The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 26, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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    Evening Herald.
All the Events of the Day Told in
Bright and Spicy Paragraphs A
Record of To-day's Doings.
llnngnrlun CotiAplrttors Sentenced.
1IUDA I'KSTH, May 20. The trial nt
Klauscnburg of twenty-three members of
the executive committee of the llouinn
nlnn imtlonnl party in Hungary, on the
chnrgo of treason, In cnnslng the ptibllcn
tion of n ilncumeut denouncing the net of
union of Austria nmi Hungary, is con
cluded. Twenty of the. prinoners were
convicted nml enteliccd to terms of Im
prisonment ranging from eight months
to live years nnd to iny the costs of pub
llshlng their sentences in all newspapers.
Three were acquitted.
1 Reported dally from the Mnbanoy City bureau
MAHAKOV Cur, May 20.
J. A. Pcllgninn, the lumber king, did
business in town yesterday.
II. Dodson, of Moren, transacted busi
ness here yesterday.
John J. Coyle visited friends inShennu
iloah yesterday.
U. H Thoiiins, of Hyde Park, represent
ing the Williams wholesale grocery hoilbe
at Scranton, trnnsacted business in town
John II. Adams, of Ashlnnd, registered
M the Mansion House yotterday.
Lew is Levinc, of 1'otUville, is the guest
of Isaac Kefowich.
J II Clark, of llrooklyn, did business
in Um u yesterday.
llarrv Kearns, of Selignmn & Co., is
visn ing friends in Heading.
Siiiire May took his first ride over the
lakeside Klectrlc liniluny yeterday mid
was very well pleased.
V W. Lewis visited Kast Mahanoy
Juiiri ion last evening.
Miss Kannlo Austin, of Xescopec. Is
visiting Mrs. John M. Adams, ot Lust
Centre street.
1'ark No. 1 colliery hns received an addi
tional large pump.
Thomas Monroe, of Kast Centro street,
lias been appointed agent for the New
York Loan Association.
Miss Maud llennlgnu, of St. Nicholas,
was a town visitor lbt evening.
The large l'J.Vpound turtle, which was
on exhibition at the Minchof liros. hotel,
met death by the hands of Ciiis Miuuhof
yesterday afternoon and is being prepared
lor the Decoration Day visitors.
The Auhauscr-Husch special brew beer,
which took the gold medal at the World's
Columbian exposition for delicacy of
ilnvor, is now on sale at Mlnchhof's Hotel
l'alnce saloon. Try it. 5-23 tit
Andy Cnrlin, James Copley, Misses
WhlUker, Kynn and Dolan, Matt Mur
phy and Mr. and Mrs. 1). M. Hoppe, of
this place, witnessed the production of
"Tho Old Homestead" at Shenandoah
last night.
T. F. Gorman, genernl agent for the
llochester Hrewing Company, has just
completed his new ollice in the Mansion
House block. The case work was built by
Isaac liall and is of tinimio construction
nnd is all hand work. The whole is
given a beautiful nppearauce by Btained
Tho Mav nole tiartv held at the Armory
II nil. given by l'rof. Holt and wife to his
pupils, proved to be one ot the grandest
events of the season. Tho hall opened
with tunny strange faces present, besides
tho representation of many homes of
town. The Mav nole celebration wns
arranged in very artistic style and was
the main feature ot tne evening. .Miss
Marie Livermnu assumed tho part of
the May Queen witli excellent success.
The skirt dance was also a very nleasini:
feature. Prof. Holt deserves praise for
tne all air. Alter tue class nail cxhlolteu
its skill in ilaiicinu the older people in
attendance enjoyed themselves. The music
Mas furni-hed hy l'rof. Jones' orchestra.
Among those present were Maud Tits-
worth, Sadie Vanllorn, Kmily Sunday,
Bill lu- llennanv. r.lleu .McMillan, .Maine
(irae , itosie and Ella Clenry, Asia and
lluutborne Lyons, Nellie Hngeubtich,
Marie Liverman, Lillian Iticlies, Elsie
Mvers. Lizzie Kaier. Lizzie. Kmily and
Mary Llewellyn, Phoebe Snyder, William
McMillnn, Eva and Ksta Lewis, Mr. Matt.
