Evening Herald.lMAHANOYJlTY LETTER. Fill DAY, JUNK 1, U94. A BUDGET OF LATEST NEWS OAMP 206. IU Klghth Anniversary Appropriately Celebrated Lat Might, Ono of the most successful entertain- THIRD EDITION STREET WHI8PERINGS. All the Events of the Day Told i Bright and Spicy Paragraphs A Record of To-day's Doings. Item OlcHiinil by UieTown Patroll- Iiilt llrpurlera, Tliere will bo n number of vacancies In the National Guard of Pennsylvania next year and porhops n complete re-orgonizn. tlon. The vacancies will soon be filled, as n uumber of towns are anxious for a representation. In all probability Shen andoah will seek admission and knock at I hp doors of the next Adjutant General. who will very likely be General Siglried, of Pottsvl.le, Shenandoah was at one time renresented In the National Guard by one of the best and largest companies nud It can now recruit a company on short notice. The material Is at uaud niul manv of old Co. II would lorin u nucleus for n reorganization. Three Shenandoah young men joined Co. F at Glrnrdvllle within the past two months niul there are scores waltlnu for an op portunity to Hock Into the ranks of a home organization. That tho largest town of hchuylkill should by nil means lie represented in tne .Mitionni uuoru is a prevailing sentiment nud n call will Hiiortlv be made fur a meeting at which to take steps to apply for admission, If Adjutant General Greenland should not take kindly to the movement It Is quite certain General Slgfrled, who is looked upon as certain to kucceed General Gion- land next spring, win uo so. The present condition of the streets Is horrible and Council should exert itself to have Immediate improvement made, They have already caused losses to a number of teamsters. Of course the longer tho necessary repairs are delayed the more the comnlnints multiply. Special complaint is made against the naved nart of Main street ami ninny of the property owners who contributed to the payment for that Improvement ore very indignant. They say that the blocks have been replaced in a very Indifferent manner and unless this kind of work Is done better and with more care lt.lt only a fiuestion of u short time wlicu the street will be worse than if It had nevur been naved. liltter complaint is also mode uirulnst the throwing ot straw, paper and other rubbish upon the streets. Some merchants are verv careless when unpack ing boxes on tho sidewalks and they should bo watched. If they will not take pride m t lie condition or tne streets tney can at least be made to resnect tho ordi nances. The Hoard of Health would per form a good service by inspecting some or the btreets nud gutters. In many of them they will 11ml drainlugs of slops and 111th which should be diverted into some tiuder- trround channel. I he spread of the sew erage system bos left little room for an argument that surface drainage is a necessity. The health of the public should not be jeopardized because a property owner does not properly drain his place. Thero are many among us who think the rebels nre resigned to the inevitable and willing to forget the past nnd recent re-unlons of men from tho Union nnd ex-Confederate stntes have added color to the supposition, but tho Heportcd dally from the Mahanoy City bureau MxnANor Citt, June 1, It. S. Coburn. of Park Place, was In town yesterday on business. CnDl. J. Y. llnller was In town yester- uoy, Frank P. Toole, of Pottsvllle. was in town yesterday, visiting friends. T. J. McNnuinro. George F. Alathlns, Emma liritz. and Lllllo Delancy (.pent Wednesuny nt lakeside. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brandon, of Bran ilnnvlllp. are vtsltlnc friends In town. kelson is looking up uts camnuacy ior Poor uirector, Mrs. W. W. Lewis visited friends In Pottsvllle yesterdny Kdword Phllllns. of Ilelano. attended to business here yesterday. lion. T. J. Illgirlnt. of Shenandoah, wns looking after his political boom here yes terday. Edward Morgan, of Audenrlcd, was in town yesterday. Minn l.lzzip Stnnk. of Shenandoah, and Bessie Wodlingei, of Pottsvllle, were the truest s of .Misses llnnuau and .Jennie Hefowich yesterday. Messrs. Steve Hughes nnd Thomas Taylor, of Shamokln, wero among town menus yesterday: MImshh Kate Cairns and Doisv l'ralloy, of Philadelphia, who have been spending several days witn tno inner a sister, re turned uome tuis morning IIhitv Dowltntr. of Shenandoah, dis ported himself nmong the folr ones here on ednesuny Hobert Smith has returned to the fccllusj grove school. An eight o'clock tea wns given nt the homo of Mls Laura Swartz nt Park I'Irph on Wednesday evening. Among tin. fTiiests were Mlsnes Carrie Lewis. Wm. Penn : Florence Wells, of Mnuch Chunk ; Agues Leckie and Lou Catlier, of Slieuandoali ; .Messrs. nnrry wnsieynnu Clifton nobbtus, ot sneunnuoau, nntt Iiobert Smith nnd Georgo II. Goodmon of Mohnnoy City. Decoration Dny was observed here In unite of tho rain. Tho Citizens' C orue Hand headed the piocesslou of the Grand Army, Sons of Veterans and omens' Relief Corns, and after the graves were dtcorted the procession proceeded to the opera house. Hev. Otho Grant opened tne ceremonies witn prayer nuu tue cuoir rendered n selection under tho direction of Dr. J. Arthur Jones. Chairman .1. Desllvn then introduced Kcv. dames, 'nwers. who delivered nn eloouent nd dress and after n mnle party rendered a selection a bouquet was handed to Kev. Powers witn tne compliments oi tne Wnmens' Itellef Corns. The chol rendered "America" with the assistance of tho nudlence and liev. Adams closed the ceremonies with tho benediction. Additional ceremonies were hel I in th nflnrnnnn. The Citizens' Cornet Hand and jtuueii Luiui lu iuu on i.i.wik.u... uu. ,uu - -. - : - . following words dropped from tho lips of several Councils and uniformed com Jtuv. Cnvo at tho unveiling of n monU' mentnt Itlchniond, Vn., on Decoration Day, is sulllcient to convlnco one that the. old spirit still lives lu some of tho men ot Dixie's land: "At Appomattox, puritau ism, backed by overwhelming number nud unlimited resources, prevailed." said Hov. Cave, "but brute force cannot Hettlo questions of right and wrong. Thinking men do not indue the merits of a cause by the measure of its success ; ami 1 believe "The world shall yet decide, in truth's clear, far off light,' that the South was in the right ; that her cause was just; that the men who took up nrms in her defence wero patriots who had even better reason for wltnt thav did then had tho men who loughtnt Concord, Lexington, nnd Hunker mil ; and mat nor coercion, wuniover good may havo resulted or may hereafter result from it, was nu outrage on liberty." panles of tho Jr. O. U. A. M. pnraded to the Pine street school house and raised a Hag. John Anspach made the opening address, nev. it. a. ieyser ouerea prayer, Kev. .1. M. unblo spoKe and it. d. ueiiy. ot I'niladeipnin, presented tno nag behalf of tho Jr. O. U. A. M. Prof. F Miller accepted tho flag. It is n benutlful emblem 10XU feet In size. Tho ceremonies closed with the benediction by Hev. Hock, lost cj:i:i:k. 