The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 23, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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    Evening Herald.
ltspnbtlcan BwnstwmWIll Cnntnst th Tar
iff Hill Inch by Inch.
Wasmxoto-i, April 38. The prospoet is
thnt tne tariff debnto In the sonata will
coutiuno tblit nek much on the snuio lines
as bve been observed since the ogresmeitt
for the rogulntlon of hour of letU whs
entered in'o, notwithstanding tlia arrangs
nieut thnt th reading o( the bill hy para
graphs ihonid begin on Wednesday at 1
o'clock. Tins Itcpubllcan eonatots are
counting upon the continuance of this
program for at least Hiiother week, anil
expect to goon with their gcsuaralspaeohes
just ns they hnro been doing for tin pint
three weeks. "General dabato," said Sen
tor Aldrlch, In discussing tha outlook,
"will conclude Tuesday at 5 o'alook and
will he resumed Wednesday at I o'olook."
Ninu Republloan senators will make
manifest their disposition to conUit every
inch of ground at the Tery beginning of
the discussion of the paragraph ou Wed
nesday by attempting to hava tha provls
Ion of the first, paragraph, providing that
the now tarilX shall go into eiTect on June
SO, changed, and they will contend that
the custom has always been to glv at
least six mont lis notice in making a ahango
of the tariff laws.
Appropriation bills will continue to oc
cupy tho uttontion of the hou daring
the week after today, whloo, under tha
rules, is devoted to the consideration of
business reported from tha District of Co
lumbia ootnmittue. Tomorrow the diplo
matic and consular bill, which eontumad
the major portion of last weak, will prob
ably be finished, ami on Wednesday tha
postofllce nppolntrasat bill, tha considera
tion of which was Interrupted by tha de
parture of Chairman Henderson, of the
postofQca committee, as oae of ti aou
mltta to attend the funsral ot the late
Senator Vance, will be resumed.
Special low prices to nil In wntches,
Jewelry and silverware nt Iloldermnn's,
corner iiain aim lyioyu streetB.
Joseph Mack, of Connor's patch, had a
child christened on Sunday.
Miss Kate Martin, of Shnmokln, circu
lated among friends hero last evening.
A young engineer has arrived at the
house of Thomas Coughliu.
Michael Walsh drovu tho McGlynn
family to Mt. Carmcl In his handsome
Darouche Sunday.
J. Umber and son have Improved their
carriage factory by having nu addition
Thomas, son of John Connors, Is laid up
with an attack of grippe.
Thomas Keens, of Mahanoy City, has
occnpieu uie uouso vacated oy donii uros
well. P. C. DeFrnncis, of Philadelphia, trans
acted uusiuess nere ycsteiciny.
Hlciiard (Jllpln and Joel Klock, of
j'liiiaucipnia, rogistereu at uie jiiuericnn
House lo-luy.
Mrs. Carroll, of Mt. Cnrmel, drove
through towu last evening.
The Misses Wnuns. of Gilbcrton. called
on their many Girardvlllo friends last
Lawrence McCormick was nil smiles
yosterdny morning. It's a boy.
Mr. and Airs. Iiobert Dillon left this
mornlui; for Philadelphia, to attend the
itinera! oi tneir unugiuer's ciiuu.
A. 1). Nimmicks. of Malinnov avenue
has been making extensivu improvements
on nis properly.
The Co. V, 8th Hegt., has crectod a 75-
loot tiug polo in tront oi tnclr now
Quito a number of young folks have re
ceived invitalions to attend tho May
Party to be given by the Kmniet Hand at
Ashland on May .'nd.
A grand ball will bo held In Armory
hall on Tuesday evening, May 20th, under
the auspices of the Columbian Social Club.
Music will bo furnished by Itellly's
orchestra and the principal featuro of tho
evening Is a wnuiug contest lor a lames'
gold ring.
