f POTTSVILLE The Evening Herald. Publlsbod dally, except Sunday by fir.it.ir,i runr.isiii.vo ooxpaxy, Publication oITlco nnd raechanlo.il department, 215 Mast Coal Street. ffho tJoealrl delivered In Shenandoah and me peltt surrounding towns for Six Cents a woelc, pMmblo to the carriers, lly mail, Throe Dollars n yenr or Twenty-five cents per month, In advance. Adeerttitementit charged according to spaco and position. The publishers reserve the right to change the position of advertisements when ever the publication of news requires It. Tho tight is also reserved to reject any advertise ment, whether paid for or not, that tho pub lishers may deem Improper. Advertising rates mado known upon application. Snterod at the post office at Shenandoah, Pa., M Becond closs mall matter. this isrnxixo limiAT.n, Shenandoah, I'cnna. Evening Herald. THURSDAY, AI'RIIj 10. 1804. HKAIKJUAHTKKB RKruni.icAN Statu Committee, Philadelphia, Fob. 01, '01. To the Repultlican Electors nf I'eiiniylvania : I am directed by the Republican State Committee to announce that the Republi cans of Pennsylvania, by their duly olio-ten representative1), will meet in State convention at Hnrrlsburg, Pa., on Wednesday, May 33, at 11 o'clock n. m., for tho following purpose, to wit : For the nomination of candidates re spectively for Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, two members of Congress from the Btate at lnrge, Auditor General, Secretary of Internal AlTatrs.audfor tho transaction of such other business as may be pre sented. Attention is called to tho rule adopted at tho State Convention of lb!)3 providing for the basis of representation as follows : Representations In futuro state conven tions shall be based upon tho vote enstnt the Presidential or gubernatorial election Immediately preceding, one delegate being allotted to each legislative district for over 3,000 Republican votes nnd an addl tional delegate fora fraction exceeding 1,000 votes, each district to have at least one delegate. By order of tho Republican State Com. 1!. F. GlI.KKSON, Chairman. Attest: Juiti: 11. Res. A. I). FlLLUKOl.F, Secretary. The representatives to which eacli dis trict of the county is ontitled to is as fol lows: First district, 1; Second district, 1; Third district, 1; Fourth district, 3. The Unknown says that he Is the Presi dent of the Society for tho Prevention of , Cruelty to Humanity. Then why should he be partaker in the scheme of walking the poor hobos to death f Foh the first nine mouths of the pros ent fiscal year tho national expenditures have exceeded the Income by $01,000,000, The rate at which Uncle Sam Is getting rich under Democratic management is nongh to mnke his hair staud. Gov. AVAnx.lms won a complete victory in the Colorndo Supreme Court, getting a judgment of ouster against tho hostile police board, lly this time ho sees the United States Senatorshlp rising majestic ally into full view and himself flgura lively in tho toga. If it be true that the rebels have nban doned all their Bhlps there will be ponce in Uracil till tho noxt rebellion breaks ut. According to tho run of thing! there Pelxoto ought to lmvon grievance against tho new President bof ore long and fly to arms. The Supreme Court of the United States have granted a new trial to an Arkansas mau convicted of murder, ou matter found in the charge of the trinl judge, uich lie was two hours in delivering, He is a poor lawyer who could not pick flaw in the opinions of a judge who talks two hours continuously. Tub strike in tho coke region is pur. tling. Outwardly it looks as though it bad fizzled out and that peace had been w-Htored, but the coke proprietors do no view it in that light. At all events thoy are having new deputies sworn in, and taking suoh other precautions as would indicate a fearot renewal of mob violence, Vne old adage that while at peace Is the siine to