The Evening Herald. Publlsae tally, except Susday by VVJtl.tSlllNO COHl'ANT, Publication office and mechanical department, t.15 East Coal Street. tfhe rlsXlId de"Tor1' 'Q Shenandoah and P surrounding towns for Six Centa aweek.pijnblo to the carriers. Iljmsll, Three Dollars a joar orTwcnty-flro cents per month, ta advance. AdvertisemtnU charged according to space and posltlos. The publishers reserve the right to eaange the position of advertisements when trer the publication of news roqulros It. The right Is also reserved to reject anj advertise apnt, whether paid for or not, that the pub lishers may dcom Improper. Advertising rates reado known upon application. Entered at the poat office at Shenandoah, Ta., at second eloss mall matter. Tim jsrexixa, Shenandoah, Pcnna. Evening Herald. FHIDAY, MAY 4, 1894. UKADQUAmnns IlKFUllMCA! STATE COMMITTER, 1'liiliulelr.lilii, Keb.24, '04. To the KciiubUcan Electors of Pennsylvania : I nm directed by the Republican Slnto Comtnittee to announce Unit t ho Republi cans of Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen representatives, will meet in State convention nt lliirrlshtirK, u "Wednesday, May 23, nt 11 o'clock a. in., Jor the following purpose, to wit : For the nomlnntion of candidates re spectively for Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, two members of Confess from the state nt large, Auditor General, Secretary cf Internal Affairs, nnd for the transaction of such other business as may be pre sented. Attention Is called to tho rule adopted at the State Convention of 1K93 providing for the basis of representation ns follows : Representations in future stnto conven tions shall be based upon tho vote castnt the Presidential or gubernatorial election immediately preceding, one delegate being allotted to each legislative district for over 2,000 Republican votes and nn nddl tlonnl delegate font fraction exceeding 1,000 votes, each district to have at least one delegate. Hv order of tho Republican State Com. B. F. GlLKI'SON, Chairman. Xltest: .TEW! 11. REX. A. I). F1I.LEKOLF, Secretary. Tlu!' representatives to which each dis trict of the county Is entitled to is as fol; loirs: First district, 1; Second district, 1; Third district, 1; Fourth district, 3. IT IS PITIFUL. The scene in tho grounds of tho cnpltol at Washington, on Tuesday, says the Pittsburg Times, was absurd, humor ous, sensational, according to the point of view, but above all pitiful. Delusion al ways Is, no matter what form It takes, tccnuse sincerity is invariably a part of It. There is not the slightest reason to doubt that Coxey renlly believed all that lie has said of his crazy mission, or to doubt that lie finally Impressed his con victions on many of tho harmless vaga bonds who followed him on that weary march over tho mountains. Carried away himself, ho carried them away with his dronm of what both would do toward ntorlng peace and plenty in a suffering and distracted land. Pitiful I Nothing ton Id be more so. Think of It 1 In the shadow of that stately pile, splendid In its simplicity, in its nlr of power and repose, from which have gone forth laws that marked eras In "sistory, nnd which commemornto illus trious statesmen nnd patriots, a gnplng mob gathers to listen to tho harangues of a crank and a vagrant artist, who had set themselves up as saviors, who hnd come with redemption in their hands for dis tressed millions, whoso representatives mre assembled within those white walls. Crnnk nnd vngrnnt to rescue n people from the misery of idleness, wnnt, demor alization, to do what the majority with in those wnlls have proved themselves Incapable of doing. Could nnythtng be more pitiful t Tho crank was driven off, tho vagrant artist locked In n coll, tho helpless hobos marched down tho hill after having been marched up, but tho tremendous mean lag they conveyed could be neither driven off nor