The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 16, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Evening Herald.
Published dally, except Sunday by
Pubtlcatloa olTlco and mochatili' 1 department,
SV EurI Cniil Street.
I'tio tT- 1 J 1 lollvered In Sh nandoah and
ine jie 11a ,.flmn,iimtowns ,0rsu cents
a week, payable to the carriers. II mall,Threo
Ballurs a your orTuentyllvr cent nermonth,
. advance.
AitvrrlUsinen'ts charged uccoruln,? to spaco
and posllloa. The publishers rrsrr ' the right
to change the poiltlon or ndvertismn uts when
ever tho publication of news require i It. The
right Is also reserved to reject .mv tdvcrtlso
ment, whether paid tor or not, tin' tho pub
lishers may deem Improper ,vdui i.slng rates
smdo known upon appllcalloo
rfntcred at the post otllcoat'Slieii.indoah, Pa,
e second closs mall matter.
Tit I! uril.YI.VII UllHAhV,
Shenandoah, I'cnna.
Evening Herald.
FKIDAY, MAKCII 1(1, 1801.
Tin: Wand bill ami tbu Wilson bill arc
twin evils.
Fl!Et)i)r GllliltAltt), he of fust horses nnd
faster habits, 1st married at Inst. Long
may ho stay so.
LOST, strayed or stolen tho Wilson bill;
last seen going into tho Semite,
JuiXlIKO from tho gnlos of the past few
days March has no Intention of dying
like a lamb.
Tun spring trndo will soon be opening
np and tho meichalit who advertises will
sndoubtedly get tho most of it.
QUEEN VlCTOllIA made a short speech
this time, because Lord Hosebery didn't
have tiniB enough to prepnro n longer one
Tlinitc Isn't a Democrat In tho land who
wouldn't be tickled to death to see the
political clouds roll away, but they will
uot roll. If tho Democrats were truly
patriotic, however, they would rejoice to
know tlint the end ot tho Bourbon reign
w approaching.
Ovisil in England tho high church peo
ple are in n stw u because they do not
think enough religion is taught in the
jubllc schools. It is religion of theestab
Halted brand they want. Hero In Ameri
ca we do not thitikthugovernmentshoiild
tenon religion at nil. Tho church had
better bo trusted with that duty.
tr Is n matter for slncero regret that
Senator Sherman is compelled, by tho
eondltlon of his health, to lenvo Washing
ton for a llttlo time. It is his intention
to g.o to Ashcvillc, N. C, for perhnps a
fortnight, becnuso ho Is sulTcrlng from a
severe cold. Hut it Is probable that he
will soon bo able to resume, his duties,
and to tnko his pnrt In tho ttirill debate
which is approaching, nnd Itepublicans
all over tho country will earnestly hope
that this may prove to bo tho case.
It Is just and equitable that Admirals
.Hello and Da Gntna, who in the pay of
foreign conspirators, hnvo waged a
wicked and murderers war against their
ellow-countrymen, should be npprehend
d and held to nnswor for their crime, if
aotd be, by their lives. Their tactics have
Been neither humane nor honorable. It
was only tho overwhelming naval force
of the United States which compelled
them to cease a policy of wanton inter
ference with peaceful commerce.
SEVEltAL hundred thousnnd persons
who went to tho World's Fair kissed what
they were told was n piece of tho real
Blarney Stone. It now turns out that
tho stone in question was only a Chicago
paving stone. Somo of tho kissers may
possibly bo inclined to kick, but if they
ara wise they will not do bo, for two
seasons: First, it won't do them
any good, and second, tho "fake" stouo
yasjitstns well adopted for kissing as
would have been the lllnmey Stone.
ian who finds any pleasure In kissing n
stouo doservos to bo deceived.
