The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 26, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1694.
.Strikes Down the Precious Babes-Fatal
Cnses of Cholera Infantum Terminate
inside a Few Hours-May be Prevented
fcy the Use of Lactatcd Food.
The big plnnts,
with their roots deep
lu the earth, grow
strong when the
July sun beats down
on them, but the
flowers droop nnd
die before the fierce
Babies nnd young
children feel the
disastrous effects of hent more tlinii
Hut physicians positively declare that
where the strength Is carefully kept up,
nnd every possibility of contusion re
moved by using "a splendid nutriment"
ns doctors coll lactatcd food, the mere
presence of high temperature can do no
harm. For, at the bottom, cholera lnfan
turn is tho result of n condition of things
th it follows Improper feeding.
During hot weather the slightest Btgns
of Indigestion or diarrhoea should receive
Immediate attention, and be met by a
close scrutiny of tho diet. Babies and
young children who do not eat with relish,
who nro weak and debilitated, "pick up"
marvellously when they are put on a diet
of lactnted food even for a few weeks.
Lactated food Is taken with relish when
all other nutriment Is refused
Kvery element of puro mother's milk Is
met lu lactated food.
Keep baby upon lactated food nnd It
will escape cholera infantum and danger
ous summer illness.
No household with little children in It
should feel safe during these hot days und
nights unless they know lactated food Is
nt hand for emergencies,
It is the food upon which hundreds of
happy mothers have nourished their little
ones. Says Mrs. II. K. Chapman, of New
ton Centre, Mass., whose baby is shown
above, in a letter to the makers of this
food :
"I wish to tell you nbout our baby. We
tried n food at first that baby did not seem
to like, as he always left half In his bottle,
i'inally ho was taken very sick and the
doctor advised us to use lactatcd food,
which wo did nt once, and from that time
until this hu has cried for it every two
hours, and although wo always give him
one nnd one-hnlf cupful, ho has never left
nny In his bottle. He is nowouoyearold,
and has grown to be such n fat, healthy
Kvery mother should try lnctated food.
Any druggist will sell for 25 cents a pack-
nge large enough to make 10 pints of
nourishing food, nnd in large packages it
Is even less expensive.
W. H. Nelson, who is in tho drug busi
ness nt Klngville, Mo., has so much con
fidence in Chamberlain's Colic Cholera
nnd Diarrhoea Hemedy that he warrants
every bottle nnd offers to refund the
money to any customer who is not satisfied
after using it. Mr. Nelson takes no risk
ln doing this because the remedy is a
certain cure for the diseases for which it
is intended and he knows it. It Is for sale
by Gruhler Bros.
Coming Events.
July 27. Trinity Heformed Sunday
school picnic, accompanied by theKngllsu
Lutheran nud Presbyterian Sunday
schools, nt LiaKeside.
July is. Lawn party for tho benefit of
All Saint's I'. K. church nt the residence
of Dr. C. M. Ilordner. 7 to II p. m.
.T..1T. '11 lr.U ftt.f..! I i. ........
under the auspices of Camp 40, P. O. ol
T. A., In Hobbius' hall.
August 1. Ice cream fsstlvnl ln Hob
bins' opera bouse, under the auspices of
tne J. A. u."
August 14,-Ice cream nnd peach festi
val under tho auspices of Fowler s M. K.
Sunday school, at latesvllle.
Aug. 20 Ice cream festival in Itobbins
opera house, under the auspices ot the
Welsh Congregational church.
Ahorsekioked II. S. Shafer.of theFrce-
myer House, fliiuuieourg, jn. i on the
knee, which laid him up in bed and caused
the knee Joiut to become stiff. A friend
recommended bliu to use Chamberlain's
Pain Balm, which ho did, nud ln two days
wus able to be around. Mr. Shafer has
recommended it to many others nnd says
It Is excellent for any kind of a bruise ot
sprain. This mime remedy is also famous
for its euros of rheumatism. For snle by
uruuier uros.
