The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 30, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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    Evening Herald.
Twins Brought Up cn Lactated Food,
Whi:h Has Sated tho Llres of Ticnsanis
cf Infan.e Througiout the Country.
Ml the Events ot the Day Told i
Bright and Spicy Paragraphs A
Record of To-day's Doings.
IKeoortta dr.llv from the Mahsnoy nty bureau
or ilieEvicHiNO iiarui.D.l
Mauanoy Citt. June 30.
Importing VlrclnlK'Mrgroea.
ScoTTUALK, I'n.. Juun30. The operators
seem determined to force the coke strike
to an early clow Five cnr loads of negroes
were skipped Into the region yesterday
and increased runs are reported nt tho
plants not runnlug full. The negroes
were shipped here direct from Virginia,
and a number of the men brought their
families with them. The outlook for the
strikers is dully proving more discourag-
A Tile Atmrclilit Threat.
PARIS. June 80. Two anarchists, rep
resenting themselves to be journalists.
visited tho man at Lyons who arrested
him flattering congratulations they in
JUIIU.U.U ., vUIled tho , nt Lyons who ar
10 mandolin and guitar club Is niaklug S(mto whon 1t) wn, try)nK to escape
!ll5.ntTOT" UI1,lert,ie ttor9hlnof .tabbing President Carnot. After of
. T. J. Watson, ., ,,?. . ....,i..,i..
?&2,tlffi ducedhlmtoglve them hi, photograph.
Sad eyed mo'hers with frail, sickly
babies that seem made for any world but
this hard one, should cheer up.
There is a way of making puny little
ouch thrive and grow fat and strong and
Lactated food Is praised by thousands
of mothers of robust children that were
once weak and feeble, and even despaired
of. Lactated food makes weaning an
easy task.
Tho twin babies of Mr. T. II. Hickens,
of Atlantic Highlands, N. J whose
pictures are given above, were brought
up entirely on lactated food, which him
saved the lives of thousands of little
ones whoso mothers have been uuable to
nurse them at the breast.
The great dispensaries, nurseries, and
homes for children uso lactated food. It
eaves babies' lives. Can bo had at any
druggist's. It is always pure, keeps per
fectly, and Is not affected by nge or tem
perature. Sugar of milk is the basis of mother's
milk, and ll Is the basis of lactated food.
With It Is combined pute barley malt, the
finest wheat gluten, nnd the nutritious
elements of the oat. It Is thoroughly
cooked by high steam heat, and a pre
dlgested, nutritious food that fulfills
every requirement of the growing child
is the result. There is no secret about it.
It is simply a food.
Thousands of happy infants have been
brought up on it.
McGinty left for Atlantic City and New
iorK to-uay.
fluana r.U Rliortvlnirpr. Edith Snell
enburg. Mame Carter, Elva Brendlo and
Thomas Samuels tpent Thursday even
lng at Aohlnnd.
Harry Dornslfe, one of Hutler's polltl
clans, was in town yesterday.
Carl Kenycher, one of the entries for
the park contest, met with a slight acci
.I-.,, Uui vvi-iiltiir while training on
Centre street. A dog got In the way of
the blcvcle. The rider was thrown and
sustained several bruises and the wheel
was considerably uamageu.
John G. Scott, of Krackvllle, was
town visitor last evening.
Mrs W. A. Lattlmore. of St. Clair. Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. D. A. Sell
man. of this place.
Thomas Davidson visited friends at
Mahlon Gerber, the coal operator of
Tainnnua, passed through town yeBterday
on his way to Gllberton.
Mind PaiIii-Iiim Plillllns. the well known
soprano of this place, leaves for Drlfton
on Monday.
Moses Morvine, of Glrardvllle, visited
friends in town to-uay.
James Phillips had onoof his eyes In
jured by a piece of coal Hying from a pick
George Stern and Miss Emma Ferg
were married by Rev. II. A. Keyser at
the parsonage.
