The Evening Herald. Published dally, except Sunday by herald vvitT.ismso company. Publication office and mechanical department, av Hast Coal Street. T"he rforH ' 'ollvoreU In Shen.indoah and , Jie au mundlne towns foi Six Cents week, payable to the carriers. Ilyn ill, Three Dollars a year or Twenty-live cents i r month. In advance. Adeerllnemrntt charged aooordlng to spaco nd position. The publishers reserve i 10 right to change the position of ndvertliiemenw when ever tho publication of news requires it. Tho right Is also reserved to roject any w crtlso ment, whether paid for or not. that 'ho pub lishers may deem Improper. Adicrtih ng rates made known upon application. Entered at tho post offlce at Shenandoah, Pa., is second closs mall matter. THE JU'JSNIXa, Shenandoah, Penna. Evening Herald. THURSDAY, MAHCH 29, 18114. HKADOUAItTKIIS fum.icAN Statu Committee, riiiiiiueipiiin, feu. at, in. To the HepubUcm litrctort of I'enmyh'ania : I am directed by the Republican Stnlo Committee to tuimmnce that the Republi cans of Pennsylvania, by their duly p'iosbii representatives, will meet in State convention at Harrisburir, I'll., on Wednesday, May 28, at 11 o'clock u. in., for the following purpose, to wit : For the nomination of candidates re spectively for Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, two members of Congress from the state at Iaree. Auditor General. Secretary of Internal Alfalrs, and for the transaction of such other business as may bo pre sented. Attention Is called to tho rule adopted nt the Statu Convention of ISIII) providing for tho basis of representation as follows Reiiresenlations in future state conven tlons shall be based upon the vote castat the Presidential or gubernatorial election lnmiedlatolv nrecediiiL'. onudeleirato beinir allotted to eacli leulslatlve district for over 2.O00 Renublicau votes ntid an addl tional dolomite font fraction oxceedlmi 1,000 votes, each district to have lit least one delegate. My order of tho Republican State Com. II. F. GilkkmiN, Chairman. Attest: 11. Ri:x. A. 1). Fillkuolf, Secretary. The representatives to which each dis trict of the county is entitled to is as fol lows: First district, 1; Second district, 1; Third Ul9trict, 1; f ourth district, a. TIItED OP AMERICA. Herr Most, tho anarchist editor of tho New York Freihell, advises his followers to turn their backs "on this accursed country and continue their labors in Europe." lie says he would go himself if he knew any place where lie could keep from behind prison bars. Ho thinks anarchy will not prosper In this country till Americans become nnarolilsts. Thut is just where Most is right. The people of tills country will not tolerate tho ini ported nrticlo, mid if tho scum of Europe, like Most nnd his gang, go much further with their society for propagation of crime, this country will get waked up nnd settle them ouco nnd for good. The talk nbout Americans becoming an archists is nonsense. There is no dis position ntnong natives of the United Status to change its government, nor is there any evidence that our people nro bo comliig loss law abiding than formerlv, or nro losing nny respect for tho institu tions of our country. Tho exhibitions of patriotism, nnd tho lovo for law and order, shown during tho Rebellion, do notlndlcntothat there is any lessdevotlon to tho principles of n free government nnd majority rule than there was In tho days of the llovolutlon. The prospects nro that as tho pooplo become better ed ucated nnd more Intelligent, the per manence of our institutions will becomo more assured nctl that there will bo no American anarchists outside tho lunatic asylums. If Herr Most nnd his crowd want to lenvo this