Evening Herald. WKDN':si)AY, MARCH 7, 1H(, THIRD EDITION ITS WONDERFUL EPFIOAOY. Xewspaper. Aitunt Dr. Diivld Kennedy' Kitvorltn ltrm"dr In All It lit CihIiiikiI Tho intense interest tnkcn In the cures made by Dr. Kennedy's Favorite ltemedy, at Athens, N. Y., nnd other places, ro suttod In the Allmny, N. Y., .louriml sending a special representative to Athens to Investigate tho cusih, and it wns found that tunny of them worn wonderful. In lliu cacs of Mr. Lewis Clow, who had chronic kidnoy disease; Mrs. Casper llrookB, suffering from fomalotrouideand kidnoy dlseaso, and Mr. Win. Tiffany, who sulTored from general prostration, all were abandoned by their attending phy sicians. T)r. Kennedy's Favorite ltemedy was then used by tlium, nnd in every cao an nbsolttto cure was effeetod. I.nnk fit the Hnilmced l'rlcea. Must be closed out bv Monday next IamiI. at some ol the tirices nud you will see at once that you are missing a chance of a life time by not calling and buying at our store. .Molasses, o cents per quart; best table molasses, 8 cents per quart; bottle of pickles and chow-chow, worth 5 cents, Helling at 5 cents per bottle: vinegar, best white, 10 cents per gallon best brooms at is cents each; ltoyal baking powder, pound cans, 10 cents: salmon, ner can. II cents: (i boxes ol l-'rench sardines, 'St cents: 4 cans of peas ''. cents, host extracts (sold evervwnere at .'.' cents) we sell two for 25c; 1 dozen gol- lets. IS cents: best Uhlna souii mates. and ll cents each; a-giillon crocks, A and 10 cents each; good rag carpets, 15 and Stti cents ner vard: fine linen tow clings, t yards lor a5 cents; good shaker llannel, 40 incites in wiiitu. ft cents ner yarn, it is im possible to mention all the goods. Secure your tea. ft brands, belt, .25 cents per tiound. Tills will be vour last chance, as c must sell out this week. Don't forget me place. ' West eutre street, hliennn- lo.'ih, I opposite Ileese's Auction lt'i'iins. :l-3t Usk WeI.i.s' I.aiiniiht Ul.t'K, the best llluemg lor laundry use. Knck package makes two quarts. IKcts. Sold by Musser & lleduall. I'Nir tho best nhotogrnnhs go to Won der's, southeast corner Market anil Centre streets, I'ottsvillo. Have oysters? you tried McKlheimy's fried fbtn Baby was net, wo gave ner OosutU. When ahe vrm a Child, stie cried for Castorta, Whea the tweame Mls, she citing to Castortf. the had CfrlMreo. she gave them Costal Get your repairing man's. done at Holder It Suits tho People Is what drustrlMU siv. because thev are tired of the many bluer rough remedies. l'an-Tlna l ll.e mint pt-i.JUt tatting medicine, julehly cure" Coughs, ("olds, Tliront ana Lime disorders, 'Jsi c-eniH. ran-Tlns la sold at r r. U. Klrlln's dnat hlore. Coupon XSTo. 49 "KaatsrpiEcss From the Art Mm of the World," sIumbers Changed Dailyj Send or bring to the oftlce ot this Paper one Coupon, together with ten cents In money, and jou will receive the great Portfolio of Art. f Series No. IV. 4 Coupon No. 37. 4 J -i 1 -:i hsii: fSf Cut out one of these Coupons and inutl or bring them In person to the olttee ot the HKHAL1, wltn.len cents In silver, or two nickels, and Port folio No. 1 ot the MhrIo City will be delivered to you i 4 1 f I Voyage Around The World ! Part IV. Number 38. Numbers oh&age dally. Out this ooupon out and keep It until seven different uu i bers Are accumu lated, then bring or forward them to gether with Soven Cents to this oOlce and you will receive the portfolio as adt ertlted. Call and see sample. a. VjUL I Il IsUUpUIl UUL. M PPMTC DCD V H D fl Ullll 1 O rCil I HnU for all wool J5c, 40c ami Doc per yard for Home-made Hag Carpcu ihat wilt wash at D. Fricko's Carpet Store, 10 8ntb Jardtn.Stroet, MA11AMOT OITT. MAHANor ClTr, March 7. ,T. If. I'omerov. K. J. I'omerov. John .1. Mcdowan nutlT. J. Mullnlicy were among he mourners at iUlllon