The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 02, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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    n com sucidei
Tho Causo and Its Lesson.
Why did ho romniit suicide ? Oh I for
the same reason that thousands of others nro
on tho verge of the snmo sin, or in imme
diate thiurer of insmlty. paralysis, idiocy,
or some other ecjually unfortunate result of
any nervous nllection. Ho knew lie was
afllictetl with a nervous disorder, but bus
careless, npp.uontly indillerent to the out
come ; or lio ra y have lessened his elmnees
for recovery by treating with phy-de'ims
who had little or no knowledge of sueli af
fections, or by dchiclng himself with woi th
loss so-called remedies. Ills case was a sad
one, but no worso than that of any other
nervous Bufferer, who has nervous or sick
headache, biliousness, dizziness, irritability,
melancholy, failing memory, hot Unites,
fainting, sleeplessness, nervous Uypei!a,
Boxual debility, epilepsy, etc Tho same or
similar consequences aro likely' to result to
any one who has any of tneso advance,
aymptoras of an awful end. Do not hesitate
in getting rid of them by Intelligent treat
ment. L)r. Franklin Miles, the celebrated
specialist, has studied nervous diseases over
20 years, and has discovered the only re
liable remedy for them. Thousands of vol
untary testimonials prove tho virtues of Dr.
Miles1 Itostorativo Nervine.
Alonio narker.of Clinton, N. V., writes: "1
was so anilcleil with oxtromo nervousness that
Iwasonthovcrgoorinsanlty. My hands trein
l)led so that I could scarcely feed myself. I uhed
twelve bottles of Dr. Miles' Keatoratlve Nervine,
and was cured. It Is with pleasure I recommend
this wonderful remedy for nervous troubles."
"I had been a great sufferer from ehronlo
headache unlll I bosun, About four months aeo,
to use Br Miles' lloitoratlve Norvlno and rill,
since which time I havo not had n headache.
Several of mv friends are usln? Dr. Mllos' Item
edles, and find them, as I did, to be moro than
you claim for them." Mrs. Mary Klster, Los
Amrclas, Cal. .
V. II. Capwoll, editor Tribune, riymouth. Ta.,
writes : " My wife was cured of flick headaeho of
many years' standing by tho U"0 of Dr Miles'
Restorative Nervine. She hasrecommended It to
her friends, and they all praljo It highly "
Dr. Miles' Hestoratlvo Nervine Is sold by all
druegistson a positive guarantee, or sent direct
by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind , on
Tecelpt of price, $1 per bntllc, six bottle for$,",
express prepaid. IMS positively free from opiate?
or dangerous drugs. j)r Miles' Pills, CO doses
25 cents, 1'reo book at druggists, or by mall.
CAUTION. ir a denier oilers W. I..
Douglas Miocn at n. reduced price, nrSByB
lie has them without nnmo slnmpeil on
bottom, put lilm down ns a fraud.
I A hi I'M
"V. I,. DOUOXiAS Shoes nre stvllsh, easy f.t
tlnff, and jrive better satisfaction nt tho uriccs nd
vertiscd thun any other make. Try onnair and
he convinced. The slapping of v. J-. Uouglas
name and price on the bottom, whirli guarantees
-their value, saves thousands of dollars annually
to those who wear them. Dealers who push the
ale of V. L. Douglas Shoes gnin customers,
which helps to increase the Rules on their full line
of pooch. They can afford to sell nt a less profit,
ana we believe you can mvc money by buying all
your footwear of the dealer advertised below.
Catalog-no free upon application, .Address,
IV. X,. DOUGLAS, Mrtx ktan. Muss. Sold bv
Joseph Ball, Shenandoah.
delicious to the taste, Invigorating
and strengthening to the bodye
snailo in ONE MINUTE from
Only 80 cts. for a fuU pound pacTcao
ffrw u'v'.oa appUcatioa to xnajiutactarers.
B. R. Savorn, P. E. Magargle, W. H. Watot
Easily. Quickly.
Permanently Restveo
iiitd all the train of evlli
t rom wirly errors or latpr
bXCi'MtLts the -er.'..ts o
overw ork, r i r k i. v s a
worry, etc FulitftitngU.
development on i torn
given toe ery ort au bih
Eortlon of tin- bnd
ImpU. natural iiu-aliotU
I in mediate lm nrovotner
scon. Fidlure ImpoMble
3.fW references. Hoot
explanatlou and prcor
mailed (sealed) free.
