The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 11, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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    WWK I
When ho wrote "Taming
of the Shrew," was evi
dently gifted with pro
phetic foresight when he 5
made one of his cliarac-
f tore declare "My cake la
dough." Those who have
; been credulous enough to
take Imitations for Cotto-
T,8N, the now universally
elmrlnnlt, rr Imvn mmc-l.
enced the same disappoint- Kwg5
mcut lor tucir cane nns
been "dough." Those who
have used Cotiolknk
know ' that Its principal
merit is its uniform relia
bility. Be wise and refuse
N anything that is offered as
a substitute for
i Bold in three and ttve pound palls
Made only by
139 K. Delaware Ave V-
rillLAUUl l'HIA.
JUNE 3d, 18P4.
Trains will leave Shenandoah alter the above
r-racitvuie, new
adelphla (I) road street station) at 0:00 aad 11:15
a.m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays For Potts
vlllo and Intermediate stations 0:10 a. m.
For Wlgftan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, Nev
'Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 0:00. B:40a.m
and 8:10 p.m. For Hamburg, Reading, Pott'
town, Phoonlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 0:00, 9:40 a. m., 3:10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah v
.10:40a. m. and 12:14, 6:04, 7:42 and 10:87 p. m
Sundays, 11:13 a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle (or Shenandoah at 10:lt,
11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:16 and 10:00 p. m.Sundayi
at 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Uroad street station) to;
Shenandoah at 6 67 and 8 35 a m, 4 10 and 7 11 p
m week days. On Sundays leave at 0 50 a m.
JUcavo Broad StreotStatlon, Philadelphia,
TFor New York. Express, week days,
at 3 20, 405, 450, BIS, 0 50, 7 83, 8 20, 9 50, 1100
11 14 a m, 12 00 nooc, 13 44 p. m, (Limited Ex
frees 1 OO and 4 22 p m. dining cars.) 1 40
30, 8 20, 4 00, 6 00, 0 00, 0 60, 7 13. 8 12
10 00 p m, 12 01 night, Sundays 8 20, 4 06, 4 50.
5 15, 812, 9 DO, 11 03 a m, 12 41. 1 40, 2 80, 4 00 (lim
ited 4 22) 5 20. a 60. 7 13 and 812 p m 12 01 night.
Express (or Boston, without change, 11 a m,
weekdays, ana 0 50 p m dally.
For Baltimore and TashlBgton 8 60, 7 20, 8 81
'1 10, 10 20, 11 18 a in, 11 40, (12 35 limited dlnlnt
car,) 130,8 48, 4 41, (5 10 Congressional Llmltod
Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Carl, 017,
0 66, 7 40 p. m 1203 night week days. Sun
days, 3 50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18 11 40, am., 4 41, tt 68.
7 40 pm. and 12 03 night,
.Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express. 5.10. 8.50 a. m. (1.00 Saturdays onlv)
230, 4 and 5 p. m. week days. Sundays, express
B, 8.45and9.4a. m. Accommodation, 8, 8.20 a.
m., 3.20 aad 4.20 p. m. Sundays 8, 8.15 a. m. and
4 p.m.
For Cape May 9 a. m (1.30 Saturdays only) 4
p. m. ween ohyh. nunuays, u a. m.
n Ll ..I a .... 1 "I r-l t ah
glesea, Wlldwood and Holly Beach, express,
weesaays, v a. m. ana p. m. aunaays v a. m.
S. M.PBIVOHI. J. 1. rt uUU.
Oen'l Manarer Hani I'ase'r' AH
Whero you can always get
a glass of
Cool Beer and Refreshing Wines,
Whiskeys, ete. Don't forget the place.
T. Itl. RcUIy's,
Locust Avenue, CENTHALIA, PA
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
Meals at nil hours. Ladies' dining room
attacueu. finest wines, liquors, cigars,
Rag Carpet Weaving !
If von want a eood Dtece of rasr carnet. wel
woven, take your rags and have them woven
ud In carnots. It win dsv vou In the lonir run.
All kinds, with or without stripes, mado to
oruer, ueuuuiui reiuoow stripes, ijow prices
SfjS West Oak Street,
Shenandoah, Ft,
Closing out this season's good to make room,
Semf 10 cents to pay postage. Addreu
F. H. CADY. Providence, R. I.
osis pirn m f
B. H. Severn. F K. Magargle. W. H. Waters
Foreigners at Spring Valley Have
Terrorized All Glasses.
