The Evening Herald. Published dally, except Sunday by runhtSltlNO COMl'AXT, rustication office and mechanical department, 235 Kast Coal Street. fia Taiild delivered In Shenandoah and nB Jala surrounding towns for Six Cents ftwMk,piyabl to thecarrlors. Ily mall, Three Dollar a year orTwonty-flve cents per month, la advaace. jMwrtltili charged according to apace kad petition. The publishers reserve tho right V eaaage the position ot adTertlsemcnts when' rrer the publication ot news requires It. The rttht Is also reserved to reject any advertise Bunt, whether paid (or or not, that the pub Ushers may deem Improper. Advertising rates icadaknowa upon application. 8a tared at the pott office at Shenandoah, Pa., ! aeaoad (loss mall matter. tub urmfixa HEitAzn, Shcaandoah, Penna, Evening Herald. WEDNESDAY, MAY 10. 1894. Primucnt Ci.kvki.and has gone off en smother fishing trip. Thlsls'a surelndlca tion that he doesn't know whero the party "Is at" In the tarltr muddle, and that he will let them fight It out for a while till le make up his mind on the next move. A baud of Western "Industrials" re- nlved at Omaha, Neb., an oiler of 11.40 per day and per ninn to work on a rail road contract. To the credit of the Com- xaonwenl cause be It said that the offer was Indignantly spurned. What I Sell aonest labor to a bloated railway raonop ely for mere wages t "What are we hare tor'" A Gehmam sect Is reported to have sprung up, which proposes to establish a olouy whore people shall go naked and live entlroly on fruit nnd herbs. There is a suggestion ot luxurious ease about life in such a colony a freedom from the wear nnd tear ot manual labor which will appeal strongly to the mind of the advanced Commonwealer. However, the Average Coxeylte is at present satisfied to lake theclithes from other people's hacks rather than his own, and to live rather w the fruit of other people's labors than on that of tree or vine. The German teet is dlstlnitly more progressive. 4 UKALTif writer, discussing the effect vinegar on digestion, says: "The ml eroHcopists have discovered that the eel; at vintsjar sometimes take up their aboil ;i th alimentary canal as parasltlei, and fvecome a source ot Irritation and dls tuibanee to the digestive organs. And now, necording to Virchow's archives, they have been investigating the influence i acids upon salivary digestion, or the er.mersion of starch into sugar, and th Inst has appeared that acetic acid, con' Mctrjd with tartaric and oxalic acids eiy materially hinders this portion of h digestive process. It is worthy note, as beinir In the line of scientific progress, that many of the mo it skillful ehels are substituting In their culinary processes lemon juice for vinegar, thu avoiding at once the wriggling eels and the minuhief-muktng acid." Makv, mother ot Washington, was woman of strong character nnd many pe lullarities, including an independent jfirit and n sharp tongue. It is said that ho did not change the fashion of her sniment for more thnn SO years, nnd cut and mnde her own garments In defiance f public opinion nnd chnngiug style When she went visiting, the sight of her approach caused every member of the household to selzo a broom or a dust 5rnsh, or in some manner to assist In straightening up things so thnt her lastldious nnd criticnl tnste might not be offended. She performed her dnlly duties at precisely the same manner, every morning, regnrdless of chnngiug con ditlons nnd circumstances, nnd the neigh. hers always set their clocks and watches iy the ringing of her dinner bell. Ixst year was bad for gambling-den keepers nt Monte Carlo ns well ns In New Jorsey. Perhaps It would be more accu ate to say It wns a less good year than isual, for the gambling sharp, like denth itas all seasons for his own, aud makes out pretty well, even in the worst ot them. At Monte Carlo, as is disclosed by the jmnual report, the last year's profits were ttGO.OUO less thau those ot the year before. Tfuat la n considerable tailing off, and In Toasequence we need not be surprised to team thnt the market value of Monte ' ,"wrlo stock has declined from $500 to H35. But as the par value of the stock Is only H.0t it evidently Is still worth more than the pnper it is printed on. In spite ot the ftrent decline in profits, the yenr showed a kttlnuce of fi, -100,000 to the good, out of which n dividend ot 10 on each 100 