jg Don't be Deceived VZZ By those who flbr sub- 3j firr ;titlitcs for Cnttnlpniv Its success has been so 3? phenomenal that numcr- j ous imitations are now"53 being offered which are- Sf claimed to be, "just as good." All these Imitations lack the intrinsic merit of $ ft t: Cottolene and will Drove."- s disappointing and disa-'-S fc: r ui.. i.- ti .1 ; tncm. 1 hese counterfeits S differ widely from Cotto I i ituc uuu ait: mure 3! Experiments when compared to the reljable shortening Cot tolene. Save money, an noyance and your health by refusing all substitutes offered to take the place of.Cottolene. Sold In three and no Bound rolls. cs ' a: 3I Made only by N.K. FAIRBANKS CO CHICAGO, AND 1S$ I. tirJJJTltE.lVE., PHILADELPHIA. CATTTION. ir deMoi oilers v. a -Itoiiglas bhoes nt a reduced price, or y hehttitheui wlthout'ratue stamped on bottom, put him down n a fraud . L. Douglas $3 SHOE THE WORLD. W. Im DOUGLAS Shoes arc ttyllih, easy fit. ting1, and give better all faction at the prices ad verLised than any other make, Try one jnatr and be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Doaflaa' hflme and price on the bottom, -which guarantee theifvalue saves thouanda of dollars annually la those who wear them. Dealers wh puih the sale of'"V, L, DougUi1 Shoes gala caatomsrs, which helps to insreais the bsIm en thetr fall lins of good. They can afford at 11 at a leas profit, and vrc believe you can save moavy by auviof all your footwear. oUidcaUriadsrtw4xl hlow. Catalogue free upon application. AddrsM, V. L. DOUOLOiS, l)roklo, Muss, SsM by Joseph B&l 1 Boeajiad ohm. VI60R of MEN ,ElIy. Quickly, Permutntly Rtttmt WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, sail all the train of vll front early errors or lat' exoesftes, the result p overwork, s t c k u e i worry, etc. FulUtrecgth development and ton given to every organ anc portion of the body simple, natural methods Immediate Improve men' seen. Failure Impoalble 2,U references. Book explanation and prooft mailed (sealed) free, I rmr urninAi nn 5525' BUFFALO. N. v fir ThGf.1 1317 flrch st U I I I 1 1 U O I PHILADELPHIA, PA. The only demise Rpeelallat In America, notwithstanding what others advertise, NERVOUS DEBILITY AND THBHESULTSOF.ilDISCRETION, Special Diseases and Stricture j Fsrsuaentlr Cured in 8 to 6 djl 1 BLOOD POISON 3SbWSS& new method In 30 to 9u days. A years' Euro cean HMpltal and 32 practical experience as Oertlflcatee and Diplomat prore. bend five 2-oent stamps for, booM'TlUmij" the only booSeipctlutrQaw-k Doctor and otlierl ao TertWnir u (tri BpociilUU. A cms friend to all sufferers and to thobe contemplating marriage. Themotttibtraaaddangerou cawtaoUclld.'''WrltoroallandbeaaTed. Hount ai Et.'i a-8t Wed. and fiat. Te'a 6-108unif-lJ, puoofWul treatment by maU. THa GREAT SucCbso. U. It. Severn, F. K. Magargle, VT. H. VTateis LOTS Of holes in a skimmer 1 Lots ot ways of throwing away money. One Of tne dgsi metnouaui c-euaumuinK is to insurf either life, lire or accident, such as represented ' k.-vri33 r."cri', No IIS Bosta JrcU.trt, Baoaaadoah, F S3 unmm- Woo f.oo w " 2 fls: oTip tB 23 IE Senators Now Earueatly at Work on tho Measure. A V10T0HT roB THE EEPUBLI0AN8, They Bncerect In lndualnff the Demoornte to Traiufer llalldlnir Stonet Rto! from the Pr. Mil to the Unliable LUt rte pnbllcAne Annonnee Their tlelllferenoy WabiiIsotok, Mny 19. Whlto vrirjRed pence li6rcred OTer the sermte yesterday. As i result of the compromlso reaclieU' nt the enif of Thursday night's drawn battle the revdutlon to Inaugurate longer houri befeln'illng next Monday vran agreed to, and Wen the eonnte for the first tlineatnce tho tariff debate began settled down to real, earnest work on 'the schednlcs'. For five hours the consideration' wot stcadly punned, the result being that eleven pages of the bill were disposed of more