Two Men Killed iiml l'lvo Wounded ns the
Result of an Unprovoked Attaok by
Rioters Upon the Troops The Mob Fi
nally Put to Flight.
8I1UK0 VAM.F.T, Ills., July 11. Affairs
here are taking on nn ominous look.
The miners have so Intimidated all classes
of the people with threats of what will
happen after the troops are removed that
every obstacle Is placed In the pathway of
the soldiers, and all classes nctlu a hostile
manner. Mayor Jackson, who Is evi
dently terrorized, ordered the soldiers out
of town, but they refused to obey. The
teleRraph operator was frightened nway,
and one of the soldiers Is at the key.
The storekeepers have been made to re
fuse to sell supplies to the troops, and the
latter have, In consequence, taken posses
sion of the company's store, soldiers act
ing as custodians In place of the terrorized
clerks. So far has this reign of anarchy
extended that the woman upon whose
property the well from which tbo troops
draw water Is situated piteously begged
the odlcers to secure water elsewhere, ns
the anarchists gave her until today to re
fuse water upon penalty of burning her
house to the ground. i
Company C, of the Fifteenth regulars, I
commanded by Captain Conrad, camo
into collision with the mob late yesterday
afternoon, and after patiently enduring
volley after volley of stones fired Into the
mob, killing two men and wounding sev
eral others.
The dead are: Dominic Darlmer, Italian,
shot through the head; John Saloll, Ital
ian, shot through the breast. Injured:
Walter Gregory, deputy, ribs broken and
badly bruised; Lush Kolp, deputy, shot
in thigh; S. T. Powell, deputy, shot twico
lu face; unknown Italian rioter, shot by
Deputy Powell; unknown rioter, hand
and arm badly lacerated by bayonet.
The fight occurred when a Hock Island
train bearing the troops pulled into the
depot. At the time of its arrival a largo
mob of Lithuanians, Poles and Huns was
gathered upon the hill overlooking the
depot. The arrival of the train was greeted
with yells and jeers, and Btones began to
rattle down upon the depot platform be
fore any of the soldiers had left the cars.
As tbo men ulcu out on the depot plat
form they were greeted with a chorus of
T'alla ntiil Mm atnnou rninpil ilnwn ni-nnn .1
them. Captain Conrad raised his hand
and called to tho mob to cease throwing
stones. It obeyed him for an Instant, but
seeing tho troops remain passive, re
gained its viclousness and sent voUct
nfter volley of stones at tho soldiers, at
tno same lime drawing closer nnu becom
ing mora threatening. Cnptnlu Conrad
ordered his men to aim, and ns more
stones came at their heads he gave the
word to fire. Tho mob broke for the timber
when the firing began, laud has not as
sembled since. "
Early in tho morning as a party of dep
uties were traveling from Princeton to
Spring Vulley in wagons some strikers in
ambush fired upon them, wounding Dep
uty S. T, Powell in tho face. The fire wus
returned and one man was seen to fall,
lie was, however, carried oil by his com
panions, and the extent of his injuries is
not known.
Ths Vlellant'a Fourth Defeat.
IIUNTKlt's Quay, July 11. The Britan
nia and Vigilant met again yesterday,
this tlmo in the race for the Clyde Corin
thian cup, valued at t300. The race was
a rather slow one at the start, but after
ward the breeze freshened. The Vigilant
was defeated for tho fourth time, tho
Britannia crossing the line five minutes
and fifty-two seconds ahead of the Ameri
can yacht, and with her time allowance
of three minutes the Prince of Wales' cut
ter won by eight minutes and fifty-two
Potters Appeal to Senator Smith.
Tkenton, July 11. The failure of the
three days' oonference of committees
representing tho manufacturing potters
and their employes to bring about a set
tlement of the pottery strike in this city
has resulted in two committees, one repre
senting the manufacturers nud the other
tho men, going to Washington to consult
with Senator Smith. Tho object of this
consultation is that the tariff rate on
crockery may be satisfactorily adjusted
and the strike at the same time adjusted.
Hlft Four Employes Laid OCT.
CINCINNATI, July 11. Like a thnnder
clap came an order from C. E. Schaff, of
the Big Four last night discharging fr.jin
the entire Big Four system fully 8,000 em
ployes. The reason assigned is the block
ade. The men affected aro assured that
they will be restored the moment a re
vival of business justifies. This does not
affect men engaged in running trains.
The day men are being discharged all
along the line.
Drowned In Valley Force Creek.
NonitlSTOWN, Pa., July 11. Howard F.
