The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 02, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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    hear tell of a purchaser wanting
to buy an Imitation? Why do
men who try to sell such articles
speak of the ;nct as "working
them off?" Simply because peo
ple want the best, and it takes
work and likewise deception to
sell them the worst. This un
pleasant experience may befall the
housekeeper who determines to
the new vegetable shortening.
The healthfulness, flavor, and
economy of this wonderful cook
ing product has won for it the
widest popularity, which in turn
has attracted the attention of
husiness parasites who are "work
ing off' imitations and coun
terfeits. Forewarned is fore
armed. Be sure you get the only
genuine vegetable shortening
Bold In 3 and 6 pound palls.
Mado only by
CAUTION. If n dealer offers W. 1
Douglas bhoos at a reduced price, or say
lie hat them without nnrao stamped on
bottom, put hlmdown as a fraud
W. L. Douglas
W. X. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fiU
tlnj. and rWo better sitis faction at the prices ad-
erttsed than any other make. Try onepaif and
be convinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas'
name and price on the bottom, which guarantees
their value, saves thousands of dollars annually
to those who wear them. Dealers who push the
sale of MM. Douglas Shoes gain customers,
which helps to increase the Kales on their full line
of goods. They can afford to sell at a less profit,
ana we believe you can sate money by buying all
your footwear of the dealcr'advertlscd below.
Catalogue free upon application. Address, .
W. li. DOUGLAS, Itrookton, Mass. Sold by
Joseph Ball! Shenandoah.
15. R. Severn, F. K. Magargle, W. U. Watets
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored
and all the train of ovlti
from early errors or later
me resuiiB oi
ovenv ork. tloknttn
worrv.etc Fullstrength,
development and tone
given to every organ and
portion of tht body
simple, natural methods
Immediate Improvement
seen. Failure Impossible
2.UJ0 rftforpnrtfMt. TVvk
explanation and proof
Ilr Theel 1317 Arch st
The only (Icnulne SpeelalUt In America,
. special UliCiscH and Strictures
reniiaupiitly Cured In a to 6 days
Peruianentlr Cured
Primary or Second
ary curud bv entirely
new method In ay to yu days, 6 ypars Euru
itean loptuiaudd2 nracUcal experience, as
Uertlflcatba and lHnliiiriAd nrnvn. Kent! flva I
9z-ceut biampsror book. TllUTlly tneoniy
bOOtCexnot-lncr Oiifwtr lntir( ami flthnrH an-
ivoiiiUUK B DIieCiailMS. A HUD ilicuu
to all butlt-rers and to thobd contemplating I
marrlaue. Thdmoststubbornanddaugeroua I
Ioiwes Bimciwu, riwj or can ana do saved
riours i 9-3 1 Ere's 6-8 1 Wed. and Bat. eve's
g-10,aun. U-ia. Successful treatment Ly malL
Of holes in a skimmer!
Low of wya of throwing away money. Oni
of the best methods of economizing la to lnsuit
lntirst class, thoroughly reliable companies,
either life, tire or accident, such aa represented
No. 190 Honth Jardln street, Shenandoah, Pa
sis nrrn $i i
St; j dg J
I'll o
How the Spoakor Squolohod tho
Commonweal Army Leador,
Mr. Crisp Ilemlnd th Ohio Farmer Thai
It. form. Can Not b llrought Aboat by
Intimidation Through HMf Conitltut.d
Lail,ra, but Through tho llallot.
Wasiiikoton, Mny 8. The dctallaot the
lntsrvlew nhlch Mr. Coxey had with
Speaker , Crisp Monday ntht hare justj
been learned. To the former's request (or
a suspension of the regulations so as to
permit the contemplated meeting on the
Capitol steps the speaker replied that
while-he did not remember the exact terms
of the law, he doubted that he had any
authority to grant the permission asked.
"But," he added, "If I have the au
thority I will not grant the permission.
What reasons hare you to offer In support
of your request to have the operation ol
the law suspended"
Coxey asserted that they had came hen
to represent millions of unemployed and
starving people.
"Then what Is your purpose? What do
you intend to dof"
Coxey said that they enmo In the name
of the people to demand legislation fot
their relief, and tben entered into a long
statement about his being the representa
tive of the people.
