'J gmmnmtmmmnmmtsg s r 1A. Deceived 3 By those who fTcr sub- 3 ST stitutes for Cottolcnc. 3 Its success lias been so 3 Cj phenomenal that numcr- 3 g: ous imitations are now 2jJ S; being offered which are 3 SC: claimed to tc, "just as 3j good." All these 3; i Imitations 1 lack the intrinsic merit of 3) Cottolcnc and will prove .jj E: disappointing and disa- g- nreeabletothosewhouse 2 them. These counterfeits j, differ widely from ditto- Hk lene and are mere 2 Experiments when compared, to the reliable shortening Cot- E? tolene. Save money, an- noyance and your health s? byrefusingall substitutes S offered to take the place EJ of Cottolcnc. nt' Bold In three and live pound palls. c Mruleontyby 1 N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., S CHICAGO, 183 I. DEUffilE 1VE., jf PHILADELPHIA. t liumiummiiiiuuwM CAUTION, If n dealer oners W. I ."Douglas blioes nt n reduced price, or flays I10 has them without untue stamped un &ottom,put him tloivnns a fraud. 93 ttsa W. L. Douglas CUAE? BEST IN ynUu THE WORLD. W, I-. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit litiff. and give better satisfaction at the prices ad vertise! than any other make. Try one pair and lie convinced. The stamping of w. L, Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantee their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of V. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to Increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can afford to sell at a less profit, and we believdyou can save money by buying ail your footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free upon application. Address, IV. I. DOUGLAS 1 ltrockton, Mass. Sold by Joseph Ball, Shouandofth. THE GREAT 5UCCE65. I). R. Severn, P. K. Magargle, W. H. Wstois nrTheol 1317 Arch St. IIll IIUUI PHILADELPHIA, PA. The onlr Genuine Specialist In Amerlcs. notTTltnttsndlng YiUit others idiertlie. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND THE RESULTS OF INDISCRETION KpecUl lllseiaei and Stricture! rcrnianeatlT Cured In 3 to 6 dj BLOOD POISON lr new method in no to w days. 6 y rari' Kuro tean Hospital and 32 practical excellence, as Ocrttflcattjs and jUlpfoinaii prove, bend I to all sufferers and to those contemplating I i marriage. luemoscsiubuornanauauReruui i I cases soucictHi. wnwor couana oesavea. ' iiours: v-st jsve-io-tit WM.anauL eve's it successful treatment dt mall. "MEN Eailly, Quickly. Permanently Restored WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, And all the train of evlli Iromearly errors or latei eicebbes. the results ol p etw orfc, sickness worrv.etc. PvJUtrength, development am! tone given to every organ and portion of the body Mmplft, natural methods I m in ed la te 1 ni prove m en peon, Failuro Impoa&lbl V,( JU references, llook explanation and proof) mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO BUFFALO, N. V. LOTS Of holes in a skimmerl Lots of ways or throwing away money. Onf of the best methods of economizing Is to Inaurt In tlrst class, thoroughly reliable companies, either life, tire or accident, such as representee by DAVID SP-k-TTST, Jo. 130 Bouth Jardla-street, Bhenandoah, P '1- hU' t Jtfgfj'- l SIS f Q'fPl 5 2 X. Sfe5" I , S3 I 2?JoHjcoLATiygAaS 11 TilLf COXEY. The Ooinmonwoal Army Leador Boforo a Court of Justioo, LOOKS BAD TOR KELLY'S BAND. It I. Now IleltnTed That th. California In. dnatrlalt Will b. atarrad Out of Dan Ilnlaaa and Cnnip.il.d to Oontlnu. Tll.lr Jtiurner on Foot. Washington, Mny 8. Another oppor tunity wos nflorded the Commonweal lenders to exploit ttiruidolves before tho public yesterday lu the police court pro ceedings against the. leaders. Marshal Carl Browne took advantage of the oc casion to swnggor about in his buckskin apparel and once put In a word of com ment regarding the proceedings. Judge Miller threatened to have' the mnrshnl consigned to the dock. There was an audience gathered which filled the court room and included most of the Populist leaders, ns well as other members of con gress. Senator Allen, while disclaiming sympathy with what he called the vision ary Ideas of Coxey, mnde n strong