progress than bos been made In the entire three Weeks during which the bill has been con sidered by paragraphs. The Republicans won their first victory In their efforts to secure higher rates than those granted rly the majority. They in duced the Democrats to take rough build ing and monumental stone, limestone, freestone, granite, sandstone, etc., from the free list and place them on the dutia ble list at seven cents per cubic foot, and to Increase the duty on this class of dressed stone from 20 to 80 per cent, ad valorem. The feature of the day was the dauial of half a dozen Republican senators thatany agreement had been reached to allow the "bill to ultimately come to a vote, and tho bold announcement of Messrs'. Frye and Dolph that they stood ready to go to any length and use any parliamentary meth ods to defeat the passage of the' measure. Soon after the house met it fdund It self with filibuster on its hands, caused by ri motion to consider appropriation bills running counter to private bills. The legislative, executive and judicial ap propriation bill was taken up after an agreement was reached to close general debate ut 5 o'clock yesterday and that the house would adjonrn over Saturday. The discussion of the bill opened up several interesting and Important questions, among them being the sugar bounty ques tion, the pension frauds investigation and the deducting of members pays for ub sence. Considerable opposition to the mode of docking members was manifested. Hold Flratei Captured. Quehec, May 19. The revenno cutter Constance, Captain May, just arrived in port, reports quite an adventure, Thurs day morning a suspicious looking craft supposed to be a smuggler, was Blghted some distance below bevcn-islanda. Unas, was at once given and the smuggler was speedily overhauled, but refused to strike her colors and resisted arrest. The bold pirate was, however, finally captured, but not before blood had been spilled and the mate and boatswain of the Constance had been badly wounded by axes in the hands of the crew. Thirty-eight barrels of whisky and some cases of liquors were found on board, ivive men or. the smug' gler crew were brought in on the Con stance. Miners Prevented from Working. WlLKESDAnnE. 'Pa., May J9. A row oc curred at the Keystone' colliery, near par sons, yesterday afternoon, which at one time' asiumed almost the proportions of a riot. The trouble grew out of a strike that took' plate a week ago, and the im mediate cause'was an "attempt upon'ths part of Borne of the strikers to return to work. When they appeared at the mine a crowd of Hungarians, hnmbcrlng twenty live or thirty, set upon' them with clubs and stones, "making them flee for their lives. Two of the men who wanted to go to work were seriously hurt, and the others decided not to go back to work at present. The Miners Still Determined. Cleveland, May 19.-The miners held a final consultation yesterday, at which it was decided to continue the fight until the operators agree to restore the old scale. President McBride made an address to the delegates, urging them to use only peaceable measures to gain the desired re sult, and to strengthen their lines by ex tending organization. The miners hope to keep up the fight until June 1, when they expect a break to bo made among the operators, and work quickly proceeded with. California's prohibition Tlrfcrt, OAKLAND, May 19. The Prohibition state conventon nominated a full state ticket, including the following: For gov ernor, Henry French of Bnnta Clara; limi tenant governor, M, J. Rail ot Los An geles; secretary of state, M. C. Winches ter of Yolo; controller, H. Clay Needham otXos Angeles; treasurer, W. II. McGoun of Sonoma; for United States senator, General John II. Rldwell ot Butte. An'mroblsts' Death Bentano Confirmed. Madiud, May 19. The superior