r Evening Herald.! FKIUAY, JULY 0, lb94. THIRD EDITION BABY'S LIFE IN THE BALANCE. Tho riaple ProTentailvo of Cholera In fantum tbat it Worth Mora Thin all the MedlelncB in tho World-Lactated Fool. Now Infant lives tremble in the bal ance. I lent and food that fails to nourish, cause cholera Infini tum nnd the exhaust lng (liarrhu'a that car ries off ho many babies In July and August. Other deaths shrink to insignificance nt this season beside the fearful returns of Infant mortality uuder years. Where mother's milk is defective or ln-snflL-lent In nourishing quality, lactnted food best supplies the need; for lactnted food most closely resembles mother's milk. The basis Is sugar of milk In both cases Whenever baby's weight falls to show a steady Increase the nutrition Is for some reason imperfect. Lactated food nt these times should be used either altogether or to supplement the natural milk. In nil such cases there results n rapid gain In "weight and Indications on every hand of a healthier, livelier, more hearty ex istenco. The cfllcacy and nutritive qunllty of lactnted food Is to-day acknowledged by every one. Asa preventive of cholera Infantum it ts worth more than nil the medicines in the world. As a strength-giver to growing infants nothing can compare with it. As a food that is easy to procure and prepare, mi 1 is liked by the little ones themselves, too much cannot be said for it. It has saved the lives of thousands of infants within tho last few years. It has been the food of hundredsjof babies who linve never been sick. Abovo is the pic ture of tho one-year-old child of Mrs. Edward Newcom, of Logansport, Ind , which was received the other day, accom- pir.icd by the following letter from Mrs, INewcom : "Our baby had to uso artificial food on account of no nurse. We tried several different kinds of infant foods, but none agreed with him until we commenced the uso of lactated food. Now ho is perfectly healthy. We are still u-ing tho food nnd recommend it to all our friends." This is tho experience of hundreds of mothers in this vicinity and will be the experience of hundreds more. ltewaril. The Shenandoah Ilaso Hall Association will give $10ti reward for Information that will lead to the arrest nnd conviction of the party or parties who set fire to the grand Btnnd nt the Shenandoah Trotting iik W. S. Bl.ENNAN, 7 22-tf President. Last June, Dick Crawford brought his twelve months old child, suffering from infantile diarrhoea, to me. It had been weaned at four months old and being sickly everything ran through It like wnter through a sieve. I gave it the usual treatment in such cases but with out benefit. The child kept growing thinner until it weighed but little more tnan wnen oorn, or peruaps ten pounds I then stnrted the father 10 giving Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. llefore one bottle of tho 2.' cent site had been used, a marked im provement was seen and its continued use cured the child. Its weakness ami puny constitution disappeared and its father nnd myself believe the child's life was saveil by this remedy. J. T. Marlow. si, D., Tnmnroa, 111. For sale by Gruhler Bros. (lomtnK Kvents. July 17. Ice cream and bean soup festival in no minis nan, miner tne aus pices of the Women's Belief Corps. July 31. Ice cream festival and bazar, under the auspices of Camp w, 1 O. o T. A., iu Bobbius' hall. August 1. Ice cream festival in Ilolv bins' opera bouse, under the auspices of me "j j. j. July 8 - Ico cream festival under the auspices of Hope Section I'loneer Corps, J. T of II A: T., iu Bobbins' opera house. July 10. Icecream and fruit festival In Hobbins' opera house, uuder auspices oi tne eisn unpust Sunday sciioui. July 19, 20, 21. Bazaar of Nations, in Bobbins' opera house, under auspices of tne u. x. i'. u. July 