The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 12, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. IX.--NO. 176.
Large Assortment Low Prices.
Why are we thronged ?
What is the attraction ?
In hot nnd sultry times like these, It Is only the unusual bar
gains that don't go n-begglng. Values, and big ones at that,
nlone possess the power to Interest,
Look at Onr Stock
Every week new attractions are
always announced In tho papers.
116-18 N. Main St
Emit Jars,
Stone Preserve Jars,
Preserving Kettles
Siictimti mm, DUNCAN I WAIDLET.
x$ oapenor jsiaciiuerry isranuy ji a qt,
superior cognac jiranuy,
Imported Jamaica Bum..
.1.60 a qt.
A " "V UENGLIHG'S Stock and Fresh Ale,
Uest brands ot 5o Clears anil all
t 0
Cut Hay
One Oar No. 1 Out Hay.
Ten Tons Chop.
Then Run the Risk.
offered, and our "sales" are
Jelly Tumblers,
Midsummer Specialties.
8 South Main Street.
31 South Main St.
I iminrtynro
iisnsfcy new liuuuiuiuiu
Draught Porter and Wiener Beer,
kinds of Temperance Drinks.
and Chop.
iTIIII 111
Much Depends Upon the Re
sults of To-morrow.
The Men nt the racking Houses of Amour
nml Swift do Out, In ftyiupnthy Tor tho
Striking l'ullmnn Kmployes 1I,000 Men
lu Chicago Now on Strlko.
Ciiiqaoo, July 12, 3 p. ru. Peace and
quiet were maintained throughout the
city to-day. The extent ot tho tie-up can
he summed up In the announcement that
but 15,000 men have so far responded to
the sympathetic strike order. However,
the strikers claim that by to-morrow, the
time fixed for the orders of the K. of L.
leaders to go Into effect, there will be
little less than 100,000 men who will re
spond to the call.
Although the blockade at tho stock'
yards was broken last evening, and the
first incoming cattle train for two weeks
steamed Into the yards, all the butchers
Tin Swift's packing houses struck this
morning. The men at Amour'a yards
also went out at noon to-day.
As all hope for arbitration Is now paaied,
the success of the strikers depends upon
tho number who will respond to-morrow
to the orders of the K. of L. leaders. It Is
claimed by tho latter that by Saturday
night more than 100,000 men In this city
will leave their work. Most of the unions
are so situated that they cannot shut
down nt a moment's notice, and that the
full effects of the tie-up will not be np
parent before the end of the week.
No further serious riots or disorder is
anticipated, as the militia have control
of affairs. a, p. a.
No Men Needed.
Special to Evening Hehald.
Chicago, July 12. Tho General Mana
gers' Association has declared that more
men nro offering their services than the
railroads require and the agencies opened
to hire men were closed this morning for
What Hayes Says.
Special to Evening Herald.
Washington, D. C, July 12. Accord-
lng to Hayes, of the K. of I,., the strike Is
now to take the form of a second Coxey
movement, "a petition In boots," to
demand action by Congress, When asked
to-day if he and his associates of the
Executive Committee were going to
Chicago, he replied : "The seat of war
has been changed from Chicago to Wash
ington. Instead of our going to Chicago,
the probability is that the leaders will be
called here to Washington, where they
are needed Mr. Debs and others. Sover
eign will probably remain In Chicago to
be arrested. It will be for the good of
tho cause to have him arreited and kept
in jail. We think Debs made a mistake
in getting ball. So long as our leaders
aro behind the bare, discussion will keo;
our cause before the people. Mr. Hayes
added, after consultation with his col
leagues : "The purpose of our presence
here In Washington Is to briug all our
force and influence to bear on the gov
ernment to secure arbitration."
A Lok Out.
Special to ICvkninq Herald.
Indianapolis, July 12. Six thousand
men'have been laid off on the Hlg Four
system by an order from headquarters.
The last payrollof thecompany oontnlned
10,000 names. To-day there will be only
4,000 drawing salary. This move was
taken by the company on account of the
falling off in business since the boycott
was ordered. Two weeks ago the com
pany was handling between 4,500 and 5,000
cars dally. Yesterday only 900 cars were
moved. This system, according to Gen
eral Superintendent Winkler, has been
one of the heaviest sufferers from the boy
cott and it uses Wagner cars exclusively.
fifth Illrthiliiy.
