The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 16, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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    1"' "UP
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- Zoning Herald.
MONDAY, J VIA' 10, 184.
Mix Virtue CiolT, of Ashland, spent
to-uny Here.
Jlnnie Wllllnins wns a I'otUville visitor
on Saturday
Kdwnrd Maley, of MHlianoylCity, spent
Dummy nere.
Miss Maine Donsvon spent last evenluft
in uiraruvme.
County Auditor Samuels wns a visitor
to tow n to-day.
It. Stoeker and family spent yesterday
at -Nuremijurg.
I'atrick Curry, of St. Clair, whs cecn In
town yesterday.
Henry Wesner, of Jit. Carmel, spent
yeitnlay In town.
Master Ktrnub is speiullUK lihi vneu'
lion hi leiiigii liap.
Charles Palmer came up from Orwlgs
uurg u spend aunuay.
Mrs A. T. Jones Is recovering from
sever' attack of Illness.
MIvm Kntti Taylor, of Stockton, ts the
guest ot rt'iatnuB nere.
Mis Nellie Ilaird la the guest of Mlsg
-uevierriu at riymouui.
Him l il-ii .1. Covle, of Malianoy City,
"wan tu town last evening.
Ur .i.uiick Stein left to-day for Scran
ijn, u in ii tie wilt locate.
Mi . I.nurn VoJiner came homo fron
Orwi.-hiirg on Sat unlay.
Mios Nulie l.lnghain lias returned to
Her home in Uloouisuurg.
Mls Kilith Under, of Orwigsburg, is
tlie guest of friends in town.
Anms Walhridcre, of Malianoy City
wiiH u oiisiucBH tsitor to any.
Misses I.i.stlo and Susie I lesser were
county Heat iltoi Saturday.
,J. Claude Helper, of Washington, D. C.
is nome on inn annual vacntton.
Frank Port, whs ii piifenger on the'J:10
ijeuin train lor rotisvlllo to-tlay.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goodman and
fnmil., spent yesterday at Ashland.
Jnmei Murpliy, of Malianoy Plane, was
a visitor to um n fenlurdny evening.
Miss Annie V. Clouser is In Pliiladel
phlii, the guest of Miss Carrie Luburg.
Mrs ('. M. Horduer In entertaining her
mother, airs. Whitney, ol Philadelphia,
William Llngham, of Xowport News,
vii., nas oeen visiiing fnieiiatidoan rel
11. V. Kester, of Wilkes-Barre, spent
nuuuny in towu as mo guesi oi uis son
T. .1. Edwards, of Malianoy City, was
nuenuing 10 pontics nero on Saturday
Misses Alice ami Kate Gibson, of
Wanamle, are the guests of Mrs. George
Miss Lizzie Drown, of Scrnntou, is the
guest of Miss Miunlo Champion, of North
.uaruin street.
John and Karl Kltler nro spending n
vacation on their grandfather's farm at
iYumpton, Pa.
Mrs. Win. H. Dettrey is spending a few
iays wiui relatives unit irienus in th
Untnwissa valley.
II. J Evans, John O'Hearn, Arthu
Shaw mid George Heddall, of Mt. Carmrl
spenr .-.ununy nuro.
Mrw Thouias Kvans and sons, David
and Milton, of Plymouth, are guostB of
j. ,i. i-rice s lamuy.
William Junes, or Mt. Uarmel, snen
Saturday evening here hb the guest of
out i line neighbors.
Miss Nettie Thiol ami her nephew, Jay
Sellzei, o( Heading, are the guests ot
Mrs P. 1' I). Kirlin.
Me r Daniel HoiiBcr and Howard
Doi.-, jt ed themselves with Ashland
friends lust rveuiug.
David It Lewis anil his brother, W. W.
Ijcuis, ill Malianoy City, spent yesterday
at Si hit) Hull Haven.
Will Scker is recovering from an injury
he received to Ills foot, by accidentally
driving a lath nail into it.
Misses Nellie anil Clara Mullen, of Shu
nioktn. and Miss Maine Quail, of Polls
vllle, are Kiting MIsb Nellie V. Itellly.