17 Grand Musical Entertainment 13th anniversary of Shenniidoah Valley J'tUlCKlllJIllClll., .1U, iMKTf 1. W. J. A'., sou s meatre. Hear In Mini! John A. Reilly's Is the place to got the purest wines and liquors, best beer and ales and finest brandH of cigars. W. H. Nelson, who is in the drug busi ness nt Klngvllle, Mo., has so much con fldence In Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy that he warrants every bottle nnd offers to refund the money to any customer who is not satisfied after using It. Mr. Nelson takes no risk In doing this because the remedy i certaiu cure for the diseases for which It is intended nnd he knows it. It is for sale by Ciruhler Ilros. Special Auction Sates. A large quantity of dry goods, boots nnd shoes, groceries of nil kinds, notions, etc . will tie sold nt miction at Heose Auction Booms, on West Centre street, rommencing Saturday evening, 30th lust., nnd continuing on Monday evening and every evening forthobalanco of the week, until the, entire stock is sold out. This will be n rare opportunity for people to purchase goods cheap. e-aw-iw Buy Keystone flour, name Li ssiu & Hakh, printed on every sack. Be sure that the Ashland, Pa., is a-8-3tnw St-.vu Renovating Co., call for, clean nud deliver Ingrain and Brussels at 8c pe yard heavier carpets 4c. 32 E. Coal St, Continued from flrtt Migt.) In consist of the forces of nature ? A. The forces of nature might he n part of God. Q Do you believe that that power is the lmiidywork of the Omniscient ami tho Omnipotent God!1 A. Yes, sir; I think so ; that is my belief. lly Mr. llrumni. Q The God you be- 1.. I.. .I.,. M....t...l t..A iicyc in in timii ui mi IMICUVI.IUU1 vjuii r j,. Certainly bo ; It could not be otherwise. i. lou were asked wlietner you ue lleved that God is made in the image of tnan. You stated before that that part of uoa is in man aim part oi man m uou J ies, sir. O. Is not that in the lmntfo of man and man the image of God in that sense t A. in tnat sense it is certainly so. O. What vou mean when you sav It Is not made In the image of God is, he is not llesh and blood? A. ies, sir: certninly so. O. With beard and hair nnd lhands nnd feel f A. So I said before. O. In the linage there Is a snirltual imnge with man and God t A. Yes. sir. y. ion were asked wlietner you were an anarchist, is it not true you nave faith In law nnd toveriimeot. A. Cer tainly so. Q. And that the source of law nnd government should be In tho people f A Yes, sir: that is my belief. Q. And that any evils that may exist smiiiui nerememeci ny law aim oy govern. ment in n inwiui way J A. i es. sir. O. And not bv destruction f A. No. sir. never. Q. Ily nunihtlism f A. No, sir. Q. Nor nihilism r A. No, sir. (J. Nor communism f A. No. sir, O. Nornny for.e against the established authorities as they are f A. Yes, sir. Q. And that no authorities should be overthrown except in n legal proper wny f A. ies, sir. O. Ilv tho will of the neonle nronerlv mid Honestly expressed r A. les, sir. Q. You have great respect nnd adnilra tion for our institutions, have you lint? A. 1 think I would not have comeover tne ilaiiticif I did not extiect to flud free dom hero. O. State whether or not you have creat rtspect and nil nil rut ion for our institu tions here t A. Yes, sir; I ued to teach my countrymen to t-iko an example fiom this country in every respect. y l iiiteacli tuem tnat yet wherever you got an opportunity? A. ies, sir, especially tho public schools. I was ad miring nnd aheajs trying to sustain them. Q. Do you believe In education:!' A Certaiu a so. O. And advised it and encouraged it r A. I would like to see every niau ouuhtto go to school who Is Illiterate. isy Mr. luteliouse. y, llo asked you in addition to tne anarchism and your re ligious belief, about your