Miller, of Paradise, Lancaster county,
was drowned In Valiey Forge creek yes
terday afternoon. John II. Redfern, H.
A. Nleman and Miller were In a canoe
which capsized. None of them could
swim. Redfern and Nleman were rescued
in an exhausted condition, but Miller
could not bo reached.
Rapid Transit Progress.
Washington, July 11. Senator Teller
yesterday Introduced the bill heretofore
introduced in tho house for the Incorpor
ation of the National Rapid Transit Rail
way company, whleb proposes to build a
road between Washington and New York,
to he operated by electricity and to insure
a speed of 130 miles an hour.
Weary 'Wralera at Carlisle.
Capxislb, Pa., July 11. A small band
of Coxeyltos, commanded by General II.
S. Thomas, and forming the Cincinnati
contingent of the army, arrived here last
night nud encamped at tho fair grounds.
Half of the men were too footsore to walk
nnd were taken to Gettysburg by rail on
their way to AVashlngton.
Illtuilltnous miners Kesuiue.
WELLSBOtto, Pa., July 11. Tho bitumin
ous miners nt Antrim and Fall Brook re
BUHied work today nt the rate which pro
Vailed before the strike. It is understood
that the companies refuse to recognize the
Unions. This practically .ends the coal
ttrlke in Tioga county, which began
April 91. .
The Weather,
Warmer; fair; southwest winds.
How a Missionary Sufl'ercd. Death
Only Relief l;.peet 1. Speedily
Cured by Culletira.
I have lecn troubled I'll chronic Eivrma on
my limbs. Hie i .limn was Mvynuunjinn unit
nuulo nio unlit lor vork. 1 bad tried many
rcineuies nnu cunsiuu-u it
pood phjslclan, who pre
strilied fur mo nine months
with no permanent relief. 1
graihiallv grew worse and
votru. Death would hare
been a teller, ami It was tbo
only relief 1 expected, .lust
then my wife (1 thank (lod
for a good one) found tbo
book j on sent la some out-of-tlie-w.-.v
olaco and read It
through. She discharged the attending phy
sician and said Me would try tho OimcuitA.
Hr.MKDir.s. I began to uao them about the
middle of last August, procuring a new supply
when the first was exhausted. 1 nm now well
And attend to my missionary work. I am
Secretary of the tSullltan County lliulo Society
(portrait Inclosed!. Have been engaged In mis
sionary work in tho county for eighteen enra.
To recommend the Cimrrin llr.MKl.lun to suf
fering humanity will bo a part of my missionary
work In tho future.
llr.v. MASON Olf.I.KSl'IE,
1'. O. llox 11, Mongaup, Sullivan Co., N. V.
Tho almost miraculous cures dally effected by
tho Cutictua Ki:meiuks proio them to be tho
greatest skin cures, blood purifiers and humor
remedies eer coniioiinded. No statement Is
made regarding them not justified by tl",
strongest evidence, l'eoplo In cery walk of
life use them and recommend them. Thcirwon
dcrful popularity anil s.ilo are due to the cures
elTectcd by them, and tins is the most substan
tial cvldenco of their curative value. Kale
Ereater than tin- combined sales of all other
lood and skin remedies.
Sold throughout tho world. Trice, Cctictoa,
60c; Bor,25c; Resolvent, tl. 1'otteb Diivu
AMI CUEM. Coal'., tJolo Proprietors, lloston.
How to Cure Skin Diseases," mailed free.
nifjipLES, blackheads, rcd.rouch, chapped, and
f I III oily skin cured by Cuticuua 8oai
Weakness, Soreness, Lameness, Strains
and l'alns relieved In one minute by
tho Cotlcilra Antl - l'aln Plaster.
First and Only l'alu-kllllng plaster.
'V.'iino .iu uuurs.
"In that country onco known ns t!:r
'Great American desert,' cmhracing u
portion of Texas and Arizona, thoro nro
no odors." said It. 1". Senter ot Dallas.
"Thero luscious grapes and many other
fruits grow, especially near tho cross tim
ber country, hut thero la no perfume,
Wild flowers havo no Binell, and carcasses
of dead anlmnls, which In dry seasons aro
very plentiful, emit no odors. It was al
ways supposed to bo a troeloss plain, upon
which no pi at crv.ld grow or breathing
thlnir could llvo, but n largo part of It Is
now successfully cultlvatSd, and but for
tho raritv of tho atmosphere, causing tho
neonllarltv I havo named and tho mirages,
which nro oven moro porfmt than in the
doscrt of Sahara, uo ono would look upon
it ns a barren country now. Another sin
gular feature common to tho desert 1h""1
Is that objectsnt n distanco appear greatly
magnified. A few scraggy mcsquito bushes,
will look llko a noblo forest. Stakes driven
Into the ground will seem llko telegraph
poles." CinclMiPti Ennulrrr
An ngTCcablo Laxative and Nebve Tonic.