'Mnnv of the citizens of Ralnsville, In dlana, nre never without a bottle of Chonv berlain's Cough Ilemedy In the house, Bnys Jacob Brown, the leading merchant of the place. This remedy has proven of so much value for colds, croup and whoop ing cough in chili'ien thnt few mothers W11U KUUW l' v , I I il . i " twill. iu uc without It. For solo bj Gruhler Bros. CKNTKAI.IA. The Packer colliery's employes will bo paid Saturday. Packer colliery No. 2 resumed work yesterday after over a week's idleness. The Jackson's base ball club will cross Dots witn lxist UreeK team to-morrow. The picnic of tho T. A. B. Society, which was to take place on Derorntton llay, was postponed until to-morrow. The game of ball between Silver Brook and Lost Creek on Decoration Day was postponed until some future time. Mrs. Iloner, of Dubois, is visiting her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. sol. Kleckner. Miss Maine Sheridan, ot No. ti, was the successful lady lu a waltzing contest for a gold ring nt the boll or (Jolumbla Club or uiraruvine, on Wednesday evening, James Ilolton. Mike Molownoy, An tliony Molownoy, Owen Welsh, Mike Munloy and Iiobert Gesford, accompanied by their Indy friends, took in the sights tit Lakeside on .Memorial Day. Anthony Munley will bo mnrried to Miss Bridget Mills, of Big Mine Hun, tho lntter port of next week. We wish both success. Miss Kntle Welsh, of Centrnlln, is visit ing -Mis .MOgglO .MCLOUgUlln. George Daggert called on Gllberton Irlends yesterday. John Dean, who was somo time ago burned out, is again quartered iu a pretty xieu- nouse. Barney Flannery is homo on n visit from Philadelphia. Oormau's Cufe. When seeking a neat and well-conducted cafe, go to Gorman's, corner Main and Coal streets. Polite and prompt atten tion. 6-10-im Ttiut Tired Filing." Ono who kuows says a raw egg is nn ex cellent tonic with which to begin these warm spring days. It is strengthening, nnd tends to prevent that tired feeling so prevalent nt this season of tho yenr. If prepured in tho following way It is really n delicious drink : 1'ut me yoiK oi an egg into a dish witn a teospooiislul or white sugar and n teaspoouful of orange or lemon Juice, and beat lightly together wit n a fork. I'nt the whites on a plate, anil add a pinch ot salt ; then, with n brood-bloded knife, bent It to n still froth. Xow, ns lightly as possible mix all to gether in the dish ; then ns jigntiy trans fer It to a clean tumbler, which It will nearly till if properly made. It must not stand in a warm place, us It soon becomes liquid niul loses its snowy look. Any fruit lulce mar be used in place of orange or lemon, or oven brandy if the doctor has ordered it. Count HUmnrrk In New York, New Yoiik, June 1. Count Herbert Bis marck, son of Prince Bismarck, nnd fnm lly are passengers on tho Normnnnln, which arrived last night. Among other Frnncken Slcrstorpfl nnd family, C. F ltltschl. German consul, and S. Von Dor- rlen. Jerry fimpon Very Wenk. Behkelmy Srim cs. Va., June 1. Beir renentntlve Jerrv Simpson arrived hero W- day from Washington, accompanied by Hpreentntive Pence, or uoiorntio. mt. Simpson Is so wenk thnt it was necessary to carry him rr.m tue car. Heath of the Olilr.t Free 5tnnn. AutuntiHr. Mass.. June 1. Captain Kathnn Peters, the oldest Free Mason In iha United States, died yesterday niter- oon. aired 01. He joined the Masonic rnterntty in 1828. lb i W tut Her. Generally fair, westerly winds. lnents, socially and otherwise, was that pa,HCI1gers are Hcrr Johannes Grap Vou neiu lasb evening m uuuur ui tuo eigutu nnnlversary of Camp 200, P. O. S. of A. Intellectually, it was also of a high order. The entertainment wns held in Schmidt s hall and the cosy camp room wns artistic ally decorated with Hags and bunting and upon the walls wero hung pictures ap propriate to tno occasion, ail combining to make tho scene n memorable one to tho members of the camp nnd their friends. Immediately after adjournment of the r- t c ...:, 1- . i. ... i . i open and tho members nnd their lady nnd gentlemen friends soon filled the room. Extra seating capacity had been