The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 19, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Evening Herald.
Published dully, except Sunday by thit vvnniHinmi comvaxt.
Publication ofrloe and mechanical department
M F.Mt Com I Street.
T'Vict T-fonalrf ' delivered In Ihenandoah and
i no jieraia ,urtourtln(? ,01, , for Sljt cents
a week, payable to the carrtcm lly mall, Three
Dollura a year or Twenty -five ci nt per month,
la H ranee.
Ailrrrtlnfmmi charged aceor ling to space
and position. The publishers re irve the right
to change the position of adrertlf unents when
ever the publication of news rr aires It. The
right la also reserved to reject .ny advertise
ment, whether paid for or not that the pub
lishers may deem Improper. Ai. ertlslng rates
made known upon application
Bntered at the post office at Shonandoah, I' ,
as aeeond elosa mall matter.
this vruxixa linn a ld,
Shenandoah. 1'enna.
Evening Herald.
Hon. oAi.ueitA A. onow.
Election Tuesday, February ao, 1894.
roll ciiiKP iiunoEM,
for man constaulk,
WAIll) TiCKllTS.
First Ward Council, Joseph Kopchuikl
School Director, John Campbell: Justice of
tho l'eaco, Martin J. Lawlor; Judge of
Klectiou, Jlloh&ol Unbani; Inspector, John
Second v ard. Council, Jatnes McElheuny;
School Director, Marahall liaugh; Judge m
Election, P. II. Hopkins, Jr.; Inspector,
uenry uoouman.
Third ward Council, Chas T. Straughn
.School Director, Charles Hooks; Judge of
I.lci tion, Jamea Champion ; InspecUir,
Daniel Snyder: Aweswr, Edward Ituberts.
Fourth Ward. Council, Peter Illley
Mchool Diroctor, D iv (I Morgan; Judge of
Election, Thomas N. Oram; Inspector, I
W. Ilieratelu.
Firm Ward. Council. Christ Schmidt:
School Director, John T. Lee: Jmtlio of
the l'oaca, Jerry II. Ruxby: Judge of
Election, Henry Sliu'.z; Insiector, An
thouv flrlmiw.
Vote for
Adam Mort lor Chief
Tins Democratic party believes as
flrinly lu ulave labor now as It tllil lu
1801. It doesn't on re about the color
ot tho laborer aj long as he cau bo
made a Hlave.
Vote for James ISmanuel for High
"UP you want to live lu n poor a
house, and eat a poor food, and re
0tv a? low wagei an people In
JSDKiaiiu reutive, we can produce as
much cheap goods as u .Democratic
sdmlnBtratlou wants to see. 'Blaine's
Addrtna to (he Workingrwsn.
Voth for A.
D. Oable for Tax Ke
OaT your vottj early to-morrow. Kn
oouraxe the timid voter by doing
your duty.
Votk for John M. Madttll for Audi
JtHJilliiHKK, that every ballot 1b an
extra stlug hi the rebuke of the free
trailers and "ouokoos."
Votk for every candidate on the
CUImub' borough and ward tickets.
No wonder Chairman Wilson Is
tlek, That tarifl bill is euough to
muke auybody sick.
VOTK for Kupvhuakl, filcKlbenny
HtntUBlni, HI ley aud Schmidt for
Vote for Qaluslia A. Uifow for Con-
Every Republican hi Schuylkill
county b1i mid take pride In voting
for GiiUisliu A. Gro for Congressman-at-largo
to-morrow. Ills nblo services
lu tlio House during the exciting Unifa
of tho war are a record to be proud of
and Pennsylvania will have no abler
protection chuuiplon In the preoei t
Democratic congress after February 0
than Qaluslia A. Grow. Votefor lilin.
Vote for Cumpbell, Iittugh, Hookp,
Morgan and Lee for School Directors.
Inasmuch as the approaching elec
tion, so far na It relates to the state, Id
a special one, It becomes necessary to
summon all Republicans to their pot
of duty and warn theui against giv
ing the indifference they sometimes
give special elections. It U important
that Mr. Grow'a majority shall not
fall below thutof tho Republican party
lu this Btate last November. In the
name of the party they love, and for
the eake of the unemployed laborers
who are in want and Buttering
throughout the slate, every Ktf iibli-
can should exert lilmtelf to get (Ut
ihovoteof his party to-morrow, in
order that, by the emphatic protest of
Pennsylvania, wo may compell the
Democratic party to stop their ellort
to dehtroy our Industries by tho pas-
sige of the Wilson bill.
WlILTlinit the reader be a Republican
r Democrat or I'opullst.lie Is luierested
lu himself and family. It is his busi
ness to make a livlug for them, and to
do 11 as easily as possible, and get the
best living possible. Tho only use he
can itoaslbly have for a political party
Is to secure tho above result. Whether
lie has been a Democrat or Republican
makes no dillercnce with his desires
snd needs in life, and ho ought to act
with that party, and vote with that
party which, while it Insures him life
and liberty, does the most to promote
bis happiness. A great deal of
man's happiucis consists of what he
eats, drinks and wears, and the com
forts and conveniences of the house
hellveslu. Thepirty which seouref.
the best of these thing to him is tho
party he ought to belong to, and will
belong to If he has sense. "lie who
curetli not for his own household hath
denied tho faith, aud is worse tiian an
infidel," or words of that clleet. The
man who knows his business thlsycar
will voce for his wages and his bread
and butter, fur the comfort of his home
aud fondly.