"How aro you the represent. lve of tht
peoplef" the speaker asked. "By whal
authority do you undertake to represent
65,000,000 of people of this country. Th(
people's representatives are the .156 repre
sentatives elected to cougrcsH and vested
with authority under the provisions of out
Coxey objected that congress did not
represent the people.
"Then," said the speaker, "yt ur remedy
is at the ballot box. Under oui istom ol
government tho government i.,elf is the
people, subject to f requeut changes when
the people Indicate at the ballot box that
they want a change, and you appear to be
a self constituted representative of the
Coxey replied that the appeal to tho
ballot box was too slow; that the relief de
manded must he bad at onco.
"Do you propose to coerce congress? In
what respect is your method of petition
better than the old method, which Is be
ing constantly availed of by tho peoplef"
Coxey held that written petitions were
never regarded by congress, and that he
thought his method would compel con
sideration. "Do you expect to intimidate congress!
Do you think you can frighten any repre
sentative into voting against his convio-
Coxey stated that he did not know, but
he believed it was tho duty of the govern
ment to appropriate money for the em
ployment of the unemployed. He Bald
they could not wait for the opportunity to
elect men to congress representing tb
people, and that they would have to have
relief, even if it were secured through
"Your proposition," said the speaker,
"would be, If carried out, subversive ol
the government. Our Institutions would
be overthrown, and there would be no
stability of government."
Coxey still persisted, and said that his
army had a right to assemble in tho WhlU
House grounds.
The speaker replied that he would not
grant the permission sought: that no rea
son had been given which would warrant
It; that if permission were given to Coxey
it could not be refused to any one for any
purpose; that the proponed method of pe
tition meant an attempt at intimidation
or it meant nothing; and that if the theory
of public ownership was to be accepted u
giving anynssemblage the right to take
possession or occupy government property
it would apply to the treasury and Its
vaults as well,
The Roiebud's Money Up.
Baltimore, May a, Champion George
Dixon, who Is showing in this city, is
highly pleased to think that the backers
of the "Kentucky Hosebud" have covered
his deposit of $1,000 to make a match.
Jack Lynch, who represents Dixon, said:
"It is all nonsense to say the Hosebud
knocked George out. When the two met
in the ring the Rosebud asked George to
make a funny set-to, nud then when he
saw a chance tried to uuike a reputation
for himself by throwing Dixon down.
There will be no trouble now if those other
people will come to terms."
Ilreoklnrldge Confident.
WASIHNOTON, May 2. Colonel W. C. P.
Breckinridge, the congressman defendant
in the Brecklnrldge-Follard trial, said to
day: "I start for Lexington tomorrow
morning, and will open the canvass Sat
urday afternoon at that place. I antici
pate opposition, of course, but I am will
ing to trust tho people of my district in
this matter, and will cheerfully abide by
their decision. I feel confident that I will
be nominated and re-elected."
Coal Creek Miners Out.
Jellico, Tenn., May 8. All the miners
at Coal Creek have quit work. Their con
tract expired yesterday. There is no
mine working in District No. 10, which in
cludes Coal Creek, Jellico, Laurel and the
Cincinnati Southern road region, except
at Itockwood, Tenn., and possibly at
Mingo, Ky. There aro 125 convicts work
ing at Coal Creek.
Craih on the I.elilgli Valley.
WlLKESBAltllE, Pa., May 2. Passenger
train No. 3, on the Lehigh Valley railroad,
crashed Into a wildcat engine at Pittston
Junction last night. The crews jumped
and escaped injury, but the passengers
were all considerably shaken up and budly
frightened. One lady had her shoulder
dislocated. Both engines were badly
Charged with Stealing 878,000.
New Yoiik, May 2. Kdwurd La Mon
tague, banker and member of the Stock
Exchange, was nrrbsted on a charge of
grand larceny, and was arraigned In pri
vate in the Tombs court before Justice
Talntor. It Is said the larceny involves
75,000. Ball was fixed at $10,000. Two
more arrests aro to bo made in tho case.
Vice Chancellor Van Fleet Iteappolnted.
Trenton, May 2. Abraham V. Van
Fleet, of Newark, was reappointed as vice
chancellor by Chancellor MeGlll. The
term is aeven years. Goveror Werts at
once signed the commission. Mr. Van
Fleet hus held the olllce for nineteen years.
The Weather.
