The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 10, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Evemng Herald:
Published dally, except Sunday by
ii nit alii vvnr.iHitixa cosij-ast,
Publication offlce and mcchani al department,
art Kast Ooul Stre t.
'the T-Irrs1rl ' delivered In Su 'nandoah and
iae Jie ua Su.fom,jU)?lown. for Sir Cents
a week, payable tu the curriers. I'. 7 mall, Throo
Dollar a your orTwemytlve com " per month,
ut advance.
AdrertUemmln charged according to spaco
ad posttloa. The publishers rosene tho right
to change the position of advcrtlson antswhon.
Vf r tba publication of news renuirss It. Tho
right Is nlso reserved to reject an - advertiso
tnent, whether p.ild for or not, th a tho pub
lishers may deem Improper. Using ratoa
wade known Uon upplloatlon.
Bate rod at the post o31eoauShcnandoah, Fa.,
le second doss mall matter.
Shenandoah. 1'enna.
Evening Herald.
Ve limy bo permitted to review the ef
fects of the chiuiKu liroiiKht nbotit by a
eonslderable number of men who got
tired voting tbu ltup'ulilienn ticket a few
years 11)40. Some of them had become
imbued with the uotlou that tho Hermbli
can doctrine of Protection to Home In
dustry was fnlsc polttlcnl economy, and
tliat tho tu rill should bo reformed on
lints that would do awny with nil dis
crimination!! in favor of our own industries
aid products of our own manufacture.
They tired that protective duties fur
nished undue advantages to favored
slaves mill laid burdensome taxes upon
the majority of tho people for the benefit
of a few, and began to Insist that they
should be abolished, in order that our
markets should be open to all the world
nud our own products should have free
nccesa to foreign markets in exchange.
They wanted a reform, especially a
tariff reform, and they began voting the
Democratic ticket on tho strength of
promises made by tho Democratic party.
By their aid tliu Democrats carried the
election of lb'J2, and are now in full iosses-
ion of power in tho National Govern
tuent. Tho country lias had one year of
ifc The results must be somewhat bowild
(triiig to the respectable gentlemen whoso
nothB contributed to them so potentially.
Vp to the timu when these gentlemen
turned the scale so effectively in favor of
the party now in power the country was tmd and healthy Unaucial court!
Von. Manufactures were nourishing,
business active, trade lively, capital pro
ductive, labor liberally remunerated, the
jonntry prosperous and the people happy.
All this is changed. The. medicine of He
form lias been working. Never was poli
tical cliango so destructive; never in a
siBgle year was there such fearful havoc
u the business interests of a nation.
Not only that. With the strengthening
af tbu Democratic party by tho accession
of tko Iteformers, audits rapid advance
to power in consequence, there came the
sltvittlon to ofllce of irresponsible and
it ckless demagogues, who not only pros
United positions of public trust to the
most biiso and mercenary uses, but shame
lessly nnd audaciously resorted to the
most outrageous frauds and to violent
nil high-handed crimes to perpetuate
tlnir power and establish their misrule in
permanence. In almost every community
where tho Democratic party by tho nld of
the respectable advocates of Reform has
succeeded in gaining control it has made
record so Infamous that Democrats
themselves drnw back from it in disgust
and do not attempt to defend it In tho
two slates of New York and New Jersey
the trusted leaders of tho party have been
Utility of an array of crimes nnd misde
meanors before which the honest
aands appalled. And these nro the re
sults of the unreasoning impatience of
respectable, honest nnd sincere citizens
who could not abide tbu gradual processes
of a party which, with nil its imperfect
ions, had discharged the responsibilities
of jiower through thirty of the most try
ing years in the Nation's history so wlsoly
and (to well thnt all the world wondered
at its niatohlesa progress. Was it not a
mistake t
Djsi'ATCMKS from Chicago say that
Mayor Hopkins has asked for the resigna
tions of tho police justices In that city.
