Evening Herald. WKDNKSDAY, Al'lllli 18, lfc94. THIRD EDITION FIENDISH ROBBERS. First Hobbed and then Attsmpteilto ltoaift Their Victim. Hpcclal to thO HEHAI.D. llAZLKTOK, April 18. Tho details of one of the most fiendish crimes over com mltted In Luzerne county renched hern lo-dny. A double motive robbery mid revenge Is nt the bottom of It. Tho vic tim U Joshua Son tee, 75 years of age, ono of the most prominent formers of Butler valley. He was beaten Insenslblo, robbed of JIOOO nnd nearly burned to death. Mr. Sauteo slept, In n bedroom In his saw mill nnd kept tho money In an oak chest In tho room. After securing if 1,000 in gold nnd notes from tho chost tho robbers beat their victim to insensibility and then set llro to tho mill. Sir. Snnteo was badly burned about the head and body. The injured mnn, after reaching the open nir, ran wildly into the forest. lie hud only his night clothes on, and from tho burns nnd injuries ho lind already sustained, together with tho ex posure, lie soon fell exhausted. He wa picked up shortly nttor nnd carried to the liomo of ono of his workmen. At first the outrnge wns supposed to have been the work of tramps, but sus picion is now directed ugnlnst some em ployes who entertnlued ill-leeling townrd the victim. Our better hnlves say they could not keep house without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is used in more thnn half the homes In Leeds. Sims llros., Leeds, Iown. This Bhows the esteem In which thnt rem edy is held where it lias been sold for years and is well known. Mothers hnve learned that there is nothing so good for colds, croup nnd whooping cough, thnt it cures these ailments quickly nnd perma nently, and thnt it is plensnnt nnd safe for children to take. 2." nnd 60 cent bottles for sale by Gruhler Bros. routing ICvonts. April 20. Ice crenm festivnl tinder the auspices of the Stnr Flute nnd Drum Corps in Bobbins' opera house. April 30. "A Trip to Kurope," illus trated lecture, in Welsh Baptist church, byltev. C. II. Woolston, of Philadelphia, for the benefit of the English Baptist church. May 3. First anniversary of the Wash, inglou Social Club, in Bobbins' opera house. Mny 4. Telegraphers' Assembly nnd contest in Hobbins' opera house. Mny 4. Twenty-fifth anniversary of Wnslitngton Camp. No. 112, P. O. S. of A., In Ferguson's theatre. Mav 80 Strawberry nnd ice crenm fes- tlrnliu Bobbins' opera house, under tho nusp ices of Cutnp 0, P. O. of T. A. USE Wells' Launuhv Bum, the beet 1 Blueing for laundry use. Ench package makes two quarts, 15cts. Sold by iuusser as ueuuall Wrecked by an Kxplixlon. Los Anoki-KB, (Jul., April 18. A myste rious explosion demolished tho frame building of Mrs. Louisn Malm, 455 to 159 South Spring street, nnd badly damaged Kcstner's butcher shop and a produce store and thu store adjoining. For half a block in ench direction from tho wrecked building the sidewalks were covered with debris and broken glass, nnd on tho oppo site side of the street show windows were blown to atoms. Tho wrecked building was occupied by a restaurant, cignr store and linborwoski's shell nnd jewelry store, In the lntter of which tho explosion prob ably occurred. Mrs. Kate Sclilomer, pro prietress of the restaurant, was sleeping In a rear room and when awakened found the building blown nearly away, but her bed and herself were miraculously un harmed. Baborwoskl is suspected. It is believed that two bodies were iu the debris. Three Town Fired by Ineendlnrlei. Vienna, April W. The towns of the Nue Handle, in Galicla, Hrndlsch, in Mor nvia. anil Adler Knsteletz, iu Bohemia, have been almost entirely destroyed by lire. Hrndiscli is situated on an island in the river March, and has a population of about 3,100. Adler Kosteletz is about fourteen miles southeust of Konlgbratz and bus n population of n little over !),000, The lire broke out In the three places al most simultaneously, and this fact has led to the supposition that they were etarted by incendiaries who were acting on ft concerted plan. Henntnr Vanee'g Snoeeiwor, Halkioh, N. C, April The body of the late SeiiHt -r Vance, after lying in state at the cupitol for six hours yester day, was taken to Ashevllle last