Bargains for Printers.
On account of the consolidation of the
Miners' Journal and The Despatch tho
following articles can be. bought cheap
for cash :
One Hoe Single devolution Press size
of bed 33x10
One Cottrell & Dubcock Press size of
bed W,xM,
One Gordon Press Klghth Medium.
One Gordon Press Quarter Medium.
Two Paper Cutters.
Three Imposing Stones.
One Folder.
All in first class order. Also Lot
Display and Body Type, Utile, Furniture,
Unlley Hacks and Galleys and other
material necessary for n thoroughly
equipped ouice. Auuress,
The Despatch.
tf Pottavllle, l'a.
Last June, Dick Crawford brought his
twelve months old child, suffering from
Infantile dlarrhoen, to me. It had been
weaned at four mouths old nnd belnic
sickly everything rnn through It like
water through u sieve. I gavo it the
usual treatment ln such cases but with
out benefit. The child kent urowinu
thinner until It weighed but little more
tnan wneu uorn, or pemnps ten pounds,
I then started the father to Hiving Chain-
berluin's Colic. Cholera nud Diarrhoea
Itemedy. Before one bottle ot the 2ft
cent size nail oeen used, a marked lm-
.. .., ......... ....
provement was seen and it oontinued use
cured the child.
constitution disappeared and its father
and myself believe the child's life was
rfnved by this remedy. J. T. Mnrlow, M.
D., Tamaroa, 111, For sale by Gruhler
.vn .. i.y;
Peter A. Stlef nnd wife visited Ashland
friends yesterdny.
Mrs. I'rof. Dean nnd daughter are on
the Indisposed list.
George D. Anderson called onShamokln
friends yesterday,
Cyrus llornbergcr and family are visit
ing at Atlantic City.
William Hendricks, of Shnmokln, was
a pleasant caller to day.
William V. King nnd fnmlly nro so.
jourmng nt the sen snore.
Hen Masehal has accepted n position ns
clerk in Ulckel & Co.'b store.
Misses Hnttle Hevnn nnd Ada Innls are
enjoying the sights nt Suubury.
Misses Katie Scott nnd Mndge Carey
are sight-seeing at Atlontlc City.
Mrs. Michael Wholeu nnd Mrs. Joe
Young are Atlantic City visitors.
Farmer John was nt Shamokln last
night, smiling on the fair mnldensof thnt
Mrs. R J. Bevan nnd daughters, Edna
and Kthel, nre visiting Atlantic uity ana
Cape Mny.
A. .1. Stlef boarded the Heading train
this morning for i'hilndolphln and other
points enst.
MissAunlo Whltner. of Selltu Grove Is
thegustof Miss Emma Wanauiaker nt
the commercial.
We nre informed that another connubial
nllalr is close nt hand nnd the contracting
parties aro well known.
An pnlstlu of recent date from Will
Miller, of Norfolk, Vn., Informs ns that
lie is getting along nicely nnd likes his
new home.
Tho lndv mandolin nlover. the beautiful
mechanical figure now on exhibition In
one of the larife show windows of Ike
Goldsmith's mammoth clothing store, 25
North Dak street, is reuliy a wonueriui
niece of work. It renrescnts a perfectly
formed lndy, life size, with lovely face
and natural movements of the arms and
eyes. It stands erect, thumbing the
mandolin nnd ntrncts crowds who view it
with delight and wonder. Uo nnu see it.
Wnter Is very scarce.
Subscribe for the HERALD.
It Is rumored that we are to fiave n silk
Mt. Carmcl can now manufacture her
own Ice.
Tim now First Natlonnl Umk building
will be n beauty when completed.
The emnloves at Patterson colliery
struck for higher wogos yesterday.
Al. Norstedt. the iewelcr. is erecting n
Unndsome dwelling on aoutn unK street.
Oivliitr to their Increasing business
Geiger, Gibson & Co. have enlarged their
planing mm.
