The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 12, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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    Evening Herald.
SATritDAY, MAY 18, UW.
O'llrlen visited Glrardvllla
Where and When Hurt Ices Will be Con
ductetl To-morrow.
Trinity Keformod church, Kcv. Koberl
O'lloyle, pastor. Services tomorrow at 10
v m. and 8:30 p, m, Sunday school at 1 : JO p. m.
X rerybody welcome.
Kehelos Israel Congregation, Went Oak
street, Uer. H. Itablnowltt, Rabbli services
every Friday evening! Saturday and Sunday
afternoon and evcnlag.
Welsh llaptist church, Preaching services at
10a.m. and 8 p.m. by tho pastor, Kov. 1), I.
Kvans. Sunday achol at 1 p. m. Everybody
Roman Cathollo church of the Annunolatlon,
Cherry street, abavo West Btreet, Iter. II. F.
O'llellly, pastor. Hasses at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.
Vospers at 3:00 p. m.
Ht George's Lithuanian Catholic church,
cornor Jardin and Cherry streets. llev. I.
Abromaitls, pastor. Mass and preaching nt 10
ft. m. Vespers at 3 p. m.
Salvation Army, corner Main and Oak street,
Ciptatn L.Yoder and Lieutenant H. IUvlsh In
command. Hcrvlcos all day, commencing al 7
and II a. m. and 3 and 8 p. m. Meetings will
bo held every night during tho week excepting
Mondav night Hunday HChool at 0 a. in.
Ebene.or Evangelical church, Hev. It. M Llch
tonwalncr, paBtor. Services to-morrow at 10 a.
m In German, and 0:30 p. m. In English. Sunday
School at 1:30 p. m. All are heartily Invited to
a .tend
l'rosbyterlan church. Her. T. Maxwell Mor
rison, paslor. Services at 10:SO. to. nnd 6:SU
p. m. Sunday school at S p. ra. Christian
K ileavor Society will meet on Tuosday even
In: at 7:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday
evening at 7:30. All aro cordially Invited.
First Methodist Episcopal church, Iiev. Wm
I'owlck, pastor. Services at 10:30 tt. to. and
6 30 p. m. hunday school at 3 p. ra. Epworth
League at 6:45 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7:30
on Thursday evonlng. Stran?crs und others
aro always welcome.
English llaptlat church, South Jardln street.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and at 6:30 p. m.
Preaching by tho pastor, Hot. W. II. Harrison,
l'ralse service at (i p. m. Sunday school at 2
p. m. Monday evening nt 7:30 tho Y. 1 II.
U. will meet. Wednesday evening general
prayer meeting. Everybody welcome.
All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church, Oak
trcct. near Main. Morning service nt 10:30
nd evening at 7 o'clock. The rector off!
cialCB at morning scrvlco alternately and nt
every ovening service. The lay reader, Charles
Uasklns. officiates In tho nbsence of the
rector. 0. 11. llrldgman. Sunday school at
p. m. All seats Irco and everybody made
heartily welcome.
Important Otieatlmi as tu Admission ol I uusuco
lloyi. J..v...-j,
, . . Adam Brown 1ms returned from Shn-
Hpeclal Iiehai.I) correspondence. jnokiu,
I'lilLAliKU'lllA, May ll.-Thc Board of I The' Mahanoy City Fish and Game
Directors of City Trusts held a meeting Protective Association will give Its mein
hero on Wedncsdny nud attempted action hers an outing early In June,
having an important bearing on tho ad- Tho Citizens' band will glvo n K.rand
mission of pupils to Glrard College, but
ns eight of fifteen members of the board
were present nnd n tie vote resulted tho
Persona who sympathize with tho
nfllicted will rejoice with I). K. Carr, of
1KB Harrison street. Kansas City. He is
nn nlil mi rTerrr from Inllniiimntorv rhrll
mntlun. lmt. Iirh not heretofore been
troubled In this climate. Last winter he
wi.Tit. tin into Wisconsin, and in coubs
rjuence has had another attack. "It came
iinnn me npnln verv acute and severe." he
said. "My joints swelled and became in-
llameu: sore to toucu or ainiosi, in iuuk. m.
ITiinn the iirirent rvcitirst of in? mother-in
lnw I tried Chamberlain's Pain Halm to
reduce the swelling nnd ease the pain, and
to my agreeable surprise, it tun uotn.
have used three flftv-cent bottles and hi
Unvn it. tn be the finest thinir for rheiimn
tism. Dains nnd swellings extant. For
sale by Gruhler Hros.
