1 V ( V 9 life RWaii5t o suppose that rm imitation ofiers the customer any guarantee like the original does. Take Cotlolene for example, Fairbank & Co. discovered it, perfected it, and spent thousands in making its merits known. It is plainly to their interest to make and keep it what it is to-day the most popu lar shortening in the world. But when you come these guarantees all disappear, and the housekeeper is at the mercy of an imitator who deals on others' reputation and who profits only by others' loss. To ensure having good cook ing and healthful food sticV right to C0TT01.BMIS and let a. imitations severely alone. Sotd In 3 awl 1 pounrt pills. Made only by N.K.FAinBANK&CO CHICAGO, and 136 N. DELAWARE AVE PHILADELPHIA. 25 CENT WALL PAPERS FOR S CENTS A ROLL, Closing out this season's Roods to make room. Bena lucentsio pay postage. Auareas F. H. CADY, Providence, R. I. 5!Er MONEY TO LOAK. Loans mixta from tlOOto $-,000 on persona or real estate security. No publicity. Loans can be returned In small monthly payments or retained (or a number of yearB to suit borrower. A loan from this company will not Injure the financial standing of any individual or dim No bonus. Interest 6 per cent, annually. Money loaned for any purpose, such as to Increase or enter business, to pay off mortgages, Judgement notes, to bulla or purchase property, or In fact tor any purpose that money may be deslrod Address. Central Trurt Company of I'a., 133T Arch street. Philadelphia, l'a. 6-9-6m When In POTTSVILLE, Stop at PHIL. WOLL'S HOTEL 200 North Centre Street. Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining room attached. Finest wines, liquors, cigars. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. SOUCTLKILL DITISIOtT JUNE 3d, 1SE4. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above ate for Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frac-vlUe, Nen Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Reading, Pottstown.Phoanlxvllle, Norrlstown and Phil adelphia Broad street station) at 6:00 and 11:45 . m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays For Potts vllle and Intermediate stations 8:10 a. m. SUNDAYS. Tor Wlggan's, Ollberton, Frackvllle, Ne Castle. St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 0:00. 8:40 a. m mndSilOo. m. For Hamburg. Reading. Potts town, Phccntivllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia t d:iu, v:u a. m., s:iu p. m. Trains leave Frackvllle for Bhenandoah at 10:40 a.m. and 12:14, 6:04, 7:42 and 10:27p.m. ounuays, una a. m. sau d:iw p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10:16. 11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. m.Sun.ayv i iu;su a. m. ana 0:10 p. m. Leave Phlladelnhla (Uroad street station) foi Shenandoah at 5 67 and a Si a m, 4 10 and 7 11 p a wee- uayg. un aunuayn iev- at og a ra. Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOR NEW YORK. For New York. Express, week days, at 8 20, 406, 450, 515, 8 60, 7 83, 8 20, 060, 11 DO 11 14 a m, 12 00 noon, la 41 p. m, (Limited Ex press 1 05 and 123 p m. dining cars.) 1 40, - JJU, 0 SV, W, O W, 0 UU, O DO, 7 13, o IZ 10 00 pm, 12 01 night, Sundays 2 20, 4 05, 4 60. b 15, 812, 9 CO, 11 03 a Hi, 12 44, 1 40, 2 80, 4 0) (lim ited 4 22) 6 at (1 60.713 and 81! nm lSulnlzht. Express for Boston, without change, 11 a m, wee-uuys. aou owpm uaiiy. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. For Baltimore and Waahlatrton 2 50. 7 20. 8 21 0 10, 10 20, 11 18 a m, 11 40, (12 35 limited dlnlni ear,) 1 80, 3 48, 4 11, (5 18 Congressional Limited Pullman Parlor Oars and Dining Car), 517, '3 66, 7 40 p. m.. 1203 night week days. Sun days, 8 60,7 20, 310, 1118 11 40, am.. 4 41, 5 55, u p m. uuu i ua nigut, Leave Market Btreet Ferry, Philadelphia, FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Express. 6.10. 8.20, 0.30 a. m, (1.00 Baturdays only). 2. 3. 4. 4.20. 5 00 and 6 40 n. in weekdays Hundays, express 0, 7.80, 8, 8.30, 9, U 45 a. m. and 4 30 p. m Excursion week daj b, 7 a. m Bun days, 6.60 a. ra. Returning, leave Atlantic City for Philadelphia, 0 45 (Mondays only), 7, 7 60, 9, 10.33 a. m. 3. 