Probably showers this evening; cooler;
southwesterly winds.
i nmm
Kjj JIro.RocttoIiGrectie,of Morrl3,N.Y.,
t5 writes: "My husband used yourw
W SaroaparllU for a bad case of Heart DIs vX
K ease, that had troubled him since be was Si
M 17 years of age. It cured him, and ho Is li
ta able to work. My little girl was weak, jft
emaciated, and suffered greatly from li
fi Kidney Disease. A persistent use of li
i and she is will and btroho." !i
li Ctrtifitd to by D. J. LAWItKNCX, DrugsUt. ii
& itx onuaaisTS. 'A
nonuTLKiLL Division.
NOVEMBER 19th, 1693.
Trains will leave Bhenandoah after tho above
date for Wlggan's, Gllberton, Kraekvllle, New
Castle, Ht. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburc, Kcadlnr,
roiisiown, rnccnixviue, Hometown ana roll
adelphtaiHroaa street station) at 6:00 and 11:49
t. m. and 4:15 p. m, on weekdays For Potts
"llle and ln'.ermcalato stations 9:10 a. m.
For Wlgean's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New
Castle. St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:00. 9:40 a.m.
and 3:10 p. m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts
town, Phumlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 6:00, 9:40 a. m.. 8:10 p.m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at
10:40a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p.m.
Sundays, 11:13 a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10: It,
11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:16 and 10:00 p. m.Sucdayt
it 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Uroad street station) for
Pottsvllle and Bhenandoah at 5 57 and 8 85 am,
1 10 and 7 11 pm week days. On Sundays leave
at 6 50 a m. Tor Pottsvllle. 9 23 a m.
For New York. Express, week days,
at 320, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 650, 7S3, 820, 950, 1100
11 14 am, 12 00 noon, 12 41 p. m, (Limited Ex
proas 1 06 and 150 p n. dining cars.) 1 40,
530. 8 24, 100, 5 00, 6 00, 6 50, 7 25, 8 12,
lOOOrm, 12 01 night. Sundays 3 20, 4 05, 4 60.
515,812.95a 11 0311 35, m. 12 41, 1 40, 2 80,4 00
(limited 4 50) 5 20. 8 20. 8 50. 7 25 and 8 12 p m and
1201 night.
For Sea Girt. Long Uranoh and Intermediate
stations, 820, 11 14 a m, and 4 00, p m
For Baltimore and Washington 8 50, 7 20, 8 31 ,
9 10. 10 0, 11 18 a m, 12 10, (12 35 limited dlnlnfi
car.) 1 30, 8 48, 4 41, (5 18 Congressional Limited
Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 6 17,
55, 7 40 and 1133 p. m week days. Sun
days, 3 60, 7 20, 3 10, 11 18 a m. U 10, 4 41, 8 65.
11 83 and 7 40 pm.
For Richmond, 7 00 a n, 12 10 and 11 SI p m
dally, and 1 30 p. m. week days.
Trains will leave Harrlsburg for Ptttsburc
and tho West every day at 1 20, 8 10 a m, (8 20
pm limited), 8 60, 7 30, 11 65 p m every day.
Way tor Altooni at 8 18 am and 5 00 p m ever;
day. For Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 am
every day.
Trains will leavo Sunbury for Wllllamsport,
Elmlra, Canandalgua, Rochester, Uuffalo and
Niagara Falls at 135, 6 18 a m.and I 85 p m week
days, For Elmlra at 5 41 p in week days. For
Erie and Intermediate points at 5 13 am dally,
For Lock Haven at 6 18 and 9 56 a m dally, 1 St
tad 5 44 p m week days For Renovo at 5 18 a
n, 1 85 and 6 44 pm week days, and 5 18 a m or.
Sundays only. For Kane at 5 18 a m, dally
1 85 o ro weekdays,
i. M. PaivosT, J. 11. Wood,
rifln'l Man", it 'irm'l ',fl'r'" Ac.
(Christ, llosaler's old stand.)
-Htti and (Caul alts,, Hheunndoa).
Best beer, ala and porter on tap. Thannti
arands of whiskeys and cigars. Pool room i
acbod .. .
Is Now Beady for Delivery.
No. 207 West Coal Street,
Shenandoah, Penna.
Near L. V. and Electric railways. The
finest brands of cigars, whiskies. Dorter,
beer and ale on hand.