council ot war bos confirmed tbe aentenoea ot death lmti'Jaed Inpon tbe five anarchists vf bo were convicted ot complicity In the plot to mnrder Captain General Martinez Campos and In the Lieco theater bomb outrage. It is 'expected that the con demned men will bt shot In front of tl citadel on Mont Jnlch, Barcelona, today. A Lucky Vanderbllt, Moktk Carlo, May IB. WU1U K. Van derbllt, of New York, has been spending a few days here, and left lost night on board the steam yacht Valiant direct for New York. Mr. Vanderbllt followed the nsnal custom of visitors to this resort, and passed a portion of his time at the gaming tables. At his Inst sitting last evening he won 10,000 francs. To Itefund Virginia's Direct Tax. WAfeniKOTON, Mny 19. Tbe house com mittee on the Judiciary decided to make a favorable report on the resolution to repay tbe state of Virginia tho money paid by it under the direct tax law of Aug. 5, 1801. It amounts to $181,300, less $27,000, which has been already refunded. Ilreoklnrldge Invltsd- to Retire. Lexington, Ky., May 19. The petition that has been gotten up hero has been for warded to Washington, asking Colonel Breckinridge to withdraw from tbe race for re-election to congress. It bears tbe signature of a score pf old friends of Col enel Breckinridge. Allss Ooald's KiiBgament Off. New York, May 19. At the office of narrlman &'Co, Nich6las Fish, a member of the firm, sald'it was true that the en gagement of Miss Qould to MrKIIarriman had been brok.cn by mutual consent. Ashamed To Be Seen Because of disfiguring facial blemishes is the condition pf thousand upon thousands who live, in ignorance of the fact that in CutJcura Soap is to be found the purest, sweetest and most effective skin purifier and beautifier in the world. It is so because it strikes at the root of all complexional disfig urations, viz: The clogged, irri tated, INFLAMED OR SLUGGISH PORE. Por rlmrlci. blacltbeadi. red and oily iktn, red. rough liandi with shapeless nail, dry, thin and fait log halr,and simple babyblemUhesltla wonderful. Bold throughout the world. Potter Drug and Chem. Corp., Mole Props., Boston. If tired, aehlnc.nervnni mothers knew tbe comfort, strength, and vital, tty In Cutlcura Antl-Paln I'Usters, they would never be without them. In every way tho purest, eweetept and best platter fof women and children. MUSSER & BEDDALL, (Successors to Coakley Bros.) No. ,8 Bast Centre street, HUENANDOAII, IA FIRST CLASS (WERT' Our Motto; Best Quality at Lowest Oas Prices. Patronage respectfully solicited. SNEDDEN'S : LIVERY Horses ono Carriages to Hire. iattllnt of all kinds prompUy attended it Horses taken to board, at rates that are liberal. ft PEAR ALLEY, Rest of the Met Boeit, PNNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. , SOnUTLKILL DIVISIOJI. NOVEMHKll 19th. 1883. Trains will leave Shenandoah alter the above date for Wlfgan's, Qllberton, Frackvllle, New UMt.Ol U k. , A UtHNUCi UWUUUIKi iVOMIIUI. .1. 1 i 1 1 vV 1 . " j .... .1 ru.wwnuif uujuuTuiD) .luiiuwni llurw adelphla 'Broad street station) at 0:00 aad lli a. m. and 4:16 p. m. on week days For Potts- vine ana inreaiaio stations v.io a. m. SnNDAYH. For Wigean's, Ullbsrton, FrackrUle, Mew Castle, St Clair, PottsvUle at 0:00. tMOt.m. and 1:10 p.m. For. Hamburg, Reading, Potts- town, raccnixviue, nornstown, iaaeipnia at 6:00. e:) a.m.. 1:18 D.m. 1 Trains leave Frackvllle for Bhenandoah at iu:ua. m. ana u:it, o:w, t:u ana I0;7rp. m. Sundays, 11:11 a. m. and :M p. m. Leavs PettsvUle for Shenandoah at 10:16, Il:t8 a. s. aad 4:40,7:16 and 1Q;00 p, . Sundays it 10:49 a. . and 6:16 p.m. Lave Philadelphia (Broad street sutlon) for PottsvUle asd Bhenandoah at 6 67 and 8 36 a m, 4 10 and 7 11 pm week days. On Sundays leave at 6 60 a m. For Pottsvlllt. ( a a m. For New York Express, week days, at I SO, 4 06, 4 50, 6 18, 6 60, 7 S3,' 8 SO, B 60, 11 00 11 11 a m,. U 00 noon, 1J 41 p. nt. (LinUMd Ki- ?regs 1 00 and 4 CO p to. dining ears.) 1 40, 80. ISO, 4 00, 60S, 800, 6M, 7 26. Sit, 10 00pm, it 01 night. Sundays ISO, 4 06, 4 60. d id, B 11, nimlted 116,818,9 60. 