The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 20, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    Soap Works.
The Evening Herald.
Published dally, except Sunday by
nint I'ulii.ixitixo ciuiiMifr,
Publication oflw and mechanical department
2.1) Et Conl Hi -est.
fria Tjn1rt I delivered In Shenandoah and
in juraia ,llrru,ldnm0, nsforsu Cents
week, paynhle to the csi rb-rs Jty mall, Three
Uo.inri a year or Twenty-live . nil per month,
'r advance.
.lirirflciMil"i ohnrgrd nceoi linn to space
mil poal ton The publish r n- jrve the right
to change thn position of advi-rti- imenM when
ever the publication of newa rcq ilres It. The
right la also reserved to reject ,ny advertise
mont, whether paid tor or not, that the pub
lisher may deem Improper. Advertising rates
made known upon apnio-winii
iure afraid that Brother Wilkinson Is
exhibiting ton much common sense to
' escape 11 trial for homy,
Entered at thopo. .ik, .S lonandoah, l'a.,
is second oloaa mull matter.
Tin: urn.Yi.vo 111:11.11. it,
Shenandoah l'cnnn.
Evening Herald.
TIih tiKinbers of the Woman Kuf
fraeo convention In Washington think
the prospect of tin lr i'uc "iiuiisuully
encouraging for even fhese encoiirair,
IiiK tinies." And why should they
not ? The West is as good us com
mitted to them, ntul is not the West
the hope of the Ntitlon ? It mnttera
little that the elleto Eist nud North
turn them n cold shoulder, and even
iess thut the u-actloiiary South does.
With the Wi st won, vieiory Is won,
In the lust vote ou this subject In
Congre-s, that on the Oklahoma bill,
by the Beustors, the men who took
the side of the women, A'ere with two
or three exceptions from the Vest tmd
Northwest. The representatives In
the Senate of the territorially great
states voted for th enfranchising of
women. Iowa, Wyoming, MlnuoAotn
Oregon, tut) Dakotas, Nebrasku,
Khib!, Colorado, Nevada, California,
hatlrjK thorn, what need women to
care for more ? In the coming Jay 8
these go st will i?o the nation
The women nv- euooui'aged by tho
prospeol not only In tho United
States, but in England. They have
(ought a long aud hard battle
there, 'tud victory is almost In
Krasn. There Is talk now of u
promise In conference over the Varlsh
Councils hill, and if that Is tilt-clod the
women of Eugiand will vote In parish
allalrs along with their brothers,
husbands and fathers.
Encouraged ? To lie sure ! A quarter
of a century ago the most sanguine of
thorn would hardly havo daroJ to pre
diet what has come to pass. They oi this
eountry owe it to the West. lu that
new laud they had a olinni-u such as
could be had nowhere else to show
their mettle their strength of In
tellect aud will aud their crurage In
the face of hard.-hip, and o.on of
danger which settled, it once for all
that they are as capable 1 compre
hending an Issue and voting ou it In
telligently as tho men are, and with as
mujh devo'lon to principle.
One need not bo a philosopher to
discover the changes which will bo
brought about in this country by tho
West and Northwest, for tho futuio
can be Judged pretty well by tho past
and when these changes come the
hand or women will be seen in them
Terrible AlrwIllfH i, "limited by Norm
in Their It.-1 real.
LONDON, Feb. 20. A corre-'iiondent de
sert bitiK the iiinii.h of the expedition tinder
Colonel Klll iiKiiiUKt the Hofaa in 8i rra
Leone irlves horrible detntla of Sofa'sslave
raids. In some easca entire towns have
been wiped out and their iiilmbitnula
butchered and acattered. The once thriv
ing town of Teklvlatua, which hml a.miu
inhabitants, la now a acene of desolation.
All the houses are in ashes, and the head
less and mutilated trunka of men. women
aud children are lying heaped amid the
muiH. I he ateiich arising from these
mounds of decaying flesh was horrible.