Bold bjrDrugfirlsta or sent by mall. 25c., OOo.
and $1.00 per package. Eumplea frco.
Tho Favorlto C0C5B I01STI8
for tho Teeth and JJrcath,5c
Captain Sweeney, TJ.S.A., Ban Dloiro, Cal.,
Baysi "Shiloh'a Catarrh Itcmody Is tho first
mediclno I havo ever found that would do mo
any good." rricoCOcts. Sold by Druggists.
Tnra Great Cocan Cuna promptly cures
Whero all others fail. For Consumption it has
no rival; has cured thejsands, and will cttrib taken la Mme. rrl:oC3c'.. COttI.,51.05.
Bold by C. II. Hagenbnch, Shenandoah.
Is an Improvement in Soap.
In the Trolley Soap old methods
and materials are superseded by new
ones. The Trolley Soap leaves the
clothes sweet and clean and lasts longer
than other soaps.
Ask Your Grocer for It,
If he does not keep it send us order for
or for a Box 100 cakes 75 pounds $4.50.
Joseph Thorny Ellintan.
227 Chestnut Street, Phila.
A ieuulne welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon
Pool room attached. Finest whiakeyi
beers, porter and ale constantly on tap
Choice temperance drinks and oigars
Mfi n'e a n w'o can taste our candles
without a feelhift of affec
frtrX tftJIi'l t'n for the young man
uaa uiri.wll0 MngH tfjem They
Just melt In the mouth; the girl's eyes
melt with tenderness the youiiK man also
melts, and the question is settled. Try it.
Ica Crem, all flavors. 101 N. Main St.
For poverty of the blood
and all other conditions result,
ing from constipation, go by
the book on Beecham's pills.
Book free, pills 25c At
drugstores; or write to B F
Allen Co, 365 Canal st, New
Easily. Quickly.
Permanently Reitrao
Ami oil the train of ovlli
from iarly errors or IfUe
excesses, tho results oj
o en ork, b 1 c tt n o s
worry, etc. Full strength
development and tonf
given to every organ and
port Ion of the bod j
Pimple, natural methods
sren, PAlluro fmpossIM
2.0U) reference. Hoot
explanation and proof'
mailed (ecu led) fret.
Millions of Dollars
Go up In smoke every year. Take di
risks hut get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., Insured In drst-clnss, rella
hie companies, as represented hy
DAVID FAUST, Insuranco Agent,
120 South Jnrdln Street.
Also Life and Accidental Compnnlo
AmlnSlnfTor Alle AnsNtnnls,
Home Offices, 1317 ARCH
I'hllnilclnhln. Honrs Bally. 9-3: Evks.
fl-8: Wed. nnd Knt. Fvi's.. -IOl Hnndnys.
iicnllr i:lnUllieil
At Reading, Pa.
-.' S. W. f',- SI!flM iiml IfllANK-
I.IN Sts. om.-o Hours every Saturday from 9 A.
M. ( 10 1 1!.: Sundays, from 0 A. il. to 3 r. 51.
I.nn of Vlicnr. Youthful lllillNrrrllilll or
eesT', lllood 1'iiWnn, (irttet-al Urlilllt),
S.ok.oi .llrmory nud All rieelni jiist-nsf-H
cttit.d bv liiii,riiil,i,ep nv liilii-rltnlici. Dr.
Tlicrl, the Only I'lijslclnii ami MirrlnlNt able
to fure after Uveryone i-Nr lins rnlletl (no
ma-fr wnat others say. write, print or aaveruse.)
The llnr tlnni.1... nn.l lliiMKPI-nllH C'nNCn
ollclli-d. Itidief nt once. 1'nnb cases cured
1-lUd vs. KACll nnd Uvrrr Cnso IterrUe.
Hie iloetor'n rcrioiinl Atlnitlmi nnd Cure.
vti-Icleil Secrecy CJiiurnnteed in All. Hendft
fc. tnmns for Hook, "Truth;" bBstofalirnryoun?
and eld. single and married, -ineoniy jiook ejiiras
jis Quacks.