Stiamshlp Tickets Kdnert.
Prom Hamburg, llreman, Antwerp or
Anistordani only ril.50. To Liverpool
Qneenatown, lyondonderry, Belfast or
Glasgow, only $21!. At llrese's Itallroad
nnd steamauip umce, uougueny mum
lng, Shenandoah, Pa. -mi
matter was postponed until the next
meeting. In mnklng tho postponement
the sentiment of the board was that tho
question was of such importance that all
the members should have nn opportunity
to speak and vote on It.
Tho discussion occurred over the ques
tion of the right of n boy to admittance
to Glrard College when be has one or
more brothers nlready In that institution.
Three boys, among them Arthur Nelltis,
of Mlnersvllle, were qualified applicants,
but their ndmisslon was opposed becauso
one ot them nlready had three brothers
iu tho college nud each of the others had
two. Tho unsettled point Is of Interestto
tho many people In the coal region who
have boys in the institution.
Ill support oi inn resolution to iiuiini,
tin. Ikivh it wns stilted that u enreful ex
amination of Stephen (ilrnrd's will had
Bhown no clause tliat limited tho clnlms
rthe advantages of U I rani Loliege to
ml nne nriihnn ill each family; tnnt
Stephen (lirnrd wns n far-seeing man and
natl lie lntentieti sucti reiriuium neuuui
loubtless have inserted a c lause to that
i.tVi.i't. in bis will. It was also nruued in
favor nf the admission that it simply
orphans Girard had planned to care for:
mat l lie college was not. n cuariiy, uuum
(lucational institution to which nil prop
rlv niialllli'd Iiovb were entitled to ad
nision whether they bad brothers In the
institution or not. Because one brother
In a family is being educated the board
had no right to say tno others snouiu
grow up in Ignorance.
Tim iirLriitiipnts mrainst the resolution
and the ndmisMon were Hint when the
nlleuM wim tiiklnir care of one of a fit m 11 V
f orphans It wns tlolng its duty oy tuni
faintly and it was not the object of the
vlll to conllue llie neiienib oi mo main u
iontoanyone family to t lie detriment
nomers, out to snreuu iin-iu immuuini,
livlilliur the fnvnrs euuallr nmniiK all.
It wasalso argued that it was for the best
Interests nf I Tin institution that brothers
bo not admitted, ns they were liable to
break the regulations than other boys
who had not the bond of blood between
them. Thorn are now In the institution
l instnnces of two brothers enjoying us
Uucational advantages, anil in cases oi
three brothers. Durlnir the oast month
102 bovs were admitted nnd tho total en
rolment now is iwjii.
Remedy Discover!! That l I'r tirtnter
ICIIIeney Then the Nutnl I.lniph
Tho tubercle b.iccllll were discovered by
Prof. Koch, to be constantly present in nil
ases of consumption. Where the blood
is impoverished or Impure, there results
that constitutional condition known ns
scrofula., which is characterized by the
liability of certain tissues to become the
seat of chronic inflammations and en
These troubles mnv start as catarrh in
the iiaknl tmssnL'es. throat or lungs, nnd
as the membranes become wenKeueu, tne
tubercle baccilll enter, nnd multiply, nnd
wo have, ns a result, that dread disease
Kind n oerfect remedv for scrofula, in
all its forms something that purifies the
blood, ns well ns claims to. That, if it's
taken iu time, will cure Consumption. It
has been found in Mr. 1'ierces uoiuen
Medicnl Discovery. As a strength-restorer.
lilnnil cleanser, nnd Mesh-builder, nothinu
like it is known to medicnl science, tor
Scrofula, Bronchial, Thront and Lung
affections, Weak Lungs, severe Coughs,
mill kindred nilments. it's the only remedy
so suro that it can ho guaranteed. If it
loesn't henellt or cure, your money is re-
Dr. S. F. Scott, Blue Bldge. Harrison
Co., Mo., says: "For whooping cough
riismlierlaln's Couirh BemedT Is excel'
lent." By using It freely tho disease Is
deprived of all dangerous consequences.
There is no danger iu giving the Bemedy
to bablas, ns it contains nothing injuri
ous. 25 and B0 cent bottles for sale by
Gruhler Broa
CoinlMt; Itveats.
