The Eveninq Herald. Published dally, except Sunday by nnnALO vviilisiiino company, Publleatloe oflloe and raechHnloal department, Z Kast Cnal Street. the -f ..T.'MI.U til . A week, payable to Iheoarrler. lly mall, Three Dollars a yaar or Twenty-lire ents per month, m uar&nco. AdnrtUetnntii charged according to space and pestllon. The publish recurve the light to ckaage the position of advcrtlh merits when rer the publication of news reqilros It. The right ! also reserrod to reject ny ndvcrtlso menW whether paid for or not, that the pub lishers may deem Improper. Ad .'crtlsing rates mauekaowB upon Application. Entered at tho post office at Shenandoah, Pa., s seeon eloss mall matter. XllU EVENING iri!HAX,n, Shennndoah, 1'enna. Evening Herald. TUESDAY, FIKimUARY 27, 1891. , THE DARK 8IDB. It In an easy taik to Hdvlse people to be cheerful, lo banish melutioholy untl gl )Oiii, to look lit the better side of things, and to Hdopt as their motto tho beautiful thought that "oVery clcud hns a silver hnlug;" but when such oounnel is given, how rarily is It accepted itnd applied. We are called upon to record the sad deaths of people of all clashes bysulclde, and until eouic means can be dovised by which thoe who are Inclined to look upon the dark sldo only will take a look at the other Bide and find encouragement for living, these painful announcemeutB will Continue. It Is notleeablo that for the past six months the preponderance of suicides kas ben nunng those whom the hard Mines have driven to despair;. It Is pitiful, and we know of no specific for what appears to have become almost an epidemic. Paris wai once regarded us the grand centre of dramutlo sui cides, out uer uueuvmuio (iiuwiuculu 1ms been transferred to America, Whether tins disposition to shuflU oft life's mortal coil will abate with the advent of better times, timo alone can tell. Lb' u hope that the climax has been reached, and thit while it would be absurd to itwume that suicides will disappear in the land, that w shall notfcntluue to be called upon from time to time to make record of fielf destructions. Ex-Pruhidknt Harrison remarked some time ngo ou tho probability that President Cleveland would have diffi culty In driving his wild horses. Me was a trut prophet. The difficulty has been mainly, not In tho fiery mettle of the steeds, but In their dis position to kalk. matter how vigorously the lash may bo appllul, they don't get ahead. For th present, at least, Mr. Cleveland haa given up the job in disgust; he has dismounted from the box and gone off dack-huut- lug, leaving thu team to take care of themselves and coma to their senses If they will. No one can blame him. His task haa been tirtMme and thank less, and his mutelM are sore. A little respite will do him good. And It will not hurt the balky team. It bx uot been a usual thing in recent yuan for English soldiers to mi et defeat, but twice within the last few wreks British troops have been led Into ambush and slaughtered. It Is not possible to doubt the courage of the Englishman under arms. lie is a brave soldier and a skillful fighter, and no oue holds the honor of his country more dear to him; so that when troops are thus twlo trapped and massacred by barbarians, the explanation seems to be that they have estimated their enemy at to cheap a price, and have placed too mush confidence In modem arm and equipment. Sat, Ur. Greyer Cleveland, D you hear the rooitcrs crow T Da you bear the people shooting? Or don't you want to knew About the big majority We save Galuaba Grow, The other day way down in Ptnmybany T Do you tee the bonflrti blsilng And the Tockets rise and fall T Say, doesn't It remind you ; , Of the writing on the wall That King Belshazzar saw ? Or don't you Let it ooont with joa at all, What wo did the other day In Ponmyl vaay T Phkbipbnt Clhvklamd's health la good; It Is ouly his spirits that are low. A few months ngi It was all Grover. Now the people have adopted an ab The Metropolis Wrappod in a Mantlo of Snow, THE STORM IN OTHER SECTIONS. Generally l'ronoiinceil the flevorest Since the Meuiornblu Illltznrd of 1K88 Thirty five lleloir In New Ilnmpililre No Pa tallttee imported. New Yoiik, Feb. B7.