MM mi'M-li - II "1 EVENING HERALD Publlshod dully, except Sunday by ixniiATjit ronLisiutm coatvAxr, rubllcatlon office and mechanical department, 2.IS East Coal Strcot. ni. I" delivered In Shenandoah and x ue jici aiu. suiroundlng towns for Six Cents -week, payable to the carriers. Ily mall, Three Dollars a yoar or Twenty-five conts per month, In advance, Advertisement charged according to space and position. The publishers reserve the right to chango the position o( advertisements when sver the publication of news requires it. The rlfht is also reserved to rejoot any advertise ment, whether paid for or not, that the pub lishers may deem Improper. Advertising rates made known upon application. Entered at the post office at Shenandoah, I'a. as second closs mall matter. mit evening herald, Shenandoah, Penma. Evening Herald. MONDAY, AUGUST 0, 1894, Republican State Ticket. For Govornor, OBNL. DANIEL It. IIASTIN08, Centre couuty. For Lieutenant-Governor, WALTHK LYON, Allegheny couuty. For Auditor-General, AMOS II. MVL1N, Lancaster county. For Secretary Internal Affairs, JAMBS W. LATTA, Philadelphia couuty. For Congressmen-at-Large, OALUSIIA A. OltOW, Susquehanna couuty, OKOItOE r. HUFF, Westmoreland county. THE Senate and House are now giving an athletic exhibition in the form of a tug-of-war contest. TnE up-to-date results of the tariff wrangle are the indefinite postponement of Mr. Cleveland's summer vacation, the loss of Mr. Gorman's temper and Senitor West's dreadful attack of erysipelas. Six months more of tho present drift of things would conveit the halls of Con gress into a vast infirmary. Doi liT Is entertained with reason re garding the nonchalant utterances of norac of thoso in Interest that the tariff conferrees will be able to reach a definite decision on the large number of matters in dispute in the course of a few days. On some essential points the House and Senate are diametrically in opposition for example, on the question of ad valorem and specific duties. Chairman Wilson says that the provision of ad valorem duties Is a vital Democratic prin clple just as much as free raw materials, Which side will yield and how long will It take to reach a decision f Then th Senate amendments number more thai COO, nnd according to specific assurances Klven by the Democrats, these must he adjusted in full and free conference, course, with tho Republican conferrees present. At this distance it does not look as If an agreement could be come at in hurry, notwithstanding the assurances o Interested Democrats to the contrary. The announcement that Mr.Carnegle has come out against protection is no surprise, Mr. Carnegie has made an immense for tune through the tariff. The pig who has sucked his fill and rests In grunting con tent under the trees cannot have much sympathy with the pigs squealing come in. Mr. Carnegio can only explain his course upon the theory of concen trated and implacable selfishness. Nor can we envy him the estimate it will re celve from his fellowmen. Mr. Carnegl was credited some time since with the ambition to enter Parliament. We ad vise him In all kindness to nourish that ambition, nnd if successful, to confine himself to hts Parliamentary duties) TO BE COMMENDED. Senator Hill Is fairly entitled to com mcudntlon for the Introduction of a bill the avowed purpose of which Is to keep Anarchists out of the country, as far as such a step Is practicable. The language of the bill is unmistakable. There can not be any misinterpretation of it, and ji: view of past experience it should meet with unanimous approval. It proposes to have additional or new Immigrant Inspec tors at tho principal European immigra tion ports, who