4, 5 30, 7.53 and 0 40 p. ra. week da vs. BundayB, 8 So, 4.05, 5, 5.30, 8, 7, 8.051 9.05 and 9 55 p.m. For Cape May, Anglcsea, Wlldwood .and Holly Beach, express, 9 a. in. (1.30 Baturdays to uape amy omyj z.au. a ana o p m. wee- aays. Hundays, 8.20 a. m. Excursions, 7 00 a. m. dally. Returning, express trains leave CaDe May for Philadelphia, week days, 7, 9 a. m.,2.30 aou 40 p. id. unaaya, a o, o, 5.00 p. m. For Sea Isle City. Ocean City and Avalon Express, 9.10 a, m., 2 30 and 4.20 p. m. week aays. nun-ays, s.ou a. m excursion, 7.U1 a. m. dailv. Ketumlnc. exnress tratoa leave Bea Isle ' City for Philadelphia, week days 6 61, 915 n. m., 2.35, 5.21 p. in, Sundays, 4 01, 5 4(1, 011 Ii, ra. For Bomers Point, express, 7, 8 20, 9 30 a. m. 2, 3, 4 and 5 10 p. m. week days. Sundays, S 60, o, v, S3 a. ia. S. M. PB-VOS.T, J. K. WOOD, Qec'l Manager Jen . Pass'tA(l THE GREAT SUCCESS. B. R. Severn, r S. Magargle, W.H. Watsrs si 1 1 MUJtgj t iWII SMS "J e u km nZiwoHnfl 3 , ee i8P8?ihirvi5 lM-ywfi M.ji.fyi;yLvt., iyyrty RUSSIAN MISSION, Oongrossman Brockinridgo Namod by tb.9 President, MB. WHITE OBLIGED TO RESIGN. The Retiring Diplomat Forced la 8 nr. render Ilia OlUce on Account af 1U Ilaalth Sketch of tha Maw Represent atlva to tha Court of tha Csar. Washington, July 20. llepresentativt Clifton R. Breckinridge, who has repre entcd the Second district of Arkansas f 01 twelve years, was nominated yesterday t be minister to Russia to succeed Andrew D. White. When the extra sesalon ol congress was con vened last August Mr. Brecktnrldgt was an earnest ad vocate of the re peal of the pur chasing clause ot the silver coinage act, and votod tot It. For this notion Mr. Breckinridge was made war up on In his district, and his opponents succeeded In do- c. k. bkcimkio. f enttn lilm f or rs nomination. The president desired U suitably recognize his services, and ten dered him the Russian mission. The Hon. Clifton R. Breckinridge, who Is to succeed Andrew D. Whlto as minis ter to Russia, was born at Loxlngton, Ky., on .Nov. 22, 1840, and is now In his 48t- year. lie Is described personally as ally ing portrait of his distinguished father. Ho was not yet 15 years old when the wai of secession broke out, but ho eujisted aa a private In the Confederate army, and served until the end of tho strule. In 1870 he settled at Pine Bluff, Ark., as a cotton planter and commission mer chant, to which callings he devoted his entire attention for a dozen years. In loas no was elected to con-ress from tht Second distriot of the state, and still con tinues to represent that constltuencv. al though his service was Interrupted in tht iau 01 ibw by bis seat being declared va- oant. This result was reached after ont of the most memorable contests In the po litical history of the country. At the election In November. 1888. Mr. Breckinridge was credited with recelvlnn 17,857 votes, and his Republican opponent, -onn Al, .layton, with 17,011. Mr. Clay ton contested Brecklnridce's riant to th seat on the ground of fraud, but be fori tha contest was completed he was brut ally murdered. The direct responsibility 01 tne crime has not yet been definitely fixed, and probably never will be. Othei murders followed in the wake of this one. and in no oase has justice overtaken the criminal. The judges and others charged with th irauas in the election were acaultted bv the state courts, and Mr. Brecklnrldgi ana nis counsel insisted that this nndlns should bind the house and be nccepted by congress as prooi mat fraud did not exist. The majority of the committee on aleo tlons, however, took a different view ol the subjeot, and on Sept. 5, 1890, Mr. Breoklurldge was unseated. In November of the same year, however. Breckinrldt was re-elected, At the beginning of the second session of the fifty-first concress. Mr. Breokinrldga resumed his service In the house, af ter losing his salary for sixty days