Eft) I it urnint 1 nn
f1rThppB 1317 Arch St.
The only Oenntno Nine It lint In America,
Nnulal IHutai.ns and Ktrlcturps
rermaneiitiy Cured In a to 6 days
llaao U) uudayb. flymrti'
Llwiilial and32 mm
Laattw and llli.liiiiin
Dal and 22 iii-uitltali-XDelience, a
XKiience, as
flcattw and Dlnfuua.'. iiruvu. b nd ily
I Z-oeutatauiw lor IhxiIl "TKLT1I,"i1io only
book ojpoUue Quack llocuira and ol hei ad
varclnliiir aa irredt A truo Iriend
Wall aufterpra ana to those contomplatluu
law. 'l lie ro ok blUD oorn auu uan oi ou
aolloltt. Wrlteorcallaudlwsavwl.
in : Hi Evo's 0-8j Wo.1. and Bat. eve's
Suu.K-13 auooossfultrtiatinantliyiimll.
Of holes in a skimmer
Lots ol wavs of throwing away money. On
ot the bust methods of eoonoratilng Is to lnsur
Inilrst olin, thoroughly reliable corapanltt
lthr life, tire or aceiaeat, suoh as represent,
Ma. 120 Bouth Jardla street, Si.iaidoau Pa
WZtiWk .si
Causes Groat Indignation Among
South Carolinians.
flio ODlccrs of JtMitnry Cnmpniilcs Ilnrn
TliroYvn Up Tliolr Cniiimlsslons Kathor
Tlmn Mnrch ARnlnst Tliolr Tellim Cltl
Boas Tlllnma Coutrola Telnjraili Llnra.
Columbia, S. C, April 2. Yostcrdny
wn a rnther quiet ilny In Columbia, niid
Wlillu there have lieeu Incidents of n most
Interestiii? unturo In connection with tho
dispensary troubles there litis been prac
tlcnlly uo excitement. (Suvcrnor Tillmnn
rstnbllshed n telegraph censorship, plac
ing severnl militiamen In charge of both
ofllres to Biipervlse nil messnRes offered.
These frentlenien have Mmply carried out
their Instructions, and have refused only
n few telefrrnms that were calculated to
arouse bad feeling.
Karly in tlie day tho governor sum
moned the governor's guards to the ex
ecutive mansion. Drawing them up in
lino he addressed them, Rnylng thnt he
was Informed that their dlsbandment was
not their fault, but that they had been
overawed by a mob at their doors. Ho
nsked for some indication as to whether
they would obey his orders, in which
event theisj arum would be glveu back to
them. As ho made this assertion live of
oovEnNort tiluian.
the men threw down tlieir bayonets and
were quickly followed by several others.
Their captain begged them to desist and
wait until the governor had finished.
Governor Tillman, however, told them
that their action was satisfactory, for he
only wished to know exnetly what tlieir
position was. He then said to those .who
remained that they could leave.but if they
determined to obey orders to report to the
state penitentinry. The remnant of the
company marched to their armory, and in
five minutes thereafter they had dis
banded. At 5 o'clock marching orders were given
to the troops stationed at the penitentiary.
Governor Tillman addressed them, saying:
"As chief executivo of South Carolina,
I thank you for tho promptness and zeal
displayed by you in responding to tho call
for duty. Many of you have doubts as to
the justice of the cause for which you go.
You are reform Democrats and antis, but
nil South Carolinians, thank God. Tho
reason for your going to Darlington is
caused by the dispensary law, and it is
law as long as it stauds on the statute
books, until repealed or declared uncon
stitutional by the supreme court. Tho
newspapers hnvo sown the seed of disor
der by teaching you that there are por
tions of the law which invade private
rights. The right to search private houses
on a warrant Is as old as the law Itself.
They know that they are not telling the
truth when they try to make you believe
that these men in Darlington were de
fending tlieir liberties.
