The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 07, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Evening Herald.
Published dally, except Sunday by rvBhtsnmo convAinr,
Publication office and mechanical department,
2.15 Kst Coal Street.
It Is dellvorod In Shenandoah and
1 HO JlBia Blltrouniilng t0WM (or si, cents
aweek.piynblo to thocnrrlcrs. By mall, Three
Dollars n year orTncsty-nre cents per month,
Id advance.
AdreriUemtntt ehargtd according to epaoe
and position. The publishers reserve the right
lo enange the position o( aivertlsemeats when
ver the nubllsatlon of news require! Ik The
right Is also reserved to rejoot any advertise
ment, whether paid (or or met, that the pub
lishers may deem Improper. Advertising rates
made known tipoa application.
Entered at the post on teat Ebenandoah, Pa.,
as second closs nail matter.
Tills Erztritra herald,
Shenandoah, Ponna.
Evening Herald.
Saa THURSDAY. JUNE 7, 1891.
RepublicanjState Ticket.
For Governor,
Centre county.
For Lieutenant-Governor,
i Allegheny county.
For Audltor-Qoneral,
Lancaster county.
For Secretary Internal Affairs,
Philadelphia county.
For CongrosBmon-at-Large,
Snaquehnnna county,
oeohor f. utrrT,
Westmoreland connty.
Th Three Ambition, of Lord Itosebery's
Life Finally OrAtltled.
LONDON, June 7. Lord Iloscbory's colt, Two Klllod and SoVOral IniuTGcl plosion was accepted by the miners as a
.11.1. , ,iu(m nlf I I . I ' I. - . . ..II .1
I liners who has stood by the company.
Lancaster, his wife and bis sister were
uleep In the bouse at the time, and their
tecapo Is almost marvelous. The whole
front of the bouse was shattered. The ex
Iiftdns, won the English derby yosterdny.
Matchbox was second and Reminder third.
Ladas won in a canter In 2.45 4-5, a length
and a half In front of Matchbox. The dis
tance was a mile and a half. Thousands
of wildly cheering people invaded the
course after tlio race was deemed, ana
Near Pekin, Ills.
'.iadas was soon surrounded by a multi
tude half mnd with enthulasm.
Over 100.000 people, according to the es
timate, Journeyed to Epsom by road or
by rail, In some manner or other, the at
tendance being above the average in point
of numbers and respectability.
Oefore entering public life Lord Kose-
bery said he had three ambitions to
murry the richest girl In Great llrltain, bo
premier, and to win the derby. All three
wishes have been gratified. He married
the richest of thcltothschtld girls.
THE Democratic Senators have made
themselves ridiculous by their bunco in
vestigation of speculation in sugar stocks.
But nobody in the country Is laughing at
Senator Hill. He commands respect by
Btlrrlng up his colleagues and trying to
force them to proceed with the investiga
tion In n buslness-liko way.
THE country could far better spare
10,000 of the rlotout aud ignorant men
who will not work themselves or permit
others to, if they can prevent them by
force, than loso the 2,000 stalwart Scandi
navians who have sailed from New York
for their northern liouieB In tho last week,
driven out by hard times nnd lack of work.
Liberal l'rrsbyterlnni.
New YoitK, June 7. The movement of
the liberal element In the Presbyterian
church has at last crystallized into a for
mal declaration of -principles which was
privately circulated until a sufficient num
ber of names endorsing it bad been re
ceived to Justify Its publication, It Is In
tended to form within the membership of
the Presbyterian churches of New York
nnd its vicinity a league of workers who,
while defending no Individuals, insist on
the maintenance of liberty within consti
tutional limits In the church. Tho league
expects to lual differences instend of di
viding the church, and make It possible
for all to remain in common loyalty to the
A Vloloas Atother.
NF.WAltK, N. J., June 7. Leah Trent-
blcy was sent to Jail yesterday by Judge
Mott for thirty days for disorderly con
duct. Neighbors testified the woman
drank continually and the eldest child
bad been scratched In the face by the
mother. While on the way from the court
room to a cell Mrs. Tremblcy bit horbaby
on the cheek, and the ofllcers took the lit
tle one from her before sho could do It fur
ther harm. The woman has been before
the court a dozen times. Onco she served
a term in state's prison for stabbing her
husband. A week ago she was bound
over to keep the peace.
THE stream of Democratic babble about
the tariff continues like the ooze of
mud volcano bubbling and sluttishly
Blmmering nnd of it U no end savo when
It Was Congrestmnn Cadmus.