country, It will bo very dull times when they cnu t get up a con tribution to pay their passage in a very short time. Most may bo tired of America, Certuinly America Is tired of Most. MAKE TITEM LEARN. All attempts at riots should be quashed without delay nnd the offenders promptly punished, especially in Shennudoah. Tho indifference to the naturalization lawH has allowed nn influx of a most Ignorant and dangerous class of people Into tho town and they will not hesitate to tnko leniency as a license. Many Imagine thnt when they get Into this country its free dom allows them to do what others did to them in their native laud. The judge whoonoe ruled that; no man should bo naturalized until he first learned the car dinal principles of the Declaration of In dependence nnd the Constitution of the United States had a level head. For several years past the requirements for citizenship in Schuylkill county seems to have betut limited to a knowledge of tho difference lietween ooal and slate. In reviewing the trade for the past week Dun's Review says; "It Is perplexing to be obliged to report that business grows larger in volume and at the same time not more profitable. Uncertainty does not diminish, but has rather increased, in the judgment of many commercial bodies whloh have urged the President to voto the seigniorage bill. Prices of commod ities do not rUe, but nro on the whole about 1.5 percent, lower than last week, though then tho lowest over known In this country, and nro 13.9 per cout. lower than year ngo. No nioro koIu has gone i nbrond, and stocks average only ,1 cents per $100 higher for railroads than last week, nud exactly tho samo for Trust stocks, but soma foreign purchases nud tho intervention of a holiday explain tho steadiness. Moro mills are at work, though tho proportion of Iproductlvo forco unemployed is yet from a fifth ton third In dllfcreut branches of Industry, nud many mills nro stopping bccatiso their orders havo run out, even while n lnrgcr number nro starting with orders enough for a tlmo. Tho prospect of getting constant or remunerative employment for works nud hands does not change. Tho fact that orders keep only part of tho force at work, while both prices and wages tend downward, though spring isnenratUaud, renders present business loss profitable nnd the future less promising." Poi'ULAli reform without regard to par ties is making Itself felt in many parts of theland. Kast, West, North and South'aro beginning to feel its Inlluenco, and bosses whousod to consider thcmselvos possessed of llfo tenures are realizing that they havo been laboring under n delusion, nnd that tho time has either already coma or is nonr at hnnd when they will have to stand from under or be crushed. Siiknamioaii Is becoming quite metro- political. Its latest acquisition Is a gang of shoplifters, UlsccKlNltlDon's good reputation can also prove on alibi. It is no longer with him. Tiir.iu: is not much left of Coxoy's army but tho password. J AMIS J. Cohiiktt will soon go to Eng- In id to knock out a few crowns. HOW TO CARE FOR THE HAIR. A I'ow Simple Measures For Ilealltlfylne It, Htul ii Nun- Cnllnue. How to care for tho hair is a never settled question. The market is full of nostrum." for beautifying, restoring and preserving It, while there is an unceasing supply ol contradictory recipes for its treatment. One writer mentions sago tea as a dressing, but does not add that it should be used only by brunettes, as it is inclined to dark- en tho hair. Other authorities state that borax should always be dissolved In the water In which the hair Is washed. But bori,x, ulthough it keeps the hair soft and clean, makes It fall out us fast as it grows