only. This year he has not been so successful, the Democratic -nomination having been secured bv Judo-a John S Little, who defeated Mr. Breckinridge at tne primaries Uy a decided vote. It Is believed that the Russian mission will be advanced to an embassy at no dis tant day, thus maktug Mr. Breckinridge an ambassador. Andrew D. White, the retiring minis ter, has had his resignation on file in the state department for many months, like tne otner ministers who held over from the last administration. He is a diplo matist of much ability besides having an enviable reputation as a llterateur. lie resigned the presidency of Cornell uni versity to accept the appointment of min ister to Germany April S, 1879. In the early days of Garfield's ministry he waj obliged to surrender this office on account of 111 health. He was appointed mlnlstei to Russia by President Harrison July 22, 1892, and has been very fortunate and successful In his relations with the Ilus slan government. Tha Employment of Woman. HARRlsnuna, July 20. The bureau ol industrial statistics is preparing a most interesting report, the first of tho kind nt tempted in the state. It looks toward the improvement of woman's position in the industrial world. Circulars are now ready and are Deing sent out to all women em ployed in any avenue of work In this state, asking for information in the following points: Oconpation, nationality, weekly board bill, weekly wages earned and how paid, compensation as compared with that of man for the same work, hours of labor, if paid for time lost by sickness, annual vacation, how long and if paid for ths time. The Drought In the Anthracite Rag-tons. WlLKESBARRE, Pa., July 20. Water is becoming very scarce at many of the mines throughout the anthracite region, and If the present drought Is not soon broken a number of them will be com pelled to suspend work, In which event hundreds of men will be out of employ ment. Fottars Aceapt a llodnotlon. East Liverpool, O., July 20. The striking potters, at a meeting, rescinded the action taken, and by an almost unan imous vote declared the strike oil. Work will be resumed at all the potteries next Monday, after a strike of six months. Tht men will accept a 12 percent, reduction. Final Hartal of M, Oarnot'a Ilody. Paris, July 23. The final interment oi tho body of the late President Carnot took place yesterday at the pautheon, where II had been resting, temporarily, in a vault. The body was placed beside that of thi late president's grandfather, Lazare Car not. Poisoned by Ivy Vines. MIDDI.KTOWN, N. V., July 80. Thomnt Gelselhurdt, of th w city, and his family ol four ate some of the blaokburries on Bun day, which bad beuti picked among poison ivy vines, They were all dangerously il last night, having apparently been pol aoned. Ilia Weathar. T" Generall7 fair during the day, followed by increasing oloudluess; cooler this even ing; southerly winds; probably local rail and cooler tomorrow. THE LEXOW iNVtSriGATrON anator Sazton Says Ilia .Wark Will Con tlnoa and Mcorea Mr. Orokor. STRACUil, N. Y., July 20. Senator C. T Saxton mphatlcallydrales tha statemen' in a New York paper that the Lexow In vtstlgatlon has been abandoned, He sayi it is but fairly started. The summer re cess Is only to glva Mr, God needed rest. Regarding Mr. Crokar. Senator oextoi said: "If Mr. Croker had not been workai up to a very high pltah by tha presenoe ol the Lexow committee and by the manj frauds and steals they were untarthlni dally he would not have resigned froa the ableraomce In Tammany llall.neithei would he have been so suddenly shattered in htaitb, Tlie committee will examlni Mr. Croker and many others whom it li believed will aid the Investigating bod) in finding out all thay desire to know. "There is 1,0 doubt but that Police Com mtsstoner John McClave rosigned becausi It was getting to warm for him. Chargel of corruption were so strongly proved bj internal evidence that he had no desire t( remain longer on the board, and that, too, without