Tlie route taken by the Sofas was marked
by similar evidences of wanton niHacres
and destruction. The absence of hotllesnf
young men and women indicated that
they were spnred only to be sold Into slav
ery. Colonel Kills liberated hundreds of
I.nnkfl Had fur Mla I'nllnril
DaNviixb. Ky Kelt. 20. Charles Stoll,
representing Colonel HreokenrldKO, and
L. I' . Farrell, representing Miss Pollard,
took the deposition of Dr. T. M. Lewis, of
this county, in the I'ollnrd-Iireckehriilge
suit. Dr. Lewis testified that in February,
1S5, A. Si. Swope aked him if he would
perform an abortion upon a Miss I'ollard,
who used to live at Crab Orchard, Ky.j
that tlie young lady was in a delicate con
dition, and that, he (Colonel Swope) was
responsible for it. Dr. Lewis declined.
Subsequently Mr. Swop told him that
the child had la-en burn, and was in a good
borne. This child lias been charged to
Mr. IlreekenrldKe.
J li
Senator Succeeds the
Justice Blatohford,
l'atiil Hiiowplow Aeeldellt,
SACUAMENTO, Cni., Feb. 30. A terrible
snow storm, with heavy wind, raged in
the herrn Nevada mountains hominy night.
A serious accident occurred at Cold
Stream, where a heavy push plow, backed
by seven large engines, plunged into a
snow bank and jumped the track. Three
men aie missing. Jt Is Iielleved they are
hurried under tlie snowplow. The miss
ing are Conductor Kd Iligghis, Knglneer
S. E. (iraliani, and D.W.Terrell. Knglneer
Iiovehuicc was hadly injured. All the men
were riding on the plow.
The Senate, on rtclliin thn rrerldent'a
Latent Nomination, At Once Went Into
lUeclltlvti SfMlon mill Settled the Long
DUputed (Jiii.ntliiti.
Wasiiisoton, Feb. SO. Yi-stenlny after
noon the president sent to the senate the
nomination of Senator Kdward 1). White.
of Louisiana, to be an associate justice of
the United States 'supreme court, to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of Justice
lllatchford. The senate had hardly had
tlmo to rccoer r mi tho surprise which
tho nomination of Senator AVliito occa
loned wlien his confirmation was an
nounced. While months had been spent
in considering tlie nominations of Messrs.
A Ruddy Glow
on check
and brow
is evidence
that t he
body is
getlinfr proper nourishment.
When this glow of health is
absent assimilation is wrong,
and health is letting down.
Scoffs Emulsion
taken immediately arrests
waste, regardless of the
cause. Consumption must
yield to treatment that stops
waste and builds flesh anew.
Almost as palatable as milk.
Prrnarcd by Scott A Donne. N. T. All drumtlnta.
Professional Cards.
M. H'
IftSTLER, M. D.,
Ufflce ItO North Jardln street, Hbecandoan
pKOK. rilKUmtlCK. ZK1TK,
Is prepared to giro Instructions on plAen.organ,
UrinK and band InstrumcnU. For fnrtber In
formation call onornddreB QntlllLBH linos ,
No. 1 North Main street, Hhenundonh.
Offlce tleddall betiding. Hhenandoah, P.
Iloom 3, Mountain City Uank Uulldlng, I'otts
vllle. Pa
sniHANnoAn, fa.
Offlce Room 3, P. O Building, dhennndoal.
and Esterly building, I'ottsvllle.
Ilia Creditors Mourn.
Kingston, N. Y., Feb. SO. Adolph Fol
ger, who for the last live years has lieen a
prominent citlzeti of Ilighland.dlsappeared
from there a few days ago, leaving debts
which are said to aggregate 3O,0Q0. lie
was a vocalist, but quarreled with his
choir leader's husband, and was expelled
from the village church choir and vocal
society. It is alleged that he ran up largo
bills with the village tradesmen, it, is re
ported that detectives have traced him to
Philadelphia, aud his arrest is ex
pected soon,
l ist Iculls In Maryland's Cnpltol.
Annapolis, Md., Feb. 30. Tho usual
monotony of legislative matters was en
livened last night by a fistic encounter be
tween ox-Judgo D. It. Magruder, of the
Maryland court of appeals, and Colonel
L. Allison Wilmer, of Charles county7Tlio
two represent opposing stilus ill the con
tested election ease of ex-Congressman
Sydney K. Mudd against Dr. Louis E. Car
rlco for a seat in the Maryland sennte.
