T fcsy 1 r,1r LOTS i: fe A NARROW ESCAPE! How it Happened. Tho following remarkablo event In a lady's llfo will lntorosttho reader: "Fora long time 1 i Imd n terrible pain at my henrt, which Hut- 1 tercd almost lncossantly. Iliad no appetite and could not sleep, 1 would ho compelled to sit up In bed and belch gas from my Ktorn I ach until I thought every minute would Ik j my lust. .iin-iu wu- u. iuuiiiis 'i upjjn-r-iun about my heart, and I was afraid to draw a fullbroatb. I couldn't sweep a room with out Bitting down and resting; but, IhnnU 3od, by tho help of New Heart Cure all thai tapastnndl feul llko another woman. Ito oro using tho New Heart Curo I had taken different so-called reinedlos and been treated by doctors without nny benefit until I w lioth discouraged and disgusted. Mv husband bought me u bottle of Dr. Miles' Now Henrt Cure, and am hnppy to say I nover rcgretie'l It, as 1 now have a splendid appetite and sleopwoll. I weighed 123 pounds when I be- ?an taking tho remedy, and now I welgM lDO' . Is eirect In my case has been truly man el ous. It far surpasses any other medicine 1 liavo over taken or any benetlt 1 ever o -reived from physicians." Mrs. Harry titan, rottsvllle, l'a., October 12, 1803. Dr. Miles' New Heart Curo is sold on a posi tive guaranteo by nil druggists, or by tho Dr Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt o. price, $1 per bottlo, Bix bottles SS, oxpress pro paid. This great discovery by an eminent specialist In henrt dl.soaso, contains neither opiates nor dangerous drugs. CAUTION. ir n dealer offers W. Zu Douglas bhoes at n reduced price, or says he has them without nnnio atnmped on bottom, put him down ns a frnud. OUOLA8 S3 SHOE ThUC WORLD. V. I DOUGIsAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit ting', and give better satisfaction ntthc prices ad. Tertfscd th.in any other make. Try one pair and be convinced. The slam ping or Vf . L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantees (heir value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of V. I. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which help' to Increase the sales on their full line rf am m' . Th-v run nflbrd to Ft-Il nl a lc profit, id ' - crin ive monrv 1 bvvi.vTall Joseph Ball, Shenandoah, 1 11B GRtiAT iULCt;35. B 11. Severn, P. U. Magargle. V. H. Wate. Easily. Quickly, Permanently Rett "-so WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all the train of en trom early errors or later excess, the resultu o. overwork, slokuesa. worry, etc Full tretifftb, developm&t and tone ptlvon to o ery organ and portion of the body Htmple.naturalmettiods. Im i ned lata Improvement Fi'i-ii. Knllure fmpoultile 2,'n refprenew. IJook, txi laii.itttui and prooff tninU'd (bfalod) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N. Y- 1317 Arch St. PHILADELPHIA. PA. The onlr (Jcnuino Srccialht In America, notlTlthstandlriff nhat othtr adtertlse. HLKVOUS DEBILITY AND THE RESULTS OF INDISCRETION speoiai Mtnwt and (itrlctnrpa I'crmauentlir Cured lu U to & dan BLOOD POISON SSffiMKfc uovf uiHuiuumw to umaya. 6 yeal1i, huro raau . llosiiiul anil a rraiflcal experience, as OerttUcatoa and Dliifouias prove. Bend five 2-ceul Btampa for book, TltU'i'll." the only book eipoblug (juack loctora aiuf others ad veriliduii aa groat Bpecialltu. A truu trlend taall Kiirierera and lo tluuu, fntit.imiilfltliii inarriau. Themo&tBtubb(irnanddaugeroiu I hiiwui uiu HUH U HVOU. Itoura : -S i Eve'a C-81 Wed. and Sat eve'a I Of holes in a skimmer. Lots of ways of throwing away money. Oar ol the best methods of economizing ts to Insure In first class, thoroughly reliable companies, either life, tiro or acoiaem, such as representee by No. 120iHouth Jardia street, Bhecaidoab. Pi W.L.D xikfl" H Jl O H OCOL.T f SAjHsP' s I 1 LkJhee! !A Royalties at Dinnor in tho Throno Boom at Ooburg. ARRIVAL OF EMPEROR WILLIAM. Weloomed by a IJliind Military l)llply