 10. The Consol
idated Coal company has notified all the
miuers who stuck to their posts during
the late protracted strike that they will
each receive nine mouths' tent and fuel
National Leaaaa.
At Boston Boston, 11: Philadelphia.!!.
At llrooklyn-Ilrof klyn, 11; Baltimore, 7.
At Washington few lork, 7; Washing
ton, 3. At Louisville LouUvIlle, 6; Pitts.
burg, 4. AtChicago Chicago, 10; Cincin
nati. 0..
Eastern Leagua.
At Wilkesbarro Erie, 18; Wilkes barre,
IS. At BInghamtou Buffalo, 4; Dine
hawton, 3, At Syracuse Byracuee, 8;
Pruvjdenoa. fl.
ot tut germi of Con
sumption, iscrofula.
QriD. lfftlarla. nrl
U-mauy other dliaasea
means nznt
dla for all of
I hew germs ara
vtrywhera in tha
air vra
Tha odds are In favor of tha germs, 12 our
liver is inactiva and our blood inipur.
What Is needed most la an lncreata In oar
germ-fighting strength. To do this sucoosn
fully you newl to put on healthy Jltth, rousa
th liver to vigorous action, so it will throw
off those pernu, and purify the blood ao that
thera will be, no " weak spot," nor toll for
We claim for Dr. Plarce'i Golden Uedleal
Discovery, taat it does all this la a way pecu
liar to itself. It la tha dsveloninont ot n.
erations ot medical thought it has stood tha
test of a Quarter of a oenturv ot mm.
That li why the makers can guarantf it
In every troublo caused by torpid liver or
Impure blood, if tha " Discovery n fails to
benefit or cure, your monay is ratumdad.
Pretty strong reasons for tryinr Dr. BaaVi
Catarrh Remedy. M0 if yoa cant U aurai
Sctley, tho Irrepressible baso balllst, Is
in Mt. Carmel.
P. M. Dunn, Esq.. of Minersvillo, was a
town visitor yesterday.
M. H. Master spent to-day transacting
business at Ml. Carmel.
Miss R. Kropf, of Hnzleton, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. M. L. Kemlnerer.of North
Main street.
Kdwnrd Boycr, postmaster nt Port
Clinton, has lost the sight of one of his
eyes by an neeldent.
Misses E. Mann and II. Johns have re
turned to their homes in Ashland after a
pleasant visit to friends here.
Hon. D. D. Phillips, of Gordon, nnd
Mark Bowman, of Mnhanoy City, were
here last night attendlug to electric rail
Wny affairs,
Samuel C. Hoyer, Jr., who was recently
admitted to practice law and who located
nt Wllllamsport, is "meotlng nbundant
success in that city.
I). R. Boyer, a deputy sheriff under
J. M. Boyer nnd one time despatcher for
mo i.-niiaueipuia v iieauuig xtauroau at
Tatnnqua, has resigned the position of
maunger of one of Wllllamsnort'a elec
tric railways. He will probably return
to Schuylkill county.
The Board of Pensions for this countv.
of which Doctors Smith and Guldln arc
members, nro highly Spoken of for their
thoroughness in which they do their
work. A vetp.i'iu, having good grounds
for a pension, need have any fears of not
receiving justice nt their hands.
Want Five Cent Fares.
In sneaking of tho ntteodance at the
base ball games, a Mahanov Citv enthu
siast Tcmnrked this inorninjti "Nearly
everybody in town would like to see tho
league games .at Shenandoah, but after
you putup twenty cents car fare besides
the admission to the trrouuds nnd the
grand stand, It makes the sport moit too
rich for our pocket books. If the railway
company can make five cent fares from
Shenandoah to High Point park, why not
from here to tho ball park T Tho distance
is n little greater and I believe the reduc
tion would make them more mouey. Lot
them try it nect Sunday."
Hay Change the Route.
It is renortcd that the P. & 11. C. & I.
Co. will. In n few davs. abandon tho old
slope of the Knickerbocker colliery. But
llttlocoal is left in that section of the
mine and what is there can be better
handled in tho new slope. Some of the
Lakeside Railway o3icinls have stated
that as soon as the old slope Is abandoned
the course of the railway will be changed
so ns to run th6 cars through Fowler's
pntcn. The trestle now in use there will
!e torn and nut in nse on the Delano
division of the line.
