Evening Herald. TUESDAY, JUNK C, WW. MAHANOY GITY LETTER.'! A BUDGET OF LATEST NEWS TJLLfcD EDITION All the) Events of the Day Told i BfightandSpicy Paragraphs A Recordol To-day's Doings. PRESIDENT EZETA OVERTHROWN 8lvidor' Chief Eircntlve Itr'HRee lilt Military Commander t)ad. PANAMA. Jnno P. The Star and Herald has received the following special advices from San Salvador: "In the brittle nt Eanta Ana on May 2 the government troops under General Antonio Ezetn were defeated. General Eiteta and COO soldiers were killed. General Holanos was wounded. President Kr.eta has reslgnod Jn favor of Carlos llonllla. A counter revolution is sure to break out, as Bonllla while endeavoring to swing aboard n fast Is not generally acceptable. Possibly Gen- running electric enr one day last week, eral Manuel Hlvas may become president." Tim alighted gracefully upon tils face V? ASlilNGTOJf, June 5. A few scanty do- ntid hands, one of which he now cnrrlcBlu tnils of the fall of Ezeta have been ro- reived from Commander Thomas, of the Mrs. Dr. Lqwrcy, of Catawlssn street Heimltiuton. who telenrnnhs from La accompanied by ner moil er, mniie m.m Ltbertnd as follows: "The revolution has GIVE YOUR ANSWER, TRUE." An Actus! Occurrence on an ISlectrlc Kail. war Car. They were a, respectably dressed couple of apparently more than ordinary In' telliucnce. He was n rather good looking tnBn of nbout 40 years with attractive black side whiskers and moustache ana, from his dress, appeared to be a widower. She was a rather small nnd thin woman, with no special claim to beauty ami evl ilentlv ovr thlrtv. Thev boarded an elec tric car at tno corner 01 aiatn nnu uoai Heath of ISx-llnrrrnur Van Zamlt. IIoston. June S. Kx-Governor Charles Collins Van Zamlt, of Hhodc Island, died yesterday In Hrookllne, at the residence of his brother-in-law, Hev. Samuel Duncan, D. D. Ho was 63 years old. rraparlnir to Leave Washington. Washington. June 6. The presidential family is now making preparations to go to Grar Gables for the summer, and Mrs. Cleveland nnd the children expect to leave tomorrow or Thursday. DIVES 'Absolute Confidence in szsn -Our Advertisements. NUGGETS OF NEWS Of thelVKNIKO UHRAI.D, III. rnmnnnr wn liullffprpllt. I "HlltlUIlt-V. I1I3LUUIU..I11 n MtUMIt.CiU.. MAHANOY UrrT. JUnOO. 1., ,1. V,.0,,lf .nn.r n Tim - . , ui . I roa. .ut.uw . . . . . . ........... . . . . . " Tl, .Tnnlnr olnsa of the High school I im wrn not seated lonir before the nas- will hold a picnic at Lakeside on June 14. sengers, sevoral of them Shenandoah A Ilrsl-ciass orcnesirn win iuruu mm people oni on a pleasure inii, wscuvcrcu for ilnnrlnir. I that a rare treat was In store for them. John Leary spent Monday morning It was a ncnooiing in couriBuip. in oif..;j.li. widower moved un close to his companion T taothy Grin ibc I weif-known acrobat "Cot and contortlonist.wns turned a Bomcrsau th B.nge rsm a parts Kellv's "Commonweal navy" has been forbidden to land at Cairo, Ills. Lernv II. Prltchard. of Mlclilgan. was waylaid, robbed and murdered by bandits In Mexico. When Emperor Francis Joseph visited Buda Pestb, Hungary, he snubbed the Hadlcals waiting to receive mm. A hall storm which viMted Marlon POMEROY and 3 Remarkable Results Follow Our Printed Announcements TEWART nrnnu, pi Every line no matter how small the type does its share toward adding to our great business, and to the fact that our advertisements are always free from exaggeration and free from anything which in the slightest way misleads, we Our as you ought. The best think you can do Is to marry me. Of course, you have a tirnther. rmr. ii anvtnini? snoum uannen in l.lm vnt-l wnnlil hp, Ipft nlonn in this cnlls upon Pottsvllle friends on Sunday. 