locked up. Whatever their folly, (trunk nnd vngrnnt aud hobo remain to represent the misery of idleness, want, demoralization, which has como through s policy of which even the lunatics were ure they conld better. For a proud and powerful nation to come to such n pass, Is It not pitiful f And tho more is the pity thnt they who have been entrusted with the nation's welfare hnvo been offering tnres for this misery which are ns Insen sate ns those proposed by the crank and the vagrant and tho hobo. How well tho Pennsylvania railroad is managed was made apparent on Tuesdny y the declaration of n semi-annual divi dend of "V, per cent. In cash. In times of great prosperity this declaration wns to So looked for, but In times like these, when the grent depression in business has xtsome respects more of it disastrous fleet on railroads than on any other prop erty, It is a duty to point with pride to the suocwwful management of the great Penn sylvania corporation nnd to congratulate Hs oflloinls on tho splendid showing on Its "looks. JACK Roiunson still lights on, undis mayed by tho announcement in the Phila delphia Press that he is beaten. When Jack goes into a fight ho stays In to tho tnd, nndlno amount of editorial opposition tan turn him hack. He has Injected Into hit canvAS n breezy Interest that Is in delightful contrast to the prevailing apathy concerning tho remainder of the ticket. Without Jack's personality things political would bo very dull, Indeed, nnd whether ho wins or loses, he will still re tain tho hearty good wishes of every Republican who loves an open, manly fight for preferment by n mnn who standi squarely npon his feet nnd asks no favors from political grand Hamas. Wilkes llnrre Record. Fatall? Hnrt br s Runaway Car. Wrt-KESliARltE, Pa., May 4. As a num ber of employes of the Henry colliery of the Lehigh Volley Coal company were walking through the gangway a runnway car struck them. Three men were fatally Injured. Anthony Duff, an expert miner and n township school direotor, had four ribs broken, and sustained Internal In juries. The doctors say ha cannot live, Tho other injured man Is a Polander named Nolaski. Two other men escaped with slight bruises. Wamlercd Away and I)ld. Ct'MnEIiLANP, Md., May 4. Searchers yesterday found on tho mountains the dead body of Julian Sibley, a well known carpenter of this city, who wandered from his home on last Sunday morning while suffering from temporary aberration of mind. It is generally thought he died from exposure. Mr. Sibley was hurt some time ngo in the mills of the Cumberland Building company, from the effects of which injury insanity followed. Carpet Weavers on Strike, Lownix, Mass., May 4. Five hundred ingrain carpet weavers and thirty woolen mulesplnuers, employed by the Lowell company, struck and walked out of the mill. Agent Lyon had not reported to them in nnswer to their demands for more wages or more work. The jack spinners may come out, nnd if they do it will stop the Brussels department. Tamei! Ovr flnvernor Wartu Veto. TltKNTON, May 4. The house passed over tho governor's veto the three bills which legislate out of his position Ilernard J. Ford, superlntendcutof the state house. The bill legislating out of office most of the ofllclnls of Camden, Paterson and Trenton was also passed. Carroll's two cent ferriage bill was defeated by the house. Admitted tli Umpire. ScRANTOK, Pa., May 4. After Fee, the Hazleton pitcher, had been struck out in the tenth inning he made a vicious and disgraceful attack upon Umpire Wagner, striking him in the face with hlsclenched fist. Fee was then taken out of the game aud Jordan substituted. In Renntn and limine. Washington, May 4. The time of the senate yesterday was taken up in speeches by Senators Chandler and Quay, the former with an Impromptu speech of nu hour, and the latter with a continuation of his prepared speech. The Democrats