The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 14, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Evening Herald.
Published dally, except Sunday by
Publlcatloa office and mechanical department,
&J3 East Coal btreot, li,
tji xSaetlA Is dcltvored In Shenandoah and
1 II& pe .lu gurfoundJm! t0Kng jor Six CcnU
a -week, piyable to the oarrlcrs. Uy mall, Threo
Dollars a year or Twenty-live cents per month,
la advance.
Adverttnemenle .charged according to space
sad position. Tho publishers resetvo the right
to change tho position of advertisements when
tct tho publication of hews requires It, The
right Is also roserrcd to reject any advcrtlso
neat, whether paid for or not, that tho pub
lishers may deem Improper. Advertising ratos
made known upon application.
Entered at tho post offlco at Shenandoah, Pa.,
u seaoad closs mall matter.
rim kviiniso iiBiiALi),
Shenandoah, Pcnna.
Evening Herald.
SATURDAY, APKII, 14, 1894.
llKPunucAN Statu Committer,
Philadelphia, Kob. 24, '94.
To the Republican Elector! 1'enmyh'unia :
I nm directed bv tlio llenubllcnu State
Committee to unuouueo that the Republi
cans or Pennsylvania, uy their amy
thosen representatives, will meet in
State convention at IlarriHburjr, Pa., on
ednesilny, .May M, at 11 o clocK a. m.,
ior the followliiK purpose, to wit s
For the nomination of candidates re
spectively for Governor. Lieutenant-Gov
ernor, two members of Congress from the
Mate at large, Auditor General, Secretary
f Internal Affairs, and for the transaction
of Buch other business ns may be pre
Attention is called to tho rule adopted
at the State Convention of 1893 providing
ior the bails of representation as follows :
Representations in future state conven
tions shall be bnsed upon tho vote cast at
the Presidential or uuberuatorlal clectioil
lmmedintelv nrecedlnir. onedeleiratebeine
allotted to each legislative district for
over 2.000 Republican votes and nn addl
tional delegate for a fraction exceeding
1,000 votes, each district to have at least
one delegate.
By order of tho Republican State Com.
it. jr. uilkeson, uunirman.
Attest: Jmtu H. Rkx.
A. D. FlLl.EltoLF, Secretnrr.
The representatives to which each (lis
trict of the county is entitled to is as fol
First district, 1; Second district, 1; Third
district, l; Jiourtn district, j.
The wintry storm thatcamo down from
the Northeast on Tuesday night and
swept over the hills and plains of New
Jersey was uncommonly well-timed to
suit with tho feeliug of Democrats. It
was a cold and cheerless night for every
nnrcpcntnnt Democrat in thnt state, from
Wantage to Cape Mny. Horse, footland dra
Koons, the legions of King and Gang wcro
routed. Their strongholds, hitherto itn
pregnable, tho very citadels In which tho
thief bosses were intrenched, wcro
stormed by tho resistless onset of the
party of the people. Scarcely since
AVashlngton turned nt Trenton and sent
Howe and Cornwallls nnd their Ilesslnns
in, a devil-take-the-hlndmost llight from
the Delaware to the Hudson hns New
Jersey been tho scene of so striking
victory over the public foe. It wns in
mine respects even more notable than th
j?rent triumph of Inst November, ofjwhich
it wns the sequel nnd the completion
For that was the first engagement, nnd
might have been reckoned tho chnnco
result of a temporary Bpasra of reform
Hut this came at tho conclusion of a long
and fierce campaign, repeating that first
rosult with added emphasis, and showing
that the people of New Jersey, having
sit their hand to the plough, nre not
minded to look back.
And why should they look back? If
ever a party stood branded nnd damned
beyond redemption, the Democracy of
Ne,w Jersey does to-day. For years it
life has been a study in corruption, and
now, .finding Itself almost in articulo
mortis, it remains as stubbornly impenl
tent as ever. Elsewhere, when sotretnen
dously rebuked as they were Inst fall
Democratic leaders, or some of them, have
at least put forth some somblnnce of re
ptntnnce nnd reform, and have talked
about new leadership and purification of
the party. Hut we have observed no such
symptoms ornssurneu contrition in iew
Jersey, To the Democratic party there
one might exclaim, as did Hecket to De
Urlto: "Thou was horn excommunicate I
I never spied In thee one gleam of grace.