in. Somebody else advises the use of vaseline and glycerin. These articles may be bene ficial, but they mako the hair damp and oily and effectually prevent anything in the NBW COIFKUItE. way of curls or waves, besides collecting nil the dust and cinders that are uflout in the dr. Brushing hus timo out of mind been considered tho best sort of treatment, but not long ago an innovator came out. wUh the assertion thnt It is most injurious, de stroying the new hairs before they have a chance to grow. This may be taken with a grain of wholesome doubt. It Is much easier to say what should not than what should bo done. Oil or greosoof any kind mnkes the hair straight, stringy and unpleasant to the touch and Is an en emy to neatness, bodn dulls And dries It, Sulphur stimulates its growth, but Is too odoriferous to be pleasant. Simple meas ures in this matter, ns In most others, are best. The hair may bo washed ns f lequent- ly as necessary, for if It is quickly dried a bath docs it no harm nnd greatly Improves Its appearance. A little common fait, nn toilet boap, ammonia or alcohol mny bo milled to the water uud tho hair afterward be dried in the sun or by artificial heat. It should not be touched with brush or comb until It Is thoroughly dry. This treatment will keep it clean nud boft, nud no hair Is beautiful without these attributes, no mat ter what its color or thickness. A sketch Is given of an evening coiffure in which the front hair is curled and the waved back hair arranged in n twist end lug In five puffs on the crown of the head. The left side Is ornamented v ith fonr erect wings or ears .Trim- ( hom.IiT. the n ace is vrotr over to good lieaitu anu render ed impervious to disease when the blood is pure and the liver active. For the liver is the sentinel which nermlts or forbids the germs of disease to enter the circulation ot tne uiooa. . . . - r i . i 1 .... n -t.. Malaria, or Consumption; you will be if you take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis I 1,11 fllllflll. LU UHUHIUI' HWL V, . 1 1 1, covery. Wlmn vonr flesh is reduced below a healthy standard, when you are troubled with pim ples and boils, or if you have diziy, weak and sleepless, spells Ite I wet to hteit the warntna. Itiillil nn vonr strength, rnirifv the blood, nnd set all the organs of the body into ac tivity, by taking the " Discovery." It's guar. ant(l to benefit or cure all diseases resulting from Impure blood . inactive liver, or the inonoy paid, is return i i There's no case of Catarrh so hopeless that Dr. Bago's Catarrh Remedy cannot cure. The proprietors of this medicine will pay fLVMI for utit inrn-m c' Miss Pollard's Old Lovor Appears for BreokinndgOi HE WAS 0H0E ENGAGED TO HEB, tint Drclnrri Tlint Ilrr Actlnnn Were Not 9 Cnloulntcri to Hold Ills Hrnprct ln pnftttlnnH Ttmllnic to Show Thnt the l'lalntlrr Was Unclinatr, WABHINflTOV, Mnrch 8!). The surprise tho Pollnrd-Brecklnridgo trial yester- ay was the unexpected nppearauce of one Miss Pollard s old lover's. Itunkln Ros- tell, n Kentucky schoolmaster, Ills depo litiou had been read In the case, but to make his testimony doubly sure the ex flancee wns Intro lured in person, nnd no ooner had he taken the stand than Madeline Pollard glided in, for the first lime this wrek, from the office of her attorneys across tho street, whero she wnlts to bo sent for when her presence Is needed. Most of the tebtlmouy yesterday was in the form of depositions, nnd much of it was of a character which can only be pub lished in o.v ratcd forms. Those depo sitions, reg.ird ng which Judge Brndley had expressed his regrets that they could not bo excluded on gcnernl principles, ere recited, and tho justification for the