11 Mil 85. a m, It 44. 1 40, i 80,4 00 limited 4 60) 6 SO, SOT? 60. 7 25 and 8 IS p m and It 01 nleht. For Sea Girt, Long llrsxch and Intermediate stations, 83), 1111 a m, and 4 00, p m weoaaayB For Baltimore and vrasklBirton S 60. 7 SOu 8 tl 9 10, 10 SO, 11 18 a m, It 10, (IS 35 limited dlmni car.) 1 JO. 8 46. 4 41. (5 IS Oomrresstonal Limited Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 617, 55, 7 40 and U33 p. m week days. Sun days, 3 60, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18 a m. 13 10, 1 41, 8 65. 11 U and 7 40 p m. For Rlchmcnd. 7 00 a a, 13 10 and 11 S3 p m, uiii7, ana 1 flu p. m. weeic aays, ' Trains wlU leave Uarrlsbure for Plttaburt and tho West every day at 1 20, 8 10 a m, (8 to p m urmieaj, sou, 7 so, 11 00 p m every aay, Way for Altoont at 8 18 am and 6 00 p m every day For Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 am srrv lav. Trains will leave Sunbury for YTlUlamsport, Klmlra, Uanandalg ua, Rochester. Buffalo and Niagara Fans at 1 so, 1 11 a m.ana 1 p m weei days, For Elmlra at 6 44 p m week days, For nrie ana intermediate points ate 19 amaaiiy, U I uft VOD ! D II MlU DO Ut UJU7, 1 OO nd 6 44pm week days For Ronovo at 6 18 a m, 1 86 and 5 44 pm week days, and 6 18 a m on aunaays oniy. ror ane ai o n a m, aauy i w u re weexoays. a. M. pbivost, J, R. Woos, Cen'l Uanarer Oeij'l Pasi'gT Ac Professional Cards. gOL. FOSTER, ATTORNBY end CO VNSSLLER-A 7'LA W, Office Room I, Post 0(3 co building, Bsenan o.oaa, i-a. jjJ B. KIBTLER, V. D pnrmaiAs and burgeon, Offlee-ltO North' Jardln street, Shenandoah. JOHN R. COYLK, A TTOSNBT-AT-LA W. Office BeddaU building, Bhenandoah, Pa. M. U. OCRKE, ATTORNEY AT-LA W inisrAVDOAn, rA. Office Room 8, P. O. Building, rJhonandoat and Ksterly buiiaiog, roitsviue. T PIERCE ROBERTS, M. D ' No. S East Coal Btreet, BHENANDOAH, PA. Office Hours 180 to 3 and 8:80 to B p. m. D U. J. S. OALLEN. ro.ai oouin j arum street, onenanuoan, OrrioE Uounsi H30 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 P. M. Except Thursday evening. No office work on Sunday ezcevt bu arrange' maU. A ttriet adherence to fte office noun u aoiotuieiv neccuary. J-K. WENDELL JtEBER, , Successprlo DR. CIIAS. T. PALMER, EXE AND EAtt SVEOEON, 301 Mahantongo Street, Pottavllle, Penna "THERE is but one J- way in the world to be sure f having the best paint, and that is o use only a well-established brand of strictly pure white lead, pure lin seed oil, and pure colors. The John T. Lewis & Bros." brand is standard "Old Dutch" process, and is always absolutely Strictly Pure White Lead If you want colored paint, tint this strictly pure lead with National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting; Colors. These colon are sold In one-pound cans, each can being sufficient to tint 95 pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade j they are lu no sense ready-mlxcd paints, but a combination of perfectly pure colors In the handiest form to tint Strictly Pure White Lead. Send us a postat card and get our book on paints and color-card, free. JOHN T. LEWIS & EROS. CO., PhiUdeluhla. L AUERBACH. Practical Watchmaker AND JEWELER. Sells and rennlrs watches and clocks cheaner than anv one In town ReDAlrlnzasrjeclaftv. Call and examine my stock. 