The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 19, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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Evening Herald.
THURSDAY, AI'IIII, 10, 1104.
Sfemnerntn Glnlm Atlthorillllr of Hie Qnn
TUin CoUiitlnu Huto.
Washington, April 10. The house do
oted the entire ilnjr to general dcbato on
the consular and diplomatic approprla
tlon W'.l It touched a lde variety of
subjects, and at times was brimful of In
teresting personalities The Hnwnllan
policy of the present administration came
In for n good share of attention. The ap
pointment of Mr. Van Alan as mtnlster
to Italy provoked u very extended discus
sion. It was held up to ridicule ly the
Republicans, who Intimated that it was a
direct reward for his SiO.000 contribution
to the Democratic campaign fund.
The Domocrats, In defending tho ap
pointment, tried to counter on the Harrl
on administration by detailing the his
tory of the $400,000 campaign fund raised
by ex-Postmattar General Wanatnaker.
Later In the day Mr Yle took up the
kuthorshipof quorum counting pa a parlia
mentary nntl-flllbustering expedient, apd
quoted from The Record to show that tha
first proposition li this Hue had been of
fered by J Randolph Tucker, a Virginia
Democrat, in lbH), when It Had becu vig
orously opposed by Mr Reed
Jlr Walker, of Massachusetts, met this
attack on the ex-speaker's fame by spread
ing out before the house the record of the
Democratic opposition to the quorum
counting rule in the Fifty-first congress.
Speaker Crisp loading In the opposition.
The proceedings In the senate were void
of any Incidents of special Interest. Good
progress was made in the discussion of
the tariff bill, speeches being made ngalnst
It by Senators Morrill, Cameron and Quay,
nil for It by Senator Turple. The an
nouncement of Senator Mills that be
would speak on the tariff bill next Tues
day, following the statement of Senator
Harris on Tuedny that he wanted time
for one Democratic senator to close the
debate next Tuesday before the bill is
taken up by paragraphs, is takento mean
that Senator Mills has been selected by
the majority to make the closing argu
ment, and that he Is likely to be Senator
"Vance's sucoessor on the finance commit
tee. n!nrorr Kxpnuecl by Rplrltnallsm.
PoMr.nor, O., April 19. This city has
been shaken by n succession of sensational
shocks, which terminated last night in a
dramatic tragedy March .11 Mrs Eliza
beth Slaughter, widow, aged 03 years,
was murdered on the porch of Clayton
Staple, her tenant. Staple and his wife
were away from home and returned at
midnight. Ho claimed that when they
reached home he fell over her dead body
Officers secured ovidence sufficient to con
Tlct him and wero about to make tho ar
rest when he was accostod by an alleged
spiritual medium while spading In his4
irnrden. She accused liim of ttio crime,
nnd gave him details of how the deod was
done. He turned deadly pale, walked
into the house and blew out his brains.
Coming KvuntK.
April 20. Ice cream festival under the
auspices of the Star Utile and Drum
Corps In ltohbins' opern house.
April 30. "A Trip to Europe," lllus-
irateu lecture, in eisii jinptlst church,
by Rev. C. II. Woolston. of Philadelphia.
for tho benefit of the Knglish Unptist
May 3. First anniversary of tho Wnsh
lngton social Club, In Robbins' opera
Mny 4. Telegraphers' Assembly and
contest in Robbins opera house.
May 4. Twenty-llfth anniversary of
Washington Camp, No. US, 1 U.S. of A.,
in I'crguson s theatre.
May 30- Strawberry and ice cream fes
tival in Robbins' opera house, under the
Auspices oi uamp ii, l. u. of T. A.
Our better halves soy they could not
keep house without Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It is used in more than half the
homes In Leeds, Sims Hros. Leeds. Iown
This shows the esteem in which that rem
edy Is held where it has been sold for
years and is well known. Mothers have
learned that there is nothing so good for
colds, croup nnd whooping cough, that it
cures thefro ailments quickly nnd perma
nently, nnd that It is pleasant and snfo
for children to take. 25 nnd 50 cent
bottles for snlo by Gruhler Rros.
