The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 30, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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    Don't De 3 1..
Uy those who ftcr sub-
stitutcs for Cottolcnc. 1?
Its success has been so Si
phenomenal that numer- jS
ous imitations are now 3?
being offered which are
good. All tnese S
Imitations ?i
lack the intrinsic merit of i
Cottolene and will rirove 3
disappointing and disa- :3S
greeablctothoscwhouse 2
them. These counterfeits
Ldiffer widely from Cotto-
llene and are mere 2l
when compared to the
reliable shortening Cot- :
tolene. Save money, an
noyance and your health
bvr. C. sing all substitutes :
off v d to take the place
of O'ttolenc.
IZ Sold three and five round pfliia.
Mode only by
Innsylvania railroad
sonnTLKiLL Division.
JUNE 3d, 1614.
line will leave Shenandoah after the aboi e
or wig gan'B, Hllberton, FrackTUIo. Nev
, at. uiair, I'ottsvuie, Hamburg, Keiainp .
bwni Phcenlxvlllc. Norrlstown and Phil
J la Broad street station) at 0:00 and l:'r
nd4 15p. m. on weekdays ForPotV
lad Intermediate stations 9; 10 a. m. -r
Wlggan's, Ullberton, Frackvllle, Ne
Fo, St. Clair, Pottsville at 0:00. 9:10 a. r
BslOp. m. For Hamburg, Reading, Pott'
i. Fhoentxvllle. Norrlstown. Ph'ladelnt' a
1.00, 8 '10 a. m., 3:10 p.m.
rains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah r
Ii a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p. tr
days, II IS a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
;ave Pomvllle for Shenandoah at 10:
Ri8a. m. andl 40,7:15 and 10:00 p. m. Sunday
0:40a. m. and 6:15 p.m.
I.eavo Philadelphia (Uroad street station)
kmanaoan at r t7 ana era a a, 10 ana 7 11 p
Iveelr div Hn Sunrtav at 0 Ml m.
B.CHVO liroad StreetHtatlon. Philadelphia,
"'or New York. Express, week dav,
13 20, 4 05, 4 50, 6 IS, 50, 7 S3, 8 20. S 50, 11 Of'
III am, u uu noon, u a p. m, oimitea tlx
'sa 1 06 and 1 12 p m. dining cars 1 1 i:
, 8 20, 4 00, 6 00, 00, 8 60, J 13, 818
ilpm, 12 01 night. Sundays 8 20. 4 05. 4 SO
' 8 12, 9 0, 1(03 a m,12 44, 1 40, 2 80, 00 (Um
1422IK2IL S W). 7 13 anil RUnm 12ulnteht.
fcxprm j for Boston, without change, 11 a m,
I eicunvfl. ana i on n m u&nv.
man Pftrlnr Hum Irn lllnlnir nrl nil
. 7 411 n. m.. 12ftt tilcht WMlr rtvn. Him
a .J HI 7 .11 31H II IH II I . m 111 .HU
Hvnan Kin B n m II HI Qntitn!... nnTnl
. Wlldwood and Holly Ueaoh. express.
rmrosi. J. a. nu'jii
I utpir 'IRr a l
Where you can always get
a glass of
III I I 1 L I ' 111!
Whiskeys, etc. Don't forget the place.
T. I. Itellly's,
Locust Avenue, CENTIIALIA, PA
Stop at
200 North Centre Street., n11 ,w, T llnlnr .vrv.
too Oloetxxoci !
UUDUCUlUri UUUOVi Will uu won Wf
can on or aaareas
I LAW UIHUIAI HU bUII Unt 4 -. nb-
33 East Coal Street.
n, H. Severn, F K. JlaRargle. W. H. Waters
Clojlns out l hit aeaton'a good, to make room.
F. H. CADY, Providence, h.
P.St? U Jug S:
o juu r? tea Una
lljSkiMiOEL Bis
vuon unaoie to Down xoung
Griffo ia Twenty Bounds.