Famous scenlo and dramatic production,
With Its wonderful scenic, electric
and calcium effects.
The Marvelous 'Broken' Scene
With genuine flashes nt lightning and the
msgto rain ot lire. Produced here In Us en
tirety by a superior company, Including MUs
ltosabel Morr.son as "Marguerite."
Prices, 35c, 50c, 75c nml $i;
Reserved Beats at Klrlln'i drug store,
(Successors to Coakley llros.)
No. 38 !nnt Centre lttict,
Our Motto: llest Quality at Lowest Cai
Prices. Palronago rejpcctful'y solicited.
Trrlbl l.xilolnn In North Carolina,
ItALKlQll, N. C, May 2. Two large boll
era at Hobertson & Goodwin's lumber Wllllamston,. exploded yesterday.
There were fifteen persons in the build
ings, and all were Injured. Isaac Bright
was dead when taken out, and fourothers
are dying. Several of those injured were
women, who had taken dinner to their
husbands, who were employes. One boiler
Was blown thirty yards from Its bed.
Th Coin 8hftTr Nvntf-need.
BALTIMOKK, May 3. James L. Wilcox.
Has Frank Foster, and his wife, Etta
Frank Wilcox, who were convicted In the
United States district court on Friday for
"lightening" United States gold coins,
were sentenced yesterday. Judge Morris
sentenced Wilcox to four years In the
Maryland penitentiary and UOO flno. The
woman was sentenced to Jail for six
months and lined VA
Alitwardt Again SenWnced to l'rlion.
Berlin, May 2. Rector Ahlwardt, the
notorious anti-Semite, who was released
from the Ploetzensee prison on March 0,
where he had been confined after htlng
convicted of libeling the Loewe firm of
Hebrew gunmakers, was sentenced yester
day to three months' Imprisonment for In
sulting Prussian ofllclals during a recent
speech made at Essen.
Democrats Lad In St. Panl.
ST. PAUL, May 2. The vote in yester
day's city election was a phenomenal one,
notwithstanding rainy weather. Forty
seven precincts heard from give 4,720 for
Smith (Dein.), 4,500 for Doran (Hep.), and
Am fnp ?)n.t. fXJnt rr nq
" ... IU.U1I 1V.. 1IIC1D CllO III! I
precincts in all, and the remaining ones
are about equally divided between the
two leading parties.
C!iar;tftl with lncsit.
BALTIJIOUK, May 8. David Harrison,
colored, was committed for court by Jus
tice Hobbs charged with criminally as
saulting his 13-year-old daughter Ella.
The girl admitted that the charge was
correct, suylng her father had threatened
to kill her If she told. Harrison denied
the charge. .
Two Moro Mine Oil Victims.
WlLKKSHAIlUE, Pa., May 2. John Prloe
and Mike Morris, miners, were probably
fatally Injured by an explosion of gas in
Port llowkley shaft. The men went Into
an old working without putting the safety
attachment to their lamps, and the naked
flames ignited a large body of gas.
Jlnnejr Will bo Court MartlaUd.
Ciucaqo, May 2. Qoneral Nelson A.
Miles has returned from a month's tour
In tho west. Ho said a court martial
would be called to investigate the killing
of Captain lledberg by Lieutenant Maney,
notwithstanding the acquittal of Maney
by the criminal court.
The sister of Mrs. Jayne, n Philadelphia
millionaire, died in the almshouse there.
President Cleveland addressed the con
vention of military surgeons nt Washing
ton yesterday.
At New York's May Day demonstration
last night cheers were given for "the flag
we are starving under."
Peter Johnson, the burglar who shot
City Marshal Whitney at Missouri Valley,
la., last Saturday, was lynched yesterday.
Right. Kev. Hon. John Thomas Pel-
ham, D. I)., who recently resigned tho
lord bishopric ol Norwich, diedln London.
The Herreshoffs, of Bristol, It. I., have
contracted with James Gordon Bennett to
build a yacht to beat the Vigilant. The
price Is M5.O0O.
May Day In Europe was not marked by
a general uprising, as feared. Tho few at
tempts at rioting made in several cities
were promptly suppressed.
John Iligby, now solicitor general, has
been appointed attorney general of Great
Britain to succeed bir Charles Hussell.