Yb Mayor is reported as saying that
mt-wtaI of the justlcwi are corrupt, and
that they do not punish crime as thuy
night to punish it. He declares that it is
the duty of these polico justices ns to
tttiVe terror to tho hearts of criminals so
for lt Is In their power to do so, and
Hint they have fnllcdtin doing their duty.
It will soon bo time for the sowerngo
onmpunies to resume operations again.
Hay their progress be more rapid and un
obstructed than it was last year, and may
M-operatiou Increase on nil sides,
Twr. Messrs. Cramp have had another
triumph. Tho trial trip ot tho battleship
Irxlinna demonstrated that she will be
ifttttr than the contract requires,
Determined Effort to Eliminate It
from the Tariff Bill,
K)emocratlo Members of the Sannt Pl
nanc Committer, However, Will Malf
a Stubborn Flicht for Whnt They Con
sider m Popular Fcnturn of the Meftfture.
WABIIINOION, March 10. Undoubtedly
there will be a determined effort when tho
tariff bill reaction the senate to have the
Income tax feature of the bill eliminated,
and It looks an If tho Democratic senators
who are not satisfied with tho bill would
make this portion of it their chief point of
attack. Senator Hill will lead off In the
assault upon the Income tax In his forth
coining speech, and he probably will be
supported by Senators Smith, Hrice, Mur
phy and a few other Democratic senators,
as well as by a majority of thoHcpubllcan
senators. The opponent of the tax claim
that tho bill will provide sufficient reve
nue to meet the requirements of the gov
ernment without tlm additional amount
which the levy on incomes would give,
nnd that because of this fact there ii no
longer any excuse for it.
The majority, if not all the Democratic
members of the finance committee, how
ever, will hold out stubbornly for tho tax.
One of them hn.s said thnt he belloved it
to be the most popular feature of the bill,
and while they would expect to loose some
Democratic votes on nn amendment to
strike out this part of the bill they would
get the votes of all three of the Populist
senators and of about ten of the Ho
publican senntors.
After clearing the calendar of a number
of bills of minor Interest the senato, at 2
o'clock yesterday, took up the seigniorage
bill. After an agreement that a vote
should bo Inkeii on tho motion to recon
sider nt 2 o'clock next Wednesday, and on
the final passage of tho hill at tho sumo
hour on Thursday, Mr. Vilas addressed
the sennto in opposition to the bill. His
speech was of a fragmentary description,
owing to numerous interruptions. The
senate went into executive session at 5
o'clock, and when the doors wero reopened
adjourned until Monday.
The house devoted the entire day to tho
consideration of tho District of Colum
bia appropriation bill. The only feature
of Interest was the wholesale charges of
corruption made by Mr. Kllgoro against
the press of the city nnd the warm defense
of the press by Mr. Hlalr. Two amend
ments of Mr. Do Armond, 0110 to wholly
eliminate tho government as n tax paying
factor In the expenses of tho district, ami
the other to reduce the share borno by tho
general government from one-half to one
third, were defeated.
New Jersey's United Workmen.
Trknton, Murch 10. Thenunual y.sion
of tho Grand I.odgo of the Amenc!C?. Or
der of United Workmen adjourned yes
terday. The following officers were elected:
Grand master workman, W. K. Haver
stick, Hahway; grand overseer, William
. March, fc.ll.nbeth; grand recorder, J. II.
I.ipplncott, Cnmden; grand receiver, Gold-
son Test, Camden; grnnd treasurer, James
V. MoonPhlllipsburg; grandguidc, U.S.
Hutherford, Capo May; grand Inside
watchman, Dr. Morris Dresner, Jersey
City; grand outside watchman, Alexander
Drown, Newark; grand representatives,
John Ktiright of Freehold, Isaac T. Nich
ols of liriclgetou and Jobn W. Diefendorf
of Newark.
htfliiton Abhhtt Flunks.
Minneapolis, March 10. Stanton Ab
bott, the celebrated Knglish pugilist, has
flunked out of his finish light with Hobby
Dohbs, the colored pugilist, scheduled for
the twin city athletic club next Monday
evening. Abbott writes that bo did not
know Dobbs was a colored man when he
signed the nrticles and he is informed that
Dobbs cannot weigh in at less than 137
pounds, nud that therefore) ho does not
propose to meet him, being out of his
Negro Colonists Off for Liberia.