21 W. Centre St., Shenandoah. W. H. SNYDER 133 West Centre Btreet, Mahanoy City, Pa. Artistic Decorator Palntln? and Faperhanglng. Perfect work. Bargains In nalnts and oils, claln and stair, glass. All the new patterns In wall paper. Dally and weekly papers, novels, novsleii. and stationery. Hoadquartors for Evening Heralu LORENZ SCHMIDT'S. Celebrated Poller, Ale and Beei JAMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch. $Zflfca. ROACHES-BED BUGS Ano OTHin ihsect A UQUID aiEHlCAt COHPOUND-KON-POISOrf-OUS TO HAMKIND BUT THE CXEATEJT DEsntoYiR op yuHiN-TnnR Yosras jus LCCSrVtniNVEHTEP. OjtSLAROt BOTTLES 25f.hv? JJMS1 GEORGE W. JOHNSON, UMX0X :HQTEI! LOST CREEK, PA. Near h. V. and Electric rallwavs. Ti finest brands of clears, whiskies. Dortei beer and ale on hand. Delcamp's Livery Stable E. DELCAMP, J1L, Prop WEST STREET, Between Centre and Lloyd, Sliciiantlonli, Pcnun. Teams to hire for all nuroosea on reasonabU termB- Political Cards. pott. CONGRESS, JOHN T. SnOENER. Hublect to tho rales ot the Republican norm! naiing convention. jpoll CONQREHH, a, A. JjVSVU, Bubleet to tbe rules of the nenabUcan nomt naung convention. TOOK HHBRIFP, SLUS DA ris, Bubleet to the rules of the Heoubllcan noal- nauug convenuon. F OR 8UERIFP, ALEX. BCOTT, Subject to the rules of the Republican noml naung convenuon. TJOIt BBKATOR, (30th District) JOHN J. CO VLB, Subject to the rules of the Republican noml natlng convention. JJOH LGOIBLATUIIR, 1st District, JOHN F. FINNEY. Subject to tbe rules of:the Republican nomi nating convention. poll l.IIOIHI.AXUIli;, IstDIat., Wit. R.MIDDLE70N, Of Malzevllle. ' Hubject to tno rules of tbo !Republlctflffl$'.' natlng convection. poll LP.filrlLATVRn, 1st Dlst,, JOSEPH WYATT, Of Shenandoah. Rubjsct to the rules of tbe Republican nomi nating convention. poii pooh mitijcTon, DAVID n, hlEWELLYN, Ot Bhenandoah. Habjectto the rules of the Republican nomi nating convention. FINANCE M TRADE. Tho Effect of Legislative Inaction ou the Industries. QEEAT BE0UPEEATIVE POWERS. NothwltliltandlnK the Inflncncfs Which In Any Othr Land Would Cnnso Dire DUaitnr the fluneral Roundness of th. Commercial World Is Kvldanoed. New YortK, Mny 1!). R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade says: The olnta cles to Improvement do not lessen. Tho strikes of coal miners and coke workers have not ceased, but have caused the stop page of numerous works this week, and embarrassment to some railroads. The conference at Cleveland exhibited much angry feeling and wider differences than had been expected, and seems to render agreement more distant. Proceedings In the senate do not Indicate that the latest form of tariff revision has mndo speedy final action more probable. Yet the recu perative force of the country Is so great that observers are constantly amazed at the volume of business belug transacted, the tonnnge being transported, the num ber of works resuming operation, and tbe general soundness of trade, notwithstand ing Influences which In any other land would produce dire disaster. Wheat has sold at5T cents for May, and iVi cents for July, though wotern re ceipts have been only 1,215.543 bushels for tbe week, ngnlnst 2,313,040 lost year. Ex ports were but 71)1,727, against 2,090,1(14 bushels last year, and the fact that gold goes lnstend of wbeat at 57 contB or cot ton at 7.10 cents has more weight than tbe rapidly brightening prospects of the yield next fall. Tho Roundness of the commercial world is shown In the diminishing importance or failures, the liabilities reported for tbe second week of May amounting to only 11,937,538, of which 11,490,032 were of trading and M 32,(VX5 of manufacturing concerns. The failures this week have been 220 In the United States, aealnst 247 last year, and 24 in Canada, against 140 last year. liradstreet's financial review says: In vestment and speculation are still at tended by uncertainty and hesitation. The market Is consequently very restricted and displays no little Irregularity In Its movements. Tlie past week, however, lias developed Increased activity and In terest In the railroad share list, although this consisted almost entirely of renewed and to a certain