evening, where the interment takes place today. In retard to a successor to the dead senator, the governor refused to discuss names until after the funeral. He stated, how ever, that the appointment would prob ably be made Friday, and that tho man selected would be In sympathy with the Wilson bill, and strongly intrenched iu regard to frae silver nnd an income tux. l'reiuler Crlnpl Apologizes. Rome, April 18. In the chamber of dep uties Higimr Imbriaul, the well known Rudlral lender, protested against the lan guage that hud been used by Prime Min ister I'rlnpl during au excited debate over the budget estimates, hignnr Crlspl ad mitted that he hud become hunted during the debate, nnd begged leave to apologize to the house for any objectionable lan guage that be inirfht have usod on the oc casion. The subject was thun dropped. Mew fflpoods ""Arriving Daily , D. Fricke's Carpet Store, 10 South Jurdlu Street. MAIIANOV C1TT. MauakotCitt, April 18. Fred N. Hippie Is on tho sick list, ltev. T. Henry visited Ashlnnd on Tues day evcnlug. John Shoencr. dcmitv tax collector, com bined business nnd plensurolnGlrardvllle last, evening. Peter Scnrlln, of Shcnntulonh, wns .a visitor to town yesterday. August Snuer, of Shcnnndonh, stopped In town for a few hours yesterday. W. II. Green nnd W. S. Sergeant were among tho visitors from Shcnnndoah yes terday nfternoon. C. Dieter has purchased n lot nt Klghth nnd Centre streets for fWK) nnd will build n double house with store room. Harry C. Selvcrt hns returned from Ilarrisburg looking well nnd feeling good. John Anstock will try his luck with tho Locust Vulley trout to-dny. George Gelger returned from Lnkcsldo this nfternoon with forty trout vnrylng In length from D to 14 inches. Tho two of 14 inches are beauties and probably tho lnrgest pulled from the Junction dnm since tho season opened. Trainmaster Hrlll nnd Secretary Anthony, of Delano, wheeled through town on 'cycles last evening. Krnnk Brown, of the Heading Eagle, was In town yesterdny. John Kearney, of Centralia, was enter tnlued by Miss Mngglc lluike, of Alnha noy Tunnel, yesterdny nfternoon. Frnnk Wenrich, a Philndelphin pollcc mnn, will be tho guest to-dny of the Yiengst fnmlly. of A est Centre street Frnnk McGownn, n surveyor of tho L. & W. 11. Coal Co., of Wilkes-Unrre, is visiting his parents on West Centre street. Alonzo Hnll will bring home n stringof trout from Lakeside this evening. William Kdwarda" will enst his lino ninotig the Locust creek trout to-dny. Daniel Xease, n Hamburg cattle sales man, was about town last evening. Miss Battle Howmnn, of Shenandoah, Is spending n few daya with friends in town. William Hoberts succeeds Edward Ilritz as first apprentice in Ltnles barber shop. Echvnrd starts for Philndelphin this week where a position awaits him. John J. Goil, assistant despatcher nt Mnhanoy Plane, wns seen in town lust evening. Dnvid Dresh enmo bnck, with n trunk on his back, after a visit ol several dnys in Philadelphia. Reuben Kllngel and Mrs.Mnry Resten berger, of Mnhanoy City, were married yesterdny. Kllngel ia fireman of L. V. engine 575. A lnrgo number of entries hnvo been made for the Welsh church eisteddfod on Friday evening, nmong them about twenty children under twelve years of ago. Among the competitors will bo two choirs, three qunrtettes, several duets and soloists. The prizes arc cash. Seventy-eight trout were caught by Charles Becker and W. D. Harris in Hossosock creek yesterday afternoon. Tho fish were from live to nine Inches In length and bit well at bait of common angle worm. Thomns Kenno has returned to Mahn noy City after an absence of nino years in Washington. Mr. Kenno married in that state ami raised a family of three child ren who nccompanied him Enst. His wife died recentlv. Ho is now tho guest ot Little Abe Wire. A handsome marblc-bncked switch board, worth about $2,000, has been placed in tho Lakeside Hallway power house on Rcilroad street. It is tho intention of the company to run ono engine every other day. Wire connection will be miide with tho Schuylkill Traction Company nnd power furnished for the Mnhnnny brunch of thnt line. Tho power generated by the two engines is said to be sufficient