Itobert T. Keid, M. P., will bo solicitor
Suffered Terribly. Doctors and Medi
cines Useless. Cured lit Four
Weeks by Cutlcura.
1 have a hoy, fifteen years old, born In FIshklll,
portrait enclosed, who had the eczema so of
fensive that 1 could not stay In tho room with
mm. 'i no poor uoy suiiereu
terribly. Ills feot wero ter
ribly sore, he could not wear
any shoes, and had thereforo
to stay at homo from school.
When ho put on a pair of
dry stockings In the morn
ing, they uould In ono hour
ho saturated with moisture
and cry offensive even In
the coldest leather. Tho
dlseaso began to spread oter
hlsbodv. euneclallvhls hands
and fingers. The thumbs on both his hands be
came still and as useless as two withered sticks of
wood. It would be useless for me to try to tell
tho suffering this boy endured. 1 took him to
two different doctors, both gave him lots of
medicine, but all to no use. He grew worse.
I thereforo despaired bf ever having him cured.
Ono day I saw the great benellts promised to
those who would use Cuticuka. Remedies. I
went right away to the drug store and bought
them. However, 1 used them according to di
rections, and to-day I say truthfully to all tho
world, that my son Is entirely cured, thank (Jod
and thank the discoverers of Cuticura Heme
dies. They curod him In four weeks as sound as
a gold dollar. JOHN HAVAliK,
VfshklU Village, N.Y.
CuticotiA, the (treat Skin Cure, with CtmcuitA
Boai, an exquisite Skin 111 ri tier, and Cuticuka.
Uesolvknt, thenewlllooil Purifier ami greatest
of Humor Kerned ies, constitute the most speedy,
economical and Infallible external and internal
treatment for every disease and humor of tho
skin, scalp, and blood, vtith loss of hair, from
Infancy to ago. from pimpled to scrofula.
Bold throughout tho world. Trice, CcTicuni
60c; Soap 25c; Kesolyent, $1. 1'otteu Dituu
AND Ciiem. Coup., Bole Troprlctors, Helton.
JSCS How to Cure Skin DlteaHes," mailed free.
QIPJIl'LKS, bluckheudi, red and oily skin pro
1 i If! en tod and cured by Cl'TJluiu tiu-ir.
and weakness, back ache, weak kid
neys, rheumatism, and chest pains
reuevGu in one ihiiiuia uy inouu
ticuru Autl-l'ulu Piaster.
Where you can always got
a glass ot
Cool Beer and Refreshing Wines,
Whiskeys, etc. Doa'i forget the place.
T. a. Rellly'H,
Locu.t Avenue, CENTIl ALIA. PA.
A May Day Demonstration Loads
to Groat Disorder,
Motormen ltctuird to' Stop Thrlr Cars
Whll tho Prncpmlon l'nited and Were
Anaulteil A FtultUde of Hulltti Flroil,
but Nobody Nerlouily Hurt.
Cleveland, May 2. The unemployed of
Clevolaud celebrated Mny Day with a
meeting, a procession thnt was marked by
several riotous demonstrations, and by
listening to and opplaudlng a rank an
archist address on the public square when
they had finished their marching. The
procession was composed ot between 0,000
and 10,000 men and boys, mostly foreign
ers. They followed a United States flag,
and started in military order. They had
not gone n mile, however, before the pro
cession collided with an electric car. The
motorman refused to stop, and the car was
A few minutes later another car came
with policemen on the front platform anil
ordered them to give way. They refused
to do so, and a policeman fired his revolver
Into them. Muuy of the men drew pistols
and began firing, at least 100 shots being
discharged, but nobody wns hurt. Some
ot tho bullets went through the windows
ot a store, however, and two of the olerks
had narrow escapes.
1 he procession was broken up tempor
arily, but the lines wero reformed. Soon a
third car was seen, and when the driver
refused to stop ho was felled with a brick,
though not seriously hurt. As the pro
cession moved up Superior street, on the
return, it tilled that thoroughfare from
building to building. Street cars were
stopped nud nil tralllc suspended for a
time. The driver of a truck who refused
to tako his team out of the way received a
had wound in the sido of the face from an
iron bolt thrown by ono of the marchers.