1 world, and you know people are not made to be mono in tuis worm, iney are innue to be mated. . . i. i i mi.. p,.i,,i:.ii,mnn I "Wiims. nipnse." interrunted the con' mumu..H...v.....v ... . ..... . , . ,i... William J. Garrett took a trip to Head- "uor, .9 ' ".? " i- I ' ,,! I WlUOWUr HIIU WIHIVCU turn am.ici u tun lng yesterday. other nassenuera. Robert IleUer left for W ashington, u. Thn widower nnld for two without C, where he holds a position under the .-... .ig ,,wcoureo. nnd oblivious to government. tho preseuco ut the conductor and the Mrs. Hngenbuch and son are visiting in stares and smiles of the uotlt nstonisueu Philadelphia. and amused passengers, continued, "l .Tamos Smth. J. K. P. Scheilly ana nave irmuiv n kuuu uc ........ .. Jose wero Tpipfrnn ut Oliver Govne relieveu . ...m i . - . .. ... - nl.. LUH V. I1U UUJS . nil. 3 JU" " Patrick uxonnor at tue A,anauoy i-nj know my daughters will love you. Now colliery yesterday. .vnn'i r.in lvi mn vour answer i" Tim uninn of ball between the AdmlrnlB "WmII. T will consider It." answered tho and a picked nine yestenlay afternoon woman in a tone as loud and clear as that was a regular slugging match nnd ended of her wooer. in a defeat for the picked nine by n (.core "You bad better givo me your answer of li to ii. now," lie persisted, must largely attribute this extraordinary showing. Sve! toun.y. Fia compieu-iy w.m out corn prices invite comparison. fs telling on you. You don't look as well fields and other crops to the value ol 150.000. At Hot Snr ngs. Ark.. K. S. Crenshaw i railroad tontrnctor. and hobeit McOon jell, n war in n, were liluwn to IiIIb ixplodllig dyn."n;te. Smith .T K P Scheiilv and have traveled a good oeai nnu nave iounu u PomeroV Vu' of then mdoah, your disposition just suits me. You know visnZ hees e day. mine and I know yours; riow, won t you usitorsuirL yesitiuaj. say the wonir It is not a very hard word elguliors. rue army was wen iinueu ., fir n'i... .ii(T..ti.. n.,.r,.., fYic pnnlo wna "" "Fares, please.' OI'.NLIIAL ANTONIO RZl'.TA. been sniTessful. The president of Salva dor has escanil and has gone on board n German steamer all ready to leavo Ln LIbcrtad. Tho brother of the president has been dead three weeks. This fact has been kept secret." Kzetn is one of the strongest characters who lias uver ruled over Salvador, and it was his great executive ability, seconded bv the high military talents of his do ceased brother. General Kzetn, that gave the smallest of the Central American re publics the ascendency over Its larger neighbors. The army was well drilled and penu The disaffection among the people wn vcrv much strengthened by I'.zetu s nm bltlous designs to ndvance the material Interests and importance of his country He planned public works on a large scale and started a railroad project, but he was too far advanced for the people to follow, and they rebelled against tho heavy taxes that were levied to pay for these worKs Had it not been for tho killing of the president's brother, in whose genius the oldiers had creat confidence, the succoss of the rebellion might have been long de ferred. A Trolley Car Jumps the Trach. Columbia, Pa., June 5. A trolley cnt on the Columbia and Donegal railway Jeft the track at Chickies, and ran into n hillside, wrecking tho car. Mrs. John Henderson, James Henderson and Louis Hortman of Mnytown, Mrs. Amos btaplo ford of Lancaster and Lieutenant Ed. C. Shannon of this place, all passengers, were more or less injured. Conductor Young was thrown from tho car and badly hurt. Nouo of tho casualties will result fatally. Tho accident was caused by a broken wheel. Hank l.ontpril