will issue certificates to such persons only who, having had their records carefully examined, are regarded as fitted to become citizens of a republi can country like ours. Now is the time to take decisive and effective steps In this matter. It could have been done with great advantage years ago, hut better late than never. Anarchists like Moat and Mowbray are dumping themselves on our snores, being encouraged to do so by the prevalent re port of American toleration. But the time for such leniency has passed If there be any possible legislation that will In the future keep the country free from further anarchistic Invasions, it should bo enacted without further delay, nnd for that reason Senator Hill's hill should re ceive Immediate attention. THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES. Higglns Developed Great Strength King Probably the Senatorial Nominee. The Democratic primaries hold Satur day were of a very spirited character, es- ecially in Shenandoah, where a hard fight was made by tho King Watson raney factions' for the Senatorial dele gates. It is believed that King will be the nominee. There were rumors last uht that tho Watson and Franov dele gates would merge themselves for a fight gainst lung, nut in most quarters the enort was received as a ioko.' The Unlit in the convention will in all probability He between King nnd V atson and will open with tho odds in favor of the former. rne interest turougu tnccounty centered on the fight, for delegates by the candi dates for .Sheriff. Higglns got all the lelecates here ana most of them down the valley. The indications are that Hig glns will be nominated on the second or third ballot. G.F. McKeruan, of Pottsvllle, hns withdrawn. Frank Lougton and Dr. Saliade are still in the fight, but the former is saw to no very weaK. tr. I'. oplese, of Tatnaqua, has declared positively that he would not allow his nnme to be used in connection with the nomination for Sheriff. The fight in the convention will In all probability be between Higglns nnd Sallado with the former a strong favorite. mere is not tno slightest opposition to Hon. James D. Keilly's re-nomination for Congress nnd so far as self-interest is con cerned ho can rest upon his oars until after the convention. Poor Director Kbline is looked unon ns almost certain of re-nominatlon. As to the Jury Commisslonershin it looks as if it will go below tho mountain. Pottsvllle will certnlnly claim it if Hig glns Is nominated for Sheriff. The can didates for Jury Commissioner are B. J. McGulness. Frank King and Timothy O'Brien, all residents of this town. Tno delegates elected here Saturday were ; t Irst Ward, John .1. Hellly, James J. O'llearn : Second ward. C. J. Oulnn. Frank J. Hrennan ; Third ward, John A. Hellly, Harry Dowllng; Fourth ward, Frank McCormlck, Joseph Kervick ; 1 if th ward. Daniel L. lirennun. Ldward G. Gallagher. What Shenandoah Has. Miserable streets. A widower who Is too gay for his age. The best daily paper published in the county. The best railroad facilities of all the in land towns. Some men who make uneentlemunlv remarKS nuouc tauies. A grown young ninn who laughs every time ue says something. A number of backwoods nollticlans wuo sees personal gain. A man who says yes to evervthine vou say wmio in your presence. Scores of men with the caboose of their trousers worn smooth as glass. A number wlio think tliey know how n newspaper should be conducted. More base ball cranks to the snunre foot tunu any otner town in tne state. A few who think they know how the town nuairs should ue conducted. Too mnnv narents who allow their chil dren to roam tne ureets late nt night. A cirl who would rather walk the