-New York is iwnln nowclad, so effectively have tho elements done their work. For twenty-four hours Father Knickerbocker experienced storm much like the blinr.nrd of '68. Driving snow and sleet and rain yesterday morn ing made the streets nearly lmpdssnble. Tho drifts piled up along the sides of buildings, blocked nnrrow streets, hung lo huge frozen mosses from house to house, retarded cars and made life in gen era miserable for the most long suffering Individual. For twenty-four hours the wind swirled nround corners, mid up and down streets and avenues with the force sometimes of a catapult, carrying vast Im penetrable clouds of Biioy. which Anally turned to clouds of rain, ud drove over the city with Winding fury. Out In tho bay the gale has been even worse than fur ious, with the wind blowing nt fifty miles an hour. The mercury hovered around zero when the storm broke, but it gradually got further away from the bulb, and early In the morning dismal pools of water, sur rounded by banks of snow, dotted tha streets in every direction, Then came the snow again, and covered the silver frost with Its white mantle. A shnrp wind beat the snow clouds up against the lewd buildings. At 8 a. m. the thermometer registered 80 degs. atrove zero; at 10 a. m., 3 degs. higher. Tueu the mercury went down a trillo, and as the snow fell it stuck fast to everything it touched. Great lcicle hung from every projection; the boats in the harbor were completely iced; the trees were weighted down with glistening and snow whito masses, alid a foot or inoro of the "beautiful" carpeted the entire city. There will be sleighing lu the upper part of the city for many a day yet. in tno surrounding districts, in Long Island, In Jersey and in places adjoining tho violence of the storm was more apparent. Telegraph wires In these sections went down before tho gales and were scattered, and communication with other places was almost entirely shut off. Towards mid night It began to grow cold, and today it is eolilcs, With less wind. Ko Anxiety fur tho President. Washington, Feb, 2T. There is not tho least nnenslness ninong the officials of tho White House or state department over tho safety of President Cleveland and Secre tary Greihain, who left in the storm of Sunday on the lighthouse tender Violet for a f ejy recreation down tho Poto mac. The Violet is one of the stauuehest vessels in the service. The fact that no telegrams have been received means noth ing, as Mr. Cleveland Informed Secretary Thurber that be would send no communl nation until he forwarded notice of when the party mlftht be expected to reach this city ajaln. Secretary Grtsham left simi lar word with Ids private secretary. H.utj Wind at Philadelphia. PniLAMXrniA.Feb. 27. Thcsnow storm here was the most sevcra of the winter. and was accompanied by winds averaging from twenty-nine lo Ihlrty-flve miles an hour, and rising atone time to forty miles an kour. Tha fall of snow was 4 3-10 inches, and ilnrirg tha day considerable ralu fell. Tin weather became clear and cold about C o'clock last eTenlnii, Tho lo-wttt regiter of the thermometer was 20 degs. above rcro. In the northern section of the city and among the suburbs the wind uprooted trees and telegraph poles, and tore tha tin roofs off ef a nuinlier of buildings. Tta