secured, ami wen it was ior tuero were no vacant seats. M. II. Master acted iu the capac ity of chairman. After a few brief In troductory remarks, and the singing of "America" by the audlenco, tho chair man introduced James H. Lewis to talk upon "Pntriotiim." The speaker handled his subject with much ability, and at the conclusion of his remarks wns heartily applauded. James H. Patterson then invored the company witn n song, nuu was greeted by a prolonged encore, which wns responded to. . it. HopKius, Jr., mounted comedian, gave a rccittitiou iu his native dialect, and wns followed by on nddrcss on the history of Camp 20(1 by Thomas II. Snyder. Tho speaker traced tho history of tho camp from tho time of its institu tion in v m up to tue present time; snow ing it to be the largest camp ever instituted, having nt that time 207 mem bers: the practical worK It has Performed n behalf of the members, and predicted bright prospects in the future for the camp. xneu tonowed nn address on "iiuiiding ut" uv u. otrnutfiui. ntier which tno audience was treated to refreshments In thosliapoof bnnunasand oranges. During the intermission Dr. II. IloUman Baker entertained tho assembly by a song with organ accompaniment. jonn neeso ioiioweu tno intermission with a verv creditable recitation, and D. G. lticlmrds dished up the nudlence u patriotic labor speech iu his own Inimit able style. The audience snug"Columbia' and j.ewis Leue followed with an elocu tionnry effort thuc was highly appreciated A general denote wns tuen announced unon tho nuestiou: "Shall citizens of foreign birth be admitted to membership iu our order f" This waB one of the most interesting features of the entertainment, and was participated in and handled In an eloquent nnd fervent mnnner by ninny of the members present. Tho speakers were about evenly divided upon tho question. Ice crenin nnd cake were served, and when all had their amietttes nDneased tho evening's enjoyment closed at 11:30 by singing tho closing ode, thus ending n very pleasant social gathering. The suc cess of the nlTair is due In n great measure to the ci mmittee, which consisted ot Yv. DIVES. " MM and STEWART, PlTOLLE, PL Absolute Confidence in ""2Bn---vOur Advertisements. Remarkable Results Follow Our Printed, Announcements Every line no matter how small the type does its share toward adding to our great business, and to the fact that our advertisements arc always free from exaggeration and free from anything which in the slightest way misleads, we must largely attribute this extraordinary showing. Our prices invite comparison. THE Kind That ;GURES Mrs. ROSA C. JACOBS, CURED WHEN FOUR PHYSICIANS FAILED. Six years ago woa taken with ABtlima, which steadily grew worse. I employed four different physicians, who eavo mo up, saying thero was no help for mo. Four bottles of DANA'S SARSAPAltlLLA saved my life, and I am well and happy. Una. ROSA B. JACOBS, J Barro, Vt. ALL DRUGGISTS. DANA SARSAPARILLA CO., Belfast. Me. Wo offer manv socclal Induce ments in our Millinery Depart ment. Wo nro headquarters for hats, either trimmed or untrlm mcd; also tho choicest selec tion of trimmings, flowers, rib bons, etc. We've tho cheap hat and the high-priced bat. See ing is Dcucving. There's hardly a doubt but you will llnd our stock of coats Just what is wanted In a light weight coat. It is the most ex tensive and best assorted lot in I tho countv. Ladles' doublo- brensted Jacket, umbrella back. anipcu sleeves, satin iacca, onu somo lined throughout...... Ladles' Cloth Canes.assorted I sizes and materials, lace and braid trlmmcd.ulnek and navy, newest slylis, nowest effects. Wo aro prepared with a selec tion that should please the critic. Tho cape Is the leading wrap, nnd wo aro keen enough to rccognlzo It OUR SPECIAL-$2'25 OUR SPECIAL $4 OUR SPECIAL $5 Nothing In tho woman attire Is as natty, ns "bon-ton" ns a neat, woll-mado shirt waist. We have them In percale, lawn, sateen nnd silk. Perfect beau ties, mnsterplcces ot women's I conceptions all shades, all styles, and at tho most popu lar prices DDI SPECIAL S. Lindenmutb. Thomas Sbnnbell. A. C. .Morgan, John Dhuks and n. 11. Morgan. I iaLEHMKN tVAr.TED.