Sentence,!. Inm WAroUS, June 5. P. A. Cofiln, P. P. Il'i.lhii and Albert S. Hied, the con victed bank looters, were arraigned In the federal court hero for Mmteuce. Tho do- fense, led by ex-Attorney General Miller. made a desperate effort to secure, a now trial, but failed. Francis C llin got ten years and Percival C' flln five years, while Heed, who wns merely a tool of the Uot fins, was released on suspended sentence, mercy being shown in his cose. Mian llortlen Hetnllates. FALL Hivbii, Mass., Juno 5. Lizzie Harden has served notice on the local branch of tho Young Women's Christian Temperance union, which has Its quarters ln the Andrew J. liorden minding, mo property of Miss Harden, that It must va cate nt once. Slncu her trial for murder she has been rigidly excluded from the society, and several of the members have snubbed her. flnnri-p Tlnnlpls U teiirlnc down the frame, buildings at Kast Water and Third streets to moke room tor nnnnuMiuieiwu story building for store rooms nnd ollicee, John Ryan, the tonsorialist, accom panied by MUh Lou Arlnnd, of Chicago, made an excursion through the headings, rliiitps and iriuii'wnTH of Mahanoy City colliery on Sunday nlternooii. ine young lady irom tne est wns ueepiy iimircoseu with the wonders of coal mining. Tho station employes of the P. & It'. H. H. nre hereby challenged to cross hats with the L. V. It. It lioys lor tun or flnllnrn nt miT time nnd place thev may name. We held tho P. & R. down last season nnd wo Intend to keep up the record this summer. We object, However, to manager "Peck" Snyder employing Lot me have a little time to consider." Thn willow er whs not llolllL' business on tin. instalment nlan. and ncaln he urged. "If wo were to marry and anytuiug should happen to turn up with mo nnd 1 should die'' . ... Richards street, chnnge cars tor JNlnnn- noy City and Ashland," yelled the con ductor. Some of the passengers hated that Interruption as tho widower appeared toliateit, out tue vsninnu car was iu waltine- nnd nearlv all tho passengers, Inrlinlini? tho wooers, trot ln It. The car started ami noovo nu me inn nsiillv occasioned bv a crowd of pleasure seekers the widowers voice could be heard. "Ab 1 was about to sny," the passengers caught, "If I should die, I would will everything to you. I nm pretty well off I in this world's coods. I havo a nice home ouiu oe "ijjlio lnteruatlooif famous REMEDY for SjEOaMTKf 1IEUIJAL0IA ana similar Oomplalnta manntaotnred under tno stringent GERM AH MEDICAL LAWS,. .prescribed lyenunontphysiclanaV DR. RICftTER'S (BituniunKai' J Onl v ccnulno w.Tradom'U"Anchor.' I Look also on raokare for Sr, Bloater's firmi IF. Ad. Rlchtor&Co. Now York. -29 HIGHEST AWAHDS- 112 Branoh Houses. Own Glaajwotka For solo In Shenandoah by 0. II, iiaKCnuucii, j iu- ..iiiuu, I V D. KIrlln Wn offer many special Induce ments ln our llllIncry Depart ment We ore headquarters for hats, either trimmed oruntrlm mcd i also tho choicest selec tion of trimmings, flowers, rib bons, etc We've tho cheap hat and the high-priced hat. See ing Is believing...... OUR SPECIAL $2'25 There's hardlv ft doubt but you will Und our stock of coats Just what is wanted in a light weight coat. It Is the most ex tensive and best assorted lot in the county. Ladles' double- IDreasieu juukci.uujuil-iiu udL, draped sleeves, satin faced, and soino nnea mrougnoui....... Ladles' .Cloth Cancs.assortcil sizes and materials, laco and braid tnmmca.Biacit ana navy, newest styh s, newest effects. Wo are prepared with a selec tion that should please the critic. The capo is tho leading wrap, and we are keen enough to rccognizo it OUR SPECIAL $4 There is onb headnuartcra of Underwear in I'ottsvllle, and