Stein and wife, Mr. 'Will Patterson,
Mr need, of Delnno; Harry Arebs, 1,
ltichardson. Hnttie Portlier. Uessle Little
hales. M. M. McMillan, (i. I. Sundav and
wife. Miss Mallna Mnnglc, Miss Mnggie
Killer, Ueorge Garrett. Charles Hendrlck,
losenh Xewmnu. Harrv Harris. Miss
Howninn, Mnnnger Powers, of the Potts-
vllle bnse ball club : Miss Lillian Titmun.
Shenandoah ; Mrs. A. P. Hlakslee, daugh
ter nnd son, of Delano; Miss Allen, of
Tamnqua ; Misses Zimmerman mid
Powers, Pottsvllle.
William Slxsmlth, of Philadelphia,
visited his uinuy friends in town on Wed
W J. Miller was a Pottsvllle visitor on
Mrs. Thomns lieddow, of town, trans
acted business in Pottsville on Tuesday.
Alex. Scott attended to business at the
county seat on Wednesday.
Kx-SherliT Hoyer transacted business In
town yesterday.
G. W. Sebold returned home from Hnr
rlsburgon Monday, nfter spending a week
lit his new place of liusluess there.
William Wallnco trnnsacted business
in Mlneravillo the forepnrt of the week.
Merchant William Snnner nnd Dr.
Tnggnrt nre still pumping water out of
their cellars.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Madura returned
liome on Monday last, after spending a
week fishing near Sunbury, along tho
Hnsquehnnuu river and report having had
lino time.
X. I Itnnck returned home on Monday
last from Altoonn, where ho hnd been as
n delegnte attending the sessions of the
Jrnnd Ixidgo of the I. O. O. F.
Oysters served in all styles nt Hutu
The case of Krastus Wlmau, who wn
to have been placed on trial for forgery in
Kew York next Moudny, lion beeu post
poned until September
The annual convention of the National
Association of Charities nnd Corrections,
In session nt Nashville, decided to meet
tiext year in New Haven.
Paul Sternberg, u well known Gcrinnn
newspaper mini of New York, was stricken
with paralysis at his desk, mid died with
out regaining consciousness.
"Genernl" Cnutwell, leader of a Com
monweal arm cnntingriit. is charged
with the ubdueiion nt two Spoknn
jV 'sh '! " l.rl.l.M.f ..V r,l k
A Candidate fnr Lrgnl Hanging.
Roanoke, Yn., May 20. Fred Hnlrston,
a negro nbout 25 yenrs old, was arreted
yesterday for outraging Blanche, the ii-yenr-old
dnngliter of Henry W. Llttrell,
on the 10th inst. Hnlrston suspected tlia
his crime hnd become known, nnd seeing
a policemen enter the ynrd he dashed into
the kitchen atid slushed his throat with n
razor. After a terrible struggle he wn
disarmed, and his wound wns dressed. Hi
was sent to Lynchburg to prevent the
people from taking the law Into their own
Mnnncj JIiltl for Mnrder.
BonniJNTOWN, N. J., Mny 20. Tho cor
oner's jury in tho ense of Miss Lizzie Hoi
loway says that she came to her death
from the results of wounds Inflicted by n
blunt Instrument in the hnnds of Will
iam Mussey. Tho coroner then commit
ted Massey to the Burlington county jail
to await the netlon ol the October term of
court. Isaac Trimati will defend the pris
oner. By advice of his counsel Masse
made no statement.
An Uurt'itpntnnt murderer.
Macon, (ia., May 20. Henry Mllhi
(colored) was linnged here yesterday foi
the murder of John llraswell on Sept 10,
lbTO. Miller denied the crime to the last
but acknowledged being present when it
was done and robbing the dead man'
pockets. lie also confessed to havtii).
killed four men, and said ho belonged t.
a band of Kuklux. He made no jir lU'ssim
of religion, and said ho could live as lonv
in hell as anybody else.
A Siitirartnrv Wugt) Srnle.
PlTTSliHia. May 20. The scale o:
wages which has just been determined
upon by the Amalgamated Assocla
tlon of Tin, Iron and Steel Workers at
the Cleveland convention meets the ap
proval of organized labor in the Plttsburp
district. Tho scale has been changed t
enable friendly manufacturers to c inipeti
witli the non-union labor mills, where tin
scale of prices in Amalgamated mills i1-
not observed.