Altoanl. ltti r m, onicor.
Tho announcement that Girardvillehad
not a Hoard of Health was crroneoiiH. It
has a board which has adopted rules nnd
nrranged the other preliminaries, but has
not elected a Health Ollicer. The Ilorough
tlouncil of Glrardville lias authorized tills
board to use its own discretion in de
termining who is able to pay for vaccina
tions. "We have added to our lnundry "Sin
clair's Imcb Curtain Frame." It puts
overy thread in its place. Makes lace
curtains neater than new without injury
to the most delicate lace. Drop us n card
nnd we will call lor them. State whether
you want them cream or white, llren
nan's Stettin Laundry, South Main
street. 4-10 tf
A gentleman with Mi0orl(00nvailnMe
capital to join with another who has the
general agency of Eastern Ph., for a spec
laity needed on electric roads, factories
aind hotels, to take a half Interest in the
business, and a profit of 100 percent. Ad
dress T. F., Heiiaui office. tf
The light that ilickers In the window of
that lonely hut awaits the return of an
anxious mother, with a bottle of . Dr.
Coxe s Wild Cherry and Seneka, for baby's
Fieo Kye llxiunliintlon.
Dr. A. A. Soibert, 114 North Second
street, Pottaville, specialist in disoases of
the Kyk, kah, xobk ANDTHROAT. Free ex
amination for glasses on Friday of each
week. 4-18-St
Steiumlilp Tlkt lti duoerl.
From Hamburg, llremnn, Antwerp or
Amsterdam only 121.50. To Liverpool.
Qucenstown, I-ondondcrry, Belfast or
Glasgow, only 22. At ltettte's Railroad
ami htcamsuip umce, .Dougherty Jiuliu
llur, SheUHtidoah, Pa. 4-1-tf
lew CSrOods
""Arriuing Daily
. D. Fricke's Carpet Store,
10 South Jartllu Street.
. MAIlANor Cm. April 1!).
Klmer Reiser made trout scarco nt tho
Junction yesterdny morning.
Wallace Medlar transacted business nt
Lakeside yesterday.
Morris Ioeb Is doing business In Balti
more. Katie Gallagher, of Shenandoah, was n
visitor hero last evening.
Rev. Maglnn, of Mahanoy Plnne, was
the guoet of Rev. McKuroe Inst evening.
"Punch" Hrownmlller brought home
several pounds of trout from Hnssasock
W. A. llenslngcr cniight enough fish In
Mossor Run for fourteen diners this
Hnrry Gerhcart brought homo some
good fish and better stories from Lakeside
John A. Weber wet his line nnd whistla
nt Lakeside yesterday.
R. Gulnan snout nnrt nt the Week In
Mt. Carmel nnd Shnmokln.
Daniel Gulnan. tho local sIiio-Ib tax
advocate. Is distributing a report of
Thomas L. Johnson's famous speech.
Dr. H W. Shermnn. a nhvslclan nt the
St. Luke's Hospital, South Bethlehem, Is
expected homo about May 1.
George Rnrlow was well nleased this
morning by tho arrival of a Ilttlo girl.
Georce Kilcorn and Urinh Tllev vis.
Red St. Clair to-day.
Mrs. H. M. liotvenlsvisitlnirhernn'rents
nt Shoencr's,
Misses Stislo Hermnny, Carrie Snyder
and Kate Smith returned from the Sun
day School Convention held at Schuylkill
iiaveu mis wecK.
A Ilttlo girl came to the house of
Christian Grim on Mondny night.
Herb. Davis made a business trip to
I'ottsvllle yesterday.
George R. Goodman was among the
successful trout fisherman yesterday.
Ralph Schertzlnger. William Smith nnd
I'Mvvaid Schwartz went to Nigger Hollow
this morning in quest of. the festive trout.
Tho rooms of tho Young Mens' Renub-
Ucnn club will bo re-enrpeted. nnnered.
decorated and otherwise beautified this
week when the hoys expect to boast of the
linnuHomest ciuu room in the county.