Between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock
Saturday morning a bold attempt was
made to burglarize the store of Philip
lllass, but the parties were frustrated in
their undertaking by Mr. lilass, who was
aroused oy tlie noise and discharged too
contents of his revolver. The burglars
returned the compliment with harmless
snots and made good their escape.
Our better halves say they could not
keep house without Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It is used in moiethan half the
homes in Leeds. Sims llros. Leeds, Iown.
This shows the esteem in which thnt rem
edy is held where it has been sold for
years and is well known. Mothers have
learned thai there is nothing m good for
colds, croup and whooping cough, that it
cures these ailment quickly and perma
nently, and that it Is plpusant and safe
for children to take. 36 and 0 cent
bottles for sale bv Gruhler llros.
Get your repairing done ut Iloldrr-
21 n's.
A gentleman with toWorllOOOavallable
capital to join with another who lias the
central aueiicy of Kastern Pa., for a spec
laity needed ou electric roads, factories
ami hotels, to lake a half intureet ill the
business, and a profit of 100 percent. Ad
dress T. F., IlKUALD olllce. tf
HuB!fellou Kudtlrfod.
Editor IIkkai.d : Your article in Satur
days llMMUi on "Make peddlera pay" is
an excellent move. There is morn illegal
peddling and hawking of wares In and
nmtiud Shenandoah Irian in any other
town in Pennsylvania. The legitimate
mi reliant is taxed to death in numerous
ways. The combined taxes are sy, per
cent , insurance 3 to 5 per cent., interes.
on his money l per cent., making 13 to 14
per cent. Iiefore he has any profit. They
are also handicapped by these peddlers
Helling their wares right under their notes
from day to day. Ait n rule these peddlers
get out of town about the time tax is
collet ted, hence they pay no support to
the borough I think the borough au
thorities should make an effort to prevent
the illegal lieddllug and those who have
u li hhI i ijjlii should bear their share of
the l.nrdeii that now rest" o heavy on the
in. reliant. XELL.
Shenandoah, April 81.
"" Arriving Daily
... 0. Fricke's Carpot Store,
10 South Jurdiu Street.
Mauanot Cur, April 23. I
Mrs. Lizzie Faust, of Lakeside, was a i
Sunday visitor to Mahnnoy City. i
Miss Jennie Hardly snent Sunday after
noon with Shenandoah friends.
Messrs. W. K. Jones. Arthur and Josenh
lloppes, William Prince and llnrry Day
were entertained in Shenandoah yester
Phlll n Covlo was niuonc the snectatora
nt the St. Nicholas fire yesterday morn
lUK. Mrs. Charles Krcbs Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. It. A. lincon. in Phila
Tho Phllador Club's Anrll Assembly
will take place in Armory hall to-morrow
evening. Invitations wore sent to the
belles and beaux of the county, and an
affair ot elegance Is anticipated.
Miss Carrie lluck. of Orwlcsbtirc. is
the guest of Miss Cora Dilcher,
Willi-... ll....l t1..
grapher, was a visitor to town on Saturday
Messrs. Matthew Whnlen and Jnmcs
Devlin, ot Cumbola, visited Mahanoy
City friends yesterday.
Mrs. Morv Lvnns died nt her late resi
dence on Knst Centre street on Snturdoy
night. She was n widow and is survived
oy several adult children.
Nelson Drnndon. of Iirnndonville. Is
mnking a canvass for his candidacy for
Poor Director.
Miss llauL-io Lester has accented n
position as pastry cook at the Hotel
William Itenpert. of Pottsvllle. was in
town on Sunday.
Messrs. H. II. Cres and Benver, ot
Centraliii, drovo through town yesterdny.
John L. Williams, ot Mt Carmel. wnsln
town on Saturday. Mr. Williams is
about 73 years of ago and although helms
spent sixty ol his years about the mines,
is erect, hale, hearty and as vigorous as
many men twenty years ins junior.
M. A. Sanger, the Lehigh Valley station
baggago master, was ou Saturday the re
cipient of a hnndsome gold pin, thogiftof
his biotherandasouvenirot his birthday.