AK Indianapolis newspaper called The
Iron Age has undertaken tho job of de
molishing tho Christian religion. There
may be a weak spot in the Hue, in the
vicinity of Indlaitapolls, but It is likely
o be reinforced before the surrender
taken place. Kvery once lu n while some ,
fellow dUwover, or Invents, periwUiut mo
tion, and (tome other crank starts a nows
patwr to nbolUh Christianity. In both
cases tho proper way to do is to let It
totk It own .cure. At Indlnnapolis this
advice was not acted upon, but tho olllco
of Thu Age was entered, tho fuel gas pipes
turned out of the stoves, nnd Into tho
mam, nnd n light left burning m as to
explode the gas. The doore and windows
were then fastened. The editor came lu,
a few utlnutuu later, and stopped theur-
tnugemont or tho whole establishment
would hnvo gone up, or down, as tho case
may bo. It Is to ho hoped that The Ago
may succeed In demolishing the kind of
Christianity which blows up buildings,
but no other.
Governor Waite CallB Upon Qon
oral McOook for Aid,
Tli fltivernor Threatened to Fire on th
Clly Hull to r.llrt Onlcnrs Hi. llnd
uilimd, and Who Thrrntened llntfillik
tlon Uoiornlnellt Troops Keep l'enoe.
I)ENVRlt,Mnrch 10. The National Guard
lit Colorado is under nrms, the federal
troops from Fort Logrtn hnvo been called
out, nnd although martial law has not
been ofllclnlly proclaimed there is noothcr
authority in Denver but the strong arm of
tho military.
This criticnl sltuntlon lias been brought
about by the determination of Governor
Walte to oust the two members of the fire
nnd pollcu board Jackson Orr nnd 1). .T.
Martin whom he removed for protecting
gambling places, i nd place in olllce their
successors, S. I). Hnrnes nnd Dennis Mul
litis. Messrs. Orr and Martin, having ob
tained from the district court on injunc
tion restraining Governor Wnlto from
11.1 ....... 1...... ,...,,l,.ln..1,.nI1
IltJIUllflJ iruiilllUH lilirm, ntlpiirniimiiiii
in rnwlst tn tltn lltmnt.. Thpv ncnonlltiilF
oovEnxon waitk.
kept tho entire police force at the city hall
all dny 5'esterday under orders to resist
the soldiers if attacked. In addition, sev
eral hundred of the toughest citizens,
many of whom have records as man kill
ers, wero sworn in as deputies by Sheriff
Uurchluell, nnd placed In tho city hall as
n reinforcement of the police department.
Knch deputy wos nrmed with two six
hhooters, nnd instructed to use them in
ense of necessity. The police wero nrmed
with shot guns, In addition to their clubs
and revolvers.
Tho llrt regiment and the Chnffee Light
artillery arrived nt the city hnll nt 3 o'clock,
and General lirooks, commanding officer,
delivered to Police Lieutenant Clay, In
command outside of the city hnll, a mes-
i-ogo to the effect that if tho removed po-
lee commissioners did not vacate within
alf an hour I lie offices would be taken by
force. Orr nnd Martin refused to sur
render. Hefore tho hnlf hour had expired
prominent citizens entered Into negotia
tions with both parties to the controversy
with n view to reaching n settlement by
arbitration, and while tho negotiations
were in progress a truce was declared. Tho
streets around the city hall were packed
with an angry mob, numbering many
Had one of my officers given an order
to lite," said General lirooks today, "ho
would have been riddled with bullets
from the crowd, and then I would havo
had to sweep both sides of the street with
Galling cannon. However, there was no
On the governor's representation that
the state militia would probably bo inade
quate to cope with the mob that had full
possession of the city General McCook
called out the United States infantry from
Fort Logan, thirteen miles from here, to
uct in conjunction with thes'tutennd local
authorities in clearing the streets and pre
serving tho peace.
The United States troops arrived about
8:30. Adjutant General Tarsney, an old
Indian lighter, hns placed tho militia
htratcgically in front of tho city hall, on
1 ourt eolith street, with two Gntlitig guns
covering the two big Napoleons loaded
with grape nnd solid shot, trained on the
city hall, and four company's of militia in
front nnd nrouud them to stand tho crowd
Tho governor ordered out tho militia
contrary to tho advice of his counsel nnd
prominent members of the chamber of
commerce. The militia officers were asked
to resign their commissions in the interest
of peace, hut they refused, nnd said they
would obey orders. A inovo was made to
have the supreme court order Governor
Wnlte's arrest for disobeying Judge Gra
ham's orders, but this was not done.