The fight took placu in the senate elections
committee room.
Settled Milt of Cnlrtt.
Buinnni-oRT, Conn., Feb. 'JO. Tho suit
of the Adams Express company against
Clapp Spooner, of this city, the ex-prcsl-deut
of the company, was settled in the
superior court here yesterday afternoon.
The suit was to recover a large sum of
money from Mr. Siioner, and has been In
the Connecticut courts for years. Tho
counsel refuse to give tho terms of the set
tlement, but it is understood that Mr.
Spoouer has paid $200,000 to the company.
Charged with AViro Murder.
C i i: May, Fob. 80. A colored man
named I'cnrct? was arrested yesterday
charged with the murder of his wife, near
Gosbeen, eighteen miles nortli of this
place. It is alleged that after knocking
his wife senseless with a hatchet ho cut
her throat from ear to ear. He is now in
Homhlower and I'eckhnm, and much
time devoted to them by the senate com
mittee on judiciary, the name of Mr.
While was not referred to the committee
at nil, and In less than an hour after the
nomination had been received the senate
had placed its seiil of approval upon tho
selection, had robbed itself of an esteemed
member, and had given the' supreme court
the one man necessary' to make u full
The nomination was received through
Private Secretary Pruden shortly before 3
o'clock, while Senator Daniel was engaged
In a speech on the Hawaiian question.
Soon after its receipt Senator Cnffery, Mr.
White's colleague, was seen to make his
way between tlie desks to a sent immedi
ately joining tlie desk from which Mr.
Daniel spoke, and as soon as tlie latter,
who was uniuformed of the fact that tho
nomination had been received, paused for
n moment Mr. Cnffery informed him of
what had tr-.iplred. Heimmediately nn
Inouticed h willingness to suspend, and
upon his do.iijt so Mr. Caffery moved an
executive session.
Tho senate had been sitting behind
closed doors less than half an hour when
it became known that tho motion to con
flrm without reference had carried with
out opposition. There was no show of op
position to proceeding in this manner, and
tho vote was unanimously and heartily in
favor of confirmation, Tho proceedings
prior to tlie casting of the .vote consisted
untirely of the delivering of eulogistic
speeches by members of tho senate judic
iary committee and ny benntor Lnllery.
There were two speeches made by Demo
cratic members of the committee, and two
by tho lU-publican, Senators Pugh and
Hill speaklug for the Democratic side and
Senutors Hoar and Teller for the ltc publi
cum. All the speeches were congratula
tory both to the president nod Mr. While,
and the tenor ot all that was said indi
cated a great feeling of relief that the se
lection had proved to lie one to render it
no longer necessary tocontinuethoeoiitest
which has been a somewhat distrusting
feature for the past three or four months.
While tlie sennte acted promptly nud
without liesittMnn upon the nomination
it is still a fact that It was a great sur
prise at tlie Capitol. The president had
said on Saturday that he would go outside
of New York to make a selection in view
of the rejection of the two names sent
from that slate, hut it had been supposed
up to the hist minute that lie would find a
suitable man Within the confines of tlie
second judicial circuit, from which the
late Judge Dlatchford, whose successor ho
Passengor trains leave Shenandoah for
Penn Haven Junction, Maucfa Chunk, Le
hlehton, Slatlncton, White Hull, Calaauqua
Allentown, Ilctblchrm. Huston, Philadelphia
ant Wentherly at 6 04. 7 lis. 0.15 a m , 12.13,
2 3! p. m
- or New York. MM, 7 .IS. 9. If, . m., l!.4f,2.67.
ForQuakafco Kwlicbluch, Gerhards and Hud-
sonaaie, u ui, v w u. in , aim U.57TI. in.
For WUlies-llarre, Whitti Have. , Plttston,
Laceyvtlle, Towonda, 8ayr- Waverly and
Elmira, Out, 0 15 a. m., 2.S7, 5 27 p. tn.
For Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara Falls and
the Wast 0.01, 9.15 a. m and 2 57 5.27 p. m.
For Ilelviderc, Delaware Water flap and
stroudsburg, 6.01 a. m., 2.57 p. m.
For I.ambertvlllc and Trenton, 9,15 a. m.