plea for the constitutional rights of citizens to peaceably axsemble and petition congress. Judge Miller refused n ueparato trial for Coxey, so the three defendants are lu one boat. They were represented by three at torneys Hepresentatlve Lnfe Pence of Colorado, ex-Assistant District Attorney A, A. Lipscomb of Washington, and r. young and Inexperienced lawyer named Hymnn, The proceedings were pervaded with good nature and Informality. Once Representative Van Voorhls, of New York, Interjected a speech, although he had no particular connection with the case, and It was difficult to tell who were the actual participants. The first witness for the government was Detective Home, of Washington, who had traveled with the army for sev eral days as an enlisted "Wealer." He told how Coxey enlisted htm in commune A, as No. IS. Under cross examination by Representative Pence, the detective detailed his orders, said that none of the men were armed, and that he had never heard Coxey or his men threaten any re sort to violence. Ho had represented on Joining that he was an unemployed labor ing man. Some of the men had got drunk, but he had heard General Coxey say that bo would dismiss any men caught drunk or begging. Major Moore testified regarding Coxey's threat to speak from the Capitol steps after be had been notified that such action was unlawful, and othor witnesses told of the incidents leading to the arrests. The case is continued today. BAD FOR KEL1.T8 AltJIV. n.u.r That the Men Will bo Starved Ont of iJ.s Holn.a. Dks Moines, Io., May 5. The effect of the discouraging outlook, for Kelly's In dustrials has made itself manifest in the army and the men are downcast and ills- heartened. There wer. no songs over their oamp fires; no shouting of "On to Wash ton," and no cheers for officers and visitors. The prime cause of the general depression was the continued scarcity 01 provisions. When breakfast time came the comral. sary officer reported 1,000 loaves of bread on hand, but scarcely enough meat and coffee tq supply the officers' mess, Kelly murmured a few weird western oaths and then drew on his far famed treasury for money to buy coffee and meat. The ar rival of the purchased provender served partially to despel the gloom, but the un certainty a to dinner prevented a' pro nounced bull movement In tho spirit of the "troops." Governor Jackson again spent tho day In endeavoring to secure cheap rates to the river, but without success. To carry the men to the Mississippi at full fare would cost about 10,500, an amount far beyond the fondest hopes of the soliciting committees, and the railroads entering Des Moines have positively stated that nothing less than full faro would be ac cepted. The route to the river via the Des Moines and Kansas City narrow gauge and the Keokuk and Western Is the only one now seriously considered, and should pending negotiations fall a march across the country or disbandment must follow. It is the general Impression hero that Kelly will be starved out and forced to march, and that his army will dwludlo to a corporal's guard before the river Is reached. A Commonweal Camp llrnUen Up. Elizabeth, N. J., May 6. A largo corps of policemen made a raid on a crowd of tramps numbering 125 that had taken possession of the woodlands arouud North Elizabeth. They were wuiting for the ' coming of tho Connecticut detachment of Coxey's army aud had built cabins of rail road ties stolen from the Pennsylvania tracks. The camp was demolished and the men driven Across th. Union county line. For the last two weeks more than 1,500 ohickeus have been stolen fromcoopi within two miles of the camp. A Premium for Avoiding- Valpsralto. Valparaiso, Ind., May 5. The commit tee of citizens sent to meet Randall's army returned last evening. Randall will pass around the city and the committee In re turn will furnish enough provisions to last him over Sunday. The state board of health notified the county physician to vaccinate every member of the army,as it had just marched througu a district in fected with smallpox. New ISnglanders On far Ilaltlmor. New York, May 5. The New England