that is our store every qual ity, every weight, every style, everv size made, and every price. No other such an ns- Hortmpnt ln the countv. All stvles ana qualities oi Ladies' vests. Our Men's Neckwear Depart ment adds emphasis to the abovo: "Woknowthatthlswlll bo tho greatest opporiunuy ever before offered ln I'ottsvllle to prnnnmirnnv sunniv an cn- tlro season's requirements of f ashlonablo Neckwear.and that too at half and less than half tho usual cost. OUR SPECIAL $5 BteSi-Qther Droi!, Nothing ln tho woman attire is as natty, as "bon-ton" ns n neat, well-mado shirt waist. We havo thorn ln percale, lawn, sateen and silk. Perfect beau ties, masterpieces oi women s conceptions all shades, all styles, and at the most popu lar prices OUR SPECIAL 372C BUCrlHJS PASTE IURC AHD CtRTAtri CCUH TO ? RATS MXC2. . Ilrlnci. the IttiJrnta oul of Ihclr bolra to .''lc. Ho Dod odor nftcrwnrdo, nr.Unrwrroui aecldentl.1 poUpnlnix like Anetila A or other p.twdetf. CtWITB. AT All EEAMJTta. Rnocial low nrlcea to all lu watches ewelrv anil silverware at licioeiman s corner xuain anu jjioyti Rireeui. COMMITTED "Fatty FOR BURGLAR?:. I'vntnst trot the chanire. there sew ing. I have quite a number of cattle and would only be too glad to make you my with. Thero is nnotner iriri 1 Know oy her disposition does not suit me ns well as vours. Now. won't you please say the word!" . . Conductor: (sotto voice) "Hint tires Tvn." tn niun "All nut ior ssuianu. - Thn cniinlB cnt out and tue last seen 01 tho pair was whtu the woman had her back braced against a telegraph pole, her 24 MISCEIiIiAKEOPS. r o T V"lume No. 11 of the Columbian cn li rlnnpilla Finder will nlease return same 10 Ueeee's auction rooms and get reward. A comnlctoresumo of ail tho fashions nnd combinations of new fabrics that will bo invogue in great fashion centres this season Is shown In our display of Dress Goods for spring and summer, onooi our specials is a changeable goods, swlveled effect, 1 yard wide, worth 25c... The unnreccdented success of our Silk department has been tno source 01 mucn surpriso 10 all who have watched its re markable crowth. "Goods of standard qualities tho best, at LOWEST P1UCES " is unquesuon ablv tho reason of its great ad' vanccment. Our Wash Silks are exceptionally flno at 42c, OOU UUU IOV OUR SPECIAL i7c I OUR SPECIAL I ?. OUR SPECIAL T lie OUR SPECIAL 2c Wo carry a large lino of cot-1 in goods. Following are a few ' the manv. somo of which are mourning goods, others are Scotch l'lalds, Zephyr uing hams. tine Percales in strlncs and llgurcs, all new goods and pei feet beauties considered cneap ni ivo a yara OUR SPECIAL I2C Ilerctoforo our soring salcsl have tested the selling capacity of our Hosiery Departmcnt.and each year the stocks, necessary to supply tne acmanas, nave been enormously increased a fact which nroves bevond a question that we carry a stand ard nose OUR SPECIAL I22C Ladies' cotton, silk nnd kid gloves in all tho leading and desirablo shadCB. What a glove selling tlmo we'vo had for the past month. The liko of It has never been known in Pottsvllle, that's a certainty. It clinches1 and rivets our claim for abso lute glovo headquarters.. OUR SPECIAL 75c A bis sneclal of lacos ln all the latest designs. Dainty and L beautiful effects. Exclusive in stvlo and nrlcc. All silk Hour- don Laces not tops and pretty patterns worth 20c. Butter color laces ln Point Venice. Venetian Point, in Point de Ireland, In all tho new and aainty enecis worm use . OUR SPECIAL SnTiler Umxiit-ctciUy falls into thn Hands ot the Tollce. John, alias "Fatty," Snyder, was before Justice T. T. Williams last night, charged by Thomns J. James, inside foreman at lnliinnnr colliery, with burElnry. 