nihilism. ou saiil you were no niliiiin ? A. No. s-ir. U. Is not your own trilmlalioiis with your people because you are a nihilist!' A. My tribulations are becnuse I lett the Catholic church and you cannot attribute it to anything else. i. i ii uiiL, true mesw people iu uuirreui uitccs cliarged you nun teaching mill istic doctrines A. I could answer iu r. way I could nut know what Mr. W'tiite- house would talk about mo and say I could not sny about that before, Q. Is it not a tact the first time you left sueuiinuoau was necnuse you nan no ioi- lowiugon account oi your anarchistic teel lmrs and your religious belief t A. No. sir ; It is false. I left Shenandoah on the ground 1 wanted to come to college nt is.mniore, auu so i inn. i went to study medicine at the University or Maryland. Ut Mr. llrumni : O. You were asked bv the Commonwealth whether you are not in lavoroi tne destruction oi tiiecuurclies. Just stnte whether or not you have nnv thing of that kind in your composition r A. 1 do not tliuiK 1 ever advocated de struction of churches. O. Areyouonnosed to churches nt all as churches r A. I am opposed to churches that are built so very expensive among our countrymen, tlmt 1 was o pooled to O. In defining your position n-toehurch and your mannei -" .iitu.i; is the dogmn you pretch to them on that sub lect. just in one word? A. The subject I used to lay as tne loumintion ot my views was the rending in ine muie, the state ment of the bible. "Adore your God in spirit and truth. V. And that is what you ueiieve in r . Yps. sir: 1 could not tell you now the exact place where it is, but it is in the new testament. Q. You have children, have you n it r i. es, sir; 1 nave three. O. Do you send them to church and bundny school f A. I do. 1 send my children to Sunday scnooi anil to cnurcn y. state Whether or not ynu uavo n.iu that child christened ? A. Yes. sir: I did llv Mr. Whltehouse. Q. Do you believe that Christ was the Son of God ? A. 1 admit human nature in Christ. O Answer my miestion i A. I do not think I can answer In any other wny than l did. O. Do vou believe that Christ was the sou ot man as set lortn in the scriptures, sent here to redeem the world? A. Yes, sir: I do nor doubt the scriptures say he is tun sun ot lion. O I do not ask you whether the scrip tures state that. I asked you whether you believed it is true he was the Son ol God. born ot tho Virgin Mary? A. I could not sav; I do not know. Q. Then you do not believe what you do not know a. l tliuiK sometimes i might be love some things I do not know, but always l look lor a proor. O. Do you believe In tho scrlptmei ns they exist In the dltlerent churches? A 1 know the seilptures do exist. Q. I do not ask you that nnd ynu are smart enough man to know it. llo you believe in tnem" .v. uertainiy i allege the historical incts in the writing. O. And that they are tnsnired writ ings ? A. As to that I do not know ns to whether the crliturus are inspired or not, O. Do vou believe they are not ? A. 1 do not know whether the scriptures are inspired or not. Q. Cannot you tell us whether yon be lleve they are. From the writings them selves und what you have read of them do you believe they are inspired, written by Divine authority? A. I will tell you plainly, iiuite plainly. I think that the Bible is a work of the Jewish nation, Just as we have English literature and lu everv country has Its own I terature. Q. That is all you have to say In answer to tuni question ? A. l es, sir : that is nil I have to sav. y. If that be true, and you do not be lieve tnat uurist, was tuo sou oi uou sent Into this world in the manner describe! iu the scriptures nnd lor the purposes described in the scriptures, wns not the christening of your child in the chrlstlnn cnurcn a piece or uypocracy to deceive tu