"You are going on a delicate and dan
gerous mission. You must remember that
th" Darlington people are your fellow citi
zens, but they aro in insurrection, nud it
is necessory for you to go there to uphold
tho law. I learn that they destroyed a
state dispensary. Nobody did this but the
ex-bar keepers and their hirelings. You
go as an nrm of the law and you must
treat tho peoplo with consideration, but if
you are ordered to shoot you must do It,
or anarchy will prevail in the etata."
The People, Hnvrevcr, Arn Krndy for na
Oatbrenlc t Any Tlmo.
DARLIKOTON, S. C, April 2. Everything
Is quiet here, for the seat of war is now
changed to Columbia, Tho proclamation
of Governor Tillman declaring tho coun
ties of Darlington and Florence in a &uuo
of insurrection has earned a great deal of
bitterness. The adjutant and inspictor
general of the state troops nrrived hereon
a special train, but no troops accompanied
them. The inspector general, under the
orders of the govurnor, has traveled over
the state endeavoring to rnlae a force of
volunteers to uphold tho dispensary laws,
but the indications are that he has met
with complete failure on all sides. All
classes of citizens are rofusing to bear
arms against Soutli Carolinians.
The adjutant general has been in con
sultation with the most conservative citi
zens of Darlington, and the inference Is
that they have all agreed to use their in
fluence to quiet tho disturbed conditions.
A strong determination still prevails,
however, that Tillman's spies shall not
Invade private residences. Tho "Bpy"
MoLendon, who was in jail here, was
spirited away by his friends and support
ers of the dispensary law between tho
hours of 8:80 and 5 a. m. McLendon was
the man who killed Frank Norment, and
it number of the dead man's friends are
rearchlng for him. Tho "spy" who was
inptured in the woods near Hodgers lias
lilso made his escape. McLendon, who
was first thought to be seriously wounded,
proves to have been shamming, and was
detained In jail by a friendly sheriff until
arrangementM for his escape from the
county could be made. Five men are dead
lis the result of the fight here.
The local military have thrown up their
commission and resigned by letter to tho
adjutant general. It is said here that
Governor Tillman is in possession of the
railroad nud telegraph lines at Columbia
and that his olllcers inspect every message
that is rei eived and none go out without
his authority or sanction. Telegraph oom
inunieRtiou is greatly hampered.
Though there was no actual disturbance
at Florence yesterday the undercurrent
of tho feeling Is still very bitter, and it
would only necessitate un outbreak in the
vicinity or some obnoxious move on the
part of the governor to Again stir the oltl
zens to arms. During the mornina hours
the town apparently regained ruott ot its
utuai quiet, and th.r. nil nothing on tho
.urface to indicate to a stranger Hint the
neighborhood was on the vergo of nil ujv
Using. The churches were nil well nt
tended, there were no disorderly assem
blages on the streets, and the cooler judg
ment of a night's rast seemed to havo hnd
Its effect,
Hut a strong feeling of resentment was
working behind a cloud of apparent sub
mission. The belief Is general that even
ihould the officers of tho governor, who
are asserted to l responsible for the first
outbreak, bo convicted by the court tlwy
Ivould be pardmied by tun governor, ns
lilllott, one of the spies, who slopped the
lace of a woman in Charleston some time'
Igo, was pardoned by telegraph by Gov
(rnor Tillman, tu face of the most con
vincing proof of his guilt. The peoplo
havo lost faith In tho efficiency ot tho law
to protect their lives and liberties.
Darlington asserts her lndeendeno of
Governor Tillman nnd his laws. Florenco
Is ready to follow her lead, nud it is be
lieved thnt other towns In the state stand
ready to take the cue from Darlington.
The guns of the Florence Hides nre still in
the possession of the citizens, and no at
tempt has thus far been mnde to recover
them. Kven should an effort bo made by
i-tate troops no arms will be found, as they
have been secreted. The citizens are not
disposed to surrender the advance they
have made, but propose that, being out
lawed, they will proceed to restore law
and order themselves.
A special train from Columbia with 230
troops reached here atO o'clock last night.