antl Cheered by Waiting Thouiiandt Frooeillnn In nonor of the llrlde and Groom rreoautlona Agalnat Anarchllta, Cobuko, April 10. The marriage of Queen Victoria's grandchildren, inadver tently announced to have taken place yes terday, vraa Bolemnlicd today amid a scene of roynl tplendor. The central flguro among the roynltlea assembled, aside from the bride nud groom and the German em peror, it the venerable queen of Great Britain, who la received with enthusiasm whenever she nppenra In public Twice J-estorday she drove out. During her majesty' second outing she visited the ptattlc erected to the memory of the late prince oonsort. Last evening there was a family dinner In the throne room of the ducnl palace, Queon Victoria sat In the center of the table, between tho Husslim c.nrowlti! and Kmpriws Frederick, her daughter, and the Prince of Wales. Opposite the queen Hat the Duchess of Coburg, between Ktnperor William ond the bridegroom nnd bride. The roynl dinner party was n most bril liant affair and remarkable from o histor ical point of view, when the conflicts of European pulley are tuken Into considera tion. Emperor William arrived here at 5:85 p. m. and was welcomed by a grand mili tary display. The Duke of Coburg and his son, the czarowltz, the Duke of Con naught nnd the Prince of Wales, who were among those who greeted the em peror upon liis arrival, nil wore German uniforms, and, with their military staffs, awaited his coming upon the platform of the railwny station. A guard of honor and the band of the Thurlnglan regiment was also present, and the German anthem was played as the train bearing his im perial majesty drew up ut the railway station. The emperor wore the uniform of Queen Victoria's Dragoon regiment. He suc cessively embraced the Duke of Coburg and the other distinguished Imperial and royal representatives and afterwards wit nessed the mnrcli past of the troops. After the military disjilny he proceeded to tho ducal schloss. The route from the rail way station toj tho palace was lined with troops, and behind the soldiers from thirty to forty thousand spectators were gathered. The emperor wni heartily cheered. The Schloss plate, the great open space in front of the ducal palace, lust night was packed with humanity to witness an enormous torchlight procession given in honor of the betrothed couple. The whole center of the plntz was a mass of flaming torches and lanterns of every conceivable color. Those taking part in the procession executed a series of figures under the win dows of the pnlaco. They were hendedby the Co burg Bicycle club, the members of which carried lanterns showing the colors of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and of Hesse. Then followed hundreds of townsfolks and students bearing ball oonr lanterns and torches. The scene was a fairy likeone, The beautiful Kosennu Sohloss, where the young couple will spend the honey moon, and which Is only four miles from Coburg, was the birthplace of Prince Al bert, the husband of Queen Victoria, and in 1845 Queen Victoria spent about a fort night there. While the procession was passing a choir composed of men of Coburg serenaded the roynl personages In the palace. Upon tho conclusion of the singing the burgomaster Of the city.with his head bared.rendnn ad dress of congratulation to tho bridal couple. The celebration ended with a flue display of llreworks. The old castle of CoburB. which stands over 600 feet above the town, presented a most beautiful ap-pi-avance, being brll llnutly Illuminated from bottom to top. i The mot perfect precautionary meas ures ngnlnst an attempt upon the life of some mcniber of the reigning families as M'mbled here have been taken, and hun dreds of detectives of nil nations are here and mingling with the crowds This action has been taken in conse quence of an Intimation received by tho police some time ago that an anarchist plot existed, the