GrlrTn, Though n IIiizad rnanill Ilffnrler
Than the Colored Feathorwelght, Would
llav. Hon D.ff ated Had It Ueen as Ftnlth
Boston. June 80. Five thousand spec
tators witnessed one of the prettiest flRhts
aver held in this city at the Casino last
night. John L. Sullivan and Paddy Hyan
were very conspicuous In the front rows,
and Sullivan wns continually running to
Griffo's corner with tips and suggestions
for the Australian. Dixon was in grand
shape, and presented a strange contrast
to the burly GrifTo. The latter seeniod
overfat, and his heavy form created the
exprcislon that Dixon would have a hard
tussle to win, hut here was where the col
ored lad proved his sameness and adroit
ring tactics. lie was cuffed and slapped
and cut about the faco by his heavier op
ponent, but on more than one occasion
during the twenty rounds it looked as
thouch his left hand would finish the
Griffo is a great fighter, andnomistako,
but the Impression gained from the battlo
of last night is that at anywhere near even
weight the colored boy would win. GriiTo
tipped the beam at 135 pounds, while Tom
O'Kourke told the newspapermen present
that Dixon weighed 12.1 pounds. Referee
Jonhnnr Eckhardt's decision of a draw
was the only decision that could bo ren
dered, but the real honors are Dixon's,
Both men started in with an evident
determination to make quick work of his
adversary, punching beginning In the first
round. In the second round Griffo re
ceived warning from Mr.Eckhardt that he
must refrain from 'Tuning with his el
bow on the negro's chin. He did as re
quested, and needed no further lnstruc
From the third to the eighth round
there was terrific fighting on both sides.
At the end of the seventh round both
were fagged out, and Dixon's nose was
when the men were called for the ninth
round Dixon's smile had returned, and as
he rushed GriiTo to his corner he laughed
nloud at some warning given to the Aus
tralian by one of his handlers. JIany
blows were struck on each side, though
but little damage resulted. Both were
fighting hard at the sound of tho gong.
In tho tenth round tho spectators were
treated to a minute's slugging match, and
before one could hardly disentanglo tho
Blows that had landed the men had broken
away and wero in the center.
Hounds 11, 13 and 18-were very even,
but a repetition of their predecessors.
Dixon would lead, Grifto would duck, or
if not would meet his opponent with a
punch on the eye or nose. Dixon would
back away anil repeat the performance,
sometimes landing on Griffo's body, which
was an ugly red In patches. Thus tho
battle continued until the last round.
In round 20 and last there was a furious
two minute exchange of blows, in which
the honors were divided, and then a walk
around the ring. The pair had fought
their fight of lights, and at the finish they
shook hands and laughed good natureuly
at one nnother. The referee declared the
affair drawn.
Fatal Firs In Ilrboklyn.
Brookltn, June SO. Fire last evening
destroyed the Woodruff stores, a Ave story
hrick structure on Furman street, causing
$1,075,000 loss. During the progress of the
fire the soutn wall Of a warehouse fell
with a terrific crash. Four employes of
the Ferry company Svere on a trestle work
which runs through the yard. They wera
playing a hosq on the company's property
when the wall fell. Three of them were
caught benenth the falling wall, while tho
fourth jumped and escaped. A rescu
ing party was formed, which In a short
tune succeeded iu bringing their limp
bodies out of the debris. Two of them
had been killed outright, while tho third
man received injuries which will prob
ably result in his death. The dead are
John C. Barrow, aged 23, and James I
Prentice, aged i. bamuel Solan, who
had his right leg cut off, will die.
New York's Corrupt I'nllco Ofllclnls.
New YoiiK, June 30. The pollco com
missioners at their meeting yesterday de
cided to follow out the terms of the reso-
Jution adopted'by the .board on the 6th
Inst. That resolution empowered Super
intendent Byrnes to Investigate, and pre
fer charges against whom charges have
been made before the Lexow committor.,
ComniIoner Murray violently oppon-d
this resolution, and moved as an amend
ment the superintendent confer with Com
missioner Lex.ow before taking any steps
lu the matter. The amendment was lost,
Commissioners Martin and Sherln voting
against it. '
Deserting the Crulaer New York.
New York, June 30. Today's Press
says: The crulseV New York, which is ly
ing at anchor 'olT.Stapleton, L. I., is Bald
to have lost sixty of her crew by desertion
tince-her arrival. The trouble Is said to
have been, caused by a too strict executive
officer, wlio,. Instead of applying a mild
puinshme'nt for mild breaches of discip
line, court martlal.ed the offenders. Lieu
tenant lleald is the officer of Whom Jnck
complains. They say his idea of discip
line are drawn too taut to Milt any sailor.
. , Carnnt the Victim of a IMof.
MAnsEliS.Efi, June 30. The police have
made great progress in Investigating the
murder of President Carnot, and it Is now
clearly established that a regular plot, in
which a number of people were concerned,
existed to assassinate the president. It
has been ascertained that the final meet
ing of the conspirators took place at
Cette, and that Ce'sario Santo was there,
chosen by lot, to oominit tfie murder. The
arreft of Sahto'a accomplices is expected
hourly. . '
'Kllralil Wftitts to Fight Slavln.