They declared the town under martial
law ami have taken charge of the West
ern Union Telegraph office nnd the rail
ways. Governor Tillman lias assured tho
citizens that the soldiers are here with no
malicious intent, but merely to protect
tho public peace. Mayor Dargan made a
short address to an assemblage on the
street und asked that the citizens main
tain u peacelul bearing toward tho sol
diers. Great excitement prevailed when tho
train bearing the military arrived, but it
has since died away. Governor Tillman
has wired the citizens here thnt the pres
ence of the troops are required to arrest
those who participated in the riot three
days ago. It the governor dusires to make
the arrest of these men he will have to
send at least live times the number of
troops now on the spot, nnd It is believed
if the military Is called on to arrest citi
zens at least half, If not all the soldiers
will lay down tlieir arms and assist the
citizens should trouble occur. Telegrams
have been sent on ahead of the train on
which nine spies nre traveling to Charles
ton, in order to have them captured and
held until a posse can be sent from this
place for them.
A courier has just arrived from the
country near Timmonsville announcing
that two spies have been found dead in
the woods near that place.
Tour Killed by l'.lplollon.
ALr.XANDlHA, lud., April 2. The new
two story Whiteside block, in which oc
curred n natural gas explosion Saturday
midnight by which four men wero killed
and three hurt, is a total wreck. Tho
clothing stock was entirely ruined, as were
the barber shop and express office, and the
total monetary loss will reach 30,000.
There was a basement several feet in
depth under the building, with no venti
lation, and iu this cavity the natural gas
ncaumulntod. There is said to have been
n quantity of nitro-glycwrlne in the ex
press office. The four blackened corpses,
burned so as to be enti-ely beyond recog
nition, were removed from the charred
timbers and taken to their homes.
The Xlnth Onyl.ird Mlno Victim.
WlLKESBAHRE, Pa.. April 2. The body
of Joseph Olds, the ninth victim of the
Gnylord mine disaster, was recovered at
11 o'clock yesterday. An hour later it
was brought to the surface, and at 2
o'clock the funeral was on its way to the
cemetery. Olds was an Odd Fellow, and
the members of that organization had
charge of tho funeral. The rescuing
party report that the odor of decaying
liesh on the plain Is now almost unbear
able. Unless the other bodies aro recov
ered soon it will bo almost impossible to
continue the work.
1.1k. tli l!rechlurldua-l"llnrd Caco.
SAN Fhincisco April 2. Mrs. Mary An
tonio Castro Majors, member of a well
known California Spanish family, has be
gun suit for breach of promise in the
United States circuit court against Harry
S. Cowell, sou of the well known Santa
Cruz millionaire lime king, Hurry C.
Cowoll. The woman sues for t50,000, nnd
I will contest for a share of his wealth,
wuicn sue necmres neioni;s to men- cniiu.
Mrs. Majors, who is the widow of Itobcrt
Majors, is the mother of eight children,
savin by Majors and one alleged tob by
ISrroklnrldi;.'. ConltltuenW Foiled.
Cincinnati, April 2. Tho Hurnctl
House received from Washington a tele
gram engaging quarters for Colonel
Hreckiurldge to hold a conference there
yesterday with his constituents, but Col
onel Hreckiurldge did not appear, and his
constituents suspected they were among
the victims of All Fools' day. One man
wanted to collect a bill for hack hire, and
another had driven over eighteen miles to
sec the colonel and renew his allegiance.
There were Cully ion dionppnlnted visitors
SOots. and
Sl.00 Bottle.
One ocnt a dOEO.
Tins Great Cough Coke nroiuctlv cut
where all others lad, Cougba, Croup. Sore
Throat, Hoarseness, whooping Cough and
Aathm. For Consumption it has no rival:
baa cured thootanda.and will cork tou if
takeuln time. Bold by Druggists on a guar
antee. For a Lame Hack or Chest, tin
lave you Catarrh '! This remedy la o-uaran
teod to oure you. 1'ricc.uOcis. In joe tor tree.
Sold by C. II. nsgcubnch, Shenandoah,
"vti, m v JE..1B 3k. ar w m. ,m
atSfT. mum. Hi M
nitTlaiiliiiifiitiiii il
l'rnlt Trera Itllalitod.
Wasiiinoton, April 8. Thn San Jo.e
scale of California has just been discov
ered nt De Funlsk .springs, Fln and nt
Tyverslde, C'hnrles county, Mil. How the
Insect was introduced Into these localities
Is not known, but Is probably on nursery
Btock Imported from California. The
Bcrlousness of these npponrnnees In Flor
ida and Maryland can hardly be exagger
ated. In the latter state an orchard of
800 peach and apple trees has been prac
tically ruined by tho pest.