During nil these disturbances not a
single arrest was made, the police evi
dently not desiring to court trouble with
a mob of bucIi uu ugly temper. When tho
procession had returned to tho square sev
eral speeches were uindo by Central Labor
union leaders who advised the men to go
home, but an anarchist finally got bold of
tho crowd and made a speech which
started another procession. It bended out
through the manufacturing district, in
the eastern part of the city, and it was
feared that more violence would be com
mlteed, but the reports Indicate that noth
ing more serious than the breaking of a
few windows in a factory occurred.
Kvldence Against the "lloformod Outlaw."
Lancaster, Po., May 8. Officers who
last night brought in Jake Iluzzard, son
of Abe Buzzard, and Hardy Hower, the al
leged Welsh mountain thieves, whom they
arrested In Heading yesterday, claim to
have the most convincing proof against
Abe Buzzard, the so called reformed out
law, who is in jail here on suspicion. Con
stable Pyle sayN be secured Abe Buzzard's
satchel, and in it he found a Bible, a pis
tol, a chain, a set of burglar's tools and
some tickets to Buzzard's lecture on "Huln
and Reformation," There are now nine
members of the Welsh mountain gang iu
Jail here waiting for the courts to act.
Welllnan On for Spltsbarf an.
Tuomsok, Norway, May 8. The Ameri
can north polar expedition, under the
command of Walter Wellman, left here
yesterday afternoon for the Island of
Spitsbergen, on board the steamer Ragn
void Jarl. The expedition carries numer
ous letters and messages from the friends
and relatives of the members of the Parry
and Hansen parties.
National I. u.
At Philadelphia Boston, 7; Philadel
phia, 8.
At New York New York, 7; Baltimore,
At Cincinnati Pittsburg, 7; Cincinnati,
At St. Louis Cleveland, 7j St. Louis, 0.
At Louisville Louisville- Chicago; no
At Washington Brooklyn, 9; Washing
ton, 0; forfeited in sixth inning on account
of Washington refusing to continue. The
actual eoorc at that time was 13 to 0 in favor
of Washington.
Eautern l..acu.
At Wllkesbarre Wllkesbarre, 14; Buf
falo, 8. At Binghamton lllnghamtou,tn;
Krie, 8. At Springfield Troy, 10; Spring
field, 4. At Providence Providence, 12;
Syracuse, 3.
Closing; Quotations of th New York and
l'llllailelphl Kxolianeai.
New Yoiik, May 1. The transactions on th
8tock Exchange today were considerably less
than yesterday, but the trading was more
wliltlr distributed, and the general tone of the
market was better. Sugar was again the leader
of the speculation. Closing bids:
L.hlgh Valley 87M W. N. Y. & Pa.... 3
Pennsylvania V3 Erie 10
Heading 18 D., L. & W 1C0H
St. Paul C3 West Shore
Lehigh Nav 63 N. Y. Central W
N.Y. AN. E B", Lake Erie & W.... WM
New Jersey Ct-n-.lioji Del. & Hudson 138
Cleneral Uark.ts.
PiiILAniiU'iiIA, May 1. Flour In light de
mand; winter super., S&&2.1U; do. extras, 92.25
2.50; No. 2 winter family. $3 50fi.BS; Penn
sylvania roller straight, ?8.tiG22.U0; western
winter, clear, $3.1HJW.U5. Wheat quiet, steady,
with 60c. bid and 6UHc. asked for May. Corn
firm, quiet, w Ith tUe- bid and tfljc. asked for
May. Oats Arm. higher, with 4Uc. bid and
tuyic. asked fur May. Keet quiet. Pork se
ttle; short clear, $U16. Lard steady; west
ern steam, $9. llutter dull; western dairy,
lU13o.; do. creamery, 13f$lHo.; do. factory,
umftl-o.; Klglns, 18c.; New York dairy. 1-'
17Hc.; do. creamery, liVSlBe. Cheese Urm; Now
York large, UMUdlWc; do. small. IMfEtlUUe.;
part .kirns, WJie.; full skims, 33c. Eggs
steady; New ork and Pennsylvania, MMft
HKc; western fresh, 10iSnHc.; southern
I.lve Stock Markets.
New Yohk, May 1. European cables quote
American steers at UV4i,luo. per lu. drewx-d
weight; refrigerator beef, 7J431&1U- pur lb.
