The Evening Herald. Publlahod dally, except Sunday by nr.nATjV ranusitixo company, Publlcatloa oHlco and mechanical department, 235 East Coal Street. nL0 tJaBt4 Is delivered In Shenandoah and me jiwaia Butfounaing towns for Six Cents a week, payublo to thooarrlors. lly mall, Three Dollars a yoar or Twenty-Are cents per month, In advance. Advertisement charged according to spaco and position, Tho publishers rosorvo the right to ckange tho position ot advcrtlsemcnts.wlii ever the publication ot news rcdulres It. Tho right Is also reserved to reject any advertlso ment, whether paid for or not, that tho pub Ushers may deem Improper. Advertising rates made known upon application. Entered at tho post offlce at Shenundoah, Pa. m second closs mall matter. xni! nt'iiNisa itEJiAT.n, Shenandoah, I'cnna, Evening Herald. SATURDAY, APML 7, 1804. IIEADQDAIItEIlS IlKl'UllUC.VN STATK COMMITTKK, Philadelphia, jfou. u, 'U4. To Iht, Republican Electors tf Pennsylvania . I nm directed by tho Republican Stnto OomtiiUteu to announce tlmt the Republi cans of Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen representative, will meet in Statu convention at IlnrrishurK, Pn., on Wednesday, .May aa, at ll o'clock it. m. for tho following tmrpose, to wit : For the nomlnntlon of candidates re snectlvelv for Governor. Lieutenant-Gov ernor, two members of Congress from tho state at inrRo, Auditor uenerni, secretary of Internal Affairs, and for the transact Ion of such other business as may ou pro nnntprl. Attention H cnlled to the rule adopted at tlio State Convention ot 1803 providing lor the basis or representation ns tonows Renresentiitious In future state conven tions shall be bnscil upon tho vote castnt tho Presidential or'Kubornatorial election liiimedlatelvnrHoetllmr. otiudeleiiatebelntr allotted to each legislative district for over 2.000 votes and an add! tlonnl detenate fern fraction exceeding 1,000 votes,, each district to have at least one uelepcnto. By order of the Republican State ,Com. is. v. uilkkbon, uunirmnn, Attest: .Thru 11, Kux. A. IJ. FlLLEltoLF. Secretarv. The representatives to which each dis trict of the county Is entitled to is as fol lnwss First district, 1; Second district, 1; Third district, 1; Fourth district, a. THE BIGHT KIND. A town is just what Its citizens make it Given tho right sort of people and a desert waste will be transformed Into a mien that shall bloom like the rose and a straggling settlement Into a thriving borough. Given tho wrong sort of citizens and all the advantages of soil, cllmnte, Ueographloal position and wealth will go for naught. Manufactures do not make tho town. It la the town that makes th mnnnfnctures. Thestockynrds nndgraiu elevators did not make Chicago; pork packing did not make Cincinnati; a rnil , iojuJ-mii,aiAlftMwteoI,Vl8D'?f'a!i publlc-spVitod mon. and they attracted the kind of business which is located in them that is nil. And what is tho right kind of a citizen aielstlieman who does not look across the continent for nn Investment, but spends his money nt home and encourages homo enterprises. The right kind of citi zen does not grnmblo about high tnxos, because ho has sense enough to know that taxes must be high in a growing town, nud that if low taxes are n desidera tum he must go a place that has stopped growing or that never has grown much. mo right kind of citizen knows thodls- tinctlon between the vlrtuo of economy, which avoids nil waste, but spondsmonoy Ircely for public improvements, and tho vice of parsimony, that spends nothing unless absolutely compelled to. Tho right Kind ot citizen may not bp a wealthy man indeed