Washington, June 7. Congressman
Cadmus, of New Jersey, Is the man to
whom Wnlter Gaston told the story of the
conversation he had overheard In the
room of Mr, Terrell, of the sugar trust, nt
tho Arlington hotel on the nightof March
6 last. Mr. Gaston was before the senate
sugar investigating committee ngaln yes
terday, and he gave Mr. Cadmus' name,
which he declined to do on Tuesday. The
Btrlkers of MoKeeiport, rw, Visit Do.
qneane nnd Faro the Workmen Oat,
After Destroying Property Colorado
Mine Strikers Becoming Lets Warlike.
McKKSspo'rtT, Pa., June 7. No attempt
has been made to start up the National
Tube works. The strikers are swarming
around the works and the depots. Every
point Is being watched by them, and
trouble will surely follow any attempt to
introduce new workmen or deputies.
Some one came among the strikers
congregated about the tube works and
announced that some tube workers were
working at the slack piles across the river.
A mad rush was made by 700 or 600 men
toputastopto It. When they reached
the tipple of John Davltt It came down
before the onslaught within a few min
utes. From there the crowd made a break
for a new tlpnle being erected by John
Mclntyre, nbuit a mile above. TheMc
Intyre tipple shared tho same fate as the
Three barges of coal were cut loose at
Mclntyre's mine and floated down the
river. Six cars of slack were burned
while In the Pittsburg and Lake Erie
yards because the strikers thought they
were Intended for the tube works. Then
the crowd crossed the bridge to Ilhodes'
Station and fired Junker Brothers' chute
and platform.
A striker named Lauterbach. who was
Injured on Tuesday, died at the hospital
last night.
After the destruction of these works tne
mob started for Duquesne. When It
reached that place it had Increased to
0,000 strikers and sympathizers. With
yells they attacked the Duquesne Tube
works, drove all tne men nt wort out or
the plant, drew tho fires and ran the hot
metal from the furnaces out on the floors.
The reason the Btrlkers glvefor thelrac-
ttqns was that the works were using black
sheep coal. The assault was witnessed by
thousands of spectators thronging the
summits of surrounding hills.
As the strikers left the mill one of the
men threw a plank In front of an ap
proaching freight train, nearly derailing
it. They left the mill on a run and started
back over the bills to attack the coal pits
in Mlfllln township.
Colorado Striker. Will Yield to the Mil
itia, bat Would Have Fought Deputies.
CiiirLLK Cheek, Colo., June 7. There
will be no battle between the fortified
union miners on Bull Hill nnd the army
of deputy atieriffs who are encamped on
Beaver creek, less than five miles from
Bull Hill, unless a treacherous move Is
made by one side or the other.
Affairs were decidedly warlike until 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon. Although
tho deputies cut all the telegraph wires
between this city and Midland, the min
ers were quickly Informed by their scouts
of the advnnco of the sheriff's force, and
prepared for battle. They were willing to
submit to the militia, but declared they
would never be arrested until the troops
wnrning of what would occur, and many
stayed away from work on this account.
although protected In their passage to the
mines by the military. Yesterday, in
splto of the protection, at tho five mines
only 125 men went to the works.
At 0:30 last evening there was constder
erable excitement nt tho railroad sta
tion, and rumors of gatherings of strikers
on the hill above the station brought out
both regiments under arms. Investiga
tion, however, proved that there was no
truth in the rumors.-
Engineer Killed by Strikers.
BnAziL, Ind.,June7. A crowd of angry
miners blockaded 'a Vandalla freight train
east of here and stoned the trainmen. The
engineer, William Darr, was struck on
tho head by a heavy stone and Instantly
killed. Brnkeman A. J. Harshman was
hit In the back and badly hurt. Tho
Btrlkers continued throwing stones until
every window in the caboose and engine
was broken. The excitement is Intense.
Officers are In pursuit of the strikers.
Earlier In the day a crowd of strikers
ttopped the mixed train, carrying freight
and passengers between this place ana
Clay City, on the Evansvllle and Terre
Haute road. Tho train was linullng sev
eral cars of coal and also the United States
mail. The coal was sidetracked.
Head and Arms
Seemed on Fire
A Sunstroke Followod
Nervous Prostration
Hood's Rostorad Health,
Oculist and
Mr. Edward Scollin
Philadelphia, Pa.
Ill W. Ceatre St.t
Mahanoy Ciiy, Pa.
Eves examined nnd glasses prescribed.
I Special attention to difficult cases.
Saloon and Restaurant,
Formerly Michael Peters',
iSlN. Main St., Slicnnndoah,
Freeh and cool bser always on tan. Finest
wires, liquors sni cigars.