object of which was to take the life of Emperor William and the Czarowitz of Hussla. Not only Emperor William nnd tho czarowitz, but Queen Victoria and tho Prince of Wales are constantly guurded by picked men, and the ducal palace and all other buildings where the royal and Imperial personages are quartered v.: a guarded night and day by uniformed po lice, tro.ips and detectives, and it is not belleveJ 'hat any stranger could succeed in getting neur enough to the buildings to do harm to the occupants. In addition to these precautions tho po lice have required hotel and lodging house keepers and the proprietors of other places where strangers are entertained to furnish the authorities with the names and de scriptions of their guests. It is asserted that a plot to kill Emperor William while in Venice was discovered and preveuted by the police of that city. As a mark of recognition of the loyalty and good wishes of his subjects, and also to commemorate his marriage, the Grand Duke of Hesse has given 1,000 marks each to twenty deserving betrothed couples lu his graud duchy. A Murderer Confesses. ' New Youk, April lU.-Charles Miller, ngsd 25 years, a candy maker, has been ar retted charged with the murder of Watch- man August Loeltlar lu Helde's candy fac , tory on Tuesday night. Miller was re j eently discharged from the factory Miller . Is alleged to have confessed the crime, but claims that he oommitted the deed In self , defense. Miller came to this country from Pfalz, (rermany. ills relatives are said to be weulthy. Chairman Wilson Coming llaok. DALLAS, Tex., April 19 Bx-Governot Barnett Glbua Invited Chairman Wilson to visit Dallus and go fishing dawn the Vnnlty river, Mr. Wilson wrote him a tetter yesterday declining He states that bis health is Improved, and that he will go to Washington at once to attend to his tariff bill now before the senate. Km I'ro.lrtout Itodrlgun's 8ou. WA8llIKQI0t, April 19 The Costa Illcau minister, Mr I'eralta, says that the itory that a son ol President Hodrlguez, of Costa Hica, mortally stabbed a fellow student at Carlsrhuo ts a case of mlstakeu lioutlty. The only sou tf lbs presldeul now away (rem Costa RUa a studying aedioine iu New York. rriarlnc for the Ilia; Mtrlke. PirrsnUHO. April 19. District President Cairni, of the United Mine Workers' asso ciation, is in this city for the purpose of perfecting arrangements for the coal miners strike which Is to go Into effect next Saturday. Tho miners are very hope ful of victory, and propose to wage a des perote battle to the end. Tho operators cay that while the strike is liable so cost them a good deal of money the result can not be otherwise than n victory for them. Orrenhnt Still Lends the Whisky Trust. 1'KontA, Ills., April 19. The new hoard of directors of tho whisky trust chose the following officers for the eusulng yenr: President, .1. U. Greenhut, Peoria: vice president, John lleggs, Terre Haute, Ind ; treasurer, W N. Hobnrt, Cincinnati; sec retary, P. J Hennessey; assistant secre tary, NED Hugglns, Peoria Ilnd Ilia Left Eye Knooked Out. ToLKDO, O., April 19. The east bound limited on the Baltimore and Ohio ran into a lumber train on a siding at Haul ier, east of here The sides of the mnll and smoking cars were ripped off Mlrao ulously the only pnsseuger Injured wns Blaze Wilson, of Lima, whose left eyo was knocked out MWk Hose IlendrlcUs Wedded. GltKKXSUUlia, Ind.. April 19. Miss Rose Hendricks, only daughter of the late Vice President Thomas A Hendricks, was mar ried last evening to Mr. Charles Zoller, Jr.. a merchant of this place Killed by n fall of Coal. Wn.Kr.siiAiilii; Pa.. April 19. Patrick Hobinson, a miner, wns killed and Will lam Kenny, a driver boy, fatally Injured by a full of coal lu the Pine Hldge colliery nt Plains lust night Murk Twain's Finn Assigns NEW YORK, April 19. Samuel D. Clem' ens (Mark Twain) and Fred J. Hall, com posing the firm of Charles