Celd fur lew Gatherers. KisetTOif, N. Y., Feb. 27. The blizzard struck this region yesterday. The ferry boat between here and Ilhinecllffe had to giro nn thu brittle with tho ice, and now sleighs have taken its place. It is aniin to cowl tor the lee gatnerers, but all dan' per oi ua lnsarnclent supply is now ever. Tbn claim that to extra cost of hurrest ing wenld erore the prelude to high pries next summer is alto liaaginary, Labor is asundaat and cheap, and tha snow to ba removed does not vary much ia quantity and tharacser from Uat oi previous sea' sons. The Won! f eke YTlnUu. lULTIuoBZ, Feb. 97. The worst ttom of the winter irrarailed ia this city yester day. Bbow began falling an Banday akout midday, and eontlnued failing antll yes- terday saoralng, wkenM turned lato rain and sled. Tha Are alarm wires were all badly crippled during the night, and tele graph and telephone e oinmunlcatlon was also interrupted. Street car lervte was Interrupted for a few kaurt, bat no serious delay occurred. Train Stalled at FAMghUeepile. FoUMKKFetr, N. Y., Feb. t7. The Jay express of nine cars ea tlx New York Central and Hudson Hirer railroad was stalled lor mearly an hour krre at noon. No other laterruptlon to travel has thu far been reported. Buow plows and large force of shovelers are at work along the track. Tho storm is reported as more severe between Poughkreptls aad New York north of here. Ok the Jeney Csit. Jrr.iicr Citt, Feb. 97. The p'-n has been felt with much severity , ig the soaat and bod e rally throughout this state. Telephone and telegraph wires have been blown dowa and broken in many towns and plaaea south and southwest of bare The telegraph wires on the coast are all down, and nothing can be deae to repair tha wires. The Worst Bine '. BBADrORD, Pa., Feb. 37. Tha worst bll sard since tint of 18S8 has rsued here for the past twenty-four hours. Tha snow twenty Inches deep on the level and tho country roads are badly drifted, greatly delaying the ovsrland malls. Aretle Weather In Kew Hampshire HAVOVHX, N. II., Feb. S7. The tker- omiter reels tertd 65 below Zero kere, and IS below at Liynn yesterday. Btsnr Will be the Orator. Niw Yohk, Feb. t General James A Beaver, ei-novem : Pennsylvania, and Major George W Halrd, V 8. A., will bo tha orator and pout respectively, at the re union of tha Army of the i'otomso at (Jon (, MR BLAND YIELDS. Debate on Ills Coinage Mensnre Returned. The? SVnatnrs In Cnnens. (WAsniKOTON, Feb. 27. The proceedings in the house yesterday were full., of exert ing incidents. Mr. Illaud, being unablo i secure a quorum, concluded to allow the debate on the bill to proceed, nt the same time claiming that he would return to the assault today. Two sensational speeches followed, one by Mr. Ponce (Colo.), who denounced the Kepubllcans for submitting to tho craok of ox-Speaker lteed's whip, and warned him that If tho election of president were thrown Into the house In 1800 ho would rue his filibustering courso, and tho other by Mr. Fithlan (Ills.), who condemned In the sovcrost terms the action of his Demo cratic colleagues who were taking part in the nil buster. Toward the close of tho session Mr. Pence's reflections on Messrs. Pickler and Ellis (Ore.) drew forth from them n state ment, whloh Mr. Pence's characterized as "absolutely untrue." He was twice called to order, and the house, by a vote, refused to allow him to proceed. It Is probable that Mr. Pence's speech will ba the occa sion of further comment. The senate held but a short session yes terday, In Order to give the Democrats nn opportunllT afterwards to continue tha caucus br,,- a In the morning. After a short executive session the senate ad journed nt Iil7 o'clock, the Democrats go ing again into