people ? A. lit we are to examine the lllhle and open It and see I would assert what 1 Pel eve and what I do no Q. There are parts you do believe nnd parts you do not believe ? A. There nre some parts I cau and some parts I cannot, I would ask your Honor kindly to say whether 1 am here to be examined on my religious views or to try the case. The Court : Certain religious belief ts necessary to he competent ns a witness. The witness : I think I have some be lief. I am not an irreligious man. Q. How long Is it since you left the Catholic church v A. We made an open protest last January, on the 'J4th or aoth. 1 could not say exactly, either the Jltb or -'itli of January this year we made nn open protest against the Popish church Q. Was it prior to that or since that you had your child christened? A. Itwas prior to tnat. y. in tne i. ainono cnurcn r a. i brought my child to the Cntholic church. Father Demsky did It. O. You did not bring tho Child to the Catholic church ? A. It was In my house it was christened. O. It wns with your consent? A. los. sir ; 1 did consent to it. Q. Your allenntion from the Cnlholio church took place since your child wns christened, your sepnrntlng yourself from It? A. Yes, sir ; my views did not agree fullvwlth them because, let mo say why. because 1 saw that tho Catholic priests themselves, our Iiltiiuanlnn priests, do not believe what they tell the people. They skinned them the skinning of the people was the cause that l lett the uatnollc church. CJ. Can you tell us why you told us that your child was christened In the Cntholic cnurcn l a. i um not say mat. O. without explaining to us it was since that vour dllilculty arose with the Catholic church If It was not for the pur pose of misleading us ? A. I did not mis- ead yon, gentlemen, ornuyoody else. The Court : The miestion hero Is to this man's religious belief nnd 1 think we have wandered off nnd got Into n good many other issues. The witness : Judge, nm I n second Luther who Is to be tried before tho Council of Worms? The Court i It is not for me to nnswer such A qnestion ns Mint The witness: And I think I nm a second Luther among Lithuanians. rue uourr : we nnve gone lar enougu. I think the question arises on Mr. White house's offer to produce witnesses at this noint. which I have examined with the care I could, and I think that ts not the proper practice nt this time, and ns I nm called upon to pass now upon tho ques tion ns to whether the witness shall bo sworn, my judgment is tlint the witness having sworn that his belief in the exist ence of n God who was ominlsclent nnd creative, that ho would be morally pun ished or affected in a future state In an other world for nuy mornl wrongs done in this, I think he ought to be sworn, nnd Is competent to be sworn. Sciunlrkrr'A Ashland Summer (Inrdt-n open evenings. Ice cream nud beer. Danc ing every Saturday uigbt. 0-10-tt BASE BALL SUITS. Actlous Aculiift Ticket Sellers ltrfore Justice Hlioemnker. Patrick Brenuali, James Smith nnd John P. lllggins appeared before Justice Shoemaker Inst evening to answer charges of selling tickets at the base ballgrotluds on Sunday, Jnuo 21th. Bev. William Powiek was the complainant and was represented by S. G M. Hollopeter, Eq Breniian pleaded guilty nnd his c ise was settled by payment of costs, It being shown to the satisfaction of the prosecu tion that lie bad no regular connection with the base ball management, lllggins pleaded not guilty. William Heese, of South West street, testified that he bought n ticket of James Smith nnd surprised tho spectators by the announcement tbnt lie pnid a ntteeu cent piece for it. He subsequently corrected the statement by snylng he paid a nickel ma a dime, lie could not recall the color of the ticket, but thought it was red or blue. Reese said he was twenty years of nge nnd hnd not attended Sunday school since the Inauguration of base ball. Charles Jones test tiled to the nurcliaso of a ticket of Smith and said he hnd not nttended Sundnv school for three months, whereupon Sol roster. Esn.. counsel for the base ball association, interjected the remark that Jones probably stopped early to prepare his conscience for the base ball season. Justice Shoemaker will decide the cases at 8.50 o'clock on Saturday morning. 