share, was paid, besides 1300,000 to the Prince ot Monuco nnd 1 1S0.000 to the press I There K-ems no imminent danger of the concern taoomlug bankrupt. Sl'EAKlNO of the Coxey armies, The Duluth News-Trlbuno says : There Is one march that the men could take most advantageously, and that Is a march to the unsettled Government lands, which nre only waiting for settlers to come to mnko them productive. There, nre. thou- Bunds of acres ot such innds intiieDuiuth and St. Cloud lnnd districts, north ot this Ity, In the llalny Lake region, nnd on the upper waters ol the Mississippi. The lnnd enn be had for the settlement, and It great body of men were to turn their attention to such a settlement they would get all the encouragement they needed, and all the Help, too. r or a year or so the lnnd would not, perhnps, give n living to the men and their families, but It soon would, and the contributions made would sustain them until the production began. A few thousand men turned loose In the Northern Minnesota lands could soon build homes for themselves, with each other's aid, and soon have crops planted. Tbo regions accessible contains vast tracts of rich agricultural lnnds. HARVARD STUDENTS DROWNED Four Loit In noitttn Harbor by the Up- fitting; of a Aatlbnat. Boston, Mny 10. Kdwln Stanton Bach f New York city, William Campbell Truetdell ot Newark, N. J., John Fnrnum llrowue of Philadelphia and Franklin Whltnll of Philadelphia, all students at Harvard college, were drowned lu the up per harbor near Thompson's Island Sun- day afternoon. The bodies of Browne and Unch have been recovered. lloatkeep!r Hutchlns, at City .Point, late on Sunday afternoon let a catboat to four young men. who told him they were to be gone but n few hours. When the boat wns not re turned Mondny he went out on a search, but saw nothing to Indicate that his prop erly had been wrecked. l esterday(alternoon, however, a search trig party found the boat unslde down When It had been partly righted the bodies of Browne and Bach were found clinging to the mast. Each was locked In the arms of the other, and both had to be lilted Into the smaller boat together. The men had partially disrobed. The search ing party continued to took for the bodies f Truesdell aud Wbltall, but they have oot been found. Truesdell wos a third year man In the law school, and was graduated from Princeton In 1800. Brown graduated from Ilaveriord college, Philadelphia. last year, anil was a senior at Harvard. Jjacu was In the Junior class. Whltall was a t?rad 1 1 ate of Harvard college last year, and en tered the senior r.lnss last fall to get thu degree o( A. U. from Harvard Killed hr tier Maniac Sob. ALBANY, May 16. Late yesterday after ooou KitRene Brady, a young roofer re. siding on Vine street, lost his reason and stabbed his mother to death with two butcher knives He then sprang from e second story window, hut oscaped Injury It leuulred the efforts of six policemen to shackle hint aud thiow blm Into the pa trol wagon Mrs llrady lived only half an hour niter the tragedy Another woman named Kelly, who was alsostabbfd by the maniac, Is in a critical condition. as is also n man named Hlce, who wasalso tabbed by him NUGGETS OF NEWS Frost visited centra! and western New York state Monday night, damaging the strawberry crop The strike at the National tube works at McKeesport fa., Is spreading i.iw men now being out All differences between theGrent North em railroad and Its employe nave been satisfactorily adjusted A servant girl In Chicago's aristocratic quarter was stricken with smallpox and there is great consternation Speaker Crisp ;ef'. Washington to at tend the funeral of his mother-in-law, Mrs Burton, at hllnrvllle. ua During a hull fight in an arena at A vig non, spaln, tenor -Mcolas a latnou tore ador, was gored to death by a wounded hull. J C Frauk. b prominent Baltlmc r ha' ter, while adjusting ac arc eiectrtr light In front of hi- -tore received a shock lif fell through a plate gluts window, uearlj severing hi' arm At Gate City, Va . u mob of 'regula tors" went to the house of Samuel Woods an Inoffensive colored man, nnd when be refused to let them in shot through the door, killing Woods. The southern .Methoillst general con terence adopted n report dcuitiiidmg total abstinence from Honor, unit thnt any preacher or member signiug petitions for license or renting property