putting too much reliance on thi story of his son-ln-law. McClave got out because he did not dare to face further ex posure." CRUSHED IN A MINE. Three Miliars Klllad and Two Iladly In jurad at Wllllainatonn, I'a. WlLLIAMSTOWN. Pa.. July 20. Thret miners were killed and two badly Injured In an accident which happened yesterda) afternoon at the Wllllamstown colliery. The dead are: John Llewellyn, aged 50, Joseph Raudeubush, aged 39, and Martin Tate, aged 40. The Injured are WllHaa Clark and a miner whose name has nol yet been ascertained. Both the wounded men will recover. The accident happoned as the man were coming to tha surface after having com pleted their day's work. Just how It oc curred Is not quite clear, but It is sup posed that the hoisting apparatus became disarranged and in some manner forced the car in which the men were asoondlng from the track . and pressed It tightly against the top of the slope. The unfor tunate occupants were dragged along and squeezed between the car and the roof un til the machinery was stopped. All ol the dead men were married and leavi large families. Sudden Death of a Criminal's Wife. Long Island Citt, N.Y., July 20. Mrs. Jennie Klnsell, wife of "Big Tom" Kin sell, who is now serving the first of a fif teen year term In the Wethersfleld prison at Hartford, died suddenly at her homi here last night. , A few weeks ago the wo man asked the police for protection, say ing she feared she would never be able to appear as a witness in several criminal cases In which she was the chief wltnesi if she were not protected. Four policemen were detailed to watch her day and night. Recently, however.the guard was reduced to one man, and now the woman's ex pressed fears have been fulfilled. Hu death will be Investigated. Fatal Dael In a TlaUlinore Saloon. Tl A TTlunnu TtllvQO TntiH 1? T' ...... a saloon keeeper on Columbia avenue.and Harry Ports, a former bartender, had duel with pistols in the former's saloon yesterday afternoon. Four shots wen fired and three men wounded, two ol which are probably fatally hurt. Th trouble arose over paying for some drinks, Samuel Laviez, an innocent party, wai shot In the shoulder from behind, Fngan shot In the right breast and Ports received a bullet in the left side which went en tirely through the body. Ports and Fagan are not expected to live, ratal Fira In Minneapolis. Minneapolis, July i0. The most serious fire of the year in Minneapolis and th( largest in ttio history of the city broki outlast night, and before it was extin guished had destroyed property to ths value of over half a million dollars, lear ing In ruins one ot the finest marke buildings In the country. The only fatal ity resulting from the fire was the death of Myron Finley, a llnemau for the Gen eral Klectrlc company, He caught hold 01 a telegraph wlra which became crossed with an electric light wire. The result waa almost inatant death. AUagad .Inrr Urinary. CrtlCAOO, July SO. Tha Investigation ol the jury bribery emu in Judge Baker's cuiiit ytituiiluy developed a sensation when the wife of Millionaire Warren Springer was pointed out as the woman who hnd attempted to bribe Juror Joseph .Mann. ,i tcr iiiih his wife. Mrs. Mar m"ii positively identified the mllliouaire'i wife a the woman who called on her and ollerf d a bribe for a favorable verdict In tho condemnation suit In which Warret ' Springer was Interested. Fatal Crash un tha Kail. Albany, July 20. The fast train on thi Delaware and Hudson, leaving Albany al 4:30 yeater'day afternoon, ran into an open switch at Esperauca and crashsd Into a train ot eight freight cars. The fireman, Henry Palmer, of uneonta, was scalded and his legs were broken. He died hall an hour later. His wife was on the train. Truman Austin, the engineer, sustained two compound fraotures of the right leg, besides being scalded and car. Tho accl- eldtut was the result, of carelessness. An agreeable Laxative andNcnv- Toma Bold by Druggists or sent by mall. 25c., too. uu i.w per