1IAS12 llAIX. Lock Haven is the next big club to play here. Mnhlerig, Reilly and Henry have been released. The home team goes to Mt. Carmel to morrow. Mulderlg has gone to Scranton and Henry has returned to Philadelphia. Three Southern league players are ex pected here to-night to join the home team. Young, of Ponghkeepsie. Now York, and Steckle, of Slntlngton, have signed with the home team. The first series of the State League championship clones to-morow, with llarrlsuurg in the lead. It is said Mulvey, of Allentowu, is playing tho best third base ot any player iu tne country tuis year. in effort ts being made by Shamokin parties to have the Hnrrishttrg team transterreu to the tormer town. The Cuban Giants piny nt Ashland to morrow afternoon. The game will likely attract n large uu inner irom tins place. Vhen flnby wns rick, -re gave her Costorlo, 7hen she was a CbUtl, she. cried for Castorli. Then she became Jtiss, die clung to Costorlo, a.n khe luul Cull Jren, tho gave them Castorir, Get 'your repairing man's. done nt Holder Usr Wells' Latjnduy Blue, the best Hluelug for laundry use. Koch pnerca: ft ii.k-s- two quarts. 15 cu. bold nnsserct BeddBll aiAii vov city. (Kcroi' l d' lly frn the Mahn oy I'lty ourouu Ot UieUVKNIKU 1IKHAI.U.I Maiianot City, July 0 Michael Burke, of Robinson's, was put under fBl'O tiatl ny justice snernian on 11 charge of assault nud bnttery made by Airs. ,ionn jiurKe. John Lenahan transacted business in Shenandoah yesterday. L. Rov Davennort. of Mlddletown. tho boy champion bicycle rider who gave an exhibition before n large audience nt the park yesterday, has perfect control of the wheel though he is butseyen years old, The gHine of base ball between the home team nnd the Amateur Harr sburg traveling club resulted iu n score ot 11 to 3 in lauir or Ainnnnoy uity. Cards are out announcing the wedding of A. R. Dougherty, ot town, nnd Miss susle Cole, 01 lieaver Aieauow. Pttrick Clenry mnde two old time bits olt the unrrlsuurg pitcuer yesterday, R. K. Fisher is gaining fame ut French pool. Two young men who nre rivals for the affections of n young woman fought be hind the (.Ilk mill last evening. After some hnrd blows were exchanged one of them took for the hills. John Portz, ot Shenandoah, visited friends here last evening. Minchot Bros, have put new fans In their hotel. They nre operated by electric motor power furnished by the Lakeside J Klectrlc Railway Company, YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL GAMES National l.essnfi, Atrittsbtirg(10iniii .gsi I'hlladelphla, 4; Fittsburg, 8. At Cleveland Boston, 22; Cleveland 7. At St. Louis St. Louis, 18; Brooklyn, 12. At Louisville New York, 4; Louisville, 3. At Cincinnati- Cincinnati, 21; Baltimore, 0. At Chicago Chlcnga, 13; Washington, 10. IVimsrlv nun Mat Ingu. At Reading Reading, 84; Altoona, 14. At Hnzleton-Pottsville, IS; Har.leton, 14, Kattern L,affiift, At Wllkesbarre Wilkesbnrre, 11; Ring hamton, 8, At Erie Erie, 14; Buffalo, R. At Syracuse Troy, 7; Syracuse, 0. At Providence Providence, 11; Springfield, 8 Death 11 f sir Annttn Lnraril. Lokdon, July C Right Hon. Sir Aus ten Layard, G, B. 11., P. C died last evening. He was born in Paris March 8, 1817. He early became n traveler, and iu 1B54 was n spectator of the important events then occurring In the Crimea. After