Threatening demonstrations have been
made against the governor, who remains
nt his residence under militnry guard, nnd
ho was reported much nlarmed ns to his
safety before the arrival of the United
States troops.
At the city hall It was claimed that strict
orders have been given not to fire n shot or
raise a club until the militia have taken
tho offensive. From 3 p. in. until 9 p. m.
the stotc troops wero drawn up lu lino of
battle, and the city hall forces were ready
lor action. The other city officials were
prepared to vacate at a moment's notice.
All overtures Irom the governor wero re
jected, and every hour or two tho gov
ernor threatened to exterminate the city
hall people in thirty minutes, but the ar
guments of his counsel finally prevailed.
The fire department had Hues of hose
laid through the city hall to throw water
on the besiegers, I he firemen were armed.
The surgical department was made ready
to care for the wounded in case of a cou
lllct. Shortly after tho arrival of the
United Stntes troops Adjutant General
Tarsuey ordered the militia back to the
armory, nnd presently tho crowtls begun
to dwindle and the excitement begau to
die out.
The government troops nro camped In
front of the Union depot, where Sheriff
Uurchluell says he will try to keep them
two or three days to prevent any possible
The state troops were withdrawn by
Governor Walte on the recommendation
of General McCook, who said the govern
ment troops would prescrvo order and pre
vent u coulllot.
Tim Fourth H'ljr Iternvorod.
WlLKKBHAIlHK, P.i , March 16. The body
of the fourth man found was readied in
the Gnylord mine at Plymouth nt mid
night. It is supposed the corpse is that of
Samuel Morgan, who wns working with
the three men already found.
rertluent Testimony In the Great Itreaoh
of I'rmnlaa Onto.
WAbiiikotos, Mnrch 10. Notwithstand
ing the recent absence of sensational de
tnlls from the I'ollnrd-Drcckinrldge trial
the crowd which tried to gain ndmlsslon
to the court room yesterday was larger
than ever. Those few persons who pos
sessed the necessary qualifications heard
little of Interest, tho most ltnportnnt wit
ness who appenred being Sarah Guess, a
colored womnn, who kept the house In
Lexington wheio tho Intrigue had its be
ginning and much of Its course, and who
said that Colonel Drecktnrldgo had tried
to persuade her not lo testify. Sarah said
she had "knowed Ctinnel Breckinridge
tence she was a llttlo girl," that the
"cutmel" had been to her house with Miss
1'ollard about llfty times, but Miss Pol
lard hod never been there with any other
man. Mr. lire Unrldge, howover, had
been there before.
Tho most jhr uillcant point In tho testi
mony of this woman nnd of other wit
nesses was that Miss Pollard had been ft
school girl in short dresses when her Inti
macy with the congressman began. From
tho depositions of a uumberof Lexington
people whore testimony wns read itseemcd
thntMiss I ard's most Intimate friends
had never r ,.'cted tho double life she
was leading, and that she had passed as
an Intelligent and high minded girl.
,Th Nunl May Tench Aenln.
PlTTsnuitO, March 10. Tho withdrawal
of the nuns from tho IUverslde public
school does not mean the abandonment of
the fight between tho school board and
the Junior Order of American Mechanics,
and Is only n truce, pending the settle
ment of the question lu tho courts. If the
petition of tile Mechanics for an Injunc
tion Is not granted members of the board
say the parochial school children and the
nuns will return to tho public school, and
nctlon will then be tnkcu to compel tho
central board of education to sign the
warrants for their salary as teachers. In
case tho injunction is granted they will
give up the contest, but not before.
Admlrnl llinlinm Off for lllueflrlda.
Washington, Mnrch 10. A dispatch an
nounces that Admiral Henhom left Rio
today for llluellelds on tho San Francisco.