ho Is more frequently not ono-j but he cheerfully helps to support tho puyle schools and churchos. jnnorigm kind of citizen believes In Well-lighted streets and good sidewalks, . ,nor ho know that vice npd crime hate gas light and elootrio light almost as much asthe do daylight, and that thoy de light In darkness He nlsoknows these things give a good impression to strangers. The right kind of citizen also 1$ fully awnre of the fact tunt no expenditure brinjjs so great a re turn to tho citizen us that whioh he pay in taxes provided it be honestly and judic iously applied. Tue wrong kind of ciHwm tees none these- things and does none of them. I 0f Till. Demooratile rout In Rhode Island i uuld hardly be wore complete, than H Is. The Itepublieaiut have oorrled all tho r lies, every doubtful tpwiMhlp, every Democratic tRngholdj UMJeM, every- lung in sight. In plaoe, ot a Uglnhiture ihat was evenly divided between the i nties, a I.aglslatme Uaa been elected in wlil'-li there will be barely more than half adnzen Democrats. The Republican Hale in kot hsjbr4 ihj RltJ-fajih. . ned .ir-tiiajoi4tte, Kot only the 1. mm rats, but the Prohibitionists as well iuve b en burled uur landslide of V 'I'ular disapproval of riloui National j. .lii ies. y sltq l8a'Be' whi(h,ereated jeseutment and (aotion animosity, and a ith most advene condition of weather on election day, the .Republicans have achieved a glorious victory. A YATES COUNTY MIRACLE. The llemarkable Cure of OeorgeB. Noxon, nf llenlon Centre For Ten Tears Unable to I.lo Down Dreaded to See Night Come How Ho Obtained ltellf f-frlcudi and Neighbors llrjoloe at His Iteaovery. Huston Centhb, N. Y. Few people have had tho nwful experience of our townsmnn, Georgo 11. Noxon who, fpr twenty-live yoars, has sullered untold misery. Although MrtNoxon has reached the autumn of life, ho feels that the free dom from .the bondage! fit disease, wliloU ho nOw enjoys, has niado n young man of him ngalh. Ills case Is so remarkable, and the met hods employed so simple, that your correspondent gives tnem in inn i 1 nave uveu m Demon ucnini over forty years," said Mr. Noxon, '"and twenty-flvo years ngo I felt tho first symp toms of asthma; would have it for a few dayB and notngalu for a lpng time, hut nfter it whllalt would come on eVery few wceksi For the past flfteeh yeorji 1 liaVd had It nto'ttof thd time. Oftin, In 'bitter winter weather, I have frat on1 the porch front ono to three hours at a tlmo, the. per spiration running down my face and back, lust trvinir to breathe. 1 have used nil manner oi prescriptions aim iucuiciuch, with nogbod result. For" ten years' 1 have been unable to He downnnd I dreaded the night to come. "llut on the night of Oct. fi, 1893, how that date will live in my memory, I had tho first night's rest I had In ycarJ. On the afternoon of that day I commenced using J)r.David Kennedy's Favorite lteme dv and Dr. David Kennedy's Cherry llalsam, and nfter supper I took them again ns directed, and 1 concluded that the days ot inlraoles have not come to an find, fnr t.lint niffht the llrst In roars. I rested all night, and I how rest nJid sleep well, and iiroatu witnout any tiKiitnesx. "My neighbors seem astonished to see inn around without linntlnir for breath. for they know sonicthinglof the life I have lived. Since mv recovery, mnnv of mv friends have snld to me: 'You ought to writo for nubllcation fconie braise for Dr. David Kennedy's avpnte nemeuy una, Cherry llalsam, for it seems truly mirac ulous to see you about so well.' There are many people here who are. taking t)ie uicdiciues since lny recovery, and in every insinneo