(afSb IS THade from clarified oil, expressed h-orr Cotton Seed a pore nnd golden o the Southdrn Sunshine -which 'pro- .duces it. For convenience in handling, there is added to thin oil enough beef suet to make It a semi-solid. The combination of these two pure .natural products nialics CottOlCllC, s shortening nnd cooking fat, with which in hcolthfulncss, cleanliness, flavor and ceon6my, nothing in tlit wbtld can compare. To sell on (he rlcr5t9 bf'ihc; genuine To Sell Uy substi .ntioti .or by deeeb tlbn. To sell t-tlie injury of the genuine, to the dissatisfaction of the consumer, to the detriment of the dealer, to the loss of all conccrncd except the scheming counterfeit himself. If you -wish the bost food and the best health, yon should insist thai tout cooking be done -with jjcnulnt Coltolene. Refuse nil contcrfcits. Bold tn 3 and 5 pouud palls. Made only by N.K.FAIRBANK&.CO, CHICAGO, and 130 N. DELAWARE AVC. PHILADELPHIA CAUTION. If a dealer often W. U '.Douglas Shoes at n, reduced price, or says tie hat them without unmo tamped on bottom, i) ut him down tU a fraud. . L. Douglas S3 SHOE the: world. W. X., DOUGtAS Shfes arc ttylUh, easy fit. (log-, and give better satisfaction at the prices ad vertised than any other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The stamping of w. L. Douglas' name and price on the tfoitom, which guarantees their value, saves thbuiaada of dollars annually to those who war them. Dealers who push the jkAg of W, I. Douglas Shoes gain customers, Nvhlch helps to increase the sales on their full Una of goods. They can afford to sell fit a less profit, land we believe you can save money by buying all your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address, TV. L. DOUGLAS, llrockton. Mass. Sold by Joseph Ball, Shenandoah. VIGOR of MEN Easily, Cucklr Permanently ReiMnw WEAkkESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY. and all (he train of erlt rrom eariy errors or late excehses. the Tesults o overwork, sickness development and torn glyen to every organ ant' portion oi ipo doui &tmple,naturaimetbods Immedlftteimnrnvemen eeu. Failure im possible 2,000 references. Book explanation and proof Dialled (scaled) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO BUFFALO, N. Y. l&illions of Dollars Go up Ja smoke every year. Take no risks bat get your houses, stock, fur niture, etc., insurea in uret-ciass, relia ble companies, as represented by DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agont, ISO Sobth J'ardln Street. Also Llfo and Accidental Companies) llr ThRRl 1317 ArchSt III I I IIUUl PHILADELPHIA. PA. The onlr Genuine Specialist la ImtrUa, , noiniinitanains; nut otiiera aarertue. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND THE RESULTS OF INDISCRETION! Special Diseases and Rtrletires . Feraantntrr tared la 8 to difi BLOOD POISON S3 pw metnodln JO to W days, e yean' ure an Hospital and 33 practical experience, aa fa.rtlnr.Ataa and lMnioinl im. MaoiI fl I t-oent stamps for boolt, ' TlilTli," tbe ealy I rertltilng as great Special I to all sullenrs and, to t wok exposing yaacK iiocwn ana oinersaa- rlattiu. A tne friend n thou eonUaiulallne' marriage.. Ttiemostttabboraaaddaagerou I gases solicited. Writs ( eaU and be aayed. 6-10 1 Bun. -li. SuocMsful treatment by raeU. THE GREAT SUCCESS. ! 5 U5 c 13 31. 3 a- i- f "O tfl e fa - teiS an lOHOCOLATI m. m tr ki ui .a w ,i i J .. -4-.. - ' ws'iri . IT-rVa''WI g. a h u. a 1 111? Ml mm O, B,8aTern,..je. Mrt. Vr,tt. TUri How New York'B "Finost" Bleed Disreputable Houses, BLACKMAILING EXTEAOEDINAEY. The Captains of the l'reclnets Levied Trib ute as Though It Wera m Tmtt of Their Omolal Duty "Initiation Fees" nnd Regular Monthly Payments. New VonK, June 6. In the police In vestigation Augusta Thurow", a middle aged woman, testified that she kept a dis reputable house at 3 Second avenne for four years, and had paid for "protection" both under Captain McCullsgh and Cap tain Doherty. The money