streets thnu spend her evenings at home, A number of young ladles of cood fam ilies that know a strange ball player or drummer before hi) Is in the town n half hour. Bargains for Printers. On account of the consolidation of the Miners' Journal and The Despatch the following article can be bought cheap tor cnu : One Hoe Slncle Revolution Press size of bed !Kx40. One Cottrell & Babcock Press size of bed 2Sy,xi. une uonion 'rcs iMgntn Medium. One Gordon Press Quarter Medium, Two Paper Cutters. Three Imposing Stones. One Kolder. All In first class order. Also Lot of Dismay and liody Tvne. ltule. Furniture, Sec Galley Racks and Gallev nnd other material necessary lor a tnorouubiv equipped unite, iiuuress, XUK UKSPATCH, tt PotUville, Pa Obituary. Olive, the nine-months-old child of Mr, nnd Mrs. John George, of West Coal street, died last night. The twin sister of tne cniiu uieu two weeks ago. Patrick Donovan died vesterdav at hi home, No. 205 Avest Centre street, from miners' asthma and dropsy. The deceased was in nis outn vear anu is survived tv a widow and flvo daughters, Hannah, Nel lie, Lizzie, Mame and Alice, and four sons, John, James, Patrick and Peter. Tied 1o n Mutt, uii.l ltitn. CoSNKi.l,sviu.l. Pa., Aug. 0. A strangi showing of InuiMil. luted customs of tb Slav element in tin regiun was nindi near Lean, tne victim was a yuuug woman who hud violated the moral code that is Buppo-td to govern these people. A party of blavs took her from her friends, stripped her of clothing, lashed her to a stake and whipped her savagely for over an hour, bho was reviled, tor mented nnd spat upon by anybody who cared to. A young muu offered to release some of the cords and was beaten oil the mob. When tho girl was taken down after six hours of torment, she could scarcely move. Bcranton'a I'nstoflloe Ilobbrd. Sen ANTON, Pu., Aug. 0. The vault lc the Scranton postcllice was robbed last Thursduy night, $5,800 in stamps being taken. How the robbers effected an en trance is a mystery. Postmaster Vending offers a reward of $500 for the arrest and conviction of the thieves and the recov ery of the Btamps. The affair has caused a profound sensation here, and skilled de tectives have already been put at work upon the case. The postmaster Is greatly worried over the robbery. He has bald that he susqeots no one in the oftlce. At a Dinner when you hnve eaten heartily, you should talcs Vr. l'ierce'a rieasant Pel Tour liver needs tha gentle stimulating, as well as invigorating, effect of these tiny, sugar - coated Pellets. li juu .w. luunij.uuu. inu- guld, Inezpressihly tired or debili tated; if you've no appetite and TJ .nl .J .1 ..11 1 a furred or coated tongue it proves thai ?rou'ro bilious. In that case you should carry 11 your vestrpocket a small sealed vial of these Pellets. Thoy ore antl - bilious granules, which act in a prompt and natural way, without griping. Bo beneficial and lasting U their effect that the makers can afford to guarantee that they will give you satis faction, or they'll return your money. There's no case of Catarrh so hopeless that Or. Sage's Catarrh Itemed v innnot cure. The makers will pay $500 rjwanl for any incurable case. mmm& HIGGINS NAMED I The Forecasts of Saturday's Pri maries Have Been Fulfilled. Congressman Hellly Renominated by Acclamation and Hon. T. J. Higglns, of Shenandoah, Nominated Tor Sheriff on the Third Ballot. Hpeclal to EVENING IlKIUM). PoTTSVILLK, Aug. C, 3. p. m. The Dem- ocratlc county convention convened here at ten o'clock this morning with a full representation from nil districts. The nomination for Sheriff was the the lead- , , ii .u i i lug topic of discussion nnd all the dele- gates were prepared