Two men nnd a womnn. nil Polish, were
thrown from n carriage at Main and
uenire sirceis last evening ny the ureas
ing of a bolt. The fore-wheels parted
company with the rest of tho vehicle,
dumping tho two men to the ground nnd
pitching the woman on top of them. No
one seemed worse for the nuventure except
the man underneath, who bellowed loudly
ovor his broken hnt,
Wnyno Kratzer, a diamond snlesmnn
from Allcntown, was registered nt the
Hotel Kaier yesterday. Mr. Kratzer
carries some of his samples upon his per
son. One of his fingers was decorated
with a big ring of three diamonds valued
at f 3500 and from his broad white bosom
gleamed a beautiful diamond the size of a
sparrow's egg and valued at tlSOO. Al
though weighing U10 pounds Mr. Kratzer
rides n bicycle weighing 20 pounds. Ho
thought of wheeling over the mountain
to Shenandoah yesterday afternoon until
Informed of our good crop of highway
robbers who are always pleased to enter
tain diamond brokers and other people of
audi affluence
Telegraphers all over the county, in all
over tho Heading nnd Valley lines, are
brushing up their Morse in view of enter
ing the speed contest to be held In Shen
andoah on May 4th. In connection with a
grand ball. 1 elegraphers are nt all times
ambitious to "send" their messages a little
faster than the fellow at theothcrend can
receive them, nnd these speed contests
generally decide who of the cracks aro the
fastest. To test their ability, each con
testant is given soino reading matter to
transmit, generally tho President's mes
sage. At a given signal he rattles off at
the top of his speed for live minutes, when
the words fent aro counted mid the onera-
tors having the greatest number to their
credit are awarded the prizes, the quality
of the sending of course being considered
by tho judges in making tho award. The
urentest speed vet made was bv one Pol
lock, n New Haven trnln despatcher, who
at a contest in New York about two years
ago transmitted 70 words in one minute,
n rnto that few operators can copy.
Pollock beat lilsi,, pi., .-u.sof th; Western
Union by nbout five words tier minute.
In the local contests the best speed has
necn iorty-six words per sixty seconds.
The Shenandoah boys expect to beat this.
Those who never read the advertise
meuts in their newspapers miss more
man tuoy presume. Jonathan KeniHoti,
of Hnlan, Worth Co., Iowa, who had been
troubled with rheumatism In his back.
arms, and shoulders read nn Item in his
paper about how n prominent German
citizen of Ft. Mndlson had been cured.
He procured tho same medicine, anil to
use his own words : "It cured me right
up." HoaUosays: "A neighbor and his
wife were both sick iu bed with rheuma
tism. Their boy wns over to my houso
nnd said they were so bad ho had to dotho
cooking. I told him of Chamberlain's
Pain Halm and how It had cured me, he
eot a bottle and It cured them tin in a
week. CO cent bottles for sale by Gruhler
Coming Kveiitfl,
Anrll 30. "A Trin to Ktuone." Ulan.
, trnted lecture, In Welsh Haptist church,
by Hov. C. J I. Woolston. of Philadelphia.
for tho benefit of the Knglish Baptist
Mav 3. First annlversnrv of tho Wnsb
Ingtou Social Club, in Jiohbins' opera
May 4. Telegraphers' Assembly and
contest iu llobbius' opera house.
I May 4. Twenty-llfth anniversary of
, Washington Camp, No. llii, V. O. S. of A.,
in i'ergusou'B theatre.
May 30 Strawberry and ice cream fec
' tival In Kobbins' opera home, tinder the
auspices ot uamp o, r, u. or x. A.
"3wa fiat) w&& Mcz, v,e gavn kr Ousmmb.
lartugwas a Child, i he triad tatOutatte,
t he beeainn MU, dia tlung MCato.