New Yohk, March 10. The steamer City
of Augusta arrived from Savannah early
yesterday with thirty-eight negro emi
grants en route to Liberia. They sailed
this morning by the lied htnr line for Liv
erpool, where they will tnko a steamer for
their destination. They came from At
lanta, and say that before the summer Is
over 2,000 negroes will have emigrated
from Atlanta and vicinity.
Mntron Carlln Vindicated.
Lock Haven, Pn March 10. The com
mitt to from the Union Veteran Legion
appointed to investigate the charges of
mismanagement and cruelty upon tho
part of Mrs. Cnrlin, tho mntron of the
Pennsylvania Memorial home, report that
the charges are not only unfounded, but
that the homo has been conducted In such
a manner as to reflect great credit upon
tho matron.
Th Defeat of Ohllunn Conservative.
VALPAltAlso, March 10. The result of
the elections for members of the Chilean
congress is now definitely known, nud no
doubt is left of the utter defeat of tho Con
servatives. The next senate will be com
posed of 21 Liberals and 11 Conservatives,
whllethechamberof deputies will contain
27 Liberals, 28 Conservatives, 22 Ualuia
cedlsts und 10 Itndicals.
'lteipeotabla" Hank Ilnrslart' Die Hani,
SALEM, Mass., March 10. The official
figures of tho defalcation of Treasurer W.
II. Slmonds, Jr., and Teller Clarence
Murphy, of the Salem Savings bank, are
given out as $75,213.60, divided with $17,018
to the acuount of Murphy and $-'7,213.60 to
Slmonds. The bondsmen of both have
refused to make good the defalcation.
Wllion Gradually Improving.
Washington, March 10. Secretory of
State Gretham has received the following
telegram from United States Consul Gen
eral Crittenden, at Mozloo City, relative
to Iieprescntativo Wilson's condition;
"Wilson gradually Improving. Was sit
ting up dressed at late report."
To Work on the Co-operatlva Flan.
BltlPOEt'OKT, O., March 10. The Bridge
port glass works will resume In all de
partments next Thursday arter a year's
Idleness. The works will be run on the
co-operative plan, the employes sharing to
a certain extent In the prolan.
toni'a Latest lloiub Outrage.
Rome, March 1- King Humbert re
ceives constant rep . . is ns to the condition
of the persona injured by the bomb explo
sion near the chamber ot deputies, and also
as t the investigations of the poliM lot
Catholics May Knw be I'erinltted to Join
Secret Societies.
IHLTIMOnK, March 10. Cardinal Gib
bons Is In dally expectation of a decision
from Home In regard to the romovarof
the ban of tho church from the orderi of
Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias,
which wns submitted to tho pope by the
last plenary council. Father Thomas, aac
rotary to tho cardinal, said today thnt no
intimation of the decision from Homo hart
yet boon received, hut the dooumont Itself
would appear shortly. It Is generally ex
pected in Catholic circles that It will grant
permission to communicants of tho church
eondltlonally. That Is, each prospective
member of the Odd Fellows and Knights
of Pythias whe belongs to tho Catholic
church wiy first bo required to receive the
sanction of tho pastor of his particular
Tho pope Is also ld to bo considering
the ndvisabi'lty removing tho ban of
the church from free Masonry, but, speak
ing for the cardinal, Father Thomas said.
U was not probable that Catholics would
over be permitted to join the Masonlo
Donble Murder lp Arkansas.
PARIS, Ark., March 10. Word ha
reached hen ;f n terrible murder commit
ted four tii. os south of ltnone'vllle, this
county. Two horso traders and tholr
cook, a young man about 26 yeara of ago,
wont into camp in an outhouse- near
Boonevlllu on tho date named, That night
pistol shots wero heard, and the next day
the young man was seen, and tho two
horse traders wero missing. That ovening
the house they had camped In burned
down, and In the ashes the bonos of two
human beings were found. Tho young
man was arrested on the charge of murder.