--T'"ree ptepaid ont- or ournfcint nn e.-rnei P. O 110X1371, New YorV. Xtw Goods nt Wilkinson's. New styles ot lnco window curtolns ut special bargain prices; chnllles at 'Hy,c. her yard : dress gingnnms at sc worth iu. Don't fail to see our rich assortment of fine dress goods, every shade and qunllty in the mnrket nt money snvlnc prices. L. J. Wilkinson. 5-28-tf 29 South Main street. O at. One of our ni nt ha erne fai.000 in nveynr-, ii'ANlKU-Au r for i:emr.d Housework. Yt Goon wages paid. I all at th- Hkhai.d branch filce. Iteeso's auction room, m est Centre street. 5-20-tf TXTANTED-Sslesnan; Painty from start, vv rerman ntulare uronn tiros o .ur- leryratn Itoc hester, N. Y. oSleod-lm COH PALE. Two lots, 50 feet front and 16U 1 leot oiep, f n uaKstreet mi. uarmn.wnerr A complete resumo of ad the fashions and combinations of new fabrics thatwlll be Invocuo In great fashion ccnties this season Is shown In our display of Dress Goods for spring and summer. Ono of our specials Is a changcablo goods, swivelcd effect, ! yard wide, worth 25c... The unprecedented success of our Silk department has been tho sourco of much surprlso to all who havo watched its re markable growth, "Goods of standard qualities the best, at lowest rmcES" is unquestion ably tho reason of Its great ad vancement. Our Wash Silks aro exceptionally lino at 42c, 58c and 7oc OUR SPECIAL I yet OUR SPECIAL 42c! Thfitt In OKIE hfnrlnirtr nf Underwear in Pottsvllle, nnd that Is our store every qual ity, every weight, every style, every sizo made, nnd every price. No other Buch nn as sortment in the county. All styles and qunlltlos of Ladles' Vests. Our Men's Neckwear Dermrt. ment adds emnhaBls to the I above: "We know that this will bo tho greatest opportunity ever before offered In Pottsvllle to economically supply an en tiro season's requirements of fashionable Ncckwcar.nnd that too at halt nnd less than half tno usual cost."- ... OUR SPECIAL I2oC OUR SPICIAL 2c Wo carry a largo lino of cot ton goods. Followlne arb a few of tho many, somo of which are mourning goods, others are bcoten l'lnius, zephyr Ging hams, flno Percales in stripes nnd figures, all new goods nnd pe.fcct beauties considered cheap at 19o a yard. OUR SPECIAL I 2oC Ilcrctoforo our spring sales' have tested the selling capacity; of our Hosiery Departmcnt.and each year tho stocks, necessary to supply tho demands, have been enormously increased a fact which proves beyond a question that wo carry a stand ard hoso Ill SHUL I22C Ladles' cotton, silk nnd kid gloves in all tho leading and desirable chades. What a glove selling time we've had for the past month. The Uko of It has never been known in Pottsvllle, that's a certainty. It clinches and rivets our claim for abso lute glovo headquarters OUR SPECIAL 75c 9 A big special of laces In all the latest designs. Dainty and beautiful effects. Exclusive In style and price. All silk Bour don Laces net tops and pretty patterns worth l!0c. Huttcr color laces In Point Venice, Venetian Point, in Point de Ireland, In all tho new and dainty effects worth 25c OUR SPECIAL I22C Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Isow brb gs In fperl -no. Coining Kvents, June 4. Ice cream nnd strawberrv festival, benefit Primitive Methodist church, in basement