The Palace
theatre cufe
has ugnln
changed hands.
This town has not been much behind In
the number of imnroveiuentti this sum
mer. This is noticenble wherever you go.
Our Nntionnl Guard company is getting
rendv for the annual encampment at
Gettysburg next month. Hoys, keep up
your good record.
'Dick" Flvnn. one of the bet hearted
and Jovial Irishmen in the Butlers, is
working up his boom for Poor Director,
or rather his lrieuds are.
Political circles here nre somewhnt dull.
The choice nmomr liemtbllcnns lor Con
gressman Is about equally divided be
tween Loscb, Brumm and Shoener.
MnnlT.... nf Acl.lnrwl lid.
al0 been ,re( ln fnct ,0 ls herB
everyday. lie says he Is a candidate for
Senntor and will knock Coyle higher
than a kite.
Tho larue number of strnutre faces seen
on our streets Is frequently the cause of
much comment, which niways results in
tho unanimous decision that the traffic
created by the electric railway is responsi
ble ior it.
Kx-Senntor Watson called upon his
nollticnl friends this week and was en
thusiastically received. Mr. Watson's
relntionshln is lmmen-e turrmaliout this
valley nud had he nny mie ! than Senn
tor Monnchnu tor an opponent four years
ago bo would have been re-uomlnated. It
seems they are In the Bamc relationship
and Brian received the best share of favor
in tho last Senatorial campaign.
Reported dally from the Mahanoy City bureau
oi ine.cvKrui'u uekaui.i
Mahaxot City, July 20.
Jnmes Murnhv visited friends at Shen-
nn loan yesteruay.
Charles I). Kaier & Co. will furnish the
nuw base ball club with suits.
George L. Medlar has opened n harness
factory an Third street, opposite tho
Hoppes mills.
There Is a report that we nre to have a
salaried base ball club. All that is re
quired is a Uttla sand, as tho stuff is here.
A warrnnt was swornDut beforo Justice
May yesterdny by James II. Hagenbuch,
for tho nrrest of Joseph Ii. Hex. of Tama
qua, on a charge of embezzlement to the
extent of H'iO. Hex waived n bearing nnd
gave nnu ln tho sum ol ?l,uuu.
Chnrles It. Seitzinirer. the nll-rnund
sport of Fountain Springs, visited friends
hero yesteruny and stateu that the newly
equipped Wise ball team nt his place is
open to challenges from the best amateur
clubs )n the county. The team has good
management and an excellent battery. A
challenge from Ashland Is preferred. Mr,
beitzinger will receive all challenges.
Iftwa Kvpublloiui Nnmlnrttt.
Deb MOINES, In,, July 20. The Repub
lican state convention nominated the fol
lowing ticket; For secretary of state, W.
il, McForlnnd; nudltor, A. C. McCarthv:
lunges of the supreme court, C. T
Granger nnd II. E. Deemerj state treas
urer, John S. llerriett; nttorney general,
Milton' Itemloy; rnilroad commissioner, p.
L. Davidson; clerk supreme court, Chr'h
Jones; reporter supreme court, B. I. Sal
Abbna Cjiniei Another llrothcr'a Arrest.
Tanqieii, July Sifl. Advices received
here from Fez ore to the effect that the
sultan has caused the arrest of another of
nis urotuers, iuuiey umra, ana the mem
bers of his suite. Ho is charged with try
ing to depose the sultan und telze the
Snecinl low nrlces to nil in watches.
Jewelry nnd silverware at Iloldermnu's, I
corner ainin nuti iioyn streets.
The New State Normal School.
Ihe rnll term of the Kast btroudsburg
State Normal School will open Sept. 3,
1MI4. Marvelous success the first vaar:
linn pupils enrolled during the three
terms. Mngnlficent buildings. All rooms
carpeted and luruished throtiKhout with
tne most niouern lurnuure. The heat
grndeof matting on all the halls. All
home comforts provided for our pupils.