charge that Senator Quay is filibustering against tho tariff bill. The house devoted the dny to the consideration of the river and harbor bill. Fatally Injured by a Mnmb. Leire, May 4. Another explosion of dy namite occurred last night at the resl dence of Dr. Renson, in the Rue do la Pnix. The basement of the building was shattered nnd Dr. Renson and his wife erribly injured. The doctor cannot re cover, me shock niso cnuscii nreaKngooi windows in the houses In tho vicinity There is no clew to the person who caused tha outrage. Hank Officers Indtoted. Jacksonville, Fla., May 4. Several indictments have been returned against Nat Poyntz and Ottle Poyntz, president nnd cashier respectively of the suspended First National bnnk, of Orlando, Fla., frr embezzlement and making false returns ns to the bank's condition. Directors Par ramor, O'Neal aud Lee have also been In dieted for signing a false bank statement. Forty Car Failed Ovar 111m. THESTON, May 4. Joseph Kclley, small boy, while stealing a ride on a coal train in this city, fell betwsen the cars and hnd a narow escape from death. He lay fiat on the sleepers, and forty cars passed over him without doing him the slightest Injury, lie was unable to talk however, for half an hour afterward from sheer fright. Fnnlo at a Sehoal Plra. YrsiLANTI, Mich., May 4. The Union school building was burned while the school was in session yesterday afternoon, The pupils jumped from the windows, piling over each other in their fright, Olive Collins spine was permanently in Jursd by jumping from the second t ry, beveral other children were aiigntly in jured. Jtflnar Entombed Allvo. IIAXLKTOK, Pa.,Mny 4. Theobold Wack- lay. a miner, was entombed yesterday by a fall of coal In Highland No. 2 mine, near Freeland. A rescuing psrty tried to reach the imprisoned man without success, al though Wackley can be heard through the wall of debris which separates him from his companions. Grand Maitar Ilamiay Arquittd. CEDAR Rapids. Ia Muy 4. Grand Mas ter Ramsay, of the Telegraphers' brother hood, on trial for tampering with tb wires of the Cedar Kaplds, Uurllugton an Northern road, during tha recent strike n that road, was acquitted by the Jury. LOSS OF rOWEIt and vital force follow loss of flesh, or ema ciation. These coma from impoverished blood. Dr. Fierce' Golden Medical Dis covery enriches tha Uood, slops the wasts of strength and tissue, and builds up healthy llesh. Nasty Cod Liver Oils add fat. but not wholesome flesh. Thin, pale, puny and scrof 1 1U1I, J'aic, jjuiij uuu r,. w- i made plump, rosy and re covery." They like it, too. om " Grippe," or In conva- ulous children aro maue bust by tho " Discovery In recoverlne from ( leocence from pneumonia, fevers, or other wasting diseases, it speedily anil surely lnvig- nrntul mill builds 1111 tha wholo EVbtcm. Al an appetizing, rcstorntivo tonic, It sets at work all the processes of digestion nnd nu trition, rouses every organ into natural no tion, ana brings nacK neaiin unu sirci-giu. If it doesn't benefit or cure, In every cose. you have your money uacK. It hni trurrd others of Catarrh thousands of them. Why not you I Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh Remedy Is so positive, its msKera oner oaou rewara tor an lucuruuia uh SENATORS IN CAUCUS" he Domocratio Majority Tako Aotion on tho Tariff Bill, MR. HILL STILL BELLIGERENT. Alan Total Aa-alnst Ilia Rnolntton to Frail tha Amandad Slaainrato a Speedy rnuia-Miw Jariey Junior Senator Fatli Into l!na. WABIHNOTOi, May 4. By a vote of 8T to six of the forty-four Democrats being absent, the Democratla senators in caucus yesterday adopted a resolution agreeing to support the tariff bill of the finance committee, Including the compromise amendments that havi been agreed upon by the many conferences of Democratla senators during the past two weeks. Tha resolution was presanted by Senator Gor