May 15. Cake and coffee supper at th
Salvation Army barracks.
Mnv 15. 5th annual Mnv oartv under
the auspices of the celebrated Schoppe
orchestra, In Bobbins' opera liouso.
Mnv IB. Fete de Creme Glace nuder
the auspices of All Saints' Young Peo
ple's Guild, In llobulns' opera house.
May 30 Strawberry and ice cream fes
tival In Bobbins' opera house, under the
auspices of Camp 0. P. O. of T. A.
June 19. Ice cream nnd bean soup
festival In Bobbins' hall, under the aus'
pices of the Women's Belief Corps.
When Baby was sick, w gave hr CastorU.
When aha wa a Child, she cried for Cajtorla.
When she liecarao Mlm, alio clung to Castorla.
When aha had Children, the gr.Te theai Castorla.
Mt. Carmel "Mews."
Charles Stlno transacted business
KhenHiidoah. In the interest of his cm
plovers, Messrs. Boddall and Dongler, yes
Thomai Hlcharda, of Slienniidoah, has
moved bis family to wilburton.
D.ivld Williams, of Shenandoah, has re-
aioved Ids family nnd uoiuuuoui (jojui to
A lady at Tooleys, La., wa very alok
-with bilious colic when M. C. Tutler, a
prominent merchant ot the town gave
her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy. He says
he was well In forty minute after taking
the flrt don. For sal by Gruhler lire.
concert in Knier's opern houso on Tues
dap evening, May 22.
Harry Watson nnd Elmer Dcntzer went
to Tnmnqua this afternoon.
C. AV. Fisher will spend Sunday with
his parents In Weatherly.
J. S, Wyeth nnd daughter hBVe been
visiting Ashland friends.
A bouncing hnhy boy nrrlved at the
home ot Fred. P. Kline, on KaBt Malia
noy avenue, last evening.
The work of laying frogs across the L.
V. R. R. tracks on Commercial nlloy was
begun by the Lakeside Railway yester
day. The work will bo completed early
next week, after which tho road will be
open to travel.
Tho remains of John O'Neill, Jr., the
elevcn-yenr-old son of John O'Neill, of
Hast Pino street, wero yesterday Interred
l i the cemetery on tho hill. The little
fellow had been nulte nonulnr nmong his
filnymntcs and the latter wero present in
urge numbers to hid him a Inst farewell.
The funeral of Marguerite, infant
auiihter ot Michael Ilaughnev. took
place yesterday afternoon from the resi
dence of C. D. Knier, 720 East Centre
street. The cortege left tho house at 3
o'clock, and had a very large following,
there being forty-live enrriages In line.
Pbarles Stienders. the U. S. exnressinnn.
will depart for Philadelphia this evening
to remain two days, unaries stoutly
For Sale.
Having disposed of my blacksmith and
wheelwright shop, 1 will offer for sale at
cost several fine spring wagons, a two
horse truck wagon, several lino buggies
ni-pral speond-hnnd ImL'irk'H and car-
denies that niatrlmony'hasanythtngtodo rlages, audseveral new sets of wheels for
with ins excursion mm will no prepared apnug wiiKyna "'--"
To (Jueciiftlown tor V14,
Another break bns been mnde in ocean
fares to Ireland, Englnud, Scotland and
Wales. The rate to Oueenstown has been
reduced to $14, Including rnilroad fare to
New lork city, inese rates win omy
last, for a short time. Call at Max Iteese'
railroad nnd Btenmshln ofllce, West
Centre street, Shenandoah, Pa. 5-l-tf
Moving and House-Cleaning Days Are Upon Us Comfortless Men and
Cross, Tired Out, Nervous Women.
Van Tromp, with a broom nt his mast
head, sailed up nnd down the Thames In
Broom nnd dust rags nro now putting
households everywhere into confusion.
Tho trndltlonnl time for moving nnd
house-cleaning Is upon us. Innumerable
casea of weakened nerves, exhausted
strength and debility date from days of
feverish exertion, fret, and cold rooms.
Every good housewife, however, feels
bound to risk health and strength In this
annual struggle with dirt, and dust.
But ns a preparation for great bodily
and mentnl stain, hosts of careful women
build up their strength with Palne's celery
compound, the great nerve and brain
strengtlicner nnd restorer. Physicians
prescribe It for dyspepsia, kidney trouble,
sick headaches, and nil forms of nervous
weakness, because it makes people well
when other remedies can do no good.