Miss Lizzie Husscr, who has been visit
ing friends in Heading anil Philadelphia
for the past two mouths, is home again.
Mr. and Mrs. llenjanjin Guhlin, of
1'ottsville, were yesterday the guests ot
their relatives at the Commercial Hotel.
George Senger and wife and Charles
Fowler and Benjamin Parrott, with their
Ittdj friends, spent yesterday at Hames
vl He
ll. F. Laurtlg, wife andson.of Hazletoo,
came to town on Saturday and are the
guests of Mrs. Laudig's father, James It
MIsh Lizzie Hartsch, Mrs. Thomas
Jamea and Mrs. James Huttuu ureattend
lug the V. O. T. A. conference in Berwick
I toy Holmes, a nephew of C. II. Ilagcn
buch, of town, left llloomshurg yesterday
morning at 9 o'clock on his bicycle and
arrived hero at about 1:30 p. m.
Among the Shenandoah people In at
tendance at the Emiuelt Hand concert in
Ashland yesterday were Messrs. Warren,
Frank and George Portz, Johcph Lemler,
George L. ilufner, John Bakeyllehl,
Owen l' Thomas, Lewis Hafiier, DeYVitt
Wteedle, I'atrick Eecloy and Harry Close.
Itobert Julius and family, of Chicago,
who were the guests of town lrleuds the
past week, left this morning to visit
friends at other points in the region. Mr.
lohus wan a resident of this place about
twent v years ago. lie has become quite
prosperous in Chicago.
I.nuitloril mill Tonaut
Justices William H. Shoemaker and C.
W. Dingier sat in Lawyer Hollopeter's
ofllce Saturday afternoon with a jury of
twelve freeholders and listened to the
evidence in the case of l'abok against
Karly, in which the former attempts to
Mxuire the possession of the saloon at the
corner of Lloyd street and Market alley.
The jury comprised William Krick, James
Grant, M. If. Kuhlur, David Faust, An
drew llildebraiiilt, It. A. D.tvenport, F.
J. Portz, A. H. Lamb. William Klinmol,
AI. P. Fowler and J. W. Johnson. Knrly
claims a right to possession under a lease
given by the previous owner of the
premises and a failure to receive the usual
three months' notice, or as Tabok's tenant
for one year, the latter having accepted
.rent and failed to give the usual notice to
iUlt. S, G. M. Hollopeter, Kwj., appeared
for the landlord and M. M. Hurke and J.
11. Pomcroy, Ksqa., for the tenant. The
Justices and jury will meet again next
Wednesday altenioon to hear the argu
ments of the lawyers.
Ur. HltijiH Himteueed. .
l)r John Kzlupa and hi four co-defendant
ui the libel suit recently tried p
jieiied lietnre the Pottsvllle court tills
moi ninu! and received sentence lo pay the
o-ts of i he case, which, e., inshe of the
wnie -. t, i s mid in liei-expense for the
def,-usi aiiniiinl to -.i.l..
Hnci lal low in lc to all In watches.
jewelry i.ul silverware at llolderioau's,
corner aiara auu ijioyu streets.
A VntnTllle Ailxir Wlilcli Mill Trnbably
Tirniliiiite in Murder.
Frank Hayuolo, aged 31 years, and n
native of Naples, Italy, was murderously
assaulted by several young men In Fovr-
ler's pHtch last night, and will probably
die from his Injuries. Information Is yet
meagre but all Indications ixiiut to
William llrennan and four unknown
companions, as his assailant, llrennan
Is 18 years of age nnd Uvea In Yatesvllle.
He was arrested at nine o'clock this morn
ing and taken,! bcfnro Justle May, of
MnliaiioyClty,wlio committed him to jail.
The story of the assault ns given by
several parties about the place issnbstan
tlally ns followsl: ,
Havnolo wns passing homeward at
about eight o'clock Inst evening when a
crowd of young men standing In front of
the Halllet residence called him "Maca
roni Frank" and made other remarks that
aroused the Italian's temper. HeuiarkB
teutonic ipiarrei in umcii iireunan is
alleged to have kicked the ltnllmi under
the chin with his wooden leg, the other
members of the gang alo being active In
the assault, which resulted in the break-
tug of llaynolo's jaw, his skull and two
rllis, injuries wlilcli may cause Ills death,
Havnolo's wounds were dressed by Dr.