A Kppttiagemtrlnti Murdered.
I'omeroy, O., April 2. Thefoulestmnr
derln (ho history of this county was com
mitted here nbtmt midnight. Kliznbelh,
the divorced wlfo of Dr. Hlehnrd Slaugh
ter, was found dead on the next door
neighbor's porch with three bullets In her
head. She lived alone, nnd was 70 years
of ago. She is supposed to have run to the
neighbors when attacked, nnd wns mur
dered while trying to get In thnt door.
There Is uo clew.
flnrernor Wnltn'n T.ntest IMnvn.
DENVKlt, Colo., April 2. Judge. Platte
Hogers, counsel for Governor Wnlle on
the fire and police hoard, has asked the
supreme court, through Attorney General
Kngley, for a mandamus writ compelling
the old board to give up tho office nnd
records. This is likely to sidetrack lower
court proceedings, now iu a dreadful
muddle, and settle the issue without fur
ther delay.
Cblt'iicn'n MyAtiTimlft Dlsnpprnrnnce.
CllICAOo, April 2. K. V. L. Gauss, oui
of the best known Germans of this city
has disappeared from his home, and de
splto the efforts of friends and the police
no traceof him has been found. Itis feared
ho has made awny with himself. Mr.
Gauss occupied the position of llrst assist
ant public librarian, and was well known
in Germiin newspaper and llternry circles.
A "Lltttn Dllliciilt)" In Kmittirkr.
IiKXlM. lo.v, Ky., April 2. In a bloody
fight on Fourth street Jack Sloan re
ceived a bullet in his head, Charles Will
iams (colored) was shot in the thigh, and
Pat Tyler was shot Iu tho thigh. About
twenty --hots in all were llred. The troublo
arose Xroin a horse trade. Sloan's wounds
will probnhly prove fatal. All the men
have beet: arrested.
is often equivalent tot
getting ill. If loss of flesh
can be arrested and dis
ease baffled the "weak
spots" in the system are
is an absolute corrective
jf " weak spots." It is a J
builder of worn out failing ,
tiemip jinfurr's fnni. that
slops waste and creates
i healthy llesh.
s PrnpnrpdbyKcottAIl.wne.Ghemlflts.
i nuw iuih. Bum uy uruictB every
j Voyage Around
Tho WnMI
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A Eomarkablo Demonstration in
Hungary's Capital.
A Ilnmlreil nuil riftr Tlinnnnnit Temple
Put lty tlm Ontnralqilp. l'lvn Ttiollmtntl
of Whom ArrUeil from Czegleil After n
Murcll of Two lhiya.
Ilrn.v 1khtii, April 3. An immene
crowd of people from nil pnrta of Hun
KRry, nml mniiy from AttatriH, in in this
city. Hotel nnd other accommodations
are at a premium, and late arrival have
considerable difficulty in lltulliiK quarters.
The Rreut center of attraction for t lie peo
ple was the Museum, in which
the body of Kossuth wns lylnn in state.
It is rstinmted that at least 160,iXXl persons
of all classea entered the iutieuni and
walked past, tho catafalque. The proces
sion was a silent one, the only sound
breaking the stillness being an occasional
tob from some woman.
Several Impressive Incidents marked the
day. One was the visit of a large number
of maidens from Transyl vnnla, clad wholly
tu white, who deposited many wreaths on
the coflln thnt was already almost hidden
from view by the lioral oiTerinxs piled
upon and about it. The visit of the vet
crun Honved hussars also attracted much
attention. All these veterans came from
Szoifcdin nnd Its neighborhood. The 5,000
Inhabitants of Czegled, who walked in a
body the long distance from there to Hilda
'esth iu order to pay their last token of
respect nnd love to the great Hungarian,
arrived safely, and their visit to the hall
in which the body wns lying wns one of
the noteworthy incidents of the day.
Many of them showed plainly the traces
of their weary two days' march.