lor saloon pur poses shall be held guilty of Immorality. Two Trainpi Fatally Injured HpniKClFIKLIi. O , May 10 A Big Kou freight train, while at Main street Jus' outside the city limits, jumped the track and fourteen loaded cars were piled in s Leap Brukeman C I Bolen of thi place, had one arm and both leg broken It is not thought he can live Two turnips were fatally Injured AiUluir for ao Appropriation. Washington, May 1U The house com mlttee on appropriations had a hearing op Representative Livingston' bill making an appropriation fora government exhibit at the proposed cotton states nun Interna tional exposition or Atlanta lu Ifcus. Th Weather. Increasing cloudiness: slightly wurmer; southerly to easterly wlnils. WOMEN IN SOCIETY -often need the strength ening support oi a gener al ionic aau nervine. They're tired out or run-aown." inis is fronuentlv the result of "weaknoss," and It makes life miserable. Are you weak, nerv ous, or olllne f Then Dr, Tierce's Favorlto Pro scription brings you sneaiai noiD. iva h remedy prescribed for delicate women, for all tne derangements, ft(cMilira unit ,tlAnjwl nf tho SfiX. Vnr rMrulntlnor and nromotin? all the Cropor functions, building up and Invlgorat ig tho entire system, aud restoring health and strength, this is the only remedy that can bo guarantied to benefit or cure, or tha money wm uo reiunaou. t i nsf f o iurir nt century ol cures Dr. Sngo'a Catarrb .11, IIO BMIUM IIIQ M3.UI wuuui.v. Kemedy. U'liars way tne propneton .b. Ko w.l. Minv ov. "Tf wa can't cure your Catarrh, we will txiy you $600 in cash 1 " Monster Conflagration in a Boston Tonemont Distriot, TWENTY A0RE8 BURNED OVER. A Hundred llouifii JJestrojed, Five Hun diftd Families, Representing Three Thousand Taople, forced from Their Hemes anil Over all, 000,000 Lou. Boston, May 16. liy the torch of an In-. cendlary over it million dollars worth of property Is In ashes, over 500 families of the medium and poorer classes, consisting of over 8,000 people, are homeless, nnd many of them who had time to save a oor- ttoti of thelrhousehold furniture slept last night In the open air. Women with babies lu their arms and littl children huddled close together, had only the sky for a roof aim the mattresses saved from the burn ing tenements for abed. After 6 o'ctock, the time for the workshops and business plates to close, many pathetic scenes were witnessed, fathers returning to And their homes burned to the ground, and no trace ol tbelr wives and little ones. Children who had been at work as cash boys and girls In the big dry goods and other stores barred out from the streets where thev re sided, and could find no trace of tbelr pa rents. The fir covered a spac of twenty acres, and ns far ascnu be learned six per sons hnve been injured, and none fatally. 1 he nre stnrted In the Boston leauue hall park In n pile ot lumber which was lying under the right field bleachers, directly back of first base. lu n moment It had leaped up to the seals, and tanned by a brisk breeze, swept towards the grand stand So rapidly did the flames spread that before the occupants ot the grand stand realized It the fire was upon them and they were forced to flee. The left field bleachers were next Ig nited Meanwhile the sparkH had fallen upon the houses on Berlin street, and the flames surged on towards Tremont street. reaching out to the right and left until the entire square between the hall grounds ana j remont street and extending north from Walpole street to Burke street was a mass of burning buildings. The Sher- wlu Kindergarten school house, a brick structure, checked the progress of the Mrs for only a moment, nnd that, too, wa quickly numbered among the structures consumed The buildings on the south side ot Walpole street were soon burned The flames shot down towards Coventry street, ontbntsldeof 1 remont street near est the bull grounds. iThey swept on In this direction for three squares as far as Burke street, devouring the homes of the meu and women who were working with fran tic energy to get out their household goods, and even before they could remove those to a snfe place the walls burned and crumbled down. At 5 o'clock the entire block along the west side of Tremout street from Walpole to litirke wns a brilliant mass of flames, which swept across to the opposite side aud soon engulfed the buildings for four blocks. Ily this