The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 03, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. IX. NO 117
' ' '
It is the price of one of our shooting stnrs thnt hns lighted up our
centre table nil this week. All know thnt house-cleaning time is here.
And if you look nround among your necessaries don't fnll to look if
r your
1 Window
are in such a condition ns to last another summer.
With all that never forget that the I1. N. Corset is glove fitting and
the best in the market.
Max Schmidt,
m 116-118 North Main Street,
Wiee housekeepers come to us for their supplioe, not only bo
cause we keep a greater stock than shown anywhere else,
but that our prices are so reatonable. We will mention
a few things you may
Wm. Rogers Silver Plnted Ware.
China Dinner Sets.
Porcelnine ware (Edwards & Ridgwny's)
Cuspidores, earthen and china.
Lamps, Kxpress "Wagons.
Clothes Baskets Beo our 49c one.,.
Market Dakets, Brushes.
iltCMW tt
Mouongabela whiskey 50c a rjt.
...50c a qt.
1 a qt. .
..$1 25 a qt.
x-ure rye wnisKey. aa
ine Old Bourbon. XXX.
J0u pcrior Blackberry Brandy $1 a qt.
v diiperior Cognac Brandy $1.25 a cit.
' -r i . l t i -r. o( trn 1
"imported Jamaica Rum. .....$!.
.ou u (ji.
'VUENGLING'S Stock and Fresh Ale. Draught Porter and Wiener Beer,
llest brands of 6c Clears and all kinds of Temperance Drinks.
The Gradual
Eediiction System
Is tho popular system used in the production of the
High Grades ot Fancy Flour Bold by us. "We have
applied tho plan of Gradual Reduction in order to
make popular prices
Fancy Moquette Hugs.
The original price was
Tho first reduction was to
The next reduction was to --
Another reduction brought them to
Then down to ...
And now to close them out wo reduce to
They are beautiful patterns nnd peifect goods.
Three Cars Kb. 1 Hay.
Two Cars Choice Middlings.
One Car Dry Corn.
Just Received:
Strictly Pure Kettle-rendored Lard.
Fresh Dairy Butter.
Fresh Creamery Butter every other day.
New Summer Saueago, chipped.
Fancy French Prunes, largo and fine.
Canned Tomatoes, extra quality and extra size canp.
r Faucy Full Cream Cheese.
Your Pretty Wife
"Deserves a pretty home.
Give her one by buying
pretty furniture. The
largest stock of
Parlor Furniture
Ever brought to Schuylkill
county, now open and
ready for inspection, at
greatly reduced prices.
SI Cents 3
Table Cutlery of all Kinds.
.China Tea Sets.
China Toilet Sets.
Tinware and Glnssware.
Granite Iron Ware.
Iron Boilers, Milk Cans.
Bread Boxes.
3 South Main Street.
31 South Main St.
on a largo lot of large size.
Three Cars "Whito Oate
t Was a Very Quiet and Har
monious Affair.
J.sneral Danl.l II. Hulling for
Governor and Hon. John It. Robinson for
LLutenant-Oovernor The Might Hoar
Sjst.m of Labor ICecouiinemleil.
In opening tho convention of the First
Legislative district in Bobbins' opera
house, yesterday afternoon, County Clioir-
man W. J. Whltchouso said that it was
nothing more than proper thnt there
should bo a contest in the convention. A
contest was indicative of interest in the
affairs of the party, but he hoped that
should tho delegates have a contest there
would be no anger dlsnlnved and nothing
would be done to disturb the harmony of
the party, rue reraarKs were ueartny
Contrary to expectations there were
but three names put in the Held for stato
delegate. For some reason not made
Known tue names oi i. 11. i. ijyon. iw ..
I). B. Kline or William II. Lewis were
not presented. They had been reported
as being candidates and were looked up m
as such up to tne oponing oi tne conveu
tion. As a whole the convention was a very
Harmonious auatr it was expected mat
there would be a wrangle when the basis
ot representation would be taken up, but
It tailed to materialize, it was cut ou by
Chairman Davenport's onnouncement
that the new county rules would be taken
ns the basis of representation. This gave
Shenandoah twenty votes, nn increase or
eight on what it nao in tue last conven
The committee on resolutions had quite
a time deciding on a report and several
delegates became quite impatient over the
delay. They urged tho chairman to pro
ceed with business several times ami mat
official found some dlfliculty in pacifying
them until the committee reported.