At North Mahnnov colliery n tunnel
will ho driven through the saddle to the
Holmes vein.
Vulcan collierv was compelled to sus
pend operations on Tuesday by the break
ing of a hawser which precipitated a mine
car into tne slope, ximucrs were sninsneu
but uo one injured.
Challenge. John Shocner. of Mnhanov
City, will play Frnuk Hreckcr, of Shennn
doah, a game of continuous pool, tor any
stake from (AO upwards, and P. J. Lltscli
will play iloyje, oi PnrK Place, for f 150 or
200, at nny time nnd place lie may nnme.
Signed, John Siiohker, P. J. Litsch
The breaker employes of North Mah
anoy nnd Schuylkill collieries are making
full time. After the regular three-quarter
day is mnde in running through coal the
remainuerot tne uay ami the days oi reg
ular suspension nro used to run through
culm from the banks.
The many days of suspension nt the
collieries are being used to mnke needed
improvements. At Mahanoy City three
new woouen i-. & it. jigs nnu three slate
picker screens hnvc been placed over the
old jigs and three sizing screens for
chestnut nnd stove coal have been put in
at the end of the scraper line. A sizing
screen nnd u picker for stove and egg coal
will also be placed at this colliery.
At North Mahanoy colliery four P. Sell.
tubular boilers have been set up. They
aro o ieet in tunuieier ny is in length nnu
will take the place of eight cylinder boilers.
The tubular boilers steam very satisfac
torily nnd two more will soon be erected
to do away altogether with vessels of tho
old type.
At Tunnel Ridge, two large drum
spiders, weighing live tons each, havo been
placed in the slope No 3 slope and a
tunnel from tho Skldmoro to the Mam
moth veins have been completed to the
pottom spilt, cutting a j.i toot vein or ex;
cellent finality. Tunneling will be com
menced east and west in the newly cut
Joseph nnd Thomas Gouhlny were
defendants In Justice Sherman's court
last evening, chnrged with assault by
Edward Mnloy. The threo men became
involved in n dispute nt Schuylkill col
llery just before starting time yesterday
morning, Mnloy alleging that the Gouf
daya stole his oil can and in his attempt
to recover the property was roughly used
by the two Poles. Fines wero paid by tho
Kdwnrd Devers died nt John Stober's
hotel, on Last Centre street, nt noon ves-
terday, of heart failure. Tho deceased
was by occupation a miner, 3S years of
nge nnd unmarried. He wnsquitepopnlar,
was a politician, nnd twice elected Con-
staple lu the t irst wan I. his last term
expiring about five years ago. His pnrcnts
reside in Ireland, although Devers was ot
American birth. Ho has relatives in this
stnto hut their residence Is not known,
Any one knowing their whereabouts will
please communicate with -Martin A. .Mc
Gulre. 1023 East Centre strict. Mahanoy
City. The Humane Fire Company will
escort his remains to the cemetery on the
mil to morrow morning.
Bear Ridge colliery is workini: to-day.
loading up theold East Bear Ridge culm
uiiiik in maito up The shortage in uuck
wheat and pen coal.
E. J. Bunion, clerk nt the Gllberton
colliery, lias Deen appointed secretary to
uie iiouiwi iioarti. a goon selection.
Liddle Gorley, of Maizeville, visited
.Mr., uarmei yesterday.
Councilman James McGowau will move
to Philadelphia to-dav. He has obtained
a position in Cramp's ship yards,
slight wreck occurred nt Preston
Junction this morning by the bieaklng nt
a wheel on a coal Irani. All trains were
run over the north hound track. A wreck
car arrived nnd had all trains moving in
a snort nine.
The P. & R. R. R. Co is ralslnK the
track at Maizeville orossing, which was
oauiy needed.
Alex. Scott, candidate for Sheriff, was
in town josterday and reports everything
clear for the nomination. Now let theold
rounders keep back and give a good man
the nomination, Alex, can curry this
couuiy without a uuuui,
John J. Coyle, of Mahanoy City, visited
the politicians in town,
Will. R. Middletou will be n candidate
for the Legislative by the request, ot his
numerous Republican and Democratic
friends, nnd they will demand his nomin
ation. Detlrnnlo Hull fur Knit.