of the church. June 11 nrd 12. First annual ice cream festival Under the nusplces of Lincoln Section No. 37, J. T. of II. & T , in Bender's nan, win. jenn. June 111. Ice cream and benn soup cestivni in itouuins' nan, under tne mis pices of the women's Keliet Corps. the rink is idluiiled. trnnth fnrarnund rent. Anplv to John Costel Af bland, Pa. -28 lw pOH HALE A U karat diamond stud una a 1 ladies' goia ring witn emernin seuing, sur C. Geo, Miller, Manager. POTTSVILLE, PA. ronnded by six diamonds. liEiiAi.ii onice. Enquire at the :o-ii Miss Celin Gcrrety. of Brownsville, spent Decorntion Dny nraoiiK town friends, Misses Annie Ilurlev nnd Knte Ponsr, of Pottsvllle, attended tho picnic hereon Wednesdny. The borouuh schools will close on Thurs day, Juno 7th. The festival held in the M. K. church on Wednesdny eveniuK was a decided success, thanks to the management of some of our young ladles. Miss Jane Wricht. of Irish Vnlley, re. turned yesterday after a week's visit to town. The next event of the season will be the St. Ignatius Legion picnic. Don't forget the date Juno 10th. The funernl of John P. Unnnon took place on 'Wednesday from his home in Gerniantowu. Tho deceased was a very well known man nud consequently the attendance nt the funeral was larce. Services were held lu the St. Ifrnntius church and interment mndo lu St. iBnntlus cemetery at this place. The U. C. Band wns uuoble to hold its picnic in the grove on account of the rain, lint had on enjoyable time in the I. O. O. F. hall. Ouite n number of younir folks of this nnd neighboring towns were in at tendance and the night passed merrily. Uyon'H orchestra furnlsued the music. I have two little grandchildren who are teeming mis not Bttmmer weather and are troubled with bowel complaint. I give them Chnmberloln's Colic, Cholera Dinrrnoea itemeuy ami it acts like a charm. I earnestly recommend it for children with bowel troubles. 1 was my self tanen with n severe ottocK of bloody mix, with crumps nnd pains In my stomnch, one-third of n bottle of this reL.edy cured me. Within twenty-four uour-t l wns out oi ueu nnu uoing my house work. Mrs. W. L. Dunocan. Bon- nqua, Illckmnn Co., Tenn. For sale by uruuier uros. HThen Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla. When aha was a Child, she cried for Castorla. hcn she became Jtiss, she clung to Castorla. Vhen she had Children, she gave them Castorla Htenmnhlp Tickets lUducd. From Hamburg, Bremau, Antwerp or Amsterdam only r-il.ou. To Liverpool Jueenstown, Londonderry, Belfast or ilasgow, only f22. At Heme's Railroad nd steamship uiuce, Jjougueriy uuiiu Ing, Shennudoah, Pa. 4-4-tf Sometime ago 1 was troubled with an attack of rheumatism. I used Chuuiber Iain's 1'iiln Balm und wns completely cured. I have slnco advised many of my friends nnd customers to try tho remedy and all sneak hluhlv of It. Simon Golu- bnum, Sou Luis ltey, Cnl. For sale by urn In er tiros. Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the mime LE8810 & Baku, Ashland, Pa., is printed on every sock. 8-3-3taw Mew &oods ""Arriving Daily C. D. Fricko'j Carpet Store. lOPouth JardinBtreet. Hear lu Allmt J ohn A. Itelllv's is the nlace to vet tht nu i ut wines and llouors. bent beer nnd a leu nud Quest brands ot cigars. Special low price to all In watchts Jewelry and tdlveiwore at Iloldei man's 00 rner juaiu Hnu .uioyu streem. Stenin Henovotlng Co., cnll for, clean and deliver Ingrulu and Brussels nt Soj er yard ; heavier carpets -ic, ai tu. uoai ot. rtircr PElt WEEK uslnir and selllnc Dr LD O namos for nlatlnc watches, lowelry and tableware. Plates gold, silver, nickel, &c , sumo as no goods. Different sizes for sgents, famines ana tnops. ivney operatea; no ex perience; big pronts, w. i: unrrison & uo., Clerk No. 14. Columbus, Ohio. "II f ANTED. Ladles and gentlemen make YY from (3 to $4 per day folding and address imr circulars ana cnrresrjonain? Tor me at tneir hemes, ferrrnnent position. For reply send self addressed stamped envoloro to J W.Kel ler, Mlsbawaka.lnd. Author of "Bounds and Hares." 