L. Webster & Uo., puunsnei'H, made an assignment yes tcrday. Blr. flludstone Weakening. London, April 19. The Daily News says that Mr. Gladstone isiudlsposed. Ills con dition if not serious, but his complaint U weakening. An ngrecablo Laxative and Nerve Tonto. Bold by Druggists or sent by nail. 25c., 00c. and $1.00 per package. Samples free. Tho I'avorlto TOOTH TOWDSS tor tho Teeth and Breath, Soo. Captain Sweeney, TJ.S.A.,San Die,Cal., Bays: "Bbiloh's Catarrh Itemcdy Is tho first medlclno I havo over found that would do mo nny good," PrlcoOOets. Bold by Druggists. SHILOH'S CURE. Trrrs GnnAT Cooan Cotie promptly eurea whcroall others fall. For Consumption It has no rival; has cured thousands, and will crmn Ton, II taken la'Jmo. ril:j3cts., 60c'.j.,;U3. Hold by C. H. Hsgenbuch, Shenandoah. ROACHES, BED DUGS, &c. i- .n.... it V KOK.I'OiINrH, but INSTANT and rnl-f 3 tlvo Itculli la nil insects fy saes Cts., tat mil Dealers. ! V il.o,miUlnVUI.,qiirlisiiilbrtheOalbii. RAILROAD SYSTEM Trains loavo Shenandoah as follows: For New York via Philadelphia, weok duvi 2.10, 5.26, 7.20. a.m., 12.2H, 4.50, 5.M p.m. S ' 2.10, a. m. l.fO p. m. For New York via Maucl Oh"nli. week days, 6 25,7.S a. m.. 18.26, 2.50 p. tr. For Keadlng and Philadelphia, wees uart 2.10,6.25,7.20, a. n) 12.26, 2.50, 5.55 p.m. Sui' day, 2.10. a m., 4.D0 p. m For HarrlflbiiT wee!- iwi, 2.tn t1! S.50, 5.55 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m. and 1.30 p. m For PottsvlUe, waeic days, 4.10, 7.SU, . ... tu.26 2.60, 5.55 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 a. m., 4 ' p. Ml For Taauqua and Mahanoy City, weok day 2.10. 5.25. 7.i'0, a. m.. 12.28. 2.50. 5.55 n. m. Sun day, 2.H), 7.48 a.m., 4.30 p. ra. Additional tor i Boaonnov city, week days, 7 00 p. m. I For Wllllatnsport, Suotmry and Lewlsburf., ! week days, 3.25, 7.20, U.S0 a. m., 1.86, 7.U0 pro. Sunday, 3.25 a. m., 3.06 p. m. For Mahauov Plane, week davs. 2.10. 3.25. 5.25. I 7.80, 11.80 a.m., 12.211, 1.85, 8.50, 6.55, 7 00, 9,)fc I p.m. suoaay, s.iu, i.xa. 7.13 a. m.. am, i.njc. re. For airardvllle, ( Kappahannook Station), week days, 2.10, 3 25, 5.25, 7.20, U.W a. m sa.20,1.85, 2.50, 5.55, 7.00, 0.35 p. m. Sunday, 2.P. .1.25, 7.48 a. m 3.05, 4.30 p. m. For Ashland and Shamokln. week days, 8.25, 6.25, 7 20, 11.80 a, m., 1.35, 7.00, 9.36 p. m. Sun 1 day, 8.23, 7.4S a. m., 8.05 p. m. I TRAINS FOB SHENANDOAH 1 Leave New York via Fhlladelpma, week dsye, d.iaj a. m., 4.ui, Y.du p. m.. 12.10 mgnt. bur., dav. 4.80 a. m.. 7.3U d. m.. 12.15 nlcht. Leave New York via Mnuch Caunk, weekdays, 4.3J. 0,10 a. m., 1.3-J, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week days, 4.12, 8.36, 10,00 a. in,, and 4.00, 8.00, 11.30 p. m. Sunday 4.00, 9.06 a. m., 11.30 p. m. Leave Reading, week days, l.M, 7.10,10.00, 11.50 Leave Pottsvllle. week davs. 2.40. 7.40 n. tn. 12.30,6,11 p.m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a.m., 2.06 p.m. ra., l.'J0.7.16, 9.28 p. m. Sunday, 8.20, 7.43 a.m 2.50 p. m. r Anna M.k.rnn Ol.n mul, Amna Q I, 11.47 u. in., 1.51, 7.41, B.5i p. m. Sunday, 3.45, SM umig uiBUduuj i iiuat nova via yo. i.Ws 6.30, 9.36, 11.59 a. m., 12.55, 2.03, 5.20, 6.24,7.60,10.10 p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, 8.27 a. m., 3.37, 6.01 p. m. Leave Qirardvllle, (Rappahannock Station), Tuna UnV.nn III a ha m.aI, - - - HJ. Ifitl weeK uays, x.i, s.uf, o.jq, v.4t a. m., iicun, 1.01, 2.12, 6.24, 6.32, 8.06, 10.16 p. ra. Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.32, a. in., 8.43, 6.07 p. m. Leave Wllltamsport, week days, 9.36, a. m. 3.36. 11.15 n. m. Sundav. 11.15 d. m. For Ilaltlmore, Washington and the Weet via H. & v. K. K., througa trains leave Reading Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & R. R. R.) 1 8.13! 