National Guard Encampment.
For the accommodation of neraons
desiring to visit the Encampment of the
National Guard ot Pennsylvania at
Gettysburg, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company has nrrnnged to sell excursion
tickets from August 11th to 15th, inclus
ive, at me extremely low rate or one tare
for the round trio. These tickets will be
good for passage on nil trains except the
"Pennsylvani Limited," and will be
valid for return passage until August
16th, inclusive.
Good Advertising- Schemes.
Will Slattery is soliciting advertising
for a book entitled, "Geuetnl IHnktng
Information for Everybody." Theschemo,
which is a good one, is to place the adver
tising on the page opposite the banking
Information, where it will be seen by
every reader. The information con
tained in the book is valuable to everyone
doing business.
Give Us Something Easter.
We have been asked if Malor J. F.
Finnev is a candidate for State Senator
in this district and it not, whether Mr.
Covle would not receive a unanimous
nomination. We have not seen Mr. Finney
ror several days and Know as much anout
his political intentions as the man in the
moon. From present 'appearances, Mr.
Coyle is tho ouly announced aspirant for
that olllce ou the Republican sido.
A Hot Contest
Tho most vigorous contest of the Re
publican primaries in town to-morrow
will be that In thq Third ward, where n
certain faction seems bent upon knocking
out tne delegates put up uy .Hon. Kilas
Davis. It is probably the most spirited
Scott-Davis flg'ut in the couuty. Mr.
Davis' friends In that ward are legion.
Little Coakley's Deed.
Yesterday afternoon some bovs niled
stones and old bottles on the Lehigh
Vnlley railroad track between Lloyd ,and
Coal streets. Little Charles Coakley, the
eiuht-vear-old son of ex-Councilman Dan
iel Coakley, saw the act and hearing' the
npproach of a train ran up the track and
signaled the engineer In time to have tho
train stopped until the obstructions could
uo removeu.
Another New Park.
The Schuylkill Traction Company has
secured a lease of twenty acres of land on
the north side of its electric railway, be
Big Mine liun and Ilolmesville, and has
started to transform the place Into a
picnic ground. The place has a high
elevation and tne approacnes to It (rom
the railway will be arranged In terraces.
McAllister Won.
Charles Whitchulis made a bet that he
could run from the corner of Coal street,
on Chestnut street, to the corner of Llovd
and back again before Thomas McAllis
ter, a man wno wears a "peg" leg, count
run from Coal to Lloyd streets. The
race was run and McAllister won it by
4U yards over uls luil-llmued competitor.
A Splendid Concert.
The Grant Baud gave an onen air con
cert on Beddall's awning at the corner of
.Main and uentre streets last nignt wnicn
attracted and delightfully eutertnlned a
large number of people. The concert was
oneof the best the baud has given and the
nope lias been expressed that It will soon
ue repeaieu.
Complain of Dudes.
Complaint la made that two fashion
f dates, or dudes, make themselves ohnox
Otis by loitering about the hat and cap
fnprnrr nil Nnrth Whltfl street. Tlin i1rls
! working In tne place express mnch annoy'
nnnA nvpr thn nntlnns or tlinsn llntvnus.
Address by Mrs. Almes.
Mrs. Olive Pond Almes. of Philadel
phia, state secretary of the Pennsylvania
W, C. T. U., will spoak in the Methodist
Episcopal cnurcn at u:su o'clock on Bun
day evening.
Light for the Park.
Sunerlntendent Belts, of the Lakeside
Electric Hallway, and u foiceof men, put,
up poles in the new Columbia Park yea-l
teraay f oi electric lights of 800 caudle In-
candescent power, 1
ringers Shot Off.
I tirl.II T T I 1 Tl. a TA 1
i iiiir iiiiiftr ijixiiii niiii rir iirtwnirr.
residents of the Catawissa valley, were 0"' .f.-,..V-' "t, " e!"" . " 11 ".'.f,'1","":"
: VZllXBAJ cholera mo ,.,
lh ,nt nfT fWnnt Mm llnuri , give tills rHIHly A trial allcl JOU Will 1)6
shot off two of his lingers. more than iiUasad with the result. The
1 Mahanov Citv, Aug. 10.
F. II. Ifes. the irpnlnl nml rrtmt.lmn1.t0rl
Councilman and carpet manufacture of
i.-nuaueipnin, nnu wno Is well known
here, registered at the Mnnsion Home
J. II. Pomoroy. Esq., of Shenandoah,
was yesterday tho guest at the Kaier
Hon. John T. Shnnner. tlielinaf Unir can.
didate for Congress, Hon. Ellas Davis and
Alox. Scott, candidate for Sheriff, were
booming up politics here yesterday.
