The Ev Herald. ENING VOL.. IX.--NO. 155. SHENANDOAH. PA.. SATURDAY. JUNE 16. 1S94 ONE CENT R EFBIGEB &TOBS. E FRIGER ATORS. Large Assortment Low Prices. WILLIAMS & SON. 1(2$ 8 " CSfft'o' S m Others raise the price of Parasols in 9 MT jIJL. hot weather wo drop them. Extra Gloria Parasols, 34 to 20 Inches, your choice, fancy nnt- r m ural wood handles, now 7oC W 5 French, Crcpon 15c, worth 18c. d Ileminwny's Genuine Filo Floss, for art needle work, now in stock. We want to say to 4,000 Stone Crocks and Jars. From 1 quart up to 14 gallons. The Price is Only 10c Per Gallon. Also Jugs and Milk Pans. 2ias. Crisrcin, fctttw li GIRVIK, DUNCAN k WHOLE,, 8 South Main Street. M. P. CONRT, Monongabela whiskey..... 50c a qt. Pure rye whiskey, XX $1 a qt. Fine Old Bourbon, XXX $1 25 a qt. Superior Blackberry Brandy $1 a qt. Superior Cognac Brandy U.25 a qt. Imported Jamaica Bum.. .....(1.50 a qt. "VUENGLING'S Stock and Fresh Ale. Draught Porter and Wiener A llest brands ot 5c Cleats and all kinds ot Temperance Drinks. oing JLsilk Hot Cakes I "11 fzft Bargains in some odd pieces, fifteen ablo for small bed rooms, Wo hnvo another lot of Men's extra quality, lour pair for 25c. BPEOIAL BARGAINS Fmo largo ah j. iiiiiwrtiui, tu cents a pound ; fine Table Syrup, 6 uud 8 cents a quart ; Mixed Tea, 25 cents a pound. Smoked Meats. "Wohaudlo only tho beat brands of Smoked Meats. Our Haras, Shoulders and Bacon are the best BUgar-cured stock in tho market. In Smoked Beef wo buy only tho choicest cuts, no tough or Btringy pieces. Our Lard is strictly pure kettle-rendered lard. Try our Leb anon Summer Sausago chipped. IOR SALE TO-DAY: Two cars Pennsylvania Hay; ono car Baled Straw; ono car Bran: ono car r:..... l Ti. i Ti-i Minuoeota Fancy Patent Flour. ABY CARRIAGES. ABY CABBIAGES. you that we now have 31 South Main St. A 1 LiauorStore Beer. "Those handsome Moquette Rugs rormer price 54.ou. .Largo size, rich colors' and beautiful pattora J Also Small S'ZG, same quality, n) nr , , i. S1.00. Wo have a lot of Rom. I iiumo ui iiiuijucHu, iiijiuairy unu I noay iirusseia carpets m lengths xi T l ri i .i I of ono to ono nnd a.lialf vnnU I Ol uno iu ouo unu u-nuu jams suitoblo for rugs. Also Special to eighteen yards in length, suit Heavy COTTON HALF HOSE, i Lemons, 2 doz. for 25c : Good jjwwu owituuf j I Fino Middlinirs: five cars Olmirn I 01 TTi Tfl fw nmiwn AL1 o U MM Operations on Public Water Works Stopped. MORE WAGES DEMANDE The Men Working For tlio McAda mothers Tired of a Dollar n Hy nml Drmniul an Increase to One Dollar nml a Ouarter. lliere was no work In progress, on the Fowler's ltun section of the puhlio water works today, because all the Italian: employed on the branch of the work struck this morning for more wages and refused to touch either pick or shovel without having their demands acceded. Hobert and William McAdnm are sub contractors lor tne fowler's Kun parto the work and have full charge of the uuiming 01 tlie storage roservol nml the laying of pipe from that place across the mountain to tho station on me unvis nun sale. Tho Italians employed on the job hnv ueen very restless lately nm mvn re. peatedly hinted that they would strike if niey were not pnm netter wages. They live in shanties built at the scenn nf operations uy tlie sub-contractors. rived tills morning not an Italian left his i ueu me no ir ior resuming wnrk nr unnK. mere was no demonstration every man seemed to have been a party to a pre-arranged plan to slon work win. put notice and refuse to go out until the increnso 01 wages would be granted. Robert .McAdam, who has the immedi. ate supervision of tho work in hand, went to the shnn les and asked the men why vucj imu mum iu repurL Kir wotk and 1 ni lum iuai mo men wouiu work no longer for a dollar a day and wanted $1.23. .McAdam said if thev wnnlil tint m,rl- i, shanties would have to be vacated; that he could get plenty of men at a dollar a imy nun tuey wouiu