Was paid to a man named Dissert under Captain McCul Iogti, and to "Barney" Meehan under Captain Doherty, Still later a man named Hoch did the collecting. The witness spoke of each of these collectors as "tud ward man." Mrs. Thurow told about a "protection club," which was organised by the "girls" to Insure them against spending the night In a coll. When they were arrested they drow on the club's exchequer for funds to bribe the sergeants to admit them to ball. The girls got "jugged" so often, however, that It broke the bank. The witness rented at 17 Second avenue, and paid out a good deal of money. "And I was raided the very night I took the house," snapped the witness. Then she continued: "Before I took the house I met Hoch and he told me the terms would be (1,000 tor the captain and 230 for himself, I aid that was too much, nnd asked him to see the captain. lie did so and then said that the captain WahtedtSOO down, tOO a month for protection and $50 to pay off the debt in installments." The witness paused andthen said, scorn fully: "That Is the last I saw of Mr. Hoch.' The witness said she pawned her diamonds to ralso money to pay the police blackmail, and when all her money was gone she was shut up. She tried to get some . of the money back, without result. Then she went to Dr. I'arkhurst and told him how shabbily she bad been treated. On cross examination the witness gave the names of several policemen to whom she had paid money. Kate bchubert testified that she for merly bwned and ran a disorderly house at 144 Christie street, about three yoars ago. Inspector McLaughlin, then captain, was In command. He and his ward man, Burns, called on her and de manded $500 and assured her of protec tion.. She paid it and the ward man called every month and got $50. Then Captain Cross, with his ward man, Sinith, called at her house. "I am the new captain," hq eald: "fork over the Initiation fee." She paid Captain Cross $500. Ward Man Smith called every month and collected ISO. Then came Captain Devery to the El. drldge street station with his ward man, ulennan. Ho called and said: "lou know, $500, please." She told htm to call tn n few'days later. He did, and received the "money In small bills. In return for this. she said, her house was never raided by the police. Captain Cross was present, and the witness Identified him. she said she had paid $3,900 for protection. Mr. Nicoll wanted to put Captain Cross on the stand. Mr. Goff objected, and was sustained. "It may be necessary to put every captain on the stand, and Captain Cross will have hla day with the rest,!' said Counsel ttoll. "And meanwhile the public will sus pend judgment,'' said Chairman Lexow, An' adjournment was then taken. Dr; Parkhurst said afterward: "I regard this as a complete justification of my charges:" Dr; I'arkhurst has Issued an appeal to the patrolmen, In which he nrges them to come forward and tell what they know about the blackmailing system conducted by their superiors, and assuring them that if they testify they will bo amply pro tected. A Ilrlde of Three Weeke Murdered Toledo, O., Jnne S. Joseph Lozenskl, a Polish Jew, shot his wife yesterday af ternoon and immediately committed sui cide with a revolver. Mrs. Lozeuskl was formerly Mrs. Fleming. Her husband died a year ago, and she had been married to Lozeuskl only three weeks. No pne was in the room at the time, and both died In stantly. A sudden quarrel from the hus band's Jealousy is supposed to have led to the aot.. No Bond feme (Contemplated. Washington1, June 5. It can be stated on the highest authority that the pu1 Ushed statements that, another bondl.u ls.ln contemplation are absolutely wltn out foundation. Mr. Carlisle, when ques tioned In regard to the matter, stated that the subject of another bond issue had not been even' mentioned ih the' cabinet, and that he had had no conference with tha president regarding It. ' Eaamellns; Worke to Reiams. ELnvooD Citt Pa., June 5. The