Order wns preserved throughout, oxcept
when the great crush necessitated the bar
ricading of Ksterhazy street, which created
confusion nnd disorder. It wns intended
to close the museum at midnight, but.
when the proposed closing time arrived
uch an immense crowd was still waiting
to view the body Hint it was decided to
keep the building open until 2 o'clock in
the morning. At that huur the doors were
closed, and thousands of persons wero
turned away disappointed. Tills caused
much anger among a certain element in
the crowd, and stone throwing and abuse
of the authorities were Indulged In. The
trouble was not serious, nud the disorder
was promptly quelled.
The funeral services, which began nt 10
o'clock in the morning, were tho most
solemn ceremonies ever seen here. They
were held in the vestibule of the National
Museum in the presence of the Lutheran
bishops, members of the Hungarian diet
and the Hungarian mnguates. After the
singing of the national anthem. In which
nil present joined, llisliop Sarkany deliv
ered an oration in which he eloquently ex
tolled the services of Kossuth. Maurice
Jokal, one of the leading Hungarian
writers, and a member of the diet, fol
lowed, speaking on livhnlf of the lower
house. His words moved many of his
audience to tears. The burgomaster of
Hilda I'esth, speakliiK for the oity, fol
lowed In a touohing address.
When the funeral services at the mu
seum bad been concluded the, coflin was
removed from the catatalque and con
veyed to the funeral car, to which were
attached eight horses covered wit h mourn
ing caparison. The procession wns then
speedily lurnied. In it were twenty special
oars bearing between 2,000 and H,000 fun
eral wreat lis. Then followed 000 Honveds,
Homo iu mufti and others in uniform. All
wore medals. Included among the regi
mental colors carried was the celebrated
black flag with thirteen death heads, in
memory of tho mnrtyrs who fell in tho
suppression of tho revolution nt Arad.
Firemen formed a guard on eacli sido.
The corloge occupied twohoursin reach
ing the cemetery. The streetB through
which it passed were densely crowded.
Not a window nor a roof along the route
was unoccupied. Husiness, much of which
is usually done in Iluila I'esth on Sun
days, was at n complete standstill, all the
business houses being closed, r.verybouy
wore mourning, and the city presented a
scene that was never neloro witnessed
The members of a thousand deputations.
carrying wreaths and banners, followed
tho Honveds. As the procession moved
along choirs sang national airs nud the
Kossuth hymn. As It passed tho opera
house thousands of persons massed upon
the step suddenly Joined in tho hymn,
and as the combined voices took up the
melodious air the effect was most Impres
sive From the opera house on there wns
an intermittent rising of patriotic songa
from the populace.
Throughout tho march from tho Na
tional Museum to the cemetery Kossuth's
sons, Fritz and Louis, walked behind
the coflln. They were surrounded by a
detachment of students carrying the prin
cipal wreaths.
The mini ceremony, though simple, was
very impressive. Several speeches were
made by representatives of the Independ
ence party and by Honveds who served
under Kossuth. As the colllu was lowered
into a temporary vault a touching specta
cle-presented itself, tho immense assem
blage gathered outside the cemetery fall
ing upon their knees ami offering a silent
prayer. The ceremonies concluded, the
crowd dispersed quietly.
Deadly Duel at Woriieravllle.
Heawno, l'a., April 2. A real duel was
(ought at Weruersville hy John Hayes, a
negro, and (leorge llartman, both em
ployes at the new asylum. They got Into
a dispute at Miller's hotel, lu the village,
and were ordered from the premises. The
men then went out into the street, aud,
stepping olf live paces, drew revolvers,
Hayes firing the llrst shot. llartman
promptly returned the lire, but without
eneot. At tne seeonu snor uayes was
probably fatally wounded, llartman wm
arrested. .
lleeainA a Criminal on 11U Ulrthtlny.
IIaokkstown, ld., April Si. .lames
Gladhill wa Heriounly .tahbed at German
town, near Ulue Htdge Summit, by Mel
vin llmwti, at uhose house he attended a
dance glveu to celebrate the hitter's birth
day. A quarrel arose over (Uadhlll's in-
vitalluti, and it Is aid Brown-follow
hint from the house Into a lonely field aud
ran a dirk kuift. into his breast, luliletlug
n fatal wound, lirown escaped.
llMptUm I-umla to Murder.
lIoLUDAVSBt'Kii, l'a,, April 2. Jaeob
Hudson and Kmauuel Smith, young farm
ers, became involved iu u warm dhwms
blon about baptism at a prayer meeting
bervlce at Kast Freedom Smith pulled a
revolver aud shot his compuutou twice,
DoiUon may die, aud Smith la tu jail.