JAME8 D0WK3, Prop.
Beer : and : Portea )
Wholesale and Retail.
Liquors and Cigars. 130 South Main Btreet.
Mine Conferences on Saturday.
CoLUtonus, 0.,'Juno 7. The following
miners conferences will be held next bat
urdny: Central and northern Pennsyl
vania, at Altoona; western Pennsylvania,
Ohio. Indiana, northern and eastern Illi
nois, at Columbus: central and southern
Illinois, at Eait St. Louis; Kentucky and
Tennessee, at Jellico.Tenn.; Arkansas and
Indian Territory, Missouri and Kansas, at
Kansas City; Iowarat Osknloosa; Butler,
Beaver, Lawrence and Mercer counties,
at Mercer C. H., Pa.; Latrobe, Pa., at La
trobe: Pomerov. O., nt Pomeroy; north
eastern Kentucky, at Denton; southwest
ern Kentucky, nt Central City; Maryland,
at such time and place as miners and ope
rators may agree.
Morocco Tribes In Rebellion.
TAK01ER. June 7. Several Morocco
tribes are now In rebellion, The khalifa
of Tangier, who left here forTetutnh, was
compelled to return through 'fear of an
attack by the rebels.
Congressman Lisle, of Kentucky, will
not enter the race for renomination,on ac
count of ill health.
The trouble with the employes of the
Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pa
cific railroad has been amicably settled.
As the result of a pistol duel near Ham
ilton, Mont., George Gray and Charles I
McNeill are dead. The trouble aroseover
Miss Ellen H. Wlndom, daughter of the
late Secretary Windom, nnd Mr. Bentley
W. Warren, of Boston, were marrleu at
New lork yesterday.
Engineer Draper was falnlly hurt by
the derailing of UU tra.u In a tunnel near
Butler, Mnnt. The mail and express cars
and engine were demolished, l'nsseu
gers escaped, with slight, bruises-
C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.i
"Gentlemen On August 10, 1 was taken to
fit. Joseph's hoipltal unconscious from the
In the hospital two weeks i t was unablo fc Rofl HarnRt WRAVilili 1
work for four weeks alter thatbut then ,,a3 ual Hl " oO Illy 1
felt compelled to turn In, aj I have a wife I ,
- . . . .. ..I If rnn want a trood rtleeo of raff e&rnet. wel
and five children. I soon began wmi m wove-n, UUe your raps and have them woven
though undergoing continuous shocks from up m carpets. It will pay you 4n the long run.
an electrlo battery. A'l kinds, with or without stripes, made to
Every Norva and Fibre
of my body seemed In a constant state of quiv
ering agitation and tremuloumesi. Ileal
flashed from the calves of my legs up
throuth mr thighs and body, my left arm
and hand felt as though on fire, and my
head ached as l( It would split when I
, stooped down. I had great pains In my
1 hack around the base of the spine. I eon
I tlnued to stick to my work, feeling thai
U I must again go aown i wouta ao to
Struggling Tor my Famny.
1 have always been athletic, but I had lost an
appetite, and my strsngth failed me; I w
on the point of living up. I hod read much
t about Hood's Sarsaparllla. and concluded to
5 give It a trial,, jHetore I had taken halt
KnttlA mv nnnettto became so voracious tnai
I would be compelled to eat between msali.
Hood's Barsaparllla has cow tuny w wrea
my strength and general health. ThatUrrt
' ble nervousness Is entirely gone. I feel u
hearty and vigorous as ever. The pains In
my back have grestly decreased." EnwAa
Bcoluk, lmDgden Street, Philadelphia.
Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills, constipation.
biliousness. Jaundice, slckheadache.lndlgeatlon.
order; benutKul rainbow stripes. Low prices
205 West Oak Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
I Lap and
ch O
Pi sner Beers
Finest, Purest, Healthest.
Chris. Schmidt, Act
S07 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
it Is if ul fed at last In tho Serbonian bog.
and left to fonretfulness with the rest of craJ?Uc immediately decided to send orrlve(i.
I fn, Alv ITniltmia nnrl urpllsail MT. I.nifnn. I . . v.. .. . n i
Mayor wnasay ana i-resiaent i-arsor,
the torpid and blighting exudntions of
the party now In power, but soon to step
down and out, confronted by a condition
and not a mero theory that they are no
longer wnntod.
for Mr. Cadmus, nnd excused Mr. Gaston.
Mr. Cadmus positively declined to men
tion any names. He corroborated Mr.
Gaston's statement.