Ell wood euanlellng works, the largest con cern pt the kind In the United States, which has' been idle for several months, will be started up by eastern capitalists at once. The capitalists from Ne;.v York who will start the big works have discov ered the secret, and hope to make enamel ware here that will compete' with the En gllah product; Galvln Not Allowed to Ilea;. Washington, June 5. Galvln, the Com mOnwealer, and several of his men ap peared before the district commissioners and asked to be allowed to solicit contri butions for their cause. The permission was refused by the commissioners on tbe ground that such solicitation would be contrary to the police regulations of tbe district. An Innocent Man Convicted. KNOxviLlE.Tenn., June 5. Paris Clapp, of Union county, was recently sentenced to the penitentiary for life, charged with killing and robbing Farmer sneedly, Yes terday two men named Cox and Stanley acknowledged tne crime and gave mem selves Up. : Sandbagged and llobbed. NonnisTOWN.Pa., Juno 5. John O'Hara, a butcher, was sandbagged in a louelv part of the city last night and robbed ol IU3. He says bis assailants were two lu number, one of them being a negro. O'Hura's condition Is critical. J. Luwrle Hell's Successor. Wasuinqton. June S. In a list of nom lnatlons ient to the teuate by the presl- ieut was that of Charles Nellson.of Mary land, to be second assistant post mast el i . , I,..,, i 1 jeoeai, vice i. uowne urn, naiu. DO not be deceived. This brand of White Lead is still made by the "Old Dutch" process of slew corrosion. It is a standard brand of Strictly Pure White Lead The recommendation of "John T. Lewis &Bros." to you by your merchant b an evidence of his reliability, as he can sell you cheap ready-mixed paints and bogus White Lead and make a larger profit Many short-sighted dealers do so. For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pare White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound cut U a as.pound keg of Lead nnd mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching ihadcs, and Insures tbe best paint that It U tossible to put on vrood. Send tis a postal card and ret our book on paints and color -card, freej it will probably wive you a good many dollars. JOHN T, LEWIS & BROS. CO., Philadelphia, tlolnmon DeffHta unui.r. THOV, N". Y., .luno 5. Fully 1..VX) t eopl witnessed the events at the amiunl l- ci meet of the Troy Blcyclu club here -- terday, as the contestants luclm.nl son of the best whreluuu in the country. ti.--t ger and Johnson wire the only sciatc men In the mile huurilenp. Jnliuncn bout his western rival by a short yard. Found Dead In lied. TTTTsnUKfl, June 5. T. Dallas Vllklns, chief clerk to buperlntenueut 1 unite, the Pittsburg aud, Western railroad, was found dead In bed lu his room at tl o Hotel Tlnnerrieyer. Death was caused by heart dlst-a.se, from which he had been suffering for ten years. lie was in his 43d year. Another Chicago Murder. ClltCAOO, June 8. Mrs. Glo.seppa Flora was shot and Instantly killed by Loulo Veckh Frank Flora, her husband, was seriously wounded The shooting was the result of a quarrel between Veckl aud Flora because the latter refused to pay rent amounting to 17. 33m CASE IT- W I LL- IOTCURE. Bold hyDrugglsta or sent by malL 25a, swiAyA.wtnJcpncairfre. samples xrce V t Wat .Tho Farorito TODTS PflWIIS X&.a jlsl w ior tno Toctn ana iircaui,aa. Captain Sweeney.tT.Sol., San DIero.CaL, ays: "BhUoh's Catarrh Itemedy Is the flrit meuKtino i nave over round mat would nomo auyuood." Price CO eta. Sold byDrugglatg. SHILOH'S CURE. Tina ObxAt CouOrt Cuna proenptlyeures) wjwEvauubuursitut. roc uoaeunipuoaiciuui fiorlral.