NowlJersey's Antl-IUn Democrats.
Jeiiskt CtTT, March 10. Tbo autl-rlng
Democrats of the state met in Taylor's
hotel for n conference to better the po
litical aspects of the state of New Jersey.
There wero present about thirty promi
nent gentlemen. Resolutions wero adop
ted Indorsing tho government of Presi
dent Clevelnnd, directing all tho New
Jorsoy representatives in congress to sup
port tho Wilson bill, nud calling upon the
members of the state senate to depart
from their present position in attempting
to defeat the will of the peoplo at Trenton.
Governor Walto Will Not Interfere.
Dknvhk, March 10. For the first time
in his administration Governor Wnite will
decline to interfere in the carrying out of
capital punishment in the enso of murder
ers Thomas Jordan, William Nesbitt and
Santiago Torres. The governor has re
peatedly expressed his opposition to capi
tal punishment, ahd often interfered by
commuting tho death sentence to impris
onment. In the present instance, how
ever, he 1ms declared ho will let tho law
take its course.
Shot in A. 1. A. I.retnrer.
Dai.I.a.-., v., March 10. The harangue
of lilies last night nnd the firing of four
phots nt him from the audience by an
Irishman named loin Duffy is tho talk of
the town. lilies is here.for thepurposoof
organizing the American Protective asso
ciation. He excited no attention, nnd is
regarded as n knave or a fool. Tom Duffy
was released on a bond of tSfiO, but his
bondsmen surrendered him later.
BlClllnns llevnltetl Against Poverty.
London, March 10, Tho Morning pub
lishes an Interview with M. Malato, tho
nunrchlst leader, who has lately returned
from Sicily. Malate declares that tho trou
bles in Sicily wero the outcome of distress
among tho Inhabitants rather than the re
sult of anarchistic teachings. Ho snysthat
the anarchists tried hard to foment a gen
eral revolt, but failed.
ICvldeuce of Murder.
Lancaster, I'a March 10. The dead
body of on unknown woman wns found
floating in the Uonestoga creeK, at Kelg-
ort's Lauding, nt the southern end ot this
city. Sho Is nbout 85 years old, and ap
pearances indicate that n weight hud been
tied to her feet, 'there was every appear
ance that death had occurred two or three
weeks ago.
Columbia Iron Works to Resume.
Uniontown, Pa., March 10. The stock
holders of the Columbia iron and steel
mills, of this place, are making nrrange-
mcnti to start the plant in the near fu
ture. The works have been idle for two
years. Thej give employment to between
600 and 700 men when running full, and
pay from $25,000 to $00,000 n mouth in
Killed tn nn Oil Train Wreck.
Oil. ClTT, Pa., March 10. A freight
train of oil tank cars on the Western New
York nnd Pennsylvania railroad ran Into
a landslide at Walnut uend, near here,
and was budly wrecked. The oil ignited
and tho cars were consumed. Fireman
Martin was killed and several of the crew
were slightly injured.
Roanoke's Local Option Klertlon Void.
ItOANOKE, Vn March 10. The local oi-
tion election held In this city on Sept. 5
last wus declared void in n decision ren
dered by Judge Whittle in tho circuit
court yesterday afternoon. An appeal
from the hustlng's court's refusal togrnut
a malt liquor license to deorgo K. Mooru
wus the case in question.
The Verdict Cauiod lllm tn Faint.
WAUPACA, Wis., March 10. James
Chayne. who shot Hobert Murphy,
Aug. 25 last, nud whose trial has been nn
this week, was round guilty or muruer 111
the first degree. Chuyno turned deathly
pale and fell to the floor in a faint, cutting
his face badly. He has not yet been
Tho liver when active la the
watch-dou of the lystem the
destroyer of germs and Impuri
ties. Tha truth Is: ninety-nine
out of every hundred diseases
beriu with a iluesljh liver. A
slight cold or ohiU may amount j
m suitieunug serious. 11 J
correct the liver you'll cure
cold. Dr. Pierce's Pleasaut V
leu rouse the liver to vigor
ous action. After dinner.