The npologetlc Democrat Bays the
blunders of his party are due to Its in
experience; that it was out of business
for thirty years and lost the hang of
policy nnd administration. When it gets
Us hand in, he think, things will be dif
ferent; so far, Its efforts have been mainly
directed to getting its hand into the bag,
as witness all its exploits in municipal
and state administration, nnd all the
sugary nnd mnny of tho other episodes of
Its recent Senatorial action. Tho country
will not find it worth while to educate It
OTer again, particularly when it remem
bers what its last season of rcguancy
brought us to.
The mack I'lngne In China.
Sak Francisco, June 7.r-Tho steamer
China brings Chinese advices to May lfland
Japanese to May 24. The black plague at
Canton, linng Kong nnd elsewbere in
China has Bpread with great rapidity.
of the First National bank, called up Sher
iff Muwers by telephone and begged him I
to stop his deputies until the troops could I
reach camp, bhentl Bowers agreed to
this, and there is every reason to believe
that there will be no further hostilities.
Alex Mcintosh, representing the .miners,
announced that they would lay aown I
their arms immediately on the arrival of I
the state troops. The deputies will fol-1
low the troops to tho miners' camp and I
Just before the steamer sailed from Hong
Kong tho epidemic assumed a virulent aerve warTonte whlch they are said to hold
lurin, hdu ju bix. uuuns vuiny-fcureu uemusi for 300 strikers.
wero reported.
Horse Racing- by Electrlo Light.
CoNET Island, Juno 7. It Is reported
here that the managers of the Brighton
Beach race track have decided to hold
rnces an their track at night, beginning
on July 4. They will put in extensive
electric light apparatus, and the lights
will be ranged all around the track, the
grand stand and the betting ring.
Memiiei! of Congress who have lost
their salaries for the time they wero
absent without leave are not in n mood to
submit quietly, nnd propose to carry the
matter Into court, The provision for
withholding salaries 1b In the law of 1850,
which they contend has been repealed
They propose to submit this question to
zounsel, nnd if there is any reasonablo
prospect of a judicial decision In their
favor one of them will apply for a man
damns to compel tho Speaker and Ser-
geant-at-Arms to pay him his fall salary
for the month lu which the absence oo
curred. The question is ono of some
general interest, but its special interest
is for the Democratic leaders In the House,
with whom this plan was the last des
jrato resort for keeping n quorum In
Frye's Train Stealers Discharged
PAIlKEnSDUKO, W. Vn., June ".Fifty-
two members of Frye's army, arrested for
attempting to steal a Baltimore and Ohio
train on Tuesday, have been released on
condition that they leave the city, uov-
ernor McCorkle telegrnphed
them to be punished, but his message ar
rived too late.
One of the grievances of the striking
coal miners in Colorado has been the Is
suance of scrip in payment for their work
which they have been forced to accept as
money nnd use at the company's store.
Governor Wnlto claims thU is a violation
of the United States laws, and will ask
the federal authorities to muko an inves
tigation. The attempt to Induce the
miners in the northern part of the state to
strike In sympathy with those in the
southern part bos failed.
Two nllled and Severe! Injured In
Fight with Strikers.
PEKIN, UIb., June7. There wasabloody I
ordering battle at Little's cool mine, five miles
BoldbyDruggteUpr 6cntlbyalh, ,250,
muSA-wperpacgnge. samples iroo.
Vt "RTb Tho Favorite TOOTS WCT12
JUV JLS.WIortbaTeethandBrcatn,c.
ilAnitilHOne,.,. TT U A r? T? -
Bays: "Shlloh'a Catarrh Remedy is the first
medicine I have ever found that would do mo
any good." rrioaWcte. Bold by Druggist.
Trrta Great Couan Cuke promptly cure
whoreaUothersfaU. For.Coasumptlonlthal
no rival has cured thousands- end will rTrmil
Ton, If taken In time rrito
Bold by C, H. Hagenbuoh, Shenandoah,
in vrrEor mat 13, 1891.
Ptmnenffer trlles leave Shenandoah for
Penn Haven Junction,- jisnch Chunk, Le-1
hlchton, Slatlneton. White Hall. Catasauaua
AUcntown. Bethlehem. Eastern ana weatnerly
0 04. 7.38. 5.15 m., 12.41. 2 67, 6 27 p. m.
For New Yers: ana I'uiaaeinnia, i.ii,j.s3, i
o.ia a. m.. 12.49. &M. For Ouakatte. Switch-
baK, uerharas ooa Iiuosonaaie, o.ut, y.u a. i
m., and 2.57 p.m.
for Wllltes-Barre. White Haven. PltUtoa.