To the very last the State House-Hace-
track Gang have persisted In their courses
of iniquity. They have clung to the
wrong, not even in expectation of ultimate
gain and victory, hut, aftor their latest
hope was gone, In sheer love of evil.
They nre joined tq their Idols. ,Let, them
Now Jersey, patient nnd long-suffering,
has utterly repudiated them nt last. For
the third time, strongest of nil, her
turdlct lias been rendered. The first time
ytm last fall, when she retired the Demo
crats from power in tho Legislature, nnd
returned the Republicans by the largest
majority then on record. Theseoond wns
t winter, when, by unprecedented ex- j tions of womanhood, improves digeotion, en
juwlons of popular opinion, sho Bae , rlclw the blood, dispels aches and pains,
11 j melancholy and nervousness, brings refrosh-
moral support to her chosen servants in Ids sleep, and restores health and strength.
th,.r battle for their right and for the J& AZtfi&SS
righto of their electors, The third was and derangements Incident to womanhood,
,,,.. , ' or the money paid for it is returned,
on Tuesday last when, after seelni; nnd would not pay to sell a poor medicine on
considering and weighing nil that had
been done, she deliberately, nnd by even
greater majorities than those of last No-
vembor, ratified her former decision, apt
proved tho work of the Republican legis
lature and.scnlcd tltaXondo'innhtOh of jtlio
emocratic Ring. 'Afid that after all. is
the Important tlilngi Itj? good lo have
llcpubllcan-Mayor in. Newark, anil a
Republican Hoard of Alderman in Jersey
City, nnd a Republican Common Council
n Trenton, nnd a full Republican govern
ment in Orange, and a Republican Hoard
of Frecholdefs for tho first time on re
cordIn Warren;county. It is good, too,
to.have Jths great industrial state add
such a mass of cumulative condemnation
to the National testimony against the In-
competencq nnd lack o patriotism that
bear swny at Washington. Hut best of
allls It for tho stateitself to have tho law
makers at Trenton thus supported nnd as
sisted and encouraged In their great work
f cleansing the whole body politic, from
solo to crown. It Is a splendid and in
spiring spectacle. It means, If tho Repub
licans continue true to their trust, the per
manent redemption of tho state, And it
must give to every slncero believer in
popular government new courago for his
work, new faith In Republican institu
tions, and new 'confidence in the wisdom
nnd vlrtUcVof tho people N. Y. Tribune.
In Buffalo on Sundny 3,000 Poles held n
meeting nnd heard speakers tell them to
band together, elect their own people to
office and thus gain tho rights belonging
to every man. Has anybody over heard of
oles being deprived of any rights in this
country f On the contrnry this is tho only
country on earth where they have any
rights. In their native country they daro
not call their souls their own, nnd if they
should nttempt to hold a meeting In Po
land such ns they held In Buffalo every
mother's son of them would bo tricod up
nnd bastinadoed, or tied down nnd
knoutcd. They ought to be glad of the
of tho privilege of living In a free country.
If the recent nctlons of many of tho
Poles nnd Lithuanians In this town are
samples of their countrymen's actions in
other parts of the country we think they
hnvo no claim whntevcr for protection
but rather have mnde themselves liable to
tho strictest surveillance Tho people
who were engaged in the disgraceful
riot on tho streets of this town but a short
time ago, when tho corpse of a human
was being taken to its last rostlnjr place,
clearly sounded tho warning of the results
In case such classes should secure thj
ruling power of tho government. When
they will not respect or help sustain the
laws of the land ns citizens, wlint can bo
expected of them ns officials 1
We repeat that these people nre enjoy
ing all tho rights of every other citizen
nnd nobody can deprive them of that on
joyment. If there is any complaint It
should como from tho people who stiller
by tho manner in which many of the new
comers nbuse the rights.
Twin Evils.
Constipation Is the parent of all evil
and its twin disease Is headache. Unless
you correct this condition sickness Is cer
tain to result. Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy has cured thousands of
persons after all else failed,
Jlrs. D. Rugg, of Medusa, N, Y., thought
there was no permanent cure until she
used Favorite Remedy, of which sho says;
"For years I had been troubled with con
stipation. I tried many remedles.Jwhlch
gave only temporary relief. Lnst fall I
became so diseased that I had a severe
attack of chills and colic: I then deter
mined to try Dr. David Kennedy's Favor
ite Remedy, which gave mo permanent re
lief, nnd 1 nm better now than I have
been in years."