caucus. About thirty sena tors attended the caucus and nearly all particlpoted in general discussion of tho proposed tariff bill, Thu utmost good feel ing pruvallod throughout. At 6:00 p. m., nfter a continuous session of four hours, tho caucus adjourned to meet again today. Interstnte Commerce Lav Inoperative CmcAOd, Feb. 27. Judge Grosscup ren dered a decision In the United Stntes dis trict oourt which will make tho interstate commerce law practically inoperative, for the reason that it will In the future be Im possible to convict any one for acts violat ing Its provisions. The court held that General Freight Agent James, of the Lake Shore rood, and Gordon McLeod, agent of the Merchants' Dispatch Freight line, the witnesses who refused to answer questions put to them by tho grand Jury, were right in tha position they took. Both refused to answer, on the ground that every ma bus the right to refuse to make disolosures whloh will crlmlnattt himself. Death or "Mother" Mandrlbaum. Hamilton, Ont... Feb. 27. Mrs. Fred erick Mandelbaum, known in New York as a notorious fence, and who did a flourishing business in that line for a num ber of years, died yesterday nt her resi dence, nged C5. She was very wealthy, having made her mohoy as a go-between lor crooks and thieves In New York. Bhe ciime hero about ten years ago to escape tho New York authorities. During her enforced rcsldonco In Canada she never ventured r.rcrs the border, but her body was taker ".ere today for Interment to morrow lnwning. Van Horn's Light Sentence. PuiLATJEUtiU, Feb, B7. Eugeno Van Horn, who was recently convicted in tho' United States district court of defrauding the government out of revenue, was brought before Judge Butler for seuteucc. Van Horn bought leaf tobacco, out of which he manufactured smoking tobacco without reporting to the Inspector and without paying the tax. The judge said e felt satisfied that Van Horn kucw that the tobacco was stolen, and imposed nsen tence of .W0 fine and six months' impris mnent in the Eastsrn penitentiary. Denounced by Cornell (Undents. ItmaCA. N.T.. Tob. 07. Over a thousaad Cornel! stndcnts joined In a mass meeting; yesterday and adopted resolutions de nouncing the recent fatal chlorine gas es capade, and pledging aid in bringing the offenders t Justice. The meeting alio practically agreed upon abolishing the an nual "scrap" which takes plnoo at tho frusbincn's banquet, and the serious re- ults of 'ill's recent supper were pointed out. The trustees of the university havo authorized the authorities to draw on the trrasurrr of Cornell for t!M to employ a detective. Triple Lynching Kxpueted. "Wmt Plaivs. Mo., Feb. 37. Word has been received from Mountain Home, Ark., to the effect that Mrs. Anderson Carter bad confessed that herhnsband, with Deri Carter and Jasper Newton, had killnd Hunter Wileon and afterward robbed tho house of 11,000, Her confession was fol lowed by one from Hcrt Carter. The three wera jailed. Great excitement prevails in this vicinity. Men ar going to Mountola Hone in aqnade, and it la thonght here that the three will be lynched. Dl4a4 Agalnit MeKaao. Kiw York, Tab. S7. Justice Cullen, I the supreme court, Brooklyn, filed his declsloB in the appeal ef John Y. McKanc, the convicted ex-bocs of Gravesend, for a eertlnoata of reasonable doubt. Justice Onllen Jellied the application. This va cates the stay cf execution, and Me'inne, pending an appeal to the gcnornl term, must go to King Bing. Jiuotncr course is open to tha cause of McKane. ITe may procure another stay pending appeal to the general term. Ah Epworlb Laauaer In DUtfraoe. Wikoka, Minn., Feb. 27. E. O. Ilorn- krooke, general auditor of the Winona and Southwestern railway, and a promi nent eltiten, is short