Baltimore, JupeSO. JakeKilraln.who
has not appeared in the rlug .since his
memorable encounter with Sullivan at
Itlchhurg, Miss., announces his intention
to re-enter the pugilistic profession. He
believes he is as good a man as ever. He
hopes to get firt whack at Slavln upou
the latter's return from Kngmuil.
Iteaumeil After (Tliri- Miintba.
Beswood, W. Va., June 30. The big
Illvcrdde Iron works here, which havo
been Idle about three months, were put lu
full operatiou yesterday. The large blast
furnaces went ou last night. The mills
tmploy 4,000 hands, who are wrklug 3u
Knights of Labor scale.
By unsightly skin and blood dis
eases. Is there hope of cure?
Cuticura Resolvent
Is the greatest of skin purifiers,
As well as blood purifiers.
Because of its peculiar action on
the pores,
It is successful in curing
Torturing, disfiguring, humiliating
When the usual remedies and even
The best physicians fail.
Entirely vegetable, innocent, and
It especially appeals to those who
Suffered long and hopelessly.
It acts upon the liver, kidneys, and
bowels as well as upon the
skin and blood.
Its use at this season
Insures a clear skin and pure blood,
As well as sound bodily health.
It is the only Purifier acting on the
Skin and Blood at the same
Bold throughout th world. Trice, CuTicuni,
tOc.j BoiF.aic.i Kioi.vbst,1. riiTTinDRCu
AMD Chim. coup., Solo rroprletom, l!oton.
" now to Cure Sain and Wood llomori," free.
47-Faclnl Illcml alien, falllaft hair and aim.
pie baby raihea prevented by Cuticurn Noa.
If tired, aching, nervous
mothers knew the comfort,
strength, and vitality In Cuticura
FUstxri, they would never ba
without them.
lleunlnn of Hniii ntl Cnrri'iMi(ltiitt
PiiiLADEi.rniA, .Tunt'30. ArransemiMitH
are being made for a reunion of corre
spondents wlii werent Ilompstpad dur
inK the fanion t-ieiro of "Fort Krick" two
years nco. Tu- event is to lake place in
this city on July II, the second anni
versary of the riot, and Is to hi. a' funded
by newspapnr men from this city, New
York, Pittsburg, Scranton, Haltiim-re,
WashlUKtou and other cities. The princi
pal guest of the occasion will'he .Maj r
General (ieorae It Snmvden, who whs m
command of the trimps at HnmrMi'ud.
An agreeable Laxative and Nebve Toircc.
Bold by-Drugglsta or sent by mall. 23C., 60c
and 81.00 per package Samples freo,
TTf Wlfi Tho Favorlto TOOIH TOWEIS
Captain Sweeney, TJ.S.A.,SanDlefro,Cal.,
Bays: "Shllok's Catarrh Itcmedy is tho first
mcdlclno I havo over found that would do mo
any good." rrlcoCOcts. Sold by Druggists.
Trrts Gbeat Conon Ctntu promptly cures
where all others fall. ForConaumntlonlthaS
no rival; baa cured thousands, and will cmra taken ia'Jme, fries 25 cii., 5ai..Jl.0O.
Sold by C. II. Hsgenb'ach, Shenandoah.
n win a n
Andn SlulT of Able Aslslnuls.
Home Offices, 1317 ARCH St
(I.H: Weil, and -at. Kvca., tt-li: Sundays,
F nimneinniiL. noun uuiiv. vm r.vui.
IV9'- lllttM'll (ll'l'ILi; I'erinn.
neiuly lstauiisbed
At Readintj, Pa.
K.W. r nriiri- sr.t'ONilmi'l 1'IIANIC
I.lri Sta. otlittt Houra yverv baturuay from 0 A
I. ' , 10 I'. !.: Hundaja, iroin 9 ,. M. tu 3 r. M.
. oih ol" Viirnr, Youthful JtidlMrt-otloti or r..'O, HllMlil rolnull, (jl'lll'l'lll lrhllll
or Dli'iuur' mid All r-prt'lnl IMmpumpm
cm. I hv liiiiiriilii,o nr I nhrrltiiliri'. Ir.