The Ashland base ball club met onr
team here yesterday with the following
Halmon. cf-....i, 2 10 0 1
Man. i0....... 3 ' 3 1 2 4
Wtttnd. o.:,... 3 1 11 2 Q
Richards, is a 4 I 4 1
Kiukle, p.... 110 2 0
lluitz ngfr, lf.; 1 0 2 2 0
Nattrca. Sb....1.,..... .., 0 1110
Drown, lb i 13 9 0 2
uriu, n . . 1 2 2 0 1
Total 13 16 27 13 9
ASHLAND', B. In. I0. A. I.
T. Jones, o ....,... 2 1 14 10
IlHrtzog, ss.... 12 0 12
Orlfflth. 3s 112 3 0
llroilus, lb ......,.,. 0 0 5 1 1
Mayer, i' 0 0 10 1
Hurst, 2b 112 10
Carr, rf 2 0 0 0 0
Uoyne, cr .. 2 3 2 0 0
W. Jones, p 2 3 10 0
Total 11 III 27 7 1
HlhanoyOlty 9 2 1 0 2 2 0 0-13
Asaiantf. 1 0 3 0 0 2 2 011
Earned runs AshUad. 3 : Mahanov Oltv. 9
Tw baso hits W Jones, lJrown and ISgan.
Threo base nils Kgao, Hartzcg Home r ins
Klcbnrtls (2 , Weand Htolen bases Mahanov
Cltv.3. Struck out Bv Kurkle.9 : bv.ioncs.yi
Passed halls Jones, 8; Weand, 1. Ilao on
balls Off Jones, 6; off Uucltlo, 1 Umpire
Bargains for Printers.
On nieount of the consolidation ot the
Miners' Journal and The Deanatoh the
following article can be bought cheap
for tanh ;
Una Hoe Kindt Revolution Pro i eUo
of bed 3Sx4G
One Cottrell & Babcock Pros lze of
bad 2Sy,xl.
une uoriion Tass icignih Medium.
One O onion Presa Qaaitor Medium.
Two Paper Cutters.
Three Impoilng Stonas.
One Folder.
All In flrst elais ordar. Also Lot of
Display and Body TVne. Role. Furniture.
Galley Backs and Galleya and Sother
material neaaisarv for a thoronirhlv
equipped of3c. Address,
Tm DrsPATcn,
tf Pottavllle, P.
Bny Keystone flour. Be sure that the
name Lebsio & Hakr,. Ashland, Pa., la
printed on evtry aack. tf
Less Than Half Rates to Colorado.
On Autrust 10th nnd llth tha North
western Line will soil excursion tickets
to Denver, Puablo nnd Colorado Springs
nnd return r.l exceedingly low rates;
tickets cood for return nassaee until
September 13ih, inclusive. Solid Vesti
buled Trains, Palace Sleeping Cars and
Snpurb Dining Cars through between
Chlcngo nnd Denver dally, via the Chi
cago & North-Western R'y. For detailed
information apply to agents of connect
ing lines, or address W. A. Thrnll. G -n-
ernl Passenger and Tioket agent, Chi
cngo. It
My boy was taken with a disease resem
bling bloody flux. Tho first thing I
thought of was Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Two
dnaes of It settled the matter and cured
him sound and well. I heartily recom
mend this remedy to all perrons Buffering
from a like, complaint, I will answer any
innuirles regarding it when stamp is in
closed. I refer to any county official as
to my reliability. WH. KOACH. J. I'.,
Primrov. Camnbell Co.. Tenn. For sale
by Gruuier Bros.
Now or Never.
Peonle who have not secured conies ot
the exquisite photographs of the World,'
Fair embraced In "The Magic City," and
superb photographs of famous men and
women and scenes in every land as in
corporated in "Voyage Around the
World," should apply for them nt thu
herald otuce witnout. ueiay, as oniy n
few copies are left and the supply will pot
be renewed. No household should be
without a complete set ot these marvelous
ifhea Baby was atck, ira cave her Caitorta.