7 ',, 11 28 a. m., 3 SI, 7 it. SM p. m., Sundiy 8.45, 7.55, U 28 a. m., 3 51 7 22, 9.5 p' m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Whart and Mouth Street Wharf for Atlantlo City. Week days Kinross, 9.00 a, m.i (Huturdays only 2.00); 4.00, 5.00 p. m. Aocommodatlon, 8 0Ua. m.i 5 45 p. m. Hnndays Hiproas, 0.00, 10.00 a. m. Accom modation. 8.00 a. m and 4 30 p. m. Returuln. leave Atlantlo Olty depot, cor ner Atlantic and Arkansas avenues : Week days Kipi-eas, 7,80,8.50 a. m. nnd 4.01 p. in. Accommodation. 8.10 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. Suncaye Expres, 4.00, 5.16,8.00 p. m. Ac commodation, 7.15 a tny and 4. 15 p. m. Parlor ears on all expre trains. . O. O. UANCOOK, Oen. Pass. Agt. Philadelphia Ps. I. A. SWEICJAllD, Gen. Supt. A HAND SAW IS A J 50. FOR A CASE IT WILL NOT CURE, ea IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. IN paint the best is the cheapest. Don't be misled by trying what is said to be "just as good," but when you paint insist upon having a genuine br of Strictly Pure White Lead It costs no more per gallon than cheap paints, and lasts many times as long. Look out for the brand of White Lead offered ycu ; this one is sure : "John T.Lewis &Bros." For Colors. National Lend Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each can being sufficient to tint 35 pounds of strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade ; thy are It. ho seme ready-mixed paints, hut a combination j perfectly time colors In the liandicst form to tint Strictly Pure White Lead. A good many thousand dollars have been saw d property-owners by having our book on painting and color-card. Send us a jiostal card and get both free. JOHN T.LEWIS & BROS. CO., Philadelphia, THE GREAT NORTHERN STRIKE. A llestralnlnc: Onli-r serv-d uu Strikers by .lli'lgo Stillborn. St. PAUL, April 19 -The order for the Great Northern men to strike at Minne apolis wns Issued Inst niKht. It first read for 7 o'clock this morning, but was later chntiKed for 1 o'clock this morning. A temporary restrniulnpt order issued by Judge Sanborn cnlln for a hearing in this city on April 27, 11 which time the lead ers of the strike are to show cause why they should not be permanently restrained from "disabling or rendering in any way unlit for immediate; and convenient use any of the property of the company used by it In the interstate commerce, etc., nud from interfering with nnd obstructing the operation of nny portion of said railroad engaged in such commerce, its telegraph 9ystcm, etc This restraining order was turned over to deputies by United States marshals The reports received here from points along the line of the Brent Northern are much of the same tenor. The men nru an nouncing their peacenble intentions, and nt the same time, without great violence, preventing the running of any trains and making up of nuy new trains. North Da kota pointb supplied with mail and pro visions over the Great Northern are com plaining seriously over their isolation. At Wilmar, Minn., the llremen sur rendered their charter iu the brotherhood nnd all joined the American Hallway unlon.nnd the correspondent nt that point .1... I . ...11 ,L , nuus iiitib uiu t-iiineers muy iuiiuy tuuir t example. It is jusl the other way nt I Crookston, where the men refuse to have anything to do with the atrike until or dered by their brotherhood. I At St Cloud V A. Morris, attorney for the Great Northern, conferred with the , county olllcinls with the object of secur ing their services iu getting out the sev eral tralus United Stntes bc-puty Mar shal Iianks is also there, and tho com pany will attempt to make up trains and have the marshal serve Injunctions lu and it is said that there have been no at case of interference. The county omoiala 1 rests since Tuesday. The three captains refused to assist, but said that if violence nrrested Tuesday night are Frank Ack was attempted warrants could be issued erly, of Cnpe Muy: Jnmes Mnlhls, of An- fot assault. j glesen, and Joseph Bergen. They are all . , outonball Thero are still five captains in