Tlii-. t, Hip Only I'lu "irian nd Mierlnllat nble
u , ura uttir i:iironv rl.c litis fiiiii'il (no
mntli r what ntbera say, write, print or navmise.j
The tltiMt Ilnnfl. ntul lln tuzlrnllM C'nMOS'
Sr.llclli'il. Hrlii-r nt nnre. FreBb enses cured
1-iuu.ivs. i:Al'!l unci i;i-ry Insc Hcceivrs
'ie jfortnrN IVrnnnl Atlmllmi nnd C'nre.
Irlrti'Nt r-rrrery (Jiuirniiteed lo All. hends
Ic, stamps for Hook, " Truth l" lieatofallforyountf
and old. cingie atm marrica. 'i ne oniy hook expos-
Have you the Very Latest Song?
A beautiful and pathetic song and chorus
composed by Thomas Waters. Jr. Pro
nounced a gem by Haymond Moore and
other song writers and critics. For sale at
Brumm's music store, East Centre St., and
at 210 West Centre St., bnenanuoan.
Hand Laundry
110 East Centre St. .
All work guaranteed to be flrst-clasi la every
particular. Hllk tlos and laco curtain sa spec
laltv Goods called (or and aeuveroa. A trisi
She's an
who can taste our candles
without a feeling of affeo-
rJJ nt.l tion for the voting man
UUU WUiv-u lirlncs them. Thcv
just melt. la the mouth; the girl's eyes
melt with tenderness the young man also
melts, and.tne question is seiueu. ary it.
Ice Cream, all flavors. tot N. Main St
Wheu You Want a First-cjass Rig
make it a point to go to
"Decamps Liuery
West St., between Centre and Lloyd.. .
Teams to Hire for alt Purposes
Rao Carpet Weaving
If yo ' vn 1 eW I' cce 0' rug rarpet. we
woven, ititte aud have them wove,
up In carpets. It win pay vou In the lonj run
All kinds, wllh with ui sir'pos, mWeU
order; beautilui rainbow stripes. Low prices
05 West Oak Street, Shenandoah, Ps.
lrupuy Urgwu to Itemaln.
PARIS, Juno 80. M. Augusta Hurdeali
has expressed a wish to become president
of the chamber of deputies rather than tc I
undertako the formation of a ministry,
and President Caslmir-Perler has urgei
M. Dupuy to retain the premiership and
reconstruct the cabinet.
DIE Itnlllnir Mill Itmumra.
WllEKMNU. W. Va., June 30. The blast
furnace of tho Hlverslde mill, which huai
been Idle four months, went on yesterday,
and the entire mill, employliiK 3,0110 nu n
resumed today with ordeus sulllclclit tc
Inst until fall.
V atal Annatrnkn.
DKTnLEHEM. Pa., Juno 30. The ther
mometer wan at 00 in the shade all da;
yesterday and the heat was l.,t.m,e. Po.ei ,
A lanviinH,' il niiiirn un luifti 'aiiinuuACi
Su. Mo. Tu. Wo. Th. Fr. Sa.
8920 JL1 22 13 14
15 1G J7 8 2 20 21
22 23 24 25 6 27 28
20 30 31
T. New
o 0:40
O a m.
n 6 10
w p m.
6 07
p. ni.
4 U
p i..
Quarter 25
HERE is but one
way in the world to be sure
f h ivinjj the best paint, and that is
o tue only a well-established brand
f strictly pure white lead, pure lin
seed oil, and pure colors. The
nT 1 T T "on "
fOlin 1 . LeWlS & BrOS.
brand 13 standard "Old Dutch"
process, and is always absolutely
Strictly Pure
White Lead
If you want colored paint, tint
this strictly pure lead with National
Lead Co. ' s Pure White Lead Tinting
These colors arc sold In one-pound cans, each
can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds ofStr.ctly
Pure White Lead the desired shade ; they are in
no sense ready-mixed paints, but a comblnatloc
of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to
tint Strictly Ture White Lead.
Send us a postal card and get our book on
paints and color-card, free.
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Pear Alley, Roar Coffee Honsp.
The best rigs in town. Horses taken to
board. Hauling promptly attended to,
IS irFECT JUNE 89, 1F94.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
for New York via Philadelphia, week di 1
4.10, 5.2S "20. a.m , 18.3 J, 2.55 5.M p.m. ;u ,
til), a m J""or NewYorltvt Ma.ici Chur.
week da -g, b.Si.T.S'l a. ra., 12 3!, 2.R5 0. t
For Iteadine and PMiadelohta, wcfllr da-
i.10. b;ir. T a). . m 12.32, 2.65 5.SS p. m an'
lav- 2.10. a. m.