LaocTvtllo, Tewanda, Sayre, Wavsrly and
Klinira. 04. 0.15 a. m.. 1S7. 6 27 B. m.
For Rethester, DuOalo, Niagara Falls and
thR West. 6.04. 9.15 a. a. and 2.67 6.27 c. m.
For Bemaere, Delaware water un ana
Stroudsburg, 6.04 a. nt., 67 p. n.
icnr iam nermna ana -iTOnioB..v.iD t. m.
TimlrltftvviAalr.fl Ol. (MS ft., n.. n.
For Ithsoa and Geneva 6.04, 9.15 a. at. &.it
P-"1 ..... .
irer Aumirm a- m. B i n. m.
For Jsanes vine. L via tonan4Deaer Meadow,
f .8 a. m., 12.43, 8.00 p. m. . .
For Stockto and liiirener vara, o.ot, r.n,
B.IK . ili. t.V 5.27 p.m.
For Silver Brook Janoilon. Audenrled and
Haileton 6 04, 7.SS, 9 18 a. m , 12.43, V.57, 5.27 and
Ft scran lo a, o.vt,, a. m., aui iiu ui
p. ra.
For Batlebrook, Jedda, Drlfton and Freeland,
6.04, 7.88, 9. J5, a, m 12.43. 27. 6.27 p. nv .
rnr Ashland. GlrardTllle and Lost Creek, 4.61
I 7.51, 9 18, 10.20 am.( 1.00, 1.40, 4.10,-6.86, E.22,
u. m.
For Raven Run, Centralis, Mount Carael and
Shamokln, 0.13, 11.14 a. m 1.32. 4.40, 8.22 p. m.
For Yateenlle. fark f lace, uananoy uiir ana
Delano. 6.04. 7.38. 9.15, 11.06. a m.. 12.43. 2.67
6 17, 8.08, 9.33, 10.28 p. m.
Trains win isare anamoxin ai,
a. m 1.66, 4.30 p. m., ana arrive at unenan
clnah at 9.16 a. m.. 12.43. 2.67. 6.27. 11.15 D. m.
Leave Shenandoah lor rottsvuie,
In Pontage, wo 11 ill nrad
A Naitiple Envelope, of ctllicr
Ton have seen it advertised for many
years, but have you ever tried ltT If
not, you do not know what an Ideal
Complexion Powder !
besMee being fttrBekii(rrrlodd'beAOtlfiea
h&a nuir refresblng uoi. It prove ta ehaf
lc,8iO'Diirn,wlDd tan,lesMDBperplrattoo,
7ZVieci-ion 10 ue xaoe ouring ooivoouwrs
is io iiTerywnero
For B&mple. addreM
I J. A. POZZONI CO. St. Louis, Mo,!
Fonr Colored 3Ien Drowned.
CAIRO, Ills., June 7. Four colored men,
James Wheeler, Ed Green, James Holmes
nnd Ed Skaegs, were drowned at Bird's
Point, Mo., while crossing the river In a abont 400 men and some women.
down the Illinois river from Pekin. Word
was recelvea at 1-eKin mat &uu miners
from west of the river were about to at
tack the mine. Sheriff Frederick swore
In a posse and set out for the scene. The
strikers assembled at Bentonvlll and
crossed the Illinois by Ferries. There were
skiff. The boat was overturned and the
swift current carried the men under an
adjacent barge.
Fatally llurned by Ganntlne.
KANSAS Crry, Mo., June 7. A gasoline
stove exploded In Adam Long's house on
Central street, nnd two servants, Mary
Glynn aud Nora Kelvel, were frightfully
The sheriff and ppsse remonstrated with
the mob In vain. The leader of the strik
ers, with a revolver in each hand, cried
out "Follow me," and the crowd charged
on the mine. The two Littles and their
two sons and a colored man retreated to
the tower above the shaft and opened fire
on the attacking party, some of whom
were seen to fall. The lire was returned,
buthetZrirl wnVprouably und hnaiT of'shot, were flred into and 2ggffl & we.k da,.,
, out the otuer gin win prooauiy through the tower, The Littles hoisted 7.20, 11.86 a. m., 1.86, 7.67. P. m. but.