A faculty of competent instructors. The
boarding of any school of the kind in the;
.raid 'I rofnini, f 'n m ... 1 ..l 1 ...... i
........ wv.u,,.,c:vii, v-ui.wo
Preparatory, Music, and Klocutlonaiy De -
y. mm mi i.uuiu,
colleges without jurther examination.
Benu nnmeuinlely lor our new illustrated
catalogue, aud engage ypur room early,
Address, Gko. P. Dible, PrlnS,
t!.ast btrouusburg, ra
MacIIcnry WIlhelm.lEsq., in the Fight
to Win.
Tho graceful withdrawal of T. J.
Edwards, of Mahanoy City, from the
fight for tho Senntorinl nomination In
the 30th district on the Hepublicnn ticket,
lenves the, fight open to Hon. John J.
Coylo and Mncllenry Wllhelm, Ksq., tho
rising young lawyer of Ashland. The
latter gentleman Informed a representa
tive of tho HERALD yesterday that he wos
In the contest In earnest, nnd was confi
dent of securing the nomination.
From now on the fight between these
two gentlemen will be most Interesting.
In Mr. Wllhelm, the present Hepresentn-
tlvofrom this district will And n warrior
worthy of his steed. He Is no novice In
the politics of Schuylkill county, nnd Is
backed by mi unknown quantity, that
will cause his opponent considerable un
easiness. There Is n great difference be-
tween the support back of Mr. Wllhelm
nnd thnt which rallied nround Edwards.
As the battle progresses the friends of
Coyle will find this out.
Since It Is certain that Wllhelm has en
tered tho race In earnest, Mr. Coyle will
have to put Into operntion all his hustling
qualities. There is no use disguising the
fact thnt the opposition to tho latter Is
growing dnily, nnd this opposition nnd
those who fnvored Edwards' nomination
will join forces with Wllhelm contingent,
thus creating n serious opposition to the
nomination of Mr. Coyle.
The bnttlo cry, whether justifiable or
not, seems to be anything to beat Coyle,
and if thnt wily politician is not careful
it will likely succeed.
It Is Reported That the Populists Will
Name "a Courtly Ticket.
The Populist party Is gradually making
Inroads with the ranks of the old parties
in this state. Uerks nnd Luzerne counties
have tickets in the field under the Popu-
llstlc banner, nnd the indications point to I
a similar course In Schuylkill county.
It Is not known who the promoters nro.
but It Is nresumed they were at one time
member of the defunct Greenback party.
It tho movement materializes it will
effect tho ranks of both the old nnrtles.
The defection in the Deraocrntic party at I
present Is very great, nnd there are nl
number of them who dislike to vote the I
Itetmblican ticket. These dissatisfied
Democrats will, therefore, welcome any I
nny new movement.
The oricinators are verv likely dissatis
fied Democrats, nnd for that reason it is
thought by some thnt the new party will
nave a large nucleus to uraw irom. ta&i
Vhen Baby -was elck, we gave her Castorla,
J71ien ahe was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
?hen ah"5 became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
'Jten ihe had Children, she gave them CastorU,
or siienandoaii,
at Shenandoah In tho State ot Pennsylvania,
at tho close ol uusiness, juiy id, jmii:
Loans and Discounts t250.G93 su
Overdrartssecuredond unsecured (502 73
U. a. lionds to secure circulation 100,01)0 r
Htocks, securities etc 97,066 07
llanklug-house, furniture, ana nxt... i,&uu uo
uue irom nuuonai nanus, noi reserve
agents.,...- &9 49
Due from State hanks and hankers 79180
Due from annruved reerve agents 59
Checks nnd other cash Items 2.27 71
Notts ol other national tanks 0.7.5 w
Fractional paper currency, nicKeis,
ana ceuisH v
iMwIul tnunef reserven bank:
Specie - 47,828 93
Legal tender notes 6,9i5 00
i . h. ceruncaiub oi ul-ddkii
for legal te'-dfr. 43,201 95
Medemptlonfimdivlth 11.8. Treasurer
lojioi circulation) - .ow w
Total $5tO,0S9 81
Capital stock paid In. 1100,000 00
Surplus Fund au.OUO 00
Undivided proms, less expenses ana
taxes nnld 4.457 13
Natlonnl lianlc notes outstanding.... 90.0n00
Due to other National names e,un n
DuetoBliite Hanks and Baukers 691 BJ
Individual deposits subject to check., 219,a) 08
Deniaud certlUcxtes of deposit 99,580 46
Time eeitlHcates of deDoslt 36.626 15
Cashier's checks outstanding - 193 0U
Total i580,026 31
State of Fennsylvanln,County of
1, n, w or, casuier oi me anove
named bank, do bolemnly swear that the
above statement Is true to tho bet of my
Knowledge ami nenei. .