5 31-St OrncK or Cosiboluw or inn Cotjhit o eonuTLKiLt PoiISVILLB. IU., May 21 1194. VTOTI0E. Healed proposals will b received IN oj tie urdrjlaned, Costroller of Hchujl kill eoualy, until i o'clock p. ., Uocday, Jure 4th. 1604. lor renalrlng and painting the Iron bridge, at Tamaqua, spanning Little Bchuyl kl 1 river. Bids lor repslr ng and painting to bo received separately. The rltht Is reserved to nject any or nil bids. By order of ihe uouuty commitsioner8. Conl roller. Note In subroutine nronosals endorse ca- velope. "Proposals tor repairing and painting oriage at xamaqun. juu-i- We're eitimg TTIiere ! We are pleased to announce that although the times are hard we are doing n. rushing business, due, no doubt, to the low figures we nre selling our goods at. Tho latest styles of summer suits, nil well-mnde goods, for men, boys and children. Our $9.00 Men's Light-colored Suits Bent nnvthlne ever offered beforo in Shennudoah. ns to stvle. make nnd nrice. have a sneclal run on our fine men's nnnts in nil colors, at f3.fJ0. which nre sold else' where at $5. We hove one of the ilnest stocks of Hots, Caps, Gents' Furnishings, Trunks, valises, etc. tome nnu see us it you wisn to save money. W. Shines New Clothing Store, Simon Abramson, Manager. 21 South Main rjt., Sbenaudoab. Charged with Heavy Swindling. New Yoke, June 1. Mows Levy and his wife Julia, milliners, Into of this city, nnd still later of Troy, N. Y., havo been hold for the grand jury by Police Justice Martin, on the complaint of the millinery firm of Hoaning, llnua & Curtis, on chnrgo of swindling on an extensive and systematic scale. This firm charge thnt tho Levys obtained a quantity of goods from them under faUo pretence It U likely the prisoners' aueged swindling operations will amount to moro than tlOO.000, Southrrn Immigration Congroii. Auousta, Gn., Juno 1. Tho southern immigration congress decided to appoint Sf.-R nrt who can tnsteour candles a committee to devise somo practical plan I txxx wjtUont R feeling of affec- to lay before the better class of immi I Odd Girl tIon for thB younB man grants from Europe tho manifold advan- . . . . who brings them. They tnges ot the south in order to Induce and direct such immigration to tho southern states. Tho commttteo will report at the next meotiug of the congress. A resolu tion was adopted urging congress to make appropriations to carry into effect the recommendations ot this congress. P. LEITZEIii, 8HENANDOAII, PA. Licensed to clean CESS POOLS and OUT ROUSES Work done on Installment plan. Piatt's Popular Saloon, (Formerly Joe Wyatt's) 19 and 21 West Oak Street SHENANDOAH, PA. The bar Is stocked with he best beer. Dorter. ales, whiskies, brandies, wines and cigars. Eat In barattachod. Cordial Invitation to alb ZEAVIXO Photographer Market and CentreSts.,POTTSVlLLE. The best photographs in all the latest styles. W onuers leads an photographers. bpllt in Kelly's Army, St. Louis, June 1. The Commonweal army of Geueral Kelly, now in camp here, divided yeterdoy. nud SOU of tho men un der Colonel lieorge Speed, of California, will hereafter march or float by them selves The cause is the alleged arbitrari uoss of Kelly, not tho least incident in which' is his persistence against the wishes of tho men, in allowing two women to ro main with tho army. Speed will endeavor to enforce a division of the legal methods. just melt In the mouth; the girl's