The resolutions presented were
follows :
We herobv reaffirm our devotion to the
principles ot the ttepuuiican pnrty and
pledge our uniieu anuunuivideu support
to the candidates who may be nominated
at the coming stnte convention and ask
the co-operation of all good citizens to
assist in ctinnging mo ticpiornuie condi
tion thnt now exists, believing that the
restoration of the Republican party Into
power will revive tho business interests
and re-establish confidence thioughout
the land.
Itesolvod, Thas the delegate elected to
day to represent us in the coming conven
tion shall cast his vote for Daniel II.
Hastings for Governor nnd John 11. Rob
iuson for Lieutenant-Governor and shall
use all honorable means In his power to
further their interests.
Resolved, That in view of the contest
lor the various nominations to be lined by
the coming state convention, and believ
ing that tho delegate who may bo this
day elected to represent this district in the
state conventiou will vote and labor in
accordance with the Interest of the dis
trict, we deem it inadvisable to endorse
nny candidate tor state omce outside the
choice of the conventiou for Governor nnd
Kesolved. That we recommend the
adoption by tho stato convention of the
e eiit-nour system oi labor in mis state.
Resolved. That we ask that this reso
lution be made a part of the platform
this fall and thnt the resolution bliall be
submitted to the voters of the state for
adoption or rejection.
The resolutions were unanimously
Objection was raised to the right ot II.
C. Engle and James McLaren to seats in
the convention on the ground that thev
had not besn elected either delegate or
alternate, out were present merely by
annointmentof the delegates elected. The
chairman overruled the objection on the
ground that tue convention Had adopted
the list and no objection was made at that
The convention was attended by almost
everv Republican candidate for office in
the county and after tho close of the
meeting groups of politicians gathered on
the pavements and discussed the approach
ing enrnpatgn. In one of the groups was
observed Hon. I). I). PIiIIIIds. Gordon:
Hon. J. T. Shocner, Orwigsburg; Monroe
m 01 iti .. r -t j n'ni.,.1... i r
i. 0111 rnici , .tiuiicm. . iiiiciiii mm tj.
Harry James. Lsns,. Ashland.
The election of John W. Phillips ns
state delegate is looKecl upon as nn ad
vantage for the friends of Hon. John J.
Coyle. of Mnhanoy City, who is seeking
the Republican nomination for State
Little neck clams, sweet nnd luscious, at
tiraen'i llro'id Challenge.
Robert Green, the expert pigeon shooter,
has issued the following broad challenge
"I will make a match to shoot at pigeons
against tue louowiug persons at. twenty'
one birds : Houtz or Cox. of Williams-
town ; Ike or Win Thompson, of Tower
City; Dubbs, of Plnegrove, or Hughes, of
Ashland, the match to be shot at Maha-
noy City pnrk or Cressona. I will also
snoot wm. uooper, ot .uananoy u-ity, at
tho Lavelle fair grounds, Cooper to shoot
at 21 birds and me at 20 birds, or will take
tl'i for expenses nnd shoot at Mnhanoy
City. I will shoot Fenny Cooper nt the
Lavelle lair grounds, me to snoot at si
birds nnd Cooper to snoot nt w birds.
Anv nf these mntchos can bo mndu bv call
ing nt tho Lincoln House, Glrardvllle.
Tho match to be tor rew a side."
Crab salad, dellciously seasoned, at Mo
9 KHza Kiln, the six-months old daughter
nf Mr. and Airs. Thomas Hughes, of West
Coal street, died yesterday. Interment
will tnke place iu Odd Follows' cemetery
to-morrow nfternoon at 3 o'clock.