prepare for war, nnd thai the best aj to avoid attaok is to be prepared for at. is the principle upon which th operators are being governed. The women of New York have recently awakened to the idea that they ought to have the right of suffrage, and iu that opinion are baoked by a large number of influential men. They make their appeal (or the right on the ground that large numbers of them pay taxes and should therefore bo entitled to have a voice in the selection of publio officers. The demand Is a reasonable one and though a is hardly probable that this eilort iu ir -T, ,,, , . ..1 .1 .....1111... auw x orK win lie suucwwmi, meiu im uu j ueh a demonstration of public" sentiment mita behalf as to leave no doubt that eventually the demand will be complied with. CoXEV'b army oi Commonwealcrs fell fatoagood thing when it struck Cum berland, in Maryland. A local street railway company found the oatnp a gold wine, so many people were there who found it a pleasure to ride out nnd see the ti amps lu the various processes of bathing, loallug, playing baseball nnd mondlng old clothes. So the Company which ran the cars Is understood to have subsidized, the Coxoyitcs by means of n crisp $100 bill In to staying 'over n tiny longer thnn had been intended. The outcome of his enter prise on tho pnrt of tho ratlwny people Is but too plainly to be seen. It will dovolop n the Bbttpo of n "grand nnd only orlglnnl aggregation of Coxey Commouwenlers," tho members of which will tour tho coun try annually on tho Wild West plan, taking good caro not to spoil, by undue cleanliness In theolT seasons, the startling effect of the occasional bath "on the road." IN 1894 tho Democratic party, under pledge and promlso to do a great many things alleged to bo for the Interest of tho country, wheedled tho people out of their votes. It was a confidence game nnd as devoid of honor as the green goods scheme or nny of the other similar devices to catch tho unwary. Hut it succeeded, nnd now, after nine months of Congress, but one thing has been done of nil tlio promise mado, nnd that is the repeal of the law to protect the ballot from fraud. hits it appears that, boyontl the pas sage of n measure to perpetuate Denio ocrntlc occupancy of tho government ofIlces, not one thing has been accomplish ed. Kvery public official, from Grovcr ilown, has been ready at meal time but ever on hand when legitimate work was to be done, always present when pay as to be given out, but always nbseut hen it was to be earned. Not only had tho Immense expense of Congress been l)3olutely wasted, but, far worse, has been used to tho positive injury of tho country. Not only hns the enemy taken our guns nnd ammunition, but ho hns turned them ugnlnst our own people. If Congress had simply been worthless we could have stood the expense nnd charged It up as a kind of fool tax. An Historic Cclnlimtlon. Hosto.v, April 10. Thousands of pa triotic citizens crowded tho thoroughfares adjoining the Old South church last night when the chime bolls In the tower of that historic edillce were rung for tho lira t time in naif a century. Lanterns were hung as history says they were hung by Sexton Nowiiinu 118 years ago last night, to warn Paul Revere that the sol diers of King George were attempting a lauding. The houses in the vicinity were hung with Chinese lanterns and bunting, Copidnnd Out fin Itall. Indianapolis, April 10. AV. II. Copo- lanu who on Tuesday shot Lnytver Har ris and litigant Uruniug in the law office of Harrison, MUler & hlnm, was ralgned in the police court yesterday, charged with shooting with intent to kill nnd carrying concoaled weapons. Judge Stulibs fined Copeland $'250 ou the latter chnrge. Upon protest by Copeland's at torney this line was stayed. Copeland was thru released on a $5,000 bond, $3,500 on each charge. M ure Trouble for llenvtir 1'ollce Official! Di:nvi:ii, April 