eyes I meit. witn tenaerness tne young man niso melts, nnu tue question is settieu. xry it. FRED. KEITHAN. Ice Crcnm, nil flavors. lOi N. Main St. 3D. 3D. 3D1T3S:3J, Centralis. Pa. Licensed to clean Cess Pools, Out Houses Work done In llrst clats manner Orders by madpromptly attendedto. Orders mayabo be left t Wm. Nelswcnder's livery stable,wtst coal street, unenancoan. ISW YORE l n4t CUUCCIYUi MM f commissary by 0S Millinery StOW. IF TOU WANT ARTIFICIAL TEETH 1 00 TO TIIB and get the best. A full set for 18. any sue. shade, snape, and several hundrod sets to select from. Their Vitalized air has no equal for painless extraction. All kinds ailing t Tononnnhin nrices. Don't torgeiine numDer 100 North Centre Street, l'OTTSriJLX!,r4, Home-Killed Beef. Hungary'! allnlatry ltetlgns. Vienna, Juno 1. Tho Hungarian min istry has resigned. Dr. V ekerle, the primp minister, reque-ted that Hungary bo al lowed to nominate a sulllcient number of Liberals to tho house of magnates to insure tho pussoge by that body of tho civil marriage bill. Emperor Francis Joseph absolutely refused to grant this request. Dr Wekerle, therefore, handod him the resignation of the ministry, ami the emperor accepted tho resignations. Illegal Drrdgeri Taken tn Virginia. ClllsKIELD, Mil., Juuo 1, Deputy Mor- shol Crlcknnr, of Norfolk, passed through here yesrerdny, having lu custody Hobert Wharton ami Sevoni Nelson, the two Marylnudcrs whote eonvloltoit for Illegal dredging in Virginia last year was the' subject of dispute between the two states, recently decided by the supreme cpnrt. They will bo sentenced by the county court of Accomac county, vn. 29 North Main St., Shenandoah. Ladles, you must see our large line of lace and straw Trimmed Hats at Special fa Before you buy elsewhere. Also Infants' J. F. PLOPPERT, aSei and Confectioner? 29 Ka-it Centre Street, SHENANDOAH, FENNA. Bread, Cakes, Confectionery and Vanilla, Chocolate and Straw berry Ice Cream and Soda Water. Wholesale and Retail. Orders for parties nnd other events filled on short notice. Ice cream delivered to all parts of town in pint or quart buckets. Ti H. SMYDER, (Successor to a. W. Hassler) 101 West Cherry St., Shenandoah, HOUSEandSIGN painter Outer li WALL PAPER. A large stock ot Wall Paper ot all shade on hand. Special low rates for paper hanging The nnlv nlncn in town to secure home- killed beef, guaranteeing choice and lulcy meat, and at the bnme price as Chicago neei. Dresn veni, million, pons hjiu iuuiu, jyli. H. HOFFMAN DAKEIt, PHYSICIAN AND SUKGE0N, Successor to Dr. James Btein. 114 North Jardin Street, Shenandoah, Fa. Office hours From T to B a. m.i 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. m. Diseases of the throat and lungs a specially. 12 to 1 p. m. Hours of vaccination s 8 to 9 a. m. hats, cans and robes. Zephyrs and Ger- Fresh sausage, and bologna made every mantown wool. The latest New York day. Finest steak, a ins. sac; riD roasts, styles always on hand at lowest prices, .Mourning uoous a specialty. MIlHi . W. HTUE ROOF PAINTING promptly done with f3T UAWTHOHN'S U. B.ltOOF PAINT by X. "T2OISM?,-Aeent, 139 EstCoal street, Bhensndoah, It lsthebest and only guarantee paint against corrosion, tire and every kind of weather, for metal, wooden ana paper roofs and walls, (me It a trial. day. Finest steak, aios. sac; riD roasts, 2 lbs. 25c; soup meats, 7 and be; best veal, lie; fresh nome-maue Bausago, iuu. Reuben Martin, 121 N. Main St., Shenandoah. WARREN J.PORTZ, Ptnnn Tuner. Pianos and organs repaired. Orders left at 31 North Mtln street, Bhenandoab.wlll receive prompt attention. WAX FLOWERS In Bouquets and Other Designs. PILLARS, W11KAT1I8, BTAK8, CliOBBEB, ETC. Wasley's: Pharmacy, North Main St., Shenandoah.