Mm Ot bad Children, h OcMt,
We have added to our laundry "Sin
clair's Lace Curtain Frame." It puts
every thread in its place. Makes lace
curtains neater than now without Injury
to the most delicate lace. Drop us a ceril
and we will call for them. Stotewhether
you want them cream or white. Urea
unn's Steam Laundry, South Main
Btreet, 4-10 tf
Preparing lur tlio JUIll,
Harry Hughes, champion light weight
uoxer oi Aiauanoy valley, was in towu on
Saturday. "DmKey, as lie is popuiarr
en 1 1 mi, was nere trying lo gel a mate
with Mime Shenandoah sparrers in the
athletic entertainment to be given in
l uirariiviue next mouin. tie will go into
' training soon and expects to be iu condi
tion to meet any light weight in acuuyl
' kill county by the night of the show.
I It will be nn mzrpeuhtA uilrnritA tn tup
1 sons subject to attacks of bilious colic to
learn tlnt prompt relief may be had by
ta King uiiam twriaut's uoiic, unoiera ami
Diarrhoea Itcuiedy. In many instances
the attack may be prevented by taking
this remedy ns soon as the first symptoms
of the disent.0 appear. 36 and CU cent
bottles for ealo by Gruhler Bros.
Tha lllfflcnltj' About Oroitlngs Amicably
Captain Bailey and other gentlemen
connected with tho Lakeside railway,
called upon General Manager H. II. Wil
bur, of the L. V. H. H., lnthelatter'aofllco
nt South Bethlehem, on Friday, In refer
ence to tho grade crossings of the new line
in Mahnnoy City nnd Shenandoah. The
Lehigh Valley officials have opposed tho
grade crossings, and as n reason Mr,
Wilbur cited the danger to the electric
line's passengers. To his remnrk, Captnln
iiaiiyrepncainniovernead oriuges wouiu
be Impracticable, and as to danger, the
Valley Comtmny would hardlv be held
liable. The matter was referred to the
railroad company's legal department and
a permit to cross will probably bo handed
tho Lakeside company to-dny.
The line to Lakeside has been survoved
nnd contracts for grading will be awarded
next weeK. Tho company nope to carry
Delano passengers by June 15, ' and to
Lakeside a month later. The route sur
veyed is by way of the wagon road from
Trenton to Delnoo, passing through the
part of Delano near which tho church is
located nnd out across the railroad west
of the wagon bridge. The line from this
point to Grler City will bo parallel with
the wagou road for some distance, but
about 000 feet west.
l'roni Grler City to the picnic grounds
it will traverse the wngon road. The
passengers from Delnno to Grier City will
enjoy a delightful and exciting ride. No
oetter view count ue nau oi the summer
beauties of the Ouakako vallev than
while riding down the steep mountain
Incline. Tho grade on this part of tho
lino Is nearly 275 feet to the mile or about
twlco tho pitch of the Valley road west of
the Mnhanoy City station.
As there need bo few stops tho run from
Shenandoah to Lnkeslde mny bo made In
43 minutes nud from Mahanoy City In a
half hour.
Our "Sinclair Curtain Frnme" Is the
only one in the state outsldo the large
cities. We got it expressly for luce cur
ittlus. At Brennnu's Stenm Laundry,
South Mulu street. 4-10-tf
Htrnimhlp Tickets ltertucert.
From Hamburg, Bremnn, Antwerp or
Amsterdam only PJ1.B0. j.'o Liverpool.
Qtteenstown, Londonderry, Belfast or
uiasgow, only to. At iteese's Matlroad
and Steamship Office, Dougherty Build
ing, Shenandoah, Pa. 44-tf
Thoughtful mothers never neclect to
havo n bottle oj Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry
and Seneka In the house, it is so good for
coughs nnu children subject to croup.