for a long siege. I As was predicted, Hon. James B. Hellly ad a walk over for re-nomination for Congress, he having been placed on tho ticket by acclamation. the nomination for Sheriff, On the first Hon. T. J. Higglns, of Shenandoah, re ceived 2,!KX) vii- e ; Dr. Snllade, of Potts vllle, 3,500 i and Frank Lnngton, of Ash land, 1,700. Tho second ballot resulted as follows : Higglns, 3,000; Saliade, 2,800; Langton, 1,400. Tho third nnd last ballot was between Higglns nnd Saliade and tho Langton u,.u8.o.uo.....jv...j v.. . I the Shenandoah man, Higglns receiving 1 000 votes and the nomination and Sal- lade 3,500 votes. STABBING AFFRAY. Three Lithuanians Victims of a Desper ate Countryman's Knife. The highway Is which a continuation of the end of Coal street through the north end of Brownsville was the scene of a des pernte encounter at about two o'clock this mornlnir which resulted In the serious stabbing of Mike and William Petuskt and joun fomsKi.- The men stubbed were on their way home from Shenandoah when they were attacked by Enoch Kilgunos and Peter Savokunos. Kilgunos was the mort ilPHiifrnto and nlaved hnvoc with a sham table knife, stabbing Mike Petuskl in the 8 i stomach, bin nnd chest. William Petuskl in tue lace, and Jonn t'oiutKiinine necK. The wound the latter received narrowly escaped the jugular vein. The assailants were arrested nnd taken before Justice Williams, who admitted Savakunos to bail, nut committed rui eunos to await the result of Mike Petuskl. The latter will probably be admitted to bail to-night, as Dr. Hoculemer has certl- flt-d that the lniured man is out of danger. JSo one seem" to Know wny ine nitacK was made. Tlieie was n Polish weddlug in nrocreBs nt i the scene of the nurny. but the occupants of the house denied tnat tuey Knew any oi tne men. Died. Stetixr. On the 4th inst.. at Shenan lonh. Pa.. II. II. Stetler. Mn of William B Stetler, aged 22 venrs 11 months nnd 4 1 ''"J"' F2"",l n.1)lf8d,'ly'Jih.,?.V'., O It. 111. UC1 , IVn DU IUD inillll. ILmuviibu and Interment In tne Udd iellows' ceme tery. Friends and relatives respectfully invited to attend. a u it DONAVAX. On the 5th Inst., at ShenanJ doah, Po., Patrick Donovan, nged M voars. Fun.rnl will take nlace on Wed nesday, Bin insr., at u:uu o cioca, irom tne family residence, 205 West Centre street. High mass in the Annunciation church nt9:30. Interment In the Annunciation cemetery. Relatives and friends respect fully invited to attend. Now or Never. Peoole who have not secured conies of the exquisite photographs of the World's Fair embraced In "The Mngic City," and superb photographs of famous men nnd women nnd scenes In every land ns in nnrnnratpd In "Vovntre Around the World," should apply for them at the Herald office without delay, as only n few copies are left and the supply will not be renewed. No household should be without a complete set of these marvelous productions. The Wesley League The Young Peonies' Wesley League convention of the bchuvlklll district, Pennsylvania conference of the Primitive Methodist church, opened In the church at the corner of Jardln and Oak streets at two o'clock this afternoon, under the direction of Rev. W. F. Nicholls. After praise and devotional service Rev. John Bath, of town, delivered an address of ijanj waa a Bpiendld success and was en welcome nnd Rev. W. J. Richards, of St. joyea' by hundreds of people from all Clair, responded. The convent on will i,art8 of tlje county Bmong them many open another session nt :30 o clock this o( the prominent politicians. The concert ...,, nr. nn.l mill lta ntinn i rt tlia mil. Hz. . . . , . , "'"s !" i""": There will be a good program ot vocal Coming Events. August 