Last evening Frank, the, I
son of S. L. Drown, celebrated his birth
day by tendering a party to his play-
uinies. iieireeuments were served and
games were indulged In. Among the
little folks present were the following:
Kdlth Acker, Josle Heddnll, Mnryl'owlok,
Birdie Thatcher, Maud Hutching!, Carrie
Owens. Uerthn Williams, Helen Morgan,
Mildred Williams. Mary Mitchell, Hoy
Hughes, Freddie McLnren.Frank Doherty,
Kenneth Wilde. Charles Hooks. Vrnnk
Bchinlcker's Ashland Summer Harden
open evenings. Ice cream and beer. Danc
ing every Saturday nlgtt. 0-10-tf
The Act Cresting the (Illicit Declared
Special to the IliitAL.
I'ottsville, July 12. Much Interest
was manifested hero to day when the
news became known that the Supreme
Court had rendered a decision In the case
of the County Auditors vs. tho Controller.
It will be remembered thnt William
Wilhelm, Ksq., counsel for tho Auditors
nppealed from tho decision of tho county
court In ousting the Auditors, and it was
reported hero the Supreme Court to-day
sustained tho Auditors, thus declaring
tho act cresting the offlco of Controller
This virtually removes the Controller
from ofllcet-one of tho most important
officials nt tho county seat.
( .
Professional anil HiiMnesa Men Try Thel
I llnnil nt Halt,
lestcrdap afternoon two base bnll
teams composed of doctors, lawyers, dry
goods merchants, tailors, butchers, drug
gists, bottlers, tax receivers, bankers,
shoe dealers, railway station agents and
others of town went to the diamond in
the Trotting park to see how much they
had forgotten about base ball. That they
found out Is clear by the summary
furnished below.
The teams comprised the married and
to-be married men on one sldo and the
bachelors on the other. While the former
won, tney ma not Ho so on their merits,
Inspector .T J. Mnnnili.-in ami P .T Mnl.
holland were the umpires and it is said
the former stretched hia conscience too
much in favor of the married men. Dr.
Hamilton whacked one ball with such
force as to knock two planks out of the
center field fence, and a three-bac hit by
P. J. Gaughan set the spectators wild
with delight. S. G. M. Hollopeter stole
enuugu uases 10 warrant nis imprison
ment for life.
Hellly, the tailor, essayed to pitch for
me single men, nut tne manner In which
Dr. Hamilton dissected his glass arm
completed the knight of the goose and he
retired In favor of P. F. Monaghan, who
forgot all his curves and drops" in the be
wilderment that followed. The single
men made the best record In everything
but runs, and to Umpire Monaghan the
vnuijuisueu team must iook ior tne Key
iu iuu uiysLery. lue score
Hunter, c.-.m.h,...hh. 2
T. St. Hcualan, lb t
Hamilton ss 1
Manin 3b 1
Hedclall, p 1
Mavberry, lf..... 2
Hollopeter, cf 2
M. J. Scnnlan, 2b 1
Gaughan, rX 2
Total 13 2u 27 9 88
Itelllj'. p 8b 0
I'. K. Monuehan. 2b n 1
J.F, Ilieelns, ess 0
MurDhv. lb 2
Gruhler, 3b u
iioii. ir i
Hough ssrf 1
Wilkinson, rf cf 0
A, Monaghan, c 1
Total 6 tl 27 10 20
Look at the bargains In kid gloves at
Ella M. McGinniss'. tf
Why She Was Silent.
A young man of town was Introduced
to a young woman Inst evening and she
accepted an Invitation to take a walk
with him. He entered into a most pleas
ant conversation during the stroll, but
was at a loss to understand wny ins com
panion failed to say anything. When he
made a remark about the moon the young
woman looked at a passing electric rail
way car and smiled. When he spoke of
ice cream sue suruggeu ner shoulders and
made a wry face. The gay Lothario was
demoralized by tho strange conduct of his
companion, but when ho discovered nn
hour after the Introduction thnt tho young
woman was deaf and dumb ho became
wrnthy, and when he met the young man
wno whs responsiuie tor tne introduction
mutual tnends were kept busy prevent
lng a real hard fight.
Chilli Itun Over,
The one-year-old child of Jos. RaniiDski.