To Juecnatown for $11,
Another break has been made In ocean
fares to Ireland, Kuglnnd, Scotland and
Wales. Tho rate to (Jueenstown has been
reduced to 14, Including railroad fnro to
New York city. These rates will only
last for a short tlmo. Call at Max Reese s
railroad and steamship office, West
Centre street, Shenandoah, Pu. 5-1-tf
I'ang.nt Paragraphs From an Occasional
linkers blend Honrs ns Honor dealers
blend whiskeys. I happened In the bnke
shop of one of tho lending bakers in town
the other day, and he informed me thnt
the blending of flours is a recoguized nnd
important business, carried on chlelly by
those who make a specially of furnishing
Hour to bakers. This particular baker,
however, usually does bis own mixing.
The blenders use n considerable quality
of first-class flour, and with it at least
two inferior grades. In this way the
peculiar features of baker's bread are
obtained at least expense.
It hns been stated authoritatively that It
was understood between tho water com-
mltteo or the Borough Council nnd the
contractors for tho new water works that
iu the employment of men iu tho con
struction of the sauie preference would bo
given to tnxpoycrs and citizens of the
town. This sounds very good on paper.
B it tho grent trouble is the contractors
are not carrying out their part either in
a:cordance with tho spirit or letter of the
agreement. It Is true a number of citi
zens nre working on the works, nnd it is
equilly true that a number have applied
anil been refused. I noticed two men op-
plv to the contractor one morning this
week for work, nnd were told by thnt in
dividual that there was no work. A few
minutes later two men of a different nn
tionality, nnd who. I am positive, pay no
taxes, npplicd for work anil were Im
mediately given a pick nnd shovel with
out question. I have no fault to find
with the mnnncr In which the contractor
is doing his work, but I do think.he is
hardly treating tho people from whom ho
is receiving his pay by discriminating
against home labor.
Girls, here's n pointer for you. An
Alabama Judge has latelT decided that a
man who goes to see n girl twice a week.
nnd tnkes her to places of amusement,
etc., Is legally engaged to her whether he
says anything nbout marriage or not, and
she may recover in a suit lor Drench or
promise. I have several young men In
my mind, who have burnt the midnight
oil of their best girl's papa for a number
of years, who arc liable to breach of
promise suits being entered against them.
Judge Bregy. of Philadelphia, has net
an exnmple that could be introduced into
this county by the Judges nt Pottsville
with good results. This particular judge
rcitised to grant n charter to a society
with a Jnw-breakimr forelun name. He
snld n charter could issue to citizens only,
nnd nny foreign organization whose title
nnd name does not appear in Knglish, so
thnt the purposes of tho same may be
understood, would In future be refused
incorporation. The issuing of charters to
the societies in question, soma of which
no doubt have evil designs oraroof an
Anarchistic nature, has been too numer
ous, especially in Schuylkill county, and
tue caning oi n unit uns come none too
soon. The Inngungo of this country is
Knglish, nnd will continue to' be So. A
knowledce of the lnniruaire of till
country is essential to n knowledge of Its
Institutions. Millionsof dollars are spent
nnnnaliy in I'ennsyivanln on tne public
schools, nnd one grent object of the
expenditure is to train the foreign-born
in tho Knowledge ot English, it they
want the privilege of citizenship, they
should nccept the langungo of citizens,
and thnt is Knulish. It is nn Impudence.
to say the least, for men to go into our
courts and nsk them to exercise their
authority to perpetuate this sort of thing.
On .Tiilv 1t n now srsfptn nf mnnov
order will co into effect, nnd it is ex
pected to be the most satisfactory device
yet tried lor sending money through the
mails cheaply and safely. Orders for any
sums below $2.50 will cost only 3 cents,
and the rate Is soslowly advanced that an
order for J100 will co-it only 30 cents. In
the last few years the Government has
handled nearly all the small money orders
a business which is unprofitable; while
the express companies have secured most
of the large money orders, on which there
is some profit, because their rates nre
lower. Hereafter the advantage will be
on the side of the Government. Under
the new system the postnl note will not
be issued. 11KX.
Devilled crabs, fresh and rich, at Mr
A Former Kesltlent Writes ot Well Known
Cttlzsns uf this County.