1 Mm hnlpa aim niinehed into the mud witl Mr. .Inmes testified that on the morn- her umbrella, 'ihe wiuower stoou close lng of the 29th of May his wife found the to ber with his mouth very near one of slinnty at tho rear of his residence, on her cars. They Btood in that position un x .1. w..i (r .1 .ll.nKltrlr rr.mll. til t.lm car irnt out of rnnce of vision, nnd tion nnd a razor 'was missing. Sunday may be stnndlng there, yet. A lady pus- itt ANTED. A girl for general Housework branch 1 fflco, Centre street. Keese's auction rooms. Wesl 5-29-tf face turned to the ground, nnd counting YlTANTED-SalesmsD VV permanint place serymen, Hochcstcr, n. 1 fftlnrv from start Urmnllros. 1 o.Nur- &-2i-eoa-im Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, FOIt PALE. Two lots, 50 feet Iront ana lou feet aeep, 1 n Oak street, Mt. Carmel.where the rink Is fituated. Now brlrgs ln f25per month for ground rent. Apply to John Uostello, C. Geo, Miller, Manager. POTTSVILLE, PA. Ashland, 1'a. Tiinrninir sh went into the shantv and found It hnd been visited again on Satur day night. Books and papers which Mr. James uses at the mines had been taken from his working clothes ami scattereu nhnut thn floor and several articles were missing, among them n pencil, two pairs Kontrer who had overheard the conversa tion in the car remarked to her friend, 'That chnp has teen llsning ueiore." FOIt HALE A M karat diamond stua and a ladles' gold ring with emerald setting, Bur rounded by six diamonds. Enquire at the Why Not Read This ? II EnALO office A twn-vpnr.niii ilnuirhter of John r . l...4.l 1 IVonVtilllann ., otpants and a watch guard. , frh iittla om jiea last week of unlet 01 x uueu u nnni icimui, l"uv I illnt rpo MAKE BIG MONEY selling our electric X Telephone. Best Bener on eanu nraotlral Electric Telephone. Our agents iking t5 to 10 a day easy. Everybody Buys; he and Oflicer "lptherla. eari yesieiuaj uiuiiuuK .... ...... m,, ,.. flriri nn,i thn almost ner. rr'cenfre s?,". Tu u ! . in V noUced pelual d nmpnSs has caused much slck- Rnrili-r nnnronch from Pear ol ev with n ness in me jowujiug ii i i mm la under nis nrm. onyuer mrneu linck Into the nllev unon seeint: the police. Ilnnrrhertv followed him and O'llliril went down Mnln street. On Oak street nhnnt. in front ot Heillv's tai or shon. O'Hnrn met Snvder nnd nliiced him under arrest. When taken to the lockup tho prisoner's pockets and bundle was searched. The olllcers found a pair of pants, a razor, a whetstone, memoranda book, a sliver watch guard, a copy ot the Evekino IlKHALnof July 20, 1MI2, and a red nnd white tobleclotn. Mr. James ldentllled nil tno nrticies ex- There are at least ten cases of dlntherla. one of which has resulted. fatnllv. The Hoard of Health will take measure to eradicate the cause of the dis ease. Alexander Jacobs left this morning for an extended trip to Philadelphia and Washington. Mpssrs. John Otilnn and C. O. Smith, of Mnhanov City, called on friends here Monday evening. Miss Xnlllo Larkin. an accomplished vounc belle of Mahanoy City, was the guest of Miss Mnry llornn, of MaizevlUe, Telephone. Bet Beller on earth. Hentall conmlite reaav tosexun lines 01 any uuiuate. A malrltiff tn SlO 11 dV faSV. hip monev without work rrices low. any one can rnako $75 per month. Addrfss w. r Harrison & (X)., (Jierk no, 11, t-oiumuu, uuiu. AUOITOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphans' Court of Schuylkill county. Inre etute ot Powel Balon, Into of Khne township, said county, deceased, ine unoersigneu, u uuui- tnv n ritl.ll T,l tm riV KHIII cnilTL -'LU U.IUll. BCLLIC an ii.i umi iflnnr. u siriLuuuuui luc luuusiu tte hands of Walter Btevtnson, administrator I of suld estato," will aeetail parlies inwrestea for the purpose oi nis appointment., ai tue fflrr.nf M afiUpnrr Wtlhelm. Kbo.. inthebor- mioh nf Pnttsvllle. sa!4 countv. at 2 o'clock In tne ancrnoon ot jh nuuy, uuc ioiu,io,nu.u and where all parties In interest are notltled to anncar or bo fotevtr debarred from c- mlng in on sain mnu. .