pacn-ge. samples iroo. TTg ISffs. ThoFavorlto TOOOT F0 -S tr j v iortno'ioctQaiircai,j CaptalnSweeney,U.S.A.,8anDiefro,C, Bays: "Billion's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have over found that would do mo nnygooa." mco-octs. tsoid by Druggista. SHILOH'S OURE. Trrrs Great Co can Cunn promptly cure where all others fall. For Consumption It has no rival; has cured thousands, and will crma -uut j. uuujuia-di-o. CTvaLBSH. bctl.aauv, Bold by 0. li, Hagonbach, Shenandcah. Millions of Dollars Go up in smoke every year. Take no risks bur Ret your houses, stock, fur niture, etc., Insured inflnit-class, relit ble companies, as represented by DAVID FAUST, Insurance Ageni, ISO South Jnrdin Street. Also Life and Accidental Companle For indigestion and all other conditions resulting from con stipation, go by the book on Beecham's pills. Book free, pills 25c At drugstores ; or write to B F Allen Co, 365 Canal st, New York. TRERQUEY SOAP Is an Improvement In Soap. In the Trolley Soap old methods and materials are superseded by new ones. The Trolley Soap leaves the clothes sweet and clean and lasts longer than other soaps. Ask Your Grocer for It. If he does not keep it send us order for 20 BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, or for a Box 100 cakes 75 pounds $4.50. Joseph $. Thomag Ellinion, 227 Chestnut Street, Phila. T. M. REILLY'S cehtralia's POPULAR : HOTEL ! Where you can always set a glass ot Cool leer and! Refreshing Wines. Whlskoys, etc. Don't forget the place. T. 31. Rcllly'H, Locust Avenue, OENTKA.LIA. P RE-DIN :I RAILROAD IN IFI-EOT JCNL S3, mi. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows' For New York via Phlladelnhla. week daa 2.10, 6.85, 7.20, a.m., 12.82, 2.55, 6.65 p.m. SlU. 2.10, a. m. For New York via Muc Churl wee- aays, 5,,,.J a. m.. 12.3, z.:5 0. ra For Readlne and Phlladelnhla. wneli rti 2.10,5.25,7.20, a.m., 12.3-J, 2.65, 5.5!ip. ra 3 nay, 2.10, a, m. For Pottsvllle, week days, 2.10, 7,20, a. J 12.32, 2.55. 6.65 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 a, m. For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, woolc day 2.10, 6.25, 7.50, a. m., 12,W, 2.55, 6.55 p. m. B 1 day, 2.10, a.m. Additional (or Mahanoy City week days. 7 00 p. m. ror wuuamsnort, sunnury ana owisn'-r week days. 3.25. 11.80 a. m.. 1.35. 7.00 n. rr Sunday, 3.25 a. m. For Mahanoy Plane, week days. 2.10. 3.26. 6.3 7.20, 11.30 a.m., 12.32, 1.35, 2.55, 5.65, 7.00, . p. m. -unaay, z.iu, s.j, a. ra. For Ashland and Shamokln. week davs. 3.XS 7.20, 11.30 a, m., 1.85, 7.00, 8.85 p. m. Uucday 8.2a a, m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH I Leave New York via Phlladelnnia.weekdar b.w a. m., i.w, 7.m p. m., iz.id ni.nt. aa iv. 6.00 n. m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week day 1.30. tf.10 a. m.. 1.10. 1.30 d. m Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal week days, 1.33, 8.35, 10,00 a. m., and 1.0t 8.03, 11J10 p. m. Sunday. 11.30 p. m. Leave Readme, week davs. l.sS.7.10. 10.09. 11. t a. m., 6.66, 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.85, a. m Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.85, 7.10 a. re. 12.30, 6,11 p. m Sunday, 2.85 a. m. Leave Tamaqua, wee- days, 8.18, 8.50, 11.23 a in., 1.20,7.16, S.28 p. m. Sunday, 8.18 a a. Leave uananov uitv. wee- aavB. s.te. v.ii 11.17 a.m., 1.61, 7.41, 9.51 p. m, Sunday, J.lf m. Leave Mahanov Plane, week dt vs. 2.10. i.t 0.80, 8.37, 11.68 a. m., 12.68, 2.15, 5.20, 6.20,7.69,18.11 p. m. unaay, z.iu, s.uu a. m., Leave WllllamsDOrt. week davs. 10.10. a. m 8.35, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m. r or uaitimore, wasninRion ana tne west n II. O. R. R.. throueh trains leave Readlni Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. R. R. R.) at 8.20 7.10. 11.26 a. m.. 7.22. d. m.. Sunday 8.20 7.10, 11.29 a. m., 3.19, 7.22 p. m. ATLANTIO CITY DIVISION. Leave Phlladelnhla. Chestnut Street Tharl and South street Wharf for Atlantlo city. Week-Days E.preos, 8.00. 9.00. 10.15 a. m. (Saturdays only 1.30). 