For I'ottsvuie. ween days, z.iu, 7.zu, a. tc
12.32. S.B5 n. m Sfindav. 2.10 a m.
ForTamaouaand Mahanoy City, week daya,
2.10, 6.25, 7.20, a.m., 12,32, 2.55, B.65 p. m sur
day, 2.10, a. ra. Additional 10, Mahanoy City,
weeii aays, 7 uu p, m.
sot wuuansport, aunDury anu iowianurK
wceit aays, s.z.i, a. m., ., .uu p. 01
jnoav. a.zo a. m
ror Mahanov Piano, week days, 2.10, S.26,
7.2U, a.m., 12:. i.iu, x.oo, 0.D0, 7.w, w.s-
p. m. Sunday, 2 1J, 0.
For Ashlscd and Shamokln, week. days. 3.3S
7.20, 11.30- a. m., 1.35, 7.00, 9.83 p. m. rfui day,
S.25 a m.
Leave New York via Fhlladelpma, weekday
i.uo a. m.,i.3u. i.ou, 7.30 p. m., u.ia mgni. sue
3av. 6..10 n. m.
Ijeave New York via Maucnununk.weeiaaya
I 30. 11 1(1 a. m.. t.10. 4.30 n. m.
L,eavo i'anaaeipnia. ueaaice 'i-erminai,
week days, 4.20, 8.3a, io.ou a. m ana .w
liiy 11.SO n. m. Hundav. II 30 D. m.
Leave lteadlng, week days,,7.iu, lu.uo, 11. P
a. m.,, 7.07 p. m sunaay, 1.00, a t
Leave t'ottavliie, week aays, z., 7.10 a. m.
II so. n il n. m Sundav. 2.85 a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8.18, 8.50, 11.23 a
m., 1 20.7.1S, 9.28 p. m. Sunday, a Id a t.
ijeave mananoy uiiy, west uaya, ..lo, i,
11.47 a.m.. 1.51,7.44, 9.54 p. m. Sunday, 8.45
a. m.
T.pavn Mahanov Plane, week dtvs. 2.40. 4.N
8.80, 9.37, 11.69 a. m., 12.t8, 2.05, 6.20,6.20,7.69,19.1'
d. m. ' sundav, 2.4U, 4.uu a. m.,
Leave Willlamsport, week days, 10.10, a. m.
a.RS. 11.16 n. m. Sundav. 11. la o. m.
Tor Baltimore, Washington and the West ti
ll. r u. It., throueh trains leave ueadln
TArmlnal. Philadelphia. (P. A R. It. It.) al 8.21
7..II, 11.20 a. m 3 41,5.11! 7.2-3, p. m., Hunday 8.20
7.10, 11.20 a. m., a to 7 sz p. m
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Htreet VTkaji
and Houth Htreet whart for Atlantic tilt v.
U'o"k-Das-ExDref8. 8ro 9 00.10.45 a m.
(Saturdays only 1 30), 2.00, 3 00, 4 00, 4 10, 5.0D.
5 45 d. m. Accommodation, o t a. m , 4 4.
tt.:uj n. m. vine uoiiur excuroiou irniu, .yin iu.
Sundav Kiprees, 7 ), 8 00 , 8 80, .O0, 10.00
a. in., 4.1a p. m. Accommodation, 8,110 a m.
and 4.45 p. in. One dollar excursion train,
7.00 a. m.
Keturnlcfr, leave Atlantic City, depot, corni
Atlantic and Arkansas avenueu.
Wrek-UavH Express. 6 20. (Monday onlv
6 45), 7O.7 45,9lO,10..6 a. m., and 8 30, 4.30, T30. 9.30 o. m. Accammoaauon. s.n n.m
ano a o& p. in. uue uoiiur viuursivu nam, iiuh.
OOl MlPSlfiSippi Ave oniy,DWi, ui.
H,!ii,ri,u. 3 30. I ft) 5011. 6 00. 0 30.
1.00.7 30 8 00 U84n. m. Acoommod tton, 7 15
a iu. ano 6 N p m. Ore dolUrcxeuralon Iraln,
from fot Mlbhiatippi Ave. only o.iu p 111.
Parlor oars on all express trains.
n. (3. IIANCOQK. Dsn. Pass. Art.