man, or Maryland, the chairman of the caucus, and discussed at some length, as the session lasted from a few minutes after 4 o'clock unttl nearly T o'clock. The six absent senators were Mllls.Mur- phy, Lindsay, Irby, Butler and Gibson. It was claimed that they were nil accounted for, nnd assurances were given thnt they would uupport the tnrlff bill. The only persons in whose absence there might be any significance are Senators Murphy and Mills, the understanding being that all ethers were In nccord with any bill sup- orteel by the majority of tho Democratic senators. Senator Mills was not at the senate during the day, and the call fortht caucus was sent to his house. Senator Murphy's caucus notice was so sent to Ids resldonce, as he was absent from the Capitol. His positional! along has been one of doubt, but several Demo cratic senators assert thnt ha will support the hill, nnd he is counted in the forty three which are claimed us certain to vote n Its favor. In presenting the resolution nnd stating the object of the caucus Senntor Gorronn mnde n concilintory speech. Ho said it wns necessnry to make concessions in or- er to secure the united support of the party, nnd he further nsserted that It would need n Democratic majority to pas the bill. He stated that concessions had been made on nil sides, and It was believed that the moasure, with the proposed amendments, would now meet with tho support which wns nbsolutcly necessnry to pass a Democratic tariff bill. Senntor McPherson, of New Jersey, spoke in support of tho resolution, aud dwelt at some length upon the concessions which northern nnd eastern Democrats had been obliged to make and what they hnd to give up to meet the demands of the south nud west. He claimed that the con cessions that were talked of by the other senators were not wholly on one side. Senators Palmer and Vilas mnde long and vigorous speeches, urging party har mony nnd the necessity of enrly action. Great Interest centered In the speech ol Senator Smith, of New Jersey, and his re marks wero received with a grent deal ol satisfaction, for while ho said he was not satisfied with the hill, nnd wns unalter ably opposed to the. income tax. he was ready to support the measure with the nmenilmcuts which hnd been ngreed upon, although he claimed that what were called concessions by tho southern and western men were but small compared with the concession which eastern sen ators made in supporting the bill with he income tax provisions. Senator Jones said that ho had seen the necessity for amending the hill, and after giving the matter due consideration hnd concluded that it was possible that the' bill as first reported had not been sulll- clently considerate of the Interests of all , sections. He hnd then endeavored in con nection with others to remedy the defects as he saw them, and in doing so had tried j to consult senators representing all shades of opinion. I Ho gave the reasons why the majority of the Democratic senators representing the south aud west wanted the income i tax and why the minority from the north ' and east were opposed to it, and sold that while out of deference to tho majority it i had been kept in, the minority had been granted the concession of a limitation of the time the law should continue in force. and thut while the period had not been fixed, it would probably he placed at five years, lie said also that many or tue in quisitorial features had been omitted, but that the amount exempted ana tne rate of the taxation had not been changed. He also said that the sugar schedule had been changed so as to provide for an nd valorem duty of 40 per cent., and an additional duty of one-elglitu ol a cent on rellned sugar, with a penalty of one-tenth of a cent on sugar imported from countries paying a bounty on sugar, the present law with the bounty to stand until the first of January next. He said that