contingent of Coxey's army from Boston met last night lu Germania hall. The hall was crowded, the meeting orderly and the collection amounted to t50. They started for Bultlmoro this mornlug by way of Jer sey City. Fry Still on the Tramp. Indianapolis, Ind., May 8. "General" Frye announces his nrmy will stort on foot tomorrow for Dayton or Cincinnati. All hope of a free ride has been nbandoned. The provisions in tho camp are very low. Looks l.lke riraey. Baltimore, May S. Ofllcers of the steumer Richmond, just arrived from the Rappahannock river, report the recovery of the body of Captain O. B, Dldlake, of MIddlesox county, Va., who wns drowned about six mouths ago. Tho face of tha dead captain looked as if it had been crushed In by a blow, aud his wrists and ankles bore marks of having been tied with cords. At the time of Captain Dld lake's drowning many suspected that he had been murdered on his boat for his money by the two colored men who com posed his crew. They said the captatu was knocked overboard by the boom, und that they could not save him, HERE is but one way in the world to be sure of having the best paint, and that is to use only a well-established brand of strictly pure white lead, pure lin seed oil, and pure colors. The "John T. Lewis & Bros." brand is standard "Old Dutch" process, and is always absolutely Strictly Pure White Lead If you want colored paint, tint this strictly pure lead with National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold In one-pound cans, each can being sufficient to tint 23 pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade ; they are in no sense ready-mixed paints, but a comblnatloc of perfectly pure colors In the handiest form to tint Strictly Ture White Lead. Send us a postal card and get our book on paints and color-curd, free. JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS. CO., 1'UUdtlphla. IF TOP WANT ARTIFICIAL TEETH! 00 TO THE 1? and rl tho best. A full set for 18. any alee, shade, shape, and sev ral hundred sets to select trom. Their vitalited air has no eq.ua' (or painless extraction. All klndt Qlllne at reasonable prices. Don't fnrtet the number, 100 North Centre Btreet, rOTTSriLI,E, rU. Grand : Opening 1 JOHN X.ITSTTOTMI Wishes to announce to the publlo that he has oponed n PHOTOGItAPII GALLERY at No. 14 N. Plum nlley, where ho will be pleased to have you call. All work guar anteed. A specialty of tintypes, 2 for 25c PEOPLE who have CAHPETS, FKATHEH3 or MATTHE8'JES To bo Oloanocl ! While cleaning house, will do well to call on or address He STEAM REIOTATIIG M.,a5KKS!S 33 East Coal Street. F EHQUBON'H THEATRE. P. J. TIROUSON, MANAGER WEDNESDAY, MAT 9, '94 The American Comedy Compnny, presenting the grandest of farcical comedies, Pen-el-ope Ann Tha cast includes Wm. Y. Owen, late of Daly's Theatre; Miss Eflle Germon, late of Wollack's Theatre: Albert lloberts, late of Madison Square Thentro, New York; Miss Nollto Yalo Nelson, lata of Langtry company, anuotners equally as popular, Robert G. Ingersoll savs: "If all come dies were as powerful as is 'Pen-el-ope Ann' the stage would never suffer or the puuiic ue uoreu." Prices, as, 35 and 30 Cents, Reserved seats at Klrlln's drugstore. CLEABT BROS., Bottlers of all kinds of TEMPERANCE : DRINKS i AND MINERAL WATBBS. Weiss Beer a Specialty. Also bottlers of th Finest uecr. 17 nnd 19 Vearh Allm. N 11 KXA KD OAJ1 RELIABLE-uiD-lAMl no IvuHt Centre Street, GUiounudoali, 'Piv, All work truaranteed to be nrst-class In even resiect. We respectfully solicit a share o: pour patronage. Uooda called lor and deliverer Hllk ties and Lace Curtains a specialty. Iiauer's BOCK BEER ! Is Now Ready for Delivery. CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT -AGENT FOR Lauer's CELEBRATED LAGER No. 207 West Cool Street, Shenandoah, Pcnna. rn, Wnrllih Illa.nttnd rirUL tENNYROYflLflLLi v Zx?s73 t-oit. .-il wliti bin rtiibM Tut A3 -i CUil ... (I,p. KsAill JilMfrtul WalllM (" rtftioniandimitiiUt'it. ilDrflfliti.Mim I L Sr to itiiupi fur irtltlrt, imuumslH. lUMvf Tur LuiU' Utttr, y rclifta V fjr l(i,(OU riiiitnonlkli. Ifamt ftr MUSSER & BEDOALL, (Successors to Coawey nroa.) Mo. 3B Kiihi Centre Mtrcel, HIIK'-'fANnOAII, IA. Our Motto! Heat Qualltv at Lowest Cis: Prices. Fatronsge respectluiiy sollcltea. 