- haa cured thouianda.anriil rtmi rou.U taken In Ume. rricaS3ctt.C0ctutl.e9. Bold by C. H. Hagenbnch, Shaoandoah. T. M. REILLY'S ckntualia's POPULAR : HOTEL ! Where you can always get a glass ot Cool Beer anil Refreshing Wines i Whiskeys, etc. Don't forget the place. T. N. Rellly'8, Locust Avenue, OKNTRALIA, PA. Professional Cards. S' rOSTEB, ATTOMXMY and CO UlfBULLER-A J-IU V. Ofioo Room 4. Post Offtce boildimr. Bhaaan. nous, x-a. '"jyj 8. K18TLEU, U. D., 1 PBTSlOJAIf AND SUKGJION. Otaoa 1H Nartk Jirdln street, Shenandoah. JOHN K. COYLE, ATTOBNST-AT-LAW. Office Beddall bullllnr, Bhenaadoah, Fa. M. II. BURKE, ATTORNEY AfrLA W huxaxdoab, rx. Offlee Itoom . P. O. Building, (Shenandoah, ana tsieriy punaing, rotunue. J. PIERCE ROBERTB, M. D No. U East Coal Street, HUKNANDOAH, PA. Office Hours 1:80 to S and 6:80 to 9 p.m. D 1L J. B. OAtLEN. tio. ii oouta jarain street, onenanaoan. OrnoxUoniui liso to 3 and eiso to 8 P. If Except Thursday evening. No otee work oh Sunday exetpt by arrangr ment, A ttrict adherence to A oQlc howl U aotoimtw necmiary. It. VTENDELL UEBEU, Successor to Dn. CHAS, T, PALMER, EYJS ANJi EAR SUltQXOX, 801 Mahantongo Street, PottavlUe, Penna ROACHES, BED BUGS, Ac, 1 v Nox.voiseorR, tnstakt ni roiaU w A tire lleath'U tUl liiteoU. 2B Ota., at a Dealors. Attempted Jturuer tn m Cunrt Itooia Kansas Citv, Mo., June '...A ) of the I'eaoni Marsh tried to kill bis wife and . in the court room of Justice Shannon, Mrs. Mhrsh wax shot ahovi 1 the heart. The full extent of her wound has not been ascertained yet. The bullet, fired at the daughter struck h oorsi-t and glanced off. Mrs. Marsh and her daughter were at tho justice's to Bet a warrant for his arrest for threatening to Kill them. , 1 1 I The Tnjlnrt Want to Surrender. L1NNEU8. Mo.. June 5. The latest turn In the chane of tho Taylor brothers, who killed the Meeks family, is a letter fmni V. P. Taylor to parties In Drowning, say ing: "If the authorities will call in all the pursuers and dogs the Taylors will ra...lH n...l ....! fri... Du.cu..r. iLiv4 nmuM bum. AUCy U1II1II) they arelnuocuut, and cau prove tt if. given a chance." Their tern are not likely to be accepted, Lord lnrrrlii' Daughter Wnliled. PA1U3. June 6. I.ndv Victoria Illack- wood, the youngest daughter of the Hn -Ish mnbaiwndnr, tho Marquis of Dufferln, was married to Hon. William Lee Plunk ett, eldest on of I.nrd I'iunkett, arch blKbopol Dublin. The civil mnrrlngetook place at the British embassy, and tho ret llgtoun ceremony In' the Church of the Hue d'Ague-scau. Another Army of Industrial. DKNVKU, June fl The 1.100 members o( the Commonweal army wh'i have for three days been constructing llatboats with which to float down the Platte river tq Plattsmouth and from there down the Missouri to St. Louts have completed 110 boats, and will leave the city this after' noon. They aro well supplied with pro- vtebinM T5KNNBYLVANIA RAILROAD. XT aontrruciu. Division. NUVKMUKU lStn, 1893. Trlne Will InftVA Hh.R.niln.ti aft.. Va Knw date for Wlggan's, Qllberton. Praoltvllle, New Castle, St. Clair, PottSTllle, Hamburg, Reading, rottstown, t-nconixviiie, womstown aadPhll adelpMa Bread street sutlon) at 6:00 sad 11 :M a.m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays ror Potts me ana lntermeaiate stations u;io a. m. aunuiis. For Wlffffan's. Ullbertnn. lrraetTlllA. Mew Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllls at 6:0U. S:40a.m. anosnup. m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts town, Fhamlxvllle, Norrlstown, Pnlladelphti at 0:00,0:40 a.m., 1:10 p.m. Trains leave .Tracs viae tor Shenandoah at 10:40a.m. and 11:11. 6:04. 7:42 and 10:w . m HuDdays, 11: is a. m. and 5:40 p. m. Leave Pottsvllls for Shenandoah at 10m U:i8a. m. and 4:40,7:16 and 10:00 p. m.SnnCay. at 10:40 a. m. and 5:16 p. m. ueave rnnaaeiptua (uroaa Btreet suuon) lo Potta-tllle and Shenandoah at 6 67 and 6 39 a a, 4 10 and 7 11 o m week dava. On Sunilara leave at 0 60 a m. For PottavlUe. 8 23 a m. For New York Express, week day, at i SO, 4 06, 4 60, 6 15, 8 M, 7 S3, 8 SO, 60, 11 CC 11 11 a m. 18 00 noon, 12 41 p. m. (Limited Ei Tose i in ana iw p a. aining oarr.i i u. 80. 130. 4 00. 500. BOO. tlO. 7 25. alt 10 00 o m. 12 01 nlehl Sundava 20. 