Ucinnoius funeral. Thn "Diamond llreaker" will bo nro- duccd by an excellent company In Kafcr's opera house on Snturdny evening noxt. John Weber. ex-Clilef llurgess. was made happy yesterday morning, by re ceiving a bouncing baby boy. John and August Mlnchhof have bought out the l'alaco hotel recently owned by tlielr mother, on i'.ast Uentro street, ami will make alterations that will put the place on a footing with the finest house n town. Mrs. O. H. Glntliner and Mrs. Schrier, of Hast Centre street, went to I'hlladel- iina yesterday morning. I'. J. McMann. of llrooklyn. called on lry goods merchants here yesterday. Mrs. J. 1J. Irish, of Norrlstonn. and Miss Whotstono. of Tamaiiua. have been the guosts this week of their sister, Mrs. W. II. Snyder. I'etcr Iiltsch will soon go housekeeping n his newly furnished residence at 1010 Must Centre street. Fred Hopkins, motorman of enrnumber 41, will remove from Shenandoah to Knst Centre street. Michael Kochana and Stephen Chusko drank beer together on Monday night, and Michael became incensed at Stephen because the latter persisted 111 passlug him schooners instead ot ponies, where upon Michael fell unnn the offending Stephen and administered n severe beat ing. Kochnna was committed to the lockup by Justice May in default of f.100 to keep the peace. Mark Shurkus. of Shenandoah, was ar raigned before Justleo May, yesterday morning, by Joe Savage, of St. Nicholas, charged with being unduly intimate with Joe's wife. From the testimony it seems that while Savage was serving ninety days In I'ottsvillo jail Mark fell In love with .Mrs. ravage, and in order to cnue a like feeling in tho heart of the lomdv wife, treated her to sweet wines and whiskies that were dosed with love powders. The Justice committed Shurkus to jail for a further hearing at the -March term of court. Fully three thousnnd people viewed the romains of the late Milton C. ltehihold, as they lay at his father's residence on ueutro street yesterday morning. ine funeral procession passed slowly to the Lehigh alley station, wnere a special train of six coaches were in waiting. These were lllled bv about four hundred people from this city, while others got aboard at different points along the line. On arrival at i'ottsvillo the loiiownig pall bearers of tho .Masonic order took charge of the casket: Messrs. I. Y. Sollenberger, J. A. Depow, John Holland, Sr.. .1. Uurd Irish, O. J. Goodman, A. 1'almer, K. Harlow and Dr. George F. IJrendle. The carriages formed at the Pennsylvania station and were followed by the Masonic Lodge of this city, the Young Men's Hepubllcan Club, the Schuylkill County liar Association and funeral hundred relatives and friends. Among the mourners were six of Mr. Keinhold's fellow students from tho Huckuell University, one of whom made a touching nddress over his late class mate. Itev. A. M. Woods, of Mahanoy City, conducted the services and several times moved the assemblage to tears. The Masonio ceremony was also per formed, after which the casket was lowered to its final resting place. hiu! Nee It. Keagey, the photographer, has a great (.'1.00 bargain. Go and see it. CUNTKAt.I.V. Mrs. Frost returned yesterday after a short visit to Mt. Carmol. James May, of Shamokin, was among tho visitors to our town yesterday. Miss Mary Moran, returned to Philadel phia yesterday, after spending a few pleasant days with her parents here. Miss Mary Sweeney, of Aiidenrcid, returned yesteiday after a pleasant visit to town. Percy Snell, of '---n . i '1 A'' '.yers, of Oakland, were married at the latter place last evening. Anthony Craig, a driver at liognn col liery, was painfully injured yesterday by being kicked by a mule. He had brought the mule to the stable after working all day and was in tho act of taking the har ness off when tho animal began