19. Warrants were is-! Mted by Judge Frost for tho arrest of ; Chief of Police Stone, ox-Sergennts Tut-1 tie nnd Newton and Lieutenant Clay on charges of storing dynamite in the city hall in violation of the ordinance. Mayor Van Horn was the complaiunnt. The al leged crime was committed during the police war. Two Fishermen Lost nt Sen. Boston, April 10. The fishing schooner Arthur Hinney, Captain Hobson, arrived from La Hnve with colors at half mast. Robert Munroe and Thomas Carey, two of the crew, were tending trawls on April 8, and were lost sight of in a violent south east squall. There is a possibility that they were picked up by other vessels. Indignant Lexington Women. Lexington, Ky., April 19. Tho fnct that Breckinridge's friends are preparing to give him an ovatiou at the opera house here on Mny 5 is awakening the women of the town. The husband of one them snidi "If such an ovatiou takes place the women will hojcl a mass meeting and denounce tho whole proceeding. An Unllioky llusiuess Itlocli. Clearfield, Pa., April 19. The princi pal business block of West Clearfield was destroyed yesterday for the third time lu the history of the place. The first time wus by the flood of 18S1I, the second time by fire in July, 1698, and the third time by fire this morning Loss, t0,000; Insur ance, f 6,500 Mart Itussaril Convicted. ' Lancaster, Pa., April 19. Mart Buz zard and Joe Brow usweigher were con victed of robbing and shooting Isaiah Shealfer, a farmeruearGroffiKiale. h uf fer at first it was thought would die, but he has now fully reeuvered. Jealousy Hint Murder. I'llILMI'sHUHO, Pa., April 19. In a fight at Peale between Swan MilgreH and John Ellison, miners, Mllgreu shot Kllison in the neck, killing him Instantly. Jealousy is supposed to have been the cause. The Weather. Probably shower during tho evening or night; warmer; southerly winds. A PLEASANT SURPRISE is in store for you whsu you buy Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets. If you ever took the ordinary liver pill, big and bulky, rasty too. you'd ap preciate a good thing, espe cially WUBH il la SUKCU una wu. tiny as a mustard seed but very effective. Other things being equal, the randiest is the best in liver pills honco, PlAAjunt Pallata." If you are troubled with Indigestion, Constipation, 1311 Till ions Headaches. anil a hundred and one ilia which depend upon on inac tive liver, use Dr. Pierce's Pellets. With these puis you cot not only temporary relief but a nosltive cur: they're guaranteed to give satisfac tion or your money is re turned. For fit people who suffer from Indigestion, for hearty eaters and high livers those whose livers ore sluggish, this pill is what is most needed. A 1 Tax a fill hi tor oinnnr. rp JO Senators Discuss tho Proposed In vasion of Washington, TEEY HAVE NO FEARS OF RIOTINO. Th District I.awt nnd Officials Ample to Protect the Capitol CoxeyN llepnssil Aid, the "Unknown," Working Tunul for 111 t'ersnnnt lleneflt. Washington, April 19. The Coxey movement received Its first recognition at tho hands of the senate yesterday The question was brought up In executive ses sion, and was under consideration for an hour and a half, the senate remaining In session until 0:80 o'clock. No formal ac tion was taken, and tho matter was con sidered very Irregularly upon n suggestion that as there were several organizations of men npproachlng Washington with the avowed purpose of forcing recognition in tho way of legislation it behooved con gress to decide what It would do lu case or tho arrival of large numbers of men of the character and with the purpose of Mr. Coxey's followers. Senator L arris, speaking for the com mittee on rules, said that the committee had had the question under considera tion, nnd after an examination of the stntutes bearing upon the question of the invasion of the Capitol grounds by organ ized bodies