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
aame Lessio &, Ashland. Pa.. Is
printed on overy sacK. a-3-ataw
Hear In Mlnil
John A. Belllr's Is the nlace to set the
purest wines nnd liquors, best beer and
ales and finest brands of clgnrs. -
Cleaning lace curtains, S3 to EO cents tier
set; silk ties. Scents; ladies' silk waists,
irom in to 2i cents, iiennuia unnd laun
dry, 112 East Centre street. 4-18-4t
Havo your carnets. feathers nnd mat.
tresses cleaned by the Stenm Ilcvovntlng
uompany, onennnuonu, i'a. a-si-im
Blztd by Canadian Ofllcori,
DUNKIKK, N. Y., April 23. Tho fishing
tug Grace, of Dunkirk, commanded by
Unptaln llelwlg, was seized by the Cana
dian authorities oil Port Colburue, to
gether with over 3,000 feet of nets. Five
other Dunkirk tugseBcapod back to Amer
ican waters. The captaiu and crew wera
held with the boat, aud tho owners in
Dunkirk were uotitli-d.
W. B. Daniels, ex-governor of Idaho,
died at Tncoma, wash, aged 70.
It Is officially announced that there is
no danger of a strike on the Northern
Pacific railroad.
At Palmyra, Neb., Father Corbttt ig
nored the court's injunction restraining
him from conducting church service, and
Bishop Bonacum will press the case.
Dr. Jess Nuf tel nud Walter Bragg, son
of the late Interstate commerce commla
loner, qunrreled at a publio meeting in
Montgomery, Ala. Subsequently they
fought a duel and Bragg was killed.
llaltelnui ICIoti In Florida.
PAIATKA, Fla , April 23. George Dun
ford, a Cnnadiau, has been hero several
months representing the A. P. A., aud
has made remarks about the Catholics
which have aroused a strong prejudice
against him. Saturday night a light oc
curred between H, C. Ncwbeck and Dun
ford, in which the latter was badly disfig
ured. Marshall Nix, recently from North
Cnrollna, espoused the A. P. A. cause.and
is alleged to have made serious remarks
against the morality of Cathollo priests.
This aroused the indignation of the Cath
olics, and yesterday George E. Mundee, C,
J. Rogers and H. G. Newbeok sought Nix
in his room and gave him a dreadful cow-
hiding. Nix was ordered to leave town,
but stopped, aud was again enwhided
Meantime a crowd of a hundred men
seiced Dunford and hurried him to tho
outskirts of tho city. Sheriff Hagau sprang
into a buggy and started nfter the crowth
The sheriff seized Dunford, put him in his
buggy and drove him to the depot, where
ho left for Jacksonville, to sail from there
for Now York. Nix is under the protection
of tut) sheriff.
Where you can always get
a glass ot
Cool Beerand Refreshing Wines
Whiskeys, etc Don't forget the plate.
T. SI. Itellly'H,
Locust Avenua, CENTBALIA, PA.
Cosh Millinery Store,
21) North Maiu St., Shenandoah.
Our display of New York styles in millin
ery is tho largest 111 tut) county.
Constantly on hand a large
assortment ot
Trimmed Hat's and, Bonnets
if 1
At prleefi to'Biiitiil Laqiee.cpiunilnoour
gooua ueiore uuyuig eisewuere. iiemeiu
ber, pilots the lowest. Satisfaction given,
SIMS, G, XV. I1VU1!.
A Nutorlouf nSriliir Killed.
NtaCK, N. Y., April S3. Hugo Willis, a
notorious burglar, whose home has been
at West Nyack for a few years past, was
hot in the head while coming out of a
window of the grocery store of David
Smith, at West Nyack, early yesterday
morning, lie ran about nou yards and
then fell dead. Smith, who sleeps over tho
tore, did the shooting. Willis has been
in prison several times for burglary, and
arved a term iu the New Jersey state
prison for highway robbery. Ue leaves a
wlfa and two children.
Mnnaghnn's (Irent iiargslns t
MvBtore is fairly nncked with a fine
assortment of drv coods. enrrets nnd oil
cloths. Laco curtains from SScts to 11.78.