kicking and hit him a vicious blow on the head. He was taken to the State Hospital at Fountain Springs. The Chief Burgess nnd Councilmen elected recently will be installed this evening. Are we to got the electric rallroftd, or was the rumor ou that subject sometime ago a hoaxf is now the subject ot con versation. Friod oysters benny's. a specialty at McKl- Dots't Tobacco Spit orSmokeyour Life Away Is the truthful, startling title of a llttlo book that tells ull about No-to-b&c, tho wonderful, harmless Guurunteeit tobacco habit Cure. Th :ot t i trllliriK and the man who wimts to quit nd can't runs no physical or unsocial risk In dulr.if "Nn tn.hao Knlll iV ell (lrilfnTlttta. Ilook at drugstores or b bin mall tree. Adnrewi The Sterling Kcmedy Co., Indiana Mineral i .Miner: w & s-ly Springs, lnd. Coming J.vents. March 7 and 8. Dr. Logan, the con verted Indian, at the Salvation Army barracks. March 8. Special Grant Hand concert hi Robbing' opera house. Admission 10 j cents. March 10. A grand ball will be held In Bobbins' opera house on St. Patrick's Kve. March 20, First grand ball under the auspices of the Monaniore Social Club in itonuius' opera uouse. Mar 37. "The Trolley System," bene fit of Mrs Dainni, at Ferguson's theatre. April 3. First annual hop under the auspices of the Biley orchostra, in ltob- oius' opera house. April 13, First anniversary of the Daisy Chain of All Saints' Protestant Kpiscopal church. "Old Song" entertain uietit. April 80. Ice cream festival under the nuspleos of the Star Flute and Drum Corps In Bobbins' opera house. Tour children are liable to Coughs, Colds sore 'mroat, troop ana wnoopiuir uouun wuiru onn resniis serioukiy, rronipt ireax rnent avas manv Innocent llttlo suHerera, Try 1'an-TlnA Cough and Consumption Cnre. It's plea's,,! mfe aud ttre, 26 eta. Hold at 1". , Klrlln sdrnn store. A ev laundry was opened by Sing Lee on Monday, February 38th, at No. n west, i enire street, sueuanuoau. H. ar In Mind ' Jo',u A. Hoilly's Is the place to get the pureat wim - and liquors, beat beer and I ales aud fli.i-M brands ot cigars. Fried . a specialty at McEl- heuny's. ' irl.lll'. Cfo. When see ! cafe, go to Coal street tlon. " ! neat and well conducted mil's, corner Malu and i 'onto and prompt atteu Miut Aiiwr,lor Abduction. Lebanon", Pa., March 7, Jules Ferry, who was nt rested In Philadelphia for eloping with pretty 15-year-old Kmtun Fauber, was brought to this city last evening In charge of a Lebanon officer and placed In prison for a hearing on the charge of abduction tomorrow afternoon. An Immense mob awaited the train In this city, Knd It was with sumo difficulty that the officers succeeded In placing their prisoner behind the bars. Two Killed by a Runaway. Chillocotke, O., March 7. At Oak land, a small vlllago near Adolpht, Mr, Lutz started to drive a young woman do mestic to her homo, Lutz left the buggy for a moment to get a lap robe. While ho was gone the horse ran away, the girl was thrown out and Instantly killed, and Ltitz, who nttempted to stop the frantic animal, was trampled to death. Thrro Gold Miners Killed. HrtUCK MINES, Ont., March 7. Three miners were killed at the Ophir gold mlno by tho rock caving In on them. TheJeud men were named Frank Percy, James Heath and Authony Savage. Another Train Held Up. St. Louis, March 7. A Mobile and Ohio passenger train has beenholdup ot Forest Lawn, Ills., by tluee men. It Is not known how much they obtained, If anything. An Invalid Woman Suffocated. Nkw YoitK, March 7. A sad calamity be fell the family of Frederick Olasson, who resides on the fourth floor of the house 433 West Thirty-sixth street last night. His wife Margaret was suffocated and his youngest child, Frances, aged 5 years, Is almost dead from the same cause. Mrs. Olasson has been 111 for some time past. Last night