it has benefited thoni, , I have paid out money enough for doctors and medicines to purchnMj a good home, all to no purpose, until I began the use of Favorite Hemcdy nnd Cherry llalsam, &ucu is tue siury in iur. ruixuirs re- markiible.recovcry from.a life of misery to happiness and comfort, nud It ranks with the great medical cases oi tno time. It was learned that, although Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy and Dr. ijaym ieuiieu .m-ny i,iiiiu vuu mw nurchased of anV dealer of medicine, thev I . , 1 1 1 1 .. , . . ' 1 . .. . 1 .. 1 .. I, .. are not patent medicines in any sbnso of term. They are the result of the patient toil and experiment of David Kennedy.M. D., ono of New York Stato's foremost nhvslelans and surireons. and tho present mayor of the city of Klngstpn (Rondout), N, Y.. where ho resides, and prepares these medicines. Favorite Remedy ranks with the medical nrnfossloii as the most ncrfect of all blood and nerve medicines, it will cure nil dis eases of tho skin, liver and kidneys. It restores the liver to a healthy condition and olTectliallv euros the worst cases o habitual constipation. It is a oertain cure for all dlseaMjs and weaknesses peculiar to lemales, and nllorus great protection froili attacks that originate lrt change Of life. It cures hcrofula, tetter, saltrueum boils, scald head, ulcers, tumors. rheuma tism, dyspepsia, all kidney, bladder and urinary diseases, gravel, diabetes and Driirhf s disease. Ill this last disease it hns made mnny cures where all else hns fulled. ICvidonce of its great curative, pow-er are dally tr.o.o ,Hhjf nbi..(ilniH.n irnm " mi hhuvu mentioned dlheases. It also particularly (JHective In nil cases im.smg irom mental worry or over-work iitryousuenH, or joss oi sleep. Dr. D.ivid Kennedy's Cherry Ralsnm uuru nm worst, enses ot nsthma. uiuucmus, cougus, corns incipient con sumption, whooping cough or cronp, uuiiiiiaun wiiu ravonio item dy. It has never been known tn fU Dr. David Kcnnnrlv's Vnvnrtf a l(. is for sale bv nil rlpnlru In t,witi,.n n- i a oonio, or mx uottles for f,i, and D David ICminpflir'H Pliwi. Tl,.la , . 50 cents and $1 a bottle. Full directions iiueorannnyinir encu iinttm. sn t int, nourr. one can readily understand just how to luum jor inu iiiiierent complaints. Admiral Hi iiliiiln'n Hniuv Coming, 1ahiington, April 7.-The navv di partinent received a cableirram from A, mir.-U lleiiham Biinounclug the arrival of the $tm Francisco at Cameon nfr tWt oi Venezuela yesterday. Admiral Hen nam expects to take the kteniher at this point tor isew York, while the Snu J'ran cisccj will proceed to Illueilelds. Nlc-nrn- gra, where she should arrive abput Mou- lluri:lar .llutin a OoortJ Until. llOCKVILU! CliNTllE. N. Y . Anrll 7 Rurghira enturi-d the residence of Jphn uucie, at, tins piacc, early In the morn ing and were surprised by Mm. Ruucie. who1 gave the alarm. The liurtrlarM a. caped with their plunder. Mr. Huncie. Who Is a broker in Wall street. New York estimates his loss of money and jewels at several iiioiisnnn dollars. I.aliir Two (lumen Ahead. NRW YoKK. Anril 7. Tlin olvht.l, nn,n in me cness nmtoli between V. Stelnitz and J!,. Jvasker was finished Inst night, Lasker winning. The score now stands; Iiasker, 4 games: Wteinllz. 