Calves stead) ; poor to fair veals, tASt.W ptr
100 lbs. Sheep and lutnb. steady; clipped
sheep, poor to prime per lt0 lbs ;
clipped lunibs, prlim . 4.H7H; unshorn lumb-.
choke, !i.M0; spring lambs (Virginia.), !.'.
die. per 1! Hogs Hrm; Inferior tu good, Sl l'i
6.76 per limlln.
Kat LiK.iim, Pa., May 1. Cattle slow. un
changed: prime, rl.iVu.6.50: good, fJ.SOuM;
good butihers, $3.5Dfi 3.yu; good fut cows and
holfers, ft :Kil; lull, and stags, S-fiO; venl
calves, $.i.!iUt!H4. Hogs steady, lower; best
Philadelphia, IV.'in&li.GU; best Yorkers. t6.,VJ
66.63; common to fair Yorkers, 6.3A4k6.i,
pigs, t5.StkuVi.llU. Sheep lower; extra. SJ.HU4C1;
good M.lUj3.0ll; fair, I-MlkftS; common. 60c tt
1.60; clipped Uiubs, SL; sprlUB, lambs,
."ho War Is Over. A Well-known Sol
dier, Correspondent and Journal-
ist Makes n Disclosure)
Indiana contrlhuted hrr thousands of bravo
.ildiors lo tho war, and no stale hears a Iwt
- word In that roipcet than It does la
uTiiiuro It Is rapldl) acquiring uw
w.ihlu niaco. in war and literature
onion Yewell, well known ns n writer as
ol." linn won an honoriihle iosttlon. l)ur
Hi" lute war ho was a memherof Oo. M,
i N Y. Cavalry and of the 13th Indiana In
iniry Volunteers. lieitardliiK an Important
inMimstunco ho writes us follows:
Sewriil of in old veterans hert are uMiift
Miles' llustornllve Nervine, Heart I'nro
m' icrve and Liver 1MIK all of them giving
.loinlld AiittsfiK'i Inn In fact, we have net er
eil remedies that comparo with them. Ot
e I'llls we must say they tire the best cotn
.imllon of Inequalities required In a hrep
ii Ion of their nature, we huve over known.
1 e have none hut words of pralso for thenu
' v are the outgrowth of u new principle In
iPdlclne, nnd lono up the system wonder
illy. Wo say to all, try these remedies."
"olnmon Yewell, Marlon, Ind., Doc 5, 1MB.
Tln',o retncd!cs aro Mild by all dtupglstH on
po.lllvo Ktiiirantpo, or senl direct by the
r Miles Medical Co., Klkhart, Ind on iu-
H)t of prleo, $1 per bottle, six bottles $0, ex
press prepaid. They positively contain neither
"ites nor danuerous drugs.
Trains leave Shenandoah aa follows:
For Now York via Philadelphia, week days,
,8.10, 6.25, 7.31, a.m., ie.2ti, 2.50, 6.55 p.m. Sunday
2.10, a. m.l.cO p, m. For New York via Mauch
Clnmli, week days, 6.25,7.20 a. m.. 12.M, 2.60 p. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week ayg,
2.10, 5.25, 7.2U, a. m 12.20, 2.50, 6.6S p. m. Sun
day, 2.10, a. m., 4.30 p. m
For Harrlsburtr week (lavs, 2.10. 7.20 a, m.
2.50, 6.65 p. m. Sundays, 2.10 a. m. nnd 4.30 p. m.
For rottsvllle, weok days, 2.10, 7.2U, a. m..
12.26, 2.50, 6.65 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 a. m., tM
p. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days,
2.10, 5.25, 7.20, a. m., 12,2, 50, 6.55 p. m. Sun
day, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m. Additional for
Mahanoy City, week days, 7 00 p. m.
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburt
week days, 8.26, 7.20, 11. !0 a. m 1.85, 7.00 pm.
Sunday, 3.25 a. m., 8.05 p. m.
For Mahanoy Piane, week days, 2.10, 8.25, 6.25,
7.20, 11.80 a.m., 12.29, 1.35, 2.50, 6.55, 7.00, .
p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 8.25, 7.48 a. m 8.05, 4.80 p. a
For Qlraravlllo. f Rappahannock Station)
week days, 2.10, 8 25, 6.25, 7.20, 11.80 a. m 2.50. 5.65. 7.00. 8.35 n. m. Sundav. 2.10
8.25, 7.48 a. m 8.05, 4.30 p. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, I.2S
6.25, 7.20, 11.80 a. m., 1.35, 7.00, B.86 p. m. Bon
day, 8.25, 7.48 a. m., 8.05 p. m.