2.00. 3 00. 4.00. 4.30. 6.00. 5 15 p, m. Accommodation, 8.00 a, ra., 4.15, 0.90 p ra. One dollar excursion train, 7.00 a.m. aunaay express, v w, e.uu, b.su, v.uu, w.w a. ra.. 1.15 t. m. Accommodation. 8,00 a. m, and 4.45 n. m. One dollar excursion train. 7.00 a. m. Returnlnir. leave Atlantlo utv. denot. corner Atianuo ana Arsansas avenues. Week-Days Express, 6,20. (Monday onl 0.15). 7.00. 7.15. 9.00. 10.15 a. in., and 3 30. 4.3t 5.30. 7.30. 9.S0 D. m. Accommodation. 8.10 a. ra an-j a p. m. une aouar excursion train, irom oot Mississippi Ave. oniy, 0 uu p. m, a.. a , .... o o, v, T: n, a n ton uuua,a CAJJICBB, o,dv, -i.w, u.w, uw, u du, 1 .00, 7 30, 8.00, 9 30 p. m. Accommodation, 7,15 a. m.and6 05 p. m. One dollar excursion train, irom root Mississippi Ave. oniy o.iu p. in. Parlor cars on all express trains. O. Q. HANCOCK, Oen. Pass. Ait. Philadelphia Pa, 1. A. SWEIQ AliD, Gen. Supt. -HONEST TREATMENT: m. 0. F. THEEL AnilnMlnir of Able Asalstnnts Home Offices, 1317 ARCH St, Hours Pally, 9-3; Ergs, 6.8: Wed. nnd Hat. Kvks.. S.0t Runduvt -l IIUAM'II Ol'l'K'Ii l'l-rimi- neutly llatnullaheil Al Do-rllnr, D- if-' a.W. rorni-r HCI'IIM) mill I'llAXK LIN Sta. OtUc-e Hours evt-ry Uuturday Irom U A. fi. 10 u ,'. ma nunaaya, irom w a. . iu o 1-. ju, Loss of Vivor, Yoiitlirul IndlMrretlon or i;x rpaaea. Illnoil PoIhoii. Iji'iiernl llelillllr Loan of Memory nml All Hliecinl lllaenaea ( insed by Jmjiriulelirp or Inlierltnni-e, Dr. Tlirel, tho Only riiialrlnn nnd Mpeclnllat able tu cure nner l-Ivcrrono elne lina iiillfil (no maiwr wnat otliora Buy, write, print or aavtnuw.) lIie.lI,,Ht 1 l,.ntn.. n.i.l llntiirr.nn. CUHPS fnlk-llcil. itellrf lit oner. 1'rnh cais cured 4-lUdAvs. lAl'll nnd Kfry Ciiao ltcci'lves Hip Dortar'a 1'rraonnl Atlentlon nml 1'nrr. trlcteat Sprn'ry lliinrntiti'eil 10 All. rnd5 c. stamps for Hook. "Trutui" ltof all fi.ryounj .inaoiu. siugtoaua tuarnt-a. -ineoniy jiook vzikib- Jienuuoks. A genuine welcome AvrnltH you at Joe Wyatt's Saloon , MAIN AND COAL STS. I Pool room attached, y.uest whlskeyi. beers, porter and ale constantly on tap iiuoico temperance urniua nnu cigars. SYSHi fsnTTiMifnu iiitm iitntrimnti Work of the Federal Grand Jurj at Ohioago, MORE CHARGES AGAINST DEB3 No Indictments Ware Rat-mad Agalns Ttallroad Omolals, Baoanse No Informa tlon Was Froduead Against -ham Notes from Aflaoted Feints. Chicago, July 20. The federal grand Jury returned tweny-three indictments It Judge Seamau's court yesterday after noon and were discharged. In the twenty three indictments were Included thi names of about seventy-five who an charged with violating the federal statute) during the railroad troubles of tho last three weeks. District Attorney Mllchrlst refused U give the names of any of the indicted per sous, beyond admitting that there wert severnl new indictments against Debs Howard, Keliher and Rogers, the chiel ofilcers of the railway union. Included in some ot the Indictments, also, are othei ofilcers of the organization who have nol been so prominent as the four now in tin county jail. Tho others who go to mnk up the seventy-five are strikers against whom are charged specific acts of Inter ference with trains or other property ol the companies. nt, ..... i. , v. ... m t .. . 1 . all of tho twenty-threo Indictments Whenever the grand jury oonoluded tc iresent a batch of rioters who committed specific nets, such as the derailing ol trains, Debs and his companions wers named with them as conspirators. In ad dltlon to that there Is an Indictment against Debs, Ilogers, Keliher and How ard, charging them with conspiracy to deprive a citizen ot tlie United states ol one of his constitutional rights, that li the right to snip goods Irom one state to another. Mr. Mllchrlst said the question as tc whether Debs and the other officers will be compelled to give ball on each separati Indictment has not been settled, but will be after the bench warrants are Issued and served today. No indictments were returned against railroad officials, because