A lteverenil Confidence Man,
Chicago, May 20. Hev. George 3. V
Howard wns arrested here yesterday,
chnrged with working a conlldencc game
Howard wns ordained a Methodist mini'
ter in New York, wns once a Prohibition
candidate for congress from Indiana and
has preached In several Indlnna towns. He
wns indicted in April for passing worth
less checks, released on bond and jumped
his ball, evading recapture until yester
day. Smith C'nno Ncnrlng- the Knrt.
SauatohA, X. Y., May 20. The proceed
lngsin the Smith case, which is an appeal
UKalnst the heresy proceedings at Ciuein
nntl, yesterday reached the last order, and
the members began to give expression ti
their individual views ns the roll wn-
called. Forty-five three minute speeches
were delivered, and the trend of. opinion
wns shown by the fact that only eleven of
them were in favor of sustaining the ap
peal. The proceedings concluded with a
speech made hy a member of tho prosecut
ing committee. A vote Is expected todny.
l!urn Decline a Cabinet Olllee.
LONDON', May 20 The Times says that
Lord Hosebery ol. .- a t . .J, M
P . the labor leader, n position in the gov
eminent when Mr. Gladstone resigned
nnd again when Mr. Muudelln resigned
Mr. Burns declined on both occasions to
accept ollice, giving as his reason that h
win best able to serve the interests of
workingmen on the outside.
Kew Goods
-"Arriuing Daily
C. D. Fricke's Carpet Store,
10 South Jardin Street.
A Vine Production.
Notwithstanding the complaints of the
nam times and tne tact tliat all tue col
lieries in this district were idle for a week
nnd the genernl depression of spirits nnd
business caused by the recent heavy and
icnutuy rain tans witli tueir accomnany
intr Hoods, and notwithstanding the prices
of admission were llxed at 25, CO and "5
cents and tl, tho production of "The Old
Houiestend nt lerguson'tt theatre Inst
night wns witnessed by n crowded house
The lower pnrt of the thentre wns filled
with prominent Indies nnd centlemen
many of them being visitors from the
neighboring towns. Tho gnthering wns
one to make a stranuer believe
that Shenandoah is now one of
the most prosperous towns in the
country when n,l other places nre
brmonning the depression of times. But
while such is not tho ense it enrries with
it a lesson, which is, bat a first-class play
ami a iirst-cinss compnny enn nil tne
theatre whether the times be good or bnd
aim ine price6iugu or low. it enn tie huhi
without fear of contradiction that n play
nun company never appeared in alien
audonh nnd cave more uenemi satlsfac
tlnn than "TheOld Homestead" did lust
night. Enthusiasm sprang from all parts
of the theatre and tho largo audience
seemed to bo In rapturous delight nt all
stages of the piny where the company
sought to make n special impression.
i ne piny was one ot tne goon, old lash
toned, homespun Ufa of the New England
folks. It wns free from the glamour at
tending plnys which depend upon me
chanical effects for realism and not an iota
of blood-thrilling dramatic play pene
trated a scene. Yet all wns exceedingly
attractive aud through the whole wns a
beautiful thread of sentiment which ap
pealed to the gentle feelings of the
auditors and held their attention to the
last. The peals of laughter were numer
ous nnd nt times the people nlmost
crinl in their enjoyment of tho
story of life which wns so nat
urally revealed by the play. The
stage arrangements were complete in
every detail and the company proved a
well balanced one to the last. The sing
ing by the quartettes also took the house
by storm and three encores hardly seemed
to satisfy the audience. With more en
tertainments like "The Old Homestead"
Mr. Ferguson will succeed In convincing
the patrons of his theatre that life is
worth living, nfter nil.
What Thcmas Harrison of North Dakota Owes
to Paine's Celery Compound.
The world hns had In all just 1." decisive
But every man has in hl lifetime more
decisive battles than this.
The important epochs inmnn's life that
settle for him wealth, position, and often
life itself, come without wnrnlng.
Weakness, indecision nnd luck of nerve
force nt these turning points is tntal. In
long and doubtful sickness, when lile it
self trembles in the balance, u little more
strength nnd power of resistant e to disease
makes the difference betueeu life and
Thin people with depleted, diseased
blood run big risks. Cnrelul men and
women all over the country are building
up their systems nud storing the neive
centers with energy now it Is spring. They
are taking that remarkable blood purifier
nnd nerve lood, Paine's celery compound.