of men, hnd reached the eon cluslrn that the laws now on tho statute books made ample provision for the pro tection of tho building and of congress, and thnt the committee hnd taken the necessary steps to soe that the laws were cxocuteil There wns a very raeogcfr attendance of the senators while the question wns under consideration, but many of thoso present spoke briefly, a majority of them express ing tho view that no danger was to bo ap prehended oxcept possibly from thlovos nnd other bnrd characters who might take advantnge of the presence of the Coxey ites to make trouble, nnd the opinion wns general thnt preparation should be made to look after them very closely The im pression also seems general that the reg ularly organized police would be capable of executing the laws during the presence of the army, and that it would not bo necessary to make any especial show of armed forces. Till! "UNKNOWN'S" LlTTI.lt GAME "Worklnc" Tonni as Advaiict Aceul for Coxey and Ills Follower!. HANCOCK. Md.. April 10 Coxey's navy sailed into barren seas when It reached Hancock. A run of twenty miles was made between breakfast and sunset, the flotilla drawing up under the Hancock bridge for a into and hasty supper at dusk. But the supper hnd to come out of the commissary wagons The town authori ties refused io vote either money or pro visions to the army, so thnt crackers and cheese were the best they could got out of their own resources' But a greater reverse than this greeted the leaders. Private charity that might have gone to them hnd been drained the day before by two trait ors in the camp. The "Unknown," with the veiled lady and "Cheek" Chllds, a young man who had been the army's ad vauce agent from Mnssilon, had come to town the previous day, held a public meet ing nnd raised n sum of money, how much could not be learned, on tho strength ot credentials from Coxey in Chihls' posses sion Browne and Coxey ut once published an open letter, denouncing the men as im postors, nnd asking their nrrest for ob taining money under false pretences. Bur gess Ditto, ot tho town council, identified Browne as an Indian medicine man who had visited the town three years ago with a patent blood purifier. Captain Calvin's Industrials Sevmouu. Ind., April 19. Captntn Gal vln, with 326 members of Frye's Indus trial army, arrived here yosterday. Cltl zonB immediately provisioned them with half a slaughtered bullock, 300 pounds of bacon, 300 loaves of ureuu, n bag of coffee. potntoes nnd cnbbage. At Aurora, Ind., i list outside the Ohio stnte line, the army left the cars and camped in the railway machine shops They will march Into Ohio to relieve the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern of liability for bringing vagabonds into the state Itefuse to Convey the Industrial Cast San Francisco, April 10 Tho Chicago officials of the Santa Fo decline to ratify the arrangement made In this city for the transportation of .UO Industrialists from Mojave to umcngo, as tne situation tuers would not warruut the importation of un employed in large numbers, but only ag gravate present conditions. Chief of Po lice Crowley says he will do uothlug fur ther for the men, and they must walK or do as others hare done. Double Murdur mid Btllclde. WllLELlNa, W Va,, April 19. A special from Glenvllle fays that lloyil Hoda- hnugh, a prosperous farmer living on Yellow creek, Unlhoun county, hanged his two children, aged 8 nnd S years re spectively, and then took his own life. His wife wns anient during the day, auu on her return found the bodies hanging from tho rafters of the house A Twelve-Year-Old sillcliU. HAllTFOHD. April -19. Harry Hays, son of AVilllnm Hays, a respected farmer liv ing lu West Hartford, committed suicide by shooting himself in the heud The boy wns a bright little leiiow, vi years oiu, oi a very sensitive nature He had been se verely