her husband went out for medicine. Ho left his wife ou a lounge and a child of 5 years playing around the room. William, aged 10, and Agnes, aged 9, were out of the house. The 5-year-old girl upset the kerosene lamp on the kitchen table, and before the firemen could sul duo the flames Mrs. Olasson was suffo cated. The child Frances was found In the hallway unconscious. Tlio Valuable Oltlzeu. Tho citizen who is of tho inostvaln3to a community, town or city is not always tho man who possesses the most 'wealth the highest intelligence or the most aris tocratic lineage" Of course the two for mer will increaw iv man's usefulness if he will but exert them in tho proper di rection. But the valuable citizen par excellence is the man who believes thor oughly in his town, its people and its business and professional men. He does not make it his business to decry the honesty of his local Iwinkor or tuerchunt or the ability of tho resident lawyer or physician. But instead he is an en thusiastic advocate of all tiling thai pertain to tho welfare of hi own local ity. He has tho interest of its schools, churches, societies and pooplo at hoart and exploits their excellence abroad. Wo need moro of this class of citizens and have tho material in our midst to construct them. CHANGING WEDDING FASHIONS. Orange Ttlnttmm No Longer NecnMsary and the Veil Knmetlnies Omitted. The traditional wedding cmtoms, like many other old observances, aro rapidly disappearing, whether banished by the uni versal skepticism or tho times or neglected because the age Is too busy to allow any ele ment that is not eminently prosaic and prac- tlcal.it would bodifllculttosay. Abridomay still occasionally unconsciously advertise thenovelty of her position by a collection of rice among the ribbons other bonnet, while the groom's hat sometimes falls a victim to tho too accurate aim of a well meant slip per, but thosymboliorltes from which these effects result ai c usually performed by chll dren and are regarded as n juvenile freak. Orango blossoms nnd myrtle are often re placed by roses, lilies, violets and other flowers, equally appropriate to any occa sion, while the veil Is sometimes entirely omitted. The wedding cake has in par- BHIOAL TOILET. tleular degenerated most lamentably. Far from cutting it herself, the bride seldom even sees it, and it is brought from the con fectioner's in tho form of small slabealready packed In white and silver boxes tied with white rlhooa and so delivered to the wen ding guest after the bridal couple have de parted. The custom of dressing the bridesmaids in white is also falling Into disuse, aud with some show of reason, for It is entirely suit able that white should be left for the bride's toilet solely. Delicate pinks, blue and yel Iowa not only set ulf by contract her snowy apparel, but lend a supwflulal cheerfulness to the bridal procession, which it is well to enoounme in the modern wedding, usually almost as melancholy an occasion as a tu- neral. To be married In traveling costume is a convenient u..d offhand method, but as the white regalia is one of the few poetlo sur vivals in an age of hard facts, and a woman can array herself in it but onoe iu her life, It soams rather n pity when she does not wear It on the one occasion. A sketch Is given ot the bride's gown at a recent Paris wedding. It Is of tVory white satin mer yellleux and has a bell skirt with piped seams and a round train. The bottom of the skirt Is trimmed With a flounce ot gui pure festooned with piquets of orango blos soms. The round bodice t, slightly draped In front and has a wide guipure collar, while the largo sleeves consist uf a puff reaching to tho elbow, where it isflnished by a flounce of lace. A tulle veil la worn secured by an orange spray. Jddio CnoiXET FOUR MOREMINERS KILLED Three