The ban rrnncisco wns selected for the
mission because she has been at Hio longer
than any of tho other American vessels
except the Charleston, which is to go
around to tho Pacific station. Admiral
Ilcnhnm will have only a week to exerci-e
his authority at llluellelds, for he retires
from active service on April 10, leaving
Captain John C. Watson as the com
mander of tho naval forces there.
FlTty Droll ned Through u Collision.
VANCOUVEli, H. C, March 10. Oriental
advices state that a disastrous collision
occurred rtf'titly in tho strait between
liengalism "igal. Two steamers, the
Song Gun- Aiug IIoo, collided while
going at till. - ,ieed. Those on board tho
SongGuan jumped Into the water and
were picked up hy tho crew of the Amg
IIoo. Unruly had they reached the wreck
when both sti-auiers lurched nnd went
down. About lilty persons wero drowned.
The Knirsuri-ff Imcstlfrtitlfm.
WAs-mxrnoN, March 10. Tho proceed
ings of the couit of inquiry lu the case of
the wreck of the Keurs-nrge were laid bo
ford Secretary Herbert by Judge Advo
cate General Lemly. Tho secretary im
mediately gavu instructions to have the
record carefully gone over by the judgo
ndvocate general. Meantimo the findings
of the court will not be made public. The
belief is general, based on precedents.thot
It has recommended a court martial iutho
cose of the navigator and perhaps tho
commander of tho Kenrsorgo.
Thn I'-lTnrt to Snvii McKnno.
Nr,w YoiiK, March 10. Another effort
was made yesterday to get the Grnveseml
ex-kins, John Y. McKimc, from behind
tho bars nt Sine; Sing. An application was
made by his lawyers to Judge Tnconib, in
the United States circuit court, for a writ
of habeas corpus directing the warden of
the prison to produce John Y. Molvnne in
court. They nllego that ho is being de
tained and denied tho right of bail while
his ea-e is still pending. The application
was promptly refused,
Shot liy n Jenlous Hiubnmt.
PlHLADKLriHA, JIureli It!. Kdward Far
reli, a prosperous plumber. fl'J years old,
shot nnd liUatly wounded his wife anil
slightly wounded n bonnier named Julius
Kutillmaun, at their homo on Colnmhla
avenue, Inst night. Fitrrell had quarreled
frequently with his wife, and linil often
accused her of infidelity. For tho past
week he had not been living at home.
After the shooting Farrell gave himself
up to the police.
MnoAlftter DefeatH Work.
RlVEUTON, X. J.. March Hi. The shoot
ing mutch for $5,000 aside between Charles
MncAlester, of the Hlverton (jtin club,
and George Word, of tho Westminster
Kennel club, of Xew York, 200 birds each,
thirty yards rhe, took place yesterday on
the grounds of the Hlverton Utiii club,
The llnal score was: MncAlester, ITS killed
and 24 missed; Work, 108 killed und 31
missed. Xeither man shot at tho 200th
Dinplnyer and Kmplnyrd In Conference,
OMAHA, Xeb., March HI The. four ren-
rescntutives of organized labor met the
ofllciuls of the Union Pacific rood yester
day afternoon, aud arrangements were
made for the wage conference, which be
gan nt 10 o'clock tins forenoon. The grlev
unces of the engineers and llreinen were
llrst taken up. They will bo followed by
the conductors and trainmen, the tele
graph operators coming Inst.
-often need tho strength'
enlng support 01 a gener
al tonic and nervine,
They'ro tired out or
"run -down." This
frequently the result of
"weakness," and It
makes lifo miserable.
Are you weak, nerv
ous, or oiling ? Then Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Pro
scription brings yc
xneeia I holt). It s
remedy nretcribed for
delicate women, lor all tho derangements,
iljuinl.M ami .tlGAICM nf IllA fX.
For regulating and proniotine all ths
proper functions, building up and invigorat
ing the entire sybtem, nnd restoring health
nnd strength, this is tho only remedy that
can bo yunrniifffo! to benefit or cure, or the
money win uo rciuuueu.