the ad valorem tax was not materially different from the sugar provisions in the pending bill. Hi also stated that a large number of other amendments- bad been made, but did not mention them In detail nor make any ex planation of them except to say that In no case were the rates of duty fixed as high as In the McKlnlry law. Senator 11111 In bis speech too occasion to compliment Senator Jones for the pa triotic and intelligent Interest he had dis played In adjusting all differences, butde clared that so Irreconcilable was his oppo sition to the income tax that he should feel at liberty to offer any amendment ha saw proper to any paragraph In the bill, so long as the Income tax was a part of it, notwithstanding the resolution. He de voted himself largely to the income tax, and said that while be was pleased to hear of some of the changes that had been made, he regretted thnt the income pro vision was still retnined. He denounced the compromise on this account. He repealed what be had snla in his public Bpeech that no Democratic national convention had deelared for an Income iventlou iian aeeiareu ior an income, :. He also called attention to the fact 1 tax. that the demands of the Democrat o party for free raw material had been ignored aud said that wool was required to stand alone out of al the list as representing the fruits of this demand, lie charged flatly that the Income tax hud heen retained for the nurnoio of placntiuu tho south and west, aud said that because, If for no other reason, New York would have to pay 80 per cent, of tho tax If Imposed, he should antagonize the tax to the end. llu de clared that ho was not mollified by tho limitation of time. If the tax was right upon principle it should go In perman ently If not right, It should bo expunged entirely. It looked, he said, us if the chniiKe had been made for tho solo pur pose of getting votes. It could not bu de fended upon that ground, aud ho warned the party against preparing n bill which would require too much defense. Senator Hill was the only senator who voted against the resolution. A RIOT AVERTED. striking- Italian Itatlrnad laborers It lami at the Old Itate. WiLUnono, To., May 4. The strike of the Italian railroad laborers on the new txtension of the Buffalnaud Susquehanna road Is over, and about 600 of the men re sumed work yesterday. Wednesday 860 of the Italians, armed with guns, pistols, knives and clubs, marched up the road to ward Gnines and threatened to destroy the town. The authorities were alarmed for fenr the dusky foreigners might tako a notion to carry out their threat, for they had a carload of dynamite in thtlr posses sion at the time. Hut for the coolness of Constable Black there would have undoubtedly been seri ous trouble. With a posse of fifteen or twenty well armed man he halted tha strikers at tha outskirts of the village. Three of the ringleaders were at ones ar rested and locked up. Tha forces then became demoralized, and retreated to hold a council of war. Deputy Sheriff Vail had a reserve of thirty picked men ready to assist the constable In case of emergency. Wednesday night the contractors In formed the strikers that they could re sume work at f 1 a day or leave the work for others to take their places. Sixty men accepted the terms and about seventy-five men were paid off and discharged. The strike was originated by a gang of workmen who were induced to come on from New York city by a padrone, who told them they were to receive $1.25 a day. When the men found that the Interpreter hnd deceived them they attacked him, nnd would have killed him had he not sought the protection of the officers. To Change 7erieys Contrenlnnal Dlitrlete Trenton, May 4. Senator Stokes Intro duced a bill changing the congressional districts of the state. The proposed new districts are mnde up ns follows: First district Camden, Cape