Crunhed Ilcnrnth ft nook and An other llurned to Dentil. BcliANToS, Pa., March 7. Four men In ft gang of mlno shaft sinkers were killed In tho Kiehmond shaft In tho northern part of the city. The accident was caused by tho fall nf a shelf of rock from the side of tho shaft near the bottom and a con sequent exploslnn of a blovrerof gas. The victims are Thomns IIol will, charge man, who leaven a wife nnd child, burned to death; Illchnrd Hugheo, single, 37 years; Jamos Northen, single, 29 years; Albert Hlchnrds, single, 24 years. The men were at work at the bottom of the shaft, almost 400 feet from thestirface. They had but recently opened the Clark vein, and were clearing away the coal at tho foot of the shaft. Above them huug a bell like piece of rock which projected slightly from the side of tho shaft. This shelved downward and had been some what loosened by previous blasts. Suddenly tho rock gave way, Three wero caught and crushed to instant death. Chargeman llolwlll rushed away is the rock fell, with five others of the men. Ho went farther into the oponlng than his fellow workmen, still carrying his naked lamp In his hand. Instnntly llatues burst forth, enveloping him. His companions tried to put out the flames nt their own peril, but before they succeeded he was dead. The after damp quickly gathered, and it wns only by the prompt action that the survivors succeeded In reaching the foot of tho shaft and signaling the en gineer and were hoisted to the surface. THE PRESIDENTIAL MARKSMAN II It Orantlr llnr(lt.d by Ills Trip to North Carolina. Washington, March 7. The president reached the White House at 1:45 yester day afternoon after a nine dnys' trip through the North Carolina sounds look ing as well and strong at at any tima sine he llrst came to Washington, nine years ago. His ruddy face showed unmistak able signs of exposure to thesun and wind during his trip for recreation and rest, and hia ktep was noticeably more clastic than when he went n-.vay. To soma friends who called last evunlng the president said he had never In hi1, life had a more enjoyable hunting trip. Every moment of it had been a delight to him, and as for sub stantial results he asked his friends to look at his bronzed face aud hands aud then at the pile of swan, wild gesa and turkeys that ho had brought back with him. Dur ing an hour In the early morning the presi dent brought down feven swan and five geese. Both the president and Secretary Grcsham were greatly benefited by tho trip and return to their duties with re newed vigor. Monday s sport wasthefinoat of the trip. Numbers of swan, geese, brant, ducks and Bnipe wtre the trophies of the day. Of the president s skill as u marksman CaiKaln Evans spoke in tho highest praise, and said that a double shot by him at swans Mon day morning was ono of tho finest evl. drnce of skill that he had seen iu many a day. 1'rltni to Suit tile Tim... We offer this week, at sneclal low prices, one case of Indigo blue prints nt 5c per yard; genuine 7c. apron Glng hnms, nt 5c per yard : extra Unbleached Muslins, at 3 aud oc per yard ; nlea ten pieces Cream Table Linen, regular 40c quality, reduced to 35c; good quality unnron nanneis at oc. per vara. New styles of best French Sateens at 2V.c. worth 25c. Best grade of soft-linish blue Drilling at Sc. All other goods equally low. Next week we will open our new lines oi J.nuies' "spring tjoats ano wraps. L. J. Wilkinson, 3-G-tf 29 S. Main street, Shenandoah. Ho, lfor California i Snecial excursions to San Francisco and other points in California. $40.25 irom snenanaonn. f or turtner particulars can on Max Hcese, itallway Ticket Agent, buenaunoau, 'a, o-ti-at Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the name I.ESSIQ & BAKlt, Ashland, Fa., is printed on every sack. 3-3-3taw For biliousness and all other conditions resultinsr from constipation, go by the book on Beecham's pills. Book free, pills 25c. At drugstores, or write to B F Allen Co, 365 Canal st, New York. NEW SEEIES. Mill', MECHANICS' AND LABORERS' Will Issue their Fifth Serios on VEDNESDAY, EJ.