Phllkdelpbla Pa,
1. A. swKiOAttu, uen. upi.
?. " wit."
imtulll iu
ttflftVinwPal. "'"'t'- Mid 1 u-ua. nV
v 1 Ik a ii 1 .1'U'UurKt.aK
i.w fXw b.1.. Is alv il.. 131
1 CuOs :!. Ht'DY C ' "iti'iso.lll. W
The Eailroad Strike Now Inter
feres with Resumption,
Thnneh tli llpauuiitlon of Wnrk In Mlnre
anil aillla Una MaiIii (Inod I'niftrraa, ttia
Unrrat of Iiljnr lli'tarit a Itapld Ileturn
to Nuritinl Coiulltlune,
New York, Jutie 30. It. O. Dun's
weekly review of trade Bays: The grenl
t.tWn . 1 ...!.. ,n. I ...1 ... ...,.,
polntSi b(Jt tnreIten!1 to lnterTlIj)t
business moreserlously for a time. T'nvel
and tralllc are well uIkIi arrested on about
twenty western roads already, and strikes
are threatened on all roads which use I
Pullman cars. On the whnle.otber chances
durlliK the week have been for the better,
Many mnuufacturliiK estnbllhmpnts
which were stopped for want of fuel have
resumed, the depletion of the treasury re
erve has been checked by the voluntary
deposits of k1'1 by New York banks, ex
ports of gold have almost ceased, couress
hns mndo much progress townrtl flnnl dis
position of the tariff question and crop
prospects grow better as thu harvest draws
The resumption of work in mines and
mills has mnde good progress, but the de
mniid for products is as yet Binaller nnd
less urgent than wns expected, lluyers
I apparently wait for lower prices of Iron
and steel products, which manufacturers
ure slow to give, in view of the Increased
cost of mntcrials and production. After
a suspension of half the working force
for more than 11 month It Has expected
that orders for products would be very
large, but Instead there Is general com
plaint of dullness and narrow demand.
Although the working force has evidently
increased, several establishments have
stopped for want of orders or because no
settlement regarding wages for the com
lug year has yet been reached.
Textllo manufactures ure much embar
rassed by the near approach of the proba-
bio change lu the tariff, the effect of which
cannot yet be calculated. In spite of this
reason for deferring orders and purchases
tlie number
yet as large
Bears a llttli
the number of mills quitting work is not
as was expected, for tliere ny
pears a little more demand trom clotniers
and jobbers,
This week tlie failures linvo been 214 in
the United States against 307 for the same
week last year, and 35 in Canada ngalust
last year, lhe number and Import
ancu of failures have Increased a little, as
is usual near the close of u half year.
Ilradstreets review says: Idle there is
no nctunl improvement 111 business
throughout the country, there are more
favorable prospects nnd better feeling
among merchants, with an increased
number of instances where trade has been
stimulated. The ending of the great
bituminous coal strike is promptly fol
lowed by a sympathetic strike of railway
employes, bich threatens disastrous ef
fect on business by reason of Interference
with distribution nnd travel. Losses on
perishable freight iu transit are already
reported. Other unfavorable features In
clude a conference of llhode Island cot-
tou mill owners as to the advisability of
shutting down, owing to accumulation of
stock; heavy urrivals of wools at eastern
markets, where stocks arc already large;
delay iu settling thu coke strike, which
prevents many Industrial establishments
from starting up; an extremely restricted
volume of business among wholesale deal
ers In clothing nt Baltimore, 43 per cent,
of what it was iu the llrst half of last
year; delayed orders from country mer
chants iu Ueorgia and South Carolina,
where crop damage has been threatened,
and a sharp restriction iu thu volume of
geueral.trndo at Chicago, where the rail
way strike centers.
National Lenirllfi.
At liOuUvllle Louisville, 12; I'hllodel-
phla. 5. At Chicago New York, 14; Chi
cago, B. At Mt. Lotus tioston, ia; St.
Louis, 4. At Cincinnati Cincinnati, 11;
Washington, 4. At l'lttsburg (10 iunings
Brooklyn, 7; I'ittsourg, 5. At Cleve
land llaltlmore, 0; Cleveland, 0.
Kustrn League,
At Wllke-barre (10 innings) Wllkes-
bnrre, 4; Providence, 3. At Iluffnlo Syru-.
cuse, 21; Buffalo, .17. At Krie Erie, 2;
Troy, 0. At lllughamtou bpriuglleld, 7;
Uiughamtou, G.
lVutiaylvntlla State Lencua.
At Scranton Harrlsburg, 5;Scranton, 4.