Mny, Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem counties; Second district Atlantlc.Mercer, Burlington and Ocean; Third district Somerset, Middle sex and Monmouth; Fourth dlstriot Sussex, Warren, Hunterdon and Morris; Fiftli district Passaic and Bergen; Sixth district City of Newark and township of East Orange; Seventh district County of Hudson, except the city of Hayonne; Klghth district Union county, Uayonne and all of Essex county, except Newark aud East Orange. The bill providing for the annexation of the towns of Harris nud Kearney to the city of Newark pnssed both houses Clover fields Destroyed. Ht'NTINdbON, Pn., May 4. A strange green worm, measuring from a fourth to a hnlf Inch in length, has lately made its appearance in this county among the fields of growing clover. They nppenr In countless numbers, and when once they attack a clover field they continue in their destructive work until every vestige of the blossoms nnd leaves nre ealen up. In Springfield, Tell, Clny and Penn town ships whole fields of clover hnve been de stroyed, uud tho fanners nro in despair. Prohibition Nominees. ClIESTEIi, Pa., Mny 4. Delaware county Prohibitionists had their convention yes terday and nominated the following ticket: President judge, Lewis D. Vnil of Phlln delphin; congressman, W. H. Berry of Chester; assemblymen, I. Newton Pierce, George S. Yarnnll nud Johu D. Burns; prothonotiiry, W. S. Chalfant of Medln: jury commissioner, I). D. Aynrs, Sr., of Chester; directors of tho poor, 'A. M. Bower of Chester and Benjamin Johnson of Trainer. A liter Newspaper Chnncei Hands Cnir.c,o, May 4. The rumors that hnvo been floating about for some, days of changes in the proprietorship of The lnter Ocenn nre verified. Mr. 11. 11. Knhlsatt, who for three yenrs hns been publisher of the paper and proprietor of the majority of the stock, disposed of his entire Interest to William Penn Nixon, who has been editor for more than eighteen years. It Is understood that he received about $400,000. After the Grip ns was Sick, Lifeless, Dull BUT HOW IS I Healthy, Happy, Lively Thla Decided Change Brought About by Taking Hood's Sarsaparllla. "C. I. Bood & Co., Lowell, Mass.i "Oentlemen I wish to certify to tha follow lnt facts: My little girl, Lllla May Quthrls, bad a severe attack of the grip, and got some what better, but she did not seem to get right well. Bhs lingered along from day to day, poor, weak and languid. ,Vo consulted a leading physician, and he said It was the dregs of the grip still about her. We gave the medicine he ordered, hut she seemed to get More and More Delicate. She could scarcely eat anything, and what little tha did take seemed to do her no good. Her flejh aJ ,oft and not tf.alUl an(1 Ma, .,,,, .,, j ,, .vim.. to. much concerne(1 obout uer. No medicine tttmti ha eflect untll about we commenced t0 E,ve her noJW Barsaparlna. Blle ,iail not taUea ,iaU a lefor. he h t0 eat ,ieilrtiy, and we could ,e, a declde(1 changt) , her' Todav eUe u m the full enjoyment of Perfect Hoalth Tfer flesh Is solid, her oprctlto good and cheeks rosy, her sleep sound aud refreshing, and her HoodVa; Cures spirits high. She Is full of life, and as mischiev ous as she can be. AH this Improvement was hrouRht about hy taking Hood's Barsaiiarilla. y wire loins v. 1111 me 111 recommenamc tins mea. fne ns (he Lest In the world (or bullillntt up the SVStem." IllA nuTIIIUK. IlftnthvlllA. Inn. N. 11. Ha sure to get Hood's Sarsaparllla. Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills, constipation. I bUlouineis, Jaundice, tlckheadache, Indigestion. wet, ana J 1.00 Bottlo. sj One cent a dose. Tma (ImiT canon Cunc DroraDtlr cures Where all others fall. Coucht, Croup, Bars Throat, Hoarseness, whooplnr Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it has no rival: has cured thousands, and will CUT'S TOO If taken In time Sold by Drug-gists on a guar antee. For a Lame Hack or Chest, uso BHILOH'B BELLADONNA PLA3TER.Sc. kH!L0H'S CATARRH 'REMEDY, llavoyoul icd to euro; nj, rrti V 'rhl Tt,fflvfa iniirtn. toed to euro you. l'rlco.