time the residents of the tenements (or nearly bnlf n mile around had become alarmed and were moving all their property luto the streets and seek' lug for places of safety So rapidly did the nre eat Its way, however, that those in the blocks adjoining Tremout street did not have time to save their household effects nnd barely escaped with their lives The streets were filled with fright ened woman and children, poor people who were trying to save a part of their small property and hurrying firemen and policemen, furniture of all kinds lit tered the sidewalks, and the firemen were greatly hampered by the obstructions By 8 o clock the eonuagratton bad crossed Tremont to Cabot street. Shortly alter 6 o'clock several steamers arrived from Lynn, balem, Beverly, Ilrook line aud Lawrence, and every effort was made to stop the tire at Cabot street But It could not be checked, and not until It bad burned from Cabot street half way through to Warwick street and north to Burke street was the limit of the burned district on the southeast side of the ball grounds reached While the firemen were lighting on this side the lire was speading from Walpole toward Mil ford place, on the southwest side of the ball, grounds, and In half an hour all the buildings in this block were In ruins The fire burned on until reached Buggies street at one point, and consumed the bouses on both sides Chapel street, and laid low the structures on Sudbury street At Buggies street, on the west, and Cabot street, on the south east, the fire was practically stopped, and at 7:30 the Are was under control and to no danger of spreading further It Is s tlmated thnt about a hundred buildings have been burned and about 500 families rendered homeless Prominent Insurancn men place the lost at over a mllllot dot lars and the Insurance at about two tblrdt of tbt loss Chant Wid, lh Kentockf Darby Louisville May 16 Ovet lo.OOO peopl at-tetnbled at Churchill Downs to see th contest foi the twentieth renewal ot th Kentucky Derby Although this race hat steadily depreciated In Importance as turf event foi several years, the honor taking this classic trophy li still keenly competed for by the Kentucky breeds Cham won all thu way as bt pleased, an could enslly have disposed of a much uiit tei Held lie won by a good six leugtb Irom Pearl Song who was ten lengths In front of Sigurd Al Boyer was fourth and Tom Etmore was so bad a fifth that would have been distanced hud the flag been used. Time. 2 41 The value ot lbs stake to the winner wn 14.020 Nloaragua Guarantee! Satisfaction, Washington May 16 If the Nlcara- guan government carries out Its agree ment wilt Minister liaKer tbe inciuem growing out ol the murder ot Willllam Wilson, on American citizen living at Kama Nicaragua, will be peaceably and satisfactorily settled Wilson was mur dered without provocation by Arguelas, then uovemor of llama Mlnlsler liaker Insisted thut Arguelas be promptly tried lot tin murder and be punished If lounu guilty Minister Haker now report thut tbe Nicarngunn government has promised to bring tbt man to prompt trial. nliaitroui Mountain Fires. STuouDsnimc Pa., May 10. Forest fires hnve been doing considerable damage on the Pocouo mountain. Up at Hunter's Hange the fire was stnrted on Sunday, and a I at last accounts wm still buniltig lu the i - 1 woods nnu was ueiug lougui uy .urge gangs m wvu. " been roasted by the flames. The woods are very dry, aud it Is feared that other I Ores will occur. NEW TRIAL DENIED. Ooiey Ordered to Appear In Court To morrow for Aentenee WASIIINOTOS, May 16, The trio of Com monweal leaders, "General" Coxey, Mar shal Carl Browne and Christopher Colum bus Jones met with another rebuff In the police court yesterday. After four hours and a halt spent In arguments on the mo tion for a new trial Judge Miller over ruled the motion and notified the de fendants to appear Thursday for sentence. Congressman Pence gave notice that he would appeal to the district supreme court torn writ of certiorari to restrain the police court from exercising jurisdic tion In the premises. The writ will also ask that the United States marshal be restrained from obeying the order of the lower court. OTTUMWA, Ib., May 18. At big meet ing at which General Kelly and local Populists spoke Kelly said he wanted It understood that he Is "running no Popu list side show." The army was ordered