to drive curs unon aline extendincto Tamil- nun nnd Pottsville nnd it is thought thnt the road may in time bo oxteuded to those points. Mr. nud Mrs. J. J. Kcllv hnvo returned from their wedding trip to New York. The boys were mixious to give liiin a big send olf and a rei . -ion en hi-rjl'i-u but he evaded them qnuo cieveily. lio tele irranhed his intention of nrrivincin Mnha noy City on Saturday evening nnd the Citizens' Bund took up position before his nlflCR nf business that nlizht nllivinc "Mr. Kelly come back" until apprised of their mistuKc. Last night a crown congregated at tho station with pots, pans, kettles and enns, determined to give the bridal couplo a warm reception. But Kelly bribed tho conductor with a box of ciirarsto slow tin just outside ot town, nnd the crowd ugain marcueu Home disappointed. Those who never rend the advertise ments in their newspapers miss more thnn thev nresume. Jonathan Kenison of Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who had been troubled with rheumatism in his buck, arms, and shoulders read an item in Ills paper about how a prominent (jermau citizen of Ft. Madison had been cured. Ho procured the Eiime medicine, nnd to use hl own words: "It cured me light up." Ho nLo snys : "A neighbor nnd his wile were both sick in bed with rheuma tism. Their boy was over to my house nnd snld they were so bnd ho hadto dotho cooking. I told him of Chamberlain's Pain Halm and how it had cmed me. ho got n bottle nnd it cured them up in a week. 50ccnt bottles for sale by Giuhlor Bros. "Baby" is a spanking drama, and tho number of babies that are cmed ot coughs, colds nnd croup by Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and Senekn nro sure cry torlaiis ol the virtue of that medicine. Don't TobaoQs Spit or Smoke your Uf ' wnv Is the truthful. iarillng title ol a little book trot tells nil about No-to-Vmo, the wonderful, harmless Ummmtenl iotici habit u.re. 'tho oost I -i trill, as aim die man who wants to quu - nd can't ruus uu physical or uam.Ul risk lu usina "No tobac rt Sold by all diugglua. Mmik ill itniv Htxiren or bv mad free. Address Tee merlins Kerned? Co., lodlsna Mineral SprluKD, lnd. w ly W"..nfl. A gentleman with 500or$1000avallable capital to join witn anotner wuo nun ms uenerai agency or isasiern vh., tor a spec iiiltv needed on electric roads, factories and hotels, to take u half interest Iu tho business, nnd a profit of 100 per cent. Ad dress T. F., HlillAU) office. tf We have ndded to our laundry "Sin clair's Ice Curtain Frame." It puts every thread in Its place. Makes lace curtains neater than new without injury to tho most delicate luce. Dron us a card nnd we will call for them. Stute whether vail want them eream or white. Bren linn's Steam Laundry, South Main Btreet. 4-10-tf Steuimhlp Tickets tdnod. From Hamburg, Breman, Antwerp or Amsterdam only t81.50. To Liverpool, 8ueentown, Imdouderry, Belfast or lnwtow, only 133, At Reese's Railroad and Steamship Office, Dougherty Build lug, Shenandoah, Pa. 4-4-tt It will be an agreeable surprise to per sons subiect to attacks of bilious colic t learn that prompt relief may be hud by takinir Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera am, Diarrhoea Remedy. Iu many instances the attack may be prevented by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear -." anil 50 cent bottles for sale by (Jruhler Bros. THE AQUIDABAN SUNK. Uracil's Urentest War Teasel Sent to the llottum. Bpecislto the IlEHAM), Washington, April 18. A message hns Just been received here from Buenos Ayres stating that the collapse of tho Brazilian revolution Is complete. Admlrnl de Mello's squndron, with the remnant of tho refugees, arrived at Buenos Ayres on Monday, It consists of flvo vessels. In cluding the flagship Repnbllcn. Many wounded were on board. Tho Aquldabnn was sunk off Santa Cnthnrliih by Pelxoto's torpedo boats, and tho Islands of Santa Cnthnrlnn were captured. Mcllowroto to the President of Argentina, turning the vessels, over to the Argentina Government and clnlmlng Its protection. Tho Aquadaban was built of Bteel, sheathed with wood nnd metnl, nnd pos sessed all modern improvements in con struction and equipment. The