A. P. Hlssell, of Malianoy City, who
placed twenty studies In the back of his
head. He pronounced the case hopeless.
Father Sweeney, was summoned and
administered the last rites of the church.
lSRynolo's death is expected at any mo
Meanwhile Hrenuan Hen In the Malia
noy Ci y lock-up awaiting the resnlt of
the Italian s injuries. He cries ntteouslv.
but will tell nothing of the assault, nor
win ho divulge tlie names ot Ins com
panions. One man who will doubtless
fell the whole story when he returns from
the mines to-night is Thomas Gah In, who
is said to hnve tried to natt the fliHiters.
Lathis llnynolo qMed at his boarding
house near Yutesvillo at tbiee o'clock this
One Woinsu'n i:xpprlpricn
A womanly woman will be womnnly
everywhere and under all circumstances,
and her influence is sure to be felt bene
ficially. One woman's most unique ex
perience of life for a year in a Michlgau
lumber-camp is most cuarmingly told In
tl.e exceedingly interesting article "In and
About a Lumber Camp," published in the
August number of Demorest's Family
Magazine; and after rending her vivid
descriptions of the life of the lumbermen
and tlie modus operandi of "logging,"
illustrated with superb half-tone pictures,
one feels thoroughly posted about this
picturesque though laborious Industry.
Hut not every lumber enmp Is blessed
with the ministrations of a trained nurse.
Under tin apt title "Golden Silence" a
pathetic story of a deaf mute is told, and
tiicidentnlly ono may learn the method
by which these unfortunates communicate
with their fellow-beings. In fact, these
in addition to the stories and the bright
matter in "Chat" and "Society Fads"
make this an ideal midsummer number:
and, as usual, the departments abound
with valuable suggestions and informa
tion. This "nil around" family maga
zine is published for only a year bv W.
Jennings Demorest, 15 E. 14th St., New
CheHp Kictirplnn.
$23 from New York to Liverpool or
Queeustown and return. T
agent, 4 South Jnrdln street,
hen Baby was sick, vo gave her Castorfa.
?hen alia was a Cu lid, she cried for Castorla.
Then shs became Hiss, she clung to Castorla.
Jften sag had Children, she gave them Costorln,
No IVars lor Well man.
Chicago, July IB. Tue cable dispatch
from Troinsiie expressing fears for the
safety of Walter "Wellman and other
members of the Wellman north polar ex
pedition caused no uneasiness in Chicago.
A letter from Wellman sent back by a
Hilling Btnack convoyed the information
that nothing would be heard from the ex
pedltien until the end of July, and there
fore no fears are felt for the expedition.
doming Kvents,
July 10. Ice cream and fruit festival,
in Hobblns' opera house, under auspices
oi mo weisn impust sunany school
July 17. Ice crenm and bean soup
festival In Hobblns' hall, under the ans
plcea of the Women's Relief Corps.
July 17. Grand Musical Entertainment.
13th anniversary of Shenandoah Vnlley
Encampment, No. 258, 1. O. O. F., Fergu
son a ineiure.
July 19, SO, 21. Bazaar of Nations, in
flobblns' opera house, uuder auspice of
the U. Y. P. U.
July 31. Ice cream festlvnl and bazar,
under the nuspices of Camp 40, P. O. of
C A., in Hobblns' hall.
August 1. Ice cream festlvnl In Hob
jlns' opera house, under the auspices of
che "J. A. C."
August 14. Ice cream and peach festi
val under the auspices of Fowler's M. E.
Sunday school, at Yntesvllle.