For rent, a well furnished lodge room
on the third floor ot the Dougherty build
ing, nt the coiner of Centre and Jnrdln
streets. 06x82 ftet In size. Four ante
rooms. Heated by steam. Best venti
lated lodge loom In the town. Several
windows on Centre nnd Jardln street.
Also a room HixlR feet In size on the
second floor. Suitable for an office.
Apply on tho premises, 4-18-lw.
. Special low prices to all in watches,
lewelry and silverware at Holdttrwan',
oorner Main and Lloyd streets.
Use Wells1 Launluiv Hutu, the best
iiitieuig lor inunury use. Kacu package
maxes two quariB. locie. bom uy
Musser & Beddall,
All the collieries nre Idle to-day.
Another Smith has shed bis mystery,
Shenandoah was well represented ntthn
county sent yesterday.
Lawvers nrnc.tlcinn In Tndtnnnnnlta
better read tip on the subject of nrinor
Contractor McAdams Is maklne- rnnld
headway In laving the nines for tho new
water works.
You cati fool neonlo soino times, but not
all tho time. Put this in your dhudecn
nnd smoke it.
If little Nlcnragun doesn't behnvn
Uncle Sam will dig her all un and mnlt
a ship cnual of her.
Thero Is another dav comlnir for tlm
ftontlcmen of the Ilorough Council who
invo misled tho people.
It Is generally understood that the New
Jersey Smith speaks tho Boiitlmcnts of
mo wnoie Eunun ininuy.
Madeline Pollard may have been stllv
when she was younger, hut she talks a
long distance olt foolishness now.
Senator Smith seems to look nnnn tlm
free trade brigadiers as so many pestifer
ous potato bugs on the vine of Democracy.
How time lues I Thirty-three venrsnirn.
yesterday, the Schuylkill county brave
boys went to tho front to save their
Kx-Sunervlsor David Llewellvn and a
gang of men went to llarry Junction tills
morning to unionu pipe lor tue new water
works at that point.
A large number of miners nnd others
have taken ndvantngo of the suspension
of work nt the collieries to-day to chase
me specKieu ueuuues."
The Pennsylvania Telephone Comnanv
is engnged in painting their poles in
t'ottsvuie. An enforcement ot n like ac
tion in this town would be commendable.
The late General Slocum wns well-
known nnd liked by tho member of the
Mnety-blxth Penn'n Regiment, composed
rincipnuy ot t-chuylKlll county boys ana
n his command.
In conclusion Senator Smith exclaims :
"God save the Democratic party I" What
for f A person who asks a favor which
seems to be against the populnr desire
ought to be able to give an excuse for It.
Mai. Jennings Council No. 307. Jr. O.
U. A. M., have decided to change their
quarters from Mellet's hall to n more
commodious one in the new Dougherty
building nt the corner of Centre and
Jardiu strcetB.
It Supports All Cla'm'.
Ono of the most remarkable enses
brought to public notice is that of Mr. J.
S. Beach, of Stone Ridge, N. Y., who for
years suffered from stone in the kidney.
Early in Augnst he wns induced to try
Dr. Itoiid Kennedy's f avorite Hemcdy.
By the 15th of September he voided a
good-sized stone, nnd he has been n well
man since. iJr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy Is not a mere soother of pain, but,
by itb alterative action, purifies the blood,
dissolves and causes the expulsion of
gravel nnd stone from the kidneys and
bladder. Tho testimony of hundreds
vouches for this. It will build un a
system run down by overwork. All
George Patterson transacted business
In town Wednesday.
Rev. Father Norris, of Mnuch Chunk,
Is visiting the Silk family.
Patrick Brcnnnn, of Colorado, was the
guest of Miss Mnme Lavello last evening.
George Sykes, of Hnzleton, Is visiting
friends here.