Mrs. Ornhia Durdick. of Osteco. N. Y..
also writes: "Being a sufferer from sick
headaches for years, I tried many rem
edies, nnd tho only one that gave per
manent relief was Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy."
Claw tn r Mltshig Craw,
NEwnuiiTTOrtT, Mass., April 14. One
of the Plum Ialnnd life saving crew picked
up tha dory of ths schooner Jennie M.
Carter, which went anhore on Salisbury
Beach. Lashed to one side waa tha han
dle of a vallie. The remainder had been
swept away. It ta thought that tho crew
took to tha aoat, the captain lashing his
valuables te the inside of tha dory. The
finding of the boat furnishes an additional
reason to believe that tha crew has been
t;remai.u o.r ...
lTUSA.N.Y., April lt.-The dwalllng of
MtssKlUn Elyna, situated
tance from this vlllaa e, was
tuated a ahort dls-
tancofrointhisvlllBfe, was destroyed by
fire yesterday and Miss Klyne perished
tha nauias. Her skull ana some o
larger bones were all that remained.
tha Hamas. Her skull and some of tho
Th Wanthar.
Fair; variable w iutls; slluhtly warmer,
I7ia Jiejtitttom ef a Marrtcd TVoman
axo nop pieasant u sue la
, delicate, run-down, or over-
'worked. bb feels "played
out." Her smile and her ebod
iplrlta have tokon night. It
worries lici uiuuuuu ub vvau
as herself.
This la the time to
V -a. UUI
- a . . ,
n ortTlmU
.r. Wiucn Ol'O 111
o9'seat 01 uer
ot bar
f'J trouble.
T)r. Plm' JU)X.-" FavorltarreacrlnUon
these tonus.
niece wouldn't ba any cases of Chronlo Ca-
I fjnTh 11 KToryona used Dr. Bajje's ltomedy.
j Sase. MMwwww 4 tor aa tsmtrfeMa east.
Houso Dqmoorats Indorsjijtho Tdo
tics of Ex-Speaker Eoetl,
donsrreMtnan Will Not iterontter Draw
Their Full Ralarlea While nn HtumpInK
Tours In the Interest or Political Par.
ilea Rlchnata the Only Kxcnite.
WAaittNOTbtf. Anrll 14. After a heated
lesslon of two hours and n half tho Dem
ocratic caucus yesterday afternoon de
cided, by a vote of 80 to 44, to Instruct tho
committee on rules to report a now rule to
ascertain and record the presence of a
quorum whether voting or not. This is
the culmination of the long and mtter
struggle that has been on in the Demo
cratic house ever since the end of the
Fifty-first congress.
When tho committee on rules on Thurs
dny brought forward the proposition to
punisli members who declined to answer
to their names on roll calls by the Imposi
tion of a 110 flue for each offense ns the
solution of the situation with which tho
house has beeh .frequently confronted
when it wns deadlocked by the refusal oi
the Republicans to respond to their names
a great deal of opposition wns manifested
lolt on the part of various Democrats.
Some bf them did not believe thnt such a
method would prove effective, nnd in
sisted that tho house should go farther
than the committee on rules seemed to do
and adoot the nuorum counting device
invented by Mr. Reed in the Fifty-first
Others wero not disposed to go even ns
fnr na the rulo framed on Thursday con
templated. The result was that when tho
Democrntfl wore without aquornm yester
day it was decided to hold n caucus to dis
cuss and agree upon some plnn. I'racti
cally all the Democratic members of the
houso attended the caucus. As soon ns it
was called to order Mr. Bland presented a
resolution directing the sergenut-atarms
to carry out the provision of Section 40,
Chapters, of tho revised statu which
deductions from the salaries of tho mem
bers should be made fpr every day's ab
sence, except on account of sickness. This
was In accordance with tho action of tho
judiciary committee earlier in the day.
After tha Members of the judiciary com
mittee hod made their explanation the
resolution was unanimously adopted.
Then followed the fight over tho ques
tion of determining some method by
which some members who refuse to
answer to their names should ho made to
participate In legislation. Several propo
sitions were submitted. The resolution
which contained tho rule reported from
tho committee on rules yesterday, how-
evar, was not one of them.