Determined to Die lBai.er. tlle count. jlin liere who )mve uot soured Haltimork. April 19. John Ilankcrt. an I ball Two of them furnished security ou aged truck gurdener five miles from this the original charge against them but were i.j , uiunin sieaunn leens in uiuueiu 01 nis neiguDor, jacou Myer, last 1'riday night, and wns beaten by Myer. On Mon day Mrs Uankert, to get oven, assaulted tho wife nnd (laughter of Myer, and on Tuesday tho Myers swore out warrants against the Hankerto. When oillcers went to serve the warrants they found Mrs. Uankert dead and liankert dying. Ho had strength Hiifliclent tosoy: "I cut my wife's wrist so that she died. She cut mine first. 1 would rather be dead than be called a thief, and when my wife found I was go ing to kill myself she wanted to die, too. Wo agreed that she should kill lue and I would kill her." Foreitt l'lro Near tapo May. CAPE May, April 19. A forest fire about a mile wide rnged yesterday at Court j uouse, a village near here. The lire started near Price's mill, und with an easterly wind was driven toward the Delawaro bay Beside burning some valuable tint her n large lot of cord wood has been de stroyed. A big force of men has been fighting It, and It is now well under con trol. A great deal of anxiety is mani fested because of fears of the wind rising nnd the fire breaking out again, as thero are a number of dwelling houses in its path. Verdict In tho Onylord Mine Disaster. WlLKEBllAltHE, Pa., April 10. The coro ner's jury investigating the Uaylord mine accident last evening returned the follow ing verdict- "We, the jury, find that the thirteen men who wero killed in the Gay lord mine at Plymouth on Feb 18 came to their deaths through an error of judg ment ou the part of the persons or per sons in charge of the party at the time. The men were allowed to remain In a place that, It appears to the jury, must havu been plainly daugeroui for some hours prior to the oave in " A llanlc llurglnr Nabbed. Nkw Oabtlk, Pa., April 18. The bttrB- lar who was arrested here ou Sunday hast whlU looting Wallace's drug store has been Identified as James Tuttle by the chief of police of Sharon At the hearing (1 u'iiu .liawTi liAvmitl iliinhr Him( ha Im tl man who broke into the Heaver Falls (l'a ) bank last week and gut away with fcl.M. while the cashier nud clerks were at diuuer Dlson's Money Up Boston, April 10 Tom O'Hourke, tha Pucker of George Dixon the feather uoght cl impiou pugilist, posted 1 ,000 li, this city lust night to match LUxou n"'i!nst the "Kentucky Rasebud" Jut tf .. Mi a side GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." V ITROIH UIM RIOT, Striking Poles Attack tho Sheriff and His Deputies. TWO OF THE STRIKERS KILLED. Nlitf. Others Hirloiitty InJurntt, Including Bliprln" Oiilllti.. Wtio U' llrutally lleilteli with ShnyeU Oni tf the llijllled stay Hie Twenty Klntt-r ArrstiMl. Detroit, April 19 - Wayne county's sherlll lies in 11 preenrious condition, hU body lncerated by the shovels of enraged rioters Two Polish luborers uredcdnnd the number injured is not yet definitely known These unfortunate conditions nru the result of n conllict which occurrtxl be tween some 400 PoIoh and Sheriff Collins and live of his deputies The riot wae brought about by dllTerenceH of opinion over the wages to be paid Jaborers by the city water commlsnloners for digging trenches for pipe laying in Groi.se l'olute township, Just east of the city limit The commissioner!! decided to pay by the cubic yard, but for the past day or two 300 Poles hud hung about the vicinity, declaring I hoy would neltliei work them selves nor allow others to unless paldtl.SU per day No actual outbreak wn antici pated, but as 11 prii'iititloii Sherill Colllus and live deputies went to the sccni' to pro tect those who wished to work Work pro gressed ou a small scale during the morn ing, hut hiigineer Williams, becoming nlarmt-d at the aspect of