scathing comments on them was self evl- ent. borne of the lnngunge employed by II 1mm Kaufman, n Lexington butcher, and John Brandt, n janitor from tho same place, would hardly bo tolerated in n well gulnted barroom. Those gentlemen ad itted in n matter of fact way their ten dencies toward habitual drunkenness and marital infidelity, and tho court admitted their statements unexpurgntcd, ns he re marked in conversation that tho jury might judge of the character of tho wit nesses. Colonel Brecklnridgo's private secre tary wns onu witness of tho day, and an other was Colonel Hay, tho best known man in Washington, nud Incidentally nn expert on penmanship, who was subjected to further cross-examination upon tho rinciples employed in detecting forger ies, under the suggestions of another ex port who sat at Attorney Wilson's elbow. rom the addition of this new expert into the case it looks ns though a hard fight had been precipitated over the authen ticity of thnt black bordered letter which was inadu public yesterday. The cuse of the defense Is drawing to n close, with the appearance of Colonel Breckinridge, whose testimony is expected to occupy at loast threo days. Then there ill bu rebuttal for an Indellnite length, as Miss Pollard will take tho stand again, uud wltuubses have been summoned from Kentucky. Mr. Rossell testified that ho hnd met Miss Pollard first in tho fall of 1&83, when ho was em; toyed in a Cincinnati dry goods btor- Miss Pollard came Into the store nnd introduced herself to him, stati ng shu had heard her cousin, Nellie Ol iver, speak of him often. At her request he accompanied her to tho esleynu col- ege, whero she stated to Dr. Brown that ho was n personal friend. Subsequently he called on her regularly nt the semin ary, sometimes twice a week. Sho in formed him of her engagement to Mr. Rhodes, nud of her dislike, fur that gen tleman. The friendship between himself and Miss Pollard led to love, nud finally they were engaged to be married. When asked why he hnd allowed the engagement to drop Mr. Rossell saiil that sho had allowed him to kiss and hug her n a way hu did not like in a womnn ho loved. Once he had written her about tho rings he had given her. Ho had destroyed ho reply. Last April ho had made application for tho position of gauger In tho interim! rev enue service; but when his friends per suaded him to run for superintendent of bchools he withdrew his implication. Did not know Colonel Breckinridge when he applied for the revenue position. His np plication lint! been withdrawn before lie made a deposition in tuts ensu. Mr. Ubon jumped into tho cross-exnm- iuation enthusiastically. You withdrew your application before you made that deposition i" he asked. "Yes, sir." "How long beforef" "Well, nbout" "Wns not the same day you made your deposition the morning of tho baiue dayf" 'Yes; it was." 'And didn't you have your application in your pocket when you mnde the depo- sltlonf" "Yes, sir; Unit's n fact." Asked if he did not know it to be a fact thnt visitors were permitted at Wesleyan only one night a week, Rossell said he only knew ho had told the truth, and Mr, Wilson returned sarcastically: "We don't care for your protestations nbout your tes timony; wo only want answers." Rossell reiterated that Miss Pollard hnd bat on his lap for two hours nt a time there. Miss Pollnrd hnd told him thnt she wns born in November, ltC3. (The plaintiff claims that she was born Nov. 30, 1SG0). The depositions of Kaufman and Brandt tended to show thnt in 1883 Miss Pollard wns an occupant ot Lena Singleton's house of ill fumo in Lexington. Favoring a Oeiiorul Strike. VlRNNA.JInrch S3. At tho socialist con gress here a resolution