Senator Siihiim an made a strong spee ch
en tho Tariff bill, which with acute criti
cism he described ns "the Gorman com
pound bill with the Cleveland attach
ment." The Inconsistencies within the
Democratic party on the tariff question
were mercilessly pointed out by Mr. Sher
sian, who suggested that the host way of
dealing with the entiro subject would be
by n Tariff Commission, whose work
should be reviewed by Congress. Tho
Senator vigorously opposed tho income
vn, saying that It would ailect the frugal
poor. With telling force he referred to
the verdict of Ohio at tho last election,
when McKInley carried the state by
56,000 over the author of the tariff plank
In the Democratic National platform.
Mr, Sherman's reasoning was cogent and
ill logic Irresistible.
For flnvernor of Kenias.
TOFEKA, Knn June 7. TbeHepubllcnn
Into rnnventinn nominated Mnior E. N.
Morrill, of Hiawatha, for governor amid lairshaft was kept closed
a white flag, br.t the firing did pot cease.
The tower was set on fire and up shot the
flames. It was feared the powder would
be reached, and the crowds retreated. The
2.10, 6.26, 7.20, a.m., 12.33, 2.60. 6.65 p.m. Hunw
2.10, a.m. For New York via Mauec Chunk,
week days, 6.25,7.20 a. m., 12.33, . p. m.
For Reading and Phuaaelnhla, vreek day-y
2.10, 6.35, 7.3), a. m., WAiv K, 6.66 p, m. Hat--,
day, -.10. a. m.
For Pottsvllle, weak days, 3.10, 7.20, a. m.
12.31. 2.6fi, 5.66 p. m. Susday, 110 a. m.
For Tom aqua and Mahanoy Clly, vreek 4Ut
2.10, 6.25, 7.80, a. m., 12,32, 2J6, 6.66 p. m. Rfe'
day, 2.10, a. m. Additional Mr Mahanoy City,
week days, 7 00 p. m.
For Wllllamssart, suatury ana Levrisnarb
week days, 3.25, 11.80 a. m., 1.83, 7.00 p. nv,
Buaday, 3.25 a. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, weok'tays, 110, 8.25, 5-i
7.20, ll.M a.m., 12.3, 1.85, 2.65, 6j, TjOO, 9.V
eonuTutiLt, DrvisioK.
Trains will leave Shenandoah alter the above
date for Wlegan's, Gllberton, Fraekvllle, New
Castle, Bt. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Keadlnr,
0(5 if 05 Tiki a. m. 1143 167. 4 10 6 27. 8.0S 1 Pottstowr., phoanuviiie, worristown ana Phu
BOS, 11.10 u.3U a. m., i, -luo-i' -uc Udelphla (Broad street station) at 6:00 asd 11:45
a. m. ana sua p. m. on weexueyH j ar roiw
vlUe and Intermediate stations 9:10 a. m.
daetle. St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:00. 9:40 a.m.
ana 3iiu p. m. ror tiamnurg, iteaaing, potta.
town, Fhcenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 6:00, 9:40 a. m., 8:10 p. m.
Trains leave Fraekvllle ror Shenandoah at
10:40 a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p.m.
Bundays, 11:18 a. m. an 6:40 p. m.
Lteave A-Oiuvuio lor onenanaoan at iu;io,
11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. m, Sundays
at 10:40 a.m. and 6:15 p. m.
Leave PhUadeipma (uroaa Bireet station) ror
Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 6 67 and 8 86 a m,
1 10 and 7 11 p m week days. On Sundays leave
jor rousviue. t
Tmvh Pottsvllle far Shenandoah. 6.00. 7.60.
I 9 36, 10.15,11.40 a. m., 1132, 8.00,. 440, 6.20, 7.15,
t hr, ill. II, TV m.
Leave Shenandoah for Uaileton, 6.04, 7.88, 9.16,
a. m., 1143.,8.03 p.m. . ,nm
tieave iiazieran lor aueaanuuau, j.m,
11.00 a. m., 1116, . 7.ra. 7. p. m.
Trains leave for Raven Run. Centralla. lit,
Carmel and Shamokln, 6.45 a. m., 140 p. m.,
and arrive at Shamokln at 7.40 a. m. and 8.45
p. m
Trains leave Shamokln' for Shenandoah at
7.59 a. a. ana 4 uu p. m., ana arrive at auvu-
in irrarr mat 20, 1SH.
Trains leave Shenandoah as fOllawst .
Vn, Hv Vnrlr PMa.rtAlnh1l. mV dev. ! nnriMft nt R.43 a. m. and 4.68 n. m.
1T111I ICaTO lOr ABIUAaU,UUUUVUlB eu. uuo,
ills n. m.
For Haileton, Black Creek Junction,
Creek, 9.40 a.
Haven Junction, Mauch
naven uncuon, naucn ubuiu, ajwuw.u,
Uethlehaaa, Eastoi and New York, .49 a m.,
12.90, ica p. m.