The debato upon various propositions
continued for two hours and developed a
wide difference of opinion. Speaker Crisp
took the floor and made a vigorous speech,
pointing out tho deplorable position In
which tho house found itself on account
of continued and persistent absenteeism.
It left the house at tho mercy of the mi
nority wheuever at. a wink or nod from
Mr; Reed the Republicans declined to
answer to their names.
Quite a number of speeches were made
in opposition to any nnd all rules looking
to the counting of members who refused
to vote. During the course of a rather hot
tempered speech from Mr. Kilgore on tho
subject, Mr. Bland shouted, with an ex
pression of disgust, something to the ef
fect thnt If a Democratlo house was forced
to resort to Reedlsm they had better ad
journ sine die and go home. Mr. Cum
mlDgs also mnde a brlei speecn against the
proposition to count a quorum, at the
conclusion of which lie sent up to tha desk
an amendment to the title of any new rule
which should be reported for this purpose,
so as to make it read, "A rule to nominate
ThomasBrackattlteod for president of the
United States."
After all who desired had sufficiently
Ventilated their views Mr. De Armond, of
Missouri, offered a resolution in lieu of
those which had previously been offered
expressing It aa the sense of the caucus
that tha commlttoe on rules abould pre
pare a new rule for ascertaining the prca-
ence of a quorum, and also some method
for compelling tha attendance of absent
members. Mr. McCrenry, of Kentucky,
then moved ta refer all the resolutions
which had baen'presented to tha commit
tee on rulea with instructions to report
their judgment at a caucus to be held next
Monday evening. This motion was loat
ov to 05., The vote was then taken upon
Mr. De Arznond's resolution and It car
ried by a two-thirds majority 60 to 40.
It has been usual to give out any reso
lution adopted by a party caucus, al
though the proceedings thsmsclvaa are
kept secret, or at least are presumed to ha
ao, but after the adoption of tha DeAr
mond resolution another resolution u
prepared, submitted and carried to sup
press entirely the proceedings of tha cau
cus. It remains now for tha committee on
rules to" formulate a rule In accordance
with the DeArmond resolution. The rule
now before the bousa members will prob
ably be withdrawn and auperseded by the
quorum counting rule to be prepared.
Urging a DLtnlutlan,
St. JonNS, N. P., April 14. Doth houses
-- -
n.B,,1,1.nlnrin ' that In their onlnlnn
. .,.,', ..,
. . n . nnnnrtnn,t, ,
' .a" i . , .r " a i ,
, "'," wit.w. ,wkinn ,;., n,.
extent of the authority of the govern
ment in the collection and expenditure of
public money, tho'rlKhts of the executive
council, and the functions of depart
mental officers. The address also declares
that the retiring gpveminent possesses
the oonndence or tho electorate, that tuey
Were returned without unlawful aids,
.., ,., i ,..i . ,i .,i,nA
""" i'""-.i" -
Judgment oi tneiracts.
I J'unarul of Taaokla Wallit.
tui.timohr. Anrll 14. The funeral of
lat llou- s- TeMkle WaUU, which
tok place at 8 o'clock yesterday, was one
, w mo wiuwi in jjniwiuum tut j?..
remains were iam iu rusv 111 iireeuiuuuu
remetery. The supreme benen met. ai
noun and passed a reaolutlou ot respect.
l)n tha bench were Chief Judge Harlan,
J mitres Phelns. Hltchlo. Wiekoa and
Wright, Judge Morris of the United
Btntes court and Judge A. 1). Haguer of
A Woman Was the Causa.
Coltjmuu. B. O.. April 14. J. P. Koarse,
a white man about 30 year old, commit,
ted suicide in this city. lie was found in
an abandoned freight car with his throat
out. On Kearse's nocktle were the words)
"A woman did it."
TCmployera Admit Defeat,
CniCAao, April 14. Even tho most
radical contractors in uie unicagocentral
.Uuifning jLcnguo n'dmlt fllmt ftlio nt-
tejriptcd Ipckoitt hns .failedv miserably.
'.'Tlila nff air has lirdVed a ultrniltla fnilurn."