14. Ice cream and peach festi val under the auspices of Fowler's M. E Sunday school, at Yatesvllle. August 15. Ice cream festival In Rob bins' opera house under the auspices of the Imp. O. of R. M. and Degree of Pocahontas. Aug. 20 Ice cream festival in RobblnsJ onera nouse, under tne auspices oi tna Welsh congregational cnurcn. Special low prices to all in watches, jewelry and silverware nt Holderman's, corner Alain anu iiioyu streets. Report of the "Ys." xue reportoi me x. w. u. i. u.oi town fnr t lm month (if -Tliljr pl.nwa t.lint. tlioro were distributed 71 bouquets nnd 3 baskets of fruit. Twentv-ona visits were mn,l to the sick. Beven nraver meetings were held anu one uouar in casu was aonatea to tne branch. Closing Out Stock. I am selling out my entire stock 0f wall paper nt cost anil nave some great bargains to offer. Come and buy your wan paper now ana Keep u loriuiureuse. J, X, UAUDEN, 234 West Centre street. 5-18-3m Shenandoah, Pa, Great Reductions. Hoots and shoes will be cold at rock reduced to the very lowest figures nt Ellis Supowltz's bargain store, 23 South Main street. B-a-ot Steam Renovatlnir Co. call for. clean and deliver Ingrain and Brussels at 8c per yard; heavier carpets to. .K coal St. I Onward It Strides. The demand for the Eviniko Herald has so greatly increased that it has be- come necessary to establish an additional agency at Hooks & Ilrown's stationary BtnrA. X Vnitli Nfnln ntrRpt. I - - w- Grev Bilk alanata summer coats and vests at lesB than half price at Keese's auttion rooms. it THIRD ANNIVERSARY. An Event In the Pastorate of Rev. Robert O'Boyle. The third anniversary of Rev, Robert O'Boyle's pastorate of the Trinty Re formed church, on West Lloyd street, wns observed last night by a special program of service. The interior of the cosy little edifice was handsomely decorated with natural flowers contributed and arranged by the ladles of the congregation, and the Schnppe orchestra of ten pieces rendered a program of excellent Bacrod selections. Rer. O'Boylo made an address In whloh he interestingly reviewed the work In tho church during the past three years. Rev. O'Boyle has just closed three years of ns active and fruitful service ns rcSLS'ffi in n similar congregation. When he first took hold the church was In on Indifferent 'ia'",'nenl.ueulP TLZISH' the congregation having become dls- courniied on nccount of hsvlnir no nastor. Rev. O'Boyle look hold of It wlthenrnest- "ess ami ny strong nnu persistent eiiori rno..,p,i nfBnm, ,ru . , tion so that to-day it has a membership of nlmost four hundred communicants much reduced that a comparatively small amount remains unpaid. The DODUlaritv won hero'.bv Rev.O'Bovlo is not limited to his congregation, but ex tends among all classes in the community, His genial and wholesouled disposition has made, him a social favorite and the origlnnlity and up-to-dntecharncterot his sermons and methods of conducting the services has repeatedly attracted to the church mr.ny members of other congrega tions. The congregation attested its en- 'lor?tmeil.t at. 1 ev- (?'nJ'11l?'8 J?' trunnion. McElhcnny's Bill of Fare. Snapper soup, Oyster nnd clam soup, Hard shell crabs, Devilled crabs, Devilled clams. Lobster salad, Little neck clams, t resh and salt oysters. MT. CARMEL. Mt. Cakmel, August 0, 1894. Miss Maud Benstnge'r is on the indis posed list. "SHSS '.s Miss Violet Moore Sundnved with Sha- lnoKin menus. Mrs. Grace Else Is lying seriously ill at her home tu Unmptown. Ed. Dacv smiled on the fair ones at Mahanoy i'lane yesterday. joun iiateman, oi I'atterson, was a pleasant caller Saturday evening. Lambert Cnmn and wife soent the Sab bath with relatives at Patterson. Wit.. -f11. 