- . .... ai. ai. liuitivi.. auu wr. Mav29. 1891. 6 29-oaw-3t i-NHitiTHli NOTIftE In the Court of Com- V j mon Picas, ot Schuylkill county. Notice You may have been deceived by some advertisements, but we guarantee . you first-class goods at the right price. You will find In our NEW CLOTHING STORE a large and varied lino of Men's, Boys' and Children's Well made, latest styles nnd nt low prices. Call and see ns. No trouble to show goods. Polite and prompt nttention, nnd one price to nil. W. Shines New Clothing Store, Simon Abrauiaon, Manager. 21 South Main St., Shenandoah. A Unti l SwlmlliT Hi-lit to Jllll. Raltimoue, June fi. William II. Pat terson, nllns W. IJ. Phillips, of New York who on May 9 attempted to swindle tho Eutaw House out of n lioaril mil oi twi, was yesterday convicted and sentenced to lull for sixty days. This Is tho first case tried under the 1MB Inw. Phillips' oltense was aggravated by his attempting to pass u forged check in payment of the hill. Benator Mcl'licmoti to Take a Heat. Washington, June 5. No appointment will be made for the Atlantic City post- office for nt least n week. Senntor Mc- Pherson, who controls the nppolntnient, know that you need care, worried "This is a bad season oi tue yeor to go tr. toll " "Oh ! I'll be out when the robins nest unnln " wns the prisoner's retort, He wnscommitted without bail. Snyder is the fellow who sometime ago drank a tiuantlty of horse medicine to show that he coum ueiy ueaiu uy uriuiwuii iiu.ouu, He almost Uleil irom tne euecis. eeK l" ,,i ,t,?;i , Vast evening, ,., "J. ...,-..Lin r,f .vmnnthv The Rilberton School Doard has re- is hereby given that an application wH be made bv the ' Jurttci lie T said. "I 'don't organized by elect lng tho following : new made to the said court on the un faday of June, II 1 am not o ncers, i.j.imcj, "X?."" ;7n Br. nf nnn thousand eight hundreu and Klnn.la tf.far nW I.T.I1 '1 linillJIH Ivlll-H. 1 - . " . ; 7. . T . v ;"";i ' seventy four, ana ine Biippiementu meieiu. President. I imhnn, nmiRR.rmlt. Ilenrce Wlftilr. An- rn T T.--.1 .nB n nAnf nnnt viol tn I riw TCnnkur. Jnhn KnknSZ. Komll PaUllSZftk. this in'orniuL' for Uo chartfr of an intended corporation to thlsmornlDfc. be called ihe "Orfek Catholic Association of T. J. Munley left for u fishing trip to Bv jonn 0j Bhepton," the character and object Sunbury. Ho expects to have a big of which U the maintenance of a society for snread when he returns. beneficial and protective purposes to its mem- sprcau vvneii uciri " tvi. bers from lunds collected tbtreln, and for;h se An interesting game of ball took place rurpoaes to have. poses and ecioy nil rights, ou the home ground last tunday between heneflts and privileges conferred by the said the Gllberton and Turkey Kuu cluhs. net nd Its supplements. The visitors were beaten by the one-sided 6-29-ouw.xt authdb L. SnT, Solicitor. score of l'J to 4. W. J. Connors, pitcner for the home team, hau annncie sprninea in the fifth Inning. Ho is undergoing treatment nt the Miners' hospital. James HUbert, of Shenandoah, was an early morning vi9ltorhero to-uay, Piatt's Popular Saloon, (Formerly Joe 'Wyatt's) 19 and 21 West Oak Street SHENANDOAH, PA. The bar is stockrd with he best beer, porter, ales, whiskies, brandies, wJnesandclgnrB. Eat In bar attached. Cordial Invitation to all. Wondcvs-si Photographer ZEAMXO Market and Centre Ste., POTTSVILLE. The best photographs in all the latest styles. Wonders leads all photographers. I have two littlo grandchildren who are teething this hot summer weather and are troubled with bowel complaint. X givo them Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ninrrhnpn. Iteniedv and it llCtS like n charm. I earnestly recommend it for Mill ,1 rn with bowel troubles. 