need tbe shanties, llio Italians sa d thev wnnld nnt. vnxnt.. the places until they received their pay. McAdam said they would have to wait until pay any, which will be on the 20th inst.. and there the matter stands,. An Italian said to day he did not think iiiere wouiu no any desperate methods on tne part ot tlie strikers, yet he would not answer for the result if a new, gang of men were put on and attempts should be I hands receive their wnn-es. unuiu lu Hmntv mo snnnr.ipR iiprnt-e Mi.n H The strikers number about eighty men another hour for the McAdams until .uu ciciv una im lie, frniinpn nnr. in tuey are granted a any. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS. The I'lght Iletweeu lttvnls at Tamanaa Has Kndrri. 'I ho Inter-County Electric Railway Company won its fight for the right of way nt a meeting of the Tamnqua Borough council on Thursday evening. Tho fight was a bitter one. Tho result seems to be a victory for the people of the borough. Three hundred neonln inthprpil In fmnt ot ine united States Hotel and were de lirious witu joy when the result of the council's action was matin known Trl-r ni r i u n "rum corps inspired them luo nvm uuuipauy tor tne ngnt ot way Min iue iiunaijun anu iansiora Klectrlc Railway Company, which was thn firm in secure n charter and enter tin. fleM i.n, i uiu not meet with popular favor. . , xue company winch has been granted tllO rlcht Of WllV HaVH tlie 1nrt fwn,i ITamiiqua to points between that place and Coal Dale will be five cents. The tare to Coal Dale, Lansford and Summit mil win no ten cents. A Cdiejlle in Town, A deserter from Co.tpv'r nrmv flnntoii Into town yesterday. lie was the first -soiuier" tuat has ueen seen here ami &5 work his but greasy clothes mid red nose proclaimed him a guzzler looking for booze He presented credentials, of which I . I . ...II tz 1 . . , , . . . . unnst. xuis cerutles that William Kasy, ui uroun-j, uomiuune li. Ulllcaon nm muuity of the Commonweal of Christ, is f nulleu 11119 souvenir of heroic conduct ln crossing the Cumberland Moun tains in nice of snow and ice and desnito nersecutlnns nml ilknnn. slon breeders. Signed, J. S. Coxoy, Good Roads Association of the United States. Colonel llrown. Marshal of the Commonweal of Christ." The boys set seen he was looking up a night's lodging en uu lur tne uoor leuow ana wnpn ,nt iu u juuiuer pue. Saturday is Baby Day at Dabb's studio. I ".chance for a handsome gilt edge French nun iur ft uozen canintiis will receive a I mate mirror 7 TiWu vtvilnv. jt Leas Than Single Fare The fnro from Shenandoah tn nntft-o. burg ami return during the G. A. R. Kn campraent at the latter place will be but &1.52, via the Philadelphia & Readini? T) !,.... In- , .... June 2Tth to July fith. This la the cheap est rate to Gettysburg the company has ever made and is considerably lnsn tlmn iwuruMu. iiu&hih will iih Lfonri irnm single fare. Monaicliau'i llargalni. A good nuallty home-made racr enrnpt at SO cents a yard; nice table oilcloth, 15 cents a yard; good dress ginghams, 6 cents a yard: the best 60 cent corset in the market. Lace curtains nnd dnn rrnnria I of all kinds cheap, V. J. ,MONAGIIAN, No. 88 S. Main St., Shenandoah. Hllclit Fire. Hot n'f l'es thrown into n barrel In tho yard at tLe rear of Bradley's market on Eaftt C'entVe street caufced rt blaze this nfUttun And the tUxmft owihobUU .with o-flSliTe. Ain larUl vm seuiiiled But a Iiunkot lirtrrlida axtliitralshail the Aim. bfi(oie the nf''f ptw ohne to get Uielrwork. i The stable was bnt slight1 1 URWnged. nuj ipybn i'w ijc r - . tie flour name Lebmi, i& Baer, printed on eii'rysauk A",.' ' " tf1 .si iw l In i , rjUtMlNAl, A, L. Shay, Ksij , transacted legal busi ness In town to-day. P. J. Ferguson last night returned from a business trip to Xew York. Michael McGurl, of Mlnersville, was a visitor to town this afternoon. 