1,-.-mn rt Dl.tlnalr..ln lo the guest of Miss Dolly Slgfrled. Misses Lizzie Waters and Ida Fagley are the guests of Shenandoah friends, Misses Ida Morgans. Sallie Waters and Emma Waters were Gordon visitors yes terday. Thomas Donahue. Dennis nines and Dave Waters were Locust Gap visitors yesterday. John Dreher. one of Ashland's popular young drug compounders, was a welcome visitor yesterday. Dave Waters, accompanied by his best , , PH ' vivtrirn eninvpA n driv foGordn yerterl'y Ixtrim. enioved a drive Bruce Fortner. Rush Kress and Bernard McBrenrty, three of Centralia's popular roung gentlemen, were pieasaui caiiers jaturday nignt. ITXMS THAT Will, PUT YOU THINKING. Nows is scarce. Have a smile for everyone. Who'll be the next candidate for Presi dent f What has become of our Board of Trade ? Why can't we have sewerage f Please answer. When will the Locust street bridge be completed r This Is the month for New York City to disappear under a tidal wave, If "izossin" cives it to us straight, we have a man in town who could be arrested for bigamy. Who are those ruffians who loaf where th light doesn't shine and insult ladies as tney pass j Masons will soon get to work building the foundation preparatory to erecting the new iock upm A Mt. Cnrmel newspaper says we had a J5.000 blaze on Friday night. We must certainly have some live reporters in town. A Good Concert. The sacred concert olven at Hltrh Point V ..u, , r,,l i, .. ofln.nnnn hv thfl nrnnf. was nrociaimed tne nnesi ever Eiven m the park Tm3 following waa the pro- gram : March, "Exrosltlon" ......lloie ,-. Verdi Bnnder Overture, "Neb .chadpezzar' uia uncle wea, air vaire, Knlnlnrpnrnrt. Mr. Putflr KchorjDB. Parptrse ........Nagell now uemie uihj umuuttuiu. INTERMISSION. Medlev. "Mu'lcal Bmllcs" ..Ocuey Adv.inco ana retreat ot Salvation Army... Orth Fantasia, "On bacrea Bongs" Meyreues uozuiogy, Notice to Delinquents. All neonle In nrrenrs for 1SU3 taxes are hereby notified that they are long overdue, and tliey will savo tne expense oi suits Dy making prompt payment. JM. j, CCANLAN, 8-2-lw Receiver of Taxes. 1 Arihlm Pltrht I AfaDiaH rit,Ul The Arabians of the First ward were in 1 an uclv mood yesterday. Two of the meu I cot Achting and one cut a finger off the uauu ui me uvuer, men) were uu aresLn nnd it was impossible to get the names of the men, Abdallah Namle and Simon Saba were put under t300 bail each for assaulting Ami Uarvlsh, Get your repairing done at Ilohlerl man's. Experts on Hand UUiiuu 1 ubiwu. ut u. non J.u,&,cuu George N. Itiley, of Pittsburg, experts on uiDlnir. arrived in town to day and con- nil.nn Tl-l T nt Van. n .1 Hulted with some ot the Council men on the kind of pipe which will be required pumping station anu tne reservoir at Fowler's Ilun. mar In Mind John A. Helllv's is the nlace to get the purest wines ana liquors, uess ueer anu ales and finest brands of cigars. An Evangelist's Visit. Aflea TYrmlnn Hnvlu. thfl nvfintrellst frnm I Treherhert, South Wnles, will preach in the Welsh Congregational church, on I H'. q v. TLnniilnv iwan- I UUUIU UN, n"w. j v.b,.- ing. This will be lulss Davis' last visit here prior to her departure for Wales next month. The service win commence at o'clock. All are cordially invited. Ortsaingcr Nervous and Weak AH broken down, unable to sleep, distress nd burning in my stomch. smother Itiir and choklnn irollj this was my condition when I began to take Hood's Harsaparllla, I havo taken S bot tles and iel like mnather in, can work With eaj, weigh over 200, and mm enrrd. I shall ever bo ready to pralso Hood's Sarsapa- tuia. j. u URissiNor.n, now urenada, I'a. Hood'ssps Cures N. B. Bo sure to Ret Hood's and only Hood's. Hood's Pills areendorsed by thousands. S3 SHOE no I THE BEST. ) SQUEAKING. T A aM n H. t W. T TO. tigtcuuviHii. FRENCH SiENAMELlEDCALT. 