o. " . 1 nr. LHtllier.
Subscribed nnd sworn to before me 1 lilt. 21th
day of July lt!i. n. A. mwai.m.
otry Patdlc.
Lorrect-Aiiesi :
-' J. FitANEV, Plre'ctors.'
M. MBbLVT, I "
The Leading
Dental Association
In the Worla.
Xo grounds for fear any longer, be
onuse we have found the eciet of extract
ine teeth without pain, which is quly
known by tu, The Albany Dental Awfo-
clntlon. ThisM'cret hnscostusthoutundsl
Df Hollnra hut is a oreat relief
(n 1 1 . nm I
who are suffering from aching teeth.
Plate work of nil kinds
aluiuluum. wnts. metal am
Gold crowns, alurninpm crowon, grown
, , . . . ,.1 .T .. , ,
uuii uriuge nur& ; juiii nun viiver uiiiuKS.
1 Saving of (lecyd IretU h peilnlVy.
. iiememuer tue pinc una nuuiuer.
"r- j.,,,-,,
j Sign of 1q C..I r.),. Ci U,UUi Till
Over M. Stein's drug itore.
MM (irliior Wm Murdered.
Atlantic Citt. July 20. A coroner'
jury nt hgg Huronr City decided that Mrs.
Catharine Geltuvr. nn nged resident oil
that city, who disappeared Inst Septenv
ber, and whose remnlns were found on
Monday in a swamp three miles from hei
home, enme to her death at the hands oil
persons unknown. Suspicion points tc-
wards n mnn seen In the neighborhood
where the body was found, and It Is likely
that arrests win be made.
New lVnhsylvntif Poitmnitert.
Washington, July 2fl. Tho president
sent to the senate the following nomina
tions: Albert T. Spotts, to be oolner of tbi I
mint nt San Francisco, and tho following
postmasters In Pennsylvania: Emll Holl
Media: John 1.. dimming. Mansfield: Al
brecht' Kneule, Norrlstown; M. S. Long
aker, Pottstpwn; Robert D. Evans, Ulalrs
Charted with Embrnecry.
CHICAGO. July 20. Mrs. Wnrren
Springer, the wife of tho Chicago million
aire, was held to the grand jury In thi
sum of J5.000 on a charge of jury bribing.
Mrs. Springer is accused of attempting tc I
bribe two Jurors through their families lr
a condemnation suit in which her hus
band was interested.
Murdered by !!! Stepson.
CrAwfordsville, Ind., July 2C Will
iam Skinner, n prominent citizen of Foun
tain county, was murdered by his stepson
George Starkes. A quarrel nrose over 15
which resulted In Starke's seizing n spad
nnd floating Skinner's brains out. Th
young man then fled and has not yet been
United In Doth.
PITTSVILLK. Md., July 20. F. C. Hlch
ardson and Mt Alice Davis hnve bees
burled in one grave here. The couple
were soon to have been married, but fati
deorced thatthay die within two hours of
tach other, Both died from typhoid
famous REMEDY for
1IEUEALQIA and similar OompUinta
manniajtnrcu under tt0 stringent
Onlyirenulno v.Tradein'k"Anclior.'