A horse kicked H. S. Shnfer.of the Free-
myer nouse, Miuuietinrg, i. v., on the
knee, which laid him up in bed and caused
the knee joint to become stiff. A friend
recommended him to use Chamberlain's
Pain Halm, which he did, and in two days
was able to be around. Mr. Shafer ba
recommended It to many others mid says
It is excellent for any kind ot a bruise or
sprain. This same remedy is also famous
iur iih cures oi meumausm. nor Bale uy
Gruhler Hros.
Lawrence Gntighan, of this place, has re
turned from Washington where he has
spent tho last few years.
MIbb Katie Brehany has returned from
Phllndelphln to visit her parents.
MIbb Katlo Flaherty, of New York, Is
visiting her parents In Connor's,
Patrick O'Donnell, brother of Mrs.
William Horsewood, of Glrardvllle, died
In Philadelphia on Saturday morning.
The cause of his death Is not yet known.
The picnic hold In Armory Park by Co.
F., of Glrardvllle, proved itself a success
by tlie large crowd that attended.
Michael Hurke and John Connely, both
of Malianoy Plane, spent Sunday with
The Progress base ball club of this
plaoe went to Ileekeraville youterday to
play and returned home defeated. The
score was eight to ten In favor of Ileckers
vllle. Use Wmlub' LAowimr
Blueing for laundry uee.
1U.UB, the best
make two quarts. IS ate.
Muaeer & Brddall.
Bold by
Chimp Metlug.
The annual camp meeting of the Evan-
Helical Association nf tliu f' Pmi.
sylvauia district will open at Zioui, Grove
on August lotn. ;
tllotorted dally from tbe Mahanoy City bureau
OI ineCVKBIMO ueiialu.i
MAHAKOV ClTT, July 16.
St. Nicholas colliery resumed work to-
dny after a long idleness since the fire in
us worKings.
Will Mathlas. the accommodating bar
tender of The Terminal, enjoyed a ride to
sueiinmtonh yesterday.
W. J. Hyan.of town, wns a Shenandoah
visitor yesterday.
Edwnrd Krebs and John H. Edwards
were Glrnrdvllle visitors Saturday.
Mrs. H. S. Mctigle, of Philadelphia, Is
vlBltlng parents In town.
John Dlod, William Doyle and Patrick
Hick, prominent hotelkeepcrs of Hazle
toti, paid Thomas Whlttnker a friendly
call yesterday.
The first issue of the dally paper to be
started here will appear on August win.
The HlcyoleClttb contemplates making
a trip to Philadelphia this week and do It
In twelve hours.
Miss Lizzie Williams was nShcnnndonb
visitor yesterday. t i i.,Ani -vtni,Pn..t
4WIU1C tiiuiKii ivi wi u,ieviii .uiiii'niii.
died on Friday, aged three months, and
was hurled yesterday.
A wagon belonging to the Dunn Tea
Compnny wiib wrecked by the horses run
nlng away.
G. W. Ash, general manager of the
Schuylkill Traction Company, was in
town yesterday.
Phil. Harry, superintendent for ex-Seun
tor King, visited Hazleton yesterdny.
II. W. Heckrr, of Glrardvllle, drove
through towu yesterday.
Miss Laura Granger spent yesterday
visiting trlends In iMiennndoali.
The picnic at Sprlngdale on Satnrday
was a grand success.
Edward Iiecker, who was killed by a
runaway borne on Friday, was buried at
Hliigtown yesterday. Hev. II. A. Keyser
conducted the services. Several Iloral
decorations were presented, among them
a beautiful sheaf of wheat by his brother
and sister, miles hy .Miss J.ninia r-isher,
louriuetol roses hv .ulss 11,11a M. fan.
bouquet by Miss Hannah Lutz, a beauti
ful wreath bearing the inscription
Died while trying to save John
Watkins," by Mrs. John Wntkin,
nud an anchor from his comrades, John
Kisher. do in Mivder and Arthur batil.
The deceased was very popular, and his
mnny traits endeared him to a large
circle of friends.
Tlie nicnic of the Mnhanov City Fish
and Game Protective Association at Lake
side to-morrow promises to be one of the
greatest events of the season. Clubs of
Shenandoah. Delano. Pottsville. Tama'
nun. Locust Valley. Wm. Penn, St. Clnlr.