It cannot be repeated too often that the
blood is the fountain which snppliesevery
pnrt of the body. If this life-giving
medium lacks vigor nnd richness, nerves,
brnin, henrt, kidneys, and lungs immedi
ately suffer. The weakest spot will give
wny first.
If you find yourself growing thin, ner
vous, without appetite loqk out. You
are stnrving some important organ
through inappropriate nutrition.
Thomas Harrison is tho proprietor of
the famous Harrison farms of North
Dakotn. Ho holds the ofllce of notary
public, nnd is coronerof Traill county. He
w rites from Blanchnrd, No. Dakota ;
'Twoyearsago, when the grip was prev
alent in this country, I suffered very much
from this trouble. The disease lingered
with me until it developed into catarrh of
the head. For this loathsome trouble I
tried many remedies advertised for catarrh
without nny permnnent relief, nnd while
spending the winter of 02 !3 In Los Angeles
I wns treated by n specialist without nny
better results. Seeing Paine's celery com
pound advertised, I tried It, not expecting
much relief, as I thought Mint I could not
be cured. I used one bottle ns directed,
nnd wns entirely and permnnently cured.
This was over six mouths ago, nnd I have
nol experienced n return of any of the
symptoms, though I have been exposed to
the inclement weather in North Dnkota
and have not caught tho least cold this
winter, when hnd I been troubled with
the cntnrrh I would have hnd cold after
cold all winter. I will cheerfully answer
any inquiries ns to tho correctness of my
statements. Many around here are using
the compound on the btrength of my re
commendation. It mnkes people well."
I.tlST ritKUK.
Miss Mnggie Smith, of Haven Itun, is
spending the week with the Tolaud
Michael Munley, of No. 2, is laid up
with rheumntlsm.
Ilobert Gesford announces himtelf ns a
Democratic cnudldnte for Sherilf.
Win. Brndbury, of Omaha, Neb., who
hns been spending the past two mouths
with Druggist Johnson, will lenve for
Pottstown to accept a position.
W. W. Wilcox, of Mt. Carmel, nt one
time proprietor of ihedrng store nt this
plnce, pnid a visit to friends here.
John Mclntvre and family will move
to New York in a day or two.
Dnu Grow, of Win. Penn, who runs n
restaurant here, will move his family to
Lost Creek.
Prof. M. H. Cnrev will, in June, be
married to one of Wm. Peun's fulrest
young mnlds.
Frank Lnngton, of Ashland, who wnuts
to be Schuylkill county's next Sheriff,
wns here yesterday fixing his politicnl
The funeral of the lnte Mlchnel
Ifeynolds, who wns burned nt Wm. Penn
colliery, occurred yesterday nnd was one of
the largest ever seen here. The remains
were burled nt St. Joseph's cemetery,
A Indy nt Tooleys, La., was very sick
with billons colic when M. C. Tlstler, a
Crominent merchant of the town gave
er a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea ltemedy. He says
she was well in forty minutes nfter tnklng
the llrst dose. For Kile by Gruhler Bros.
Comlug Kvents.
Mny 30 Strawberry nnd ice cream fes
tival in Bobbins' opera house, under the
auspices ol Camp ti, P. O. of T. A.
June -1. Ice cream nnd strawberry
festhnl, benefit Primitive Methodist
church, In babtinent of the church.
June 11 nnd 12. First annual ice cream
festival under the nuspices of Lincoln
Section No. 37, J. T. of II. & T , in Bender's
hall, Wm. Penn.
June 10. Ice cream nnd bean soup
festival In Bobbins' hnll, tinder the aus
pices of the Women's Belief Corps.
Tho Schuylkill Traction Co.
Will pny two hundred nnd fifty dollars for
Information that will lend to the detec
tion nnd conviction of the person or per
sons who placed obstructions on the com
pany's trucks that cnused the nccldent
nenr St. NIcholns colliery, on Tharsdny
evening, Mny 10th, 1694.
E. W. Ash, Supt.
Sunday mid Dully Papers,
Parties wishing any of thefo papers delivered
can lenvo orders at Max Hees- s, Uougherty
building, West ( cntre street, bunday papers
onFalo at Urennan's cigar store nnd Klrlln's
urne Biore.