&RCH 21st, 1894 Shares can be purchased at tho olllce of J. It. Coyle, Ksq., in the Heddall build ing, betweeu thehours of 5 and 8 p. m. Only 400 shares will be sold, DAVID MOBGAN, President. J. P. KNAIT, Socy. 7-10-13-15-17-10-aO Real Estate Ecjjange Robblns' DaUdlng, Boom No, 4. Properties and Business Places Of all kinds bought and sold. Hoods and Hlockn nought and Sold. Railway and Steamship Tickets Fire, Life and Accident Insurance la nrst-clasfi Comparlei'. Utneral Commission Business. lolui i'. F Unity, WARRJiN J. PORTZ. ...nt Piano Tuner, Planes and organs repaired. Orders left at zi k iirtn Aiain street, &ueuanaoan,wiu receive prompt tuiuuuua GET GOOD ;Paine's Celery Compound is Greatest of Influence of the Nerves on Various Diseases The way Frank Bair of Chicago Regained "Wonderful Prescription. FRANK Increased cares and duties, increase in mental strain, lessened physical labor and Increased mental work, have been grndually giving us bodies in which the nervous element predominates. Diseases nro to-day as different from diseases of a century ago as is their treat ment. While the average individual now does moro mental work, wo are not as well able to bear the strain as they were. Nine-tenths of us neither eat, sleep, ex orcise, bathe, or recreate ourselves In a proper way. It is all hurry and turmoil. Little rest and much care. When the albumen and flhrine of the blood tho nutritious principles of the blood become deficient in their relative proportions to the other parts of the blood, the health suffers. If nervous power he depressed, then the food Is Im perfectly digested, assimilated, and con verted Into blood aud tissue. There is the cause In a nutshell of half tho diseases and illness in tho world. Here is the cure the greatest medical discovery of modern times the remedy first prescribed by the greatest physician of this age. Prof. Edward Phelps, M. I)., LIj. D., of D., of Dartmouth collego the remedy that has made moro people well MISCELLANEOUS. w ANTED' A elrl for general housework. Apply at Heuald llratich Office, fleece's .Auction uooms, (Jr fio A DAY MADE, steady employ UJUiUU ment guaranteed selling a household necoesitv and now. cbcan kitchen utensil. Hell on sight. Salary or commission, l'artlculors iree. i iinoa r-oap ce. miff. l., ao-i oinut St., Clnolnnatl, O. 3-Swcd-lUt AGENTH mako So. 00 a day. Greatest kitchen utensil ever invented. Retail Socts. 2 to a sold In every house Sample, postage paid, Ibree cents. Forshee&McMakln, Cincinnati O, 10-U-wed2Ct IP you are Interested In California you should have our pamphltt on the resource" ot thnt state. It describes great bargains. Pamphlet rree, Foster & Woodson, 144 Washington mi 3 street, Chicago. D-1W (t)OK to !5o per week using and selling Old i)uO Hcllablo Pl.uer Every tamllv has tut-tv. worn knives, forks, snoons eto Oulcklv plated by dipping In melted metal. No ex. erlence or liard w rlt: a good situation. Ad dress W 1". Harrison & Co , Ulerk No. 14, Col umbus, Ohio. STOCKHOLDERS' MEKTINO.-A meet.ng ol tbe Stockholders ot the 'ltlrets' llullrt lag ana L.oan Association, oi unenenaoan i'a.. will be bold Tuesday. March 18th, IBM, at 7:30 p. m., at ihe office of tho ompanj, (or the pur pose ef electing oolcers and tlcliWS) directors. Secretary. Shenandoah, Pa., March 7. 139 3 7-td WANTED Two good men; steaJy employ, ment at good nages; men who can speak English and German protf rredi experience not necessary. Call on or write to 0. 