111 A Ctieerlnc Report It. pit th. Many ilrlUr. untl Industrial AmilM. Kew Yuhk, May 4. H. 0 Dun & Co.'s weokly review of tra'le saysi It Is now, as it has been for nearly a year, the amazement of Intelligent observers that the United Slates -nfiem so little from reverses which otlur lands share, but which fall more beaviiy here than any where else. Notwithstanding' the stir ring events of tho past '; he volume of business In but 31.3 per leis than a year ago. In some tllicc. Ikiis of improvement appear even now. a ul the sublime faith of the people In their future is shown In the general belief that x'rikes and disorders will tUlckly disappear. Money markets hnve not been disturbed by the large outgo of gold, which was taken mainly from the treasury through redemption of notes. The mont encouraging sign Is the marked decrease in liabilities of Arms fulling, which were only (1,418,144 for the last week of April, and for four weeks ,T22, TOO, of which $3,Ta-.'.32a were of manufac turing and 4,VU,3t',T 0f trading oonoerns. The amount of llnhllltles at the south was 1)2,01(1,419, against t3,Ul,03'J In eastern aud $2,0tW,257 In western states. The failures this week have been 233 lu the United States, against 21 last year, and 85 In Canada against 2 last year. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL GAMES NHtlnnnl LeARUo. At New York New York. 0; Phllodel- phla, 4. At Ilnltimore Baltimore, Vi; IlrnoklVIl. K At Vnlittrtnn Ttnntnn 15; Washington, . At l'lttsburg I'ltts- j burg, 10; St. Louis, 0. At Cloveland Cleveland, 8; Louisville, i. At Chicago Chicago, 0; Cincinnati, 3. Kantern Lptisun. At Springfield Springfield. I Syra- cuse, 13 (called on account of darknesi). At Wilkesbarre Wllkeshnrre, 14; Krle, 6. At Providence Troy, 4; Providence, 8. l'anmylvnulA 8tnte Lvagn. AtKaston Easton. 11; Allontown. & At Haidetou Hatleton, 10; Scranton, 8. At Harrlsburg Rarrisburg, 13: Altosua. 4. At Reading-Rending. 13; I'ottsvllle. 1 What Causes Pimples? Clogging of the pores or mouths of the seba ceous glands with sebum' or oily nutter. The plug (if sebum in the centre of tlio pimple is called a blackhead, grub, or comedone. Nature will not allow the clogging of the pores to continue long, hence, Inflammation, pain, swelling and redness, later pus or matter forms, breaUa or Is opened, the plug comes out and the pore is once moro free. Thero are thousands of theso rores In tho face alone, any ono of which is liablo to become clogged by neglect or disease. What Cures Pimples? The only reliable preventive and cure, when not due to a constitutional humor, is Cuticura Soap. It contains a mild proportion of CUTICURA, the great Skin Cure, which enables it to ditsolro tho sebaceous or oily matter as It forms at tho months of the pores. It stimulates the sluggish glands and tubes to healthy activity, reduces Inflammation, soothes and heals Irritated and roughened surfaces and restores the skin to its original purity. This Is the secret of its wonderful success. For bad complexions, red, rough hands and shapeless nails, dry, thin and falling hair, scaly sad Irritated scalps and simple baby blemishes It Is wonderful. It Is preserving, purifying and beautifying to a degree hitherto unknown among remedies for ths tkln and complexion. ale greater than the combined sales of all otker skin and complexion soaps. Sold throughout the world. Potter Dnuo aud Ciiem. Conr., Bole Pro prietors, Boston. Women full of pains, aches nnd weaknesses find comfort, strength and renewed vitality In Cuticura Plaster, the first and only pain-killing, nerve-strengthening plaster when all else fails. MJiSCElCIiANEOUS. W ANTED A girl for general housework Apply at tne iieualu omce. WANTED. Salesman ; salary front start, permanent place Ilroivn Iiros. Co., Nurserymen, Uochestcr, N. Y. S.m-lm-e- d ;OI! SALE. A lot nt shoats and small pig. Apply to George Pointer, Shenandoah, Pa TirANraD A girl for general housework, I V Call ut the IliuALl) branch sfflce, Keese's auction ruoms, west centre street. 