his return to England he was one of the most urgent members of the house of commons In demanding on Inquiry into the condition of the British army en gaged in the selge of Sebastopol. After fllling a number of offices he was ap pointed, in 1877, British ambassador to Constantinople. Nw York Ilnmh Mystrrlet. New Yoim, July 0. The police at head quarters have two bomb mysteries on their hands. Within the past four days the two bombs have been tnken there, having boen found, it is said, in places where their explosion meant great loss of life and extensive damage to property. It looks as though the police think the ex plosives were meant to do damage in con nection with tho great railway strike. The fact that Mr. Pullman has been in the city and Is now at Long Branch lends onio degree of probability to the latter theory. Kxptntlun of rrumlo Acid. NEW YoilK, July 0. Laden with bales , of cotton In the hold and a quantity of prusslc acid on deck the hrle railroad tug lighter Dayton caught firo yesterday after noon in the bay when midway between the barge office and Castlo Willlnm. The lighter wns finally benched on Governor's Island nnd the cotton, which wns not de stroyed, wns transferred to other lighters. The loss cntinot yet be estimated, but i not less than $10,000. The firo broke out amidships from an unknown cause, and soon ufter the prusslc acid exploded. Fntnl Ilrllxlons Hint In Montsni BUTTE, Mont., July fl. An Amorlcni Protective association riot broke out here Wednesday evening. I). H. Daily, special policeman, wis shot through tho heart and instantly killed by Frank Mini ford, n baker. William Page received a glancing shot over tho eye. William Dunn wns shot in tbe side, nnd is prob ably fatally injured. The militia has been called out, and Is stationed in one district of the city. AH salooi have been oloaou. Aealrinntally Klllrd by 11U Friend. ALLENTOWN, Pa., July 6. At the Allen Cement works, near Siegfried's Bridge, a party of Hungarians became quite hilar! oub while celebrating the Fourth, and finally begau shooting nt n mnrk. John Turlc was killed by a pistol shot accident ally fired by Mike Wassermnn. Both men were the best of friends. Wesserman be came so distressed when he realized what happened that he suicided. The verdict of the coroner's jury was accidental death. Wilkin Will Win Ilia Wngor. Baltimore, July 0. Edward A.Wilkle, a New York city college man, who started out ns a globe trotter under an agreement to begin without funds, nrrived here yes terday on tho steamship Messapequa from London. Ho left New York in the middle of August last under conditions that he circle the globe within one year. He bus still n number of weeks to reach New- York in order to fully complete the trip. 1'nrM Ofita a Nnw Trlnl. FRANltroitT, Ind., July 0. The motion tor n new trial in the Green town bank case, In which ex-President Paris was con victed last week, was yesterday afternoon sustained by Judge Kent, the court set ting asido tho verdict on tho ground that it tvas not supported by the evidence, Paris' attorneys are also counsel for ex Governor Chase, indicted on tho same charge. Advancing tlia Prle of Wliliky. CHICAOO, July 0. The price of whisky advanced two cents a gallon today. Yes terday the directors met nud ordered the advance. Last Saturday the price wns advanced three cents a gallon, making tbe advance in less than a week five cents, running the price from $1.15 to III 20, and it is probable the price will go yet higher. aliening h African ltebels In Cavaa. PltAETOUIA, July 6. The native rebels uutler Chief Mnliiboch, who nre in caves nfter the True vail troops, refused to heed the summons of Commander Jou bert to emerge. General Joubert, how ever, did not rui into execution his threat to blow up tho enves, but instead