Trains leivo Shenandoah as follows)
ForNowYort via Philadelphia, wook day
J.10, 6.25, 7.20, a.m., 12.32, 3.55, 6.55 p.m. Mundij
S.10, a. m. For New York via M via Chunk,
week days, 5.2.1,7.?,) a. m., 12.31, 2.55 p. ra
For Reading and Philadelphia, wools days
2.10, fABi, 7.20, a. m., 12.3.', 2.55, 5.65 p.m. Bur
day, 2.10, a. m.
For Pottsvllle, weelc days, 2.10, 7.20, a. m.
12.3J, 2.53. 6.65 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 a. m.
ForTamaquaand Mahanoy City, weelc daya
2.10, S.25, 7.20, a. m., 12,31, 2.55, 5.55 p. m. Sun
day, 2.10, a. m. Additional for Mahanoy City
weelc days, 7 00 p. m.
For wllilamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsbnrx
weelc days, 3.25, 11. SO a. m., 1.S5, 7.00 p. m ,
Sunday, 3.25 a. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, weelc days, 2.10, 3.25, 5. 53
7.20, 11.30 a.m., 12.32, 1.33, 2.55,5.55,7.09,9.!:
p. m. Sunday, 2 10. 3.25, a. m.
For Ashland and Shamoltin. week days, 3.25
7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00, 9.35 p. m. Sunday,
8.25 a, m.
Leave New York via Phlladelpnia, weekday!
8.00 a. m., 1 30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night. Sun
day, 6.00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week flays
4.30. 0.10 u. m., 1.10, 4.30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal,
week clays, 4.20, 8.35, 10.00 a. nl and 4,0t
S.(2, 11.30 p. m. Sunday. 11.30 p. ra.-
Leave Reading, week days, l.hb.7.10, 10.05, ll.H
a. m., 6.55, 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.35, & m
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.83, 7.40 a. m, ,
12 30, 8,1 lp. m Sunday, 2.35 a. m.
Leave Tamagua, weelc days, 3.18, 8.60, 11.23 D
m., i 20,7,io, vxa p. ra. sunaay, a.ia a. m
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8.46, 9.21
11.47 a.m.
1.61, 7.44,
tf.ot p. m. a
p. m.
junday, 3.15
a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week di
mt, ') in
2.40, 4.SI
aw,, ll. a. m., libs, s.u
n. m. Sundav. 2.40. 4.00 a. m.
12.68, 2.06, 5.20, 6.M,7.69,10.1f
Leave Wllllams-xirt, week days, 10.10, a. m.,
3.35,11.15 p.m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
For Haltlmore, Washington and the West Tit
II. X O. It. It., through trains leave Readier
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. ft K. It. It.) at 8.20,
7.40, 11.20 a.m.,:! 4(1,5.18, 7.22, p. m., Sunday 3.14
'.13, 11.28 a. m 3 16, 7.22 p. m,
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Whirl
and bouth Street Whart for Atlantlo City.
Week-Days Express, 8.00. 9.00 10.43 a. m.
(Hatuidays only 1.30), 2.0O, 3 00, 4.00, 4 80, fi.OO,
5 15 p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 a, ra., 4.45,
0 30 p. m. One dollar excursion train. 7.00 a. m.
Sunday Express. 7 30, 8.0, 8 30, 9.00, 10.00
a. m., 4.45 p. m. Accommodation, 8,00 a. in.
ana 4.45 p, m. One dollar excursion train,
7.00 a. m.
Returning, leave Atlantic City, depot, corner
Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues.
Weok-Days Express, 6.20, (Monday only
6,4), 7.00. 7 45, 9 00, 10.15 a. m., and 8 30, 4.30,
5,30, 7.30, 9.30 p. m. Accommodation, 8.10 a. m.
ant 4 32 p. m. One dollar excursion train, from
oot Mississippi Ave. only, 0 00 p. m,
Sundays Express, 8.30, 4.00, 5.00, 0 00, 0 30,
V .00, 7 30, 8 00, 9 30 p. m. Accommoditlon, 7.15
u. m, and 5 05 p m. Ono dollar excursion train,
from foot Mississippi Ave. only 0.10 p. m.
Parlor oars on all express trains.
O. O. HANCOCK. Ocn. Pass. Agt.
Philadelphia Pa,
1, A. SWEIQARD, Gen. Supt.
.Safe and Reliable Horses to litre.
Fear Alley, Rear Coifeo House.
The bestrtgii in town. Horses taken to
board. Hauling promptly attended to.