Albert Pitts, of Preston Hill, contem
plates taking unto himself a wife in the
near future.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Meade drove through
on Wednesday.
Arthur McAndrew aged 39, died lnt
evening from heart fnilure. Funeral will
tako place on Snturdoy, at 0 a. in. Ro
quiem High Mass. Interment in St.
Joseph's cemetery.
l'ntrick McCullough died yesterday
from hemorrhages. Ho was 24 years of
Samuel C. Kochel aged 02 years, of
Parker street, died on Tuesday evening,
nt ho residence of his son. Six dnughtert
and four sons mourn his denth. Funeral
on Saturday nt 1 o'clock. Interment in
the Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Edward Kcsler, of Shenandoah, was a
town visitor Inst evening.
Those who never read the advertise
ments in their newspapers miss more
than they presume. Jonathan Kenisou,
of IJolnn. ANorth Co.. Iown. who had been
troubled with rheumatism in his back,
aims, and shoulders read an item in his
paper about how o prominent German
citizen of Ft. Madison hod bien cured.
He procured the same medicine, and to
use his own words : "It cured me right
up." Henl.osnys: "A neighbor and his
wife were both sick in bed witli rheuma
tism. Their boy wns over to my house
and said they weieto l.nd he had to do the
cooking. I told him of Cliuinberlnin's
Pain Balm nnd how it had cured me, he
got a bottle nnd It tured them up inn
week. CO cent bottles for sale by Gruhler
(Succcfsor toO. W.IIusslcr)
101 West Cherry St., Shenandoah,
HOUSEandSIGN painter
A large stock of Wall Vpper of hU hsdtH
on hfttia. Svecial low rates for puper banging
Cosh Millinery Store,
20 North Main St., Shenandoah.
Our display of New Y'ork styles in liiillln
ery is the largest in the county.
Constantly on hand a large
assortment of
Trimmed Hats and Bonnets
At prices to suit all. Ladies, exainlneour
goods neiore huylng elsewhere, itemenv
her, prices the lowest. Satisfaction given,
MRS. n, W. IIYU1,
Wheelwright and Blacksmlthing
Pear Alh), Reap Beddall's Store,
Between Centre and Lloyd Sts.
I First-class work and repairing of all kinds
I uuuo u"
Reasonable I'rlceti.
Silver Cheap.
Said Jeweler Holtlcrman, yesterday,
"You can now purchase solid silverware
made up Into forks, spoons, etc., which
will weigh much more than tho sliver
money you pay for it. In other words,
you can buy silver with less silver than Is
contained In yourpurchnso, notwithstand
ing the fact that a certain amount of
inbor has been put upon It toshnpolt Into
forks, spoons, etc. Silverware was never
cheaper than it is to-day. Why, the prices
nre so far down that it is almost folly to
buy plated ware, as vou can tmrchnso the
sterling article for the snmo price. In
Eastern houses all flat ware is being sold
by thnounce. If vou ask tho nr Ices of forks
or spoons tho denier does not nnmo the
ugure per dozen, nut tells you thnt the
ware Is so much ner ounce. Wo nro now
selling spoons which formerly sold for 112
a dozen for jUBt one-half that price. Plates
and plnters which nro made ot tho best
grades of white metals must now compete
.-ifi, cniM nn,.OM r.n.i. rnn i.nin Htnn.
nre nearly the same. The fact of a person
using solid silver upon his table Is now no
criterion of his circumstances, for It Is
almost as cheap as any other."
iTkmn Baby nu sick, we gave not OucokH),
tttioa the mi a Child, she cried farCutcrin,
l?&ea tho beoame Miss, aha clung to Oattccfet
'um tha bad ChlUreo. aha aarathem OMctSl.
Political Cards.
jjioii Hui-.iiiri'-.
Subjrct to the rules of the Republican roml-
twins convention.
JjlOU HIIIiICIl-1'-,
Hublcct to the rulca of the Hcmibllcnn nomi
nating cor vent ion.
JjtOIt AT OR, (30th District)
Hublcct to tho rules ct tho Republican nomh
tinting tonvention.