Tha Kaler Hrewtng Company celebrated
its fourth anniversary yesterday
The outing of the Fish and Game Pro
tective Ai-soclntlon will oe neiu at i,hkc
side nn Tuesdav. Julv 17th. The follow.
ing committee of arrangements has been
appointed: W. A. Uen'ingcr, KrantK
W'olir, John MincliolT, David H. Dress.
Dr, 11. H llncker, Christ. Lugan and
Charles Hrowiiniiller. The following are
new members: E. A. Grillllh. G. W. John
ton. Dr. H. G. Ileitzel. J J. Frsney. I'. .1
! Ferguson. Thomas Glover. B. It. Severn,
George II. Krlck and .1. H. Huwley
They then abandoned their disguise and
told him that his fate was sealed.
CoralnK Kvents.
Jnlv 17. Ice cream and bean soup
festival In Kobblns' ball, under the nus'
pices or the women's iienei (jorps.
July 81. Ice cream festival and bazar,
nnder the ausnlces of Camp 40. P. O, of
T. A., In Kobblns' hall.
Atianrt. 1. Ten cream festival In Itob-
bins' onera house, under the auspices of
tho "J. A. C."
Julv 3. Ice cream festival under the
ntlsnlcea of Hone Section Pioneer Corns.
T n" nf Tl Mr n' It. rinl.tilfia nnori Hmian
Jtiiv IB. Ich cream and fruit festival.
in Ilobblns' opera house, under auspices
of tho Welsh Uantlst Sunday school.
Jnlr 1!). 20. ill. llflzaar of Nations, in
Ilobblns' opera house, under auspices of
tno ii. l . i. u.
Julv 17. Grand Musical Entertainment.
18th anniversary of Shenandoah Valley
Encamnment. No. 258. 1. O. O. F Fergu
son's Theatre.
i Dives, Pomeroy & Stewai
An Allmrnil Ahscnndlnr Forsrsr.
ItUSSKLLSVILLE, ky., Juno 80. The Lo
gan Uouuty Deposit anu iiusseusviiie
banks, of this city, G. W. Davidson,
banker, of Auburn, and many farmers
are mourning the sudden departure ot Dr.
II. F. Taylor from McLcod. 1 1 1 is reported
that he has forged n.wo of their checks.
He is tho sou of a minister. lie left u wife
and child.
Unionists DlAcliarffit.
Heading, Pa., June 30. The Philadel
phia and Heading Itailroad company yes
terday afternoon discharged four men
who are members ol tne iirollieruoou oi
Railway Trainmen, nnd this has led to the
belief, founded upon good information,
that the rule regarding the non-employ-
ment of union men Is nbout to be strictly
Ills Name Is Bntn Caaerlo.
ROME. June 30. It Is the Italian custom
In official documents to place the family
name first and the baptismal name sec
ond. This caused confusion In regard to
the name of the assassin of President Car
not. Ills niiinu is Santo Caserlo. Santo
is the Christian name, while Caserlo Is the
Koucli .Must Die.
TRENTON. June 30. The court of errors
bos affirmed the decision of the supreme
court in denying a new trial to John Koc
cls, the Hungarian of this city who laht
summer murdered Mary Majolis, his mis
tress. Koecis will next week be resen
tenced to death.
Best G-oods,
X-cyvegrt Prices.
Strict jQLtte30.tio:
Stepping Stones to Success.
Vhen Baby was sick, we gave her Costorla.
Vhen alio was a CU1I J, she cried for Cartorla.
Then h became JIIss, she clung to Carter!
Vteu aha had Children, she gnTOthem CaatorU.
Get yonr repairing
done at Holder
MTr HE wonderful bargains we are always giving-
-- Rpptii r.rpelitn Vi1e Vinf nrr npvprr tiplnco 4vno T?anr1
fleet and act ! At our Dress Goods Department, turl
goods. into money, is the order of the day. Profit mutl
wait 'till the crisis is past. Summer Dress Goods
every conceivable idea. No matter what the fashion (but
must be the latest,' as we carry no old fashioned floods)
can match it right up to date in - stylish fabrics. Silks 1
kinds, all prices, all qualities. In this line we are able!
give striking bargains, having procured some rare offers.