4-M.sp RNECA1 F&KANaAROa $3.3P P0LICE.3SCUS. 2.l.7 BoysSchoolShoes. LAPIES .SEND f OR CAIAUHiUt WL DOUGLAS BROCKTON, MASS Vou can uaje money by purchasing W. L. Dcsuse, we are the largest manufacturers ol advertised snoea in ine worm, auu Kutii.iAi.w ii V... .l.wnlHtf th t19rnf And tlttCC Oil 111C VUiUC UV m.auhua - e- : Drices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes 5.-i- iii.o we lis. ve- them sold every where at lower prices for the value given than anv otner maae. laitc uu Buusmuit. j dealer cannot supply you, we can. &oia Dy Joseph Bull, Shenandoah, Pa. IK EFFECT MAT 13, 1894. Passencer trains leave Shenandoah foi Ponn Haven Junction, Mauch Chualt, Le- hlghton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua Alientown, Bethlehem, Easton ana Weatherly 6.04, 7.38. 9.15 a m.. 12.43, 2 57, 5.S7p. m. For New York ana Fhllaaelpm., 7.3S, 0.15 a. m 12.43, 2.67. For Qualtatie. Switch- bacK, ucrnaras ana nuusonaaie, o.m, a ... ana z.07 p. m. Lacewllle. Towanda, Sayre. Waverly and r ur VY UKee-isarri;. vvuiia uitvcu, j..di.uu, F.lmira, 6.01, 0.15 a. m., 2.67, 5.27 p. m. i'or uocnester, uunaio, niaara raiia aau the West. 6.04. B.15 a. m. and 2.57 5.27 D. m. Tor Helvldcro, Delaware Water Gap ano Stroudsburg, 6.04 a. m., 2.57 p. ra. r'or L,amuerivuie ana xremon, a. m. rorTunkhannoclr. 6.01. 9.15a. m.. D. m, for Ithaca and Geneva 6.04, 9.15 a. m. 5.27 p. ra r-or Auourn a. m. o.zi p. m. for Jeanesvllle. Levis tonandUeaerUeadow, a. m., 12.43, 8.0a p. m. Tot KtocUtou and Lumber Yard, 6.0(, 7.23, Q.15. a. m.. t2.4S. 2.S7, 5.27 D. m. For Hllver llrook Junction, Auoennea ana liazleton 6 04, 7.38, 9 15 a. m., 12.48, 2.57, 5.27 and 8.08 p. . r or acranion, d.ih, v. 10, a. m., i.q uuu o.t n. m. B or laazieurooi., J euuo, utu ivutuuf reoiuu, t.ui, 7.&t u.ia, a. m., iz.ta, .o, p. zr. For Ashland. Glrardvllle and Lost Creek. 4.52. 7,51, 9.13, 10.20 a. m 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.22, 9. It . m. For Raven Run. Centralla. Mount Carmeland Shamokln, 9.13, 11.14 a. m 1.82, 4.40, 8.22 p.m. For Yatesvllle. Parle Place, Mahanoy Glty and Delano. 6.04. 7.38. 9.15, 11.05 a ra., 12.43, 2.57 5 7!. 8.03, 9.83, 10.28 p. m. Trains win leave Shamoun at, 11.10 a. in., 1.55. 4.30 9.80 p. m., and arrive at Shenan doah at 9.15 a. m., 12.48, 2.57, 5.27, 11.15 p. m. Leave snenanaoan lor rottsvuie, d.du, v.w 9 Oi, 11.05 11.30 . m., 12.43, 2.57, 4.10 5.27, B.Of p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.50, 9.05, 10.15, 11.40 a. m., 12.32, 3.00,. 440, 5.20, 7.15, 7.55, 10.00 n. m. Leave snenanaoan ioruazietoa,D.ui,7.K!,v.ia, a. m 12.48,2.57, 5.27,8.08 p. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.35, 10.05, 11.00 a. m , 12.15, Z.fl, 5.30, 7.25. 7.60 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. s at Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralla, Mt, carmei ana ncamouin, 0,13 a. m., i.w p. m and arrive at Bhamokln at 7.40 a. m. and 8. p. m Trains leave Hhamokln far Shenandoah 7.55 a. m. and 4 00 p. m.. and arrive at Bhen- &ndnah at 8.49 a. m. and 4.58 D. m. Trains leave for Ashland, Glrardvllle and Loot Creek, .4U a. m., p. m. For Hazleton, Illaclc Creek Junction, Penc Bethlehem, Easton and New York, 8.49 a ra.,, 2.55 p. m. Fnr Phlladelnhla 12.80. 2.55 D. m. For Yatosvllfe, Park Place, Mahanoy City anc Delano, B.4U, a. m.,, z.kj, t.oa d.uj p. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.8U, 11. SC 'Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.50, 8 49, V.30 a. m., z.4U p. m. . . Leave pottsvllle lor snenanaoan, b.h, xe.ti a.m.,l.!a). h.ibp. m. South Bethlehem. Pa OHAS. S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Agt., Philadelphia A. XT. MONNKMADFTEH. Asst. tl. P. A.. Boutn uetmenem, ra Shenandoah's Reliable Hand Laundry Cor. Lloyd and White Bts. All work guaranteed to he flrst-class in every particular, Bilk ties and lace curtain saspeo laity. Goods called for and delivered. A trial solicited. Your Stomach : : : Cannot stand the same washing that your boots do, and the water you drink I isn't even ut ior mat purpose, use Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter. JAMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch. Wlioa You Want a First-class Big make it a point to go to "Delcamps Liuery. West St., between Centre and Lloyd. Teams to Hire for all Purposes DR. HOBENSACK, REMOVED To 648 N- EioMh St., Iljr above Green, Phlla, Pa., Frrmerlv at 206 North Hecond St. Is the old. est In America tor the treatment ot Bneeial Dlteaeet and Youthful Error $. Varicocele, HvdrnCAle. Lost Manhood, eto. Trfiatmnnt hv mall a specialty. Communications sacredly (vmfldentlal. Bind stamn for book, llourn. Q a. m. to 9 p. nt Sundays. 8 to 12 m llr. i. DR. J, GARNETT MERTZ, ' Oculist and Optician, 111 W. Ceotre St., Mahanoy Ciiy, Pa. F.res examined and classes nrencrlhed. Special attention to difficult cases. Professional Cards. 8 OL. FOSTKIt, ATT0RNX7 and COVNBELLER-A.lLJ.W, Office Room 4. Post Omco bulldlne. Bhenan. doau, Pa. M. 8. KI8TLER, M. D,, PHTBIOIAN AND BVRQKON, I Office lio North Jardln street, Shenandoah. JOHN It. COYX.E, ATTORNBT-AT-LA W. Office Beddall building, Bhenandoah, Pa. M. M BURKK, A TTORNET AT-LAW ininAKDOin, pa. nfl.. 1, n o t , ry 11.. 1, , 1 1 x and Esterly building, Pottsvllle. J PIERCE ROBERTS, M. D no. 26 East Coal Btroet, SHENANDOAH, PA. Offlco Hours 1:80 to 8 and 6:80 to 9 p. m. DIt. J. 8. OALLEN, No. 31 South Jardln Street, Shenandoah, Ottios Houbs: 1130 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 P. 1C, Except Thursday evening. No office work on Sunday except by arrtmgt- mrro. una uanerenvc w tne office nourj it absolutely neeeuary. J-JR. WENDELL HEBER, successor to Dr. CHAS. T. PALMEB, EYE AND XI An SURGEON, 301 Mahantongo Street, Pottsvllle, Penna, M!RS' " H" DKIDaMAN' R" " M" Teacher cf Violin, Piano. Violoncello, Cor. Jardln and Lloyd Sts., Shenandoah. FOR CTS. I11 PoMngp, ivo Mill send ANnmplo linvolopc, of cllhrr WHITE, rijJIKlE 0 umwETTi; op You have seen it advertised for many years, but have yon ever tried it? If not, you do not know what an Itlenl besides being an ncknowledgod beautlfler, has many refreshing ueea. It prevents cbaf lug, sun-burn, wind tnndessonspersnlratlon. etc. 1 lnf actltisamontdellcatoanddeelrablo protection to the face during hot weather It li Hold Everywhere, For sample, address I J. A. POZZON I CO. St. Louis. MoJ MENTION THIS PAPER, Lager and O Pilsner Beers Finest, Purest, Ilealthest. Chris. Schmidt, Aot 207 West Coal St., Shenandoah. Fortlio... Cleary Bros' Hot Season 'Temperance Drinks Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottlers of the llnest lager beers. 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah, Fi. MDSSER & BEDDALL, (Successors to Coakley Bros.) Mo. 38 Bast Centra Btrect, BHENANDOAH, PA. Our Motto: Best Quality at Lowest Gash Prices. Patronage respectfully solicited. For Painting .... The Season Is here: and Paper Hanging Get your work done by Mahanoy City's leading artist, ' W. H. SNYDER, Perfect Work. Bartralnsin nalnts and oils, nlaln and stained glass. All the new patterns in wall paper. All dally and weekly papers, novels, novelettes and stationery. 1 . I 133 West Centre Street. I Headquarters for the Evkhxno HbrALD. J -J 1, 'in ) ,.Vfti