is firing shells lnw umu. Iiynililn? Ilirentane 1 lu Martina 1. Balumoiiu, Juiy 0. An unknown man supposed to be one of Coxey's army, met Mnttiu Childs, 13 yours old, daughter ot Benjunin '.hilris, a prominent farmer, near Sudbr mk Park, 11 suburbuu resort. yesterday and raped her. Five posses are looking tor the man, nnd if cuught they propose to lynch him, China Itrnily far l ight. London, July t). The Stnndard's corre spondent at Berlin learnsthattheChine.se government will neither send a circular note to the European powers nor invite any foreign mediation in the uorean mat ter. China views the menacing attitud of Japan with absolute composure. French FrUonera l'arilnnd. PARIS, July 6, President Caslmlr-Perler has pardoned 514 prisoners who were con nected with the late labor dllllcultle throughout France, in honor ot the nn tlonal fete (July 14, the unulversary of tl fall of the Bastilo) and his election. lnluClai Defeats Lariat. London, July 0. The race for th Princess of Wales' stakes, 10,000 guineas, run at New market, was won by A. Mc- Calmont's IslnglasH. Tho Duke of West minster's Iluliuigton wns second and Lord Roaebery s LaUas third. lltirilrau MireeeiU ( A lmlr-1'erler. PARIS, July 0, M. Augusto Burdeau Republican, was elected president of the hamber of deputies yesterday, to succeed M. Caslmlr-Perier, by a vote of S59 to 1S7 cast lor M. Henri Briason, Hadlqal. mSCEIXANEOUS. Oil BALE. A goo' Icebox, cheap. T)im n- StnnnTfrrth1c.il RU fnt wlrin ortA O f,nl. 11 llrr.IIIIHh'a anlnnn. rharfu nn.l fill..... a. fbenandoah, l'a. 7.6 tt ANTKD, A ulrl for frmcral homework. 11 nJ Mi HCIBC a AUtfc UU r UOIU, JlEltAUll rarch illlco, Wen Ut n're sti ct, Hheianfloah WNTRI). Two pood roattnakers nt Issao PefOWch's. 131 Vunt f?. tifrn Blw.nl Mshsnoy City, Pa. 7.3 8t I A' TED. Ten thousand quarts olhuckle. VI berries every day at 7 centsa mian. uoodman s. Duo , 33 Wet rertrr street. 20-tt Shenandoah, Pa, JUST ARRIVED. -nilltllNOI.OOY ANI PALMISTKY Mrs. I Dane, the great phrenologist n d 1 almlst, has arilved in sbonandenh nt.d will re.j am nt tbe Central Hou. e, corner Centre atd w-lte streets, for one week. Is a graduate of Fowler and Wells' Phrenological College, und as a palmist has eighteen years' practical cxperl- nee. uj a purenuiuKitKi uxmsiuaiioii you rill learn what vou tan be t studv. what propensities you sbould rulllvate and vhitt reiirain. iiy mo an 01 paimisiry lou will ti ,ve your future Ufa x la inert to you as set fort 1 by the line- ot y i:r band. 1 almlstry Is tbe only true and scti nlldc art by which the uturo can bo predicted. Qu'Stions answered concerning bublne, lovo and marriage. icrenoioiicai 1 laminations tor nines, sv cmsi rents. ;5 cents. All p rt es having a phrenological exmln tloncanbavo the tnnd eiamlned absolutely free of ctarcc. Call and bo convinced. I o humbug. 33d.. 33XOXXXXVXX'S Cool Resort, Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts. Boor, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Handfomo II r rixtutcs. "aslly Quickly. Permanently Rei"i!o WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS. DEBILITY, ntiu all the train of evil l ro 1 1 1 vn rl y c t ror or 1 a u. exct'er-"s, tbe results o o er v oi k, k i c k n e a worn .etc Fu'lstreiifftd levciopineni nnd .01 given lu err tk&v an' tvntttnn of the txd) Hlmplp, Until rr I mei aU Imn'elIaielinproTem(r won, Pntlnre fmpowMhl 2.'Mi rtrTonceri. P-k explanation an-t prtKJJ mailed (sealed) True. ERIE MEDICAL CO BUFFALO, N. . THEATRE : CAFE ! Formerly kept by Thos. Glbboas, Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah. Fresh and cool Heer always on tap. Wines, Liquors, Cigars. Costello & Cassidy, Proprietors. Home-Killed Beef. The only place In town to secure home- killed beef , guaranteeing choice nnd Juicy meat, nnd at the same price as Chicago oeef . Fresh veal, mutton, pork and lamb. Fresh sausage and bologna made every day. Finest steak, 2 lbs. 25c; rib roosts, 2 lbs. 25c; soup meats, 7 nnd fc; best veal, itc; iresn Home-made snusa ;, tuc Reuben IVEartira, 121 N. Main St., Shenandoah. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING 3vr. XiEj-xri, Formerly of Shenandoah, has opened a large clothing hall, Krotosky's old stand, No. 102 North Centre Street, P0TTSVILLE, PA., Where he will be pleased to greet his old friends from Shenandooh and vicinity. 1 7.00 buvB a handsome snrlni; suit, the latest style. Better ones for (10 nnd up. JAMES O. SAMPSEL, AGENT for the EVENING HERALD PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK DAILY PAPERS. Parties wishlne anvof there cacera delivered can leave ordertt hi Mux Kcese's. Douerhertv building. West Centre street. Closing Out Sale! 26 Goods Must Go Below In Straw Hat Given Away to (1.25 Kid Gloves for only 75c. 75o " " 40c. 50c " " S5c. Your Pants Are Afraid . Round the bottom. Pardon our noticing it, but we're frayed you don't realize how it spoils your otherwise faultless appearance. Any wny, we feel ns if we bad to tell you that you can get our finest pants from (3 to (3.50. Others ns low as 60 cents, We Have a Few Summer Suits For men, boys and children-neat and stylish which wevnll close out at low pricetLbetween now nnd the Fourth, All our coods are the best make nnd guaranteed to wear. W. Shines New Clothing Store, Simon Abrainson, Manager. 21 South Main tit., Shenandoah. HARTMAN STEEL PICKET FENCE Is tho choapest and best fence mado. Cheaper than a wooden fence for residences, lawns, cem etery lots or any kind of fencing M. 11. Masteii has the agency and carries it in stock at his. marble and granlto works, 127 N. JARDIN ST. IF TOU WANT ARTIFICIAL TEETH I OO TO TUB and get tbe best. A full set for tS, any site, shade, shape, and several hundred sets to select from. Their yitallHcl air bas no equal for patnlcf s extraction. All kinds fllling at reasonable prices. Don't fnrstt ifce number 100 North Centre Street, rOTTSVXLhE,PA. BOW jESST Saloon and Restaurant Formerly Michael Peters', 15 N. Main St., SlieJiHKdonli. Fresh acd cool beer always on tap. Finest wires, liquors and cigars. JAMES BOWES, Prop. 0 ROOF PAINTING promptly done with gV HAWTHORN'S U, S. KOOF PAINT by JO. TOST, Agent, 189 KastCoil itreet, Khenandoah. It lsthebest and only guarai tic paint against corrotlon, firo and every kind ot weather, tor metal, wooden and paper roc (8 and walls, nivn it s trial. LEAVING Photographer Mnrketand Centre Sts., PoTTSVlLLB. The best nhotoirraDhs in all the latest styles. Wondersleadsall photographers. WARREN J. PORTZ, a.iEuwKpian o Tuner. Pianos end organs re plrd. Orders left at 21 .i urth Main street, Sncnandouh, will receive orompt attention. (MAN'S GAFE MAIN AND COAL STS., Hbcnandoali, Pcuua 'Polite and Prompt Waiters. Xjfxcliois The greatest bargains in town for tho next thirty days will be found at the B.EW YORK Cosh Millinery Store. 29 North Main St., Shenandoah. Always on hand a full line of Children's caps, robes and outfits. Mourning Goods a specialty. URHi n w 1VDH, J. F. PL0PPERT, Bailies? and Cronfectionerp 29 East Centre Street, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Bread, Cakes, Confectionery and Vanilla, Chocolate and Straw berry Ice Cream and Soda Water. Wholesale and Retail. Orders for parties and other events filled on short notice. Ice cream delivered to all parts of town In pint or quart buckets. TOTJE. PHOTO Z Taken in Bret-class style at Linton '8 New Gallery T H N. PLUM ALLEY. Hear L. V. station. TINTY PEH, 2 for 25cl East Centre Stree. Cost Order to Quit Business. . Each Purchaser of Trimmings. (1.00 Corsets for only 75c. 75c " " 50c. 60c " " 33c. ft