Men and women who have the tired,
languid feeling that indicates depleted
blood nnd a feeblo condition of tho nervous
system, need Pnlne's celery compound,
the remarkable dlscovory of Prof. Edward
E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., of Dartmouth
medical school, the one great spring medi
cine proscribed by physicians of every
Sleep is tho necessary condition of the
system to restore Its lost powers nnd re
tain its vigor. Pniuo's celery compound
quickly repair tho wnsted, worn out,
nervous tissues, cnlms nud cqunllzes
nervous action nnd brings refreshing sleep
that makos recovery easy.
There is such n thing as too closely
watching for signs of ill health, but, on
the other hand there is a wise attention
to signs of weAkness nnd breaking down.
Painful sensation; and sudden weakness
are nature's ovldent hints. Constipation,
with flatulency nnd nausea, in tho early
morning, suggests serious trouble. The
dull, wearing acho. nt, side and bnck.
should maka one pause to think,
Brlght's dlsenso and disorders of tho
heart and liver may be positively nnd
permanently cured by taking Pnlne's
celery compound as soon ns neurlgln,
weakness, rheumntlsm, lnck of appetite,
nnd low spirits show the beginnings ot
disease of some of these Importnntorgnns.
for the wag who again circnlateH such o
report. On returning from tho last trip
he received n dozen congratulations nt the
depot, and almost fell under the wheels
when an old man approached and tried
hard to rent him n house on Pine street.
Ml the machinists and laborers now
employed in the L. V. shops at Weatherly
will soon be trnnsierreu io ueinuo. i no
moulders will remain nt the former place.
T in renort that llnzleton emuloves will
nlso bo transferred to Delano is without
foundation, for the present, nt least.
Wentherlv's loss will doubtless be a cnin
to Mnhnnoy City, as houses are not to be
bad in lJeiano.
The remains of Albert Bridncan. of
East Pino street, who died on Thursday,
will be interred in the cemetery on the
hill to-morrow nlternoon. The deceased
wns 43 years of age. He was a store clerk
and worked tho day beforo his death und
seemed to lie in perfect health, xjcatu re
sulted from heart failure.
While Michael Casper, ft Pole, wns
walkinu nn Pine street. Inst evening, with
n bnby iu his nrms, he wns struck beside
tho head with a stone, tho sharp missile
splitting his ear nnd grazing the face of
nis baby. o one wns seen to inrow me
stone, but Casper caused the arrest of
Michael Zeith nnd Joseph MuenlaKltns,
who had a few minutes before ejected
Ciisner from a Pine street saloon, the
defemlniitB were discharged by Justice
O'Brien lor IncK or evidence.
Buv Kevstono flour. Be sure that the
name LB88IO & BACH, Ashland. Pn., Is
printed on every sacx. j-d-ataw
Tho above
must he sold at once in order to close out
business. . .
Geokoe J. BEirr,
Mt. Cnrmel, P.
Oon't Tohacoo Spit orSmokeyourLlfe Away
Is the truthful startling title of a little book
that tells all about No-to-bac, the wonderful,
Harmless (ftiaronrera iodrcco uaou rure. mc
cost is trifling and the man who wants to quit
and can't runs no physical or uuKnclal risk in
using "No to bac.'' old by all druggists.
Uook at drugstores or by mall free. Addres
Tho Sterling Hemedy Co., ilndiana Mlueral
Springs, lnd. w as-ly
'Absolute Confidence in
swsOur Advertisements.
Remarkable Results Follow
Our Printed Announcements
Sacrifice SHOE SaleT
r hup tint nurrhased from a laree shoe hsuse
about Sit palis mea's, ladles', boys' and child
rea'a -UOKS. whlcn win tie sua at one-nan
the reuilur wnoiffaie puce, uon i mwi uus
oppc rtunlty, but come at once before sizes are
broken, (-uvea dollarduring there hard times
bv purcl ahlnr your shoes, as well as other ar
ticles, ntthe
Pittsburg Novelty Store,
15 W. featre St., Steaacdoab.
Cosh Millinery Store.
Every line no matter how small the
type does its share toward adding to
our great business, and to the fact that
our advertisements are always free from
exaggeration and free from anything
which in the slightest way misleads, we
must largely attribute this extraordinary showing. Our
prices invite comparison.