Examine our 15c. cashmere (no Imita
tion) reduced from 85cts; our 75c. corsets
reduced to 50 cts. Call atonce and secure
bargains. Every article ns i-epresented.
For dyspepsia and all other
conditions resulting from con
stipation, go by the book on
Beecham's pills.
Book free, pills 25c. At
drugstores ; or write to B F
Allen Co, 365 Canal st, New
FOR SALE. A full eot of band instruments,
made bv the Ilokton Murloal Manutsctur-
leg Co. For further Information apply to
Thomas M. Hollo. 315 West Centre street,
Hhenandonh. 4-10-lw
FOK SALE. The property now used by tho
IlKiiAMi Publlshlne Comnanv. East Coal
street, fbetiaiidoah. 'terms i partcnsli, bal
ance on mortgage. Apply on the premises.
WANl'KD. "alesman ; salary from start,
permanent place Hrown llros. Co.,
Nurscryrren, Rochester, N. y. 3.13-lin-eca
lOR KENT Two elegant rooms, located
In the best part ol town (over Htfowlrh's
., ......... k..lul .., a.nnm n ...1 II, K.
electricity. Suitable lor a lawyer or doctor.
Apply to Levi Hefowich, 10 S. Muln street.
PROPOSAL1, Notice Is hereby given to the
nubile that the Unlou Church Hundav
School has proposal- out for the painting ot
their church, locate i cast of itlngtown aud ad.
joining Ucnry Breisch's farm, f roposals will
eo recelvtd from now until next Friday, April
27. Call at the reslnonce of. or address, w. ()-
DC-oei,uiEgiown,c?cnuyiKHicouniy, i. viu-ai
TADIES who will do writing forrroat their
i hnmes will mabft tfoodwacrcs. Ileolvwlth
srit-addreseti, stumped envelooe MIttb Mil -HUM)
MILLER. Houth Bend. Ind 4-21-81
breach ot nrombo oa-: Acents TTantedi
boolc rendy history of lltltanU; 6W,000wlll be
eald; PllO.SPECTUaFRKE. W.ll Ferguson
Co., Cincinnati, O. -21-rod5.
Political Cards.
Subject to tho rules of tho Republican noml.
nn'lns convention.
Hubtect to the rules ot the Republican nomi
nating coLvenllon.
JtOR HENUOR, (30th District)
j vim J. vurijjs,
Subiect to tho rules cf tho Republican noml
natlng convention.
a. a, JjUslji,
Hubk-ctlo the rules of the ltcnubllcan noml
natiLg convention.
jjion Hiiiiitiia-,
J. M. (1LICK,
Subiect to tho rules of the Republican noml
nating convention.
jjtu I.I".;iBI.ArultI-:, 1st District,
Publect to the rules of the Republican noal
natlng convention.
Subiect to the rules of the Republican nomi
nating convention.
'orkinff People!
Clothing Store !
21 South Main Street.
This is the only place where you can get
new aud stylish goods at the lowest prices,
to suit the times. It is the people's oloth
ing store. Come nnd see us beforo you go
elsewhere. We are Bure you will be more
than plotsed, ns we havo come tostay nud
do business, AVe nre buying for cash,
right from the manufacturers, at our own
prices. Wo can boII you men's suits from
$2.75 up; boys' suits from $2.26 up; child
ren's suits from 75o up. Full line of best
tiuderwenr, gents' furnishing goods, hats
aud caps.
Pinnn Tuner.
Pianos and organs repaired. Orders left at
21 N orth Main street. Shenandoah, will receive
prompt attautlon
((Successor io G. V. HassUr)
101 West Cherry St,', Shenandoah,
A largo stock ot Wall Taper ot all shades
on band. Special low rates for paper hanging
-nnn"-sPOTTSVILl.E, PA.
Special Sale Saturday
Our new stock includes n vast variety of all the latest weaves.