by the authorities here to move at 12 'clock, which It did, leaving live boats ehlnd, two for provisions and three con taining the ball team, which played in the afternoon with a picked nine here. The army is In the best shape It haa been since leaving Council Bluffs. LATHODE, Pa May 10. Galvln de moralized army marched Into town yes terday with 146 men by actual count, and encamped on the north side. There was not a cheer of welcome for them. They are getting Better sympathy nor assist ance. They left this morning for Derry. No Fears of a War. LONDON, May 16. In an Interview Sec retary C. Macbado, of the Portuguese le gation in this city, said that thero wns no fear that the dispute between Portugal and Brazil would lend to war. He added hat Commander Custllho.the Portuguese commander at Rio de Janeiro, had given efuge to Admiral da Gama solely on the ground ot humanity, and not because he belonged to au aristocratic family of Por tuguese origin. There wns no doubt that the result of the trial of Commander Cus- tllbo would lead to a tesumptton of friendly relations between Brazil and Por tugal. Th. Ilrld. Not 8af.. Trenton, May 16. The legislative com mittee appointed to Investigate the charges that the bridge over the Delaware river between Easton, Pa,, and Phllllpsburg, N J., Is unsafe and unclean, reported to the house last night that both charges are true The committee further reports that the stockholders are dividing profits amounting to 25 per cent, per annum, whereas the charter only permits of 15 per cent, The attorney general Is Instructed to Investigate the matter further, and it he finds that the charter Is being violated to take steps to annul It. Ileavy Verdict for Libel. Cleveland, May 16. A heavy verdict for libel was rendered In common pleas court In a case growing out of the Dubs Esber Evangelical church warfare Dr W. Horn, editor of Der Vottschufter, In commenting on a certnln phase of the case, applied the German word falschen to certain of Bishop Ilenn's acta. Suit was brought against Dr. Horn by Bishop Ilenn, who demanded 125,000 damages. The jury seemed to think the word used was Intended to mean forger, and gave Bishop Ilenn a verdict for 1 6,000. ntand's Presidential lloom. Kansas Citt, May 10. Governor Stone launched the presidential boom for "Sli ver Dick" Bland In the Missouri state Democratic convention here yesterday af ternoon. When Governor Stone, who was made permanent chairman, arose to make his talk, he said regarding the report which connected Congressman Bland with the presidential nomination for 1606 he wished to say the people could not nomin ate a more conscientious, faithful and de voted aeivant. A. Senatorial Peacemaker. Trenton, May 16. United States Sen ator Smith came to Trenton yesterday and met a committee of the striking potters, who reiterated to him their grievances against their employers. The delegation Intended to go to ashlngton, but beua- tor Smith came to Trenton for the men's convenience. He will now seek a con ference with a committee of the manu facturers and do whit he can to bring about a compromise. flncceilfal Tell of Armor Plato. Bktiileiirm, Pa.,. May 16. An official test of armor plate for the turrets ot the monitors Monadnock and Puritan and the battle ship Maine took place at the Beth lehem Iron company proving grounds. Projectiles weighing 100 pounds were fired with a velocity of 2,000 feet n second, pene trating the plate two Inches, Not tbe slight est crack was made, kvery test was sat isfactory, and 400 tons ot ordnance were accepted. Terrible Death of Tbrao Negroes. MAliTlNSBuno, W. Va., May 16. At 6 o'clock last night three colored men, Zeph Slivers, William Barber and Jack Fuller, met with an awful death. They were cleaning a cesspoot connected with the Continental hotel, and had dug a pit for draining the pool. The earth gave way and tbe contents ot the cesspool poured In. The unfortunate men were so completely overcome by the foul air that they per ished. A "Scab" Flagman Maltreated. Betiilkhkm, Pa., May 16. Six men boarded a caboose on a Lehigh Valley freight train here early In tbe morning, nnd seizing William Keen, of Slatlngton. a flagman, made him eat a quantity ot soap and drink whisky Then they threw him off the train near Hedington. He was badly Injured There Is no trace of Keeu's assailants Keen took a job on the road during