Tf lm ctnnd the Inst of a ntiarter of
century ol cures Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Itcmedy. That's why tho proprietors
take tho risk i thev av : " II we can't
cure your Catarrh, wo will pay you
tow la casui"
b V,w
Ulljhons I'linllrusn to JlleAlllltrn.
NEW Yomc, March 10 .lack McAtlliffo,
! the llghtwo'.ght pugilist, has received n i
the latter expresses a desire to meet Mo
AulHTo on any terms. McAulllIo will
probably accept.
Twenty-one pounds of smuggled opium
wero scl.ed In the Chinese Joss house at
Tho works of tho Illinois Steel company
nt Chicago will resume on Monday, em
ploying 2,000 men.
J. Hamilton Hogue, of Virginia, who
was recalled ns consul to Amboy, Chlnn,
ns he was nbout to embark, has Joined the
Republican party.
J. D. K. Sleight, business manager of
tho Presbyterian committee of publication
for the. Southern church, died at Hlch
inond, Vn., ngedOl.
Albert Glleski wns killed nnd two other
Polish labon r are In a critical condition
from inhaling acid gai at tho Canton
chemical works, Daltimore.
Phyllis Haukln, daughter of McKee
Ilnuktn, was secretly mnrricl to John
Gibbs, the )(, lerty man of the invw -llan-kin
compa '. . has lelt the company.
A tn iii" Kmuzzlnr Arrested.
Ciiicaco, March 10 Chlng Ming See,
treasurer of the company of Chinese mer
chants in Chicago that owned und oper-
nted tho Chinese theater on the World's
fnlr irrounds. is locked up here charged
with embezzling nearly M0.000 of the com
pany's funds. Ching Ming beo will tie
given a preliminary hearing tomorrow.
m Mr. Paul M Wo ho.r im
All Run Down
Always Tired, Sleepless and
Without Appetite
Blood Vitalized and Strength Ro
nowod by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
" C. I. Hood a Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" For a couplo ot years, I was subject to feel
ings anything but good. I always lelt tired, I
could not sleep at night and the Httls I could
eat did not seem to benefit mo any.
I Did Not Havo Any Ambition
to go around or work and In fact was not able, to
do a good day's work. I happened to pick up a
circular embracing advertisements and testi
monials for Hood's Sarsaparllla, and alter read-
HoodVa; Cures
lng them decided to give Hood's Sarsaparllla a
trial. I have taken Ave bottles nnd must say
that I navoderlvcd wonderful benefit fromltand
Feel Liko a New Man.
would recommend It to all sufferers and would
vrgo them not to liesttato but to decide nt onco
to take Hood's Sarsaparllla." PawlM, Wnnnn,
1112 North Tenth Street, Reading, Pennsylvania.
Hood's Pills aro prompt and efficient, yet
easy In action. Sold by all druczljts. 2Sc
Passenccr trains leave Shenandoah tor
I'enn Haven Junction, idauch Chunk, Lc-
rhtnn. Klatlneton. White Hall. Uatasauaua,
Uontown, Dethlchem, Easton, Philadelphia
a Wcnthcrl; at 0 in, 7.3.1, v.ia a m., u.'iJ,
67 p. m
10-New York, fl.04. 7.S8. 9.15 a. m.. 18.48. 2.K
For Ouakalo Swltchbaok, Gerhards and Hud-
snndale. u 04. 0.1.5 n. m . and 2 57 D. m.
for vvinies-iiurre, vvnite uavei, mtawii,
Laceyvlllo, Towanda, Sayre. Waverly and
Klmira. B.04. 9.15 tt. m.. 2.67. 5.27 n. m
lor nocnesier, uurrato, Miaeara r ails ana
the West. 6.04. 9.15 a. m. and Z 57 5.CT p. m.
For llelvldere. Delaware Water Gan and
ttroudBburB, 6.04 a. m., 2.57 p. m.
'or Liamoenviue ana 'rrenion. a. m.
For Tun'.:hannock. 6.04. 9.15 a. m.. 7.E7. 6 27 r. ns.