in his accounts, and has acknowledged his guilt. The discov ered shortage is VlO0, but will probably de voloy rrauch larger nmount. Hofnbrooke is prosident of the Htate Epworth League and treasmer of tho Central Methodist church, both of which organisations are said tft bt lorr rhr-inir hi- r"'"ilMt.ioiiB WJCLL BALANCED tha nlnd at tha woman vtho knovrs tha best medl elne for her aches, pains and trsaknasa, Is U ba found la Dr. Pierce's Favarltu Pre acriptloa. It Is a remedy which corrects and euros the distressing deraneo ments and aUscasM peculiar to weman, builds u and strenethena ber system when she's weak. niB-down and overworked. For aa 1 Tlgoratlar, restorative UrTlo, esaeclallj adapted to woman's needs tk "Pa vorlta Prmorltition u la se rsltive In lta stfeot that M auarujtttsd. IX 16 aver falls to LaaafU or core, in cases for whlaU Ifs aiirlitd, vou havs tout iaony bank. AVhaa elm can ht "just ea good" for you I For bearina-dovra sensa tions, ulceration, inflamma tion, everything known aa " laroaia complaint, una is a rcinsdr that's safe, oer- Two-Stepping Stone; to consumption are ailments we often deem trivial a cold and a cough. Consumption thus ac quired is rightly termed " Con sumption from neglect." Seott's Emulsion not only stops a cold but It is re markably successful where the cough has become deep seated. Scott's Emulsion is the richest of fat-foods yet the easiest fat food to take. H arrests waste and builds up licallhy Vflcsh. Prepared by Boott Downs, N. Y. All drotel'f. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD, Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Penn Haven Junction, Munch Chuck, Lo bltrbton. Slattnston. White Ball. Cat&sauatl Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadelphia and Weathorlv at t.M. 7.S8. e.ll a m.. 12.. 2 67 p. m forivew xorK, 7.3s, r.ia a.m., ix.4n,v.nY. For Quakate. Mwltcubiclc, Oorhtvrds ad Hud uonJale, 8 01, 9.15 a. m., and 2.57 p. m. For Villkta-Uarre, Whlto ilavor, Plttaton, Litceyvlllo, Townnda, Sayro, Waverly and Elmira. 6 04, 9.15 a. m.. 2.E7, 5.27 p. m. !For Rochester Buffalo, Niagara Falls ana tile West. 8.04, 9.15 a. m. and 2 67 6.27 p. m. 'For Relvldere: Delaware Water Gan and StrcudsburR, 6.01 a. tn 2.67 p. no. for i.amiermiio ana Trenton, v.iti a. m. For Tunkbao nock, S.01, 0.15 a. m., 2.67, 6.27 p. m. For Itbaco and Geneva 6.04, 9.15 a. m. 6.Z7 Pi m For JeanesvlUe. Levis ton andHeaer Meadow. 7.X8 a. m., 12.43, 8.03 p. m. For Auacnrled. Haileton. Stockton and Lum ber Yard. 6.01. 7.18. 9.15. a. m.. 12.48. 2.57. 5 7 p. m. j-or acranion. o.ui, y.ia. a. m., a.w p. m. For Haslebrook. J eida Drlf tan and I'rrnlmd. OM. 1.m, 0.15, a. m., 12.43, 2.67, b.27 p. nr. For Asnland. Olrardvllle and Lost Creek. 4.6!. 7.61, 8.62, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.85, B.22, 9.1t P, m. For Raven Run, Centralla, Mount Carmol and Sbamokln, 7.03, 8.60, 11.14 a. m 1.32, 4.43, 8.2 p.m. j For Yatcsvllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City and Delaco, 6.01, 7.88, 9.15, 11.05 a m., 12.43, 2.57 S.CT, 6.08, 9.83, 10.28 p. m. Trains win leave anamokin at u.4i,, ,v a. m., 1.66, 4.80 9.30 p. m and arrive at Sbesan dnab at 7.31, 9.16 a, m 12.43, 2.67, 6.27, 1U5 p. m. Leave Sbonandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.60, 7.33 9,08, 11.05 11.3U a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 4.10 6.27, 8.08 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 6.O0, 7.86 8 06, 10.U, 11.4S a. m., 12.32, 8.00,. 