For Philadelphia 12.80, 2.66 p. m.
'Far Yateavllfe, Park Place, Mahaaoy City and
Delaao. 8.49. 11.36 a. m., 1180, 3.66, 4.63 6.03 p. m.
at 6 60 a m. Jor Pottsvllle. 0 23 a mi
For New xorK. KzpreEs. wees: aars.
at 820, 406, 460, 516, 860, 7 83, 820. 960, 1100
11 14 am, is uu noon, n it p. m, iLiinutea x
press 1 06 and 4 60 p m. dining oars.) 1 40,
5 SO, 3 20, 4 00, 6 00, 600, 660, 7 25. 8 12,
10 00 pm, 12 01 night, Sundays 3 20, 4 06, 4 60.
15, 8 11, s to, ii ua u to, a a, u , i tu, x su, w
eiaao, o.4v, a. m., icau, .do, .os o.uo p. ,m i o 10, a is, uu. iiwuw,. w, i t w, e ew, w
Leave .Ilaileton tor .Shenandoah 8.80, 11.34 ptmlted 4 60) 6 20.6 20,6 60.7 25 and 8 12 p m and
Leave Shenandoah tor Pottsvllle, 6.60, 8 49,
9.90 a. m., 140 p. m. . -
Leave Pottsnue lor unenanaoan, a.ou, iu.i
a.xa.,1.30, 8.1b p. m.
South Bethlehem, F
OHAS. S. LEK. Qenl. Pass. Aft,
A XT MnHMffUAflHRri. Aeet. a. P. A..
Bcones of great enthusiasm. W. A. John-
ion was nominated for associate judge of
the supreme court by acclamation.
who cannot understand
the beucflt to be derived
from the use of Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. Did you ever
tee a siciuy woman witn
bright eyes, clear skin,
and rosy cheeks I Or
uraiiuy one wunout
them 1 A woman can
Uve in full health, do
The killed are: John Jackson, colored.
a miner at Little's; Ed Bloom, one of the
strikers. Wounded; E4 .Porter and Peter
Little, of the beseiged, the former shot In
the breast, probably fatally. Half a dozen
others were slightly hurt. There are a
number of miners in the shaft, who. It Is
feared, are suffocated, Among them are
Gus Morltz nnd John Hockey.
The hherlff and posse have returned from
the scene, unable to cope with the mob.
Leave New York via PhUadeipma, week day
B.SU a. m.,, t.uu, p. m., itio nujnt. bus
day, 6.00 p.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
4.30, .10 a. m.. 1.10, 4.80 p. m.
Leave Phlladelchta. Iteadlne Terminal.
weelc days, 4.20, 8.36, 10,00 a. m., and 4.0,
6.02. 11.30 n. m. Sunday. 11.30 n. m.
Leave Reading, week days, 1.36,7,10, 10.05, 11.(4,
a. m.. 5.66. 7.67 n. m Sundav. 1.33. a m
Leave' Pottsvllle, week days, 135, 7.40 a. m,
icou, c,ii p. m ounuay, . m.
Leave Tamaqua, ween days,, b.kj, lia a
m.. B.2S n. m. SundST. 8.18 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8.46, 0 21,
11,47 a, UL, 1.61, 7.44, V.D4 p. DO. bl
a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week dtys, 140, 4.11.
0.8U, 9.87, 11.69 a. m.,, 2.00, .aj,o.
p. m. uunaay, 2.4U, i.w a. m.,
Sunday and Dally Papers.
ft 01 nlzht.
For he Girt. Loos 11 ranch and intermediate,
stations, 8, 1114 a m, and 4 00, p m
j-or isaiiimore ana vrasniigton i H), 7 zu, s ill
nil ,ft an . . . , l 1 1 , it a i i , . . j, i .
car,) 1 80, 8 48, 4 11, (5 16 Congranlonal Limited
Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 617,
8 65, 7 40 and 11 83 p.- m.. vaek days. Bun
days, 3 60, 7 W, 310, 1118 am. 11110, 141, 6 65,
11 38 and 7 40 p m.
For Richmond, 7 uu a a,- u is ana im p m,
dally, and 180 p.m. weekdays.