HastinKS will probably pull through.
They have a clublltuh out in Denver,
whatever ihat Is.
Loyal Fr nchmen will all wear cassi
mere now, of course.
Wanted A thermometer that will do
business on the ground iloor.
The song of the shopper these days:
"In the sweat liny and liny."
The Pullman car boycott is causing a
good many people to lose sleep.
The troops who marched up the hill to
Panxsntnuney can now march down
Col. Singerly might as well run against
.. Caslmer-Perier, while he has hlscheck
book out.
Whv walk out of vour wav to find a
thermometer so that you can swear at the
wcatuer r
Nntlnrikr that Senator Hill has said
nb nit the Wilson bill is s rough as what
Mr Ilarrlty's convention rciuseu to say
about it.
So much emphasis Is laid on the fact
taat Col. Singerly Is a "clean" Democrat
that one might be led to think that it
wasn't customary.
A nress renort of Col. Urecklnridgo1
last meeting says: "A number of ladles
were present. He made his usual speech.
What r More suits l
The labor leader In tho House of Com
-mans obiects to conuratulatiug Queen
Victoria on her new grandchild. He pro
bably suspects that it will be the occasion
lor auotuer appropriation.
When tho Commonwealcrs begin to
liave each other arrested for stealing the
nrmv horses. Isn't It about lime lor some
body to gently whisper to the Populist
brethern t hat this system or ruuulug
campaign is nbout played out)1
Don't Tobaocc Spit or Smoke your Lire A wav
lathe truthful, startllnc title of a little book
tbat tells ull nbout No-lobaC, the wonderful,
harmless (iuaruntceit tobacco habit cure. The
cost Is trilling and tho man who tmnts to nult
and can't runs no physical or nnnudal rink In
..slnx "No to-bac ' Hold by all druggists,
tlnnlx nt rime stores nr bv mall free. Address
The Sterling Kemedy Co., Indiana Stlneral
Springs, lnd. was-iy
It IS llfHlltlf ll
The handsomest Illustrated brochure of
the season has Inst been issued by deorge
H. lleafl'ord. General Passenger Agent, of
the Chicago, MllwnuKee anu at. ran
ltailwav. elvinir a woman s onluiou
the compartnieut sleeping cars run on the
solid vestlbuled cloctric llghted trains of
that line, between Chicago, Milwaukee,
Kilboum-Oity (The Dells of Wisconsin),
Lacrosse. Winona. St. Paul and Miiine
npolls. Contaius time table of theexpress
trains to and rrom points auovo named,
as well as between Chicago. Cedar Riipltls,
DesMolnes. Sioux C'ltv. Council Muffs
and Omaha, gives the sleeping nnd parlor
ctr rates Irom Uhlcago to nil principal
nolnts west. Write to Jonn 11. full
District Passenirer Agent. Willianisnort,
Pa., for one of tliem, nnd a new map of
the United States, furnished free, "o-lw
I have two little grandchildren who
are teething this hot summer weather and
are troubled with bowel complaint. 1
give them Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
Diarrhoea Remedy aud it acts like
charm. I earnestly recommend It for
children with bowel troubles. I whs HIV
self taken with ft severe attack of bloody
mix. with cramps and pains in m;
stomach, one-third ot a bottle of th
remedy cured me. Within twenty-four
Hours i was out, oi ieu anu uoing my
house work, Mrs. W. L. Duuagan, Bon
aqua, Hickman Co., Tenu. For sale by
Urunier uros.
Sometime auo I was troubled with an
ttnnk of rheumatism. I used Chamber
lain's Pain Halm and was completely
ured. I have since advised mauy oi my
friends Hiid customers to try the remedy
ud nil speak highly ot it. feimou iioiu-
banm. Snn Luis Hey. Cat. For sale by
Grubler Uros.