Tremont and numerous other places have
notified the reception committee that they
will be on hand. Hadges will be given
members on the urounds by W. A. Ben
singer and only members of the club will
be allowed on the grounds. The parade
will take place at 12:30 p. m. under the
direction of Cnntniu Lucan.
The arrangements are as follows : The
Malianoy City Associntlou and visiting
clubs, led tiy tlie Association under unpt
Lugnn and Lieut. Stern; 20 uniformed
police. The various delegations will be
marshnled as follows: Hraudonvllle,
Silns Hufnagle; Hlugtown, Elias Miller
Ashland, Frank Hentz; Pottsville, G. A.
Doerllinger ; Frnckville, Geo. W. John
son: Hamburg. Samuel S. Stoyer: Del
ano, Frnuk Wentz; Shenandoah, J K. P,
Scheifly; Wm. Penn, Dr. S. II. Brady:
Malzeville, Steve Middletnn ; Barnesvllfe:
.loo Whittle;, in. b. Hobi-rt
r.ast lUaninoy junction, August itotn
St. Clair, rseut. 1'elllng; locust Vnlley,
Wm. Seddon; Mnhanov City, John A.
Weber ; Pottsville club, Capt. H. J
Hendlcr; Tremont club, David P. Faust
Schuylkill Haven club. P. Brower.
Line of parade will form right resting
on Grove avenue. Marshals will report to
the Chiei .Marshal, K. S. suitman. Grand
march around nice track to place of re
Sports Blue rocks free, every person to
furnish his own gnu and shells ; bicycle
racing, high jump, bag race, quoit pitch
ing, boat racing; contestants pay for
Music Lincoln Drum Corps, Italian
string baud, Pottsville Glee Club, Maha
noy City vocalUls. i
Court of Justice, E. S. SllllmnU, Judge:
J. K. P. Scheifly, associate: Major J. F.
Shoener. associate.
Police, twenty under Capt. Lugan and
i-jeut. stern.
On amuBementR, Wallace Haldeman.
Waiters, C. S. Heichert, Lincoln Lord
win. Jl. iieims. jiomer iioyer, ii. w
Johnson, r rnnz Wolff, John otober,
Hestnuraut, D. K Dress.
Pines and tobacco. Tim Grim.
Temperance stand, Chns Brownmlller.
A number of speakers will deliver ad'
dresses on the subject of fish and game
associations: 1';. S. hliuniaii, 1. 11. 1!
Lyon, Cnpt. S. II. Hendler, I). P. Fnust
Col. Wetherill. C. W. Parkins, W. A,
Bensinger. J. W. Parker and others.
Photoitrnnherson ground to take groups,
Signs, grips and passwords of Association
given at the park.
Two baloou nssensions. Perrons enter
ing the grounds will report to W. A. lien
sluirer. who will furnish budges to mem
hers. None but those wearing budges
allowed on grounds. Refreshments free to
those wearing badges. No gambling
games allowed.
A "Prominent" Oluirgeil with foTBery
Detroit, July l(i. Alonzo Jay Whlto-
mnn, at one time a member of the Min
nesota senate, son of a millionaire, worth
7800,009 In his own l ight, occupies a cell in
the central statiou. It is asserted that h
misappropriated a large sum from his sis
ter's estate and later became identified
with a gang of forgers.
rrotwlily Kii,iiI I Jurml liy Ills Father
HuooKLYK. July HI. James Hogan, after
au alterotuiou w.U his sou Daniel, w cut
to his son's bedside early In tbe morning
while the latter was asleep aud dealt him
1 1.1 .. I.L 1
Nireru uius w n n c jtieuB ui Ijifiu pipe,
causing a o ninn'i id fracture of tie skull
He thru niudu hi.s "scape. Young Hogau
will probably die.
Fatal (Juarrol Utrfan Lovnrt.
Providknck, July 18. Pasuautle Cap
nlo was shot four times by his brother-in-
law, Joseph Marsico, last evening, ns tlie
result of a quarrel over a girl of doubtful
reputation. Capalo will die, and Marsico
is under arrest.