ForTunkhannocV.e.Ol.ll 15a m.,S.67,6 27p. m
For Ithaca and Geneva 6.01. 9 15 a. in. 5.27
p. m
For Auburn 9.15 a. m. 5 27 p. m.
For J canoe vllle, Levletonand Header Meaf ow,
7.38 a. m., 12 , 8.08 p. m.
For Audenrled. La2lntnn.Stocktot. and Lum
ber Yard, 6.01, 7.26. 9.15. a. m., 12.43, 2.57
xi p. m.
r ortscranion, n.ui, w.ia. a m z. p. m.
For IlaEtebrook. Jeddo. Drllton and Frealand.
fl.01. 7.3", 9.15, a. m., 12.48. 2.57, 6.27 V. Ii .
r'or Asniana. uiraravine ana lmsx urreu. a.m.
.51, 8.52, 10.20 a. in., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.36, 8.22, S.ll
, ra.
For Kavcn Hun. Centralla. Mount narmnl &n
Shainokln, 7.00, 8.50, 11.14 a. m., IK.', 4.40, 8.2
'or Yatesvllle, Park Place. Mahanor Cltv ana
Delano. 6.04, 7.34, 9.15, 11.05 a m., 12.43, 2.57
Z7, 8.08. 9.S3, 10.28 p. m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 6.(5.8.16. 11.4b
a. m., l.&fi, 4.SU9.30 p. m., and orrlve at Sbcnan-
aoan at , m. v. id a. m., 1-.43, .07, ii.iop. m
Leave Sbonanaoah tor Pottsvllle. 5.Mi. 1.3
08, 11.03 11.30 a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 4.10 6.27, 8.08
p. m.
L.eave l'otisviue lor nenanaoan. o.uu. 7.3a
.06, 10 16.11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00,. 4 10, 5.20, 7.15,
as iu oj n. m. Sbenandoah for Hatleton, 6.04, 7.38. 9.15
Pfiyncian ami Surgeon.
Advice free at drug store, 107 Kouth Main
street. Private consultation at residence, 112
riuuth Jardln streoi, from 6 to 7:30 p. ni,
No. 26 East Coal Street.
Office Hours 1:30 to 3 and 6:30 to 9 p. m.
Third and Race Sts. j
HS HOA1 BUSINESS esmbllshed hall!
n century ago by th late Cbarlos P j
Kopitaseh, was recently purchased b-J
Carlton M. Williams and tho works hav
now rvsumrd business under nllrely new man
afenent, but we have retained in tho mnnu
fnaurlnedeDartmunt thn nlil tm nlnrnM famlltn I
vith tho process ol sono makine that hav-l
made tho Kopltesch soaps so famous ihot
superiority over all other brands for laundr I
and general txrasehold use.
' uractu'lrwr, we are now menaredto fill a I
orders from the trade. I
V are avoritob nnds.andweg'mrantcethel
made ot pure materials und free from adulter 1
Ions of any hind.
J and bo convinced of its excellence.
the wrappers for rewards.
- grcese and sop fat.
WM HIUU), ?lRiinncr.
Dubuque, la., Is considerably stirred
up by a controversy over mutlo In the
Orandvlew Avenue Methodistchurch.
It is claimed that the pastor, Uev. Mr.
Wilkinson, has a fondness for popular
airs which led him on a recent oc
casion to Introduce into one of his
services that tuneful bltof idiocy, "Ta-ra-ra-Booca-deay,"
whereupon several
members of his Hook seceded and left
tbeohurch. Mr. Wllkinsui denies
that Lottie tjjllltis' ditty evtr was
sung in his church. He says that the
rumor wai due entirely to the lack of
musioal.knowledge on the part of the
teoeders, who, he adds, could not tell
"Pull For the Shore" from "Pop Goes
the Weasel." "It wasn't "Va-ra-ru
at all," he explains, "hut a pretty
Utile waltz. What right lias anyone
tn object lo popular airs ? If they are
not wrong on the streets they are not
suy where. I'm tired about the foolish
a ess about church music anj way
ror instance look at 'I Want to be an
Angel and with the Angels Stand.
Ssovr (but lustily trash and rank hypoc
risy, t0. Who wants to be an aime!
while be can cIIiik to this earth?