extent successful profes sional assaults upon value. The weak element In the market continues to bo the securities of the bankrupt companies, atid tbe shares which are liable to assessment. In view of the heavy contributions, wtilcli it seems necessary to require In many Instances, there has been considera ble liquidation of this class of holdings. The declines tbns produced seem to be In dependent ot tho pressure which bear ope rators have exercised on some of tbe Gran ger stocks. In the later Instance the move ment was Instituted In view of tbo severe cutting of rates throughout the west, and has been continued In the face of a settle ment of tbe trouble on the theory that tho decline of wheat makes it impossible for the roads to' levy In the future an high charges as in the past. This week U the third in succession In which there, has been no material gain In the volume of business abd practically no Improvement In prospects for trade in the near future. Although pleasant weather has favored retail lines In many directions. Jobbers in staple goods have not found a corresponding increase In demand. Con tinned uncertainty regarding tariff legis lation restricts trading In futures in all staple lines. This Is largely responsible for the reduction in the volume of bank tarings. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL GAMES National Lagu At Philadelphia (10 Innings) Philadel phia, 5; Huston, 4. At New York Brook lyn, 16; New York, 7. Kastern Leagu. At Wllkesbarre Springfield, 10; Wllkcs barre, 8. At Btughamtou (10 Innings) Providence, 8; lllnghumton, 7. At Krie (5 innings) hrle, 20; Syracuse, 3. At But falo BulIulo,7; Troy, 3. Pennsylvania dtate I-eneue. At Reading Heading, 7: Iiazleton, 3, At Horrlsburg llarrlsburg, fi; Euston, 4. At Altoona Altoona, 10; Allentown, 2, STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Closing Quotations ef the New Tork and Philadelphia HxchBligae. New York, May 18. Tbe stock speculation today was heavy in tone during the greater part of the day, uud although there were occa atonal recoveries, mainly caused.by tbe cover lng of tluild shorts, the trend of prices was downward. Closing bids:, Lehigh Valley WW W. N. T. A Pa... IK Pennsylvania tM Erie ISH Reading ,!Or U., U A W.. Ml Bt. Paul 68H West Shore 104)4 ut nign ftav ti. v. central 7 N. Y. A N. B , H Lake Erie A W.... 15 New Jersey Oes.nlW Del. 4 Hncia-,..13aH Oeaeral Market. Prni dbltuia. May IE. Floor wcaxc win ter soperflnt. 82422.lt: do. extras. t2.W02.2i No, 3 winter family, ti.SiaJfJlO; Pennsylvania roller stialght, t2.0OS,?; western winter clear, 1.&K.(U. Wheat Ores M, ejflst, with 56Ho. bid and MMa. asked for May. Corn qalat. steady, with Cu. bid and tSUo. asked lor Mar. Oats quiet, steady, wltb 41a. bid anil 43a. askod for May, Jieel steady, l'om lower; new mess S1U.ZMJ13.&0; family, fliail.ia. Lard steadier. western steam, $7.60. Dutter steady; New York dairy, 1216c.; do. creamery, 1417c, western dairy, 912o.i western do., 13Q17c. Elfins, 17SMHO.; Imitation, lOCUo., state creamery prints, extra, 19c.; do. choice, 18c do. fair to prime, lOQlTc; do, "garlicky," 15 017c; prints Jobbing at 0.o. Cheese weaker; few lorx large, IwiwluHc . small 0K10Kc; part skims, S3c. Kgcbitlrm. New York and Pennsylvania, ISHQlJc , western ISOJIMC. Live Mtoek Markets. New YonK, May 18. Reeves very dnll; na tlve steers, good to prime, ti,31)j34.40; me dium to fair, JI.1S34.JII; ordinary. 51.10; good Texans, 51. id; stags, f34: hulls, 13 10Q3.80; dry cows. ?1.753.10. Calves firm; Inferior to r!o'-e vculs, Jt.WKaa.au; good buttermilk 8.(3.50. Hheeu and lumbs; market dull. ,, , alucs firm; poor to prime sheep, (3.603) 4.50; choice uxiort. 54.73; yearlings, common to choice, N.