declaring In favor of the principle of ultimately declnrlug a Keneral strike was adopted. Hosolutious were also adopted deqlinlnK to accept the government's project for electoral reform, and urging that every mean, even a geu erut strike, he employed to ohtnln univer sal HUlVnitfe. The congress decided to support the demand of the miners that eight hours constitute a legal days worit. A proposal that In the event of a general btrike being Inaugurated worklngmeu re fuse to pay rent was rejected. . Aftur Colquitt' Nat. Atlanta, March iiU. There are no de velopments In the senatorial situation lo daj . It is generally helleved that the gov ernor will announce the appointment for the senatorial vacancy in a day or two, Among the names which have been urged Is that of ex-Congressinaii James , Ulount, Hon. Joseph II. dimming, Hon. Clifford Anderson, James V. Uobertson, S. M. Inmun, Itobert U. Mitchell, with n number of uthors. To Push n New ltullronil. . Johnstown. I'a., JIaroh 80. The oon- stuctlon of tho Couemuugh, Clee,rlleld nnd Western railroad, for whloh a char ter wns granted last mouth at Ilarrls- hurg, is likely to begin boon. When the road is huilt it will ho extended north from lleUeun, fifteen miles along Clear- Held creek, to connect with the JJeecu Creck.thus giving Johnstown an outlet to the north. A llteepl.oil to h I, till. IlAl.TtMoilK, Muich VP, Archhlsho" Sntolll nnd Rev. P. J. Donahue, bishoj -elect of Wheeling, W. Va., will bo ten dered a public reception by the Cntholh -of Baltimore on Sundny evening, April ir,. The reception will take place In the main hall of Hnrris Academy of Music, nnd will be followed by n banquet. An Emleclr ripnrifl (lutlty. NEW YoitK, March 20. Yesterday before Judge Benedict Benjamin G. Snnford, lnte cashier of tho St. Nicholas bank, withdrew his plea of not guilty and pleaded guilty to tho chnrgo of embezzle ment. He wns remanded for sentence. An Antl-ltiBUrnncH 111 1 1. Dfs MotKKS, In., March !). The nntl Insnrance combine bill passed tho senate. It makes it unlawful for insurance com panies to combine to keep up rates, nnd provides penalties in flues from tlOto WOO. Another Free Calnngn 11111. WashiNqton, Mnrch 29. Senator Stew art, of Nevada, yesterday introduced bill to provide for free and unlimited coin Igo of silver. lira. Anna Deemcra Puulton, Penn. Weak Nerves Numb Spoils, Dyspepsia, Poor Blood Hood's Sarsaparllln Cavo Strength, Komovoci Tdat Tired Fooling. i " C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. : " Gentlemen: I feci that I must say a fow words about Hood's Sarsaparllla, as I think It Is the best medicine I lmvo ever taken. I had dys- j pepsla, and my nerves were weak, my blood also In bad condition, and I was troubled with I numb spell3 when I would sit or He down. I I Was So Weak that I could hardly walk across the house when I began to tako Hood's Sarsaparllla. I have now used seven bottles ot this medicine and have gained In strength, can do all my work HoodVP11 Cures nnd not get tired, am ever so much bet ter In every way." Mits. Anna. Deemeus, Paulton, Pennsylvania. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly nud efficiently, ou tho liver and. bowels. 25c. ROACHES-BED BUGS A Lininrj ftfnHICA! C?POUfID-ll0N POiS0N- ous to MArmiiis Bur the crzatest OF YuatilrHliHS YCUHCAlltt rciS-tlLS IH'EMTf-D. THitfj tl'r,;ili;!iE"'' "W 4lt;ir Muri i-iTY UIEMICAL CO. HITTS8URC Yfc READING RAILROAD SYSTEM, TIME TABLB IN EFFEOT FEU. U, 18F4 Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: For New York via Philadelphia, woek day, 8.10, 6.26, 7 20. a.m., 1228, 2.50, 6.55 p.m. Snri'tt 2.10, a. m 4.