The Ainrnrtrd liir.IT Hill Krported to the
WAruiKoiDN, .' - ie HO. The considera
tion of the turill V , which was begun by
the senate In the committee of the whole
on April 2, was at completed yester
day, and nt r,:l." p. m. the bill was favor
ably reported I it the senate as amended.
u view ot the fact that senntors asked
some little time to examine the bill as
amended, nnd on account of the general
desire for a short respite from the long
seige to which they have been subjected.
the senate then adjourned over until .Mon
day, when the llnnl struggle over the bill
will occur in the senate. No unusual in.
clileut marked the close of tho consider
ation of the bill in committee. The main
feature of the dny was the debate on the
section providing for tho repeal of the
reciprocity provlsii ii' f the McKiuley law.
This section was amended so as to provide
for tho continuation of the existing reel
procltv nrrnngements. except where In
consistent with other provisions of the
bill. An attempt was mado by Mr. Poller
to havo a now section ndded Imposing a
tax of (50 on all immigrants coming to
the United States, but it was voted down,
as was an amendment of Mr. Gallifiger
looking to compelling trade concessions
from Canada.
With the exception of a short time the,
day in the house was consumed by nil
buster over the contested election case of
Wutson against IJlnck, of the Tenth
Geowla district. The tnnglo was finally
straightened out and the resolution uf
the committee on elections declaring Mr.
Mack elected was agreed to, only the Pop
ullsts dissentiug.
8100 Itewnrd,
The Shenandoah Ilaso Hall Association
will give HUO reward for information that
will lead to the arrest nud conviction of
the party or parties who set fire to the
grand stand at the Shenandoah Trotting
7,.'tf President.
Knerlul low nrices to all in watches,
Jewelry and silverware At Holdermsn's,
corner mbiu auu uiuj u uki.
Lord Chnrles J. F. Hussell, son of the
sixth duke of Bedford, died at London,
aged 87.
The yacht Vlgllnnt's flrBt race in him
land will be on July 7, when she will con
test for the queen's cup.
All the window glass factories in the
United States closed down today for the
usual summer suspension.
The Loudon Snorting Life announces
that Frank Slavin has accepted an offer
of Jako Kilraiu to box for il.lKW a side.
Leander Hlchardsoii, charged with as
saulting J. T. Stillivnn, Hose Cogblan's
husband, at Xew York, was discharged
ly the court.
Members of the Otnlndlua Sentvnoeil.
PllAOtIK, June 80. The Czech youths,
Kolicko. Maleilcek nnd Schutz, w
found guilty of lurking round tno not
burir. in Vienna, lust Murch, for the pur
pose of stabbing the emperor, ami thu
avenging tho imagined wrongs of tin
Omladlna, fccliultz was sentenced tr
thirteen months' imprisonment. The
other two were sentenced to terms oi
twelve years each.
Wlmml SHU In .Tall.
New YoriK, June 80. Application for a
certificate of reasonable doubt in tho case
of Krastus Wimon, tho convicted forger.
was to havo been made before Justice
Barrett, in the supreme court chambers
yesterday, but by consent of counsel in
both sides the application was posipopei
until July 9 next. In tho interim Wlmnn
will remain in tho lombs. .
Is the cheapest and beat fence made. Cheaper
than a wooden fence for residences, lawns.cem
etery lots or any kind of fencing M. II. Masteu
has the agency nnd carries tt in stock at his
marble ana grunue -worss. izj h. iAKUm ai.
Saloon and Restaurant,
Formerly Michael Peters',
15 N. Ittalu St., Huenurrinah,
Fresh and cool beer alwaih on tap. Fines
wires, liquors and cigars.
ESTIl Y'D. On tf.o 22nd Insi .awh'tocow,
eight yers o d, f'eward wl 1 be paid for
return to Charles Kuswaltc, m I'enn ra.