1 was my self token with a severe nttack of bloody flux, with crnmps and pains in my stomach, one-third of n bottle of this remedy cured me. Within twenty-four honri I wns out of bed and doing my house work. Mrs. W. L. Dunngan, Bon aqna, Hickman Co., Tenn. For sale by Gruhler Bros. Hear lu Mluil has been ordered by his physician to leave John A. lteilly's Is the place to get the Washington for rest, and the mutter will purest wines and liquors, best beer aud bo held ln abeyance until his return. The ales nnd finest brands of cigars. term of tho Itopuhlicnn incumbent expired on the 1st lust fitolt, Over n .Million, I'lim hulrliliil Bl"KNOS A VIIKK, June 5. Senor Mnrenen. manager of tlie Provincial bank ot ihK city, has committed suicide Irregnlar. tles had previously been discovered in In accounts to the extent of 1,300,0(10 Sen . Mnreuco occupied a high social posttioi When Baby u sick, we gave, her CaitorU. When ah was a Child, aha crind for CastorU. When h bncame Mtw, the clung to Costoria. When aha had Children, aha gave them CastorU, Mew Goods ""Arriuing Daily C. D. Frlcko's Carpot Store, 10 South Jurdln Street. Hteamthlp Tickets ltnluct-il. From Hamburg, Breman, Antwerp or Amsterdam only $21.50. To Liverpool QueenBtown, Londonderry, Belfast or Glasgow, only 123. At Htese's Hatlroad and Steamship Oillce, Dougherty Build ing, Shenandoah, Pa. 4-t-tf Knmptliiin niiolwHS troubled with nu attack of rheumatism. I used Chamber; lalu's Pain Balm nnd wns completely cured. 1 have sluce advised many of my friends and customers to try the remedy nil nil nnpilk hk'lllv of it. SlUlOU Uold- hauui, San LuU Hey, Cal. For sale by Gruhler Bros. An KniflHtuT i II Irttcillon li.rniin. TOI.KPO, June ,1. Otto Mclntyre, au oil well driller, was faially Iujured bya twller explosion in the Hiding bun Ili-ld. U. U Pettiuuill. the eng neer, ese.itied with scarcely n seratch, although Hie llrebox was blown 7(10 feet, breaking down a tre where it struck. "Many of the citizens of IlnlnsvlUe, InJ dlaua. are neverwlthout n hottleof Cham berlain's Cough Benu-dy in the house," sys Jacob Brown, the leading meichnnt FKACKVILI.!;. Miss TJzzle Fntklns entertained numcr ous friends at her home Sunday, among them being Miss Florence Hentty, of MinersviUe. Messrs. John O'Htilllhnn. Charles Wvnne and James Canton, of Gllberton, walked Into town buuday afternoon. Tlavlil J. Thomas, formerly of town but now of Mnnayunk, is in town visiting nis parents. .Tnrnli Kelhm. of Perth Amlioy. N. J, is visiting his sister and brother-iu-lnw, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hlllanbrand.of the Cloud Cnstle hotel. A. W. Houtz transacted business at Wilkes-Barre to-day. Messrs. Green and Price, of Glrnrdvllle, visited friends In town Sundny. Mr. Donaldson, of Phllodelphla, Is the fuest ot Misses Sallle llichards and larbarn I.eiser. Mr. Coaler, one of Girardvllle's most popular tmiMirliil artists, visited his lady friends ln town on Sunday. When you want a good plate of cream go to Buteuiau's. Mr. Alexander, of Shenandoah, n knight of the pen, visited his many lady friends in town on Sundny, Clarence Edwards, of town, is visiting friends in Pottsvllle. landlord Abe. Taylor and son, Thomns, visited friends m Pottsvlllo on