'Squire John G. Davis has returned from an extensive trip to the West. Ex-Representative John X. Dencc, of Ashland, was a business caller hero to day. Ex-County Commissioner Howes was among our towusmen who spent to-day at ic wuuuvj seat. William P. Spayd nnd wife, of Pnl r.yr,1' J- nre Kuests at Justice T. T. Williams' residence. William Veale left town today for Camden, JT. J., whero ho will speud a few .weeks visiting friends. Mrs. E. B. Hunter and- Miss IJirdie Wasley spent several hours yesterday witli Mahanoy City friends. Miss Lulu Parrott, of North Jardln street, left town this morning to spend a few days with Shainokin friends. Christ. Schmidt, tho hustling agent of the Lauer Brewing Company, transacted business at Pottsvlllo yesterday. Misses Leah Lawson, Sadie Recsa and Nettie Levine wpre thn mipsta nf tlx. Misses Refowich at Mnhnnnv City lnak night. Councilman A. 11. T .rinill nml nnnptin iioivev wero amoni i.nn tnwn npnn p w m attended tuo Thompson funeral at Ash- inuu louny. iranKlilackhasretiirnpil from a v a Un ivittannincr. whernhp ivpnr. t.wn nrpnlrunr., In search of rest and recrnntlnn. Iln will uispense reireshments nt the Hotel Kaler. Mnhanoy City, when Charles Uurchill assumes cnarge. Charles McGraw. tlmpkppnpr nt-. tin. Delano shops, has accepted a clerical posl tion in tho Lehigh Valley freight ofllce i.uvi,kii;ii, x. no win depart ior ilia point on Julv 1st. amid tho trpiiprnl rpt-rpto luiii i.ruaeu uearts ot nis numerous lndy 111UUUH. Rev. U'llovle. nastor of thn Rpfnrmpil cnurou. and itev. I'owlck, pastor of tin Methodist Episcopal church, of Shenan doah. linked nrms on Monday Inst nml spent several hours iu ton u examininir tho several church edifices with n vlmv tn securing Ideas for the committee inter ested in the proposed new Reformed church for Shennndonh. Rev. O'Royle was very favorably impressed with the plans of the new M. E. church nnd will submit his information to his board of trustees. Mahanoy City Tribune. TEMPERANCE CONVENTION, Arrangements Made for the Uatherln Here Next Wek. The next big event here will bo th annual state convention of the Catholl Temperence Societies nnd Cadets, which will, conveno on Wednesday, next, and last two days. A large number of dele gates nnd several societies will attend and a fine exhibition of drills is promised by some of tho bodies. The Shamokin nnd i.ost ijreeK cadets nre esnec ally m nrp. pared for the exhibition. lhe ceremonies will hp nnpnpi nf. n o ciock on Wednesday morning by the celebration of mass in the Annunciation church, after which tho lirst business session will be opened in tho T. A. li. hall on South Chestnut street. At 2 p. m. the street parade win take place. It Is ex- uecieu at least one tuousand men nnd uovs win he in line. Un the mornlnc of Thursday. Hi final business Session will hp liel.l nml In the afternoon the delegates, accompanied by the local Societies, will mill-nnnlpnanra tni lu .i.n&esiue. Not a Putative. A sneclal .to tho iIf.iiat.ti nn tlm mi. Inst, mentioned a fight between John i-onners and Joseph Wagner, iu which tne iormer cot tho worst, nf thn lho special also stated that Wagner cleared out. It now appears that Wagner, who 1b n cripple, struck nt Conners in self oeience ami did not run nway from Gil berton to escape the consequences of an nui. wmcu no ueneves no was instilled in resorting to. He is a resident of this town now and can be found at any time. i:x-CnnRrenmnn'a Snlclde, Special to tbo IIeuald. Washington. June id. Kv.nnnrPBB. committed suicide this morning by shoot lug himself through the heart and ex iiiiiii x. uuiiias Aii. n ivnB. nr I'lLtHiiiirrr. ,', pired instantly. Tho denpnKpd rjiN nnp nt the most brilliant Republican membersof the Fortv-ninth and Fiftieth nmnMn ami was succeeded in tlio Twenty-third listrlol by Hon. William A. Stnnp. nf nuegueuy uuy. a. r. A A Vote nf Thanks. At a reizulnr mnstpr nf Wntttn Wntni-a Post No W0, G. A. It., a vote of thanks was tendered Rov. Win. TVm-lfl- fnr Ma