&Octa. Injector froc Sold by C. Dt. Hagenbhch, Shenandoah. 104 North Malnstreet,Hhenandoah,Pa. WHOLESALE BARER AND CONFECTIONS' Ice Cream wholesale nnd retail. Picnics and parties supplied on abort nolle GEORGE V. JOHNSON, UlIQIr : HOTEL 3 LOST CREEK, PA. Near L. V. nnd Electric railways. The finest brands of clgnrs, whiskies, norter, beer nnd ale on hand. Professional Cards. S' OL. FOSTEK, A TTORNBY and CO VN8KI.LKR-A T-hA W. Office Room 4. Post Office-building, Shenan doah, Pa, jyj H. KIBTLKlt, M. U. PH781CIAN AND BURGEON. Office lira North Jsrdln street, Shenandoih pOHN B. COYLE, A TTORNRY'A T-LA W. Omoe Beddall building, Shenandoah, Pa. M. U. OURICB, A TTORNST AT-LAW SniHAKDOAn, FA. nMMn v i n i.. 1 1 i ji . and Esterly building, Pottsvllle. J-jK. B. HOCHLEHNEK, rhynctan and burgeon. Advice free at drug store. 107 South Main street. Private consultation at residence. 112 South Jardln street, from 6 to 7:30 p. m. - PIERCE ROBERTS, M. D., No. S3 East Coal Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. Office Hours 1:30 to 3 and 8:30 to 9 p. m. DU. J. S. OALLEN, No 31 South Jardln Slieet.Bhenandoah Office Houno: 1:30 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 P.M. Except Thursday evening. No office work on Sunday except by arrange- meni. a sirici uanerence to me ouice noun is absohitcly necessary. pROF. T. J. WATSON, ........Tcacner oi.....H.. VIOLIN, GUITAR, BAN10 and MANDOLIN. navlne had sixteen years' experience as a teacher of Instrumental murlo giving Instruc tion on the above Instruments. Word left at Urumm'a Jewelry store will receive prompt at tention. WENDELL ItEDER, Successor to Dlt. CHAS. T. PALMER, EXTS ANli J'.All SVltaiSON, 301 Mahantongo Street, Pottsvllle, Penno) LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. Passencer trains leave Shenandoah (or Penn Haven Junction, Maucn Chualr. Le- hlebton, Slatlngton, Wblte Hall,, Allentown. Uetblehem. Easton. Phlladelnhia and Weatherly at 6 H. 7.38, 8,15 a m., 12.43, z 07 p. m. ror new xorK. 0.11. a.m., iz.ts. s.o( For Quakako. Switchback, Gerhards and Hud- sonaate, b w, v. is a. m., ana p. m. Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre. Waverly and Elmira, 0.04. 9.15 a. m., 2.67, 5.27 p. m. For Kocnester, uunaio, Niagara Fans ana the West. 6.04. 9.15 a. m. and 2.57 6.27 n. m. For Helvldere, Delaware Water Gap and Stroudsburg, 0.O4 a. m., S.&7 p. m. r or Lm.Derimio ana -rrenion. a. m. For Tunlchanuock. 6.04. 9,16 a. m.. 167.6.27 0. m, For Ithaca and Geneva 6.04, 9.15 a. m. 6.27 p. m r or jvuDurn a. xu. .1 d. m. For JeanesvlUe. Levis tonand Ueer Uaadow. 1.00 a. m., 0.V0 p. m. For Audenrled. Hatleton. Stockton and Lum ber Yard, 6.04, 7.:8, 9.15, a. m., 1L43, 2.67, D x7 p. m. For uoranion. 0.04. .io. a. m.. o. m. For Hailebrook. Jeddo. Drlfton and Freeland. Q.U4, .13, a. m., ICtS, 2.07, D.Z7 p. IT, For Asbland.Olrardvllle and Lost Creek. 4.U. 7.61, 8.62, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.85, 8.22, 9.U p.m. For Raven Run, Centralis, Mount Cancel and snamoiun, i.vo, D.w, 11.11 a. m., i.u,, B.z D.m. For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City and LfOlBUU, U.W, ,.dO, V.ID, ,U.VD B HI., 1.U, S.D, 6.27. 8.03. 9.83. 10.23 V. m. Trains -will leave Bhamokln at 6.46, 8.15, 11.45 a. m., i.Da t.ouv.ou p. m., anu arrive i anenan doab at 7.83. 9.15 a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 5.27. 11.15 D. m Leave Sbenandoab for Pottsvllle. 6.60, 7.83 9.W, 11.05 11.30 a. m., 12.48, 2.57, 4.10 6.27, 8, D. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah. 6.00. 7.85 9.05. a. m.. 12.82. 8.00.. 440. 5.20. 7.15. ,.D7, V. Ul. Leave Sbenandoab tor Haileton, 8.04, 7,89, 9,15, a, m., 12.48,2.57, 5.27,8.08 p. m. Leave Hazleton (or Shenandoah, 7.35, 10.00, ll.vo a. m.,, .tw,, 7,zo, 7.D0 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave (or Ashland. QlrardvlllB and Lost ureeic, 7.