rebel ships nro in n dilapldnted condition, nnd tho rebels on board of them nro suffering from sickness, wonnds nnd lnck of proper food supplies. The Brazilian Government Minister hns re ceived advices from Rio do Janeiro, say ing that the Brazilian Government will pay the quarantine expenses of the ships if they are surrendered to tho Brazilian Minister. There can bo no other answer thnn thnt Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and Scneka Is the best Croup Remedy ever prepared. Price 25 nnd 50 cents per bottle. UIltAIMIVIM.K. John Fell has purchased a fine organ. Thomns Gorrann tnkes possession of tho Burchill House, at Shenandoah, to day. Mrs. William Stein, of Shenandoah, wns n town visitor to-day. Miss Bridget Noon, of Fountain Springs, visited here Inst evening. Benjamin Donnghue called on Shenan doah friends last evening. Siney McAndrew left this morning for Wilkes-Dnrre, where n lucrative position nwnlts him. , Miss Nellio Meller, of Mnhanoy City, was the guest of Miss Sallie Durkin, of B street, Tuesday. The O. I. C. Club effected n permnnent organization nt the Delmonico Hotel Inst evening. Jnmes McBremty, of Ashlnnd, circu lnted nmong friends here Inst evening. J. C. Coleman and P. J. O'Neill visited Shenandoah yesterday. James Toll opened a hnndsomo restaur ant at the corner of Parker and Second streets to-day Jns. Flynn, of Connor's patch, Is con fined to his bed with typhoid pneumonia. Mrs. W. F. Thomns cnlled on her mnny Shenandoah friends last evening. Hon. D. D. Phillips, of Gordon, passed through town yesterday. The main plpeof the Girnrd dam burst between Uirurdville and Raven Run, oil Monday, causing considerable dnmngc. William Horsowcod is erectiug a large store room next to his dwelling. Lena Dictzo visited Shenandoah Inst evening. Jnmes Cooper hns had his bar hand somely remodeled. Patrick Finnegnn, of Pnrker street, visited tho county seat to his sorrow on Monday. A team belonging to Jnmes Kester, of Shenandoah, took fright and dashed down Second Btreet and up H street, and kent the load until they arrived iu Rap pahannock, where they were captured without any damage. Detlrsble Hnll for Kent. For rent, n well furnished lodge room on the third floor ot the Dougherty build intr. nt the corner of Centre nnd Jnrdln streets. 05x32 feet in size. Four nnte- rnnms. Hented bv steam. Best venti- lated lodge room in the town. Several windows on Centre nnd Jnrdln streets. Also n room 15x15 feet In size on the second lloor. Suitable for nn office. Apply on the premises. 4-13-lw. Sneclnl low Drlces to all in warches. Jewelry and silverware nt Holdermnn's, corner Alain anti i.ioyu streets. MAIIANOV I'LnVNK. Gernld Koehler. of Girnvdville. is doincr duty nt the Mithuuoy Piano depot ns operator. The BorouL'li Council nnd Health Board will make their annual tour of the town on Friday. All members should take take part. M. J. Leahy lias returned from n visit to Bullalo, N. V. Messenger James Houghton visited Lost CreeK lust evening. Dr. J. II. Kiiterline is tho busiest man In town. The doctor onnio here well recommended and the people have found that lie is up to the standard In his pro- tension. Gerald Koehler. of Girardville, wns the guest of Miss Taj lor, of Frnckvilie, last evening. llutctier Thomas iarev ami .lonn v, Powers, of Power's hotel, visited the Miners' Hospital to-day. We are aorrv to learn that Bernard Farrell. of Mahw-ville, is laying very low ut the hospital. Thomas Xarev Is remodelinir his slauul ter house. Tom's business Is increus ins, hence the repairs. Steve M ddleton is nt theMiners' HoepI tal for treatment for injuries received in the mines. T. A. Fennelly, operator at the depot, is flllinif the place of Fred Helpple, who Is on the sick list. The Health Board held n meeting nt Middle! on's hot el last evening nnd ndopted the ordinance, nr. Knteruno, tne noard'f nhvsician. reports the health of tho bor ough in pood condition. The next thing iu order is for the Counoil, Health and School Boards to hnve a joint meeting, Buy Keystone flour. Be sure thnt the name Lkbski & Bam:, Ashland. Pa., Is irlnted on every sack. -3-3taw For jaundice and all other conditions resulting from