4 OS. 4 GO. 616, 81!, 8 6a 11 0311 83, a m, U 41, 1 40. SO, 4 00 iiunitcu icv;osu.osu.ddu..s) ana is n n aao il 01 nicht. For Sea Olrt, Long Branca and Intermediate stations, w, nu t u, an po, p a weeicaays ror naitunora ana Washington so, 7 su, 3 311 0 10. 10 20. 11 18 a m. 12 10. (12 S& limited dlmn car,) 1 30, 3 46, 4 41 , (6 10 CongresHlonal Llmlti J Pullman Parlor Cars and Oinlna Car). Sir. DIAJ, , W UQU 11M p. UJm WCOK USTI. OUQ its, a to, 7 w, t io, ii it) a m u ic, 4 41, s u S3 and 7 40 p m. For Richmond. 7 00 a m. U 10 and 11 33 n m. uauy, nnu i aw p. m. wees aays. Trains will leave Harrlsburg for Pltuburt and the West every day at I So, 8 10 a m, t 1 20, 8 10 a m, (a 20 pm limited), 3 60, 7 30, 11 55 p m Way for Altoon at 8 18 am and 6 00 30, 11 55 p m every day. 00 n i m every day. For Pittsburg and Altoena at 11 a m every aav. Trains win ieave aunnury tor rTuuaBupori, Elmlra, Canandalgua, Rochester. Ilnffilo and Niagara Falls at 135, 5 18 a as.and inpn week aays. r or cimira at d 44 p m week aays, ro Erie and Intermediate points at 6 II in dallj but lack uaven at d is ana v ee a ra aauy, i so and 5 44 p m week days For Renaro at 5 IS a m, 1 36 and 6 41 p m week days, aad 6 18 a ra on Sundays onlv. ror K.ano at a is am, oauy 1 15 n m veek davs. 8. M- Pbitost, J. R-'twon. uen'i Manager JenM VaeVg Ag Per tho . . . Cleary Bros' Hot Season Temporaries Drinks Mineral waters, Wefas hoar. Rottkra tat tbe Unost lager beers. IT and 19 Peach Alloy, Sbenacdub, ? Shenandoah's Reliable Hand Laundry 110 East Centre St. All work guaranteed to be flrst-clasj In every particular. Silkies and lace curtain sa spee. laity. Goods called for and delivered. A trial solicited. MING RAU POAD SYSTEM in irrEOr hat 20, UOI. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows! For New York via Philadelphia, week day 110, 5.2S, 7.20, a.m. aj, a.m., is.is, coo, D.ca p.BVBunuu For New Tark via Mauok Chuna 12.32, 2.56, 5.65 p.BUSuni 110, week days, 5.25,7.2a . m.. 12.(2, 1.56 p. ra For Reading and Philadelphia, week dayv 2.10, 5,25, 7.30, a. bl, iai, .ft, 6.M-p.m. Boa 2.10, dar 2.10. For PottsvlU, week days, 2.10, 7,20, a. m. iui. n.oo p. m. uaoay, 2.10 a. m. . Far Tomaqua and Makaney City, week 2.10V B.S&, T.fcO, a. m.ri2,S2, 2.53, 5.U p. m. day. 2.10, a. m. AddltUaal Mr Uobasoy ww sujys. 7uu p. m. For Wllllamsport, Suakary aad y aad Lejrbjaari,: weoK oara, s.so, a, m, Buadav. 2.21 a. m. Far Ufcfcnnnv PIua- 'vmVIim. ltO. tft Blft 7.20, 11. M a.B., 12. tl, 1.S5, 2.65, 5,65, 1M, ,lC y, m. ouuuiji,.tii.a.w, u. For Ashland and Snaiaokln. week davs. &4B T.zu, ii.su a. m., kan, j.vt, . p. m. hue oar e.ao a. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH I Leave New York via Philadelphia, week Stajt o.w a. m., I. so, t.ou p. m., t.iD nogai. nun dar. 0.00 n. m. Leave New York via Meuoh Chunk, week days. v,tu a. m., i.iu, 4.au p. m. Leave Philadelphia, lleadlns: Terminal. week days, 4.20, 8.35, 10,00 a. m., 'and toe, B.02. 11.30 n. m. Bnndav. 11 31 n. m. Leave Reading, week days, 1.16,7.10, 10.08, U. a. m., D.so, 7.57 p. m aunaay, 1.30, a m Leave Pottsvllls, week days, 2.23, 7.40 a. m. 12.S0. e.ll n. m Bundav. 2.35 a. m. Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8.18, 8.50, 1L23 a m., i.aj, 7.io, w.za p. m. ciunaay, i.u a. t. Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8.46, 01 11.17 a. m., 1.61, 7.44, 9.54 p. m. Sunday, 3.1 a, m. Leave Mahanoy Plane, week airs, 2.40, 4.1 5.80, S.87, 11.69 a. m., 12.5S, 2.06, 6.20, a.25,7.69,18.: n. m. Rundav. 2.40. 4.00 a. m.. Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 10.10, a. m. 3.85. 11.15 n. m. Sundav. 11.15 n. m. For Haltlmore, Washington and the West rb. it. x u. tt. it., tnrouga trains leave neaaioR Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. X R, R. R.) at 8JN. 7.40, 11.1M a. m., 3.4A,, p. m., Sunday 8.2a it.jo a. m., 3 to, iHp,m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION1, Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf ana noutn Btreet wnari tor Atutnuo uity. Weekdays Hipress, 9.60 a. m.; (Uaturdayi oniy i.am aw.aw.iw, o.uu p. m. Acoom modatle 8.00 a. m.i Slip. m. Hnndays Kxpress, 8 00,8.00, 10.00 a. in. Acooir. modatlon. 