Then aha was a ClillJ, she cril for CaKorU,
iThoa ah becoma Mb, ahe clung to CaatorUo
Ttt-u aha had ClilMron, she gavtt then Caatotiov,
Pa., on
Tuesday, 7th Inst., Maud, daughter otrr ne-SOn
Mary anil Amos xnmeu, ageu i year v
inouthB and l days, t unerai win leave
tho resldenoe, 100 South Plum alley, at 3
p. m. Saturday, llth inst. Interment lu
Odd Fellows' cemetery. Friends and rel
atives respectfully Invited to attend. 2t
WATSON. On the Dili inst.. nt Yates
ville, Pa., Allison Jnne, daughter of
.lames nnu Jane wniHou. ageu i year.
Funeral will take place on Saturday, llth
Inst., at 1 p. m., from the family residence
in Yatesville. Interment in the Shenan
doah Odd Fellows' cemetery. Relatives
nnd friends respectfully Invited to attend.
"I know an old soldlar who had chronic
diarrhoea ot long standing to have been
fiermauantly cured by taking Chamber
aln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy," says Kdward Shumpik, a prominent
druggist of Minneapolis, Minn. "I have
aold the remedy in this alty for over seven
yeara and oonsfdtr it auperlor to any other
medicine now on the market for bowel
aomplalnts." 25 and SO cent bottlaa ot
this remedy for sale by Grnhlar Ilros.
0 rev silk alapaea aumrner coats and
vesta at less than halt price at Reese's
auatlon rooms. it
Kenneth IJazemore hail tho good for
tune to receive a small bottle of Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholera nnd ninrrhtun Rem
edy when three mem burs of his family
were slok with dvsenterv. Tills onesmall
bottle cured them nil nnd he had some
left which he gave to deo. W. Uaker, n
prominent merchant of the place, iMWin
more thnu muknm
a.....,, tl f,.,i.M 4. Ii.ia.Ulii..
iUm UM) ..,., t TM.r w,wllar.
SsS and W cent Iwttlea for aale by (iruhlar
Get your repairing dune nt Holder)
Coming Events.
August 14. Ice cream nnd peach festi
val under the auspices of Fowler's M. E,
Sunday school, nt Yatesville.
. .A"fsuet 15. Ico cream festival In Ilob
blus' opera house under the auspices of
the Imp. O. of U. M. and Degree of
Aug. 30 Ice cream festival In Robblna
?il,r house, under the auspices of the
Walsh Congregational church.
Steam Renovating Co. call for, clean
nnd deliver Ingrnln and Brussels at Be por
yard; heavier carpets 4c. 32 E. Coal St.
Closing Out Stock.
I am selling out my entire stook of
wall paper at cost nnd have some great
bargains to offer. Come nnd buy your
wall paper now and keep It for future use.
J. P. CAnilEN,
234 West Centre street.
B-18-3m Shennndoah, Pa.
Tired Feeling
So common at this season, la a itrlous
condition, liable to lead to disastrous
results. It Is a sure sign of declining
haalth tons, and that the blood is Im
poverished and impure. The best and
most successful remedy Is found la ,
Which makes rich, healthy blood, and
thus gives strength to the nerves, elas
tlclty to the muscles, vigor to the brain
and health, to the whole body. Ia
truth, Hood's Sarsaparilla
Makes the
Weak Strong-
Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood'p
Hood's pills are purely vegetable,. par
ted1 ' ri"les alw-v. tcH:,- mi brnefielaL
REMOVED To 648 N. Eighth St.,
H above Green, PbJla, Pa.,
Frraeerlv at 203 North Hecnnd HI . the nM.
est In America for the treatment of Special
JUeaits anal Touthful Mrrve: Varicocele,
Hydrocele. Lost 2anhooa. nic Tr&tnnt n
mall a speolalty. Communications eacredlv
confidential, snd stamp far book. Hours, V
,n.ti Ip.s Suadavs. S.vol2n
5 r Ur ibtmc'bcst.
53.50 P0LIGr:,3SOLES.
2.I BoysSchoolShdes.