reproved and punished by his sohool teacher and felt the disgrace keenly. Jnpnn Welcomes VorelKiiers. Dukvgh, April IB. Itev II E. Jones, a former missionary to Japan, now a resi dent of Denver, explains the results of the Japanese elections as favorable to the support of the emperor's policy of welcome to the foreigners A faction of Japanese politicians tried to force the emperor to unhurt ou a policy of exoluslon llsuk Wreckers Case Postponed. iNDlANil'OLls.April 10 The trial of the Indianapolis National batik wrecking cases was adjourned by request of ex-Attorney General Miller, of counsel for the defense, until Tuesday next A C Har rls.who is disabled by his wound, was tho chief attorney for the Cofllus, two of the defendants. The Ciarowltx Not a Jtarrjlnc Man. London, April 10. A dispatch from St. Petersburg to The Chroucle states that the oztrowltz is said to bo disinclined to marry. It ts added that he wants to re nounce tlit succession te the throne in favor at feir younger Wether, the drand Duke lOeh&el. Raker Zeiss Murderer' Confesses. VlNELAND, N J., April 10. Louis Fiohlo has confessed to the murder of Christian Zeiss Klchle wns arrested for the crime several months ago, and is now in the county jail waiting trinl nt the May term of court. Lnst November he broke into Yerkes' bakery and secured a sum of money, a gold wntch and other valuables, but was discovered by Baker Zeiss, whom he stabbed in n particularly brutal man ner Zeiss died n few days later. Som weeks ago a man was committed to the county jail on the charge of robbing a Jewelry store In Brldgcton. He was really n Plnkerton detective, and has succeeded lu worming n confession from the accused man. The stolen goods have been found in n bnrn on n farm owned by Flehle's brother, as Indicated In the confession. David Dudley Field's Will. New YoitK, April 10. Justice Stephen J. Field, of the United States supremo court, filed for probate the will of his brother, David Dudley Field. Most of the estate, whose valuo is not stated, is left to his daughter, Lady Musgrave, and her children. To the town of Stockbridge, Mass., he gives (5,000, so that the town graveyard, where his ancesters He, may be kept In order, nnd the bell in thebolfry, which he erected, mny be tolled once each day He gives 155,000 to his native town of Hnddam, Conn., so that the Field parks may be kept in order. Natnrnt (las lu the limplro Stato. RocilESTElt, N Y., April 10. A dispatch from Fayette, Seneca county, says' While drilling a well lu tho hamlet of Benry town, nt a depth of 200 feet, n strong flow of gas was struck. Excitement among the villagers is running high, and land hns advanced fabulously lu price. Vil lage lots and dwellings are held at many times their value, and prospectors are try ing with more or less success to organize companies to sink wells nil over the od jnceut property. Already the citizens are talking of Incorporating tho hamlut. Senator Vance's Sucoesior. Asiieville, N. C, April 19. It is under stood that ex-Governor Thomas J Jarvis has been formnlly offered the senntorlnl appointment. Ills acceptance is doubtful. NUGGETS OF NEWS Admiral Benhara, retired, arrived at New York yesterdny. Tho cholerine epidemic at Lisbon, Port utral. is Increasing and causing much. nnxiety Ajproposltlon to place n duty on manu factured tobacco was defeated iu the Ger man reichstag The New York state senate killed the bill making the office of sheriff of Now York a salaried one, without fees. Jerome, tho largest mining camp in Arizona, was ti.Vally destroyed by fire, and muuy miners' families ore homeless. Two masked robbers killed Mr Mnckay. manager of a bank nt Bnrrnba.Now South Wnles, because be refused to give them the bank funds. They escaped. At Oskaloosa, la., George Croft fatally shot his wife nod then killed himself. -The tragedy was enacted nt the court house, where they had gone to apply forndivorc. of cod-liver oil presents a perfect food palatable, easy of assimilation, and an appetizer ; these are everything to those who are losing flesh and strength. The combina tion of pure cod-liver oil, the greatest of all fat pro ducing foods, with Hypo phosphites, provides a re markable agent for Quick Flesh Building in all ail ments that are associated with loss of flesh. Prepared by Scott A Bownn, Chemists, hew Yolk. Sold by nil druggieis. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. BOHUYI.K1LL DtVISlOH. NOVEMUKH 19th. 1893. Trains will lenvo Shenandoah after the above date for Wlggan's, GUberton, FrackvlUe, New castle, nt. uiair, I'otisvuie, iiamuurg, ueaaiag Pottetown. Phoenlxvlllo. Norrlstowu and Phil adelphln (llroad streot Btatlon) at 6:00 aad 11:46 m. anasiiop. m. on weeitaays ior.fOiis vine ana tntermeaiuie stations w:iu a. m SUNDAYS. Tor Wlfiian's. Utlberton. Frackville. Ne C&stle.St. Clair, Fottsrllle at 0:00. 8:40 a. m tm: s:iu n. in. r or iiamDurc. iieaainc .rous tenr., Phoenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Phllsdelphli at i'.:u.', 9:40 a. m., 3:10 p. m. Trains leave Frackvlllo for Bhen&ndoac ti 10:40 a.m. ana iz:i4, 6:in, 7:43 ana io:Z7p. m Sundays, 11 :1S a. m. and 5:40 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Bhenmdoah at 10:15 11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:11) and 10:00 p. m.Sundsys st 10:40 a. m. and 6:16 p. m. Leave PhlladelpMa (Uroid street station) for Pottsvllle and Bhenasdoah at 6 hi aud en am 4 10 and 7 11 P m weolt days. On Sundays leave si u ou a m. for i'ousyiuo. VBim. For Now York Express, week days, kt 8 , 4 06, 4 60, 6 16, 8 60, 7 83, 8 30, 9 60, 11 00 ti n am, kuu nooc. uup, m, lumueu i press 1 09 and 1(9 p m. dining cars.) 1 40, 2 30, 8 80, 400, 6 00, 800, 0 50, 7 23. 8 12 10 00 nm. IS 01 nlxht. Sundays 320. 4 06. 4 60. 6 16, 8 It, 9 60 11 Of 11 3.5, va. U 44. 1 40, t 80, i 00 (limited 4 60J 6 80. 8 80, 8 60. 7 25 and B 12 p m and 1801 nleht. For Sea Olrt. Long Urtnch and intormedlste stations, 820, lilt am, and 4 00, p in weeuuays For llalttmore and Washington 3 60, 7 30, 8 31 9 10, 10 SO, U 18 a m, 18 10, (18 36 limited dlnisa car,) 1 SO, 8 48, 4 41, (8 18 Congressional Limited Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 817, 6 6ft, 7 40 aad 1188 p. m., week days. Sun days, 8 50, 7 SO, 3 10, 11 18 a m.. 18 10, 1 41, 8 55. 11 ss ana 7 su p m. For Richmond. 7 uo a m, a iu ana 11 si p m, daily, and 1 30 p. m weekdays. Trains win leave uarriBourg ior r-uwourc and the West every dy at 1 SO, 8 10 a m, (3 80 pm limited), 8 60, 7 30, 11 65 p m every day, wav for Altoon. at 8 18 am and 6 00 p m every day. For Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 am every nay. Trains will leave Sunbury for WillUmsport, Blmlra, G&nandalcus, Rochester, BuOslo and Niagara Falls at 135, 6 IS a m,nl 1 86 p m weelf days, ForKlmlraat6 41 pmweek days, Fo. Brie cd lntermedlsto points at 6 18 a m dally, For Lock Haven at 6 13 and 9 tt a m dully, 1 si and 6 41 p m week days For Iteuovo at 6 13 1 m, 1 86 and 6 44 n ui week days, and 6 18 a m on Sundsy a only. For Kane at 6 18 a at, dally ikdd week days. d. M. l'HVOST, Oen'l Mmseur 1. H. WOOD, Oen'l Puss'.'' At BUG-INK P ASTK tURC AhD CCRUM CCATH T8 rats Ana razee I Ilrlnirstheltodrnlsuut pf their liutes to die. i nanna ouur uiierwitru. nr uenyjv irow uccldenlel poisoning- like Arteiilo or other livirders. as CUNTS, AT ALI, BKALERS. - Scott's iioisliii Mrs. Xcffto 7os Tyrone City, 1'cnn. After the Grip Hood's Cavo Back Health nnH ftf rnnorf li That Dreadful Prostration Curod, " 0. 