Hugh J. Mohan, nt ono time n resident
of this county, but who is now located at
Denver. Col., writes as follows In refer
ence to former and present residents of
fcchuylKUl county ;
I enjoyed n visit at my oflice from Cyrus
L. Pershinir. of Pottsville. 1 was as
tonished. How the years pass by. It is
twenty yenrs since Inst we met nnd yet he
knows me. How much like Samuel J.
Tilden he looks. And what a prodigious
memory he hns. Helsiilittleiienr-sighted,
and slightly reeuio in physique, walking
slowly along the crowded sidewnlks, nnd
yet in very fair health. The climate
agrees with him exceedingly well. He
spends much of his time with his son, who
is a prominent, citizen uere, and in inKiug
dally walks about the beautiful city.
".Mist as I was about to close this letter,
laughing Tom Itichnrds, tho rambling
ono-leuued cobbler, dronned in on me.
Tom lost his leg nt the foot of Mnhanoy
plane over twenty years ago, but since
that time hns been in every state and
territory west of the Mississippi river. Ho
has just returned from Vancouver's Is
land, and swearH he will never leave
Denver again. His mother lives with her
family nt Glrardvllle, and she will ba
glad to learn that the "rover 19 in ex
cellent health and has steady employ
ment. 'Jnmes McPnrlnn,so well known during
the .Moiuo.ainguire excitement, is nere.too,
and hns grown very stout. He has full
chorire of Pinkerton's Agency here, nnd
employs quite n number of men nil over
tho stnte. Ho has a prepossessing wifo, a
nice home, nnd ou the streets is ns unos
tentatious as the most ordinary business
Managhan's llarcHluK,
A good quality home-made rag enrnet
at :) cents a yard; nice tnble oilcloth, 15
cents a yard; good dress ginghams, (1 cents
a yard; the best 60 cent corset in tho
market. Lace curtains and dross goods
ot an Kinds cheap.
P. J. Mokaoiian.
No. 28 S. Main St., Sheuuudoali.
Xow lteiidy.
Keagoy, the lending photographer, Is
now ready to make pictures at hU new
stand on Lloyd street near Main.
n school ii
Proceedings at the Meeting
Held Last Night.
Superintendent Wliltukor lleomne. Cnuntl
cal and Uacs .Some Strong Ln!iUao
AcHlnnt a Xewnpnper In Making HI.
ltepnrt to the lluartl.
A regular meeting ot tho School Hoard
was held last evening with Messrs. Conry,
O'Henrn, Lynch, Davenport, Trezlse,
Htirko, Mauley, Gallagher, Uovltt, Haima
nnd Muldoon present.
The meeting was n short one. It was
decided to replenish the treasury by
borrowing $3,000.
As the present is the last month of the
tlscal year the board has decided to hold
several adjourned meetings for general
business, the first next Monday evening.
The new board will bo organized on the
llrst Monday of June.
Superintendent Whltaker presented the
following report :
Term enrolment boys. 13TS; girls, 1488;
total, 281(1; monthly enrolment boys,
1090; girls, 1251; total, 2341; nverngo daily
attendance boys, 824; girls, ill"; totnl,
ii 1 1; percentage oi attendance boys, 84;
girls, 82; total, 83; pupils present every
session, 340; visits by citizens, 244; by di
rectors, i-'.
A comparison ot the nttendnnce for tho
month with that of the corresponding
month of last term shows that, although
the monthly enrolment Is 38 more the
average dally nttendnnce is 1U8 less, and
the percentnge is 8 less. This shows how
seriously tho attendance has been nllected
uy our eniorcing ot mo vaccination rules.
These rules have been strictly carried out.
The time allowed pupils to get vaccinated
expired April 10th and on that date 230
pupils were excluded from school be
cause they hod not complied with the
rules. There nro, at this dote, 72 pupils
who refuse to get vaccinated and prob
ably, altogether, 150 out of school on this
Iu the Shenandoah IlKUALD of April 20th
nn item nppeorcu wuicu ennrgeu, tirst :
that a teacher had locked three pupils in
tier room uurinir the dinner intermission
as punishment : nnd. second: that other
teachers have resorted to this menus of
punishment. I have found upon Investi
gation that both of these charges are
Xoue of our teachers have resorted to such
means of punishment. On or nbout April
Kith n teacher had occasion to nunish
three boys. The punishment applied was
thnt they should remain in school after
the morning session nnd write 100 word-.