Last June, Dick Crawford brought his
twelve mouths old child, suffering from
Infnntile diarrhoea, to me. It had been
weaned at four months old and being
sickly everything ran through it like
water through a sieve. I gave It the
usual treatment in such cases but with
out benefit. The child kent growlim
thinner until it weighed but little mora
tiiaii when born, or perha ten pounds.
I then started the father to giving Chani'
herlaiti's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Iteniedy. Hero re one bottle of tbe
mint ulna liu.l liusl, itn-ul . . tnukbail I....
provement was Men and 1U continued net
cured tbe child. lOi weak set and puny
constitution disappeared aud ita father
auu niyseii Deueve tlie chlla s lire w
saved hv this remedy. J. T. JMarlnw.
1)., Tamaroa, 111. For sale by Gruhler
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
name Lbbhio & Haek, Ashland, Pa., Is
printed on every sack. 3-iKttaw
What In llennty?
Replied Aristotle. Hut Mrs. Sherwood
says that It Is "dynamite" hi her article
which opens tue interesting pages oi tue
July Cosmopolitan. Beauty ts always a
fascinating subject, and Mrs. Sherwood's
dlscueslonts an especially interesting one.
Thnt the July Cosmopolitan is a mid
summer number Is shown In mnny direc
tions. Three snort stories, including one
of sport nnd adventure, two trnvel arti
cle", and other light matter, make up 128
iagea oi cunrming summer reading, i ne
uly Cosmopolitan marks tho close of the
first jenr since the revolutionary an
nouncement was made that the price of
that magazine, already low, hnd been cut
to one half of three dollars n year. All
sorts ot predictions have come to be un-
iii 1 til led during the year it would be im
possible to malntnin tho rate the quality
would bo lowered the size would be de
creased, But even severo critics admit
thnt with encu succeeding number there
has been a betterment In the quality of
articles and Illustrations, nnd the size has
remained unchanged, except tbe nlways
growing advertising pnges. The mngn
zine printed, for the six monthsembraced
in Volume svi, ono million four hundred
and nineteen thousand copies, nn entirely
unnpproached record, and has doubled
its already large plant of presses and bind
ing machinery. The wnlls ot the mnga-
Ine's new home are rapidly rising at
Irvington-on-the-IIitdson. Artistically de
signed by McKim, Mend tc White, the
building, witu us eigut grent por
icos. will be 270 feet long by 70 feet wide.
aud one of the most perfectly lighted
buildings In the world, having 100 large
windows, ench nearly double tho size of
tlie ordinary wintiow opening.
Nlaguru Falls Kxcurnlon,
The season of chenn excursions la now
at hand and the Lehigh Valley is, as
usual, among the first to announce that
tney win run an excursion 10 ..Ningara
Kalis. N. Y.. July 21st.. nt the low rate of
t.5.00 for the round trip, tickets good to
return July 2ord. Passengers going on
tlds excursion nro nsBtired first-class ac
commodations nnd those who miss it will
mlau it front. n tilts lil.'iy he tlln only ex
cursion of this kind to Ningnrn Fnllsthls
Hotel Knier. MHhnnoy City. Chnrles
Hurchtll, proprietor. The best arranged
hotel In the county. Convenient to all
railroads. Excellent management. tf
Slnele Fare llstu to Toronto, Out.
Specinl tickets via Lehigh Valley Rail
road to Toronto, account convention
llnotist Young People's Union, nt rate of
single fare for round trip, will be on snle
at L. V. It. It. ticket offices July 17tb and
18th, good lor return to juiyyi. Houte
via Lehigh Vnlley to Nlngnra Fnlls, New
York Centrnl to Lewiston, thence Ningnrn
Nnvlgutlon Uompnny's steamer. 7-ia-td
W. H. Nelson, who Is in the drug busi
ness nt Klnuvllle. Mo., has so much con
fldence In Chamberlain's Colic Cholera
and Diarrhoea Hemedy that he warrants
every bottle and offers to refund the
money to any customer wno is not sntistied
after using it. Mr. Nelsou takes no risk
In doing this becnuse the remedy is u
certnlu cure for the diseases for which It
is intended nnd he knows it. It Is for Bale
by Gruhler Bros.
ilear In Mind
lohn A. Rellly's is the place to get the
inrest wines anu liquors, uest necr ano
lea and finest brands of cigars.