Besides, the man who stays here ul d
Iocs his duty Is a lilx Improvement
n a! y autel God ever made." Wt
the county jail, and a close watcli is being
kept upon htm to prevent any attempt at wag to appoint, had been chosen,
1UOO vjuieiicu.
All African Village Stormed.
PAUIs,Feb.20. A telegram from thegov-
ernor of the Soudan announces that when
the Jt-ffrc column ou the way to Timbuc
too, arrived at the village of Nlafoumo uu
Jan. 23 it was menaced by tlie villagers,
liefore the soldiers could proceed they
wore obliged to storm the village, killing
100 of the inhabitants. The column re
sumed its march, nothiuvliig sustained any
To Aim the Oyster Dredgers.
ItlcnMOND, Va., Pel). 80. Uovemor
O'Kerrell received a telegram from Cap
tain Ilcud, of the police schooner Tangier,
sayiug that he had run short 01 ammuni
tion, aud that, therefore, the Maryland
oyster dredgers were alxmt to set the bet
ter of him in Taugiersound. The steamer
Chesapeake is on her way to the sceueot
the trouble.
Benatnr Martla llnnged in i:ftiy.
Po-vii CRKEK, O. T., Feb. !30. The effigy
of Sc-nator Wiu-tiu, of Kansas, was hanged
here iu the court house yesterday, and as
left hanging all night. Uu it was a lag
reading. "Iseniuia- Martin, of Kansn-,
stood ou tilt- ll.uii- of the senate and spoke
for the Hock Island li.iilroud company to
beat ",000 p. iple mil nf their rights."
No. 31 South Jar Jin Street. Shenandoah
OrriCB Hoons: 1:30 to 3 and (1:30 to 8 P. M
Except Thursday evening.
Xo office work on Arnnrot except bit arrange-
meni. j wrwi aanerence 10 me ojtce nonrt
U absolutely necessary.
10-3Im NK1IIT VISITS, S1.50.
Teacher ot. ........
Having had sixteen vears' experience aa a
teacher ot instrumental muflc giving lnstruc
Hon on the abovo Instruments. Word loft at
urumm's Icweirv store will receive nromm at
a. m.. 12.43. 2 57. n. m.
Lieave nazieion ror ?nenanaoan, i.At, iu.w,
ti.vo a, iu.,, 2.1m,, i.a. 7.du p. m
Trains leave for Ashland. Glrard vllle and L,o
Creek. 7.29. 9.40 a. m.. 12.30. 2.45 D. m.
sor iihz eiun. uiacK urccx junciiun. icnn
Haven junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown.
Iletblchem. Easton and New York, 8.40 a m.,
12.30, 2.55 p. m.
i-or I'nnauemnia z.od n m.
For Yntosvtlle. Park Place. Mahanoy Cltv Ld
ueiaco, o.4u, 11,30 &. m., iz.ju. z.m, 4.4U duj p. rr.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.3u, li ft
a. in.. I.C5. 5.30 n. m.
ieave snonanaoan tor -oiiavine, o.uu, e.u.
th. W. .14.
beavo l'oiisvme tor ancnannoan, a.ou,
vm..1.85. F.lfi n. m
R. U. WIL.HUR, Genl. Hunt. Eastern Dlv
South llethlehem, Pa
CH AS S. LEE, Oenl. Pats. Apt..
A. W, NONNEI4ACHEK. Asst. G. P. A.,
South llethlehem, a
fiends on a clear
complexion, free
1 mm wruiKies auu
liollow cheeks.
Health alwayi
brings wealth ot
beauty. A healthy
statu of the system
comes witli Doctor
Pierce's Plavorit
Prescription. It's a
medicine prepared
for woman's all-
menta it cures those derangements and weak
ntawes which make woiuau's life miserable.
A woman who neglects to take proper ax
rclse is particularly prone to excessive con-
festion, debility and a sluggish circulation,
litaia theUmoM.. n . ' thn " Prescription."
In all derangement- ' displacemonts of the
iHK-ial organs whu si. II m "si'ii of In-
Uamniiitioii," in cauirlml iliscliarges from
lue lining membranes, and hi distressing
Irrenul.mti.". - this lnedicuie is guaranteed
to boni-Ut or cure, or the money is returned.