Look also on naokseo for Dr, Klohtor'a firm: J
F.Ad. RIchtor A.Co. Now York.!
12 Brand Hoimei, - OwnQlaisworks..
25 and 50c.
For sale In
i Shenandoah by
C, II Hsgcnbueh.,
. M. uiiian,
v. r. i. Klrlin
'ether DraggMJi
Of Reading, Penna.
Authorized Capital Stoch,
Israel II. Hothermkl, - - President.
HAMILTON GoDFltET, Secretnrynnd Treas.
M. H. Master,
W. H. Bacbman
Theynlue of each share Is f200 nt ma-
turity. Application fee on each share, 25
cents; - nnd monthly dues on each share,
tl.00. On dues paid in advnnce for a
period of elx months or longer, S percent,
Interest will be nllowed.
Members mny withdraw one or all Bhares
nt nny time by giving 30 days' written
notice, nnd nre entitled to the full nmount
of dues paid on such shares, together
with six per cent, interest after the first
yenr's membership.
Bhares may be subscribed for and dues,
etc., will be received nt the office of M. IL
Master's marble yard. 127 N. Jnrdln St..
on the first Monday after the first Satur-
day of each month.
"The crisis demands a MAN for the place,
lint a place for Ids man,"' '
For Congress,
Chas. PJ. Brumn
Grand Musicale
Comet Band, of Mahonoy City
Among the nttractl'"'s will be a boat I
race, a tub race, n ' mlnu contest and
n ball name betwee'i iwo professional
teams, several visiting nanus win taue
part in the musicale. This will be the I
greatest day of the season at Lakeside
Dancing uvusio will he furnished by a I
first-class orchestra. Come, everybody.
On August 15, 1894, to consumers of
Also 50 Elegant Gold Watches
75andBomo Mantle Clocks
100 Elegant Nickel Watches.
Sate IourjEnpl Paper Wrappers,
Your Dealer Can Fumlsri'Fiill Particulars,
"xypty jyc jc tJF vfrngcwjfft
OR KENT. Two rocms, for offlce use)
heated bv steam: cas: chenn. Apply to
U He'owlcb, B. Mfcln street. 7 25tf
FOK SALE OHEAP.-Parlor set. bed room
set, sideboard, cupboard, lounge snd
heater. .AudIt at 36 North Main street, Shen.
andoah, Pa. 7-20-tf
WANTED. Men to repicscnt the Metropol
itan Life Insurance Company In Maha
noy City and Delano. Good pay. Apply at
once to L. A. Casslor, 629 East Centre street,
juananoy uuy. i n-ira
UOK PALE. A mare seven years old. with
1 very nnu colt dv cer siae two tnontns om.
The mare Is a cood driver and worker, and will
bo sold cheap as the owner has no use for the
animal. Address or rail on VV. A. F. Keller,
Uarncsvllle, BchujlKlll county, Pa. 7-23 2w
dtnc VEIL WK.EK using and selling Dy
LD lJ namos for rjlaline watches, lewelrv
I and tablenare. Plates cold, silver, nickel, &c ,
same as new gocus. Different sues for agents,
famines ana e-nops luisy operated; no ex-
nerlence: big prouts.
Ilarriton & Co.,
Clerk No. 11. Columbus, Ohio,
SouuTLKiti. County almshouse:,
HcHUYLKim Haven, Pa.,
July lth. 1894. 1
OWING 'o an Insufficient appropriation wo
aro o mcetled to suspend the Issue ct
orders on MOMkeerers for the relief o( Indi
gent persons until October 1st. 1891
snouia me nnanciai situation or inocoumy
allow the Commissioners to maso an appro
priation bt nnv time, before that date, the
Itesue of relief orders wilt bo resumed immedi
Director ol the Poor.