At Hazletou First game: Hazleton, 12;
Altooua, 7. Second game: Hazleton, 11;
Altoona. 0. At Allentowu Allentown,21;
Heading, 10. At Kaston First game:
Pottsville, 12; Kaston, 0. Second game:
Pottsvllle, 7; Kaston, 4.
Cloalng Quotntlona of the Kw York and
rilllndelphln Kxelinnga.
New Yonk, Juno 2). This was a very dull
day on the Stock Exchange, and the trnnsao
tlons were lighter than for many days, sales
of only two stocks exceeding 2D,0) and but
three others exceeding 3,uuu shares. Closing
Lehigh Valley 37W W. N. Y. & l'a..
Pennsylvania iWi Erie ISM
lteadlng II) 1)., L. & V," 101
Bt. Paul - fiWi West Shore ltffli.
Lehigh Nav N. Y. Central .. . 'MM
K.V..K 8V4 Lake Erie W... W4
New Jersey t'en . 107K Del. cfc Itudbou....hW)4
i-iiiTt4! .Markets.
Phiuipeli'IUA, June ail. Flour weak: win
ter Bunerrlne, SS.imuKtfl; du. extras, Si.Mia
S.4H; No 2 Inter ramlly, .4IKJM.n; renn)l-
vanla roller alraluht. $S.7()2.8J; western win
ter clear, S2.M(i2.1&. Wheat weak, lower.
with 6UV4C. bid and Mio. aalteil for June. Corn
dull, lower, with Vikic. bid and IWlf. asked
fur June. Outs unsettled, with it"ti . bid and
490. asked tor June. Deef dull. I'ork Una.
Ijrd steady: western steam, J7.U5; clt .$'s.
llutter weaker: western dairy, UI4TlHic.; do.
creamery, ll'ii lMe.; do. factory, I'Wi' llc.; Kl'
gins. IHr.' I't-nhaylvanta creaiuery prints.
fancy, tUe.; do. choice, lhe.; do. fair to good,
HiillTc; prints Jobblug at artV),. Chet-M
Steady; part sktuia. 31tSo. Eggs uulet; New
York and Pennsylvania, MiUiPw.i western, UHj
lWc. '
I, v. Stock Market.
New Yoiik, June SB. Huevea higher; native
steers, com fell and grass fed, gt'ud to hardly
prime, tt.KiS'iNl per lMvlba.; medium tu fair'
lio., (I WM.K'; common fx choloe "stlllHr,"'
JliJSI.Uti; poor lothii' e bulls, Jr.lMfl: romrrnn
to prime dry eowa, tW.HX&4.!l. Calve; loner:
poor to prime eaU, Jd4.73 iier 1U0 1 hi. She p
and lamliH aethe. lirm; pixir to prime aheup,
JJ(!'l per ll'l His.; Inferior to prime lambs.
fS.MKrrtl 2"i. Hugs iiiimtiislly steady at $5u tu
per llm lbs for eilreme weights.
East I.ibkiii y. I'm., June Cattle steady;
prime, Sl..VKu.l.7u; good, S4.3ngM.4u; fair light
alters, I-'. (13; good fat cows and Uelferi,
$:.7&&.15. Hugs fair; steady; Phlladelplilas.
J.V3ka5.25: couunon to fair Yorkvp, JiVili.nfi
t UUeep fair at unchanged prlcss.
The Causo and Its Losson.
Il'iiz did he commit suicide? Oil! fir
thosime rwuaon tlint tliouwnd of others are
mi tlie verx ol the same r-lii, or In limne
ill itc 1 iiwur of iiismlty. mrilyi, idiocy,
r some other oquilly unfortutmttf reoult of
,inv norvoin ttllvtmi lie knew he was
iilllicted with a n-rvons disirder, but was
carelen. aiipitentlv imltllbrent to the out
come ; or lio niiv have lessened hi clinnces
for recovery Iw trentins with physician.
who had Utile --r no knowledge of such af
fections, or by deluging liimclf with worth
ier so-oalled remeiUes. His cato was a sail
one, but no worse than that of any other
nervous sufferer, who h is nervous or sick
lienl.iclie, bilinumess, diztiness, Irritability,
mel.inclioly, failing memory, hot fl.ishes,
f.ilntinir, sleeplessness nervous dyspepsia.
.et.ial ileoility. cpueiwy. etc i ne same or consoiuem es ate likely to result la
nv one who has any of these advance
symptom of an awful end. Do not hesitate
i i g-tting rid 01 mem oy intelligent ireai
tn nt. Dr. Franklin Miles, tho celebrated
s let-ialist, has studied nervous diseases over
i!ij years, and has discovered me oniy re
liablo remedy for them. Thousands of vol
untary testimonials prnvo tho virtues of Dv.