Leavo New York via Phlladolnnia.weekdavi.
8.00 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m.. 12.15 night. San
day, 4.80 a. m., 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night.
p Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week aara. v.iu a. m., i.u, i.ou p. xo. aunoay. a. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal,
week days, 4.12, 8.36, 10,00 a. m., and 4.00,
6.00, 11. SO p. m. Sunday 4.00, 9.06 a. m., 11 id
p. m.
xeave ueaaing, weea aays, i.&o,7.iu, iu.w, ii.d
a. m., 6.66, 7.67 p. m Sunday, 1.86, 6.50, 10.62 a. aa.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.
12.80, 8,11 p. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a.m., 2.06 p.m.
m., 1.20,7.16, e.28 p. m. Sunday, 8.20, 7.48 a.m
160 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy city, week days, i.u.
11.47 a. m., 1.61, 7.44, 9.54 p. m. Sunday, 8,45, 8.U
a. m., 8.20 p, m.
r ti, n ....... i- n An . nn
9.80, 9.35, 11.69 a. m., 12.66, 2.08, 6.20, 6.8,7.69,iali
p. m. aunaay, x.4u, i.uu, .z7 a. m., a.s7, o.ui p. m.
Leave airardvllle, (Rappahannock Station),
week days, 2.47, 4.07, 6.38, 8.41 a. St., 12.CS,
1.01, 2.12, 5.28, 6.82, 8.05, 10.16 p. m. Sunday, 2.47,
4.07, 8.33, a, m., 3.43, 5.07 p. m.
Leave Wllllamsport. week davs. 9.35. a. m,.
8.86,11.16 p.m. Sunday. 11.15 p. m.
For uaitimore, wasnington ana tne wesi via
U. & O. R. It., through trains loave Readier
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. R. R. R.) at 3.1S,
7.55. 11.28 a. m.. ,161, 7.22. 8.40 p. m.. Sunday 3.45.
7.65, 11,28 a. m., 3 51, 7 2, 9.58 p' m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf
and South Street Wharf for Atlantic City.
Week davs Express. 9.00 a. m.: (Saturdays
only 2.00); 4 00, 5.00 p. m. Accommodation,
o.ou a. m. 0.44 p. m.
Hnndays Express, 9.00, 10.00 a. m. Accom
modation, 8.00a. m. and 4 30 p m.
Returning, leavo Atlantic City depot, cor
ner Atlantic, and Arkansas avenues : week
days ExprcsB, 7.30, 8.50 a. in. and 4 00 p. m.
Accommodation, 8.10 a. m. and 4.30 p m.
SunCnys Express, 4.00, 6.15,8.00 p. m. Ac
commodatlon, 7.15 a m. and 4.16 p. m.
Parlor cars on all express trains.
C. Q. HANCOCK, Uen. Pass. Agt.
Philadelphia Pa.
I. A. SWEIOARD, Gen. Supt.
Uottlcrs of all kinds of
Weibs DiEii a Specialty. Also bottlers of to.
Finest Beer.
17 and 19 I'eaeh Alley, BIlEJfAJfDOAJl.
no Kaat Centre Htrect,
311x.oxx.n.xxclorv2a.T Ezk.
All work guaranteed to be first-class In every
reared. We respectfully solicit a share of
your patronage. Qoodscalled for and delivered
Silk ties and Lace Curtnlns a specialty.
Delcamp's Livery Stable
E. DELCAMP, JRtf lrop
WEST STREET, Between Contro and Lloyd,
Blieiinntloali. Pcinin,
Tea ma to hire for all purposes on reasooibU
i HrmaoAntly corWI 9
1 fn 'Jiltnflli diLnbtfiSl
I hmLilliiriLrateiliroiu ut nam iwipie uarJ,y
ChltfiMtrr'a V-i. H IUAnd tlrtatt.
,Gtr itrlgli i t ly tit nu n. A
I nftWJ ii a(. 'HriM,
V ys JJ Mitiiti I . iit f rtiiM
jk IT sjujl, ,Ht(i i inouu um