If you're bilious, take ono
ot these tiny, susar-coated
Pellets. Take them when
you have wind or pain In
stomach, giddiness, full
ness, loss of appetite, orj
when you suffer from cos- j
tiTenoss, muiL'estion, sick
or unions neauaciies.
The makers take the riih
of their benefiting you. If I
they're not satisfactory,
your money is reiutuieu.
Can you ask more?
Letters from Mothers
speak in
warm terms
of what
has done
for their del
icate, sickly
It's use has
h r n ti cr Ii t
o -
thousands back, to rosy health.
cott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil with Hypophos
phites is employed with great
success in all ailments that re
duce flesh and strength. Little
ones take it with relish.
Pr?tnrd hj Scott A Downs, N. V. All draulitii.
Passeneer trains leave Shenandoah for
Pcnn Haven Junction. rJnur.h HhunV. Le-
htghton. Slatlntrton. White Hall. Catasauaua
Allcntown, llethlehem, Easton, Philadelphia
and Weatberly at a 04. 7.38. 6.15 a m., 14.43,
ot p. m.
For New York. 8.04. 7.S. S IR 1. m.. 1S.4S.2.F.7.
For Ouakako. Hwltchbtck. flcrhards and Hud-
sondale. 0 04, 6.15 a. m., and 'I S7 p. m.
rur wuacs-uarre, wmie iivei, riiiaton,
Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayro. Waverly and
Eltmrn, 0.O1. 6 15 a. m.. 2.67, 5.27 p. tn.
f or itocnesier, uunaio, Niagara raus ana
tbe West, 6.04. 6.15 a, m. and 2 570.27 p. m.
For Ilelvlderc. Delaware Water Qan and
Stroudsburg, 0.04 a. m., 2.57 p. m.
v or inmucrivuio Bna -rrenion, v.ia a. ra.
For Tunkbannoclc, 8.04, 9.15a. m., 2.67, 6 27 p. m.
For Itbaca and Geneva 8.04, 6.15 a. m. 5.27
, m
For Auburn 6.15 a. m. ,27 p. m.
For Jeanesvllle. Levis ton and Ileaver Meadow.
S8 a. m., 12.43, 8.08 p. m.
For Audcnrled. llazleton. Stockton and Lum
ber Yard, 6.04, 7.:s, 8.15, a, m 18.43, 2.57
si P. m.
FnrScranton. 8.04, 9.15 a.m., 2.17 p. m.
For Hailebrook. Jeddo. Urllton and Freoland.
.04, 7.8!?, 9.15, a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 6.27 p. B".
Fcr Ashland. Glrardvllle and Lost Creek. 4.6?.
7.61, 8.62, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1,40, 4.10, 6.85, 8.22, 9. It
p. m.
For Kaven Run, Centralis, Mount Cancel and
Shamckln, 7.06, 8.60, 11.14 a. m., 1.32, 4.40, 8.2
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano, 6.04, 7.38. 9.15, 11.06 a m., 12.43, 2.57
S 27, 8.0S. 9.S3, 10.28 p. m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 6.45. 8.15. 11.45
a. m., 1.6K, 4.80 9.80 p, m., and arrive at Shenan
doah H 7.38,9.15 a. m., 12.48,2.67,6.27, 11.15 p.m.
ieave ancnanaoan ior i-oiumue. d.du, 7.30
08, 11.05 11.30 a. m 12.43, 2.67, 4.106.27, 8.08
p. ffi.
ueave I'ousvme ior ncnanaoan, o.uu, 7.3a
1.05, 10.15,11.48 a. m., 18.32, 8.00,. 410, 5.20, 7.16,
.ro v. m.
Leave bnenandoah tor Hazloton. 6.04. 7.38. 9.15,
a. m., 12.48, 2.57, 5.27,8.03 p. m.
Lr& e Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 7.35, 10.00,
11.00 a. m.. 12.15,, 6.30, 7.25, 7.66 p. m.