A TKD.- Tep thousand quarts ol huckle
berries every oay at i ! nisa quart
0 20-11
OODHAN & liltO ,
33 WeetCentr- street,
Hhenandoun, 1'a.
TOK HALE CHEAP Nil fans snd water
' miter motor, well suited for saloon pur-
i uie, iu i
tscnoene ,
6-39 It
It la now reported as Incontestable thai
B bribe of 100,000 p.igodaslgold, slUernnd
diamonds) was offered to Lnbourduiinals
during the French attempt to wrest the
Indian empire from the F.tiglish for Franco
Tea d'lnking prevails to n very large
extent among persons of literary habits.
It is not only n pleasant brain bracer, but
Is harmless as well.
A mot of n fimnll boy, n 5 yenr-"ld, i
that he can brnth ilia hair "good, all but
making the cruel"."
New York Will Honor Cnrnot.
New York, June 20. M. Thlebaut,
French consul In this city, has been in
structed by bis government' to organize u
memorial servlco in honor of the late pres
ident of the French republic, and has ac
cordingly issued to the federal, state aud
city authorities, the consular body and
tho members of the rrench colony an in
vitation to bo present. Tho uatiounl fun
eral of President Cnrnot being celebrated
In Paris, at the Cathedral of the Xotre
Dame, tomorrow, it is the wish of thegov
ernment to have oil similar ceremonies
celebrated In foreign couutrlos on the
slime day. The archbishop df Now York
has placed the cathedral at the disposi
tion Of tho COUhlll.
bono or Tin: m;ason.
To refresh yourt elf 'midst dally tolls,
For goou, rare rosss snd elegant broils,
For everything good in the matter of 'ood,
To McKlbenny's Cafe take nil your brood.
You are cooled by the fans while the stews are
You uatlsfy yourtelf with tho best from tho
i oe.
And ibis Irr nnenlcurn Is the very best lot.
Aud for mBn, woman vouth and the tlsylot.
Yrni may go many miles ard climb over stiles.
Vut un hie money counted out in piles.
Ana you won't foro better nor get served as
Asyoi Hill by patronizing McKlbenny's sa
(Corner White and Centre streets I
Mornlrg, night and noon.
poses; alo three second hand pool
?ooa conaiuen. Auorees, ji, i-r
Jbensrdoah, Pa.
ChnK toj.50rcr week using and selling Old
LdZS Reliable I'Uter Fvery family has
rusty, worn knives, forks, spoons eto Quickly
niaieu oy aipnng in xueiicu meiui.
i erlence or hard w rk; a good situation. Ad
dress W P Harrison & Co , Clerk No. M, Col
umbus, Ohio.
TXKCUTOlt'rt NOTICE. Estate of John A.
.Hi hwalm. late if the Korough ol Bhenan-
u.,ah In the county of (Schuylkill, nnd Biate of
Pennsylvania, deceased. All persons inoenv a
in MAta esttitn are rrnues ed to mako lmmt diatt
payment, nnd thifce having legal claims nralnst
me same win prcseui in iu wimuu, miuj, w
rroper order for settleteent, to 11. A Swalm
and A, H. Swalm, excoutors, Hhenandonb.
o-ou oi-ouw
Important to Capitalists.
A firm of well-known Silk manufacturers de-1
sire a building erected fortbelr uss Inn pro-1
cretslve town of abi,ut 20 0 0 Inbubitants, not
over 300 miles fiom New York and In locality I
whem there is no other silk mill. This build-1
Ing Mould be leased for a term of of years on a
percentage on Investment snd wtuld rot only
prove a uo-irame imerpriet) jur suj ,-uuiwiibw
but ft'fo of adianlafO to Ihelown in which It Is
located Wter power prefeneo. dd'ess,
Hilk Mai ufacturer, care Ueibert llootb King
& nro , k urcBQway, i cw xorK. u-m-ji.