the late strike. A Neiiro Couvlot Lynched. Weldokn. Fla.. May 16 Coot Will lams, a negro convict, was taken from Mallory's camp at Pins Grove, eight miles north ot here, and lynched by a crowd ol about one buudred men. It is laid that he was Implicated In the brutal murder ol two ladles In Hamilton county. Atlantic's New Charter Ilefeated, Atlantic City. May 16. The voters bere decided not to adopt the new city charter. A light vote was polled, and the adoption wns defeated by a majority ot 155 votes. The principal objection to It was that It gave the mayor aud the city council too mucu power, Striking Acslu.t 'omiuliory 'Donations.' WATEUTOWN. N.Y..May 16. A strikeoo curred among tho hod carriers and labor ers on the new Catholic asylum In this city because one-third ot their wages was deducted from their pay to apply as a do nation to tbe project. Xtrt. LtUte aoi Tyrone City, Penn. After the Grip Hood's Cave Back Health and Strength Thnt Dreadful Prostration Curod. M0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.i "Oentlemen A little over a year afo, I ni attaoked by the grip and, alter the erlils had passed, I was left so weak and with that dread ful prostration, that I was unable to dreis my self for almost nine months. Some friends who Hood'ss Cures knew Its merits, persuaded me to take Ilood'a BariaparlUa and I am now taking my fonrtli bottle. I am so thankful to be able to say that I eta do my housework, and am gaining fastk I Sleep Well, do not have sourness ot the stomach, and ean eat with good appetite. I think Hood's Sarsa parllla deserves all the praise It gets and more." lilts. Lxttib Qos, Tyrone City, Tenn. Hood's Pills cure liver tils, constipation, fcllloutness, Jaundice, slok headache, lodlgeitloa llllleo llur licrralit Lnvur, ClIICAOO. May 10 Carrie Wendell, of Maquoketa O , shot and killed J P Boy on the steps ot the National hotel, oppo site the postofllce She then shot herself In the bend, but will likely recover Hoy who win her accepted lover, had deserted ber For a National Labor Day Wasiiinoton, May 16. Chairman Mc- Ganti. ot the labor committee ot the bouse reported tnvornbly the bill to make the tits', Monday in September a Jega holiday to be known ns Labor Day Coiey Niiuiti.atai for Congreii. CaNIO.v (1 Mny IB. The Populist con tention ol thi Eighteenth congresslona district .emulated 'jenera Coxey tor con gress endorsed ut plans and denounccC thi Washington police force A Fatal llrmh Flra. WBST ClIESTEh. Pa., May 16 - Mrs fiamue! Ot horns was to oadly ourneo bere yesterday atternooc while ournlnif brush In bet garden that her death Is In vltable. TAKE THE sMasBTJIiaV.ft. j BEST HWfl. Mid 81.00 Bottler1 est u h t im uai.m One cent a dose. This Couart Cciue nromDtly cures where all others fail. Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, whooplnff Coueh and niiunin. cur t.uu.uujiiiuu ji. uu uu u..i, has cured thousands, and will crura Ton It taken in time. Bold by Drugglsta on s guar antee For a Lame Back or Cheat, uso SIULOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTER 60. HIL0H'S kCJKTARRH REMEDY. teed to euro you. Price.COcta. Injecfbrfree. Bold by C. H. Hsgenbnch, Shenandoah. If Atrn vnu l luirrn t 'mis rempn v f s cniHrnn. LEHIGH YALLEY RAILROAD. Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Penn Uaven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Le hlchton. Slatlntrton. White Hall. Catasauaua. AUentown. Ilethlehem, Easton, Pbiladelphla and Woatherly at 6.M, 7.38, 0.15 a m., 12.43, Z 57 p. m. Tor New York, 8.04, 7.38, 9.15 a. m 12.43,2.57. For (juaKSKe, HwiicnoacK, uernaras ana uua sondnle, t.0t, 9.15 a. m.. and 2.67 p. m. NV. WlllrAa.lla.rA Whit. H.VAr, Plttatrm Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly and isimira. o.ut. v.ia a. m.. 2.07. o-ct n. m. For Rochester, Uuflalo, Niagara Falls and the West. 6.01. 9.15 a. m. and 2.57 5.27 d. m. For Uelvldere, Delaware Water Qap and Stroudsburg, 5.01 a. m 2.67 p. m. For Liamueriviue ana Trenton, v. 10 a. m. For Tunkhannoclr. fi.04. 9.15 a. m.. 2.67. 6.27 0. m. For Ithaca and Geneva 5.04, 9.15 a. m. 5.27 p. m tear Aunurn v. id a. m. .zi n. m. For Jeanesvllle. Levis ton and Heaver Meadow. 7.0Q a. m.i o.uo p.m. For Auaenriea, iiazieion.uiocKiozi ana num ber Yard. 5.04. 7.29. 9.15. a. m.. 12.43. 