The Leading
Dental Association
In the World.
No grounds for fear any longer, be
cause we hnve found the secret of extrnct
iug teeth without pain, which is only
lrnmvn lty ns. The Allinnv Dental Asso
ciation. This secret has cost us thousands
of dollars but is a grent relief to those
who are suffering from aching teeth.
Plate work of all kinds. Gold, silver,
aluminum, wnts, metal nnd rubber plates.
Gold crowns, aluminum crowns, crown
and bridge work ; gold and silver fillings,
Saving ot decayed tectu n specialty
Hememtier tne place nnu numuer,
Sign of
W& U, fonlro CI I.Minn,, Til
lllg Tooth. tan bbiiui, din iiimiauuj tin
Over M. Stoin"s drug store.
"The crisis demands a MAN for the place,
Not a place for tlie man.'"
For Congress,
Ghas. R Brumm.
Of Reading1, Penna,
Authorized Capital StocJi,
& 1,000,000-00
ISI!Ai:LlI. IlOTIlKRMEL, - - President
Hamilton Goufmsy, Secretary nnd Trens,
M. H. Master,
W. H. Bachmaa
The value of each share is tfiOO nt ma'
turlty. Application fee on each share, 35
cents ; and monthly dues on each share,
11.00. On dues paid in advance for
period of six months or longer, S percent,
Interest will be allowed.
Members may withdraw onoor nil shares
at any lime by giving 30 days' wrltte
notice, nud are entitled to tbe full amount
ot dues paid on such share, togethei
with six per cent, interest after the first
year's membership.
Shares may lie subscribed for and flues,
etc., will be leceived at the oluce of M
Master's marble yard, 12T X. Jardln St.
on the first Monday after the first Satu
day of each month.
tTt4 JO M sne st. ", P
jj On August IB, 1B94, to consumers of
AlsoIQO Elegant Gold Watches
75;Han(lsomeSHantlo Clocks
100 Elegant Kickel Watches.
SaveYcur Empty Piper Wrappers.
Your Dealer Can Fmolsti full Particulars.
ftelf-Hfvip JU-IP W fgF VVIl
AOENrx WANTED. To canvass for the
New York National Mulldlng and Lo-n
Association in pnenanrioau. No lapses can
mnke from H5 to 25 each week. Call on
William J. Morgan, treasurer, South Main
street, or nd(tres John Lcnahan general
agent, Ashland, fa. 7-10 at
WANTED.-Tno lady operators on sewing
machines nnd two good lastcrs. Apply
bu rueiini-uu ill f 11 iui uuu i-IIUI) to I -It'll
fOll KENT. A nice residence anC store
1 room on 8outh Jardln slrtet. with stable
n rear. Innulro at Mux Hnete. Auctioneer.
Wfst Centre street.
MtraNTED.-A girl for freneral housework.
T V Atrnly to Heese's Auction Hoora. Herald
branch office, West Centre street, Shenandoah.
"tTTANTED. Men to repteset the Metropol
VV ban Life Insurance Company In Mnha
nov City and Deluuo. Good nay. Aimlv at
once to 1 A. Cassler, 639 East Centre street,
mnnanoy uity. 7ii-im
Office or Controllkk or tub Counit or)
POTTSVIU.E, PA., 1801 1
NOTICE. Scaled proponlslwill bo received
by the undcrsldncd, the Controller ot
-chuvlklll county, until 3 p. mi Monday, July
30th 1SD4, to build an cruet, on abutments to
bo bulll by the county, a new steel bridge of 60
reel span, and 18 feet roadway, to cross the
wiconisco urei k in i-oricr lownsnip. epecin
cations and worlilnc drawlnc cm be Been nt
the County Commissioner' office.
uy airet'iion or tne uounty uommissioncrs.