With such n stock before you no one cannot fall making a snt
isfnetory selection. Then, being pleased w .th the goods is not
nil. Tho price figures very prominently tiik lowest. 'Tls
Impossible for us to describe tho various kinds, qualities and
prices through the medium of the pen. We ask you to come
and see for yourself. The time spent with us will prove profi
table to you.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart..
Wo do not exaggerate iu the least when we say our Millinery
Department is equal to nny of our large city displays. Our
trimmer, who comes to us from tho French Trimming depart
ment of one of tin lending houses of New York city, is capa
ble of suiting tho stylo of hat that is most becoming to the
face. We have only tho latest designs at prices to suit all.
Wo are amply prepared to meet the demnnds of all in this de
partment. Wo were choico in our spring selections, nnd feel
confident we enn plenso all.- There are beautiful Coats nud
Capes beforo you to choose from. Not to bo suited is out of the
question. Note tho high grade stock and prices low to suit
the times.
Every careful houscwifo is interested in this department. Our
Muslins, Sheetings, etc., aro superb. Look nt tho Ladies' full
sized Skirts in this department for 3!)c.
Ladies' Gloves. In this we hayo any style or quality de
sired, either in Mousquetalre, Button, Lace, Lisle, Taffeta and
Silk black nnd colors at prices from 12c up. ' "
All tho best makes in Ladles'
nnd toe, ribbed or plain, fast
The Rival-
The embodiment of the latest in the Sewing
Machine mechanism. Hnndsome, durable,
quick and handy. Plain finish,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
C. Geo, Miller, Manager.
Home-Killed Beef.
The only plnce in town to secure home
killed beef, guaranteeing choico nnd juicy
meat, nnd at the same price as Chicago
beef. Fresli veal, mutton, pork anil lamb.
Fresh sausage and bologna made every
day. Finest steak, 2 lbs. 25c; rib roasts,
2 lbs. 25c; soup meats, 7 nnd 8c; best veal,
lie; fresh home-mndo sausage, 10c.
Reuben Martin
100 N. Jardin St., Shenandoah
29 East Centre Street,
Dread, Cakes, Confectionery and
, VnnlllB, Chocolate and Straw
berry Ice Cream and Soda Water.
Wholesale and Retail.
Orders for parties and other events filled
on short notice. Ice cream delivered to
all parts of town in pint or quart buckets.
Spring and Summer
Inspect my lnrgo Btock of tho
Finest and Latest Stylos of
Ladies' Hats & Bonnets
Fine assortment ot liabies' Caps.
If you wish a spring hat r bonnet up to
date and trimmed iu the latest style cull at
Ella M. McGinmss';
20 Kast Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Successor to Dr. Jamoa Stain.
Ill North Jardin Streets Shenandoah, Pa.
Office hours From 7 to 0 a, mi 1 to 3 and 7
in ll tv m. lllsAn&pj, nf the throat and lunra a.
specialty. Hours of vaccination,! 8 tollu. m.
U to 1 p. m.
and for Next fyeek..
Dives. Pomeroii & Stewart.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewatf?
nnd Children's Hose, double heel
black or colors, in price 12c up.
Oculist and
110 W, Centre St.,
iflUlllAIIVjr vitjrti
ATI mi if 1
Eyes examined nnd Kinases prescribed.
Specinl attention to difficult enses.
Is Now Heady for Delivery.
Xo. 207 West Coal Street,
Shenandoah, Penna.
Piatt's Popular Salooriy
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
19 and 21 West Oak Street
The bar Is stoeltf d with he best beer, porter,
ales, whiskies, brandies, w'nes and cigars. Eat
In bar attached. Cordial Invitation to all.
To too Oloanocl S
While cleaning house, will do well to
call on or address
" waving Photographer
, . Markctand CentreSts., Pottbvillk.
The best photographs in all the latest
styles. AVonders leads all photographers.
Leather and Findings Store.
Good reason given for selling. Buye
may examine books. .
Leatiieh Stoke, 7
Ferguson House Building.