When Baby was sick, we gavo her Caetorla.
When she vas a Child, she cried for Qwtorla.
When she becaino Mls the clung to Clitoris.
When she had Children, she gave them CostorU.
poll I'uuit nuti'CTOit,
i n A Mi KINO,
Of Htienandoah.
Pnbjrct to tie rules of the Democratic noml
natlnii c uventlou.
Near L. V. and Electric railways. Thi
finest brands of cigars, whiskies, oorter,
ueer anu aie on nanu.
'Absolute Confidence in
sz2BnOur Advertisements.
EM as.
Remarkable Results Follow
Our Printed Announcements
Every line no matter how small the
type does its share toward adding to
Our great business, and to the fact that
our advertisements are always free from
exaggeration and free from anything
which in the slightest way misleads, we
must largely attribute this extraordinary showing. Our
prices invite comparison.
We offer many special induce
ments in our Millinery Depart
ment. We arc headquarters for
hats, cither trimmeuoruntrlm
med ; also tho choicest selec
tion of trimmings, flowers, rib
bons, cto. We've tho cheap hat
nnd tho high-priced hat. See
ing Is believing....... ....
There's hardly a doubt but
you will llnd our stock of coats
just what la wanted in a light
weight coat. It is the most ex
tensive and best assorted lot in
the county. Ladles' double
breasted JocUet,umbrellab.ick,
draped sleeves, satin faced, and
sonic lined throughout......
Ladles' Cloth Capes.assortcd
sizes and materials, lace and
braid trimmed, black and navy,
newOBt stylts. newest elTects.
We arc prepared with a selec
tion that should please the
critic. The enpo is tho leading
wrap, and w e are ltecn enough
to rccognlzo it
Nothing In tho woman attire
Is as natty, as "bon-ton" as a
neat, well-made shirt waist.
We have them in percale, lawn,
satccD nnd silk. Perfect beau
tics, masterpieces ot women's
conceptions nil shades, all
styles, nnd at the most popu
lar prices
A complete resume of ail the
fashions and combinations 'of
new fabrics that will bo luvoguc
In great fashion this
season Is shown In our display
of Dress Goods for spring and
summer. One of our specials Is
u changeable goods, swlveled
effect, I ynrd wide, worth "J8o...
The unprecedented success of
our Silk department has been
the source of much surpriso to
all who have watched Its re
markablo growth. "Goods of
standard qualities the best, at
mwest niiCES" is unquestion
ably the reason of Its great ad
vancement. Our Wash Silks
nro exceptionally lino at t'Jc,
5Sc and 73c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
C. Geo. Miller, Manager. POTTSVILLE, PA.
We're Cref ting There !
Wo nre pleased to announce thnt nlthough tho times are hard we are doing n
rushing business, duo, no doubt, to the low figures we nro selling our goods
at. The Infest styles of summer suits, all well-made goods, for men, boys
nnd children.
Our $9.00 Men's Light-colored Suits
Beat anything ever offered before in Shenandoah, as to style, make nnd price. We
have a special run on our fine men's pants in all colors, nt $3.00, which nre sold else-
wnere at to. we nave one oi tne I in est, siocks oi jiats. Laps, uents itirnisnings,
Trunks, Valises, etc, Come and see us if you wish to save money.
W. Shines New Clothing Store,
Blnion AbrnniBon, Manager. 21 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Cosh Millinery Store.
'W 1. NTKD Salesn an: talarv
V nermaui ntcluce. llnwn liros. I o .Nur
serymen, llochester, N, V.
from start,
T7011 HAt.K A i kurat diamond slud and a
1 iHuics gum riug witu imerHiueeuiuff, our
rounded by six
Enquire at I lie
-117ANTE1) SALESMEN J7B.C0 ner week.
V telling electric lltiln outfits for houses,
Use Wells' Laukdut Blue, the best
Blueing for laundry use. Kach package
makes two quarts. IS cU. Sold by
Aiusser K ueuuiui.
for running ma-
cuintry. and other popular patented articles,
outtlts complete when shipped, llest people,
buv ternmrent situation: no experience. W.
J. Ilurrlton & Co,, Clerk No. 11, Columbus,
29 North Main St., Shenandoah.
Ladies, you must see our large line ot
lace and Btraw
Trimmed Hats at Special Prices
Before you buy elsewhere. Also Infants'
hats, caps and robes. Zenhvrs nnd Ger-
mantown wool. The latest Now York
styles always on hand at lowest prices.