Miles' Itestorativc Nervine.
vi. into Parker, of Clinton. K. Y., writes: "I
. u - I ulMico'l with extreme ncrt-omneas that
.v iM,n the venreof Insanity. My hands trem
ii'.' l s. that I twil l scarcely feed uiwlf. I tied
1 .v 0e ivittles "f It Miles' lli-storatlvo Nervine,
and wm cured. Hi iili ileaaure 1 recommend
tlili wonderful rin',ly fur iier-nns trmbles
"I had lioen a ureal nill'orer from chronic
hesdseho until I b"gnn. flxiut four months aim.
t i use l)r Miles' l!ctoratlve Nervine and Pills.
.lute xwtit-h time I havo liad a heanacne
Mi vorslfif my f.iends are usiritf Dr. Mile-.' Kern
el es, and tltul them, an I did. to be more than
you i laliu for them. Mrs. Mary Kiter, Ix-s
tnroles, Oal. .
w II Cspwcll, editor Tribune. Plymouth. Pa ,
wrl'ea " My vir was curol of alck heailachoot
munv yearn' standing hy the use of I'r Mi'.s'
llest'.rallve Nervine, "lie hasrecommndl il to
her irleiids, and they all pralao it highly "
l)r Miles' K 'rtorative Nervine Is fold hy all
druiii(l-.ts 011 a positive trtiarantee, or sent direct
hv i'io l)r Miles Med Pal Co.. Klkhart, Iml . on
olpt of prpe,l per liottlo, six unties for 85, prepslil It is nnsitiveiy tree trom opiarea
ordnrous drug., lir Mlls' Pills, 60 d'e.
Political Cards.
(subject to the rules of the Republican noml
natlng convention.
s. A. LOSCH,
fubjectto the rules of the Republican neml
nntl'.g convention.
Hubject to the rules of the Kepnbllcan nomi
nating cor venllon.
jnull Hill IlII-l'-.
Subject to the rules o the Republican noml
na'lng convention.
-pH HUT VTOIl, ()tli District)
Hubject to the rules of the Republican noml
natlng convention
II HKNA'I OK 30th District)
Of Mahanoy City.
Hubject to the rules ot the Hcpubllcan nomi
nating convtntlon.
JJOIl SI'.MATOIl, (30th District)
Of Shenandoah.
Hubjfct to th. rules ot the Democratic nomi
nating convention.
poll L.ICUIBI,t1'UKK, IstDlstrct,
Hubject to the rales ot the Republican nomi
nating cot ventlon,
poii i.i:;i'Mi.A'rviiic, 1st Dist.,
li'jr. k. MivuLtyi usy
or Malicvllle.
Hublectto tne rules ot the Republican noml.
natlng convention.
on i.i::iHi..'nnii:, ist Dist.,
Of Shenandoah.
Hubittct to the rules ol the Republican nomi
nating convention.
jou i.i:;ihi.axciii5 (First District)
Of Mahanoy City.
Hubiect to the rules of the Republican nomi
nating convention.
VA VID 11. liLKWKbbrn,
Of Bhenandoab.
Hubiect to the rulesof the Republican noml.
natlng convention.
Of the Union Twps.
Hutjert tn the rules of the! Republican noml
natlng cofiventlon
poll Jl'IlY lOMJIIHblONKR,
Of Shenandoah.
Hubject to the rules of the Democratic nomi
nating convention.
Millions of Dollars
Go up tn smoke every year. Take no
risks but get your bouses, stook, fur
niture, etc., incured In first-class, relia
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent,
120 South .Tardln Street.
Also Life and Accidental Companlaa
A genuine welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wyati's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskey.
Iwers, porter and ale constantly on 11,,
Choice temperance drinks and cigars.
TS Oil.Vnlrr'. I'nall.k lll.iKonJ BraalL
rc iti rrlUt'lc iDtc, ak ,
lruggit for hi-uffra Jtngtuk iHsi-
motid Mrttnit in lfil uJ Ooi-i D)tl)U
bwae kind Viiti tiui ribbon TL
imhm 4 (MUntom At Pruff tiu. r mb4 4.
tu aiiuir fur vrttoutar, tUBUHiltla u4
l(llr for Liadlt-, in tMr, tjr rrtarv
lialL lO.OIIll T..tiuioolli Ami Jw.