213 South Main street, was injured near
its home at about 10 o'clock this morning
by a team belonging to J. H. Monaghan,
the South Main street merchant. The
little one was playing In the road with a
companion as me team was turning
They arose to avoid it and the driver, nn.
able to see them, but believing they had
got out of the way, drove on, but a
moment alter tie was apprised of the acci
dent by the screams of the child. It had
moved toward the team and had either
been trod upon by the horses or grazed
by the wheels, as its right leg was lacer
ated nt me auKl. l no wound was dressed
oy a pnysiclan.
Dr. Moore's Visit.
Dr. J. Harvev Moore, the oculist, nml
specialist in diseases of the eye, ear, nose,
mroai ana nervous system, is re-vlslting
I'ottsville nnd opened nn office at the.
i'ennsyivnnia Jlall hotel In thnt town
this morning. As Pottsvllle Is tlin nnlv
pinco In the region in which Dr. Mnnrn
can he seen the people of Shenandoah who
wisu to lie treated uy mm will he obliged
to go to the former place. A large num
ber of people wero at the office this morn
ing for treatment. Dr. Moore makes nosi.
tlve curea in all the diseases above enu
merated Rnd when here a few months
ago ho made nn enviable reputation. He
Is a verv courteous gentlemnn nml
thoroughly skilled In his profession.
McKlheuuy'a Hill of Fare.
Snapper soup,
Oyster and clam soup,
Hard shell crabs,
Devilled crabs,
Devilled clams,
Ijobster salad,
Little neok olnms,
Fresh nnd salt oyster.
Fell from a Tree.
Oscar Kverett. a bov realilina nn Wait
Lloyd street, broke his arm to-day by
falling from a cherry tree. The aocldeut
happened nt HrHiidonville Rnd the boy
was brought to his home here after Dr.
iteniscnier, ot uingtown, set the arm.
It Hovers Over the Republican
Political Horizon.
Antagonistic forces Meet in Social Con
ference, on ttie County Seal's Streets unci
Cause n Stir Among tltotNntlves-l're-purine
l'r tho Conventions.
Speolal HititALD correspondence.
Pottsville, July 11. Messrs. Hrumm,
Losch nnd Shoener, the Republican can
didates for Congress, and a number of
leading Itepubllcans of the county, were
seen in a group on Tuesday afternoon as
docilo as kittens. Tho circumstance led
to a report that one of the trio of candi
dates had been ngreed upon In tho In
terest of harmony, but I couldn't trace a
foundation for It.
In my opinion tho political field hero
warrants the presumption that there will
he pence and good will among nil con
cerned in the ltepuhlicnn campaign and
there will be no lights or mud-sliuglng
after the convention. I understand tho
leaders are in favor of dropping nil differ
ences and stnrtlng'out anew on a basis of
harmony. There is scarcely one who has
not done something lu the past to give
ouiers at least nu excuse rorasatllng him
and if the not calling the kettle, hlAel.-
biiBiness can be abateu It will bo better
ior all sides.
Time mnkes all things even. An era ot
good feeling prevails now and let it he
"I nm n fnrmer" said John T. Shoener.
when asked his occutiatlon. "Anil I "
chimed in Snm Losch, looking as fresh
nnd good natured as ever, "am a planter."
Hrumm was then asked his occupation
and said he guessed he was an nristocrat,
since there was nothing else In sight.
Hrumm Is readv for the frav. If them
nothing in thu report about one of the
trio naving oeen agreed upon, and will
start out next week.
Losch and Shoener have accomplished
cuusiuernuie lately nnu nave traveled ex
tensively through the county.
Chairman Whltehouse 1ms called n
meeting of the Executive Committee of
the Republican nartv. which will verv
likely fix the times and places for holding
the primaries and conventions. The laBt
weeK oi tills mouth and first week In
August will in nil probability be selected
for tho respective conventions.
The light between Davis and Scott for
the Republican nomination for Sheriff
has been very fierce and Is getting warmer
every nay.
The Legislative contest in tills district
is also very lively. From nil appearances
W H. Hnring, of Palo Alto, is maUinga
iv iiiiilIlK HHUt.
The chnngo in the Miners' Journal has
occasioned considerable comment. The
announcement of the deal was a big sur
prise. It Is generally conceded thnt the
cuange win greatly benefit the paper.
A l'retly VTeilfllntr.