4 so-tf TOST. Between Ringlown and Shenandoah, j a flHhtns rod and case Finder will Dlease leave same with II. It. (Severn. Fereuson House, snenanaoan, ana receive rewara. FOR KENT Two elegant rooms, located In ths best part of town (over Kefowlra's ciotnicr Btorej. neaiea dj steam sou m ox electricity. Hultable for a lawyer or doctor. Apply to i.eri rteiowicn, iu a. huio street. rhnrr totfuper week using and selling Old tbZU Reliable Plater. Every famllv has rusty, worn knives, forks, spoons, etc Quickly plated by dipping in meitca metal, mo ex rerlence or hard wrk; a good situation, Ad- dress W. P. Harrison & Co , Clerk No. 11, Col umbus, Ohio. i DMINIHTRATIX NOTICE. Estate ot Ed A ward Griffiths, deceased. Letters ot administration of the estate of Edward Qrlmths, late of Hhenanloah, Hchuylktll county, Pennsylvania, aeceaseu, nave Deen granted to Elizabeth Griffiths residing In said borough, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to mntce payment, and those having claims or demands, will maae Known to same wituout oeiay. KLizAUETn GiurriTiis. Administrate. 8-Sl-oaw-ot J. II, POMEKOY. Atlorney, J. F. PL0PPERT, SalG37 and onfeciioner, SO East Centre Street, SHENANDOAH, PENH A. Bread, Cakes, Confectionery nnd Vanilla, Chocolato and Straw, berry Ice Crenro nnd Soda Water, Wholesale and Retail. Orders for parties and other events filled on short notice. Ice cream delivered to all purUof town In pint or quart buckets. )MEMJ',UIUM11U Murdoroun Attack on Coke Work ers at Scottdalo, Pa. 0HILDHEN JOINED IN THE RAID. A Deputy Kh.rlfTiind a Mine Orflrlal Were Berlousty Woumlvd, While Five Mennud Two Women of tha Assaulting Party Are Rtiot Xlown. Bcottdalb, Pa., May S. The north end of the Connellsvllle coke region Is In a fever of fenr, excitement nnd anxiety. The terrible work at the Painter plant of the McClure company, bad as It was In Itself, Is feared still more as a foreshadowing of tho beginning, of times and conditions that are Inevitable unless this strike Is speedily settled. Yesterday's battle was between striking Poles, a small number of deputies und a comparative few of the men ot work at the Painter plant. Deputy Sherltl Whito and Chief Clerk Hoddy were terribly beaten aud are lying in a critical condi tion. Five men und two women on the strikers' side were shot and two of the men dangerously wounded. Slxty-threo riotvrb, among them twelve women and ten children, have been taken io jail, and warrants for fifty others have been sworn out, but the men cannot now be found. The Painter plant was closed down by tho strikers on the 21th ult., and wus idlo until Wednesday of this week. Yesterday Joe Bconesky's wlfo went to the othor houses and got the women ot the striking Poles to join her in a proposed raid on the plant. Soon she had 150 men, women aud children lu the ranks, ready for a raid. The men remained in the rear aud tho women and children, led by Mrs. Scon esky, mude a rush for the coke ynrds. luls region has seen many savage af fairs in which women unsoxed themselves by deeds of cruel violence, hut the old timers say that novcr before has there been such a spectacle as this. Every per son lu the assaulting party had some sort of striking weapon, even the children screaming shrilly as they nourished sticks suited to their size. Many of the women bore axes and some of them carried base ball bats and hntchets. Deputy White wus tho first man at the yard on whom a blow fell. Mrs. Sconesky had a baseball club and her husbuud wielded on ax. White went down before the front rank of the raiders. Hoddy and a clerk named James Tarr saw him fall In the face of the fearful odds these two men sprang to his rescue and fought their way to his side. Then the frantic raiders fell upon Tarr and Hoddy as White strug glud to his feet, blinded with blood. The three men fought desperately, but the odds were too great, and finally all were gain uuder the feet of the mob. Itoddy wus beaten and cut almost as badly an White. White was drugged luto the engine house to escape the fury of thu strikers. lty this time tho deputies