Gradually during the aft ernoon the story
leading up to the nomination wan 11 n
folded. Senators White and Caffery were
front for Sunday evening, and when they
arrived at tlie bite House the president
made known the purpose of his invitation
for a conference. Jlr. u hue, while ex.
pressing a deep sense of the obligation
was much surprised, and was doubtful as
to whether he should accept. Ho asked
the president for time to consider, aud al
though he and his colleague remained with
tlie president until It o'clock, ho left with
out giving his assent. Yesterday morning
when he and Jlr. Caffery again called at
the Executive Mansion he was still unable
to say positively that lie preferred tho of
fice to that of senator, and it was not until
the last minute before ids departure that
he gave his assent.
It is understood that at this conference
the president simply announced that he
had definitely determined to go outside of
Xew Yor.k for n man to 1111 the office, and
in investigating tlie question had discov
ered that none of tlie eleven southern
states of Maryland, Virginia, West Vir
ginia, North Carolina, s-outh Carolina,
Ueorgla, Florida, Alabama, Ixmlsiaiia,
Mississippi and Texas, constituting the
fourth and liftli circuits, had a representa
tive on the supreme bench, or hail had at
any time since, the war except for the brief
time that Justice Lamar was a member of
the supreme court. He also took into ac
count the fact that civil law is tho method
of practice iu Louisiana, aud that Senator
ll'l.tlul.,uMUH.l nvnm avhnnui.l
vet it gUy dV ' ' "'"t yl'- selection leaves the
imiiiUi m a clear hecond and fouith circuits without repro-
M-utat 1011, while the t bird circuit has three.
Howard Douglass Whitewasborniu Iji
fourche, La., in 1845, and was educated at
Mount 1st. Mary's, in the Jesuit college iu
80HUTLK1LL Division.
NOVEMBER 19th. 1898.
Trains will leave Shenandoah alter the abtm
date for Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frnckvllle, No
uastie, ut uinir, rousvine, uamnurg, neanicf
FcttBiov- t-mcnixvuio. Hometown ana rni
adelphlit (Ti-oad street station) at 6:00 asd 11:45
1. m. ano 4.10 p. m. on weeuaayu ivor iotw
vllle and intermediate station 9: 10 a m.
For Wlrean'a. Gllberton. Fraokvilie. New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsviuo at 0:00. :40 a. m
nd 3:10 a.m. For Hamburg. Reading. Potts
town, Phoeclxvllie, Norrlstown, Phlladelpbls
at o:uu, v'.w a. m., a:iu p. m.
Trains leave Frackville for Hhecandoab
10:40a.m. and 1214, &:04, 7:42 nsd 10:27 p. m
Slundnvs. 11 : 13 a. m. ana 5 40 n. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10: lb
11:48 a. m and 4:40,7:lRand 10:00 p m.Sunuayt
at iu:ua. m. anu d:id p. m.
Leave Phlladelnhta (Broad street station) to
Pottsvllle ana Hhenandoah at & 67 and 8 3t a m
1 10 and 7 11 pin week dayB. On Sundays leav
at 0 ou a m. ror l-oiwvnie. laan.
For l.ew York Express, week daya.
at 3 20, 4 06, 4 60, 6 15, 60, 7 83, 8 20. 9 50, 11 00
u 14 am. osuu noon, izn. m. (L.imitea ki
prose 1 09 and ISO p m. dining oars.) 1 40.
ttSU. 820. 4 00. &00. (10-1. 680. 7 28. 8 12.
10 00 n in, 12 01 night, Sundays 3 20, 4 05, 4 SO,
6 16. 812,9 60 11081135, a m. 12 41, 1 40, 2 80,4 00
(limited 4 do) d 211. 0 20. u do. 7 vsj ana s 12 p m and
12 01 nlcht.
For Sea Girt Long Uranch and intermediate
stations, bSO, 1111 am, and 4 00, p m
For Haltlmore and 'Washington 8 60. 7 20. 8 31
9 10, 10 20, II 19 a m, 12 10. (12 36 limited dlntnj
car.) 130.3 40.141. (6 is congressional Limit
Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), ei7,
USA, 7 40 and 11 88 p. m., week dayB. Sur
days, 3 60, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18 am.. 1210, 4 41, 0 66,
11 m ana iiupm.