410, 6.20, T.t5, til. 10.00 p. m. Leave Shcnnndoab for Haileton, 6.04, 7,86, 9.15. a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 6.27,8.08 p. m. Leave Haileton for Shenandoah, 7.35, 10.00, 11.06 a. m., 12.15, Ifi, 6.80, 7.26, 7.69 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Ashland, Olrardvllle and Loe t Creek, 7.29, 9.i3 a. m, 12.30, 2.45 p. m. For Hazletou, BUc' Creek Junction, Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, KotUehem, Easton and Now York, 8.40 a m l?.sa, 8.65 p. m. For Philadelphia 12.30, 2.56 p. m. For Yatesville. Park Place, Mahanoy City and Delaco. 8.40. 11.35 a. m.. 12.30. 2.65. 4.40 6.03 n. m. Leave Haileton for Shenandoah, 8.80, 11. EC a. m.,, p. m. Lcavo Shenandoah tor Pottsvllle, 6.60, E.4C, a. m., p. m. Leave Pottavlllo for Shenandoah, 8.80, 10.41 .m. ,1.1.1, p. m. R. H. WI1. LilUK, Goal. Rupt. Eastern Dlv South ltethlehem, Pa ujina. a. juiir-, ucnt, i-ars. Age, Philadelphia. A. W. NONNEMACHKR, Asst. Q. P. A., South Bethlehem, a PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. BOBOTLK1U. DIVISIOH. NOVEMBER 19th. 1893. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above dite for Wlfgan'8, Qllborton, Fraotvlllc, Nen castle, Ht Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Reading, Pottstovir Phcenlxvllle, Norrlatown and Phil. aaeipma (uroaa street station; at o:uu aaa n 143 a. m. ana -i: id p. m. od wcok a&ys jror t'Otts vlllo and Intermediate stations C:10 a. m. SUNDAYS. For WlKKan'a. Gllberton. Frackvlllo. Nevt Castle, St. Clair, Pe .tavlllo at 6:00. B:40a.m. and 1:10 p.m. For iamburg, Reading, Potts town, PhmnlxYllle Norrlatown, 1'hlladelphls at 6:00, 9:40 a. in., 3 10 p. m. Trains leavo Fr kvllle for Hhecacdoah ti 10:10a.m. and 12; 4, 6:01, 7:42 and 10:27 p.m. ounuays, u .ia u. i.. ami Diiv p. m. Leavo Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10:1' 11:48 a. in. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p, m.Sunda) at 10:40 a. in. and 5:16 p. m. Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) let Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 5 67 and 8 86 a m. 410 and 711pm week days. On Sundays leave at 6 50 a m. For Potunile. 9 23 a m. For New York express, wees days. at 3 ZXJ, S UO, 4 DU, B 10, D DU, I OBf o Ml, V OU, U UU 11 14 a m, 12 CO noon, 12 11 p. m. (Limited Ex press 1 00 and 4 60 p a. dining cars.) 1 43, SB), 323, (00, SU0, SOU, 050. io ea 5 is, (limited 4 50) USlnleht. For Sea Girt, Long Branch and Intermediate stations, tjv, lilt a ai, and 4cn. p For Baltimore and Waiblncton 3 M, 7 IS, 8 81 u io, io an, it is a an, is hi, (i js lunitea ainici car.l 1 110. 8 46. 1 41. (5 16 Congressional Llmtle. Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 617, ASS. 7 40 and 1113 n. m.. wnk davs. Sun I days, 8 60,7 'JO, 910, 1118 ara U10, 4 41, 6M, Jl ii wiu i j p m. . For Richmond, 7 00 a m, Vt 19 and 11 88 p m, dally, and 1 SO p. m. week days. AilJT, HUU I o. Trains will ic eave Harrlsburr for Plttcbun and tho West every dsr at 1 6. 1 10 a m. est I) i too fitt SO, 1 10 a in, (J W i in limited . 150. p0, 7 30, 1165 p ru every day, Way tor Altoont at 8 IB am and 6 0 1 ui every day. ror Pittsburg and Al toons at 11 M m every day. Trains will leave Sunburv for Truilamsnoit. itimira, uananuwiiua, ocueBier, nunaio ana Niagara Palls at 1 115, 6 II a m.and 1 86 p m week Cays, ror Elmira at 6 44 p m week days. Pot e and Intermediate noluts at 6 16 amdallv, For Lock Ilaven at 5 II and 8 66 a rn dallv. 1 Ik and 6 44 p m week days For Renovo at 6 18 a m, 1 SS and i 44 p in wmjc days, and 6 13 11 nj on Sundays only, rut Kana at I II a m, dally, 1 ti p in weekdays. S. M. Phbvost, J. R. Toai., Urt'l Whm- ues'i Hic'r'. Art Kaisers Oyster Bay! 127 South Main Street, SHENANDOAH, PENNA- A. P. KAISER, Proprietor. tW'The best oysters la all styles at all hours Del camp's Livery Stab) e E. DBLOAMP, JR., Prop,. WEST street HstarsAn csntrn nri T.lmrrl uisniii.iweeawniroanaiiioyo, Ul.,nrtnl, -"-"------".