constipation, go by the book on Beecham's pills. Book free, pills 25c. At drugstores ; or write to B F Allen Co, 36s Canal st New York. Political Cards. E Oil Mlll.IlII'ir, AIjKX. SCOTT, Subject to the rules ot tho Itcmibllcan noml na'lngconvontton. JBLTAS DA VIS, Bublect to tho rules of the Ilonubltcnn nomi nating convention. Ott HIINAT OK, (30th District) JOHN J. COYLE, Hubiect to tho rules of tho Kctmbltcan noml, Dating convention. LIUIl CONDREHH, S. A. LOSGU, Hubiect to the rules of the Rcnublicon nomi nating convention. ntoic Hiiiaiii'if, J. M, QUICK, Subject to the rules of the ItcDabllcon nomi nating convention. MISCELLANEOUS. "tOK HKNT. A Rood business nronirtvnnd L1 residence on North Main street, Hhensn nosh. Present occupant wishes to rctiro from business. Annlv to Mrs. William Oraeber. 1U North .Mfttu street, 4-14-31 T70UNIJ. A piece of Hrutecls carpet. Owner 1 can have tho same by pnytng for this sdvertlsrnentand calllre at id. J. Early's saloon, 21 East I.loyd street. 4-18-lt LOST. A pair of gold-rimmed spectacles, on Moniav. lOthinit.. between the I.loyd street Fchcol houto and flri-t dim of the Water Co. Please return to (J. W. Deddall's hardware store. 4-18-lt OH SALE. A full set of band instruments, L made by the Boston Musical Manufactur nir t o. For further lnformi.t1rin annlv U) Thomas M. BoliD, 315 West Centre street, -hcnundosh. 4-16.1w FOH SALE. The property now used by the IlEKALI) Publlshlnir Comnonv. East Coal street, Hhebnndoab. lerms: purt casta, bal- nco on moitguge. Apply on the premises. FOIt KENT Two elegant rooms, located in the best nart ot town (over Kefowlrh's clolhlne t ton ), heated by stcsm and lit by eifcincny. rsuitnDie jor a lawyer or uoctor. Apply to Levi Kefcwlcb, 10 S. Main street. die fin A DAY MADE, steady employ J)U U U mcnt guaranteed selling a household necevsitv and new. cheap kltches utensil. Hell on eight. Salary or commission. Partlculsrs free. Clifton foap & Mfe. Co., 365 Walnut St., Clncibnatl, O. 3 S-vo-MUt AGENTO make 5 00 a day. Greatest kitchen utensil ever Invtntcd. Rttall !Hcts. 1 to sold in every nousc. bampio. postage pnia, free. Forshco SMcMakln, Cincinnati O. lU-lLwcd't HOTJS'E AND LOTS FOR SAI.H Elgh' lots, SK st ry house with 2Hstorykltrhen, argo puce, two good wens nuu eireain oi witter running throt'eh the nrobcrtv: nice brarlnc fruit trees! lots in good stjvto of cultivation; nown formerly as fMK untei. nuitabie tor asv kind of buslcecs. For further particulars write or call on AlRrt. It. V. KISHEK. 20-3ra Urucdonville. Sch. Co. I'll. T EX. S1YBEE, (Huccctsor to G. W. Hnssler) 101 West Cherry St., Shenandoah, HOUSEandSIGN painter Dealer In WALL PAPER. A rjtnil- W n 1 1 Dns nil eVortr m hnnd. Special low rates for paper hanging HEW YORE Cosh Millinery Store. 29 Jforth Main St., Shenandoah. Our display of New York styles In millin ery is tne largest in mu county. Constantly on hnnd n large assortment of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets At prices to suit nil. Ladles, examineour goods oeiore uuying cisewuere. itcmem ber, prices the lowest. Satisfaction given, SIKH. O. W. BIUF, SOMETHING FOH THE NEW Clothing Store ! 21 South Main Street. This Is the only plnce where you can get now and stylish goodsntthe lowest prices, to suit the times. It is the people's cloth ing store. Come and seo us before you go elsewhere. We are sure you will be more than plowed, ns wo have come to stay aud do business. Wo nro buying for cash, right from tho manufacturers, at our own prices. Ave can sell you men's suits from &.75tip; boys' btiits from SS.'iC up; child ren's suits from 75c up. Full lino of best underwear, gents' furnishing goods, hats and caps. WARREN J. PORTZ. Pin no Tuner. Pl&noa and orpnns repaired. Orders left at 21 N orth Main street, Shenandoah, will receive ptompt Hiienuon Photographer Market and Centre Sts., 1'OTTSVILLE. The best photographs In ill the latest styles. wouueiHieausaiipiiotograpners. FOB S-A-LIKi, Leather and Findings Store. Good reason given for selling. Buyer may cxuuima uwab. LKATlIKIt STOI'.K, Ferguson House Building. Working People DIVES, FOMEROY I STEWART, -ZB2SPOTTSVILLE, pa. Special Sale Saturday and for Next Week. Our new stock Includes a vast variety of nil the latest weavel With such a stock before you no one cannot fail making a sat isfactory selection. Then, being pleased with the goods is not nil. Tho price figures very prominently THE LOWEST. 