1. Ilood ft Co., Lowell, Mass.! "Gentlemen A llttlo over a year ago, I was attacked by tho grip and, after the crisis bad passed, I was left so weak and with that dread ful prostration, that I was unablo to dress my self for almost nine months. Soma friends who- Hood's58 Cures knew Its merits, persuaded me to taka Ilood' Barsaparilla and I am now taking my tourtu bottle. I am so thankful to be ablo to say that I can do my housework, and am gaining fast I Sloop Well, do not have sourness of tho stomach, and can eat with good appetite. I think Hood's Barsa parilla deserves nil the praise it gets and more." Hns. Lettie Goss, Tyrone city, renn. Hood's Pills euro liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, slckheadache,iuaig09tion. Professional Cards. H. KIBTLER, M, D PBXSXCIANAND 8VRQKON, Office 120 North Jtrdln street, Shecindoih. JOHN It. COYI.E, A TTORNSY-A T-LA V. omce Bedd&ll building, Hhenandoah, P. S' OL. FOSTER, ATTORNEY and CO UNBELLER-A T-LA W. Offlco MeElhcnnv's cafe bulldlnz.. Shenan doah, 1'ft. jyj" U. BORKK. snaMJLMDOAn, pa. and Esterly building, Pc ttivllle. JJU. U. JIOCULEKNER, I'hyncxan and surgeon. Advice free at drue store. 107 South Main street. Private consultation nt residence. 112 nnnia jaram street, irom o 10 p. m. J- PIERCE ROBERTS, M. D., No. 25 East Coal Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. Offlco Hours 1:30 to 3 and 6:30 to & p. ru. J. B. OALLEN. No 31 South J ardln Street, Bhenandoah, Opfice Hocks: 1:30 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 P. 11 Except Thufsday ovenlng. No office work on Hundau exenit lu arranti menu a unci aanerence io me office noun u uosoiuteiy necessary. ROF. T. J. WATSON, ...Teacher of...... VIOLIN, GUITAFt, BANJO and MANDOLIN Huvlne had sixteen voars' experience as teacher ot Instrumental muxlo elvtne Instruc tion ou the ntove Instruments. Word left at Iirumm'B lewelry store will receive prompt at lenuou. It. WENDELL REBER, Successor to Dlt. CIIAS. T. PALMER, urn Axn vaii sujianox, SOI Mnhnntongo Street, PottevlIlo.I'enna, LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD, Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Pecn uaven Junction, Maucn cnunk, Lc hlchton. SlatlnKton. White Hall. Catasauaua, Allentown, liethlehom. Easton, Philadelphia arc weatneriy at cut, 7.33. v.ia a m , 2 57 p. m. r or now xoric. o.ih, 7., v.io a. m., m.a. z.&7, For Q lakafco. Hwitchbick, Qerhards and Hud Honda e, 6 01, 9.15 a. m., and 8.57 p. m. For Wilkee-Uarrs, White Haven. Plttston Laceyvllle, Towanda, Ssyre. Waverly am Klmiru. 6.01. D.15 a. m.. 2.67. 5.87 n. m. For Rochester, Uuffilo, Niagara Falls and tho West. 6.01, 0.15 a. m. and 3 57 5.87 a m. For llelvldero, Delaware Water Gap and Stroudsburg, 8.01 a. m., 3.57 p. m. For Lambertrllie and Trenton. 9.15 a. m. For Tunkhannock. 8.01. 9.15 a. m.. 3.57. 6 27 d. m, For Ithaoa and Geneva 6.01, 9.15 a. m. 5.87 p. m For Auburn 0.15 a. m. .27 p. m. Forjeanosvllle,Levl8tonand Ue"er Meidow, 7.88 a. m., 13.13, 8.08 p.m. For Audenried, Haileton, Stockton and Lum ber Yard, 6.01, 7.28, 9.15, a. m., 12.43, 8.57, 6 S7 p. m. For Soranton. 6.01. 9.15. a.m.. 2.57 p. m. For Hailebrook, Jeddo, Drlfton and Freeland, MTUQ HIE n OCT K 'VT r: U.w, i.oi, v.iUi u. ui., lA.vu u., y. 11 . For Ashland. Qlrardvllle and Lost Creek. 4.6?. 7.61, 8.63, 10.80 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.38, 9.16 ti. m. For Raven Run, Centralis, Mount Carmel and anamoain, v.uo, s.ou, u.u a. m., i.sz, i.tu, b.x n.m. r or x aiBsviiie, .carte i-iaco, maaaaoy uuy anu ueiano, o.ih, i.ao. v.id, ii.uo a m., 12.13, Z.D7 6 87. 8.08, 9.38, 10.38 p. m. Trains win leave anamomn nt u.ts, s.i&, 11. is m.. 1.66, 4.30 9.30 p. m.. and arrive at Shenan doah t 7.38. 9.16 a. m.. 18.43. 8.57. 6.37. 11.15 n. m. Leave Shenandoah tor Pottsvllle. 6.60. 7.88 9.1H, 11.05 11.30 a. m., 12.13, 8.57, 4.10 5.37, 8. n. m. Leave Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 8.00, 7.85 9 05, 10.1M1.4S a. m., 13.82, 3.00,. 