eloquent Memorial address, Rev. T. M Morrison for thu abln Memnrlnl the committees of Women's Relief Corps Ladle's Aid and Sona nf Vpternna fnr im. sistance. to the citizens nml frlpmla u'lifi furnished tenma nml (lowers or Iu any auwtciuiui, The Colurado Inquest. The inouest on tho bodies nf thn im tnen who met their deaths through the lire iu the Colorado mine was to have ueen ueiu ut uirnrdvllle last night by parties interested were unable tn nrnnerlir ..etui., uui uurr ljuiiiiuiniH. fiiir. iiu r in nrrange the preliminaries theiuquest wns fvavi'uucu umii tuis evening. MoKllieniiy's IM1 ur Fare. Snapper soup, Oyster and clnm soup, Hard shell crabs, Devilled crabs, Devilled claniB, Lobster salad, Little neck clams, Fresh and salt oysters. Hack Hruktiu. Hpf olal to Evening Herald. JMahanoy C1TV, June 10.-Angust Hoeudlne, n miner, had his back and one leg broken by n fall of coal In the North Mahanoy colliery at noon to-day. He lives on Knst Centre street, this town, and f J1"11 recovered from severe in- reflmB m oj a iai ot coal. It. null, Yakuts to New York City nt re--H, arcount National Sponger- ,L.,n 1 mic hi, iicni-i umees ot The 'tli alky Railroad, June 2Utto'.'lth, tlSlve. COOfl fnr retnt it r a.wl tAl...l mclu ,' J June aoth. m HILL POLITICS Interesting Letter From Occa sional Correspondent. IMPARTIAL COMMENTS nnt a Ulnae Observer of the I'nlltlcii Movement In the Cminty Hm In Say on the Chance of the Several Candidates, The Senatorial Fight. Special llKitALD correspondence. Fottsviue, June 15. A review of the political situation in Schnylkill county may now be mado with somo certainty ns to tne prooablo outcome : and in review ing it I do not wnnt to bo understood a favoring any candidate for nny particular ofllco, no matter who he is and altogether irrespective of the party to which he be longs, I take it tho IlKUALD readers want muis miner tiinn theories nnd it will be the endeavor of your scrlbo to dish up only such things as he believes are sub stantial and have truth as the principal nlamnn, tn 1t.. . 1. .. ' THr: COXOHESSKWAI, CAVIlIDATE, w no will carry off the nomlnntlon for Congress iu tho Republic in county con vention, Shoener, Hrumtii or Iisch 1 Mr uiiiiii Biivs iic win, Mr. Slioener says he will and Mr. Losch says neither Urunini or Sshoener know what they arc talking about. The Schuylkill Haven statesman has gone fishing, but before he went he imin n visit to several Important stump ing grounds, like Shenandoah nnd Maha- iikj v., iv, nun tiirew out n lew lines to uaicu ueiegiues. It Is rumored also that he took a shy nt the .10th district Senator ial light while thero against Coyle and ii m? , , ' "" authority that Hon. I). I). Phillips, of Gordon, will not go into the arena, but that Thomas J. ra. ''i .uananov uity, and Franl, Kautner, of Lofty, will contest with Mr, COVlO for the COVetpd Tinmlnntlnn 11..... ever that may be, we have the indispu table fact staring Republicans In the face um, mi iar ns tne nomination Is concerned Losch is still In the Held, though he may be far from tho irnnl. It. ia ttni n im nets race necween Slioener and Iirumm with tho chances in favor of any one you choose to make. SALLADE Oft 1IIGOIKS. In the fltrht fnr Sherltr nn 1,D n- craticsiile It Is conceded the fight has narrowed down to Doc Snllade or T. J. lllggins. All others aroonly iu it to make , . "ve'y one. it is more than that Frank P. Spiese will llv thn frnrl iiruuaiue. irom inrnrnmttnn ut nt- t,n.i for Senator and yield to the blandish ments of SOmo nstlpdn frlamlu ii'l.n .... mindful of tho adage about swapping horses while crossing a stream, want him to switch oil on to the Sherllf track. It is uuu inie, uowever.ior spiese to unsaddle Dr. So lade, and lllggins is so fnr ahead with his people thnt it is safe to say it will be cither lllggins or Sallade in the Democratic convention. As for the Itenullllnnn nnnranltn.. I. will bo either Davis or