Mourning Goods a specialty.
SI II 8 G, w. nvuK,
ROOF PAINTING promptly done with
"VOJ3T, Agent,
189 East Coal street, Shenandoah. It Is the beat
and only guarantee paint against corrosion, nre
and every kind of weather, for metal, wooden
ana paper roc is ana wans, uive it a trial.
There is one headquarters of,
.Underwear in Pottsvllle, and
that is our store every qual
ity, every weight, every style,
every sfzo tnnde, and every
price. No other such an as
sortment in the county.
Jil Btyles and qualities of
Ladles' vests. ,.,.!
Our Men's Neckwear Depart
ment adds emphasis to the
above: "We know that this will
bo tho greatest opportunity
ever before offered In Pottsvllle
to economically supply an en
tire season's requirements of
fashionable Neckwear.nnd that
too at half and less than half
the usual cost."-
We carry a largo line of cot
ton goods. Following are a few
of the many, somo of which are
mourning goods, others nre
Scotch Plaids, Zephyr Ging
hams, lino Percales in stripes
and figures, all new goods and
pet feet beauties considered
cheap at 10c a yard.
I 2o'C
Ilcrctoforo our spring sales
havo tested the selling capacity
of our Hosiery Department.and
each year the stocks, necessary
to supply the demands, have
been enormously Increased a
fact which proves beyond a
question that wo carry a stand
ard hose y
12 2C
Ladles' cotton, silk and kid
gloves In all tho leading and
desirable shades. What a glove
selling time we've had for the
past month. Tho llko of it has
never been known in Pottsville,
that's a certainty. It clinches
nnd rivets our claim for abso
lute glove headquarters..
A big special of laces in nil
tho lntestdcslgns. Dainty and
beautiful effects. Exclusive In
stylo and price. All silk Hour
don Laces net tops and pretty
patterns worth i-Uc. Uutter
color laces In Point Venice,
Venetian Point, in Point de
Ireland, in all the new and
dainty effects worth 25c
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
9 and 21 West Oak Street
The bar is stocked with he best beer, norter.
ales, whiskies, brandies, wines and cigars. Eat
In bar attached. Cordial invitation to all.
znAiixa Photographer
Market nnd Centre Sts., Pottsville.
The best photographs in all the latest
styles. Wonders leads nil photographers.
and get the best. A full set
for fs, any size, shade, shape,
and several hundred sets to
select from. Their vitalized
air has no eaual for oalnless
extraction. All kinds tilling
at reasonable prices, uon i lorgri tne nunmer
100 North Centro Street, I'OTXsriLLJH, l'A,
Home-Killed Beef.
29 East Centre Street,
Bread, Cakes, Confectionery and
Vanilla, Chocolate and Straw
berry Ioe Cream and Soda Water.
Wholesale and Retail.
Orders for parties and other events filled
on short notice. Ice cream delivered to
all porta ot town in pint or quart buckets.
(Snccessor to O. W. Ilassler)
101 West Cherry St., Shenandoah,
HOUSEandSIGN painter
Dealer li WALL PAPER. .
A large Btock of Wall Paper of all shade
on hand. Speclol low rates for paper hanging
The only place In town to secure home
killed beef , guaranteeing choice and juicy
meat, and nt the same price as Chicago
beef. Fresh veal, mutton, pork and lamb.
Fresh sausage and bologna made every
day. Finest steak, 2 lbs. 25c; rib roasts,
3 lbs. 25c; soup meats, 7 and 8c; best veal,'
14c; fresh home-made sausage, 10c.
Reuben 2YEartin7
121 N. Main St., Shenandoah.
Successor to Dr, James Bteln.
114 North Jardin Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Office hours From 7 to 9 a. m.i 1 to 3 and 7
to 9 p. m. Diseases ot the throat and lnngs a
12 to 1 p.m.
Hours ot vaccination: 6 to 9 a.m.
Pininn Tuner,
Pianos and organs repaired. Orders left at
31 North Main street. Shenandoah, will recolTe
prompt attention.
In Bouquets nnd Other Designs,
Wasley's: Pharmacy,
North Mais St., Shenandoah,,