things, consulted some of the commissioners shortly before noon, and was instructed to quit work for the time being, llefore he returned, how over, rioting began Sherlll Collin- and Deputy Steyskal. after telephoning for reinforcements, be gan to address the mob to pacify them One of the Poles began an opposition harangue. The crowd thereupon, started to annihilate the oilicers and the handful of laborers at work At tho advance the oillcers drew revolvers and fired over the strikers' beads, but the mub came on and the next volley was discharged Into the crowd. Then the ofHcers retreated slowly, firing as they went. Still the mob fol lowed, one man dealing the sheriff a vicious blow on the head with his shovel. The other oflicers, tho workers nn a re porter escaped, nil being more or less pounded with shovels, but the helpless bherill was brutally attacked. The mob then scattered, leaving the sheriff uncon scious on the field. Two of the Poles were found dead, John Pielat nnd a com rade, name unknown. The injured are: Sheriff Colllus, Dep uty bteysknl, Michael lvanofski, shot, will probably die; unknown Pole, Tony Gerkewink, shot In thigh; Qundrupal, shot In breaBt; uetective W. H. llurcb ribs brokon; Joe Jabowski, bullet wound In breast; John It. Fisher, reporter, badly bruised. There are probably several other Poles Injured During the afternoon some twenty Poles were nrrested, which intensified the bit terness, nnd the situation is being vin dictively dlscUHsed by crowds of Poles in various parts of tho city It is rumored that they will attack the jail, but this is not believed. Tho water commissioners will probably not recede from their posi tion, but work will proceed, if ut all, un der a strong guard. New Jersey's Oyster War. MILLVII.LK, N. J., April 19. There nro no new developments in the oyster wnr. rearrested ou others Typhoid Fever at Montcliilr, N. J. MOSTCLAIR, N. J., April 19. I)r Charles Sheltou says there are over sixty cases of typhoid fever in town. Seven cases are at Glen llidge.tliree cases at Verona, and ten casus are in the Morning Side hospital in this city Some people are leaving hero and going to New York Killed by Wild Parsnips. WlLLlAMM'DRT, Pa.. April 10. Ten-year-old Alva lieemer, of this city, died from the effects of eating poisonous wild par snips. Two other children who were with him are at the point of death STOCK AND PRODUCEMARKETS Closlue Quotations f the Nnw York and l'hlludolphlil KxcllilllH, . New Yoiik. Arill8 The share specula tion today wa.- unsettled In character. The lowest figures wero touched Just lieforo the cloau. at whiuli time the decline from the hltdiest point runged from li to i ier cent Closing bids: LehlKh Valley aK Pennsylvania W.N. Y & l'a 1 Erie 18Hi 1)., I, & W KW West Shore N. Y. Central.. .. mi Lake Erie .V W.. MM Del it Hudson 136H lteiullut? aiv. St Paul ...... Lehigh Nav N V & N. E New Jersey C'en im 118 (tfllernl Alnrkat. Piiilaiikm-hia, April 18. Flour weak: winter superfine. fi'i-M; do. extras, $2.35 2.60; No winter family. $t.S0tt.H; state roller straight. 2.?53; western Inter clear, $g.H)Q2.u Wheat llrm.oulet. with lilo hid and Bljc asked fur April Corn quiet, firm, with flMo hid and tlHc asked for April. Oats stronger, quiet, with Mc bldandc. asked for April ileef quiet I'ork active: new mess. tli.&'iGtH AO: extra prime, $H; fam lly. fl&al8.W; short clear, SllffilO Lard tinner active: western steam, $8.30. Mutter quiet; western dairy, IttHdeo.; creamery, 17 S4o-; factory. 10gUo.; Elglns, New York dairy 16$!Mc.; creamery (new extra), Wo choice, Se : fair to pri bing at 1.7StU"c C'hrt rennsvlvanla creamery prints, fuuey. Me.; rue, maUio ; prints Job- 'heess steady; New York. Urge, WKHi- ; small, lmUJUo.; western, Hit 1114c , pur 1 Bkiins. MJVc.; run skims, vaKc Eggs weaker, New York sad Pennsylvania, ' WBH1"" fru"'' lltw bouthsrn. 