Yea can save tnnaey br purchnalas V . I..
llouslaa bhocs, . . .
Because.we are the largest manufacturers of
advertised shoea In the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name and price on
the bottom, which protects you against hign
prices and the middleman's profits. Ourshoes
equal custom work in atyle, easy fitting and
wearing qualities. We have them Sold every,
where it lower prices for the value given than
any other make. Take no substitute. II your
dealer cannot supply you, we caa. Sold by
Joseph Ball, Shenandoah, Pa.
Alula Staff of AIils AasUtnnta.
Homer Offices,-131 7 ARCH
Philadelphia. Hours Dalljr, -3: Even,
s-p: wea. anu mi. .tcs.,
-u iiitAM-n ovvtva
aaatly BatabUabeit
S.IN Sta. omcq Hours, every Haturday from 9 A.
M. to 101-. M.;BandJj lrom 9 A. M. to3
I.'ia of Tlaar, Youthful lailiftcreflon or Kx
ret,?, lllaarf rlon, ienernl Oebllltr,
I.osa or AlPHtrr aad All Special DUennes
nued by Imaradrnce or lnhrrltnnrr, Jr.
'f heel, llie Oaly l'kyalrlan u4 Mx rlallnt abla
to cure after Kveryaae rise baa failed (no
matter nl, at others say, write, prrnt or advertise.)
The Meat Ilcprlrsa and Dauaeroua t'aaea
t-ollrltrd. Hrlief ut once, irtsli cases cured
4-ltldays. KACI1 and livery C'nse ltrcelvea
the Doctar'a IVrsAiial Attrntlsn nnd C'nre.
Slrlcteal Serrrry (luarautrrJ to All. hends
2c. stamps for nook, "Truth I1' bestofallforyounc
and old. single and married. The only Hook expos
Ins Quacks.
Foruie... cieary Bros'
Temperance Drinkc
Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottlers) of
tne finest lager ueers.
17 and 19 Vetch Aitej, Shenandoah, ?a
Finest, Purrat, Helthrat,
Chris. Schmidt, Aot
S07 Went Conl Bt.( Bhenaudoah.
(Bucceaaora to Coakley Uro.)
No, nH I'.mni Centre Htreel.
Our Motto: Ileal Quality at 1wmI Cask
i-nH, iiiiuum rsspeeiiuiiy souciiac
Pilsner Bee
Oculist and
1U W. Centre St.,
Mahanoy City, Pa.
Eves examined nnd slames prescribed.
Special attention to dlfllcnlt cases.
Professional Cards.
Office Room 4. Pot Office hntldlnff. Hhenan.
doah, I'a.
B. K1BTLER, M. D..
Office ISO Nortb Jardln street, Shenandoah.
Office Daddall bunlnc Shenandoah, Pa.
SHxirAMDOAn, ra.
Offloe Room , P.O. Building, rJhenandoatt,
and Esterly building, Pottsyllio,
p PIEKOE R0BERT8, M. p.,
No. 25 East Coal Street,
OEloe Hours 1:30 to 8 and ;80 to 9 p. m.
Na. II Beuth Jardln Street, Shenandoah.
OmoiHovits: HBO to 3 and 6130 to 8 P.M.
Ezoept Thursday evening.
N tffUe work n Sunday except by arrangt-
rntru. a unci umncrence 10 me omce rwurt
it abnlultty neeeitary.
successor to
331 Mahantougo Street, Pottavllle, Penna,
Trcck sf Violin. Plino, Kldractllo,
Cor. Jardln and Lloyd Sts., Shenandoah.
Ton have seen it advertised for many
years, but havo you eyer tried ltt If
not, you do not know what an Ideal
Complexion l'nwder Is.
protection to the fuco during botwoatiior
It 1ft Sold Kverytvliere
For eiunple. address
i J.A. POZZOHI CO.St.Louls.Wlo.l
l irriQT mat 1J, 1891,
Passenrer trains leave Shenandoah for
Penn Haven Junction, rfauch Chualc. La.
hlzhton, Slatlneton, White Hall,,
Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and Weatherly
S.04. 7.38, 0.15 a m.. 12 43, 2 57, S.27p. m.