Attest :-Jno J. O'CONNOn, Clerk. 7 23-Ct
HHcL. DBX"OX1.3a.VXl''f3
Cool Resort
Cor. Cherry nnd Gilbert Sts.
Boor, Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Handsome liar Fixtures.
A genuine welcome
Awaits you nt
j QQ Wyatf $ SaoQn
Pool room nttnehed. Finest whiskeys.
beers, norter and nle constnntlv on tnD.
uuoice temperance arinits ana cigars.
Columbia Park !
August 15, '94.
nn?!IMufn UfldP 9i PffPAJf fl fflfl
UULUiy Dlfl nU)D ffi llMNl I. D. iJU.
Are making extensive preperntions for
tho opening ot tnoir new pari-, on the
line of the Lakeside. Electric Itailway, by n
Monster Fic-nic 7
'It will be the event of the senson. and
thof e in nttendance will be treated to all
kinds of amurement. Refreshments will
bo served. Schoppea full orchestra ot ten
pieces will furnish the dancing music.
Parties wishing an v of there capers delivered
can leave orders at Max Reese's. Douehertv
i Duuamg, weBtieniro Bireei.
Closing Out Sale !
Goods Must Go Below
StrawjHat Given Away to
tl.35 Kid Gloves for only 75c.
75o " " 40c.
60o " " S5c.
At h Price.
All our light weight suits are reduced to clear out the summer stock.
We can't afford to carry them over, nor can you afford to do with
out them at this cut. Light In weight nnd color; some pretty clays
and cheviots, nil must go below cost. See them, even though you
don't enre to buy.
W. Shine's New Clothing Store,
Blmon Abramson, Manager. 21 South Main tit., Bhenandoah.
Is tho cheapest nnd best fence made Cheaper
than a woouen ienco ior residences, lawns.ccm-
etery lots or any kind or fencing. M 11. master
has the agenry and carries It In stock at bis
marble and granuo works, 1Z7 N. JAKUIN ST.
and get the best. A full set
tor fa, any size, shade, shape,
and several hundred sets to
select from. Their vitalized
air has no equal for painless
extraction. All kinds fllline
at reasonable prices. Don't foreet the number.
100 North Centre Htreet, rOTTSflLLEA.
Saloon and Restaurant,
Formerly Michael Peters',
15 IV. Itlnlri St., Sliciinndonli.
Fresh and cool beer always on tap. FlntSi
wises, llquorsand cigars.
ROOF PAINTING promptly done with
JX., YOBT, Agent,
139 EastOoal street, Bhenandoah. It lsthobest
and only guarantee paint against corrosion, fire
and every kind of weather, for metal, wooden
and paper roofs and walls. Give it a trial
Formerly kept by Thos. Gibbons,
Slain and Oak Sts., Shorn ndoah.
Fresh and cool Deer always on tap,
Wines, Liquors, Cigars.
Costello & CA8SIDT, Proprietors.
.nirr-- "Pfnnn Tuner.
Pianos nnd oreans repaired. Orders left at
21 North Main street, Bhenandoah, will receive
prompt attention.
Sbcnatidoali, rcima.
'Polite and Prompt Waiters.
The greatest bargains ln town for the
next thirty days will be found at the
Cosh Millinery Store.
20 North Main St., Shenandoah.
Alwnyson hand a full llneof Children's
caps, robes nnd outfits.
Mourning Goods a specialty.
HBSi n. w. nvDB,
i2? and
29 East Centre Street,
Bread, Cakes, Confectionery antj
Vanilla, Chocolate nnd Straw
berry Ice Cream nnd Soda Water,
Wholesale and Retail.
Orders for parties and other events filled
on short notice.' Ice cream delivered to
all parte of town ln pint or quart buckets.
Taken ln first-class stjle at
Linton's New Gallery T
Bear L. V. station. TINTYPES, 2 for 25c
Kaat Centre Street.
Order to Quit Business.
Each Purchaser of Trimmings.
1.00 Corsets for only 75c
75o " " 50q.
60o " 35o.