11W alio l,lva Htuclc 3lnrketi. Nbw Yokk. April 18. Iteeves dull; native trs, cl'.ileo. $a0l.tt5er Ml lbs.; good to prime. $1 Stmttt &V medium to fair, $U&3 4.1)0; common to decent do.. 18.8001.10; prime corn fed t'olorados, $1.81; stags and oien. fS 7VH, hulls.li U8.20; dry cons. 1.T0S.I5. Culv cloMd weak; barely steady; poor to prime venh. $3 6"CM per 100 lbs. Sheep and lambs ver) dull; uns horn shsep, poor to prline 88.75iM 76 pr Kill lbs ; unshorn lambs, com mon to liu.ee. tt Tiffs H; clipped good lo sx trs, Jl.a".( 75 lluss firm; fair to god hogs. e.&UtO U5 per UK) lbs EAST Liiit.HTY, l'a , April 18. -Cuttle firm: good butchers, fUUUiH.U); fat cows and heif ers. Se.doa.-".. l).il,:'(m cows, t.Jlt; fresh cows, $0,11 to, veal salves, IHa.W., Hogs weaker, be it Phlladslphlas, (o.&titS.oa; best Yorkers, fM03.to: pigs, J5.liU5.J0. Sheep markstslsw, extra, Sljci.10; good, .7W.ti0; fair, 3'13.iU; corumou. tpOo.al.W, spring lambs, iWU. People Who Weigh and Compare ICnow and get tlio hrt. Cottolcne, th j n;v vcjeta! le sliorteniiiir, has v;o:i a vida and wonderful popu. lari'y. At it; introduction itva3 nb nitred to exp.rt , hemMs.pronii n: .t physicians and famous cooks. A l of thise pronounced a natural, lualthful and acceptable froJ-prckli ct, better tlian Lrd for c.ry coo!; .vj puipoc. The sue c cf Cotiotene i" now a matter of history. Will you share in thi better fooi and bett.r lv i'th for which it stands, by using it in your heme ? Avoid imitations counties worthless. Slick to COTT0LENE. Hold In S nnd s jiound palls Made only by N.K. FAIRBANKS. CO., CHICAGO, and 13Q tl. DCLA'.VflnE AVE., PHILADELPHIA. 101 North Malnstrcet.Hhenandoah.PS., WHOLESALE BAKER AND GONFEGTIONU Ice Cream wholesale and retail. Picnics and parties supplied on short notles JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, (Christ. Ilcseler's old stand.) 4nltitia CunlMtn,, KlteiiHiirtoalL, Itest brer, alo and porter on tap. The nnsit orands of whiskeys and cigars. 1'eol room it ached. GEORGE V. JOHNSON, UIIOI : HOTEIa I LOST CHEEK, PA. Near li. V. and Electric railways. The finest bramls of cigars, whiskies, porter, beer nud tile on band. Clilehr' rg KutiiuU Iluditntl II ran A. tlrltflnul fifitl I tn I r isi-nulne. FC. alttiW li.illik LADIES. kt , el.t f - ('uehtrt, - m Inuluh Dla-A Hwna llr i i i i it KimI ait l M BTtllio Tnbo ' .1 ns nlliop '( f tir ti'inarr nit stmiifus ' dun .i'. iwiiaft-mi a 1 t-ui;piti or Hrntl Cs. n itni'iio dr inrTlcu'nri v luaionltU M4t lillir fur Katllp." inUUT. bj rciuut M.IL 1 D.OItO 1 nil ionll Xams bsMu. tlilrhfatfr ChfinletJ C'uu.Mat11on Hnwti(r MA poi-mttnpntly onftl I Mvb. In'JHnfUdnrsh-vnB J ffinO-rtYlivtriltfit. tMuttlvflDroAfisnnrl Krt-nmm I uiirii-nr.rv.finf'KHfi ii m 1 fouk,illurttrtiti1frtia )if froraneoiilecatwl,g B Ixm by tuml. NothiiiK olfio will oaro. 1 rue REM CU., Chicago, m. Delcamp's Livery Stable E. DELOAMP, Jit,, Prop.. WUST STU2ET. Between Centre and Lloyd, SUenandoahf lcima Teams to hire for all purposes on reasombU terrnB W. H. SNYDER 133 West Centre Street, Malianoy City, Pa. Autistic Decoratok ralntlnn and Paperhanglng, Perfect work. Ilargains in nalnts and oils, plain and atal&ev glass. All the now patterns In wallpaper. Dully and weekly papers, novels, novelette and stationery. Headquarters for Evening Herald. WiLLPAPERI RA.KGA.INS:! Big Itelnctlon In Wall Paper. Must make room for an enor mous Spring Stock. : : ; JOHN - P. - GARDEN. Ml V. Centre Street, Shenandoah. Ps CLE ARY BROS., Dotllersof all kinds of TEMPERANCE: DRINKS! AND M1NSRAL WATBBS. Wkibs Ubik a Specialty. Also bottlers of the Finest lleer. IT itut to lUnieh Alley, HUB!fAtrDOJ.n. no ItiiHt Centre Street, Iteiiaxiclonlv, 1Ctv. All work guaranteed to be Brat-class in every resi ect. We respcettully solicit a share of your patronage. Goods called for anadi-llvcred HI lk ties and Lace Curtains a specialty. V5& 'Il5i' I". MsJiksM, icqrsUf .MfttAsWfa fill -i (1 Lt iVLk av .K&sslt 'Jk' If mjsAnsMtwwucsf 1 t y.i v - - l lib