Prnnosals will be resolved bv the Centralis I
Iloroutl Council until 7 o'clock p. m on J ily
lllh, 16M, for ihe erection of a tw.i-sp-ry hose
houce, 25xJ0feet. Council reerve the right I
lo refce sny or an dius. i-iuoh huu spetiuta-
lion can be seen on application to
HEUUfN r-AllK'WUPlt,
Chairman of Commute
I'DWAnD Heese, President. 8 28-31-eod
With us this is one of our liveliest departments. M
summer bargains are here. Now is the time to buy milli'nS
for little money and the olrers are of unusual important:!
Hats or Bonnetstrimmed or untrimmed at lowest prices.
Ladies' Ready-made Suits you never bought stylif-?
tailored suits as you'll buy them here. An over-sanguin.J
over-stocked ready-made suit house, short of cash, unloac
several hundred suits to us at less tnan Halt their origin,
prices and they go to you the same way. See, save.
Eton Blazer and Reefer Suits in duck, serge, etc., 98c i
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
C. Geo, Miller, Manager.
Your Pants
Are Afraid . .
Hound the bottom. Pardon our noticing it, but we're frayed you i
realize how it snoiis your otherwise faultless annearance. Anvwav. wel
as If we had to tell you tbnt you can get our finest panto from f3 to ll
uincrs ns low ns ou cents.
We Have a Few Summer Suits
For men. boys nnd children nent nnd stylish which we will close out
low prices between now and the Fourth. All our goods are the best mail
anu guaranteed to wenr.
W. Shines New Clothing Store,
Simon AbraniBon, Manacer. 21 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Home-Killed Beef.
29 Centre Street,
Atliither ('uiiveiittim of Mllieri.
PniLLIl'sliUKO, I'd., .Iiine.lO. At a meet
ing of the representatives of tho miners ot
this dlstrloi, held here yesterday after
noon, It wns decided to issue a call lor a
general convention of tho miners of cen
tral Pennsylvania, Virginia and Mary-
laud. The call for the convention fixes
the basis of reprei-enntiou at one delegate
to every 100 miners. Work is being re
sumed in the Clearfield district nt all
the mines in which the compromise rate
of forty-five cents a ton is being paid,
anil seven mines are in operation nt pres
ent. In the Ueecli Creek region the men
refuse to return to work until u majority
of the operators consent to pay tho same
Snntn Unrepentant.
Ltonb, June SO. Santo remains un'e-
peutant. He spentunf his crime nscalmly
as though It wasorellnary occurrence. The
prisoner lies In bed for hours, saying nolle
lng to his guards. He answers ordinary
questions timidly, bin he hns a ilerce ap
pearance, and directly unarchUm is men
Honed he replies iu harsh, emphatic
Tin Date Workers Quiet.
PlTTBDI HO, June 80. There will be nr
more conferences on the Amalgamated
tin plate scale, as the manufacturers have
either signed nr are preparing to sign un
derail agreement for another ooufureiiei
when the tarilt bill Is passed. The sheet
mills will shut down tonight torn month.
No serious strike is anticipated.
A nostal card to the registrar will bring
the lSO-natre venr book, showing the five
departments college, Academy, ljniies'
Institute, ahihio r-eliool anil ATI uetinrt-
mi'nt--niid cuts of the ten buildings, of
liut-knell University at l.ewlsburg. fa.
Next year begins September 13, lbfij. 4t
llesrt Disease ltelitveil Iu 30 Minutes.