There's hardly a hmtscki.-1-pt.'r iti
he country but luis Ik .ml of
CottOletie the new vegetable short
ening. It i a strictly natural
product; composed only of clari
fied cotton seed oil, thickened for
convenience in use, with refined
beef suet, pure and sweet. So
Was bound to win, and to drive
out lard f'-otn the kitchens of the
world. When housekeepers wish
to get rid of the unpleasant feat
ures and results of lard, they
should get Cottolene, taking care
that they are not given cheap
imitations with vegetable names,
spuriously compounded to sell in
the place of Cottolene.
It's easy to avoid disappointment
and ensure satisfaction. Insist
on havinc' Cottolene.
Sold In .Inn 1 r, ponn.l p.illa.
M.ule only !,.'
f :. K . F A I R IV 'A . CO.,
CHIC.'sO, a-o
i;j N .v.i.A'ir ,; - avi .
n" 1 . -
Tae place for business men to need
their surplus stock of every descrip
tion for sale.
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays.
Anybodyjcan send goods of every description
to ttie.rooms and they will oo sold at auollon
on thc'ttsual terms. All goods sold on commli
Ionian d settlements made on the day folio
Ing tho sale.
Reese's Auction Rooms
Dougherty Hulldlng,
Cor. Centr aud Jardin Street
101 North Main street, Shenandoah, Pa.,
Ice Creamwholesale and rets1 1.
Plcnlos and parties supplied oa short notlas
(Christ Boaster's old stand.)
lam sma Coal HtN,, tUtenituAoftivi
Hest Deer, Die and porter on tan. The Qsnt
nandsol whiskeys and olfurs. Pool room at
The Man Who wrote tho Song
"p niwr carra to wamler
Vom his oivn ircsuifl,"
was Inspired while sitting before one of my But
1 lent or. X alo have on hand tlie best Htovet
and Kanccs In the market and a largo stock ol
lloukcturnlsliluit Goods. Plumbing, rooflriE
nnd Hpouting u specialty. All work guaranteed.
a?, o. ,cwx.o,:?j.s.
Cor. of Lloyd and White Sts.. Shenandoah, Pa
Mrmanonllr enrfl- H
In '.KtftUi dRT8 br as
magic E mear,aniler s
RUiLrtmty.hnrlaHi by
ilXMt rnpltal, rwttlTeproofniiiid loo-pnuo
hook. UltiHirutod from lifn f rom nouple curou.
re D7 ouiil NothinKftlbevrLllcuro.
CUOK nr.MEU G"., Chicago, 111,
n.lrfcMti.-' tfnctlih IIIa iond IlranA.
-Gt" OHtnnlnnt O'llj Wfnutne. A
l-u t'lst I-r I
h. , i ml t h I Mil ri ti. TuLe
w. li m. Ill ni liiinnrro'lM tutftlfu
hoi. i and ti7ii(aiwit U l'mngim. urrn44h
in Kknii-I lr m tlrulai- Vti-UwbliU iWt
"liflliJ' (Up I..iU.,'lf(lfr. t". rvtnw
Vial I 111.IMHI III illllltllBlH A'llMt J -!
Chi oh enter ').rmlfl (Undlii Kqiur-f
Delcamp's Livery Stable
K. DELOAMP, JK., Prop,,
WEST STSSET, Between Centre and Lleyd,
SteeiiHittloHlti retina.
Teams to hire tor all purposes on reasonable
133 West Centre Street,
Malianoy Oity, Pa.
Artistic Decorator
PatntlDK and Paperhanglng.
1'erlcet work.
"trfnlns in natnts and oils, plain and stalnad
glaw All the uew patterns In wall psper.
Dally and weekly papors, novels, uovelette
and stationery.
Haadquarters for Evening HeraM.
Rig Iteduetion in Wall Paper.
Must make room for an enor
mous Spring Stock. : : : :
21 W. Coutro Street, Shenandoah, Pa,