Alter the school hnd been dismissed the
teacher reduced tho number of words to
B0 and went to dinner, nftcr telling tho
boys to hurry nnd complete th ir work
nnd go home. Tho boys disobeyed her
iiiHii iiuLiuns mm ri'iiuiiuuu ill un
til the Janitor had locked tho build
lug. With this little occurrence as
a basis tho Hkkald's sensational item
was worked up. It Is verv uniust nnd
unfair to our teachers and lo our schools
to have little incidents magnified, twisted
into sensational charges nnd spread out
before tho nenernl public throuuh the
press. Whatever niuy have been tho
motive Pack oi this nttocK tho attack
itself is so manifestly unjust and un
lounueu that it deserves to be condemned
Lobster salad fresh, and toothsome, at
Mccinenny s caie.
Progress of the Meetings lit UlnirdvlUe
Ollli-ers Klected.
Special to Evkninq IIekai d.
GlltAltDVILLE, May 3. Tho Primitive
Methodist conference wns organized nt
this place this morning with Rev. George
Ball, of Nantlcoke, In the chair.
Tho following olllcers were elected for
tho ensuing year : President, Rev.
Charles Prosser, Mt. Cnrmel; Vice Presi
dent, Rev. J. Proudo, Shenandoah; Jour
nal Secretary, Rev. John Bath, Krwln,
Westmoreland county.
Councllmnn Finuey went to Philadel
phia yesterday.
Miss Sollle Wasley went to Blooiusburg
yesterday to visit friends.
Ed ward Wright and family, of Dudley,
N. J., hove moved to town.
Rev. Walter Millerreturuedtohis home
in Mnuorton, N. Y., this morning.
Miss Nellie Finney returned yesterday
from a visit to friends in Tomaqun.
John I). Evans, a former townsman
now located at Dudley, N. J., coutemp
plates locating here again.
Misses Lillian Burkhnrt, Jennie Beddall
nnd Jennie Stank, nnd Messrs. Frank C.
Portz, Joseph firum, Will Burkhnrt, t'hos.
Deddall, Theodore Hyde, W. Nelmnn,
Joseph Beddall and Daniel Reed were of
the Shenandoah contingent thnt attended
the May Day dance at Ashland on Tues
day night.
MocIIenry Wllhelm, Esq.. of Ashlnnd,
Is a full-Hedged candidate for Senator in
this district. Ho so Informed tho writer
Joseph Wyatt Is tho latest Republican
to announce himself as n candidate for
the Legislature In the First district. His
cord appears in this issue.
J. II. James, Esq., and T. F. Barron, of
Ashland, were among tho most ardent of
Robinson men in town yesterdny.
Five out of six for Robinson, without
organization or un attempt at one, Is
pretty good work for this week for the
dashing candidate for Lieutenant-Governor.
William R. Middleton, of Malzeville,
announces himself in to-dny's liKUAUias
n candidate for the Legislature on the
Republican ticket in the First district.
Allvu uuil Kl- king.
A lot of frisky frogs from Freshville,
Md., arrived at McKlhenuy's cafe this
innrnlittr. Thev are the first of the sea
son and will bo served on short notice to
' lovers of the good things of this life.
Attend Church anil Have a I.ut Strict
Tho Polish people of town to-day Icelc-
bratcd the 100th anniversary of the adopt
ion of the constitution of Poland nnd the
victory of Kosciusko over tho Russian
troops. They spent most of tho morning
attending service In the Polish Catholic
church on Xorth Jnrdlu street and nt
noon hnd a street parade.
The demonstration wns nvervlmnoslne
ono nnd the societies In lino presented
fine appearance.
The line of parade was as follows :
Anthony l'nskiwlrz. Mnrslinl.
Frnnk ltonln and Knoch Michulskl, Aids.
itcv. j. A.lenarkawtcz In carriage.
Kscort on horseback.
T. A. 1). Hand of Ixist Creek.
Polish Citizens' Society.
National Guards of Warsaw.