Tralnn leave (or Ashland, Glrardvllle acd Lust
reek, 7.29, 6.1O a. m., 12.30, 2.45 p. m.
For Ilazleton. lllack Creek Junction. Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentowc,
Hettalooem, Eaaton and New York, 8.40 a m
12.30, 2.66 p. m.
r-'cr j.'nnaacipnia, z.od p. zn.
Vn......llf III...
rui v a at a taw, uiauauur auu
Delano, 8.40, 11,35 a. m., 12.30, 2.65, 4.40 6.03 p. zn.
Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 8.8U,
k. in., 1X55.30 p. tn.
30 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
Leave Pottsvlllo (or Shenandoah. 8.80. 10.41
.m.,1.35,5.15p. m.
Jt. 11. wn.HUK, ucm. Mupt. eastern uiv
South llethlehem. Pa
CHAS. S. LEE, Qenl. Paes. AKt..
A. W. NONNEMAOUEH, Asst. G, P. A.,
aouin uemioncm, a
NOVE.MBEH 10th, 1893.
Trains trill leave Shenandoah after the abovt
CateforWlEgan'B,. ailberton, Frackvllle, Ne
uastie, nt. uiair, rotisvuie, Hamburg, iteaaing
Pottstown. Phoenlxvllle, Norrlstown and Phil
adelphla (Broad Btreet station) at 6:00 and 11:46
a. m. ana -1:10 p. m. ouweexaays r or rolls
rlllo and Intermediate stations 9:10 a. m.
for Wleean's. Gllberton. Fraokvllle. New
Castlo, St. Clair, Pottsvlllo at 6:00. 9:40 a. in.
and 3:10 p. m. ror HamDurg, Heading, Potts
town, Phoenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 6:00, 9:40 a. m 8:10 p. m.
Trains leave rracxvuie tor nnonanaoan at
10:40a.m. and 12:14, D:W, 7:42 and 10:27p.m.
-Sundays, 11:13 a. m. and 6:40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10:tf,
1 1 :48 a. m. and 4 :40,7: 15 and 10:00 p. m. Sundays
at 10:40 a. m. and 6:16 p. m.
Leave Phlladelnhla (Ilroad Btreet station) for
Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 6 67 and 8 85 a m.
1 10 ana 7 11 pm week aays. un Sundays leave
at 6 50 a m. For Pottsvllle. 9 23 a m.
For New York. Express, week davs.
at 320, 405, 4 GO, 515, (50, 7 83, 8 20, 9 50, 11 00
11 14 am, 12 00 noon, 12 44 p. m. (Limited Ex
press 1 09 and 4 60 p in. dining cars.) 1 40,
2 30, 8 20, 4 00, 5 00, 0 00, 8 60. 7 25, 8 12,
10 00 D m. 12 01 nlKht. Sundays 8 20. 4 06. 4 60.
515,812,950, 11 U3 118.5, m, 12 44. 1 40, 2 80,4 00
(Iimitea4iiu)5 2u.oni.oou.7ana8i:pm ana
12 01 night.
For Sea Girt. Long Uranoh and intermediate
stations, S3), 11 14 a m, and 4 00, p m
cor uaiumoro ana vvasiungion s du, 7 so, 0 si)
car.) 1 80. 8 4A. 4 41. (5 Id Conirrcwlonal Limited
Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 517,
8 65, 7 40 and 1183 p. m., week days. Sun
days, 8 60, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18 am.. 1310, 4 41, 8 55.
11 to ana iwpm.
For Richmond, 7 00 a m, 13 10 and 1133 p tn,
amy, anu 1 ou p. m. weua uays.
Tnilna will leave Ilarrlsbur? for Plttsbure
and the West evory day at 1 20, 8 10 a m, (8 0
pm limited), iui, tsu, iiw p m every aay.
Way tor Altoona at 8 18 am and 6 00 p m every
day. ror Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 20 a m
every day.
Trains win leave aunoury ior vr imamspori,
lmlra. Canandaltrua. Rochester. HuBalo and
Niagara Falls at 1 S", 6 18 a m.and 1 85 p m week
aays. jror uimira aiDii p m weex aaya, ror
Erie and Intermediate points at 5 18 am dallv.