39 North Main St., Shenandoah.
Ladies, you must see our lnrge lino of
lace and straw
Trimmed Hats at Special Prices
visited Mnlmnnv C.ltv Before yeu buy elsewhere. Also InfontB'
1- ev. idmr hats, caps ami robes. Zephyrs and Ger-
. , , mnntown wool. The latest Xew York
Frank Horan
friends Thursday
The scholars of the High school are
making preparations for their commence
ment wnicu takes pincc on June urn
Kdward Munlev nnd sister drove
through here Inst evening.
James McKeon has returned from
Philadelphia, where he purchased a
stock oi dry goods.
Mrs. Bernard Dnrkin and daughter re
turned to their home at Philadelphia this
morning. .
Now Iteady.
Keagey, tho lending photographer, Is I
now ready to make pictures at nis nev
stand on Lloyd street near Main.
styles always on hand at lowest prices.
Mourning uoous a specialty. W. 1IVDI!.
Wr offer many speclallnduce
meats in our Millinery Depart
meat. We are headquarters for
hats, either trimmed oruntrim
ined : also the choicest selec
tion of trlmmines. flowers, rib
bons, etc. We've the cheap hat
and the high-priced hat. bee-
lug 13 DCllCYiUg.
Thero's hardly a doubt but
you will llnd our stock of coats
just what is wanted in a light
weight coat. It la the most ex
tenslvo und best assorted lot In
tho county. Ladles' double
breasted Jackot.umbrella bck,
draped sleeves, satin faced, and
somo lined throughout
Ladies' Cloth Capes.assorted
sizes and materials, lace and
braid trlmmcd.hlack and navy,
newest styli s, newest effects.
Wo aro prepared with a selec
tion that should pleaso tho
critic. Tho capo Is tho leading
wrap, and wo nro keen enough
to recognizo It
In Bouquets and Other Designs.
Wasley's: Pharmacy,
North Main St., Shenandoah.
Usk Wklls' I.auniiiiy Bluk, the best
Blueing for laandry use. Knch package
makes two quarts. 15 eta. Sold by
Musser & Beddall.
Dennis Dougherty and dnughtcr, Kntle,
of Jersey City, nre visiting tho Yv halen
fnmily, on Parker street.
James Whalen. of Shamokin, circulated
among friends here to-day.
Mrs. John Wright, of Ileckscherville,
Is the guest of Miss Maggie Whalen.
Miss Kate Marton and brother, of
Wilkes-Borre, nttended tho funeral of
Mrs. John Whalen, of Haven Bun, on
Miss Katie Clark, of Mnhnnoy City.wns
nmong our ninny visitors here yesteruny.
I K. Mnenri'le. of Shenandoah, passed
through town yesterday.
Burglnrs tried to effect an entrance to
Kberle & Blass' overall factory, between
tho hours of 2 and 3 o'clock yesterday
morning, hut were frightened away by a
Mrs. Chnrles Shnw's family, of Pitts
ton, are visiting J. F. Shuw and family.
G. II. Benslngcr, of Ashland, cnlled on
town friends last evening.
A burglar tried to effect nn entrance to
tho house of Edward Davis in tho eastern
part of the town at about 12 o'clock
Thursday night and was frightened off by
Lamplighter Joseph Parker.
Miss Maggie Brehony, of Mnhnnoy
Plane, visited hero last ovening.
P. J. Birmingham was a Mahanoy
City caller last evening.
Benjamin Donaghue was the guest of
Frank Horan, at Maizovllle, last evening.
Miss Agnes Whnlen and Hister, of
Philadelphia, are home visiting their
parents on Parker street.
Puritan to b Sold hi Aatln.
Bostow, May 11. May 31 has beoa sot
by Commodore lOrb. ftr tho sail of tha
Pnrltan at anutivu. The Pnrltan is still
In the sains trim and rig a in her first
soason, no material change having been
made. Cnmtnuilora Forbes bonght her at
auction a few days after the last cup race
in 1835 fur f U,,HjO, nud she hna been his
property aver since.
-L are hundreds of brands of
White Lead (so called) on the
composed largely of Barytes and HODie-Killed. DQQl.
other cneao materials, uui uit;
number of brands of genuine
Strictly Pure
White Lead
is limited. This brand is standard
"Old Dutch" process, and just as
good as it was when you or your
father were boys :
"John T.Lewis &Bros."