Scott. TIIIUTIETII DISTI1ICT ' ''.TEST. Up with vou neoiilp. T tlm .,.. torial contest creates themo-.tinterestnnd i win urieiiv refer to that again. It may" ' uiii u iiun iuu me ueiuocrailc tUSSle Will bo between .T .T l.V,.., bhenandoah, and ox-Senator King, of Mnlmnoy City. Senator Monaghan will not be in the field again; in fact it is pretty sure he will remain out West and not even take a liauo in the matter for any one. Mr. Froney's friends build on ins many quaimcations, among them be ing his general ability, his property in terest in tho region, his unquestioned Democracy and Ids elnup nit,,,, to the workingmen's Interest, having ueen a miner in early life. They also claim that, as shown in the recent water ugut iu ouenaniionu, he can always be depended upon to chamnlon the n,i cause and rights nnd that In nil these particulars he is the peer of ex-Senator iviug, tne latter, on the other band, i uot ready yet to make his claims fnr the inai-BHiiuwn, or it at nil, they wllloiily be made known by his lieutenants, such as squire Litsch, of Mnlmnoy City, just before tho time for thn enn vent Inn n.i those claims can all be Included in one via : nis experience ns n legislator in both houses at Hnrrisburg. I hnppen to know iniich about the ex Senator's record ns a iemiaiur nini c i nr i-niiim . tn u.. uuaguiuuw, nitu it iioMiiould secure the nomination he will make It warm for 1 i . "'r J just now, I am informed, Is besieged dally with callers who urge him to run and some of them promise the closest kind of fealty. He is certainly in a good position to run for ofllco as he can well altord thnt kind of dlv-erslnn nn.i i-mm ma unnuueiiL in inn i e i, ,i. people north of the mountain, especially the Democrats, shnnlil nnt. nn v n..mi """'tio 111 me way, out tneyBnonid en courage It by every possible and convinc ing means. I am told that Mr. Franey's cards will soon be sent to the papers. I have it from his own 11ns that he is In thn fi,.i,nn ,, . , . NOTES. It Is illSt 114 imnnrtnnt. fnr tlia nprinto nf the ennnty tn hnva r.n..,l l.nn... ,....i,t j - - '.' uuurai, luieill gent and non-office seeking Jury Com missioners as to have the same kind of men in nny ot the higher ollices. DllVe Llewellyn was Imrn lnet. irnnl- nn.i his boom for Poor Director was taken up, passed around and greeted with admlrim. gazes at every corner. D. C. Hennlnt- Km,., la ntifrrmstmi na n dolegnte to the Republican convention from the South ward of town to bo chair man thereof iu honor of the Henry Clay League. J. Harry Filbert, Esq., will no doubt bo delegate from North Atanhelm tnu-nuMn ami he may lift up his voice and place John T. Shoener In nomination for Con Krees. Mr. Filbert will Ihj remembered for his effort In last year's convention. One On tho Irlth. A woman who has been ranvajmlno- in town tbe past week walked Into a Main street salnon and called for a glass of beer. When the beverago was served she blew the froth Into a spittoon nd before placing the (,-lass to her lips said to the bartender with a wink, "I leave that for tllO Irihh. thrv Wnilt the rrpm nf rtrnir thing. ' ' llAMi: ItAI.L, Messltt arrived 1b town Inst night. he'ro U0V" Wl" b0 tbC UCXt club to pIy lock Haven cancelled Its date and Renovn will nil it. Manager llollly took his team to Jeanesi vine this afternoon. Mulderlg nnd Messltt will probably be the battery for the Renovn game. It Is not believed the law suits will result In the dissolution of tho home team. Little Toman is n favorite with the boys. He appears to be their ideal of a ball player. .m ??er ''ccomlug quite a favorite 'uu peupie. no is n f lulet, uuassutn mg young man, Renova was thn rind n-hii, ,.iw...i . twelve Inning game here Inst summer when our club was stronger than it is now. Pitcher Shultz has sufliciently recovered from ids Injury to resume work, but will not play ball again for this summer nt least. If the home ninnngement does not