Hublcct to the rules of tho Republican nomi
nating convention.
jj-OU. Slll'.Itll'l-,
J, M. GhICK,
Subjfct o the rules tf the Rf publican noml'
natinx convention.
FOR HALE. A full set of band Instruments,
mac!o by the llotton Musical Manufactur
ing o. For further lnform.t'nn apply to
Tnomas M. llollc, SIS West Centre street,
nenanao' n. i-iu-iw
FOR SALE. -Tbe Ptorerty now used by the
Hkhaiji PubUshlnc Company, Host Coal
sircet. H-hcmthdcali. Term1 : pelt cash, bal
ance on mottprge. Apply on ihe premises.
FOIt KENT Two elegant rooms, located
In tbebtst partol town (ever KefowPh's
clothing Mori ), hcntid by stepm nnd lit by
Uiclrlclty. Hultnbln tor a Jawjer ir doctor,
Aprly to Lcvt Itefi wlcb, 10 S. Main street.
4-3-1 f
lots, 'iVx st'. ry house with i'Mstoryltllchcn,
large shed, tvo good wells and stream of water
runnlnz thronuli tho uroncrtv: nice brarlnc
trult trees; lots in good state of culilvatlou;
known formerly fs I'fcrk Hotel. Suitable for
any kind ot business. For further particulars
write or call on
t-20-3m Drandonvllle, Sen. Co. Pa,
WANTED. nlcsman ; fnlary from start,
permanent place Ilrown Hros. Co,
Nurserymen, Itochestcr, N. Y. 3 29-lm-O' d
: nfl A WEEK pild to ladles and gents
iDU.UU to sell the ItaDld Dish Washer.
VVuslies and dries them In two minutes with
out vetting the hards. No experience neces
sary; sells at sight; permanent position. Ad
dTS" W. I'. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 11, Col
umbus, Ohio.
X piles and for roollng barn.
Sealed andmarkod proposals will be received
by the undersigned, at the office of the SchuyP
kill County Almshouse until noon of Mondnv
April 21, for f'.rnlsh ng clothing, drugs, dry
goods, groceries and tobacco for the six rocnths
enaing uciooer ai, isi rcnouuies may oe naa
upon application, jr-roposais lor Drnn ana mid
dlings, by tPo car load, are also Invited.
Also, similar proposals will be received at the
same tlrao for lurnlshti g Ireo on board cars at
High liinoinc siding Heading ralhoad. Alms
house siain? rennsyivama rauroaa, or Aims
houeo siding Lehigh Valley railroad, ore nun
dred tons oi buckwheat coal und onehutared
tons of nea coal.
Also, similar proposals will to received at
same t mo lor rooung largo uarn witn ixo. i
Also similar propo'a's will be received until
noonrf tbe Hist Monday rf every month for
furnishing and delivery ut tho Almshouse, tor
the ensuing month, the best winter wheat Hour:
and steets dive) lo drpss nt least six hundred
pounds tach. lilt's on Hour to bo bv barrel,
ana lor sieers rer nunareoweigni ana accora
inv to the Almshouse butcher's account.
The lloaid of t'oor Directors reserves the
right to rejett noy und all bids and any part of
U U1U.
Bocrd of Poor Directors.
P.O. Hex i Schuylkill Haven', fa. 4-173 cod
Wing People!
Clothing Store!
21 South Main Street.
This Is the only place where you can get
new and stylish goods at tho lowest prices,
to suit tho times. It Is the people's cloth
ing store. Come and see us before you go
elsewhere. We nro sure you will bo more
than plowed, as we have come tostny'aud
do business. Wo are buying for cash,
right from tho manufacturers, at our own
prices. We nan Bell you men's suits from
$2.75 up; hoys' suits from (2.35 up; child
ren's suits from 76o up. Full line of best
underwear, gents' furnishing goods, hats
and caps.
Pinnn Tuner.