Vol Lock Haven at 5 IS and 9 M a m dally, 1 u
and 6 44 p m week days For Honovo at 618 a
m. 1 85 and i 4t nm week davs. and 6 IS a m on
Sundays only, iror ane 11 1 11 t in, uany,
1 IS tiro weekdava.
1. R. Wood.
Uen'l uanikitor
j.n'i vevi art
palace Saloon....
and Restaurant,
(Under the Palace Theatre,)
C3riX,tI,c3a.-rillO, IJBV.
Tbe Restaurant Is one of the best In the coa
regions, and has elegant dining parlors attached
for tbe use of ladles.
The liar Is stocked with the best ales, beert,
porters, nines, liquors nnd cigars.
1fMO,000 capltaL PosttlToplwIiandlUQ-pasalJ!
(iMbycudU Nothing olaetdlf cure. Rl
COOK REliEnV Rll.. Chlunn. III.
Professional Cards.
-jyj, 8. ICIBTLEH, II. .,
Offlce 10 Ntrtk Jardtn stceat, Shenandoah
OtSce eddall building, Bheoandoah, Pa.
Raam 1, MMatata 01 ty Bank DalMlng, FotM
vllle, Pa.
M. Ml
navAKOOin, r-A.
OHeo Roon S, P. O. Building, cJheaandoa
and Ksterly building, Pottsvllle.
Pkytida nnd Surgeon.
Adrlee free at drug store, 10T South Main
street. Private consultation at residence, 112
Mouth Jardla street, from t to T.SQp. m.
No. 85 Kast Ooal Btrcct,
OMoe Hours liM to 3 and 6:90 to S p. m.
R. J. 8. OALtiEN,
na. iii noma jorain street, Hhenandoah.
OrricxHanns: 1:30 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 P. K.
Except Thursday evening.
Ao ejTlee uer on Sunday except by arrange
ment. A ttricl adherence to the office hourl
U abielutely necessary.
1031-Al NIGHT VISITS, S1.B0.
K West Centre Streot,
Offlco hours: 9 to 11 a, m., 2to4, 7 to 8p.m.
.........Teacher ot. ...,
IJavlng had sixteen years' experience as a
teacher of Instrumental muMc giving Instruc
tion ou the above Instruments. Word left at
llrumm's Jewelry store will receive prompt at
Horses ono Carnages to Hire.
laullnz of all kinds promptly attended to
Uorses taken to board, at rates
that are liberal.
h FEAR ALLEf, Rear of the Coffee Hoase.
REMOVED To 038 North Eighth St.
obovo Green, Pblla., Pa.
rorinorlyat ZOfl North Second St., Is the old
est In America for the treatment of Special
jftxeaaen ami tomnjui errors, varicocele,
Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc. Treatment by
mall a sneclsltv. Communications Facredlv
confidential. Send stamp for book. Hours, 9
a. m. to2p.m.i 0 to 9 p.m.; Sundays, t to 13 m.
Celebrated Porter, Ale and Bee
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
(successors to uoakiey uros.)
Mo. 38 ICnut Ccutre Btrcct,
Our Motto: Best Oualltv at Lowost Cast
Prices. Patronage respectfully solicited.
Delcamp's Livery Stable
E. DELCAMP, JR., Propn
WEST STEEST, Between Centre and Lloyd,
Sbciiaiidonli, Pcnna.
Teams u klre for all puroosee en roaseaable
Lakeside Railway Co.
First Mortgage 30 Tears 6 Per Gsni.
Olfored to Public Subscription at par
These bonds are Issued and offered to sub
scrlbcrs In denominations of $100, tAOU and SI.OOO
eacn, interest payable semi-annually lu May
and November of each year, until the principal
ot tho bond matures la 1921. unless sooner re
deemed. The company will reserve the right
to ruaeem me oonas ai anytime prior to ma
turlt v at 1105. with accrued Interest.