The Annunciation chinch on West
Cherry street was the scene of a pretty
wedding yesterday nfternoon nt about
three o'clock, the contracting parties be
ing Miss Lizzie M. Carroll, recently one
ui vuo leiiciit-rH in our puunc schools, and
Mr. Hugh O'Hara, one of the bright and
cucrsrac salesmen at u. uoiuin's south
Main street clothlmr house. A Imfinnm.
her of relatives and friends of the con
tracting parties witnessed the ceremony
at which Rev. Father DulTv. the mmn
oi tne cnurcu, olllclated. Mr. nnd Mrs.
u narn lett on tho 4:10 Pennsylvania
Railroad train for Philadelphia and to
day they proceeded to Atlantic City,
wheio the honeymoon will be spent. Upon
their return thev will be rtomlollnrl In n
cosiiy lumisheu home on West Onk street.
The White Omps.
'Who are those fellows wearing whlln
........ 1111 .I.- 1 1 . . "
tir v me inquiry aoour, town ves
tunlav. "Tlii. " .....l ..
wag. On Inquiry one of the trentlemeu
wearing the caps Informed a reporter that
they were strikers from the Clearfield dis
trict touring the hard coal regions to raise
funds for their fe.lhiw ktrlkra TIimv
eleven In number and niHki. n irnrul
club. They started at Willlamsnort
ninmi. itju iinjh "go, siopping a iay in
each town en route, including Shamokin,
Mt. Curniel, Ashland, Centralia and
Girardvillo. Thwlr uimiiii. liau i.uu
highly appreciated in ail the places they
vimiwu, vapeuiHiiyin una town. 1-rftfct
night they went to Alahauoy City and
from thero will iirnfA.l hv muuV bf.,.ui tn
Wilkes- Harre.
An Kuitltieer Discharged.
George Menalla. of Mminh PI. llnV Ann
of the best and most trustworthy engin
eers In the employ of the Lehigh Valley
Railroad Comnanv. wna relinvml nf hla
situation. In telling Mr. MenaliR that
his services were no longer required on
the Wyoming division. Sunt. Alex. Mlleh.
ell said he regretted to part with so
good a man, but he was simply obeying
orders received from higher officials.
Heing pressed for a reason for the sum
mary dismissal the Superintendent in
formed Mr. Meualls that the charge
against him was thnt he hud taL-nn
cup from a barber shop In Mauch Chunk
uecMiise me proprietor sunveti "scabs."
Open Air Concert.
The Grant Hand will give an nnen.alr
concert, ou Franey'a awning, corner Main
and ORk streets, this evening. The
following program will be rendered i
1. Lieut, deary's March. .... Ramidell
2. Overture, PHIrMaldof l'eatn n'niuVi
3 ItuaalanrarrlagesoDg 27iornon
t. Medley, Creme de la Creme lAtwrendtar
jui.creie u irovatore .. rerai
Duct for cornet urii trombone, Meaars,
relet and Charles Houoppe.
Jolly Girls Walt, .....m.VoUiMt
March, Napoleon Uona parte J.uomb
Single Pure Kate to Toronto, Ont.
Speetal tickets via Lehiah VhIW Rail
road to Toronto, account Convention
Baptist Young People's Union, ut r.ite of
single fare for round trip, will be on sale
at L. V. H R. ticket offices July nth and
18th, good for return to July 31. Route
via Lehigh Valley to Niagara Falls, New
ork C entral to Lewiston, thence Xingnra
AHVigauou uompHny s steamer. 7-12-td
A Landlord Ite.orts to a Very Old T,air
for llellef,
Anthony Tobnk Is trying to get posses
sion of thesnloon nt tho corner of Lloyd
street nnd Mnrket alley now run by
Edward Early and to do so has tnken
recourse to a law which was placed upon
the statutes about 135 years ago.
The case Is probably the first of the kind
broaght In this county for many yeara
under the law referred to. It seems that
lobak purohnsed the property some time
ngo, hut Early hold ou to the snloon
undira lenee. Tobak waited for the lease
to expire and then gave Early three
months' notico to quit, but he disregarded
the notice and still holds possession.