'said J). Vf Ptirviugton, thh brick, manu
facturer, "nnd wo nro all willing to admit
thnt tho attempt to use boycott methods
has met with signal disaster. Tho lock
out failed because it deserved to fall. It
was wrongfrom tho start." At laborhead
quartert figures wcro exhibited showing
that less than 800 men were locked out,
ami that some of them .have already been
takeniback. , ,
l)araite Suit Acnlnst Dr. Keelejr.
Leavenwoutii, Kan., April 14. In the
Leavenworth county district court Charles
E. Johnson, of Topckn, filed a suit against
Dr. Leslie E. Keeley, of Dvvlght, Ills., for1
tlOO.OOO damages for ruined health. John
son alleges In jils petition that he took the
Kceloy treatment for drunkonness at the
Topeka Institute In Mny, 1892, nnd that at
the end of live weeks he was pronounced
cured and sent away. He further states
that he Is now Incnpacltnted by 111 health
for nny kind of work ns a result of this
treatment, that he cannot live long, and
that ho still has nn appetite for liquor.
Almost Blind
Inflamed Eyos and Run
ning Soros
Tha Ouccoss of Hood's Causo
Croat Rojofclng A PorfootCuro.
Mtta Cora B. Zbcrt j
Barnesvllle, l'a.
M 0. L Hood St Co., Lowell, Mass. i
I feel It a duty to state what nood's Sarsa-
parllla has done for me. I was almost blind,
being compelled to stay In a darkened room on
account of Inflammation of the eyes. I also
suns red with running sores on my body. I was
a terrible condition. My mother tried every
thing she knew about and I was attended by
two doctors but without helping me. Finally
iioou'a Darsapariua whs recommenaea ana 1
had not taken two bottles before I began to gat
batter. Tha Inflammation left ray eyea and the
ores healtd, and the result was that
I Became Strongor,
and was restored to perfect health. At that
time I wis only twelve years old; now I am
nineteen and I hav not since batn troubled
with my eyes or noticed any sign of a return of
tha sores on my body. I can recommend Hood's
Barsaparllla as an excellent blood purifying
medicine." Miss Coba Erect, Barnesvllle, Pa.
"Hood's PIII9 act easily, yet promptly and
anciently, on the liver and bow els. Soe. ,
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah (o.
Pcnn Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. Lr
htchton. Slatlneton. White Hall. Catasauaua
AUentown, Bethlehem, Boston, I'hU&dclphtt
"a weaineriy at u.m. 7.3a, v.ia a m., i:.4sj
2 57 n m.
ror new yon, tun. 7.3s, a. m.,
r or uuauaKe. HwitcnDicK. uernaras ana iiua.
sondalc. 6.M, 9.15 a. m ., and.57 p. ra.
rot wuaes-uarre. wont? naves, r liiston,
Ij&cevvlllo. Townnda. Savre. Waverlv and
Elmira, 6.04. fl.15 a. m., 2.67, 5 27 p. m.
t or nocnesier, imnaio, niacarft r ails ana
the West. 6.04,9.15 a. m. and 2 57 5.27 p. m.
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Qap and
Strouasburg, 0.04 a. m., z.57 p. m.
s ot XjamoertvuiB ana 'rremon. v.ia a. m.
For Tunkhannock.o.04. 9.15 a. m.. 2.67. 6.27 n. m.
Foi Ithaca and Geneva t.04, 9.15 a. m. 5.27
p. m
For Auburn 9.16 a. m. .27 o. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Bearer Ueadow,
7.3a a. m iz.u, e.i p. m.
For Audcnrlcd, nazleton.Stockton and Lum
her Yard, 0.04, 7.28, 9,15, a. m., 1S.43, 2.57,
D 7 p. m.
For Scran ton. 8.04. 9.15. a.m.. 2.67 n. m.
For Hailehrook, Jeddo, Drilton and Freeland,
cm, ,oe, v.ia, a. in,, it.3t 2.D7, p. xr.
For Ashland. Olrardvllle and Lost Creek. 4.6!.
7.61, 8.62, 10.20 a. m 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.85, 8.22, 9,16
For Raven Run, Centralis, Mount Carmel and
snamoKin, 7.uo, b.du, 11. m a. m.,, a.iu, n.x
11. m.
For Yatosvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
ueiano, o., 7.00, u.uo a m.,
5.T7. 8.08. 9.83. 10.23 D. m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 6.45, 8.16, 11.4b
a. m., 1.66, 4.80 9.80 p. m., and arrive at Shenan
doah at 7.38, 9.16 a. m., 12.48, 2.67, 5.27, 11.15 p. m.