Pianos and organs rf paired. Orders left at
21 North Main street. Shenandoah, will receive
prompt attention
Special Sale Saturday
Our new stock Includes a vast variety of nil tho latest weaves. ' '
With such a stock before you no one cannot fall making n sat
lsfactory selection. Then, being pleased w .th tho goods Is not
all. The prlco figures very prominently TIIR LOWEST. 'Tls
Impossible for us to describe the various kinds, qttnlltlcs and
prices through the medium of tho pen. Wo ask you to come
and see for yourself. Tho time spent with us will prove proft
tnblo to you.
Dives, Pomcroy & Stewart.
Wo do not exaggerate In the least when wo say our Millinery
Department Is equal to any of our large city displays. Our
trimmer, who comes to us from tho French Trimming depart
ment of ono of the lending houses of New York city, is capa
ble of suiting the style of hnt thnt Is most becoming to the
face. We have only the latest designs nt prices to suit all.
"Croats smdL Wraps,
Wo are amply prepared to meet tho demands of nil in this de
partment. Wo were choice In our spring selections, and feel
confident we can please nil. Thero are beautiful Coats and
Capes beforo you to choose from. Not to bo suited Is out of tho
question. Note the high grade stock nnd prices low to suit
the tlmos.
Every careful housewife Is Interested In this department. Our
Muslins, Sheetings, etc., nro superb. Look at tho Ladles' full
sized Skirts in this department for 8'Jc.
Ladies' Gloves. In this we have any stylo or quality de
sired, cither In Mousquetalro, Button, Lace, Lisle, Taffeta and
Silk black and colors at prices from 12c up.
All the best makes In Ladles' nnd Children's Hose, double heel
and toe, ribbed or plain, fast black or colors, in price 12c up.
TL D The embodiment of the latest In the Sewing d 4 r I- rt,
I lie ttlVal" Machine mechanism. Handsome, durable, -O IxJ.DU
quick and handy. Plain finish, - - w
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
C. Geo, Miller, Manager.
Home-Killed Beef.
The only place in town to secure home-
killed beef, guaranteeing choice and juicy
meat, nnd at the same price as Chicago
beef. Fresh veal, mutton, pork nnd Iamb.
iresn sausage anil uoiogna made every
day. Finest steak, 2 lbs. 25c; rib roasts,
2 lbs. 25c; soup ments, 7 and 8c; best veal,
14c; fresh home-mndo sausage, 10c
Reuben Martixi;
100 N. Jardin St., Shenandoah
a3ktS2? and
20 East Centre Street,
Hrend, CnkeB, Confectionery and
' Vanilla, Chocolate nnd Straw
berry Ice Cream and Soda Water.
Wholesale and Retail.
Orders for parties and other events filled
on short notice. Ice cream delivered to
nil parts of town in pint or quart buckets.
Spring and Summer
Inspect my large stock of tho
Finest and Latest Styles of
Ladies' Hats & Bonnets
Fine assortment of Hables' Caps.
If you wish a spring hat r bonnet up to
date and trimmed in the latest style call at
Ella M. McGmmss
20 East Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Successor to Dr. Jamas tttoln,
114 North Jardln Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Offlcehours From 7to9 a. m.s ltoSand7
to V p. m. Diseases of the throat and lungs a
specialty. Hours ot vaccination : 8 to 9 a. m
lJ to lp.m.
and for Next Week.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart.
DiVes, Pomeroy & Stewart.
Oculist and
110 W. Centre St
Mahanoy City, Pa.
Eyes examined and glasses prescribed.
Special attention to dillicttlt cases.
Is Now Ready for Delivery.
No. 207 West Conl Street,
Shenandoah, Penna.
Plati's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
19 and 21 West Oak Street
The bar is stocktd wltn ho beat beer, porter,
ales, whiskies, brandies, w.'nos and cigars. Eat
In bar attached. Cordial invitation to all.
To "too Oloanod.
While cleaning bouse, will do well to
call on or address
znAnixa Photographer
Market nnd Centre Sts., Pottsville.
The best photographs In all the latest
styles. Wonders lends all photographers.
Leather and Findings Store.
Good reason given for selling. Buyer
may examine books.
Leather Store,
Ferguson House Building.
S i