Sunday. Hnrrv T. Evans, one ot our most popu lar and obliging merchnuts, visited the county seat ou oniuruay. Alex. Scott, one of our prominent mer chants, and also n candldute for Slier I It, visited pottsvllle oniuruay ROOF PAINTING promptly done with fSr UAWTHOKN'S U. S. HOOT PAINT by JX.. YOST, Agent, 1S9 East Coal street, Bhenandoah. It Is the best and only guarantee paint against corrosion, tire 1 and every kind of wrather, for metal, wooden ana paper rutis anu wtuui. uivu u u inui. H. HOFFMAN BAKElt, DB. PHYSICIAN AND JSURGEON, Successor to Dr. James Bteln. 114 North Jardln Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Ofnce hours From 7 to 9 a. m.i 1 to 3 and 7 1 to 9 p. m. Diseases ot the throat and lungs a I specialty. Hours ot vaccination . tot) a.m. 13 to 1 p. m. X&E1OT YORK Cosh Millinery Store. 29 North Main St., Shennndoah. Lndles. you must see onr large line of lace and straw IF TOU WANT ARTIFICIAL TEETH I GO TO TUB and get the best. A full Bet fnr &. nnv size, shade, shape. and several hundred Bets to select from. Their vitalized Air him nnenual fornalnless All uinosuiiioE ATtractlon. at reasonable prices. Don't forget the number leu North centre Direct, ioi4ji Home-Killed Beef. J. F. PLOPPERT, alei? and Crdnfectionexy 29 East Centre Street, SHENANDOAH, PENNA, Bread, Cakes, Confectionery and Vanilla, Chocolate and Straw berry Ice Cream and Soda Water. Wholesale and Retail. Orders tor parties and other events filled on short notice. Ioe cream delivered to all parts of town ln pint or quart buckets. T. Hi SKYDER, (Successor to O. W, Hasaler) 101 West Cherry St., Shenandoah, " HODSEandSIGN painter Dealer It WALL PAPER. large stock ot Wall Paper of all Bhade and. Special low rates for paper hanglER A on hand. TTOTJDEt PHOTO ! Taken ln first-class style at Linton's New Gallery T 14 N. PLUM ALLEY. Hear L. V, station. 'TINT Y PES, 2 f or 25o. Trimmed Hats at Special Prices Before vou buy elsewhere. Also Infants1 who brinks them.7 They W ARRliiN . rUK l Z, n mouth: tho clrls eyes iXlVlvljit J. Wiviu, nt ' ,. I t.,u ..tii, iA,inv,ir.Kc thnvnuni'innnnlso of the place. This leniedy has proven of ., " "''tH, tVm m'i" ' """" mi ts. and the t uestlon Is settled. Try It. iiw.-'" The onlv nlace in town to secure home- killed beef, guaranteeing choice and Juicy meat, and at the same price as Chicago beet. Fresh veal, mutton, pork and lamb. Fresh sausage and bologna made every ilav. Finest steak. 2 lbs. 25c: rib roasts. h.t T cans and robes Zephyrs "and "to- 2 its. 25c; soup meats, 7 and best veal, mantown wwl. T'i.e lasY New Yorit Mo; fresh' home-mude sausage, 10c. styles always on hand at lowest prices. Mourning Goods a specialty. H. 23 U DC 21. lYIar'tlZ! e3T'o nn who can taste our candies 121 N. Main St., Shenandoah. OXie a un ,-itlinnt n fecllntr of nffeo- CAiK fJifl for tbe young man UOa iriwbo hlillkB them. They just melt in the mouth; tho girl s eyes Piano Tuner. so much value for colds, croup nnd whoop lng cough in children tnai lew motuers who know Its worth are willing to be without it. For sale by Gruhler llros. r. . r 1 1 ..I,, ooi 11- --,... . - Cf -. - . UU 111 l.fllU U . Wl fl . WOUIIV IJI'I tW . . , i I . . . ., l,rln In wall nnner. MS-Sin Tre Cream, all flavors. 1W . Main Dl. prompnnwuuuu, Plinnft anil nro-Ana renatred. 31 North Main Btreet, Bhenandoah, will receive Orders left al BHENANDOAH, PA. Licensed to clean CESS POOLS and OUT HOUSES Work done on Installment plan. 3D. ID. ZDYIKIIEl!. Ccntralla, l'a. Licensed to clean Cess Pools, Out Houses Work done ln first class manner Orders by mail promptly attended to. Order may alo be leftat wm.Nelswender's livery stable, West Coal street, Bhenandoah. uii