2.67. D 7 p. m ror Hcramon. D.tH. s.ib. a. ra...iMi n. m. For Hazlebrook. Jedda. Drlf ton and Freeland 1 .DC, .. w, n. iu., i..o, ..u, 1 u.i p. IX.. For Ashland.Glrardvule and Lost Creek. 4.51. 7.51, 9 13, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.10, 4.10, 5.35, 8.22, 9,15 p. m. For Haven Run, Centralla, Mount Carmel and Shamokln, V 13, 11.14 a. ra 1.32, 4.40, 8.22 p. m. For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City and uoiano, o.vt, 4,00., u.w a nz., is.u, s.0 5.27. 8.08. 9.33. 10.23 D. m. Trains wui leave anamoain ai 0.10, u.u a. m., i.Do, s.j v.ou p. m., anu arrive ai anenau doata at 9.15 a. m.. 12.43. 2.57. 5.27. 11.15 n. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.50. 7.38, u.oa a. m., 12.43, 2.07, 4.10 5.27, 8, n. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Bhenandoah. 8.00. 7.10. 9.05, 10.16,11.40 a. m 12.32, 8.00,. 440, 5.20, 7.15, 7.65. 10.00 D. m. Leave snenandoan for liazleton. 6.04,7.38, 9.15, a. m., is. ia, a.D7, o.z, p. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.35, 10.00, ii.vo a. m., itio, .co,, t.vs, 7.oo p. m. SUNDAY TltAINS. Trains leave for Raven Hun. Contralla. Sit Carmel and Shimokln. 8.45 a. in.. 2.V) d. m.. and arrive at ahamokln at 7.10 a. m. and 8.45 p m Trains leave Hhamokln for Shenandoah at 7.03 a. m. auatuup, m.. ana arrive at Bueu anaoan ni e.w a. m. ana s.ds d. m. I'rMca leave for Ashland, Qlrardvllle and Lost ureeir, a. m.,, 2.4s p. in. r or uazicion, uiacic ureeir. junction, 1'ecn naven junouon, maucn ununir, Aiientown uetnienem, Easton ana New York, 8.40 a m. is.ou, x.i p. m. For Philadelphia 12.80, 2.55 p m. For Yatesvllle. Park Place. Mananov 1 Delano, 8.49, 11,85 a. m., 12.80, 2.65, 4 63 8.03 p. m Leave liazleton for Shenandoah. 8.8U. 11.80 .m., i.uD,D.sup. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.50, 8.-. v.ou a. 111. p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.80, 10.' a.m.,1.50. n.iop. m. ROLLIN H. WILBUR. Clenl. Bupt, South Bethlehem, Pa Oil AS. S. LEE, Qenl. Pass. Apt., Pbiladelphla A. T. NONNEUAailER. Asst. Q. P. A.. Bouth Bethlehem, Pit. DR. J, GARNETT MERTZ, - sa- h m v It'll Optician, III W. Ceolre Mahanoy City, Pa. Eyes examined and glawics prescribe. Special attention to difficult eases. FRED. KBITHAN 104 North Main street, B&enandoak, l'a., MOLKSALK BAKER AND CflNFKCTIONlffi lee Cream wholesale and retail. Plonlca and parties supplied oc short notltt. RETTO'S Beer and Porter T AM AGENT for the X ChM, Kettlg's Cele brated Beer and Porter In this vicinity, also Bergner & Engel's celebrated India Pale Ales and Old Btook. Orders will receive prompt attention. Finest brands of Liquors and Cigars. SOLOMON HAAK- 720 South Mam Street. Rag Carpet Weaving ! If you want n good piece, of rag carpet, wel oven, take vour rasa and have them wares up In carpets. It will pay you In the long rnn. All kinds, with or without stripes, made to order; beautUul rainbow stripes. Low prices IPATTEKSON'B, 205 West Oak Street, Shenandoah, Pa, Is Now Beady for Delivery. CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT -AGENT FOR Lauer's CELEBRATED LAGER AND PILSNER BEERS No. 107 West Coal Street, Shenantioab, Penna. FOR P,UTS. In Postage, wo will send A Snmplo Knvclope, of cliher Wiiitj:, ixi:sii or BRUNETTE OP You have seen It advertised for many years, but have you ever tried It? If not, you do not rnow what an Ideal Complexion i'ovtder In. POZZONI'S protection to the face during botweatlwr. It la Hold r.verywbere. For samnle. address U.A.POZZONI CO.St.LoulS.Mo.1 DR. HOBENSACK, REMOVED To 658 NorUl EiohUl st- BOCK BEER ! POZZONi'S OWDER. MENTION THIS PAFEB. Formerly nt 208 North Becond St., is the old est In America for the treatment of Hptriat , liueaaet ana t outntui jsrrors. varicw:cinH Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc. Treatment n.W mall a specialty. Communications sacredly confidential. Send stamp for book. Hours, a. m. to a p.m., a 10 s p. m.. aunuayo, u . MUSSER & BEDDALL, (Successors to Coakley Bros.) No. 38 East. Centre Street, HHIINANUOAIl, XA. Our Motto: Best Quality at Lowest Oasa Prices. Patronage respectfully soneiiea. L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S Celebrated Porter, die and Beer JAMES SHIELDS, Munagor Shenandoah Branch. SNEDDEN'S : LIVERY' Horsos ano Carriages to Hire. Hauling ol all klnda promptly attended to. Horses taxen to ooaru, at raws that are liberal. . m ,1 M m n Ql ttAtt AliLfil, uc&r 91 uio vuuco mo 1 . . IWU,,L1L......1