-0 p. in. Tor New York via Maucn Cnt. week days, 6.2.r,,7.e0 a. m.. 12.28, 2.60 p. m. For Reading and Philadelphia, week u&ys, 2.10,, a.m., 12.26, 2.50, Sun dav, 2.10, a m., 4.30 p, m For Harrlshurff wpoU vp, 8J0, i o m. 2 An, f,.ff p. m. Sundays, 2.10 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. For Potiavllle, wees nays, 2.10, 7.2U, a. ru., 12.23. 2.50, 5.65 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 a. m., 4.80 p. m. For Tamaqua and Mnhanoy City, week days, 2.10, 5.25, 7.20, a.m., 12,28, 2.50, 6.65 p. m. Sun day, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m. Additional for Mahanoy City, week days, 7 00 p. m. For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg, week days, 3.25, 7.20, 11.80 a. m., 1.35, 7.00 pm. Sunday, 3.25 a. m., 8.05 p. m. For Mahanov Plane, week davs. 2.10. 8.25, 6.25. 7.20, 11.30 a.m., 12.28, 1.35, 2.50,5.65,7.00,8.35 D.m. Sundav.2.10. 3.2o. 7.48 a. m..3.05. 4.SUD. m. For Olrardvlllo, (Rappahannock Station), week days, g.iu, sza, b.zo, t.zu, a. m., 2.50, 6.55, 7.00, 9.35 p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 8.M 7.48 a. m., 3.05, 4.30 p. m. ?or Asmano. ana snamoitin, wceic nays, 6.W. 7.20, 11.20 a. m., 1.35, 7.00, 9.35 p. m. BUDi day, 3.25. 7.48 a. m., 3.05 p. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH I Leave New York via PhlladelDma. week dit' b.ou a. m.,, 4.iu, p. m.. 12. id nignt. sun dav. 4.30 a. in.. 7.30 n. in.. 12.16 ntnht. I,i nve New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 1 3j. u. iu a. m.. i.m. 4.SU d. m :sur.uuv. i-Hive I'nuaaeinnin. ucauing Terminal. weea aays. 1.12. g.35. lo.uo a. m.. ana 4.w. 8.00. 11.30 p. m. Sunday 4.00, 9.05 a, in., 11.30 r. ru. Lieavu jicuiuDg, weut uayd, i.od.y.iu, iu.10, u.w a. m., 7,01 p. m auuu&y, i.w, o.ou, a. m, Lit-uve I'oiumuu, ween uuys, oiu a- m. 12.80. 8,11 p. m Sunday, '.00 a. m.,2.06p.m, ijeave Tamaqua, weea aays, o.zu,, ii.a a UI., I. CM, 4.10. V.M V- Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m p. m. Leave Mahanov Cltv. week davs. 3.46. 9.18 11.47 a. m., 1.51, 7.44, 9.54 p. m. bunaav, a.ta, .i m.,s.sun. m. Leave Mahanov Plane, week dtvs. 2.40. 4.00. 130, 9.36, 11.69 a. in., 12.66, 2.00, 6.20, 8.20,7.60,10.10 p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, 9.27 a. m., 8.37, 6.01 p. m. Leave uiraruviuo, (uuppanannoca Diauoni, eek davs. 2.47. 4.07. 0.36. 9.41 a. m.. 12.05. 1.01, 2.12. 6.26, 0.32, 8.06, 10.19 p. m. Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.33. a. m., 3.43, 6.07 p. m. t.eave Wllllamsport, week days, 9.86, a. m., 3.36,11.16 p.m. Sunday, 11.16 p. m. tror tiauunore, wasmngion ana me vesi vis B. O. R. H.. throiurh trains leave Heading Terminal. Philadelphia, (P. A K. R. U.) at 3.15, 7 as. li x a. m . s oi. 7 j. s.w p. m.. aunaay J. to. 7.63, 11 20 a. m , 3 51 7 22 9.511 p- m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf and Bouth Street Wharf for Atlantic City. Weok days t- xpross, 9 00 a m.; (Hatur'ays only 2 00); 4 00, 5 00 p. in. Acoommudatlon, 8.00a. m.;54Jip m. Bnndaya i-xpress, D.on, 10.00 n. m. Accom modation. 8.(10 a. m. and 4 80 p m. Heturulm', leave Atlantlo City depot, cor' nerAiutntlo and Arkansas avenues: Week days Hxpress.KO.S.KOa, ra. and 4 0) p. m. Aroomuiodutlou, 8.10 a. m. and 4.30 p in. Sum ays Kxpres, 4 00, 5.15, 8.00 p, m. Ac commodation, 7.15a m und 1 16 p. m. Parlor oars on all express trains. O. O. UANCOOK, Gen. Pass. Agt. Philadelphia Pa, I, A. SWEIQAH1), Gen. Supt TP YOTT HAVE A TRUNK to to to IE 1 vJU tno depot or a parcel to set' away drop us a card and we will call for It, United States Express, Cot. Centre and Union 8U, OLartOYtO Professional Cards. jy B. KIBTLEK, M. D PJirSWIAN AND BURQBON, (ifflce U0 North Jsrdln street, Shentndosh. JOHN It. COYLE, A TTORNET-A T-LA W. Office Oeddall