'Tls Impossible for us f o describe the various kinds, qualities and prices through the medium of tho pen. We ask you to come and see for yourself. The timo spent wlCh us will prove profi table to you, Dives, Pomcroy & Stewart. We do not exaggerate in the least when wo Bny our Millinery Department Is equal to any of our large city displays. Our trimmer, who comes to us from tho French Trimming depart ment of one of the leading houses of Now York city, Is capa ble of suiting tho stylo of hat that is most beeomlng to tho fnce. We have only the lntest designs at prices to suit all. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. We nre amply prepared to meet tho demands of all in this de partment. We were choice lu our spring selections, and feel confident we can please all. There are beautiful Coats aud Capes before you to chooso from. Not to bo suited is out of the question. Note the high grade stock nnd prices low to suit the timos. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Every careful housewife Is Interested In thisdepartment. Our Muslins, Sheetings, etc., are superb. Look at the Ladles' full sized Skirts in this department for ii'Jo. Ladiks' Gloves. In this we have any style or quality de sired, either in Mousquetaire, Button, Lace, Lisle, Taffeta and Silk black and colors at prices from 12c up. All tho best makes In Ladles' and Children's Hose, double heel and toe, ribbed or plain, fast black or colors, in price 12c up. The Rival- The embodiment of the latest in tho Sewing Machine mechanism. Handsome, durable, quick and handy. Plain finish, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, C. Geo, Miller, Manager. Home-Killed Beef. The onlv nlnce in town to secure home- killed beef, guaranteeing choice and juicy mnnt nnd nt. Him Rntnn nrlpft ns flblenirn beef. Fresh veal, mutton, pork nnd lamb. Dresu sausage anu ooiogna mnue every day. Finest steak, 2 lbs. 25e; rib roasts, 2 lbs. 25c; soup meats, 7 and 8c; loil veal, 14c; fresh home-mado sausage, 10c Reuben Martin 100 N. Jardin St., Shenandoah J. F. PL0PPERT, 'SiktSP and Cponfeotioner7 20 East Centro Street, SHENANDOAH, PENKA Bread, Cakes, Confectionery nnd j Vanilla, Chocolate and Straw berry Ice Cream and Soda Water. Wholesale nnd Retail. Orders for parties and other events filled on short notice. Ice cream delivered to nil pnrtsof town In plntor quart buckets. Spring and Summer MILLINERY! Inspect my large stock of the Finest and Latest Styles ot Ladies' Hats & Bonnets Fine assortment of Babies' Caps. If you wish a snrinc hat r bonnetun to date nnd trimmed in the lateststylecallat Ella M. McGmmss' 0 East Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. JJIl. n. HOFFMAN BAKER, rili'SICIAN AND SURGEON, Successor to Dr. James Stein. 114 North Jardin Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Office hours From 7 to 9 a. m.i 1 to S and 7 to 9 p. m. Diseases ot the throat and lungs a specialty, llours of vaccination : 8 to9 a. m., 12 to l p. m. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart $19.50 POTTSVILLE, PA. DR. J, GARNETT MERTZ, Oculist and Optician, III W. Centre St., Malmnoy City, Pa. Eyes exnmlned and glasses prescribed. Special attention to dilllcult cases. Is Now Ready for Delivery. CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT -AGENT TOR- Lauer's CELEBRATED LftGER S No. 207 West Coal Street, Shenandoah, Penna, Piatt's Popular Saloon, (Formorly Joe Wyatt's) 19 and 21 West Oak Street siienandoa.it, pa. The bar is stocked with he best beer, porter, ales, wclskles, brandies, w'nes and cigars. Eat In bar attached. Cordial Invitation to all. PEOPLE who have CAUPETS, PKATUEUS or MATT11ES9E8 To loo Olortaaoca. S While cleaning house, will do veil to call on or address The STEAM BUOUTIKraSrffl' S. 3-. ACKER, Wheelwright and Blacksmithing. SHOP, Pear Alky, Rear Beddall's Store, Between Centre and Lloyd Sts. First-class work nnd repairing ot all kinds done on short notice and at Rcasounblc Prices.