SPOT Ithaca and Goncva 6.04, 9.15 a. m. 5.27
p. m
fur AUDurn a. 111. ,ai v. iu.
For Jeanosvllle, Levis ton and lleaer Meadow,
38 a. m p. m.
For Audenrled. Haileton.Stocktoa and Lum-
DPr Yara, o.ui, 7.e, v. 10, a. zn., s.di
vj p. m.
ICnr Scrsnton. 8.04. 9.15. a. in.. 2.57 D. m.
For Hailenrook. Jeddo, Drllton and Freeland,
.04,,, a. m., 12.43, 2.07, d.ct 1-. m.
For ABhland. Glrardvllle and Lost Creek, 4.52.
.61, 8.52, 10.20 a. m 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.85, 8.22, 9.15
p. m.
For Raven Run, Centralis, Mount Rarmel ard
Ntiamoiiin, 7,uo, e.w, 11. n a. m., i.u, t.tu, o.
r-c-T- Yaiosvuie. i-aru iiace, mv.tiauuy uu
ur'aco. D.U4, 7.HS,, li.uo a m., u.u,
L.. H.OS. 10.2X D. m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 6.45. 8.15. 11.4b
a. m., 1.55. 4.80 9.30 p. m., and arrive at Ht-enan-
arar at 7. as, v. in a. m., i.04,, ii.ioji. m.
l.tAvr. Shenandoah tor Pottsvllle. 6.b0. 7.S8
Uri, 11.05 11.30 a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 4.10 5.27, 8.08
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah. 6.00. 7.35
0X5, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 8.00,. 410, 5.20, 7.15,
7.6V 10.00 p. m.
Leave snenucaoan iur uaiievon,o.i,7.Jo,.i3,
, m., 12.43. 2.57, 5.27, 8.0B p. m.
Leave Uuzleton for fat
iuzleton for Shenandoah, 7.33, 10.00,
. m., 12.16, 2.H, 6.80, 7 26. 7.58 p. m.
TralnB leave for Ashland. Glrardvllle acd Lot t
creetc, 7.iu, v.4u a. m., 12.W, p. m.
For unzieion. niactc ureeK junction, i-una
Ilavcn Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Bethlehem, Easton and New York, B.4U a m.
2 BO, 2.66 p. m.
For Phlladelnhla 12.30. 2.55 D re
For Yatoavllle, Park Tlace, Mahanoy City and
Delano, 8.40, 11.38 a. m., 12.30, 2.65, 4.40 6.03 p. m.
Leave Uazleton (or Shenandoah, 8.80, 11.80
m., l.l, 5.8U p. m.
Leave Shenandoah (or Pottsvllle. 5.50, 8.40,
4.30 a. tn.. 2.45 p. m,
Leave Pottsvllle (or Shenandoah, 8.80, 10.4U
a.m.,l. s.i6p m.
ill . 1 .1 in . w iiin j it. I. hdi. njui..
South Ilothlchem, fa
C1IAS, S. LEE. Genl. 1'aas. Act.,
A. W. NONNGMAOHER, Asst, G, P. A.,
South Hethlehem, a
Delcamp's Livery Stable
E. DELOAMP, JR., l'rop,,
WEST STuEET, Between Centre and Lloya.
Hlicuniicloali, retina.
Teams to hire (or all purposes on reasonable
?l CHilrliMtcr'. Uiicll.U DlaAtod ltri.
,4lT Orltitnulnil Only Urnnln. A
kre, kt.kj r.luii t.pi&a, .ik
MonJ Itrnnd lu lli.d .tid ,ti ai.lallid
lit, ., all wuh I1I11 rllfiMii TmL.
nootlirr. Stfitu iangtrmi ubliru- V
IMmJ and tmUnIMm. Al UruifKliu, r MBd4fe
Id .tunpl fur ,, lu.Uu.DUl. tJ4
UUr for l.air.nlnllltr, tj rftu.