8.00 a. m and 4 SO d m. Itoiuruln?, leave Atlantic Cltv depot, cor ner Atlantic an.l ,'V'anKAA iLTHnued : t7ar days Impress, 7.00, 7.H, 9.00 i. m, and 3 3), 5.30 ? ti Accommoaation. H,iua, m. ana i.aip, m. buniavs r.xpreKe, .w, o., b.mi p, m, ap commcKiutlon, 7.13a m. aad 4.15 p. m. i'irlor cars on all express trains.- O U, UANCXXJK, Hen. Pass. Aft Philadelphia Pa, I. A. SWEIQAHD, Oen. tjupt. TOTING ON HIE TARIFF, I Tho End of tho Great Dobate la ,T , Not Far Distant, A TEST VOTE ON 8UGAB TODAY. The l'Msage of This llonn of Contention, Democrats Claim, Will Itesnlt In ltuih In the Whole Measure Throngh lloase Votes on State Hanks Tomorrow. Washington, June 5. Uy nn agreement Mni,,i ., i,f,,. ,nn,.,.o. r . V ..... - senate lint night nil amendments to the sugar schedule will be voted upon today. vccuruiug to uotu siuus tae iaie nt cue bill depends on the disposition of the sugar schedule, and the fact that the Re publicans have agreed to allow the Issue to go to n Vote Indicates that tha end of the tariff debate In tho senate Is not far distant. All sorts ot amendments will be offered, the two on which the Republicans base most of their hopes of breaking the lines ot the Democrats being those tn change the date on which the schedule is to go Into effect and to wipe out the otie- elghth of a cent differential given1 by the schedule to the refiners ot sugnr. The Democratic monagera, however, claim to be entirely confident that the schedule will go through without material change. The debate yesterday wan Int'Ti'Mimi, but not sensational, the most important feature being the explanation of the sched ule by Mr. Jones, This was the first pub lic Interpretation of It by a Democratic member of tbe llnnnce committee, and to tally varied with tho Interpretation put npou It by Republicans, especially as to tho amount ot protection nflorded by It to the sugar trust. Republicans sny that the sugar question will be revived when the bill comes into the open senate, It being now In committee of the whole. Senator Morgan presented an amend ment to the tariff bill directed against the formation of trusts tn Imported articles. The amendmeut declares all combina tions, conspiracies, trusts, agreements or contracts to be contrary to public policy aud Illegal and void when made by per sons or corporations engaged lu Importing articles from foreign countries for the pur pose of restraining lawful trade or to in crease the market price In the United States of any article imported or of for eign manufacture into which such arti cle enters. A violation of the provision Is made punishable by fine or Imprisonment. The seizure of articles imported In viola tion of this provision Is also provided far. The galleries of the house were unusu ally well filled yesterday aud on the floor there was a good array of occupied desks during the early part ot the day. As the afternoon wore on the attendance thinned out, and when adjournment came there was not a half hundred members on the floor. Two senate bridge bills were passed, one to authorlzo thu construction of a bridge across the Delaware river by the Pennsylvania and Iiew Jersey Railway company and the other extending the time for the construction of a bridge across the Cnlumet river. The Hrnwley state bank tax bill was discussed, aud then the house agreed to a senate joint resolution appropriating 10,000 to defray the expenses of the sugar Investigating committee, The final vote on the state bank ques tion will be taken at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. This conclusion was reached after a conference In Speaker Crisp's room yesterday. A rule was thereupon drawn by the rules committee providing for a continuance of general debate today, de bate under tbe five minute rule tomorrow. and a vote at 4 o'clock YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL GAMES National League. At Phlladelphla-St. Louis. 