-j'3-i; (food Virginia, SS.5U; Ken tucky, $5.50ia5.03M; Tennessee, ?5.00. Hogs steady; Interior to g., id, e5.253.40; choice nominally quoted at fS.tu. East Ltiieiitv. Pa.. Stay 18. Cattle steady: prime, f I.4IV34.U; good, (4.05(31.25; good but chers. t3.7iw,4.3; rough fat, ssas.zu; good rat cows and helferB, $2.3003; bulls and stags, (3 23; bologna cows. (531S; veal calves, 4.75. Hogs dull; best Phlladelphlas, (5.05 5.10; best Yorkers. (1.1)505; common to fair Yorkers, ll.8tkal.WJ; good heavy1 sows, (1 1.50; stags and rough sows, (JJ3.50. Sheep slow; ttr.a, rJup-lv;,gooa, .saw.ru; tatr, j .aupf .w. conunoa, viwi iatu , ee.sutf t.w, TERRIBLE JEXPLOSIONl Too High Prossuro. In these days of keen competition in every line, when the business man is compelled to tiviid his intellect and every energy to the iircc5i of liis business ; the cleric, book keeper, professional mm and lalmrer, ta Inve tlicmsclvcs at n terrific rate, there can but one result an explosion, which if nit resultlr.j in Immcxliato death, leavr iiiem with shattered brains and bodies. 1 liey afo running at too high pressures. The strain is too great. Something rnust :,ntl does give war. This is etjuall true of women. Though their sphere is more ii ,'iil, they have their daily burdens, frets, tml worries, and the results are the same sa uirli their Btmnger cotnanions. lias condition is growing worse every !ny. Tho rapidity of its Increase is awful nntcrmilate. Uur homes. IiOsdimIs. anu nsnne asylums are full of these uufortunnten. u mi are being crowded still further. There r hut one solution of the matter. Kecog- ,e tlie imtiortance ol tne situation atpneev ml lake the nccetwuy measures to over tne it. lfvou have failing memoTV. hot il islios, dizziness, nervous or sick headache. 'lliiusness. irritability, melancholy, slecp H.'nes', fainting, nervous dvptiepsia, ept-'-v etc., know that anv one of them is but vniitnm of (he calamity that may befall ii and evi'n tlioucli you have used so- illed rtnedies and trcateil with reputable Ii M.ic-i:nis with little or no benefit, give Ir. MitcH ltnitorative Nervine a trial. It U he onlv rcmedi that may be depended upon for nervous disorders. " l wo years ago i useii ur uen jivMorsiiTt; ..rvinn with marked benefit, and later lndured av nn, who had been sick with catarrh of the- lancier nve yesrs in ine nanus pi uur wi pny 'CUns.totry It togdher with I)r Miles' Nerve -ml Liver Pills, lie was so wonderfully benefited Snt he 1 nttendlng to bulncss sgaln My wlfa ,'mi med Nervine with most excellent rruiuL '1 nf ns together have not used ruore than rix Mitttn nf SVrrln. Several of our friends havo -1 used It, and are greatly Improved," Iiuls iiueher & (hdds riow i . uenton. unio. Ur Miles' Restorative Nervine la sold by alt nwgi.tson a positive guarantee, or sent by Dr .llles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt or rice, (1 per bottle, six bottles, (5, express prepaid. i i. TMwhtvpiv fVee from onlates or danearoua trugs. Free book at druggists, or by maU. OLEAB2" BROS., Uottlersot all kinds ol TEMPERANCE: DRINKS! AND UINIKAL WATERS. Wkiss IIeer a Specialty. Also bottlers ot tbe r inesi ueer 17 and 19 lVocA Alley, SUKXANDOAM. RELIABLE - HAHD - LAUNDRY, no EnHt Centre Htrect, miioxinxiclonli, "4n,. All work guaranteed to be flrst-elasa In everr reared, we respectfully solicit a share ot your patronage, uooas eauea tor ana aeuvena Silk tlee and Lace Curtains a specialty. RAILROAD SYSTEM Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: For New York via PhiladelDhta. week days. 110. 5.. 7.20. a.m.. 12.26. 2.50. ft.55 D.m. Sindav M0, a. m.4.J0 p. m. For New York via Mauec. i;r"m, ween oars, ij.7.aia. m., ix. , x.av p. -For Reading and Philadelphia, week, nay, .10,5.25,7.20, a.m., 12.28, 2.M, 5.56p.m. BOB day, 2.10. a. m., 4.90 p. m For Uarrlsburp. wear avsl't.lO. ! a.rc 150, 5.55 p. m. Sundays, 2.10 a, m. aad 43) . B. ror fottaviue, week days, x.iu, 7JW, a. m., 12.28, 2.60, 6.56 p. m. Sunday, 1.10 a. ., '.