--, ., , xcbujq m una ivr uii purtma on rtHuftan&uie terms- book.llloftri 1 xico uy man, novuAMeJMirUU-u. GUOK BUIGIBY 00., Ctlestc, mm IIS J U.1 Professional Cards. jyjr( B. KIHTI.KB, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND BOROKON. , Offlte IfO Vorth JartiE etrtet, Bhenanfloa-'a. pltOF. FilKDKKICK ZEITZ, IMSTRU0TOK OP MUSW, Is prepared to Blve Inslreetfons on plnno, ormn, string and bsnd Instruments, for fnrUer In formation call on oraddrcs ObdhliiiBbob., Ne. 1 North Main street, Khenaadoah. JOHN K. COYMS, A TTOKNEY-A T-LA W. Office Bedall building, Hhenandoan, Pa, gOL. FOSTER, ATTORNEY anH CO UNSEItLER'A T-LA IP. Room t. Menataln City Baalt Building, Potts- vllle, Pa. M. U. BURKB. ATTORNEY AT-LA W. nrsvASDOAO, pa. VniCC Room . U, XU11U1CK, ouvwuuuBfc and Kstorly buUdlcir, Pottsvllle, jQR. R. HOCULEltNKK, rnyntian ana surgeon. Advice free at drug store. 107 South Halo street. Private consultation at rcsldonce, 112 South Jardln street, from 6 to 7:30 p. m. J. PIHRCE ROBERT!, M. D No. 25 East Coal Street, HH1OUND0AH, PA. Office Hours-l:2a to 3 and 0:30 to 9 p, m. DR. J, S. OALLEN, Ne. 31 Koulh Jardln Street. Shenandoah. Omoi Houas: 1:30 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 P. M Except Thursday evening. Nn efflee work oh Sunday except by arrange' menu ninc-i aanertnee 10 vitce nvw it absolutely neeeuary. 10-81-6m NIOIIT VISITS, 1.00. rjl J. HUTTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SUHCtAltDOAU, PXNNA. pUOF. T. J. WAT80N, .......! caaner oi. ...... VIOLIN, GUITAR, BAN 10 and MANDOLIN. Havlne had sixteen years' experience as a teacher of Instrumental aiuMo giving lnstrns. tlon on the above Instruments. Word left at Urumra's Jewelry store wui receive prompt at tention. NEDDEN'S : LIVERY Horses ana Carriages to Hiro. laullnr of all kinds promptly attended it Horses taken to board, at rates that are liberal. la PEAR ALLEY, Rear of the Mm His DR. HOBENSACK, REMOVED To 658 North Eighth St. - UUUKDUICDU, , UlUhta. Formerly "mIM North Second St.. Is the old est In America for the treatment of Special JUemeeM and Youthful Errors. Varicocele, Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc. Treatment oy mall a sneclaltv. Communications sacredly confidential. Send stamp for book. Hours, 0 m io?;p.m,; uiovp.m.; sunaays, v io is m. Piatt's Popular SaSoon CSTirmerly Joe Vf ystt's) 19 ami 21 West Oak Street, SHEWAHDOAH, PA. air st30tod with the best bosr, rorter, alsr -hlilrti. brar.dles..v1-isn. etc. SMnrnt d2an t'.ltc tarattached. Cordial Invtutlon to all IIUSSER & BEDQALL, (Successors to Coakley Dros.) Ho, 38 East Centre Dtrcet, UlIIW&NDOan, PA. FUST CLASS GlCffl! Our Motto! Rest Quality at Lowest OaW I'nces. r atronsge respectiuuy solicited. Lakeside Railway Co $150,000 GOLD BONDS Offered to Public Subscription atpar These bonds ara Issued and offered to sub sorlbers In denominations of 1100, &j00 and 11,000 eacn, interest pay&oie semi-annuaiiy in may and November of each vear. until thenrlnclDal ol tho bond matures In 1923, unless soonor re deemed. The company will reserve the right to reaxem 1110 Donas at any time prior to ma turltv at (106. with accrued interest. The total authorlted Issue is 1250,000. of -which I150.0i0 will be sold at present. The remainder can be used only for the extension of the rosd to Delano and Lakrslde Park, and the purchase 01 cars ana oilier eauipmentsior tnesame The mortgage securing these bonds Is an ab solue first leln upon all rlghtsand franchises of the Lakeside Railway Company, together with Its line cf railway between Shenandoah and Mahanoy City, already constrnoted, and me uxienaioa w ijauemae iara w ue 00 n siructea at aneariv oav. The Lakoslde Railway tetwoen Shenandoah and Mahanoy City Is constructed In a most thorough ana substantial manner. Tho road way Is laid with 70 pound Trails, the bridges are all Iron, and tho overoead electrical work is 01 tne very ecu charaoter. The commodious lire-proof power home situ ultu n -orin itauroaa street, in sranauu ,,. i,bullt lonB nii corrutatod iron am is equipped with a double set of electrlo gene- riiiurs. The electric plant Is of tbo latest Westing' n' uBe pattern 01 tne nnest cnaracier. 