3; Phlladel. phla, 3. At Brooklyn Brooklyn, 18; Louis ville, 4. At Now York Cincinnati, 8; Now York, 4. At Baltimore Baltimore, 13: Chlcairo, 4. At Boston Pittsburg, 7: Boston, 4. At Washington Washington, 8; Cleveland, 9. Pennsylvania State League. At Hazleton Hnzleton, 3; Altoono, At AlUntowu PottavlUe, 7; Allentotvn, 1. At Scras'on Harrisburg, 13; bcranton, 5, Kastern League. At Wllkesbarre Wllkesbarre, 0; BIng- hampton, (5. At Providence Providence, 1; Springfield, u. At lluualo (la innings) Buffalo, 7; Erie, 7. Yale Defeats Pennsylvania. At New Haven Yale, 13; University of Pennsylvania, 5. Frlnceton Defeats llrown. At Princeton Princeton, 4; Brown, 3. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS Closing Quotations of the New York aud Philadelphia Exchangee.- NiVYohkJ, Jade 1. The week opened on the stock Exchange with a rainy active spec ulatlon and a atromf tone' to the trading CIm lag bids: Lehigh Valley" 3Tf W. N. Y. & Pa.... 1M Pennsylvania 49)4 Erie 11 Beading 16J4 I).. L. & W. ...IWi tit. Paul mi West Shore ..1WH Lehigh Nav 50 N. Y. Central 8tf N, Y. A N. K 3H IJtko Erie & W... HM New Jersey Cen.105H Del, & Hudson ...13W General Harlceta. PnnjtDkLPiilA, Jnne Flour weak; win ter super.. f-'S2.10; do. extras, 82.1003.33; No. 2 winter family, 82.3502.50; Pennsylvania roller straight. f2.6022.75: western winter clear. t2.35Q2.60. Wheat firmer, hlgher.wlth 66lc. bid and NAic. asked for Jnne. Corn dull, easier, with 13c, bid and 43Hc. asked for June. Oats nnu, quiet, wltn 42uc. old and 4Jc, asked, for June, licef quiet, steady; family, tll&13. Pork dull, steady; new mess, 8130 13 25; extra prime, 812.5n13; family, f 13 18.60; short clear, 813.50015.50. Lard lower western steam, f 6.00; city, (6.15(30.23. llutter firm; Pennsylvania creamery prints, extra, 17o.: exceptional, bli2ber;falr to prlme.lSOlOc. "garlicky. "lSOIIe.t prints Jobbing at KUWlo. Cheese weak; New York large, 8SWc. i small 809Mc; part skims, 3)iTHe. Eggs Ilrm-. New York and 1'ennsylvanla, ll'HWIJc.; western, fresb, UHOl-'kc: cases, Live Stock Markets. New Yohk, June 4. lleevea active; choice native steers, f 4.70; good prlnit, $4.47MO 00: medium to (ulr, Zl.mioi.13; inferior to ordln ary, SIOt.Ml slugs and oxen, $3.S03.80; bulls, ft.W3; iKir to prime dry cows, ilJJKW.M; Calves higher-, Inferior to good veals, tH5.50; fair to good buttermilk cnltes, 83ffl3.25. bbeep and lauibs uctlve sternly: poor to prlmu sheep, 8304.50: curbi... fl.TMtS: tioor to cliok- southern lamliH, .1.i7n.oe)$, Hogs steady at 5O5.10 for prime weights. East I.iiikhtv, I'u June 1. Cattle higher prliue,tl.5l'04.b5: good, t(.8&O.50; good butch era. Iiat.ll): rough fat butchers. 83.40ffl3.85: good fat con b aud eprlngers, tS.TlK33.00; bulls and stags, 8203; bologna coms, fij .1:'; veal calves. 81.S505. I loirs lower: best Phlladel nhlas. fl.7Mlitl.80: best Yorkers, f4.T5Qt.80 common to fair Yorkers. ll.dV34.Tli; good heavy sons. 1124.40: stags and rough so I303.&U. Sheep slow; extra. 83.7003. W; good, 83.4503-00; ifJr, ,803.10; ooiutuon, 50c. ffl I1.50; yarllui,'M,t0Ot.80; lambs, 3.i0O3.3J. mriblejxplosioni tv.- tiii. n .. Too High Pro3suro. In tlieso days of keen competition In every line, when the business man is compelled to betid his intellect and every energy to the wix-esa of hU business the clerk, book keeper, iircfeftsional man and laborer, to ilrive themselves at a terrific rate, there can but ohe 'result an explosion, which, If hot reitltit) in Iraiimliite death, leaves iUmii with shattered brains and bodies. 1 licy are running at too high pressure. The strain Is too great. Something must Mid does give way. This Is equally true of wo 'vn Though their sphere is more ii i iuil, they have their dally burdens, frets, ind worries, and the resulU are the same as willi (heir stronger companions. This condition la growing wore every day. The rapidity of lis iucrease is awful , '..