Loave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.60. 7.88
0.0K, 11.05 11.80 a. HU, 12.43, 2.67, 4.10 6.27, 8.08
p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.85
9.05, 10.15,11.48 a. m 12.82, 8.00,. 440, 5.20, 7.15,
7.DO, iu.uu d. m.
i.eave anenannoan ror uaiieion. o.irt, 7,sa,,
a, m., ia.f 0,-.07, B.U3 p. m.
Leave Uazleton (or Shenandoah, 7.35, 10.00,
a, 0., 1Z.10, X.M, O.SU, 7.X0, 7,do p, m.
Trains leave (or Ashland. Glrardvllla and Lntt
ureea, 7.y, v.i a, m.,, 2.10 p. m.
For llazleton, Black Creek Junction, Penn
uaven junction, Maucn ununic, Aiientown,
Bethlehem, Easton and New York, 8.40 a m.
1S.OU, .do p. m.
For Yatosvllle. Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano, 8.40, 11,35 a. m 12.80. 2.65. 4.40 6.03 D. m.
Leave Uazleton (or Shenandoah, 8.SU, 11.80
a. m., i.ub, p. m.
Leave Shenandoah (or Pottsvllle, 5.50, 8.40,
Leave Pottsvllle' for Shenandoah, 8.80, 10.40
a.iu., p. in.
UULLlfl M, WILHUR, GenL Bupt.,
South Bethlehem, Pa
CIIAS, S. LEE, Genl. Pass.-Act.,
A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. G. P. A..
rioutn Bethlehem, l'a.
palace Saloon..,,
and Restaurant,
(Under the Palaco Theatre,)
The Restaurant is one ot the best in the coa
regions, and has elegant dining parlors attachiid
tor the use o( ladles.
Tho liar Is stockod with the best ales, beors
porters, wines, liquors and cigars.
i Ilrlon theUodrntfOUt of tticlp holts io Ale. ,
i.'i uu DtttriuwrvKrai, nur amucaelTOIn
accidental poLtmlug Ilka Arsenlo
or vtlicr puwderH.
Professional Cards.
Olflce ltd Worth Jardln street, Hhenandoah
Office Bcddall building, Hhenandoah, l'a.
Room S, Mountain City Bank Building, I'otts-
vine, l'a.
Jj- M. BDIUfB,
atranikDOAn, PA.
Offloe Room S, p. o. Building, dhenandoah
and Esterly building, rottavllle.
riynctan ana Surgeon.
Advice free at drue stare. 107 South Main
street. Private coasultallon at residence. 113
tioutn jaraia siree irom o k p. m.
No. U Rout Coal Street,
biIknandOau, PA.
Office Hours 1:80 to i and 0:30 to 8 p. m,
XJ Na. 31 Bouth Jardln Street, Bhcnandoah.
OmoB Hours: 1:30 to 3 and OiSO to 8 P. M
Except Thursday evening.
No office work on Suntlau except bp arrange
mmt. A ttrict adherence to the office Aoun
U absolutely nccetsary,
ld-31-eal NIGHT VISITS, 81.S0.
.....Teaeher of..
TTftvlncr hAd sixteen vears' experience as a
teacher of instrumental murlo giving Instruc
tion on tho above Instruments. Word left at
Brumm's Jewelry store will receive prompt at
Successor to
801 Mnhantongo Street, Pottsvllle, Penna.
301 Mnhantoncro Street. Pottsvllle. Penna. I
'TTnrTT"r t nrrnt7
aiNjiuuiiiN o . Lii v hk. i
Horses ano Carnages to Hire.
3aullnc o( all kinds promptly attended to.
Uorsea taken to board, at rates
that are liberal.
la PEAR ALLEY, Rear of tho Coffee Horn
Celebrated Porter, Ale and Bee
Managor Shenandoah Branch.
(Successors to Coakley Bros,)
No. 38 Knsi Centre Street.
Our Motto
Best Oualltv at Lowest Cast
Patronago respectfully solicited.