For Richmond 7 00 a m, 12 10 and 11 33 p
daily, and 1 30 n. m. week davs.
'i tains win leave uarrisnurg inr j.-iiiHDurr
a: -Ue West every day at 120,8 10 am, (8 20
p ni limited), 8 60, 7 30, 11 65 p m every day.
Was for Altoont at 8 lb am and 6 00 n m overs
day, For Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 23 a m
jvery nay.
Trains will leave Sunbury for fTllllamsport,
Elmlrv Canandatgua, Rochester, UuSalo and
Niagara Falls at lAi. 6 18 a ic.and 1 86 p m we
days. For Elmlra at 6 41 pi week days. For
r rle and intermediate points at 6 II am dally
Sor Lock Haven at 6 18 and t U a m di'.ly, 1 S
j,ad 6 41 p ro week days For Renuvo at, 6 It
in, 1 86 and 6 44 p in week days, and 6 18 a m or
Sundays only. For Kan at 6 18 a m, dally,
1 Sf on- week days.
. M. Paivost, J. R. vroi.i.
Horses ano Carriages to Hire.
iiullur of all klndB promptlv attended tc
Horses taken to board, at ratra
that are liberal,
PEAR aLLFX Rear nf tho Coffee Boast
139 Moutli sialu Street,
Btioriancloali, T?"v.
All work guaranteed to be tlrst-class In every
es ect. w'e rcspecttully solicit a share ol
vour patronage. Goods called for and delivered
Klllr. ties and Lace Curtains a specialty.
Celebrated Porter, Ale and h
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
P.att' Popular Saloon
(Conaerly Joe Wyatt's)
19 md 21 West Oak Street
''sr stooksd with tho bast beer, porter, alei
ir'is. bMBdles, wines, etc. Finest olgan
. il ir - -attaobed. Oordlal lavttatton to al
(Successors to Coakley Uros.)
No. 38 liiiHt Centre street,
HUliWAMlOllI, I-A.
Our Motto- Best Quality at Lowest CM
pneos. patronage respectiuiry soucnea.
is tin.- result of a
lic-nltliy pliysioal
condition. " Jloau-
Lakeside Railway Co
Pint Morbean 80 7can B Per Ceni.
So. 207 West Coiil Htreet,
'fltlMTtD LiGER
i t
Porter, Ale and
Pine Old Stock Alt.
Wheelwright Shoi
Has bi'en removed to Pear Alley
Between Centre and Lloyd bt.rccts.
"Wheohvrieht work. Curriaire ail
Wapron buudincr, IlorueahoenJ
and General Repairing of af
kinds promptly attended to.
Beer ami Porter.
T AM AGFNT foi the
x ("has RettiR's Celr-
brated ?eer and Portfr in
this vloiulty, bm Bt rKuer
& Engol's celebrated Indu
I'HleAlos aud Old 4
uruers tvtu receive trot.ijAx . j
attention. Fluent - run'1,
of Liquors and Cipurs.
120 South Mam S."v t
Rag GarpRt Weavintj
If vou want a irood n'ecc of no? t arnet.
woven, take vourriir und h.iN'e thru) wrl
uplnoarpets. It will pav you tn meioi-gji
All ktndu, with or with ui B rlpts, ira-vj
orderi btuutHui rainbow stripes i ow pril
203 West Oak Street, Shenandoah, 1
Kaisers Oyster Bay i
127 South Main Street,
A. P. KAISER, Proprietor.
39Tbe beet-oysters In all styles at all noun
Now Orleatib. and at fieoriietown coliece.
in the District of Columbia, lie servi-ilm
tho Confederate army in Hie war, anil wtis
admitted to the bar in INoH. In 1H71 ho was
elucttnl a state senator, and iu 1K7K lie was
appointed asaociatu juxtico of tlie suprt-me
court of Louisiana, lie took IiIm m-hi 111
the United Stales senate in 1WI1, luulii
been to succeed James 11. Ku-tU.
Ills chief i-ffort iu tlie senate was an elab
orate Hiieecli atfalnsl the Hatch 111,1 iopi 1011
bill, wfiluli wa- considered a very strong
coustttiitloual nrKUmuut.