OkLkMlw ClielMl IWlladlMM BflMlf
H. L ll .iniu iwi mm. i. ..MUM.
Professional Cards.
jyj, 8. KIBTLKIt, M. D
Orflos ltd Horth Jardtn strut, Shenandoah
Office Bedoall bunding, Khenandoah,
Kom S, Manuals Oltrllnnk Building, Potts
vllle.Pa, M.M
snsHAKDOin, FA.
and Katorlj building, PotUTllle,
rhyneian and Surgeon.
Adrlte tree at drug store. 107 South Mnln
street. Private consultation at residence, 112
rjouta JardlB street, from S to 7:30 p. m.
No. 85 East Coal Street,
Oft ce Hours 1:80 to 8 and 6:30 to 9 p. m.
No. 31 South Jftrdin Street, Bhenandoah
Ornoi Hobrs: 1:30 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 P. M
Eieept Thursday evening.
iVd tfflce work on Sunday rrcept by arrange-
menu a unci aanerence lo me oyicc nourt
is absolutely necessary.
10-31-Om NIGHT VISIT?, 81-60.
fit J. HUTTON, M. D.,
MM West Centre Street,
Shenandoah, Pbnna.
Office hours: 9 to 11 a, m., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m.
...... ..Teacher of. ........
Having had sixteen years' experience as
I teacher of instrumental muffle srlvine Instruc
tion or the above Instruments, word left at
urumm's Jewelry store will rccolvo prompt at'
ten tlon.
Horses ano Carriages to Hire.
liullnr of all kinds promptly attended tc
Horses taken to board, at rates
that are liberal,
i PEAR ALLEY, Rear of the Coffee House
Celebrated Porter, Ale and Bee
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
(Successors to Coakley llros.)
No. .18 ICnm Centre Htreet,, PA.
Our Motto: llest Oualltv at Lowest Casi
tnces. l'atronage respecuuuy soucueo.
palace Saloon....
and Restaurant,
(Under the Palace Theatre,)
C3rlartxcL-rlllo, I3!.
The Restaurant Is one of the best In the cot
regions, and has elegant dining parlors attachtc
for the use of ladles.
The Dar Is stocked with the beat ales, beers
porters, wines, liquors and algars.
sonDTLKiLL Division.
NOVEMUEU 19th. 1893.
Trains will leave Shenandoah atter the above
date for Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New
castle, hi. ciatr, i-otiavuio, uamourg, Koaatnt
I'oitstown. l'noonixvuie. norrisiown ana m.
adelphla (Broad street station) at 6:00 aad 11:15
a. m. unu :io p. m. oa weeauays ur rara
vllle and Intermediate stations 9:10 a. m.
For Wlsran's. Gllberton. Frackvllle. New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:00. 9:40 a.m.
and 3:10 n. m. For Hamburir. Readlne. Potts,
town, Pboonlzvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 8:01. 9:4(1 a. m.. 3:10 n. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at
10:40a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p. m,
Sundavs. 11:13 a. m. and 5:40 n. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10:15,
11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. m.Sundaye
at iu:4u a, m. ana dud p. m,
Leave Phlladelnhla (llroad street station) for
Pnttsvttle and Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 85 a m.
1 10 and 711 P m weeic aays. un sunaays leave
at o 60 a m. r or i-ottsviue. vain,
For New York. Exnress. week da
ll li am. 12 uu qooz:. i p. m. ti.imiieu
freus 1 00 ana 4 &u p m. amine cars.) l 40,
30, 3 20, 4 00, 5 00, 6 00, 6 60, 7 25, 8 12,
n m. 12 oi menu Bunnavs 8 i
515,812,950, 11 03 11 M, a m, 1241.1 40,280,100
lumuea 4 oui o w. o su. o ou. ? a ana gupm ana
1201 night.
For Sea Girt. Long Branch and Intermediate
stations, 8 20, 1111 a m, and 4 00, p m
For uauimoro ana wasmngion anu, 7 2U, gsii
oar.i 1 80. '3 46. i 41. (5 10 Congremlonal Llmltei
Pullman Parlor Cars acd liming Car), 6 17,
065, 7 40 aad 1138 p. m., week days. Sun
nays, 3 60, 7 a), i iu, 11 la a m.. IJ ill, 4 41, a
li oa ana 111 41 in.