Under the new law Tobak can bring an
action of ejectment, but audi a suit In
volves considerable time and expense and
his lawyer decided to take some other
In casting nbout for a procedure the
lnwyer discovered thnt there wns an Act
of 1772 which provides thnt where a ten
nnt holds unlawful possession nud the
landlord wishes tho question settled at an
early date tho latter may bring suit beforo
v v uunutCT nu suitu wet Willi ii jury OI
twelve freeholders nud listen to nil the
evidence in tne case, it the landlord li
nil eroua fill In llta Dl. 41,n T.t.llnu. .... ....
powered to assess damnges for the time
tho tenant has retained possession of the
promises and grant judgment therefor,
which shall be enforced lu execution by
tho Sheriff of tho county.
This is the result Tobak's lawyer is
(timing nt nnd at 1 p. m. on Saturday
Justices Shoemaker and Dengler and a
jury of twelve freeholders not yet se
lected will sit In the office of S. G. M.
Hollopeter, Esq., to listen to the case.
The result will be awaited with interest
as robak and Early have been In contro
versy for several months over the posses
sion of the premises.
A Man Killed In Trying to Stop Hun-
nwny Horse.
Special to tho Hsuald.
Mahanot Citv, July 12. Edward C.
Decker wus instantly killed here last even
lng while attempting to stop i run
away horse belonging to John Wat
kin. Becker made a spring for
the horse's head, but missed It and was
knocked down by the wagon with such
force that his neck was broken.
The owner of the horse sustained)
bruises by being thrown from the wagon
after he lost control of the horse. The
runaway was caused by n trace breaking.
Decker was but 17 years old. He was a
young man of excellent reputation nnd
" employed as tenmster oy .Mcinrland.
the feed
d denier.
"The government nt Washington still
The Christian Endeavorers decline to
join in the strike.
Our own Gov. Pattison is still making
up his mlud as to what he thinks.
How people would laugh If n clown
would ever come to toivu with a new
Hefore wo nil quit work, suppose some
body tells us just whnt wages the Pull
mnn employes are refusing, nnyhow.
The Horough Council will hold nspeclnl
meeting this evening to consider tho
question of pipes for the wnter works.
Mrs. Joshua Welmer, wife of the pro
minent Ashland dry goods merchnnt,
died nt tho family residence yesterdny.
Burning rnilrond property for the privi
lege of paying for it afterwards runy bo
fun for a mob, but it isn't for the tax
payers. Nlagnrn rails Incursion.
The season of cheap excursions is now
at hand and the Lehigh Valley Is, as
usual, nrnong the first to nnuouuco that
they will run nn excursion to Niagara
hnllui N- J,ll' 2l8t--llt the low rate of
?.i.00 for the round trip, tickets good to
roturn July 23rd. Passengers going on
this excursion are assured first-class ac
commodations nnd those who miss it will
miss n treat, ns tills mnv be the only ex
cursion of this kind to Niagnrn Falls this
Tho ColunililH'H Anniversary.
The members of the Columbia Hose
Company, their families nnd sweethearts,
accompanied by the Grant Hand, returned
last evening from Lakeside where they
spent the dar celebrating the twenty
fourth anniversary of the company. The
day was spent most pleasantly and every
body returned home In excellent humor.
I'. O. oi A. Notico.
Members- nf W Hnmn Vn no r n o
of A., are requested to meet In their enmu
room, in Schmidt's hall, Friday, lStfi
Inst., at 12 o'clock, Hharp, to attend the
funeral of our late brother, Robert Oliver.
Attest: F. C. Reuse, Secy.
Hurled To-day.
The funprAl nf Ml fiU ll.fllaiin T i...l
Tllllt.ll tnnlr h ana ......! i
' ,-.nvU mi. IIJUIU1I1K III lUUg-
town. Interment, lietntr mn,i. fn
tery at that place. A large number of
people irom this town were In attendance.
Ol.lVK-W A. Ktiannn.lnnl. Tl.. T,
. ...... .....umaiiuint ujj UU1V
10th. 1HHI ltnl.rf (111,-.,.. ' i .' """'J,
, . , KCu UI years, u
months and 7 days. Funernl will tnka
Place on Friday, the 13th Inst., services
being held nt tho late residence, North
: w., .... ...u.. .,. iu. interment win
be made at liountaln Springs. Friends
nuu reinuvre inviieii to attend. 7-I0-3t
Unknown Brands, from
Unknown Millers, by
Unknown Dealers
Attract injudicious buyers only.
We sell only
Well-Known Brands
At the lowest prices we have everloffered.
122 North Jardin St.