&1, v.iu a. m, 2.45 p. m. rur uazit-buu, uiacic ureeu junction, i'enn uaven junction, naucn ununit. Allentown, Hethlchem, Easton and New York, ,8.40 a m.. K.DD . in. r or inuaaeipnia, z.qd p. m. For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mabanoy City and elano. 8.40. 11.35 a. m.. 12.80. 2.65. 4.40 8.03 v. m. Leave Hazleton (or Shenandoah, 8.80, 11.80 ,m 1.16, 6.30 p. IT. Leave Shenandcah for Pottsvllle. 6.60. 8.40, 7.81) a. m.. 2.45 n. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Sbenandoab. 8.80, 10.4U t,m.,i.m. p. m. KUULiPi u. wiliiuk. ueni. nupi., South Hethlebem, Pa CHAS. S. LEE, Oenl. Pass. Act... . . , rmiaaeipaia i. VT. NnNNRMAnHKll. Anst. n. P. A.. Houth Hethlebem, Pa. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT (Christ, uossler'a old stand,) WsUu ana coal Bin,, HneuaniloaKi Best beer, ale and porter on tap. Tbe flnin grands ot whiskeys and clears. Pcol room ached. POTTSVILLE (V Soap Works. Third and Race Sts. Use 5c Ocean Soap. It has no equal for laundry or eenoral housohold uso and can bo used with perfect safety on any kind of goods. ' 5c Borax Soap. Is unequalled for washing laco, flannel or fino texture goods. Monarch Towel Soap Is in largo bars a towel with each bar free. It is splondid fnr rrMiprnl nan. Miners' Favorite, New Wrinkle, d leloe. A) uiunn una wnno uxtra f amily are all good soaps. All sospb guaranteed to be absolutely pure. WM, HEALI), MnnaRcr. W. T. DECH'S Wheelwright Shop Has been removed to Tear Alley, Between Centre and Lloyd Streets, Wheelwright work, Carriago and Wagon building, Horseshooing and General Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. RETTIQ'S Beer and Porter. T AM AGENT for the Chaa, Rettlg's Cele brated Beer and Porter In thla vicinity, also Bergner & Engel's celebrated India Pale Ales and Old Btock. Orders will receive prompt attention. Finest brands of Liquors and Cigars. SOLOMON HAAK 120 South Mam Street Rag Carpet Weaving ! If von want a cood niece ot rac camet, wel woven. take your ruga and have them woven up In carpets. It will pay you In the long run. All kinds, with or without stripes, made ta order; beautUul rainbow stripes. Low prices Pi.TTER.SOKr'S, 205 West Oak Street, Shenandoah, Pa eHSj''?sBN"iNKVgXZ?JN FOR In Postage, wo vt 1(1 send 1 A Snmplo I'nvclonc, of olllier -- W1UTE, IX!,! orBltUM'.rll- op Yon have seen it advertised (or many years, but have you ever tried it? If not, you do not know what an Ideal Coniploxloii X'oti der is POZZONI'S besides being an acknowledged bcautlflor. baa many refrcflblng uses. It prevents cbnf tntr.Bun'burn.wtna taaJessenspersplraUon. cto.t In factltlBamoBtdellcAto and desirable) protection to tbe lace during botweaUier. It U Sold l.verj-where. For s&niDie. address .A. POZZONI CO. St. Louis, Mo.l MENTION TIIIS PAPER DR. HOBENSACK, REMOVED To 658 North Eighth St. m nivwA nrAftn. raiio.. ra. w.M..!n ut MriWl Unrth ftomnri Wt 1m tha Old est In America lor the treatment of Speeiall liiseases atut loutnrut Errors, varicocele. UnAla Mftnlhrwl. tfV TrftfttmBnt OV 1 mall a specialty. Communications FstrcllyJ confidential. Send stamp for oook. iiours, m m. to 2 p.m.; oionp. m.; ounuuyo, wu W. H. SNYDik 183 West Centre Street, Mahanoy City, Fa. Artistic Decoratob Fainting and Paperhanglng. l'erlect work. Barealns In paints and oils, plain and stained glass. All the new patterns in wall paper. Ually and weekly papers, novels, novelet!' and stationery, a Hoadquarters for Evening Eorald- L0RBHZ SCHMIDT'S, Celebrated Potter, Ale and Beei JAMES SHIELDS, , Manager Shenandoah Branch. SNEDDEN'S : LIVERY Horses ano Carriages to Hire: aaullnr ot all kinds promptly attogrvi ta, Borsca taken to board, at raiV that are liberal. 0i PEAK ALLEY, Rear of the Coffee Hoase. epw GTS. 1. rowoie.