TT7 VflT! HAVE A TRUNK to to to
iv. .ha deDot or a Darccl to seni
way drop us a card and we will call (or It
Untied States Express,
Cor. Centre aniti Union 8tsv
Trains leave Hhenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
t.10. 5.29. 7.2n. a.m.. 12.20. 2.50. 6.65 p.m. Sunday
tlO, a. m.s.J0 p. m. For New York via Mauch
Crmni . week days, 6.25,7.3) a. m., 12.28, Z.IQ p. m.
Fdi Iteadlne and Philadelphia, week days.
,ciu. D.Zii, ttojt a. m., x.w, p. m. duo
a&v. z.iu. a. m.. d. m
Fnr HnrriBhurir. week davs. 2.1(1. 7.2n 1. m.
tM, S.55 p. ra. Sundays, 2.10 a. m. and 4.30 p. m.
hot l-ousnue, weea nays, i.iu,, a. w.
12.25, 2.50, 6.65 p. m. Sunday, .10 a, m., t.
ForTamaqua and, Mahanoy City, week days,
LID. 6.2.5. 7.20. a. m.. 12.20. Z60. 6.66 p. m. Sun
day, .10, ;7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m. Additional tor
"mSSStSSi Lewisburr,
week days,, 11.80 a. m.,' 1.35. 7.00 pm.
bunaay, o.a a.m.. p. m.
7.20, ll.S'J a.m., 12.28, l.SS, 2.60, 6.65, 7.00, S.&5
p. m, Sunday, 2.10, 3.23, 7.43 a. m., 3.05, 4.80 p. m.
Tot Glrardvllle, (Rappahannock Station),
weeK aays, x.iu, aza, o.zo, i.w, u.w a. xn.
12.20,1.85, 2.60, 6.65,- 7.00, 8.33 p. m. Sunday, 3.10,
pa via. m nrK.imn.Tn.
'For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 3.2S,
3.26, 7.20, 11.80 a. m., 1.35, 7.00, 0.85 p. m. Sun;
day, 8.25, 7.48 a. m 8.03 p. m.
Leave New York via Phlladelpma. weekdays,
3.00 a. ra., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m.. 12.16 night. Sun-
ay, .ou u. tn.. i.ou p. iu., ,iu uikui.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, weekdays,
4.30, 11,10 a. m., 1.30, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal,
week aays, t.iz, s.i, iu.uu u. m., unu i.uu.
9.00, 11.80 p. m. Hunaay 4.uo, a. m..ii.
n Tr,
Leave'Readlng, week days, 1.15,7.10,10.00, 11.50
a. m., D.DO, 7.D7 p. m aunaay, i.oo, o oj, iu.ds a. m.
It 111., U.UU, f.U, p. u. UW...I ..ww, v, .v.. t u.i
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7,40 a. m.
2.S0, D,lln. m sunaay,, y.w a. m.,
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8.20, 8,48, 11.
m., 2.05 p.m.
m.,1.20,7,15, 9.28 p.m.
Sunday, 8.20, 7.43 a. m
Leave Mahanoy city,
11.47 a.m., 1.61, 7.44, 9.54 p
a. m.. 8.20 o. m.
week davs. 8.45. 9.18
I p. m. Sunday, 8.45, 8.12
ljeavs mauauuy irinuo, noun uayo, .w,
3.80, 8.35, 11.69 a. m., 12 65, 2.09, 5.20, 8.23,7.69,10.10
p, m. unuay, .w, e.m a. m.,, o.ui p, m. i
L.eave uiraruviue, iiuippunaaaogK ouuui
week davs. 2.47. 4.07. 8.36. 9.41 a. ra.. 12.'
1.01, 2.12, 5.26, 3.32, 8.03, 10.10 p, m. Sitnday, 1.47,
' Leave Villlamsport, week' days, 0.35, a. m., I
a.oo, p. m, ouuuiiy, 11.10 p. Ul. 1
H. ft O. R. R.. throunh trains leave Reading
irnr iiKiumnrn. WHiaicsmn onu ma vvoat tin.
Terminal, pnuaaeipnia, if. a u. u. n.i i
7 ai, n.ze a. m., o oi, 7.c, o.iu p. m., nuuuay g,,u,
7. do, u.zo a. m., j.oi y.w,v.Do y m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Htreet Wharl
anninhHtppAt. Whnrf fop A tlantlo City. I
Week days-pUpreos, O.OO u. m.! (Saturdays
only 2.U0); 4 00, 6.00 p. m. Accommodation, I
a uua. m,i oiop.m.