Tho total authorized iscuo Is I Z50.000. of which
1 1D0.U.O will e sold at present The remainder
canDouseu niymr me extension or the road
to Delano and La&t side Park, and the purchase
oi curs auu oiner equipments ior me same.
solu'e llrst leln upon all rlKhtsand franchises
of tho Lnkeslde Itallwav ComDaov. toenther
with Its line of railway between Shenandoah
ana raananoy mty, already constructed, and
tne extension to i.auohiae l'arK to be coa
Btructed at an earlv dav.
The Lakeside ltalltvay between Shenandoah
and Mahanoy .City Is constructed In a most
thorough and substantial manner. The road
way Is laid with 7i pound Trails, the bridges
are all Iron, and the ovemead electrical -work
is or mo very oett character.
Tho commodious Hre-Droof nower houe situ
ated on North Railroad street, In Mahanoy
Uty, Is built of stone xnd corrugated Iron and
Is equipped with a double set of eleotrlo gene
ra turs.
Tho electric nlant is of the latast Westing,
house rtatternof tbe finest character.
The rtienandouh branch Is about 5 01 miles In
length, embracing a popuhvtlun ot about w,
inciuairg anenanaoao, aiananoy jiiy anu iii'
tcrmcdiHte points along tbe lino.
Tbe distance to Lakeside from M ahanoy Cits
via Robinson's, llowman's. Shoemaker's. Pari
Place. Trenton and Delano Is about 7 miles.
Tbe line to Lakeside Park with Its facilities for
travel and easy access to the most popular sum
mer resort In the Anthracite coal regions, will
be a prontuble adjunct to tbo entire line In the
summer months, and a great pleasure road.
The KqultableTrust Company, or Philadelphia,
is trustee In tbo mortgage for tho bonds of the
Lakeside Railway Company nnd the bonds are
an absolute first leln on all tie rights, (ma
chines and property of tho company.
For further particulars apply at
1-2VU Of airacdrtUe, Pa.
Soap Works
Third and Race Sts.
Use 5c Ocean Soap.
It lias no equal for laundry
Rcuoral household uso and ca
bo used with porfect safety o
any kind of goods.
5c Borax Soap.
is unequal lea lor washing lac
flannel or fino texture good
Monarch Towel Soa
Is in lr.rgo bars a towel wit
each bar freo. It is sptMadi
for general use.
Minors' Favorite, Now Wrlnltlo Olcln!
Drown and Wblto Extra Famtlv at
all good soaps. AH sojps guaranteed
to be absolutely pure.
No. 207 West Coal Street,
1 1
Pine Old Stock Ale.
Wheelwright Shd
Has been removed to Hear Alley.
Between Centro and Lloyd Btrcets.
Wheelwright work, Carriage a
"Wagon uuildinff, Ilorsesnooi
and General Repairing ofii
kinds promptly attended to.p
Beer and Porter.
T AM AGENT for the
-1- Chas, Bettig's Cele
brated Beor and Porter In
this vialnlty, also Bergni
& Engel's celebrated IrJ
Pale Alea and Old 8to
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars.
120 South Mam Street
Rag Carpet Weavim
If von want a good niece of rag cornet. "
woven, take your rags and have them wtj
up In carpets. It will pay you In the long c
All kinds, with or without stripes, martl
order; beautltul rainbow stripes. Lowjjirij
205 West Oak Street,
Bottlers ot all kinds of
Weiss IIexr a Specialty. Also bottlers 6 j
f inest ueer.
17 and 10 Peach Allen, MlEtrAltnOf
139 Bottlll Main Wtrect,, T?'.j
All work guaranteed to be Qrst-class In el
resiect. We respectfully solicit a sharl
your patronage. Ooods called tor and dellv.l
Bilk ties and Lace Curtains a specialty 1
Is not complete
withoift an ideal
Combines every element
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fyinpr, soothtni?, healing, healtli
ful, and harmless, and whel
rightly used is invisible. A mrJ
delicate and desirable protectiol
to the face in this climate.
Inilit upon bavins the gepo,
pozzeirs -
tk f tba eutraE.