For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Purs
White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to
a 2s-pound keg of Lead and mix your own
paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching
shades, and insures the best paint that it
possible to put on wood.
Send us a postal card and get our book on
paints and color-card, frees It will probably
save you a good many dollars.
Nothlne In tho woman attire
Is as natty, as "bon-ton" as a
neat, well-made shirt waist.
We hafe thein in nercale. lawn.
sateen and silk. Perfect beau
ties, masterpieces or women s
conceptions all shades, all
styles, and at the most popu
lar prices R
There is ONH headouarters of
Underwear in I'ottsvillo, and
that Is our storo every qual
ity, every weight, every style,
every sizo made, and every
price. No other such an as
sortment In the county.
au styios ana qualities or
Ladles' Vests. ....
Our Men's Neckwear Depart
ment adds emphasis to the
abovo: "Wo know-that this will
bo the greatest opportunity
ever beforo offered in Pottsvillc
to economically supply nn en
tire season's requirements of
fitshlonahlo Neckwear.nnd thnt
too at half and less than half
the usual cost."..
We carry n largo lino of cot
ton goods. Following aro a few
of tho many, some of which nre
mourning goods, others are
Scotch Plaids, Zephyr Ging
hams, lino Percales In stripes
nnd figures, all new goods und
perfect beauties considered
cheap at 19c a yard..
A complete resume of ad the
fashions and combinations of
new fabrics that will be invogue
in great fashion centies this
season Is showa in our display
of Dress Goods for spring and
summer. One of our specials Is
a changeable roods, swlveled
fleet, 1 yard wide, worth 25c...
Tie unprecedented success of
our Silk department has been
the source of much surprise to
all who have watched Its re
markable growth. "Goods of
standard qualities the best, at
1-owasT Fiucxa" Is unquestion
ably the reason ot its great ad
vancement. Our Wash Silks
are exceptionally line at 42c,
68c and 7oc
Heretofore our spring sales
havo tested tho selling capacity
of our Hosiery Dcpartmcnt.and
each year the stocks, necessary
to sunnlv tho demands, have
been enormously Increased a
fact which proves beyond n
question tnat wo carry astana
ard hose
Ladies' cotton, silk and kid
gloves in all the leading and
desirable i-hades. What a glove
selling time we've had for the
past month. The like of It has
never been known In Pottsvllle,
that's a certainty. It clinches
and rivets our claim for abso
luto glove headquarters
A big special ot laces In all
the latest designs. Dainty and
beautiful effects. Exclusivoln
style and price. All silk Hour
don Laces net tops and pretty
patterns worth Hue Uutter
color laces in Point Venice,
Venetian Point, In Point de
Ireland, In all tho new and
alnty enects worth 1!dc
The onlv place In town to secure home-
killed heef, guaranteeing choice and juicy
meat, and at the same price as unicafro
beef. Fresh veal, mutton, pork and lamb.
Fresh sausage and bologna made every
dv. Finest steak. 2 lbs. 25c: rib roasts.
2 lbs. 25c: soup meats, 7 and 8c; best veal,
14c; fresh home-made sausage, 10c.
Reuben Martin,
100 N. Jardin St., Shenandoah
Hear in Mind
John A. Itellly's la the place to get tb
purest wlnea and liquors, best beer und
ales and llueat brauils of clijars.
Mew -qcILs
Arriving Daily
D. Fricke's Carpet Store,
10 South Jardln Btrt.
LOST A special police officer's bidgn.
Kinder will please return eame to School
uirector i,yncu, or i niei iiurgeat, uurn
Ladik:'. can make k daily uy fold
lns and addresrlrg circulars fcr Ub at
home: no canvufcstlg; position in rrnHiirm;
reply with rauraped envelope 11, Hf Grace
Paul, t'outh llcnr. Ind. 5-12 3t
Tnfill HALK l.ICO shares of mlnlns stock.
I' Apply t" s. u. M. liollope'er, Pofciorace
building, csouih.Main street, snenanooan, i-u.
(Successor to G. W. Ilassler)
104 West Cherry St., Shenandoah,
HODSEandSIGN painter
Dealer li WALL PAPER.
A large atoek of Wall Paper of all shsde
on hand. H pedal low rats for paper hanging
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
C. Geo, Miller, Manager.
WeV letting There !