0. Fetle rolf, Asst. ' bunt. Prudential Insurance Co. of America, Schuylkill Haven, fa. 3 7-tt TJ'OR RENT. A store and dwelling on South 1 Main street. Possession givtn April 1st, If si. Apply to T.J. Higoim. 18 North Jardln street 3-5-lt DOR HALE Chean. -A goodtent, suitable for J fishing parties. Apply at Reese's Auction and Commission House, west Centre street, tf WANTED. House with six or I even rooms, buyer waiting. A good saloon or restau rant. Several lots (or bnlldlcg purposes, buyers walling. It you have a business olace (or sale I will And jou a purchaser John F, Finn st, Real Estate Exchange, Room 4, Rob bins' Building, Shenandoah, Pa, 2-13-tf T.10UBE AND LOTS FOR SALE, Sight juocj vvi-tu iajio run awijrij iu. lots. 3H sti rv house with 'M smrv kitchen. large thed, two good wells and stream ot water running inroiign the property; nice bearing (rult trees; lots In good state ot cultivation; known (ormcrlv as Park lintel. Suitable (or any kind o( but loess. For further parttciilari- write or can on MRS. L. E. FISHER, 1-lXKSm Bra ndonvllle, Sen. Co. Pa. TESTATE (IF JOHN SOHOLOSKY, De 111 teased Letters o( administration on the estate fit.ir.hn snrininiuv. in- ui int oorouiru of Sberardoah, Ht-huylklll icunty, l'mnsyl vnnla, deceaxd, hae been granted to Walter W. Ryukiewliz, residing In said borough, tn whom all persons Indebted to sala estate are reuuesttd to make uavment and thosn havtni? cl ims oi-dematds will muke known the same without delay, or to the saminisirators attor ney, J. II. Coyle, Shenandoah, l'o. WALTER W- RVNKIEWICZ, Administrator March 5, 1894. 3&-0t oaw. DIGESTION the Remedies. his Health Professor Phelps' BAIR. than any other over known tho truest food for tho nerves the best known strengthencr of impoverished blood the remedy thnt from ono end of tho country to tho other, and In Europe as well, Is in dorsed by physicians, prescribed and used by them, recommended by tho plain people, unequivocally Indorsed by men aud women of wide reputation, blessed by thousands Pnlne's celery compound. Try it. Any druggist has It or will get It for you. Head tho following unsolicited letter from Mr. Frank Bair, whose portrait is given above, one of Chicago's best known and most highly esteemed young business men, tho western agent of the great firm of Nnsh, Whlton & Co., salt dealors of New York: "I have used Palne's celery compound for tho past six months, nnd must say that It has helped me wonderfully. I had pain in my back and chest, and faint. tired feelings nt the stomach, nnd when would eat the tasto would mako n. deathly sick. I became very weak, ami lost about 20 pounds. After having used a few bottles of Palne's colory compound I am feeling better than I have In all my life." Try it. AMUSEMENTS. JiEHGUSON'8 THEATRE. p. j. riRGCSON, Minions. THURSDAY, MAfiOH 894- Florence's Dig Sensation, tfDianiorid Breaker. By Scott Marble, Esq. 2 Carloads of Special Scenery. Ten tovs ot nonderous machlnerv running at full blast. Magnificence, splendor and superi ority in every detail, with evirvthlni up to dale. A company ot phyers never equalled In melo-drama, See tbe mills and mine at night. the asylum court yard, the duel on tbe riuce, the whipping post, the great coal crusher, tbe diamond breaker, .ll Prices, a. to and it Cll Reierved Peals at Kirli' drug stort. ERGUSON'B THEATRE, P, J. FERGCBON, llAHaCCH. One solid week, commencing MONDAY, MARCH 12th, 1894. Maurice Ditto's pinge Supporting Lizzie May tllmer I In Repertoire. Change of play each night. Monday night: "Rough and Ready" A sensational comedy dramn. Singing and dancing specialties. Fricca, 10, 20 nnd 30 Cents. Reserved seats at Klrlln's drugstore. Plait's Popular Saloon, (Formerly Joe Wyatt's) ' j 19 and 21 West Oak Street. SHENANDOAH, PA. The bar Is stocked with the best beer porter, airs, whiskies, brandies, w'nes and cigars. It Ing barattached, Cordial invitation to all, '4 i