. nerntsnAntlv cnr&il I
I ICsgleKtEMdv.tinderB
guurant) .hacked by I
UluHtratM f romilf o frompo"lle cored. Q
il nuul. ftouung else win cure. . u
COOK REMEDY CO., Chicago, til.
lift IS F TMFflFI
f Mb WMHHllMlliI&
The Bill to Admit Utah Passes the
National Senate,
Xlr. refTer's Arrnlgnment of th Trnsldent
for Bunding Troops to Chleaco Ylenr.
ously Oonibstnd hy Messrs. DatIi nnil
Gordon Vnstofltce Appropriation 1'nMed
Wasiiisotos, July 11. There has rarely
been witnessed In the senato nucli nn
earnest, ardent debate as that which came
yesterday from Mr. PefTer's l'opullstlc
resolution providing for government con
trol of railways and coal mines and the
adoption of the slnglo tax system. Mr.
Pcffer himself opened the discussion with
a defense of the Chicago rioters, an ar
raignment of the president for sending
troops there and a protest against tho
growing militarism of the country in
This led Mr. Davis (Minn.) to bitterly
denounce tho lawlessness of the Chicago
mob nnd the bad policy of tbo senator
from Kansas in inllamlng their pas
sions by the introduction of such a reso
lution. Mr. Gordon (On.) also condemned the
action of the Kansas senator, and ho
quoted Lord McCauIey's prophecy that in
some great public uprising (like the pres
ent) this country would either lose its
! civilization through mob law, or in put
ting down mob law by tho strong arm ot
power would lose Its liberties. Such an
occasion now existed, and to put down
tho lawlessness he pledged tho support of
all who fought In the Confederacy in
Tho stirring speeches of Senators Davis
nnd Gordon were followed by the Intro
duction of a resolution as a substitute for
the I'efTer resolution emphatically endors
ing the president and declaring that tho
laws must be upheld. Tho resolution
seemed on the verge of passing when it
went over nt the request of Senator Gal-
linger. The senate then took up ami
passed the postofllce appropriation bill as
it was reported from the committee, though
some debate arose over the proposition for
mall subsidies for states along tho Ohio
river. These amendments were defeated
Lato in tho day tho blfl for the admission
of Utah was taken up and passed without
debate or opposition.
Tho bouse passed a bill opening the
Uncompnhgre and Uintah reservation in
Utah, alloting lands In severalty to tho
Indians and restoring about 3,000,000 acres
to the publlo domain. Most of tho day was ,
devoted to debate on n bill extending the i
act of lb'JO declaring lands granted to
railroads not then constructed forfeited
to the government so as to forfeit the
lands of rnH.rsads whoso roads were not
completed within' the time specilicd in
the lnnd grants. It excludes from the
operation of the act, howaver, lands ac
quired in good falthby purchase from rail
roads conllrming such titles. Tho bill In
volved about 51,000,000 acres. It was not
disposed of. The title of Mr. Enloe to his
8ftt t9 representative from the Eighth
Teuncsse3 district, which was contested
by 1). E. ThfMlier, was confirmed with
out opposition.
Cesarlo Denies a Conspiracy.
Lyons, July 11. Hefore the magistrate
yesterday a soldier named Le Iilanc de
clared, in tho presence of Cesario, the
murderer of President Caruot, that Ce
sari had chosen lots in a cafe at Cetteand
had received the slip which assigned him
to the work of murdering the president.
Cesario said: "This individual wishes to
make a laughing stock of me. I acted
alone. It is not truo that I had accom
National League.
At St. Louis St. Louis, 17; Philadel
phia, 8. At Chicago Boston, 12; Chicago,
3. At Louisville Louisville, 13; Brook
lyn, 7. At Cincinnati Cincinnati, 7;
New York, 3. At Cleveland Cleveland,
23; Washington, 4; At Haltlmore Pitts
burg, 10; Baltimore, 0.
Kastorn Leaeno.
At Blngbnmton Bliig bamton, 12;
Wilkesbarro, 1. At Springfield Spring
field, 8; Providence, 0, At Buffalo Erie,
13; Buffalo, 8. At Troy Troy, 15; Syra
cuse, 9.
Pennsylvania fttatfl racne
At Philadelphia-Philadelphia, 8; Scran
ton, 4. At Alleutown Allentown, 18;
Hazleton, 7. At Heading Heading, 10;
Harrisburg, 7. At Pottsvllle Lancaster,
11; Pottsvllle, 4. (The Philadelphia club
takes the place of the disbanded Easton
Closlne Quotations of the New Tork and
riilladelphl Exchanges.