rallied, and three volleys were fired in quick succes sion, forcing the mob to retire over the hill in utter rout. The affair has oaused the most Intense excitement here. It Is feared the foreign' rs will revenge the shooting down of their countrymen mid that this Is but the beginning of riots lu all parts of the re gion. It would not be a surprise to the people here should the strikers resort to ths use of dynamite to blow up the works. UONNEL1SVIU.K, pa., May 8. At no time since the strike was inaugurated has violenoe been bo Imminent as at present. The wholesale evictions contemplated next week and the attempt by th leading companies to resume Monday are sure to result in violence. The leading companies say they will start unless the Italney works ars closed down at once. Halney is scouring all the largo contracts at hand' some figures, and the other companies will not stand idly by und see themselves ruled out of the market. Two of the lead ing oompunlea announce that they will start up ull ten works, if In doing so they have to deputize half their men nnd ask for protection from the state troops. Flrd on IIU Pursuers. Comber, Out., May S. Constable Lind say, who wns shot Thursday night by James- Trusky. died yesterday from his wounds. Ollicers hunted the murderer yesterday afternoon. He stood behind a bush heap In the woods and with a re volver defied his pursuers. The ofllcers told hlra to throw up his hands, but he re fused, and they fired several Bhots without elfect, seeing that a struggle was useless Trusky pointed his own weapon to his heart aud tired, lie is mortally wounded. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS Closing Quotations of tho Nsw York and Philadelphia JxohanKs. New YonK.May 4. Before 1 o'clock a strong buying movement was developed In Sugar, which led to a general advance. The general market was well held In the late dsallngs, and closed firm. Closing bids: Lehigh Valley. ST W. N. Y. & Pa 1M Pennsylvania Wi Brie .. Iteading 10M St. Paul 63 Lehigh Nav N. Y.&N. E.. ... Now Jersey Cen.. 10SK I)., L. & W imi West Shore.. N. Y. Central 89) Lake trio OS w... 18 Del. & Hudson. ...WH Gvnaral Marksts. I'liiutnEi.rniA, May . Flour weak; win' ter super., It&S.lO; do. extras, tt.KQJlM: No, winter family, U-KQU.U; Pennsylvania roller straight, I3.o303.vo; western winter, clear, 2.i032.(H. Wheat dull, firm, with 00a bid and 60c. asked for May. Corn Arm, higher, with 3o. bid and l.'tHc- asked for May, Oats firm, dull, with tMto. bid and 4110, asked for May. Deef steady. Pork firm. Lard steady: western steam, fT.VO. llutter steady New York dairy, litlTc; western dairy, 10 Mo. i Nsw York creamery, lMWc; western creamery, 1317c; Elglns, 17o.; Imitation creamery, USHc; Pennsylvania criumery prints, extra, 20u.; do. choice, lvc.; do. fntr to prime. Ulftlfo. ; do. "curlicky," 1517cr; prints Jobbing at 'MtSlo. Kggs Irregular; New York and Pennsylvania, lUjailKc. western fresh luwailWc. Live Htock Markets. New Yoiik, May 4. Heeves firm; natlvs steers, good to hardly prime, f4. 4Vi4.50: mo- dlum to fair, Sl.3uQ4.4U; inferior to ordinary do., rt.lftsi.l.jii; nuns. M.70t..:; ury cows poor to prime. Sl.tiOQlMO. Calves dull, easier. bheepand lamu very dull; unshorn sheep, poor to ordinary, $3.004.379 per 100 pounds clipped do.. Inferior to prime, f-lva4.im choice unhnrn lambs, $..IWi.75; fair clipped do., 4.1VI; Mieithern spring liming. f u HKfflT. Hogs stronger. East Lim in v. Pa., May 4. C'uttlo steady; prime, 4.V(.'4.'; kc.i:, a.S0,4; good butch ers', $H.6(K(' .1.90; good fat cows aud heifers, f)!.30&a; bull, uud slugs, 83; veal calves, .1.&IIQ4. Hogs lower; best Phlladelphlas, l5.4iJW.50; l-st Ynrki-ra, 5.US&.40; common to fair YorUrs, &.5&i.!10; pigs, fM&ato.); good heavy song, 4 60o; stags and rough sons, tiiOH. Sheep steady; extra, W.MO 8.); good, JfJ.40d3.llo; fair, ft4038; common, ft0u.tltl.60; lambs, (S.S034.05; spring lambs, fiOT. 1EKRI13LE JKXPLUSION! Too High Prossuro. In these daysof keen competition inevcry line, when the business man is compelled to nd Ills intellect and every energy to the .iii"9 of his business j the clerk, book ci'pcr, professional man nnd laborer, to . ive themselves at a terrific rate, there can , but one result an explosion, which, if i rcsiiltliij, in immediate death, leaves in with shattered brains and bodies. Iiev are running at too high pressure. : lie strain is too great. Something must ,,t,i does give way. llus is fnunllv true or id . on. Though their ppherc Is more i oiuil, they have their daily burden, frets, ' nl ivories, and the remits are the came as uli llieir stronger ronimnions. 