Snndavs r.xDress. 0.00. 10.00 a. m. Accom
modation, 8.00 a. m. and 4 30 p m.
ltoturnin(, leave Aiianno uhj wiw, tur
ner A Uantlo and Arkansas ovenues: Week
days Ksp'css, 7.80,8.50 a. m. und4 0J p. m.
&nTT,n,intlin ft lOn.. m. nnd 4 30n m.
Suncnvs-Expres, 4.00, 5.13,8.00 p. m. Ac
commodation. 7.15 a. m. and 4.15 p, m,
Parlor care on an expresa irmuo.
O. U. UANCOCK, Uen. Pass. Agt.
Philadelphia Pa,
I, A, SWEIOAUD. Hen. Supt,
vru.PA. HiMHtiNi u.MuMwXiLlhakidiiiZ
Soap Works
Third and Race Sts.
Use 5c Ocean Soap.
It has no equal for laundry or
ccnoral household use and can
bo used with perfect safety ot
nny kind of goods.
5P Borax Soap.
Is unequalledfor wnshincr laco.
flannel or fine texture goods.
Mnnarrh T.hwpI .Qc
tnii'ii im.r rron I r. in nn nnr in
1 -
ioi; general uso.
Minors' Favorite, New Wrinkle Ololne,
uruiru onu nana raura f amily are
all good soaps. All soaps guaranteed absolutely pure.
Witt. HEAL1), Manager.
Real E$iMe Ecfjange.'
Robbies' Building, Room No. 4.
Properties and Business Places
Of all kinds bought and sold.
Bonds and Blocks Bought and Sold.
Railway and Steamship Tickets,
Flro , Lifo and Accident Insurance-
In first-class companies. General Commission
I oil it K. Finney.
lfill.nAl-ull, VUa.T'
ueeiwngiit ouup
Has been removed to Pear Alley.
Between Centre and Lloyd Streets.
Wheelwright work, Carriago "and '
Wagon building, llorBeanooinc;
and General Repairing of all
kinds promptly attended to.
Beer and Porter.
J AM AGENT for the
-1- Clias. Rettig'a Cele
brated Beer and Porter In
this vicinity, also Bergner
& Engel's celebrated India
Pale Ales and Old 8 took.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars,
720 South Mam Street.
Rag Carpet Weaving !
If you want a good piece ot rag carpet, well
roven. tako vour ra?s and have them woven
up In carpets. It will pay you In the long run.
All kinds, with or without stripes, made to
order; beautUul rainbow stripes. Low prices
205 West Oak Stroet, Shenandoah, Fa."1
' BottlerVof all kinds of
I Wbjss-Bbkh a Specialty. Also bottlers of the
P" " A" BXnxANDQAn.
. , ,, ,nn.,
Ho Enst Centre Street.
All work guaranteed to be first-class la erery
re respocttully solicit a snare ot
e. Qoodscallc
ioods called tor and deli ve-"
Bilk ties and Lace Curtains a Bpeclalty.O
You have seen it advertised for mans
years, but have you ever tried lt i:
not, you do not know what anldctnli
t'Ctldes hclntc an acknowlcdgod heautiner,
ias many lelteoblau uses. It provenu chuf-ntf.&Un-bum.wllld
ot. Inf ictltlJiiinotclolitonnddolrnblo
protection lo tho fnou durint' b.n.w.uthor.
at la Muiu I.verytvl.ere. n
For anmnln. nddreas J
;1. A. POZZOMI CO. St. Louis, Mo.tJ
REMOVED To 658 North EiQhth St.
II rr above Oreeo, Phtla., Pa.
Formnilv North Hecond Ht.-ls ihnnlA.
j I est In America (or the treatment of Special
E 1 1,1- , .... i' ., . , . .
jfurnir. unu louimii, xtrrurm varicocele,
Hydrocele, iosi Mannooa, etc Treatment oy
I mall a specialty, communications eacrndlv
I confldenttal. Send stamp (or book. Hours. 9
I confidential. Send stamp (or book. Hours.'
a. m.wa p.m, 3to9p.m.i Sundays, 9 to 12 m
i m
w In Postage, -no will send R
Q ASnnilo:meloe, I flllier
9 wiuiXfi'i,'C.sioriiitCNK,rri: y