The Heueral exiuvhion of opinion among
pubilo men i one of Kiitlhfaotlou over the
selection. Teli-Krania of congratulatinn
f rum all seel ions of the country are pour
ing in 011 the new justice, nud auioug bis
senatorial colleaguos tUt-ru is great rejoicing
Delcamp's Livery Stable
E. DKLCAMP, JR., Prop.,
WEST STEEET, Between Centre and Lloyd,
Slieiinncloali, Pciiiih.
Teams to hire for all purposes on reasonable
permanently oared E
It, 2tt tn ft) d liva I
MKio RSMdjr.under I
uni Vml h
t.,cOlv nrrififb i.n.l ll,Lnuv
muni rbUM) rromiue irumiietMilticareu,
I M0O,O00carltal,
I lool.lllutrbUMlfromlUerrumii
I UW VI IUU1. l,lh UK elM) Will CU'M.
A - a.
tJ T. J
Ottered lo Public Subscription at par
llottlersof all kinds of
I WEISS URU a Specialty. Also botUi 1 a .
17 an ID i'Miri Alley, HIVXASI (
Tlieie bonds are issued and oQi-rcd to sub-
seribern in denominations of tlOO, WOO and ti.OiO
each, interest payable soml-aunuallr in May
and Nov-niMr of eaoh year, until theprlncipal
01 the bond matures lu Ifttt. unless sooner re
deemed The oompsny will reaetve the right
10 redeem the bonds aterytlmo prior to ma.
turliy at (1IM, with uoerued In teres u
lbe total authorized Istue lsj5U,(iO0. of which
llfiO.OiO will be sold at present The remainder
can be used only for the extension of the ro d
xo ueiano ana uaafgiae rarK. ana toe purcnase
of care and otter equipments for the same.
The uiortsage securing these bend- is an ab
solu etlisiletn upon all rlKhtaand franuhles
of the Lakeside Railway Company, together
with Its line of railway between Shenandoah
and Mahanoy City, already construiled, nd
me exieuaiuu 10 j.aaeMue x-ara 10 oe con
struoted at an early day.
The Lakeside Hallwar tctween Hhenandoah
and lilananoy City Is constructed In a most
thorough and substantial manner. Tho road
way is laid with 70 pound T rails, the bridges
are all Iron, and the overhead eleoirleal work
is of the very ben characer.
i-ne commoaiouH nre-proor power hon e situ
ated on North Huilroad street. In Mahauoy
rity, lsbu'lt rf stone md corrugated Iron and
l equipped with adouble set of electric gen
ratoih. The electrlo rlnut Is of the latest Wealing-
li ui-e pain rn of the Unest onsraomr.
The Hhenandoah brand U abou 5 01 miles In
leniuh, embracing a jiopulatlun of about 33 (10,
inrlwh r nhenandoali. vtahauoy City uud ln
termediHte tolnts along the line.
The d t.inoe to Lasesldelrom Mahanoy (nty
MaHoblimrn's. Bowman's. Shoemaker'-, l'ark
1'iace. I'reuton and Delano Is about 7 miles.
The line to Lakeside Park wtth its fa-Ill ties for
travel and easy access to the most popular sum
mer rewiri In the Anthracite ooal regios, will
be a protl table adjunct to the en tiro line in the
ummt-r monina, unu upreut i-ieauura roau. 1
TheKqultableTrustCompiny.otl'hlladt'lpbla, I
la trustee in the roortgune for the bonds of the 1
Lakeutde Uallwuv Comnauy and ihe bonds are
an absolute tint loin on all tie right, (run.
chines and property ot tho company.
For further particulars apply at
Vox sl 3&"ait 1133.4. Csan
O' - GO TO o
ISverviuirg In the ton onal Urn no e m n
Ot Olrardmlc, I'a.
Is not complete
witliout nu ideal j
HJ powdeh. 1 1
Combines every clement
beauty and purity. It is beautii
fying, soothing, healing, he.ilthl
ful, and harmless, and wheil
rightly used is invisible. A muJ
delicate and desirable protcctiol
to the face in this climate.
Insist upon having tho go.
... ,JHiBI'iitfliiJl 1.