-intcniilalo. Our homes, hospitals, and insane asylunlsarefullof ilic?ounfortuniilm ind lire being crowded still further. There but one solution of the matter. Recog .ie iho importance of the situation at once, ind lake the necessary measures to over nie' it. If you Iiuto falling mrmory, hot l -mIu-k, diuiness, nervous or sick headache, miou-mess, Irritability, melancholy, slecp wne, fainting, nervous dyFpe(ia, ejii ,v etc., know that anyone of them islmt mpiom of the ralamily that may liefall . .ind even though you have used so iliiM romeilies nnd treated with reputable liviii-i.it!s with little or no benefit, give Dr. Mill- Hestorallve Nervine n trial. It ia tic only remedy that may be dependtd pun for nervous tu-oroers. " Two years sgn 1 used IT Ullce' Re'toretlve I rrlne nltb marked benefit, and litter Indurnil ,it nn. whnh&ri hren sick with catarrh of the ilmlder five years In the hands rf our ticst ptay- cifllis, to irr it lORt-iner wuu ui. ur pn,o ml Liver l'llls. He waiso wonderfully benefited bat he l attending to busli css eiraln My wi w io ueo nervine witn most rxceiieni reruns. 1 ot u. toiretber have not used more than lx utiles of Nervine. Several of our friends have I- used It, and are greatly imprnvea, txiuui Mhhs, Hucher & Olbbn l'low Co.. Canton. Ohio, llr Miles' Rwtoratlve Nervine Is sold by all rt .-clfs on ft rwvtttlve eimrantee. or Bent bv Dr. lllei Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of :cc, Jl pertiotlie,sixi)Oiiiej,-),cxpreiiprepia. Is rKWItlvely ftce from opiates or dangeroua ruirs. Free book at drogituits. or by mail. Political Cards. Poll CONCKIIHH, J01IX T. 8I10ENRR. Hoblecl to the rabM t the Repubbcan nomi nating convention. Bublect to tbe nlws ef tbe HenubUcan noml- natlng eonvcntlcp. IJtOK SIIBKItrt?, ALIA DA VIS, Hubieel to tbe ralM ef tbe HenubUcan nomi nating cocveatloa. JOIt. HIIBKIaVa?, ALtiX, BVOT'f, Snbleet to tbe raUa of the HenubUcan nomi nating convention. JjlOR BBMATOU, poth District) JO UK J. COTLE, Ba bleat to tk rnlee ef Ue IteDubUcaa noml- noting eanveatlon. port. Ulintl, ATI' It K , 1st District, j una r. Tijfffur. Baeleet U Ihj rsdi of the nepubUcaa noml- natlageoeveatfea. poK. x,i;JiBLA'ruitx:, 1st mat.. WM. R. MIDDLEl ON, Of MaUertllo. Hnbleet to taa ruled of tke Betiubllcan nomi nating onientloa. poll I.KOIriL.A.'rURU, 1st Dlst, JOSKPB WYATT, lot Skenandooh. Bublect to the rales of tbe RonubUcan noml- nattag convention. poll POOK DIRECTOK, DAVID LT. LLEWELLYN, Of Shenandoah. Bublect to tbe rules of the ReDubli can nomi nating convention. pOIl POOR DIRECTOR, NJiLSUN JSKANVUN, Of the Union Twps. Hotter! to tbe rules ot the RenubUcan noml- natlng convention OU JURV CUHIH810Ml!n, FRAJiJi KINO, Ot Bbenacdoah. Pnbiect to tbe rate of the Democratic nomi nating convention. L AUERBACH, Practical Watchmaker AND JEWELER. Sells and repairs watches and clocks cheaper tan anr one tn town. Renolrlne: a anealaltv. Call and examine Ky stock. 21 W. Centre St , Shenandoah. A gennlne welcome Awaits you at Joe Wyatt's Saloon! MAIN AND COAL STS. Pool room attached. Finest whlskev. heera, porter nntl ale constantly on taf. unoico temperance annus and cigars. STi CTMolteater'a .uiElliti !Maad Zlraaa. rENNYROYflLPILLX JVv Orlirlnul natjiliilr Uenuln4. Fa., Aim Hf (Lllt'l, lb syi si a. msm. . t VVj no nt Itrr PtfHt dpm .i4S. I '"into iBki r iiv- ill iwn'im i i'dcaui r e In ta- f i iirtli)iuit iU8qobisUs " 'ICrMe-r ff l.a..lf(llflrt B MtW KlaklL 111. Illlll ftirllritOftiala J4iu .ar 4aiUhtlr ''tn.talps.1 (,k.UJIa Hott . WeV'. -v -r VltA T- 25 CENT WALL PAPERS FOR G CENTS A ROLL. I ClongoutthUeaon,Bc0(1itomakftroom, oena iuoeniaiopajoiue. Aaartii F. H. CADY, Providence. Ft. t. rermuieiatly enrtVI I tn IS) to 00 dan bval Miflc Bomftdr.QnatU SU(ar&trsb4uV(4 by I I i.mnnfireinitg.! 'otttT proof tftini liftpni I boolt.lUuatrsttlfroj If from people oarwl. 1 UNorpui. xoviuaj, &iw ui ours. i oitKi vtui cure, i COOK-REUEOT CU Chicago, lit. )