no Information was'glven against them. Mayor Hopkins has become displeased over the reiterated reports that he has at different times requested tbe removal ol the federal troops from Chicago. Last night he gave out for publication eoples of telegrams between the secretary of wai and himself and copies of notes exchanged between General Miles and himself. Hot! General Miles and Seoretary Lamont asked him it he felt able to keep the peact in Chicago without tha assistance of fed eral troops, and upon his statement that he felt able to da so the order withdraw ing the regulars was issued. This corre spondence, Mayor Hopkins deolarcs, coven everything on the subjeot in which he had any part, lteports from Oakland are to the effect that the dispatch received from Debs did not Btate that the strike had been de clared oft, but merely Informed tht strikers that the strike in California could be ended by a majority vote of the men, The Southern Pacific dispatched a train for Portland, the first that has been sen out on that line slnoe the strike began Military guards still go upon all Import ant trains and the trouble Is by no meant ovor. The engines in the Cincinnati, Hamil ton and Dayton yards at Cincinnati wers stoned, as well as those in the Big Foul yards. When the night crews were re lieved arrangements were made for a fores of specials aud detectives to protect tht men hereafter. Iloth of these reads havt now men in their yards. The strike in Montana Is practically broken as far as the Northern Pacific li concerned. The through and branch lines, except the short line from Boieman to Butte, are now in regular operation. Pas senger trains run under military guard. fs early nil clases of employes have re turned to work, or are ready to do so, ex cept firemen. Butte is about the only place in the state where the A, R. U. men are united. The East St Louis strikers executlvt board have declared the American Hail way union strike off. A ballot was taken and the proposition was carried by a two- thirds vote. The United States troops and marshal! are still guarding the property of thi Hock Island itailroad company at Enid, O. T. Another bridge, 110 feet long, was burned six miles south of the city. At Galveston, Tex., a committee of tht A. H. U called on Geueral Manager Yon- cum and advised him that the Galveston branch had held a meeting and declared the strike off, and also dissolved their or ganization, and would be glad to have any ot the men reinstated whose places havt not been filled. Mr. Yoacum said the! applications would be duly considered by the company. Alabama Klotera Jailed. BmillKQUAU, July SO. Ono hundred strikers, charged with participation in Monday's riot at the Pratt mines, whert seven negroes and deputies were slaugh tered, are in jail, Among them is V. J. Kelso, whom the ofilcers say they havt positive proof was tbe leader aud chair man of the strikers meeting held In tht woods, when it was decided to kill or be killed if necessary to drive the negroes from tho mines. The Jail is heavily guardad,as the ofilcers have been informed ot a plot to attempt the rescue of tht strikers, Fifty more rioters are yet to bt arrested. Two Children Drowned Victoria, B. C, July 20. A sad drown ing aocldent occurred near here. Lizzit and Edward Splllman, children ot E. Splllman, director of tha parliament building at Victorin, went out tt Jereco to bathe. Owing to tho strong current they were soon swept away aud drowned. NUGGETS OF NEWS The cruiser Columbia has bran ordered to BiueOelds to protect American inter ests there. An earthquake shock split the earth open at Little Chute, Wis., for several hundred feet. Hear- rulus have extinguished the for est fires which have been raging in Wis consin for several days. James Clark, a farmer, residing threi milts south of Oawrgo, N. Y., was killed by a vicious bull, The whole of his chesl and abdomen were crushed. United States Ambassador Bayard and Mrs. Bayard were truest of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire at a dinner and ball at Devonshire House, Loudon, laal light to the Prints ot Wale. ! a a m m W - hk m m ana m . VETERINARY SPECIFICS lor Horses, Cattle, Shcop, Don, Bogs. AND POULTRY. 