St. Casiinlr Society, Mnhanoy City.
St. Nicholas Hand.
St. Stcpens' Society (Slnvoulans).
St. John the Baptist Society.
Twenty-six girls in holiday attire
St. Michael's Society.
Annunciation T. A. B. Society.
John III Sobieskl Society.
Kosciusko Gunrds.
Kosynierz (Lance Brigade.)
Krakusy Society.
Tl c parade attracted great thrones of
peoplo to the main streets nnd many
peoplo from surrounding towns were
among the spectators.
The celebration ended with the pnrade
the several societies retiring to their head
quarters when the line was dispersed.
iiany oi me i-onsn citizens had their
bouses decorated. The house of Louis
Heavy, on Knst Lloyd street, presented a
fine nppearan:e.
Just before the parade started there
was a rumor that n riot had been caused
on ono of tho streets by somebody tearing
down a Polish ilag. The rumor was un-
luiuiiieu. it arose irom a uiscussion wuicu
followed a remark by some one that a
Polish ting Mr. Heavy hnd on his linusa
should be torn down. There was no dis
turbance. punch, nti Nro.
All the P. & R. collieries in this dis
trict were idle to-day.
Ascension Dav services will be held in
the Trinity Reformed church, on West
woyu street, mis evening.
The Begley-Brennnn foot race at MahaJ
noy City this afternoon nttrncted quite
a number of Shenandoah sports.
Soveral members of tho Borough Coun
cil, Civil Kngineer J. W. Geary and Air.
Morris, of Jennesville, made a tour of tho
public water works pipe line to-day and
visited the reservoir at Davis' Run.
Tho funeral of tho late Mrs. Ann Prntt
took place yesterday from her late resi
dence on South Jnrdin street. The remains
were interred in the Odd Fellows' ceme
tery. The Methodist Kpiscopnl church,
choir was iu attendance.
About New Drees Goods.
As a dress goods store wo acknowledge
no competition ; our nssortments of rich
dress stulTs were never so large, nor were
prices ever so low ns now. Besides the
regular lines of cashiueresnud henriettns,
we show a superb line of Hue imported
novelties in all the new shades. Real
Knglish brocades in twenty rich designs
nt 37 cents per ynrd. A visit to our
dress goods department will convince you
thnt it pays to buy at
L. J. Wilkinson's,
at South Main St.
"I'ut" Last Night.
The production of "Faust" at Fergu
son's theatre Inst LewisMorrison
and his company, wns a most enjoyable
entertainment. Mr. Morrison mnde a
decidedly favorable impression iu the title
role unil wns supported by an excellent
cast. Miss Rosabel Morrison wns charm
ing In the,roleof "Marguerite" nnd shared
the honors with tho head of the company.
The stngiiig and senic effects of the piny
were complete nud very effective. It wns
by far the best production of "Faust"
over seen here.
i:m!almllg Without Charge.
John Roberts, the West Lloyd street
undertaker, who graduated from an em
balming school in New York city, has
now introduced the system In his business
nnd is meeting with excellent success.
Ho does not use ice boxes unless they nre
requested nnd makes no extra charge for
embalming. This method of preserving
remains lias become very popular, bit
much so that It Is quito likely that in a
short time ice boxes will be rarely used.
rinit Anniversary.
This evening, in Robbing' opera house,
the llrst anniversary ot the Washington
Social Club will be held. The members:
of this clubnroexcellententertnlners, and
a pleasant time is in store for those who
Fresh beer at Schmicker's, 10 S. Mniu
street. 4-35-lm
Why patronize Chinamen f Our pay
roll amounts to f300 per month. Every
dollar of it is spent iu town, If our
work is not satisfactory, we do not ask
you to pay for it. Brennan's Sterna
Laundry, South Main street. 4-10-tf
Special Notice.
Preaching services will bo held in the
Presbyterian church, corner of White nud
Oak street), every night this week, except
Saturday. Services will begin at 7:30
o'clock. The Young People's Society ot
Christian Endeavor will conduct a praise
service for the llrst 15 minutes A cordial
welcome Is extended to the public.
A Little Mors
O T7
122 North JarcUn Streaft