3: drawn. Q Tho next game will be played lul'hila- ucipuin tin jpni 14. Oon(jrriiuin llelzlionvei' IIIiivm. CAHLIbLX. Pa.. Anrll 7.Unn Reltzhoover's condition Is about the same as on fceveral days past. HU lung are la wan conamou, and ue cannot be &een by Tliitora or friends. IT'S A QUKRtt WOMAN who cannot underalAnri the benefit to be derived from the lira of Dnrtar tierce's Favorite Pre scription. Did you ever ma a noKjy woman wim bright eyes, clear skin. and rosy cheeks! Or a liealluy one witnout them l A woman can live in full health, do wore woiif, nave mora pleasure, amount to more, by taking thi " Prescription. When tin bodilv functions are not regular we woman is atiieat. As or support for nerv. ous, exhausted, overwork- ed. wntrum. an invigorating tonic, a toothtaff and strenjtthenhig nervine; besides. It lessens am. It's tho only remedy for woman's chroulo weaknesses and lrretrularl- ties that's mifirnntil ,, ltuillf. - ths money paid for it ;eundL ' If Buffsrlrig from Catarrh try Dr. Sage's ItsmadT. t500 reward If you can't be cured.' IN I lUf Tho Brookiiiridgo-Polkrd Scandal Nearing the End, AEQUMEN1S TO BEGIN ON MONDAY. It la Now Ilellevail That the Caie Will Ilench tlie Jury on Weilnemlay Next Fitrtlier enlali by llotli rialntlff' and Defendant. ! f WlASlltNQTQH, April 7. The itream of testimony In the Pollard-Bre'oklnrldge litigation, which bad grown to be exceed ingly wearlsomo, was brought to Its close yesterday. The final rebuttal nndsnr-re- buttnl-consulted of inoro denials; by the plaintiff and defendant, leaving the final status of the ense what it has largely been throughout, a viestlon of veracity be tween the parties to the illicit Intrigue. Madeline i'oiinrd toot tue stand to purge herself from the stain of the mock mar rtaho with Qllnd Aleck Julian, as well as to repeat, with the dramatic emphasis pe culiarly her own, the denial that the agreement to marry between hcntelf and Colonel Breckinridge had beerl anything bui a fcoHlrac made in tiooi faith, on her part at least. Sho was vory much the mis tress of the situation as she had been on her former appearances, determined to tell her own story In her own way, and sttdcoedlng in her determination, as well as W keeping the corps of lawyers for the defense In a flutter of apprehension lest aha should get nwaT from their control. Miss Pollard said sho had hover known and had never seen the woman named Mollle Shinglobower (now Mrs. Miller), nor! Brant and Knuffmnn, the two men whp testified that they had known the plaintiff nsan tnmatem ahouseof illfnmo in Lexington, Miss Pllnrd also denied knowing Lena Singlqton, tho keeper of a Lexington house', in which Motile Shiu glcbower, Kauffman and Brant swore theV saw her. "Did you ever go driving with John Brantr" she was asked, ''Assuredly not, Mr. Carlisle; I never didj-" 'iDid you everndwIllramKauflmanf" 'jl never did, and never he"nrd of him until this defendant brought in his lying deposition." "Now, Miss Pollard, did you tell this' defendant in, W esleyan college the day he called that you had been, improperly Inti mate with Mr. Rhodesf" "t never did. There never could be a circumstance which could warrant me telling such n He on that poor ld dead firmer," and Miss Pollard emphasized every word. "Did you evcr hnve any such relations with Mr, Rhodes?" "No, Mr. Carlisle, no no-nol" and each uegattvo as distinct ns it could be in its emplinsts. "Did you tell the defendant that you had been ol e to the gate of Sarah Gess' house with Mr. Rhodes, as stated by tho defendantf" "No, I did not, I never knew Sarah Gess, nor went to her house, nor saw her gate until I wont with my arm- in his through that gate let me say that," she cried, t alking her hand as Mojor Shelby tried to Interrupt. "The defendant savs vonr improper In timacy with him commenced On Aug. 1, the dav he came to see TOU at the colleuef" "It did not, and it was not iihtil Sntnr- tlay night, when lie took me ito barah Gess', mid he knqw it as ,1,1' said "He says that during the carriage rfdo on Auk. 1 he took you in his lap." "Indeed he did not," was the emphatic uunivcr. , "Ho also says you mentioned the name of George Eliot as your Ideal the night of uiai carnage rule, is tnat sof" "Her name- was not mentioned. I did not over speak of George Eliot until I was there In that mlsernblcroom over a mat tress store before my baby wos born.when he brought me a set of George Eliot's works. 