Dr. Agnew's cure for the heart gives
i erfect relief in all cases of organic or
sympathetic heart disease in 80 minutes,
nud speedily effects a cure. It is a peer
loss remedy for palpation, shortness ot
breath, smothcrliicr snells. nuin in left
side and all symptoms of a diseased heart.
une nose convinces, tout ty j, jh. Jul
ian. w4s6fl"'y
Hotel Kaler. Mabanoy City, Charles
llurcblll, proprietor. The best arranged
hotel in the county. Convenient to all
railroads. Excellent management. tf
"Many of (he citizens of Ralnsvllle, In
dlunn.nre never without a bottleof Cham'
berlaln's Cough Remedy In the house,",
si.ys Jacob iirown, tne lenuing meicnuut
of the place. This remedy has proven of
so much value for colds, croup and whoop
Inir couuh in children tbnt few mothers
who know its worth are willing to be
without it. For pale by Grubler llros.
USK WKlAu' IiAlNDItY llLUE, the best
Blueing for laundry use. Kach pnokage
makes two - quarts, IS eta. Sold by
Mnsser & uetltlall.
formerly of Shenandoah, has opened a
large clothing hall, Krotosky's old stand.
No. 102 North Centre Street,
Where he will be pleased to greet his old I
friends from Shenandoah and vicinity. I
$7.00 buys a hnndsome spring suit, the I
latest style, iietter ones lor flu ana up.
Parties wishing any of there papers delivered
csn leave orders at Max Iteeae u, Dougherty
Duuoing, wemiemre street.
The only Dlace In town to secure home-
killed beef, guaranteeing choice and iuicy
meat, and at the same price as Chicago
beef. Fresh veal, mutton, pork nnd lamb.
Fresh sausage and bologna made every
day. Finest steak, 8 lbs. 25c; rib roasts,
2 lbs. 25c; soup meats, 7 and ?c; best veal,
He; iresn nome-maue Bausa. :, iuc.
Reuben IVZartin7
121 N. Main St., Shenandoah.
and get the best. A full set
tor IS. any sire, shade, shape,
and several hundred sets to
select rrom. Their vltallzea
air has no equal (or painless
extraction. All kinds inline
it reasonable nrices. Don't rnreet tne numoer
1H North Centre Htrcet. J-OTTjsriitJf, A.
Hlicnniiclonli, Pciiun.
''Polite and Prompt Waiters.
The ureatest barualns in town for the
next thirty days will be found nt the
Cosh Millinery Store.
ROOF PAINTING Promptly done with
JV.m "S"OJE3T, Agent,
1S9 East Octl street, Bhensndoah. It la the heat
and only guarsn tee pslnt against corrosion, Ure
snd ever? kind of westner, for meul, wooden
snd psper roofs and walls, tilve It a trlsl
Hear In Mlutl
Johf A. Itellly's is the place to get the
purest wlnea and liquors, best beer and
ales and finest brands of cigars.
Market and Centre Bts., Pottsvillb,
The best photographs in all the latest
styles, womiers jenus an pnotograpuera,
S9 North Main St., Shenandoah.
Always on hand a full line of Children's
cups, robes ami outllts.
Mourning Goods a specialty,
KttHi O, W. M VDK. protest attention.
MaiPiano Tuner,
PUsob and orisns rerslrfd. Orders left at
ill North Main street, Shensndosh.-wlll receive
Bread, Cakes, Confectionery i
Vanilla, Chocolate and
berry Ice Cream and Soda W
Wholesale and Retall.j
Orders for parties and other events fill
on short notice. Ice cream delivered
all parts of town lu pint or quart bucket
Does Your Roof Lectin
If It does, now is the time to have it done j
Thos. Waters, Jr.,
Has returned to Ktenandoah with the best re i
ami on me mantel, ana is prepared to do 1 1
All work cuitranteea Orders will reeel-1
prompt attention II leu at iiehald oraco or 1
310 WEST CHXTltll ST11EET,
Taken In Srst-clsss Btjle at
Linton's New Gallery
Hear L.V. station. TINTYPES, 2 for
Licensed to clean
Work done on lnstallmert plan
Centralis. Pa
Licensed to clean
Cess Pools, Out Houses
Work done In nrst class manner Ordr-a In
man promptly aitennoa to. uraera may auo J
DeieiiM nm.ji eiswenaer a livery sutDie, We