( p. m. For Tamaqua and Mahanoy Olty, week dan, 1.10, 6.25, 7.20, a.m., 12,28, 2.50,5.55 p. jn. Bin day, no, 7.48 a. m., 4.8 p. m. Additional for Mahanoy City, week days, 7 00 p. m. for wiuiam sport, sunoary ana xjewtncsxe;, week dars. 1.28. 7.20. 11.20 a.t. l.iS.7.Cas. Sunday, 1.25 a. m., 1.06 p.m. For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 110, 1.26, f .19, 7.20, 11. JO a.m., 11X8, 1.S5, 150, 6.56, 7.00, lli p. m. Sunday, 110, 1.25, 7.48 a. m., 106, 4.W p. m ror uirarovnie, i uappananneex ocauoni week days. 110, 125, 6.15, 7.20, 11.10 a. m 1128,1.25, 2.50, 5.56, 7.00, 9.25 p. m. Sunday, 111 i.kj. i.vs a. m., 3.ud, a.ou p. m. For Ashland and Shamokln. week days. 129 6.25, 7.20, 11.20 a. m., 1.S5, 7.00, (.96 p. m. Bun day, S.2S, 7.48 a. m 106 p. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH: Leave New York via Phlladelsma. week dare. 8.00 a. m., I.S0. 4.00, 7.90 p. m.. 1115 night. Stm day, 4.S0 a m.. 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night. Lieave new xorx via uaucnununx,weeE nays, 4.30, V.10 a. m 1.30, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week days, 4.12, 8.35. 10.00 a. m.. and 4.00, S.00, 11.30 p. m. Sunday 4.60, 8.05 a. m..lljrl p. m. Lieavo ueaaing, week aays, i.so, .iu, iu.ix, ii.b a. m 5.65, 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1,86, 5.50, lO.liS a. m. Leave PottsvUle, week days, 140, 7.40 a. m. 1180, 8,11 p. m Sunday, 140,7.00 a. m., 106p.m. Leave Tamaaua. week davs. 3.20. 8.48. 11.23 at m., 1.20. 7.15, 0.28 p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m s.w p. m. Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8.45, 9.18 11.47 a. m., 1.61, 7.44, 9.54 p. m. Sunday, 145, 8.11 a. m., 8.20 p. m. Leave Mahanoy Plane, week diys, 14o,4.M, 6.80, B.S6. 11.59 a. m., 1165, 2X, 6.20, 6.28,7.69,10i p. m. Sunday, 140, 4.00, 9.27 a. m., 8.87, 6.01 p. m. save uiraruviiiB, litappanannoca E3uai, week davs. 2.47, 4.07. M. 9.41 a. u., ItA 1.01, 112, 6.28, 6.32, 8.05, 10.16 p. m. Sunday, 147, 4.07, 8.31, a. m., 8.43, 5.07 p. m. Leave Wllllamsnort. week days. 9.38. a. so.. 3.36, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m. for uaitimore, waenington ana me nest vm II. Sl 11 It. n.i thronih trains leave Raar Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. 4 R. R. It.) at MS, 7.55, ll.JU a. m., 3 61, 7.22, 8.46 p. m., Sunday 149, 7.55, U.S6 a. m., 3 54, 7 H, 9.58 p- m. ATLANTIO CITY DIV1SIO-. Leave PhlladalDhla. Chestnut Street Wkarf and South Street Wharf for Allantlo City. Week days Express, 9.00 a. m,t (Satar ,y only a 00); 4.00, 6.00 p. ru. AcoommodaUos, 8.00 a. m.; 5 45 p.m. Bnndays Kxpress, 9.00, 10.00 a. m. Aeec -taodatlon, 8.00 a. m and 4 SO p. m. returning, leave Aiianiio uiiy aepov. ear ner Atlantic and Arkansas avenues : week days Express, 7.30, 8,50 a. m. and 4.00 p. M. Accommouaiiou, a.iu a. m. ana a.ju p. ui. Sunc ays Express, 4.00, 6.15,8.00 p. m. AO' commodatlon, 7.16 a m. and 4.15 p, m. Parlor cars on all express trains. O. O, UANOOOK, Oen. Pass. A(t Philadelphia Pa, I. A. SWKIOARD, Oen. SupV rrmantlr cni-A I lnjtorjodr- hwan lrtale Bmlr,-nr k EOOOoarltaL roaUl-nproof.andlua-p-K-! l, UlQ8trbt4 tTom 111 6 1 rom people cutd, brnialU Nothing eltw will cur. narntT.hrttl u CU0K RnHEDV CU., Chicago, 111. T -a. B 1 - II .. Ill- M 1.M tENNYROYftLflLLS r Itrlslnulbud liiily Genu In o. A. I'ra etai pur isirsiiiiri jvnytM fiay-r um4 Jirantl in lUtl ui t, t d uttuvUlf Jiiuollirr. ' iiiafl-ai ihtVw Id ilrii ipt f.if , -trnUrt:, eKJinoutu " lie lit its?1 iittM4-,--- vj r-'f.b MtL Kl.OOOl tUnituUli rr il LviaLf lr'U, JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, (Christ. Uossler's old stand.) Main una Coal nta,) Btaenstntlonlu Best beer, ale and porter on tap. The nasal, brands of whiskeys and elcari. Vcol roes tt at.yd. READING 1" A