1 thank him for it now it has oecnagrent benefit to me," with a how to the defendant. "The defendant says he put a $10 bill into your hand at the conclusion of the carriage ride?" "That's as false n statement as he ever mhde," said Miss Ppllard, with emphasis on the "he," "Jit no time could any man put a $10 bill fn, my hand." And so on through the wholeof.her final examination the plaintiff denied in terms most positive the nllecatlons' of t.ha,ln. fenilnnt, and nt the conclusion the general opinion was that she had scored a victory as positive as her denials. Colonel Breckinridge reneated. In all tti various keys of negation In which his silvery tongue Is skilled, the deuial of tho story of Mary Vancey, the colored cook,and other vital details of the plaintiff's case. I lhere was a departure from the usiml order when two of, Mibs Pollard's attor ney's, Mr. Cjaderou Carlisle and Mr. Y. O. Johnson, wore Bworn at witnesses to clear their skirts from the insinuations mat on tlielr visit to the Norwood convmit - they might have sllimed the Chrlstmrt. card into the volume of Washington Irv- iug' worns which lias played so inipprtant a pa.-t in the trial, 'lhere was a colored woman rallpil "AuntMury" on the ntand of most ro. innrkuble faculties, for although she hud uover before teen Colonel Breckinridgo she recognized him from Ills likeness tn the oue-day-old child, whK'h has played so jiiiiMinjii iv pari, in ine trial When he came Into tho court rodm Col- IU lilC UU L , i seemed to be In high uui: umkiuuuKB Bceuiim io De in mim a holiday tomorrow." ' ' He was not to Inn fl. 1,1M.. i , , ever? 7o?t 'day ta .SuJ' ment. by the Jnw,erov theln.trUftns , which they will nsk the judge to uive the tiry upon the Htriotly legal uHpeota of the ' 1 ' AiguuiBilU to tiie hirv will Win 'AfnTi. ' day nil" mlnv. BO that the case will nmh. ably close by, Wednesday night,, aiiere win u spneciiitM jor each Bide. ,Mr. Cahii-ron Carlisle will make the immilnc addrfHs for the plaintiff, and will be fol- lowed by Coloue Phil Tinnfo or-1 ex-member.-from Ind ana. will ulie lha, Ihuil ila for Jllwi Pollanl. ' i The prevailing impression that Colonel I Hreokinrldge would addreeate iurv U a mistake. Sald JIr1. Desha IJreckiDriilire. tli8on of the dofendaut; ' "l'nther will plnea hlmsidf he'haa 'lri hln lidlith-nl campaigns, ,t t),e hanrt,of h,!,' feilds." Thi Vallii.i. '"" ' " " ' , Fair; allchtly warmer: wiuda shifting tn south. spirit, rematkiug to Major Uutterwortli .., , ' ' V" " 1 WM ensiged ia ttoam 'l fell' like . Z toKS . wl'e I commenced DiSBAMDING THE MILITIA llflbelllonn Houth Carolina Troops Blutt Burrrmter Tlilr Arms. CnAiiLrsTON, April 7 -The scene of mil itary oper.