410, 5.30, 7.15, 7 U. 111.00 n. m. Leave stienandoan for Haileton, o.ot, 7.33, v.10, m., 13.48, 3.57, D., a.ua p. m. Leave Hazleton tor Shenandoah, 7.35, 10.00, 11. w! a. m., 11.10, B.rt. t.au, 7..t. 7.00 p. m, SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Ashland. Qlrardvllle and Lost Creek, 7.v, v.40 a. m., 13.W, 3.4a p. u. For iiasieton, uiack ureea juuouuu, j-euu uaven junouon, uaucn unuiu, luiouwnu. Bethlehem. Caston and New xoric, o.ju m. 13.30, z.tt p. m. ITn, Tihllunlnhln. 12.SA. S.&5 tl. m. For YatesvllFe, Park Place, Mahanoy Olty and Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. m., 13.30, 3.55, 4.40 B.03 p. m. ueavo iiazieion iur duduhuuvmu, ,uv, i.ov a. m., 1.05, 6.80 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.50, 8.40, 9.80 a. m., 3.45 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle tor Shenandoeh, 8.80, 10.40 a.m., 1.85. 6.15 p. m. ROLLIN U. WILBUR, denl. Supt., South Bethlehem, Pa Oil AS. S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Act., Philadelphia. A, W, NONNEMACUER. Asst. Q. P. A., South Bethlehem, Pa. Soap Works. Third and Race Sts. Use 5c Ocean Soap. It lias no equal for laundry or general housobold uso nnd can o used with perfect safety ou 1 T - 1 5c Borax Soap. Is unequalledfor washing laco, flannel or fine texture goods. Monarch Towel Soap, is in mrgo ultra iv ujwui wuos each baf free. It is spleudl) T 1 1 1 1 f. for general use. Miners' Favorite Now Wrinkle, Oleine, lirown ana wane textrn rnmuy are all good soaps. A'l soaps guaranteed to be absolutely puro. "WltS. IIUALI), Manager. W. T. DECH'S WheelwiightShop Has been removed to Pear Alley, Between Centre and Lloyd Btrcets. ' Wheolwright work, Carringo and Wagon building, Horseshoeing and General Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. RETTIG'S Beer and Porter T AM AGENT for the J- Chas, Kettlg's Cele brated Beer and Porter in this vicinity, also I3crgnor & En gel's celebrated India Pale Ales and Old Stock. Orders will receive prompt attention. Finest brands of Liquors and Cigars. SOLOMON HAAK- 120 South Mam Street. Rag Carpet Weaving ! If vou want a Rood pleco ot ra? carpet, wel woven, take your rocs and have them woven up In carpets. It wlU nay you In the long run. All kinds, with or without stripes, made to order; beautllul rainbow Btrlpcs. Low prices Pja-TTEHSON'S, 205 West Oak Streot, Shenandoah, Pa, Tou have seen it advertised for mnnv years, but have you ever tried It? If not, vou do not Know what, un Ideal Complexion l'm cler Is. POZZOMi'S boeldos bclntr nn ncknowlodgod bonutlflor, hns many rotroshlntf ut.es. ItprtrentHclmf" luff. sun-burn. wbiU tRn.leasenaiH'ntptrHt.un. etc. t in f net 1 1 ts a most del lea to and denlnibto jirotection io mo inco aunng wtweumor. I ii hoiu j-verywucrc. For eamolo. addrosfl ! J. A. POZZONI CO. St, Louis, NIoJ MUNTION THIS YAVKil. DR. HOBENSACI, Formerly n'nSW North Becond Bt., Is the old est la America for the treatment of Special Jtlaeaae and VoiKi'uI ISrrom. Varlooafts, Hydrocele, l,osi Mannooa, etc. MTeaimi:ij, mall a specialty. Communications ivc coDlldentliU. Send stamp tor book. Hip iri-' a.m to2p.m,i Uto9p.m.: Sundays. 9 to1 Tl? YftTT HAVE A TRUNK to go to IE IUU the donot or a naroel to tent way drop us a card and we will call for It. United States Eitpret s, Cor. Centre and Union 8t ftlUSSER & BEDDALl, (Successors to Coakley Uros.) No. 38 IJaHt Centre street, NnENANUOAH, IA. Our Motto: Rest Ouolltv nt 1ami nsAh Prloes. Patronage respectfully sollolted. L0RE1JZ SCHMIDT'S; Celebrated Poiter, k and Beer JAMES SHIELDS, ' Managor Shenandoah Branch. l FOR lR GTS JK U tMOTarwiri, Segjm mswrnttnt y l99dEfiEHS3els3 3 h In Fosfnge, it o Avill send H Z ASnniiilnl'.mi'lf.po, of clllicr !N y tVHITi:, FLESH or imrSKXTll 9 (i Tou have seen it advertised for manr M years, but have you ever tried It? If R not, vou do not Know what, ua Ideal Coiiiiilexlou l'm cler Is. m seerwin I m ! ! H n 1 1 Horses ana Carriages to Hireft ! dauUnr of all kinds promptly attended to, lf that are liberal. 9. PEAR ALLEY", ha of the Cofieo Hoast. 1