1 tub Huenaaaoah nranon is aooui o.ui inue.i m ' leacth. cmbraclcc a noDUiatlon 01 aDOUi u .w, ' Includlrg UhenandoaU, Mahanoy City and in- lenueaiaie points along mo line. The distance to Lakeside from Mahanoy Oil; Tlmltnhinann'fl. Rowman's, Shoemaker's. Par pi&ca. TrAniiin and Delano is about 7 miles. The Una to lkesldePark with Its facilities for travel and easy aocess to tha most popular sum mer retort In the Anthracite coal regions, will be a prodtable adjunct to the entire line In the summer months, and a great pleasure rood, The KqnltableTrustOompany.ol Philadelphia, la trustee In tha mortgage for the bonds of tha Lakoslde Railway Company and the bonds are an absolute first leln on all t ie rights, fran chises and property of the company. For further particulars apply at FIRST NATIONAL BANE, POTTSVILLE it &oap "W 6rks. Third and Race Sts. THE SOAP BUSINESS established halt a century ago by the lato Charles F. Kopltirch, ws-reconlly purchased by Carlton M, Wllllnms, and tho works have now resumed business under entirely new man agement, but wo have retained la tlia tnagu- f ncturlng department the old employes familiar with the process of soap making that have made the Kopltrsch Hoops so Iambus for their superiority over ail other brands for taundrv and general household use. WITH INCREASED FACILITI B9 for man ufacturing, we are now prepared to fill all orders from the trade. OUR 6 CENT OCEAN and 5 CENT BORAX are favorite brands, and wo guarantee them made bf puro materials and freo from adultern. tlons of any hind. BUY SAMPLE CAKES OF YOUR GROCER and be convinced of Its excellence. Have the wrappers for rewards. . TIGIIEST PRICES PAID FOR TALLOW, -L grecso and sonp fat. W'irl. HBALO, MnnrtKer. CHRISTIAN SCHMIDT No. 297 VVoHt Coal Street, SHENANDOAH, PENNA, -AGENT FOR- 33 HEIRATED UGEB v AND PILSNER BE Porter, Ale .audi Pine Old Stock Vie. W. . DECH' Has been removed to Pear Alley, Between Centre and Lloyd Streets. Wheolwright work, Carriage and Wagon building, Horseshoeing and Gcnornl Ropairing of all kinds promptly attended to. RETTIG'S Beer and Porter. I AM AGENT for tho Chas, Rettlg's Cele brated Beer and Porter in this vicinity, nleo Bergnor & Engel's celebrated India Palo Ales and Old Stock. Orders will receive prompt attention. Finest br rinds of Liquors and Cigars, SOLOfViON HAAK- 72(7 South Mam Street. Rag Carpet Weaving ! If inn want n cood nleco of raff camct, well woren, take your rags aud have them woren Up In carpets. It will pay you In the long run. All kinds, with or without stripes, made to order; beautllul rainbow stripes, Low prtoes. 0Ej2a.,rT3Ejra.3O3xr'ia, 205 West Oak Street, Shenanioal, Pa, CLEABY BROS., Bottlers of all kinds of TEMPERANCE : DRINKS 1 -A.ND MINERAL trATIBH.- Wcish Hhbh a Sneclnltv. Alsobottlere of V' t. r finest ucer. 17 and IP reach Alley, HnMNANDO. Per ol SSTeobt exxd. Cleixxx CHAS. DEiisHl PARLOR, rEnonso Hoosu Ulook, Everything In the tonsorlal line done In first oliuis style. Every thins neat and clean A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an ideal Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A mosA delicate and desirable protection to the face ui this climate. ItsltA upon having th gonulne. IT IS fOi SALE EVERYWHERE. heeiwrightdliop f&$ XOWZ33SfL. 1 i breviationGrow. cord, N. 11., Juno 21 and S3, Of GlrardTlllc.I-a. uun, ana pro Tea.