For New York and Philadelphia,' a.W, T.38,
CIS a. m., 1)1.48, 2.67. For Quakafce, Bwltch-
baok. Gerhards and Hudsondale. 6.W. 9.15 a
and 2.57 p. m.
For Wlllcos-Barre, White Haven, Plttston,
Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly and
Blnura, S.04, 9.1S a. m 167, BS7 p. m.
For Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara Falls and
the West, 0.04, 9.15 a. m. and 2.67 5.27 p. m.
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Qap and
Stroudsburg, 6.04 a. m., 2.67 p. m.
ror mmDemnie ana -rrenion, a. m.
For Tunkhannoclc, S.04, 9.15 a. m., 157, 5.27 p. m.
For Ithaca and Geneva S.04, 9.15 a. m. 5.27
P. H
r or Auourn a. m. Dif p. m.
For Jeanesvllle.LevlstonandBeaverlleadow.
7.S8 a. m., 12.43, 8.08 p. m.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 5.01, 7.S8
S.15. a. m.. U.4S, 2.67. 6 SET, p. m,
For silver Uroou juactlon, Andenrled andv
Ha2letoo G 04, 7.38, B 15 a. m.. 12.43. 2.57. 5.27 andf
8.0s p. n . i.
r oracranton, o.wi, a. m., i.h ana i.iT
p. m.
For Harlebrook, Jeddo, Drlitori and Freelacd,
5.04, 7,38, 8.15, a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 6.27 p, rr.
For Ashland, Glrardvllle and Lost Creek, 4.62. , 6.18, lp.KO a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 0.86, 8.22, 9.11
For Raven Run, Centralis, Mount Carmel ana
Bhamolcln. 9,13, 11.14 a. m 1.32, 4.40, 8.21 p. m.
For Yatesville, Park Place, Makanoy City and
Delano. 5.04, 7.38, ft 15, 11.06 a m 12.U, 2.67
5 W, 8.08, 9.33, 10.28 p. m.
Trains win leave snamoain at s.n,
m.. 1.65. 4.30 9.30 s. m.. and arrive at Shenan
doah at 9.15 a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 5.27, 11.15 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah ior Pottavllle, 5.60, 7.38
9 0S, 11.65 11.90 a. m., 12.48, 2.67, 4.10 6.27, 8.08
p. m.
Leave Pottavllle for Shenandoah. 0.00. 7.60.
9.06, 19.16,11.40 a. m., 12.82, 3.00,. 440, 1.10, 7.15,
7.66, 10,00 o. m.
Leave snenanaoan ror lisxieioa,,7.w, s.15,
a. an., 12. 0, 2.6T, 6.27,8.08 p. m.
Leave Ilatleton for Shenandoah, 7.35, 10.00,
II.M a, n , JX.16. I.N, 7.1i, 7.10 p. m.
TralDS'leiTt for Raven Itnn, CentralU, Mt.
Carmel and Hbamokln, 8.45 a.m., 2.40 p. m.,
and arrive at Mhamokln at 7.4U a. in. and 1.15
p. m.
Trains leave Hhamokla for Shenandoah at
7.65 a, m. aud 4 00 p. m. and arrive at Hhen
andoahat8.4 a. m. and 4.5 v n
Trains leave for Ashland, o iruu villa aLu Lval
Creek, 9.49 a, m., 12.30 p. an
"or llatlaton, Black Creek JoMllon, 1'tDB
Haven Junction, Maueh UbuBk. Allfnlows.
llethlthom. Baston a&d Ne YbU, U.fil a to,,
12.80, 2.65 p. m.
For Philadelphia IX.M. tM J m.
rot YavUIe. Park Pla. MakattfrOJIscd
Dalano,8 4,ll.ta.Bi..K,2.6, imtml H
Leave Hatlews W MUeaiatfraki, i.H, tl iV
a. m., l.Ct. tnp. to,
Uare sUsUavaah tur VvWlMo, IK la.
Wa. as . t( n.
Laare PUtiU tor btttaeWifc, Vt 14,1 at uti.u
ti itilM, ft
uiiajs . Lur USWI, J'MV "(ty
A. Tf . ttUiiUtU AUHKH, AMI I
m In Pos ingo; Mo will noml H
L. A Saiiilo I'.iivclopo, Of cllliop J
9 - VlUTll-I.lMIInrUIlUNm'Il J
f e5.S