For Richmond, 7 00 a m, VI 10 and 11 33 p
dally, and I 30 p. m. week davs.
Trains will leave Harrlsbr.rg (or Plttsbur
ana tne west evory uy at 1 m, s iu a ra, 11
umitmiteui. du. 730. 11 ss n m everv as
VVay for Altoon at 8 18 am and 5 00 d m every
f-"180""0 AlW0D "
Elmlra, Canandalcua, Rochester. Huflilo and
Niagara Falls at 135, 6 18 a m,and 1 85 p m week
davs. For Elmlra at 5 41 Dm week days. For
Trains win leave aunoury lor vvnuamspori.
Erie and Intermediate nolnts at 6 IS am dally.
For Lock Haven at 6 18 and 9 66 a tn dally, 1 85
I and 5 41pm week aaya for uenovo ai d is
I m. 1 S5 nd s 41 n m weak davs. and 6 18 a tn c
Sundays only For Kane at 1 18 a m, dally,
1 an n woenuays, .
S. M. Pnavoai . J- a. Wqon,
Han'I Mati ! -sp-r- an
fllVA.. T. HHUMM II ll ill III If III niTlMlaiiM
Soap Works.
Third and Race Sts. 1
Use 5c Ocean Soap.
It bus no equal for laundry or
general household use aud cau .
bo used with porfect safety on
any kind of goods.
5c Borax Soap.
Is unequalled for washing laco,j
flunncl or fine texture goods.
Monarch Towel Soap
Is in largo bars a towel with,
each bar free. It is splendid 7.
for general uso. tffc
Miners' Favorite. New Wrinkle Olelne,
urown and wblto t:x'ra f amily ore
all goo soaps. A'l roip guaranteed
10 De nDsoiuieiy pure.
WM. HEALO, ninnncr.
Ke&I Estate Ecjj&nge,
Robblns' Building, Room No. t.
'roperties and Business Places
Of nil kinds bought and sold.
Bonds and blocks Bought and Sold.
Railway and Steamship Tickets.
Firo, Lifo and Accident Issnranco
n first-clues companies. (Jencrnl Commission
lolui V. Fititicy.
Wheelwright Sho
Has been removed to rear Alley. '
Between Centre and Lloyd Streets.
Wheelwright work, Curringo and
Wagon building, Horseshoeing
and General Repairing of all
kinds promptly attended to.
Beer and Porter
T AM AGENT for the
-1- Clias Rettig's Cele
brated Beer and Porter In
this vioinlty, also Uergner
& Engel'e celebrated India
Palo Ales and Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars.
120 South Main Street.
Rag Carpet Weavmg !
If you want a good piece of rag carpet, well
woven, take vour rugs and have them woven
oven, tairo your rug
up In carpets. It will
tB. 11 win pay you in me long run.
ah in
All kinds, with or without stripes, mate to
beautuui ramuow stripes, low prices
205 West Oak Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Uottlersot all kinds of
Witrss User a Specialty. Also bottlers ot the
f inest ueer.
17 and 10 Peach Alley, MIKNAltDOAn.
139 Boatli Main Htreet,
aUonancloab., "EF..
All work guaranteed to be first-class In every
restect. We respectfully solicit a snare or
your patronage, uooascaueaioranuaeuveren
Bilk ties and Lnce Ourtalns a specialty.
Combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
Iniitt upon having the genulno.
REMOVED To 658 North Eighth St.
II ' aboveareen, l'ntla., fa.
Forme ly at 2)0 North Hecond Ht., Is the o'
est In America for tho treatment ot Spei I
lUiraMr Ymtiliful Krror. Varlwiclifii
11 ydrooele, Lost Manhood, eto. Treatment 3
mall a specialty. Communications racred'y
confidential. Send stamp (or book. Hours, I)
a. m. to 2 p.m.; s to 9 p.m.; bundays, 8 to 12 m.
8 Is not complete fti
without an ideal H
f 01PLEIS0I! 1