3001'age nook onTroalmrnt of Animals nnd Chart bent Free, ctntist Frvera,non(Mtlons,InnnmmntU. A.A.IHplnnl nicnlnsltla, Jllllk Kevrr. ll.ll.ritrnlna, l.nmenpaa, llhenmnilaat M!.IMtciiiprr, finsnl Dischargee. ll.D. llola or (irnlia, Worms. R.K...Cnnglis, II raven, Pneumonia. IM'.Cnllo or (irlpr, llrllyaclie. :.l.IUIenrrlii.r. Hemorrhage. II.II.I rlnnrr nnd Kldnrr Disease. l.l.--KrapllTo Dlseaars, nlnngc. J.K.Ilaeaaraof Digestion, rarnljal. Single Bottle (Oftr 50 dospsV - - .6Q1 rjtahle Cnae, with ftpcctnes. ManndL Veterinary Cure Oil and Modlcator, 87.00V Jnr Veterinary tare Oil, . . l,OU Soil trPrnrtMli r l prrvftld aafwl.raaaj laaar aiiKUlf aa mript ef prka. minimis' ar.p. co., 1 1 a 1 11 -nn. st., x.t HUMPHREYS' nOMXOPATIUC SPECIFIC No.f In 11 isa Oil tnara Tfl ftnlw art , a f ill Mrnail fitl- Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and lroitratton, from oTer work or other causes. SI per flat, or 6 vials and laraa vial powder, for S-t-o d lr IrocKlit.,gr Itnl uflt.dna rvc.lltt of prtc. Ill mums' mm. ta, 1 1 1 -1 u mm Bu, N.lnk. Political Cards. jOIt COMliltl'HH, J01IK T. SIIOKKER. Bublcct to tbe rules ot the Renubltcan noml natlne convention, l?tIl COMOKRMH, 5". A. LOSOU, Hublcct to the rules ot the Kenubllcan noml. natlit. convention. 17 oil Hinciiiri--, BLIAS DA VIS, Bublect to the rules ot the Kenubllcan nomi nating convention. TJOR MIll.ItIl--ir, ALEX. 8C0TT, Sublect to tho rules of the Henubllcan noml. natlng convention. DOR HUNATOR, (30th District) JOHN J. CO TLB, Hublcct to tho rules of the Kenubllcan noml. natlng convention TOll HUN AX Oil, (30th District) TI10MA8 J. EDWARDS, Of Mahanoy City. Bublcct to the rnlcs of the llennbllcan noml natlng convention. "P10K. 8I!NATOR, (3Uth District) JAMES J. FllANEY, Of Shennndoah. Bubiect to the rules ot the Democratic noral natlng convention. poll SKNATOlt, (SOtti District) MALAC1II C. WATSON, ot Shenandoah. Publect to the rules ot tho Democratic nomi nating convention. JjtOIl I.I!UlHl.ATjRl!, 1st Dlstr st, JUUti FWKEr. Subject to the rules of the Kenubllcan noml. natlnc convention. poii x,i-;uitL.A'r?jiii;, 1st Dist., WM. R. MWDLE10N Of Malzevllle. Hnblect to tne rules of tbe Renubllcau noml. natlng convention 'Oil sJI-::iHI.ATUItl-:, latDlsU, JOSEPH WYATT, Of Shenandoah. Hublect to the rnlos ot the Renubllcan noml. natlng convention. E Oil -.liOIMI.ATUHK (First Dlstrllt) REES ROSSER, Of Mahanoy City. Hublect to tho rules of the Kenubllcan nomi nating convention. 'Oil l'OOll DIUECTOR, DAVID a. LLEWELLYN, Of Bhenandoah. Subject to the rules of the Republican nomi nating convention. II POOR DIIinCTOR, NELSON BRANDON, Of the Union Twps. Bublect to the rules ot the Renubllcan ncml natlng convention 'Oil POOH DIRECTOR, RICHARD FLYNN, Of Rappahannock. Bublect to tbe rules ot the Renubllcan nomi nating convention. fOIl JUKV COMMISSIONER, FRANK KINO, Of Bhenandoah. Bublect to the rules of the Democratic nomi nating convention. f C7M1i!-,r - Eoallsh lUmaa- llraa-. lENNYRQYflLflLLS EV Orlclniu nu Onlj Gen 0.110. JL. art, tiwtTB rciitoi-. m mmm Dmrclil for CM -' XnalUh IHa-. anvi Arnrwi In IttM. ud OoU tUCUili-V baiM. Jed with blu ribbon. X-iLai ' Bo other. JCtfu$4 danapratii i-eilUw V KnM mnd imulatxoru. Al DrufcliU, or mh4 4 la itmp for uwtlfluJui, laiUmonUli M4 lUUef for IaHd-M" in ttttr, bj reln Mail. 1 ll.iMI-i Ts.-tlmotli. ATum W-a- 'rMPhMrChemlt-al (W.IJ ad Un Ho -. Bold by ftll Lml bniiiu. rVU-ulaW 41 amatnilHH BC - psrmansntlf CUfM biflodarabva 1 auiOMawr,iui.4H gaaraatr.backeaoy COOK REMEDY CO., Chicago, I1W IlUTTI & SON'S Bccx1 : and : Porter (WhoUsale). SOL. HAAK, AGENT Llq jotm and CgarB, 1W South Main Btteat. Safe and Itellahle Horses to Hire. SNEDDON'S LIVERY Poar Alloy, Rear Coifoe House. The best rips in town. Horses taken to board. Hauling promptly atteuded to. 7 it t