Trains will leave Harrisbunr for Plttanurt
and the West every day at 1 SO. 1 10 a m, (1 20
) m limited) K 360,
11 65 li m every day.
ea, women, its unmuieuus "r .1
soothing and strengthening nervine; besides,
It lessens pain. It's tho only remedy for
Attempt to Wow Op a "Scab'
Create Terror.
more work, have ! FnosTliuno, Aid., June 7. Detachments
mors pleasure, from the Fourth and Fifth regiments aro
amount to more, patrolling tho little towns in the neigh
by taking the uorijooj of ti, n,nes the Marylnnc.
meTthe bodily coal region, and the experience does not
functions ar. not regular reeml)le play soldiering, lue eueci w
the woman Is lithcaU. I that the towns are under martial control.
The patrol Is kept up in order to prevent,
if possible, a repetition of the dastardly
dynamite outrage which took place near
the Eckhort mine yesterday.
It has been pretty well known for some
time that a number of the strikers were
supplied with dynamite and some of this,
or from other source, was used on the
Kouia rf Charlsa Lancaster, onav of tit
Am a Bunnort for uerr.
ous. exnausuxj, overworn
an invigorating tonic, a
erwn a TV rh mnlo wenknoBSes and irregulari
ties that's .guaranteed to benefit or cure, or
th money paid fpr it refunded.
If toffarfng from Catarrh try Dr. Ban's
B4au4r. 4" rvwanl If you acal m curvi,
Leave WlllIamsDort. week days. 10.10. a. m.
3.85. 11.16n. ra. Sundav. 11.15 n. m.
r or uauimore, wasningion ana mo west ti
ii. & v. R. It., througn trains leave ueaain.
Terminal. Phlladelnhla. (P. ft R. R. R.) at 8.2d
7.40, 11.-13 a. m., 3 in,5.18. 7.22, p. m., Sunday t.l
Y.ij, n.M a. m.i a p. ro.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Whari
ana Houtn Htreet wnari lor Atianua uuy.
Week days Fxpress, 9.00 a. in.: (Saturdan
only 1.301) 2 00,3 00,4.00, 6 00 p. m. Accom
modate- 8.00 a. m.i 6 45 d. m.
Bnndays Kxpress, B 00,9.00, 10.00 a.m. Acccrc.
tnodatlon, 8.00 a. m and 4 SO p m.
lteturnlnr, leave Atlantic City depot, cor
nor Atlantic and Arkansas avenueB : w
days Express, 7.00. 1A 9 00 a. m. and 8 39, 5 SO
-p Accommouniioo. o.iu a. in, ana t.u p. ui.
Sunt ays-Express, 4.00, 6.45,8.00 p. m. Ao
eommodatlon, 7.13 a m, ana 4.u p. m.
Parlor cars on all express 'trains
. (1. HANCOCK. Oen. Pass. Act.
Philadelphia Pa,
1. A. SWKIUAMU, uen. aupi.
Trains will feava Harrisbunr tor Plttaour
Way for AltoonA at 8 18 am and 6 00:p m every
aay. rot pittsnurg ana Altoona ai ii am
every day.. . JL ...
Trains wiuieave sunnury tor. vr uuansport,
Elmlra, Canandalfua, Rochester) lluflslo and
PArtles wlshlnir anv of these naoers delivered I rt.a n,. Tumi. .LHii-nm weeV da v.
can leave orders at Max Reese's, Dougherty Erie and Intermediate points at 5 18 am dally,
building, West Centre street, Sunday papers jror Lock Haven at 6 18 and 9 66 a m dally, 1 86
on sale at Brennan's cigar store and Klrlln'a and 6 44pm week days For Kenovo at 6 18 a
drug store. m, 1 36 and 6 44 p m week days, and 6 18 a m on
sunaays oniy. ' or nn ai a is a m, aauy
ns weeauayn.
Mm(' wen'i VMS't'" Agi
II " above Qretn.Phlla, Pa.,
V rmerlv at 206 North Reeend St.. Is the old
est in America tor the treatment of Siedal
JHieatra and Youthful Error. Varicocele,
H ydrecele, Lost Manhood,, etc. Treatment oy
nail a sneclaltv. Communications tacredly
cocadentlal. Send stamp lor book. Hours, 8
a. m. to v p. m.. sunuays, vtoism
The Season Is here;
For Painting ....
and Paper Hanging
(Successors to Coakley Bros.)
Mo. 38 Bast Centre Street,
Our Hoitoi Best Quality at Lowest Oatta
Prices. Patrooagt respectruuj mususo.
Get your work done by
Mahanoy City's leading artist,
Perfect Work,
Bargains in nalnts nnd oils, nlaln and
stained glass. All the new patterns In
wall paper. All dally and weekly papers,
novels, novelettes and stationery.
133 Woat Oontro Street.
Headqaartora for the ErBNDra Herald.