We are pleased to announce that although the times are hard we are doing a
rushing business, due, no dosht, to the low figures wo nre selling our good
at. The latest Btyles of summer suits, all well-made goods, for men, boys
nnd children.
Our $9.00 Men's Light-colored Suits
Heat nnything ever offered before in Shenandoah, as to style, make and price. We
have a sjieclal run on our five men's pants in all colors, at J3.00, which are sold else
where at t5. We have one of the finest stocks of Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishings,
Trunks, Valises, etc, Como and see us If you wish to save money.
W. Shines New Clothing Store,
Simon Abramson, Manager. 21 South Main St., Shenandoah.
A llrutal Assault.
NoitwsTOWN, !'., May 12. While Mary
Welsh, 14 years old, was returning from
Conshohocken she was set upon by a man
of middle nne, dragged into a wheut field
and outraged. In her htruggle to escapi
the villain her clothes were lorn, and she
was left almost exhausted from the nerv
ouh shock wlu u the hrute tied and mane
his escape.
OR HALE. A i-tandatd sewing machine
Has never been in uso. Arpiy at hick-
ALDomce. "
XTTANTEP A girl for general housework.
Apply al the IIkkalu office.
77STHAY'KI). A whlto cow, 10 years old,
Hi Cit. aodhaa hirns orooked luwarn.
narty returning samu to II Hublusky, 17 North
Ulib-.Tt street, Shenandoah, Pj., will 1m psid a
good asy's 'vuges. , o-u-iw
FOR KENT Two elegaut rooms. locaUd
In the beat nurt ot town (over Itt fow.' h'u
eiotliluK Mori ), tiraU'Q oy Mtwni aim n w l
Successor to Ir. James Htein.
114 North Jardln Street, Shenandoah, Fa,
Office hours from T to 9 . m.i t V nnd 7
to S p. m. Intrant of the throat nnd lencs a
pronlty. lii.ursor tareinaiion: o to a
l'i to 1 p u.
Grand s Opening 1
Wishes to announce tn the public thnt he
has opened a I'HO'J OtiltAPIl (iALI.KHY
nt No, 14 N. l'lum nllej, where he will be
pleated to have you mil. All toik guar
anteed. At-iecialtyof tliitypes,2 forStc.
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatfs)
19 and 21 West Oak Street
The bar la iitockf d with he best beer, porter
alia, wLlsklos, brandies, ir'neaacdclgars. Eav
Id bar attached. Cordial Invitation to all.
Market and Centre Sts., POTTSVILLE.
The best photographs In all the latest
styles. Wonders lends nil photographers.
Two Workmen Humeri to Di-uth.
Couimhus, O., May 12 l)y the burning
of the Pan Handle freight depot here
property valued at Ss''.l,0(K) hus destroyed
and two employes wtni burned to death.
They are Ktlwnrd Koehl and James Wil
son. Koehl's body hai bean recovered.
I electricity. ullble lor u lawyer or doctor.
1 Apply to Levi Iteftvdcb, ins. Huln street.
rANAOEll WANTED To appoint sales.
men 10 sell the llama i)ln 'vohht.
shea nnd dries Ihe OIdLlm In two mUiuws
without vi rttlng the Hngera. 173 a wt tk nnd all
expenses. Easy position: no capital; no haid
world can make HUO a week. Address W. 1'
llarrifcon & Co., Clerk No. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
PEOPLE ho have O'HPK'S,
F15ATIIE11S or M ATTllliH-lKH
To "too Oloancd!
While olesi.lrg licum , 111 oo we.l Iu
c ill nil orHdOrebr
lie S1EIU EllOUllaCCOlior'r1
82 Kfvst Coal Street
ami g t the btH A full set
or M hi v flip, shade, shspe,
and tevtral hundred eito
s-lectfrom. Their vltailied
u't baa no t qua' forpainlers
extraction. All kind , tilling
al lessenah'e prices. Don t mrgtiinonuraner
1(0 North Centre hlieet, ruTTHVAL.i,v,rA
2lI-E$3? and
30 Kwt Centre Street,
Bread, Cakes, Confectionery anfl
Vanilla, Chocolate and Straw
berry Ice Cream and Soda Water.
Wholesale and Retail.
Orders for parties nnd other events filled
on short notice. Ice cream delivered to
all parts of town In pint or quart buckets.
. Pinnn Tuner.
Plaaos and organs repaired. Orders left at
11 North Main street, Shenandoah, will reoelvo
prompt attention