building, Hbcnnndosh, Pa, gOL. FOSTER, ATTORNEY and CO VN8KLLBR-A T-LA IF. Room 8, Mountain City Hank Building, Potts vllle, I'a. M. Ml BURKE, ATTORNEY A T-LA W BHSH AHD0AII, PA. Office Room 8, P. O. Building, rthenandosk nd Esterly building, Pottsvlllo. JK. It. 1IOCULEHNER, Phjtician and Surgeon. Advlco. free nt drug storo, 107 South Main street. Private consultation at residence 112 nouinjarain street, irom e to 7:30 p. m. J PIEUt'E ROBERTS, M. D No. M East Coal Btrcet, 8UENANDOAU, PA. Office Hours 1:30 to 3 and 6:30 to 9 p. m. D M. J. B. OALLEN, No. 31 South Jardtn Strcot, Bhenandoah. Office Houns: 1130 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 P. M Except Thursday evening. No office work on Sunday crcept by arrange ment. A ttriel adherence to the office houn U absolutely ncceisary. 10.31.6ra NIUIIT VISITS, SI.OO. rjl J. BUTTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 29J4 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Penna. Office hours: 0 to 11 a, m.,2tot, 7 to 8 p.m. pROF; T. J. WATSON, ........Teacher of......... VIOLIN, GUITAR, BANJO and MANDOLIN. Having bad sixteen years' experience as a teacher ot instrumental murlo elvlne Instruc tion od the above instruments. Word left at iirumm's jewelry store win rccolve prompt at tention. SNEDDEN'S : LIVERY Horses ano Carriages to Hire. asullnr of 11 kinds promptly attended tt Horses taken to hoard, at rates that are liberal. In PEAR ALLEY, Rear of tho Coffee Hoass LGREH2 SCHMIDT'S, Celebrated Potter, Ale and Bee JAMES SHIELDS. Manager Shenandoah Branch. hlUSSEFi & BEDDALL, (Successors to Coakley Iiros.) No, ,t8 JCnHt Centre Mtrcet, HHIOMANDOAH, PA, 1 Our Motto: Best Oualltv at Lowest Can- Prices, Patronage respectfully solicited. WM. J. LLOYD'S palace Saloon.... and Restaurant, (Under the Palace Theatre,) Grlzrzxxr c3L-rlllo- Pa. The Restaurant Is one of tho best In the cos regions, and has elegant dining parlors atUchee for the use ot ladles. The liar Is stocked with the best ales, beers porters, wines, liquors and cigars. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. aaUUTLKILL DITIBIOM. NOVEMIiKU 18th. 1893. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above dato for Wlggan's, G liber ton. Frackvllle, New Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvlllo, Hamburg, Reading, Pottstown. l'hccnlivlllo. Norrlstown and Phil adelphla (Droad street station) at 0:00 and 1-1:45 a. m. anu p. in. uu wceKuays r orroiw vine and intermediate stations W;lU a, m SUNDAYS. For Wlggan's, Gllberton, Trackvllle, New uasue, at. uiair, roiisviiie at o;ou. v:iua. m and 3:10 p.m. For Hamburg. Reading, Potts town, PhconlxvlUe, Norrlstown, Phllsdelphlt at o:uo. v iu a. m., s:iu p. m, Trains leave Frackvllle for Bhenandosh at 10:10 a.m. and 12:14, 6:01, 7:42 and 10:27 p.m. tjunoays, 11:13 a. m. ana s:i p. m. Leave Pottsvllle tor Shenandoah at 10.16. 11:43a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. m.Sundsys at iu:4U a. in. ana dud p. m. Leave Philadelphia (Droad street station) tor Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 6 57 and 8 S3 am, 1 10 and 7 11 pm week days. On Sundays leave at 0 eu a m. for f oiisviue. v a m. For New York. Express, week days, at 3 20, 4 06, 4 50, 6 15, 8 60, 7 33, 8 20, 9 60, 1100 11 it am, 12 uu noon, uiit- m. itiimitea isi ?ross 1 Od and 4 60 p m. dining cars.) 1 40, 30, 8 20, 4 00, 5 00, 0 00, 0 50, 7 25, 8 12, 10 00 om. 1201 nignt. sunaays sai, 400. 4 50. 5 15,8 12,9 50, 110311 35, a m, 1 41, 1 40, 2 80, 4 00 lumueu duj o su, o . o ow. 1 o ana 0 is p m ano 12 01 nlcht. For Sea Olrt, Long itranch and Intermediate stations, 8 20, till a m, and 100, p m WBOKUftytJ, 9 10, 10 20, 11 18 a m. 12 lir (12 35 limited dlnini car.) 1 30, 8 48. 