Note Endorse envelopes ''Proposals."
11. 11. BKVKKN.
ju-lfi-18-20 Controller.
Rhhnaniqah, Pa., July lCth, mx.
The Merchants National Bank has to-dav
declarea a eemi annual dividend of 3 per cent.,
pfiyaoie on am aiier juiy uiu.
Columbia Park !
August 15, 94.
Are making extensive prepcrations for
the opening of their new park, on the
line of the Lakeside Electric Hallway, by a
Monster Pic-nic 1
It will bo the event of the sennon. nnd
those In attendance will be treated to all
kinds of nuiii'ement. Refreshments will
bo served. Schoppes full orchestra ot ten
pieces will furnish the dancing music.
Formerly kept by Thos. Gibbons,
Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah.
Fresh and cool Beer always on tap,
Wines, Liquors, Cigars.
C9STELL0 & CASS1DT, Proprietors.
DEIcl. BroTman's
Cool Resort,
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts.
Beer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Handsome liar Fixtures.
Parties wishing anyof there papers delivered
can leave orders at Max Itcese s, Dougherty
building, West Centre street.
Closing Out Sale!
Goods Must Go Below
Straw Hat Given Away to
$1.25 Kid Gloves for only 75c.
75o " " 49c.
Mo " " 85c.
You RZced .
n decent SUM? ! You neeJ 11 now,,,on't 8P'l your credit by wearing
seedy garments look like prosperity if you would
have folks think you nro prosperous. We have Black Cheviots nt K).00, cut In three
button lonx saoks aud Itegent frocks. Black and blue clays In some styles at $0.50.
When you wear our clothing your friends will think that the good old boom
days have returned, when you could afford to pay tSO or $Sfi n suit. Our $9.00 Suits
look just as handsome.
W. Shines New Clothing Store,
Blmon Abramson, Manager.
Is the cheapest nnd best fence made Cheaper
than a wooden fence for residences, lnwns.cem
etory lots or any kind of fencing M H.Mastmi.
has the agency and carries it In stock at his
marble and granite works, 127 N. JARDIN ST.
and get tho best. A full set
for tS, any size, shnde, shape,
nnd Bcvernl hundred Bets to
select from. Their vitalized
air has no equal for painless
extraction. All kinds filling
st ronsonnble prices. Don't forget the number.
100 North Centre Htreet, 1'OTIS riLlll, VA.
Saloon and Restaurant,
Formerly Michael Peters',
15 N. Main St., SltciiitEdoalt.
Fresh and cool beer always on tap. Finest
wines, liquors nnd cigars.
ROOF PAINTING promptly done with
dd.. Agent,
139 East Coal street, Bhonandoah. It Is the beat
and only guarantee paint against corrosion, tiro
and every kind ot weather, for metal, wooden
and paper roofs and walls. Give It a trial.
Market and Centre Sta., Pottsville.
The best photographs In nil the latest
styles. WonderBleadsall photographers.
-....imrm Piano Tuner.
Pianos and organs repaired. Orders left at
31 North Main street, Shenandoah, will receive
prnmpt Mtcmlon.
Sbennndoali, Pcniin ,
"Polite and Prompt Waiters.
The greatest bargains In town for the
next thirty days will bo found nt tho
Cosh Millinery Store.
29 North Main St., Shenandoah.
Always on hand a full line of Children's
enps, robes and outfits.
Mourning Goods a specialty.
MKRi . "W. HYDE.
20 East Centre Street,
Bread, Cakes, Confectionery and
. vnnlUa, Chocolate and Straw
berry Ice Cream nnd Soda Water,
Wholesale and Retail.
Orders for parties and other events filled
on short notice. Ice cream delivered to
all parts of town in pint or quart buckets.
Taken In first-class stylo at
Linton's New Gallery Y (Q
Rear L. V. atatlon. TINTYPES, 2 for 25o1
East Centre Street.
Order to Quit Business.
Each Purchaser of Trimmings.
ft, 00 Corsets for only 75c.
75o " " 60c.
50o " " 85c.
21 South Main tit., Sbunandoau.