1 his condition Is growing worse every I iv. The rapiditv of lis increase Is awful contemplate. Our homes, hospitals, nnd isane iiKVlums are full of these untortunatee .ml are being crowded still further. Tlivra - but ono solution of the matter. Hecogi .;e t lie importance of Ihe situation at once, od lake tho iiecensary measures to over me It. If you have failing memory, hot lilies, dizziness, nervous or sick lieaunrlic, ilioumess, irritability, melancholy, 8lee Mittis, fainting, nervous dyspepsia, cpi "y etc., know that any one of them is but -Miiptom of the calamity that may Iwfall ii and even though you have iimhI so ilhil remedies and treated with refutable livhiciitiis with little or no benefit, give Dr. Hies' Restorative Nervine a trial. It is ic only remedv that may be deiiendcd unit for nervous di'ordcrs. ' Two years ago I used Dr Miles' Refttorsllve tvIiio with marked benefit, and lsler Induifd iv mn, who had tieen sick with catarrh of the ladder five years In the hands ff our liest phy lans, to trv It together with I)r Miles' Nerve k I.lvcr Pills. He wns w wonderfully benefited nt he i attending to lmslnes sgnlii My wl'o -n ued Nervine with most excellent teiaius. ' "f u together have not uned more than !x tiles of Nervine. Several of our friends hnve - used It, and are greatly Improted." Louis iMh, UiicherA Olbbs Plow Co . Canton. Ohio, nr Miles' Restorative Nervlno Is sold by all ngltann a positive guarantee, or tent by Dr lies Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of flee, SI pertiottle,lxbotllc6,J5,eiprcMprepald. t Is positively free from opiates or dangerous "UTS Free book at druggists, or by malL T. M. REILLY'S cbntralia's POPULAR : HOTEL ! Whcro you can always got a glass of Cool Beef and Refreshing Wines, Whiskeys, etc. Don't forget tho place. T. M. Kcllly'8, Locust Avenue, CENTKALIA, PA. Delcamp's Livery Stable E. DELCAMP, JH., Prop. WEST STREET, Between Centre and Ueji, Slicunndonh, Pcunn, Teams to hire for all purposes on re&sonabl terms' Politico! Cards. J7it coNOiujrJfc), JOHN T. SnOKXEll. Hublcct to the rules of the Republican nomi nating convention. JjlUR CONOKE8H, a. a. 1.VSVU, Bublectto the rules of the Republican nomi nating conventloa. 8IIERXPP, ELUS VA VIS, Bublect to tke rules of the Republican nomi nating convention. on uiiimiiw. ALEX. EC0TT, Subject to the rules of tbe Republican nomi nating convention. JJIOR. Hllliltiri'-, J. M. aLIOK, Subject to tho rules of tho Republican nomi nating convection. JjtOIl BliNATOK, (30th District) JOHN J. COYLE, Subject to tho rules of tho Republican noml nntlng convection JOst LKGINLATVIIG, 1st District, JOUN F. FINNEY. Bubject to the rules of the Hepubllonn noml--natlcg oosventlon. pon i.ic:ipu.AYimi;, 1st Dist., IKJf. R. MIDDLE! ON, Of Matzevllle. Hubject to tne rules of the Republican nomi nating convention. poit. i.iuiitti.Axuiti:, istDitt., Joseph irrrr, Of Shenandoah, Bubject to the rules ot the Republican nomi nalism convention. ROACHES-BED BUGS And othkr Insect A LIQUID CHEHICAl COHPOUHD-N0M POIS0M OUS TO HARItlND BUT THE CREATE5T DESTROYER OF VTRHIN'TKEIR TOUNC AHD ECCS EVEP. INVENTED. rtOjS LARGE DOTTLES 2$m.KB ron City ptEMicALjCacPirnBURc Paj . rermatirxntlT onreA 1 I q 130 to QU d ajB bT R trtiiiiuiiy.tisu tfatl trv I t.Yif) fYlfl nnnUdl. IVflvtivn nrnnf i nnii KfTLnnoM H book.itlutstrBtetlfrorauftjfronieoiilecajtMl, COOK RPMFOV CO., CMcflO( 111, JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT. (Christ, llosslor's old stand.) 'fain and Goal MtB,, Hheuanaoah, Rest beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest orsnOs of whiskers anil cirars. Vcol room at ached. nil SI II