New Yohk, July 10. The speculation today
was under the Influence of the labor troubles
in the west, and while generally heavy In tono
was occasionally given a temporary strength
by the receipt of encouraging advices from
Chicago. Closing "Ids:
Lehigh Valley . 36M
W. N. Y. St ra....
I)., h. & W
West Shore
N. V. Central
Lake Erie & W.,
Del. di Hudson..
Pennsylvania 48
Reading di
St. Paul m
Lehigh Nav 50
N. Y. &N.E 9
New Jersey Cen...l07
General Markets.
PmrJtnEi.i'iiiA, July 10. Flour steady; win
ter super., 232.10; do extras, $2.252 40; No.
2 winter family. $2 402.09; Pennsylvania
roller straight, tS 02 85; western winter
clear. $8.602 75. Wheat dull, steady, with
5V4o. bid and 604c. asked for July. Corn
firmer, quiet, with i"c. bid and tgc. asked
for July. Oats unsettled, Irregular, with 58c
bid and 51Hc. asked for July. Ileef steady;
pickled bellies. 7f48Mc.; pickled hams, Ufa
(ai2c Pork Arm. Lard firm; weati rn steam
closed at f 7 4U&7.45; city, $7: July closed $7 40
nominal Butter quiet, hut llrin; wettern
dairy, H)l4',(llWo-; do. crenmery, ltkHUe.; do.
factory. Hiullc ; Klgln, Utto.; New York dairy.
)2(&18c.; do i-reamer, 160c.; Pennsylvania
I creamer) printb. tHiity, 20c.; exceptlooal lute
higher; tlo choice, 19c ; tin. fair to good, 17t
18c ; prints Jobbing at 2124c. Cheese firm,
large. 7fg0c : Kmall, 7&c.; part sklins, 4ih' ;
full skinw. H(i'(C2c Eggs weaker; New York
and l'enn- l aula, I5lftu. ; western fresh, 14
15o ;ia.. Visa.
I.lve Stoek Markets.
East I.ihkici v, I'a., July 10 Cattle hi ili
prime. 1 7!.i5; goul. l. 4004.00; good Imti ti
ers, $MUkiH.2U: good tut coif a and heifers, C M liou mine, lower; l'liiludelpliiitH.
inMtXU.UK ..nun. mi tu fulr Yorkers, fiii'.il.'i.
pigs, ffi.40U.5li. Mieeji Very dull at unchanged
prices. i
NKW Yohk, July 10. Beeves slow; choice
export steers, 5 " 5 Si per lull 11. C'alvesdiill,
easier, poor to prune veals, $4(95 per lull U.;
good buttermilk calves, Ji'.-'S. Sheep lower;
lambs higher; poor to fair sheep, J-1 W
per 100 lba ; oomiuua to choice lamb, $1 0 50.
Hogs easier; ordinary to good hogs, J0.26tt0.50
per 100 lb.
Too High Prossuro.
! these days of keen competition in every
'iif- when the business nun is compelled to
.id his inlellect and every energy to the
access of his business ; tho clerk, book
r-i-iwr, professional man nnd laborer, to
invf themselves at a terrific rate, thero can
but one result an explosion, which, if
lot resulting in Immediate death, leaves
i etn with shattered brains and bodies.
I hey aro running at too high pressure.
The strain is too great. Something must
i nd does give war. This is equally true of
xiiiifii. Though their sphero is moro
.i . iu-d, they have their daily burdens, frets,
mil worries, and tho results are the same uv
with their stronger companions.
This condition is growing worse every
day. The rapidity of its increase is awfni
o contemplate. Onr homes, hospitals, rnl
.nsanc asylums are full of these unfortunates,
mil are lieing crowded still further. Thero
i but one solution of the matter. Recog
,.',e I he importance of the situation at once,
md take the necessary measures to over-c-
me it. If you have failing memory, hot
il i-lies, dizziness, nervous or sick headache,
niii.minciH. irritability, melancholy, sleep
cunes", fainting, nervous dyspepsia, epi-.-o-y
elc, know that anv one of them isbut
i 'viuptnm of the calamity that may befall
v. u and even though yon hnvo used so-
''til e?meilies and treated tilth reputable
'. sicians with tittle or no beniiit. t,ivc Dr
Miles' Hestorative Nervine a trial. It is
'it- only renicdv that may be depended
,wm for nervous disorders.