4 41, (5 111 Congressional Llmltei Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 817, 8 65, 7 40 and 1133 p. in,, week days. Sun lays. Si !, 4 41, 8 days, 3 60, 7 20, 10, 11 18 m.. U 10, 65. xi so unu 1 vj p m. For Richmond, 7 00 a ra, 12 10 and 11 33 p m, dally, nnd 1 30 d. m, week davs. Trains will leave flarrlshurg for Plttsburi and the West cvary diy at 1 1 S 10 a m, (3 20 pm limited), 8 50, 7 30, 11 65 p 111 every uuy. Way tor Altoon at 8 18 am aud 6 00 p m evary ay. r 01 i-iitsourg ana Aiona a 11 a ever? dav. TralnH will leave Sunburr for Williams Dor Elmlra, Canandatgua, Koohester, liunsio ana NUgira Calls at 1 Si, 6 18 a m.and 1 35 p m weok days. For Elmlra at 6 41 p m week days, . For Brio asd Intermediate points at 5 II am amy, ForLockliaven-atGia and 9 60 a m dally, 186 and b 44 p iu week days For Renovo at 511 m, 1 86 and 6 44 pm week days, and 618am i vs. ana outran Sundays onlv For Kane at 5 1 a m, daily, IHnn woe davs. 'i. M. Pnavoit, Uen'l Un." J. . Too 1, Uen'l Pam'c'' Act iaBl5hd"Jidj tSlIiml4biDI(.J.H.MAVF.It.ll,IIu3 liruri. bm ua "J.i.,. POTTSVILLE I Soap Works. Third and Race Sts. k Use 5c Ocean Soap. It hus no equiil for laundry or penorai household uso and au uo used with perfect safety on any kind of goods. 5c Borax Soap. Is unequalledfor washing kc, flannel or fino texture goods. Monarch Towel Soap Ib m largo bars a towel with each bar freo. It is splcmd for general uso. N Minors' Favorite, New Wrinkle Olelno, urown ana wnno i-.xira i-umuy nro nil goorf soaps. All soaps guaranteed to bo absolutely puro. WM. HEAtn, Ulannccr. Real Eafe Ecgange. Robhlns' Building, Itcom No. 4, 'roperties and Business Places Of all kinds bought and sold. Donds and blocks Bought and Sold. Railway and Steamship Tickets, Fire. life and Accident Insurance In first-class companies. Ucntral Commission Dusiness. T0I111 V. Flimcy. HEMOVA Ti : W. T. DECH'S mi U&U VV l hit , Has been removed to Pear Allev. lietween Centre and Llovd Streets Wheolwright work, Carriage and Wagon building, Ilorseshooing and General Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. v RETT ID'S Beer and Porter T AM AGENT for tho -1- Clias. Ilettig's Celo brated Beer and Porter in this vicinity, also Bergner & Engel's celebrated India Pale Ales and Old Stock. Orders will receive prompt attention. Finest brands of Liquors and Cigara. SOLOMON IIAAK- 120 South Mam Street. Rag Carpet Weaving ! If vou want a cood niece of rair caroet. well woven, tako your rags and have them woven up in oarpets. It will pay you In tho long run. All kinds, with or without stripes, made to order; beautltul rainbow stripes. Low prices PATTEnSOKT'S,, 205 West Oak Street, Shenandoah, Pa. CLEABY BROS., Ilottlers of all kinds of TEMPERANCE: DRINKS! AND MINERAL WATERS. Wiifin Hffrn a firtoMaltv. Alen Inttlpra nf tlift f inest iseer. 17 and 19 reach Alley, 8H EN AND OAH . 139 Woiitli Main Street, All work guaranteed to be first-class In every resrect. We respectfully solicit a share of your patronage, uooas cauea jor anuaenveieu Silk ties and Lace Curtains a specialty. A LADY'S TOILER Is not complete without nn ideal Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, healths ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climute. Insist upon having the genuine DR. HOBSNSACK, RPOVFlToOMJorthElpMSl. loruie ly u itd North Second Ht., Is its old cut in America for the treatment ot M run lttteatta and Youthful -fcVroro. Vai ,;ele Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc, Treatment ) mall a specialty. Communications acrM'y confidential. Send stamp for bnok. Hours. I a, m. to 2 p. m,l tt to 9 p. m. : Sundays, 9 to IS m us Jim POWDER. fiflj POZZONIS