-.t Mill in tho dispensary war was yesterday transferred to Charleston, when J. Cnry AVntts, tho assistant adjutant gen eral of the sta e, arrived hero armed with instructions from Governor Tillman to disarm and disband the Fourth brigade of South Carolina volunteer troops. The charges are that the brigade refused to obey the governor's ordirs nnd repair to Darllucff on - upYVt si. ytlio IjiWrrnttloiq J'he Hlsiniitlidjutantiieral JamPiero1 on A special train, anthills Instru&tlims are to take all tub arma'and accoutreKents back to, Columbia jwlth him, ,He called upon General lluguenlu, thu commanding ofllcer of the brigade, and issued his orders. There Wos no conflict. The com manding gelietifl Isstlid ftn,oderdlredtIqrt each cbmmnndfr in the brigade to surren der to the assistant adjutant general nil the property pf the sto,to In their, posses sion, iiud this of Air, it Is ert'pedted, will obeyed by till tliJ (oinm'nitils, j , Those vh) tlililk, hriWdTtr, that the Fourth brigade will be left unarmed will find themso Ives very much mistnken. A good many of them have rifles and cannon Which they bought and paid ior them selves. There seems to be ho fear that the companies of (he Fourth brigade will dis band. From 1H71 to 187ft they exlfctcd as rilla clubs, while the negroes monopolized themtlltla of the stntc. The rifle clubs will probably be reorganized. The dispensary splfcs having gWeu their evidence at the inquest In Darlington are dally expected here. It Is understood that they will resume their raiding. Mnyor Ficken Is now In Columbia in conference with the governor as to, tho gubernatorial control of the police. Borne complications are expected to arise out of this latest move. Accused New Jersey Onlclall. Jersey City, April 7. Bofore Judge Lipplncott, in the Hudson county court, a number of officials, were caljcd upon to plead to indictments found against them. AU pleaded not guilty. They were: J, F, Madden, Charles Somers, William It. Cook, Kdward A. Dugan and Stdphfcn P. Yo, the five street and water commis sioners, for wilful uegllgenco and conspir acy to defraud the city and violation of the contract law. Their ball was fixed in 1,500 each, Louis A- Ciele, for certifying that contract work done by Jphn Brown on the hall of records had been finished. and certifying to the warrants for Brown's pay, when he knew that Brown had not finished tho work, was held in fXOOO ball on each charge. Justice of tho Peace Henry Martinese, for extortion, was also admitted to bail. Stanley Accused of Cannibalism. CnlCAno, April 7. In a lecture dollvered last night Theodore Westmark. a young Scandinavian Who made two explorations of tho Congo btate In central Africa, un der the auspices of King Leopold II, of Belgium, accused Henry M. Stanley of having lunched on human flesh to sntisfy a morbid curiosity. Mr. Westmark said that at Stanley Tool, In 1B34, Stanley, cu rious to know how human flosh would taste, sent tils servant ininlato procure a chunk of the native ninterial.but it proved tainted and Duala received a sound drub bing. A heoond foraging trip after flesh from a natlvfc proved more successful. It was fried in butter and served with Bunco piquantc and mixed pickles, but despite these condiments Stanley pronounced tho llesh to be tasteless. ,. Bltrnii of Continued Improvement. weekly review r trade wiys: The best newp or the wteek is the great decreaso in number and Importance of failures. The signs of cnuUnued improvement pro more uuunct tnan in the last week and are found elsewhere ratuer than in specula tive markets. There is more buying for consumption, with more numerous de- mauds ror immediate replacement of stocks. Mr. James Jl. Bond rhllidolphla, Va. Pfluscular Rheumatism Scialica and the Piles Adds to the Sufferer's Misery Four Bottloo of Hood's Sarsapnrllla Effooto n Wonderful Ouro. "0. 1, Hood 4 Co., Lowell, Mass.j "Clentlemon: As a result of the memorable blizzard of March, 1888, 1 contracted musaular rheumatism j at that time I was engaged on a job of JteamtlttlDg In 1'Ialnflcld, N. J and it was necessary for ine to vt ado through the snow to the building, a new residence, In which yo were working For eighteen months ift.r. , ... I ..,.. . m"scul" realism , ""V" r."