" Two years sun 1 used Pr Hilcs' Rc-toratlve
rvlne with marked beneHt, and Inter Induced
iv -on, nhohnd len slclt with cnturih of tho
"Mer Ave rears In the hands cf our bc-t pby
o ,ns, tilrvlt together with Pr Mlloi Nervo
. Liter I'llls. lie hss so wonderfully benefited
' .il he I' attending to business simin My wife
-o med N'erxlne with most excellent k ,ms.
v I or us together have not used more than lx
.it'os nf Nervine Several of our f, tends hate
1 ucil It. and are crcntly Improved - IauIo
Mis, Iiuclicr&Olbhs 1'lm. Co t'snton. Ohio,
nr Miles' HeMnratlvo Nervlno Is sold hv all
vKlstsnn s positive (tusrnntee. nr sent hy Ilr
1 Vi Medical Co., Klkhart, Intl.. on receipt of
"e. 81 pirbottle.slxtotlles,$5.cxprcf' prepaid
Is positively free from opiate or dnngeroua
its. Free book nt drucclsts. or by mall.
Political Cards.
Subject to tho rules ot tbe Republican noml
natlng convention.
riun coN()iii;s,
Subject to the rules of tho Hepubllcan neml-
nniint: convention.
Subject to tho rules ot the Republican nomi
nating convention.
Oil. SHI- IlII-"l-
Subject to therulos of the Hepubllcan noml
na'lug convention.
-poll HJ7ATO!f (30th District)
JoilJv J. coi'LH,
Bubjcct to tho rules of the Hepubllcan nomf
nailng convention.
pott KKNATDIC 30lh District)
Of ilahanoy City.
Subject to the rules of the Republican noml
natlng coinentlon.
It SliNATOIt, (SOth District)
Of Shenandoah.
Hubict to the rules of the Democratic nomi
nating convention.
JJIOIl I.V.OIBI.ATlTIlIi, 1st Dlstr Ot,
Snblect to tho rules of tho Republican noml-
natlng convention.
poll l.I-:aiHI.ATUIlIC,lst Dlst.,
or Malzevllle.
Snblect to tno rules ot tbo Republican noml
natlng convention.
poll I.ICOIKI.AYUItJ-:, IstDIsU,
Of Shenandoah,
Subject to the rules of the Republican nomi
nating convention.
poll .KGIBLATITRi; (First District)
Ot Mahanoy City.
Suclect to the rules of the Republican nomi
nating convention.
poll I'OOll IlIKUCTOIl,
Ot Shenandoah.
Subject to the rules ot tbe Republican nomi
nation convention.
on poor, miiiccrort,
Of the Union Twps.
Subject to the rules of the
natlng convention
Republican noml
poit poou miiiccron,
Of Ruppabannock.
Subject to the rules of tho Republican nomi
nating convention.
Of Sbenandoftb,
Pnbjeet to the rules of the Demooratlo nomi
nating convention.
4rlir4ntl BToulr Oenali
AFC. AlwdVf riUIl LAOIf
DrutfRliI (Or tUktUr$ Mnuh IH A
id arann lu if 1111 it'111 n t iiiminr
t .fat wl'h hln rllil 11 I'ukfl
I mi nt-liMP. Hrfuteditn-lrtt'ti' Wifu
immiiHa ln4iMtifin i uriiKi'i" t r i rgt
1 -I itnp for 1 nr n unrl t -.lim intli u(
'Hcltof for . I'tt u rvlarm
Miall. 1IMHH) r. siiiuofiitM S i-. ir
rit(ihwlr LlitMJilciiJ Cu..UilUrtn 4jur
8s)t4 by all LsuJ UroicUU. l-U.. 1't-
Loans mdf from 8100 to tr ix mi pi rn na
o real estate seeurt'v No yxil lu iiy. l.oann
oau bn returned in small muuthiy puymcr ur
rdtalnwl ford number of yearn to Hull borr-' '-r.
A loan from tt lis ruinpuny will not Injur the
financial ntandirir of ary inOl vldunl nr turn.
No bonus. IntPi-cwtflptrcent amiually. Moiey
loaned for ary puri t-f kiu-U tw to nn lease or
enter iiusinenn. tu pny off mortpaKeri jurturment
notes, to nulla or purcbupo prop rty or to fact
for any purpose ibat money may no desired
Addrc s, Central Tru t Company ot 1'-, 1S30
Arch street, Pbtladelpnla, lu. C--6ia
O B,l,Bwtr's KetHi.l, H