ar range for more games duriug the wtek it tnay lose most of Its good players. They become restless when idle. The players on the homo team complain ?i .ft. if, ot co'irtesy on the part of the I ottHville managers, who made them pay nn admission feo at yesterday's game. Some ChniiKes. T. J. Broughnll has moved into his nowly remodolcd dwelling on West Oak street. John Schiefly, Sr.. Willoccnpy the resi dence on Last Oak street just vacated by Mr. Broughall. David Phillips, of South White street, expects to remove to Mahanoy City next month and will occupy one of his new houses now hearing completion. H. C. Rover, nf tlip Tli-i! 1 1 1 i.lti V' AVV,V.ll,,lli"K tmu " 111 'vacated by Mr. Phillips. Council v. Si li. id Hoard. Preliminaries for n game of bus.- bull, n,sn,i.... of the Borough Council and the School Board. Secretary Caruin, of the former body, it mnuiiger, and A. B. Lamb Held captain, lhe meniliprn nf r?nmnii approached on the question of a contest with the School Hoard, seemed to consider tho matter as a huge joke. They felt that their renutntlon was nt. otni.-.. i..,r ,.. order to obtain a little practice they con ... iu ciuer n contest with t. 0 giiardinnB of the schools for n suppr, tho oser to foot the bill. There Is no doubt but the contest will draw n large crowd. Further InvtstlKatlnn Atketl, Editor IIeuald : Your vtiMsino- nn wondering in this evening's IIeuald was quite interesting. Now why not ask Council, while they are in the investigat ing business, to Investigate Mir ot Councilman Dougherty. Such an in quiry, I believe, would bring forth some funny things. The mnn whom Dougherty claims to board with works all by ntght, and ho nor his wife nre not the kind of people to countennnce such deception ONE W HO KNOWS. Shennndonh, Pn June 15, 1594. ArpronehliiK Weddings. Tho weddincr of Miss T.illn li Tl,mia of town, nnd Perry G. Day, Jr., of Balti more, .Mil., will take place next Tuesday afternoon nt the residenco of the brldos parents, on South White street. Cards are out nnnounclng the approach ing woddine of Rev. L. C. Wni II w rl rr li t of Lewes, Delawnre, and formerly pastor of the Presbyterian church at Tamaqun, and Miss Mary A. Guldiu, of town. The weuiiing win tnive place on the 27th, inst. I.ea l UU1 Ualer. Charles II, ri hill, who until reosntlv conducted tin ..ifent the corner of Main and Coal streets, has leafed thn lintel Kaler at Mahanoy fltv nil1 wilt tnlr charge on Monday. Ijis hostelry wns formerly the Derrick House, and under the chanie of management will soon gain a reputation second to none in this sect ion of the state. Anniversary lMcnle. Tho Rescue Hook nnd Ladder Company, in accordance with their annual custom, will celebrate thestventeeuth anniversary pf the organization of the company at L'lkeslde on Friday next. The members are looking forward to the event with the anticipation of much pleasure. It. nt l nxeurslon. The excursion from Shamokin to Glen Onoko via tho Lehigh Valley Railroad and under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias, which was nrmtnnneil nn M.i aoth on account of tlio disnifreoablH weather, will positively take plaoe on Monday, next, Juno 18th. Fall of Coal, Allnm Shllmlliski. nf KmerleV strppt was Imdly bruised nhnnr. tin. 1 day by n fall of coal at tho Ellengowan colliery. l'lUIOIL I'OINTS. There are letters in tl,n Innnl nnat ,f!i.. uncalled for tn date fni. Mm !!,' Pritchnrd nnd W. W. Hopkins. Deadly Locusts. Tho neonle nf 'l'nrknv linn nm ini.,.. . largo nuinbor of cats mul chickens whfoh nre poisoneu uy leastlugon locusts. Hohiuloker'a Aslilaml Kuinmer Harden open evenings. Ico cream and beer. Dano- '"6 vvvif oitiiiriiny uigut. O-10-tf Plain Grocer. He doesn't put on any fiingen, But he puts 16 ounow to tbe pound. He doesn't tear the atmosphere, But hi eoalw are always right. He doesn't keep a pug dog with red blanket But he keeps a grocery at k, M 122 North Jardin Strot t