! ia y .... . 1" ' B"Pri'ia lot my rheumatism. Jt c red oa 01 t,ie rheumatlim and x.? ' "TV ttom mtlW W" 1 h A ThouBand Deaths. Traylous to going to Denver I visited the University of Pennsylvania to bo operated upon. The doctor pronounaeil mv in.i., the bowels uuil the wont liavpu,D ftd to perform an operation, saying that after 'avmp sunerao so many years It was not worth while that I should die at tlmt into, io v. effects of tho knife, and die I would If he used Itl I Ho rnarl Car) cortceivo ' curodi both the ulles and riSm,,ia;r,r ' UBS WTf Y9 im, Nffinn Q3a.rillH .HIP WilKUl onlytraceof rhenmfiii.m -wvii, n..i.. . little stiffness when the weather chanra and aslwlll he 73 i .-,,. i,i 1J...,v.".,V... Tfflp&W J XHjy I. i ' slmV Sat yorrH Btreet, Phlladclplila, pa" Vl - . .Hood's Pitta cure liver Ills, constipation, blUomnan. Jaundice, sick headache. Indigestion. nrilEfcE is but one way In the world to be sure f having the best paint, and that is to use only a well-established brand of strictly pure white lead, pure lin seed oil, and pure colors. The "TohriT.Eewis&Bros." brand is standard "Old Dutcr process, arid is, always absolutely .. Strictly Pure ! " White Lead If you want colored paint, tint this strictly pure lead with National Lead Co.'sPure White LeadTinting Colors. ( These colors are sold In one-pound cans, each can being suflicient to tint sj pounds of Strictly Pure tyhlte Lead the, desired shade) they are In no1 sense ready-mixed paints, but a comhlnatloa of perfectly pure colors la the handiest form to tint Strictly Ture White Lead. Send us a postal card and get our book on paints and color-card, free., ' JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS. CO., Philadelphia. A Mlurr Crnififid to Heath. WlLKESUAKltK, Pa., April 7. James SulllVan, aged 28, Was so liadly crushed by a fall of rock In the l'ine nidge shaft that he died in ball au hour. NUGGETS OF NEWS Tho salo of tho yacht Vigilant to James uoruon ueunctt is announceu. Governor Wnlte says he will not permit thd Corbett-Juckson,flght to come jft in Colorado. ' ' '' ' " ' , The recent cold snap destroyed from 75 to 90 per cent, of Maryland's plum, peach anu pear crop. M. Jablochkoff, tho electrician, famous In Russia as the inventor bf the "electric candle," is dead. The yacht Pilgrim has been purchased by a Boston merchant, and will be con verted into a steam yacht. By the fall of a brick wall two stories high flvo bricklayers who were at work on a scaffold were seriously injured at Eliza beth, U. J. Professional Cards. M; K. KISTLEIt, M. D PBYB1CIAN AND BURGEON. Once 120 North Jardln streot, Shenandoah, JOHN U. COYI.E, ATTORNRY'AT-LAyr. , Offlce lleddall building, Hhenan(loahl'a.', S' OL. FOSTElB,, A TTORNEr and CO VNSELhER-A T-LA W. Room 3. Mountain City Dank Building, Potts- vine, fa jit U. BURKE, . ATTORNEY A T-LA W Offleo-Room 3, P. O Bulldlne. 'dhe'n'andn'iA a jcsterly building, Fottsvllle. jya. n. hocqleknick, Physician and Surgeon. Advice free at dmp AtnrA. ior Qn,h nr..,- f,lreS''. Private consultation at residence. 113 itum U tU IIO'J p, IU, J PIERCE KOBKKTH, M. D., "Ho. 25 East Coal 8treet, SHENANDOAH, PA., Office Hours 1:30 to 3 and '6:: to B p. m. rU. J. S. OALLEN, My No. 31 South Jardln Street, Shenandoah, OrncK Hours: 1:30 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 p.m. Except Thursday evenlne. No office worh on Sundau rrert A, n--.,.. 10-81-6m NIGHT YXSITS. flll.JSO. pBOF. T, J. WATSON, ........Teacher or... ...... VIOLIN, GUITAR, BANJO and MANDOUM. Having had Sixteen years' experience as a teacher of Instrumental mufle giving Instruc tion on the above Instruments. Ward left, at Brumm's jewelry store will receive prompt at- WENDEL1 KEBER, Successor to Drt. CHAS. TV PALMER', Jii'ji'Axn j!ak smiduoxr 80I;Maharitongo Street; Potlsville; Penna. J-It N, HOFFMAN BAKEIt,' , PIIYSI9IA.N A.XJ0 SURGEON, Successor to Dr. Jame? Stein, 114 Xorth Jardln Street, Shenandoah, Pa. OOlco hours From 7 to 9 a. m. i 1 to 3 and 7 tot) p m. Diseases ot tho throat and lungs a SNEDDEN'S : LIVERY Horses cno Carriages to Hiro. Uullar of all, kinds promptly attended td Bontee taken to board, at rates i that are liberal. I PEAR kUll lw of lho Coffoe Horn Celebrated Porter, lie and Bee' Maringop gh'bfiandnfth Banch, i mSSlR & BEDDALL, (Snccessora to Coakley Bros.) No. 38 KoBt Centre Street, ' Our Mottfl! Tlflflt Onnlllv d T.rtna.1 fla.h -cbd. i'ironure roBDeoiiuiJT Boiioiieo. P0TTSVIILE Soap Works. Third and Race Sts. Use5c QeeanSoap. -It hanoequuj for laundry or general nouBonoiu uso anu can do ns'ed with frujrfofitnnfntw f day kind of goods. 5c Borax Soap. Is unctiuttll(d for washing laco, flannol or fino texture goods. Monarch Towel Soap IS in largo bars a towol with each bar free. It is splendid for general uso. Miners1 Favorite, New Wrinkle, Olelne, uruwu anu mie E.xiri x- amuy are all good soaps. All soipa guaranteed to be absolutely pure. "."WM. HGALD, manafSfxt." Real t$W& Eange. Bobbins' Building, Room No. 4. Properties and Business Places Of all kinds bought and Bold. Bonds and Htocks Bought and Sola. Railway and Steamship Tickets, Firo, Llfo and Accident Insurance In Orst-class companies. Uencrai Commission business. folin tf. Finney. W. T. DECK'S Wheelwright Shop lias been removed to Tear Alley. Between Centre and Lloyd Streets, Wheelwright work, Oarriago and vv agon ouiiaing, norsesuoeing and General Repairing of all. kmdB promptly attended to. RETT0'S Beer and Porter J AM AGENT for the -1- Obas. Rettlg's Cele brated Beer and Porter in this vicinity, alBO Bergner & Engel's celebrated India :' Palo Ales and Old Stock. Orders will receive prompt attention. Finest brands - r o ,i,i f "M f ju SOLOMON HAAK- 120 South Main Street. Rag Carpet Weaving ! If you want a good piece of rag carpet, well woven, take your rjes and have them woven -TT up In carpets. It will pay you In tho long run. Jy All kinds, with or without stripes, marte to 8w order; beautHul rainbow stripes. Low prices f 205 West Oak Street, Shenandoah, Pa, CLEABY BROS., Bottlers of all kinds of TEMPERANCE: DRINKS! AND MINKEAL WATEBB. Wkiss liima Specialty. Also bottlers of the f inest Beer. 17 and 19 Peach Allay, SHENANDOAH. -L no iGnHt Centre street. All work guaranteed to ba flrst-claia In mm respect., We respectfully Bollclt a share of your patronage. Goods called for and delivered Silk flea and Laos Curtains a specialty. A LADY'S TOILET mzmm Combines every clement of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, Eoothincr, heau'ntr, health- IJui, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to tie lace in this climate. Inciit upen having tha genuInD. DR. HOBSNSACK, jrisrases ana t outhna Error: Varicocele. nyargoeie, ui Manhood, etc Treatment oy S,?fRe,clL,y-. Communications faoredly confidential. Send stamp for book. Hours, a..m. t 2 p. m.i H to 9 p. m.s Sundays, i to 13 m. till Is not complete m Without an ideal H PeiPLiXfOi 1 s REMUVtU 'i'o B58 North Eighth St. 1 . 1 T -r above GrAftn. Ph,!, !., 1.t,A'.Vl',t.1!ua.Nortn Second Ht., Is the old est In America for ihi,mi . ' , u. ) i Ul'.St ' l'ixl) I .hi .11 t'ti'lflh Iti t ll i