Gana limly Nt ut Found.
PAn.SBOlto. X. J , Feb. !. The "Decti
Hole" in Manilla creek win thorouKhly
examined by Direr Harry Kilwardsin bin
search for the body of mihsiriK Charles
UmiK, but tr. search, was without any re
sult. The fact that the body wan not
found 4reimtlieUH the belief of many who
are firm lu their opinions that Patrick
Kerwatu and D. I. Armstrong should not
have been arrested on suspicion of having
a guilty knowledge of hut wliemibouts.
Iailly Duel In .Vlabiiinn.
Nbwton, Ala., Feb. 10. At Slidlaud
City Morgan limtonling aud John "Weed
bhot and cut each other to death. AWed
and George Kelly engaged in a quarrel,
when BautonHug Joined and Ix-gan cutting
Weed, whereupon Weed commenced
shooting and pursuing him, shooting at
almost every step until lioth fell. Kastou
ling died aimont Instantly, and Weed died
soon after. There hail been an old feud
between the two men for some time
Captain Skinner Vi lli Act.
IIABRISBUHG, Feb. It). The question ol
whether .Captalu George W. Skiuuer can
lie United States peusion agent anil mem
ber of the Penunylvaiiia HOldlero orphans'
schools commission at the mime time still
remaiUH unsettled ho far ax its adjudica
tion in the Dauphin county courts ia con
cerned, Judge Simoutou deciding that bt
baa no jurisdiction. Captalu Skinner will
uoutiuue to aut with the uommlsHlou,
Mlft lrnolclii'ii Uuiu-Hl.
SAK FBANOWCO, Feb. 1!). The funeral of
Mao Brooklyn, the actress ot A. M. Pal
mer a company who commltteu sulelde
here last Thursday, wtw held from ad
undertaking eatalilisbment here yester
day. The services were of the simplest
nature, and only membirnof the cumpan)
to which the ileceased lu'lopged Were ad
mitted to the jiarlor. The remains wen
shippeil to New York for inti rtneut.
wnoi; ptrapies,
blotches aud rup
tloua appear on the
Bldn, no matter hovr
Blight. Itwariuiyou
that your blood Isn't
Heed tho warning
while there is yet time; clear
up your system anu raray
the blood by taking Doctor
Pierce's Golden Wetlical Dis
covery. It rouses every organ
into natural action, purifies
and enriches the blood and
1 1 through It cleanses and lnvjg-
ru-ufoa lu whnla avstem. It attacks all scrof
ulous, akin and scalp diseases lu the right way
by purifying the blood.
The diseases that it cures come from a
torpid liver, or from impure blood. For
averyttiiug of this nature, It is the only guar
rrnfsffff remedy.
Tndlaretion. Sour Stomach.
nUlotumaaa; all Ilroni ' Throat, and Lung
AiTeotions, even t'oi i 'it (or Lung-scrofula)
m ita earlier s - if it over falls to
benefit or cure, you h.n e your money back.
The worsa your Catarrh, tho more you
It Will Not bo Eeportod to tho
Senate Tomorrow,
The Work of SatUfylng llemoorntle Sen
ators Una Ilen Found a Very IMfllcult
One Thn Kill Will be Oclnjcil for at
Leant ft Wcok.
WAflUNOTON, Feb. 10. Tho Democratic
membera of the aennte ootnmlttee nn U
nnnce have decided they will not be
able to report tho thrill bill to the full
committee tomorrow, as they and an
nounced they would do, and one of them,
a member of the Hub-committee which has
had the bill unu i- consideration, aald to
day that lie would not attempt to any
when the bill will be reported, "i snau
be very well wtinfled." he said, "if the bill
la In shape to be reported by the beginning
of next week."
The committee had been very hopeful
Just before the adjournment Friday night
of being able to fulfill Chairman Voorhecs'
nromlc t. 1 the bill in reacllnevi lor tno
full commit 1 ee this week, but after put
ting in a long day's work at the closo of a
week devoted to the bill the members
found It still lu a chnotlc condition, and
were compelled to admit to themselves, as
they did Inter to ouUirto Inquirers, that
tho task they hnd Ret themselves had been
impossible of accomplishment. The reason
for the postponement Is cllscovereu in me
fact that the work of satisfying Demo
cratic fcenutors has been found a very diffi
cult one, and tho construction of a bill
that will be suro to be accepted by the sen
ate, nn undertaking requiring many
changes of purpose and alterations of the
figures at first made.
When tho sub-committee began their
work they had before them the draft of a
bill upon which it was believed it would
be nn easy matter to secure agreement, but
this b 111 has been chauueu in some re
spects several times, and has become so
worn from handling and erasures that it
has become necessary to destroy tho origi
nal copy and replace it with a new one.
There is still much demand for concussions
on the pnrtof senators on miuoritems.and
many of the most Important ieaiures in
the bill are entirely unacted upon. Sugar
is Included in this list, and it looks as if
its fate was to be about the last ipiesuou
to be determined by thesub-coiumittee.
Opponent! of thn lllanil II1I1 Aeltnowl-
'ilj;i) Tlli-lr Defeat. ,
WASHINGTON. Feb. 10 The fight over
the silver seigniorage bill was resumed in
the house today, as Mr. Bland is confident
that there will be a quorum on iiauu to
order the pi ious question either before.
adjourmiK- today, or by tomorrow
morning. Onoo the necessary quorum is
obtainud, aud that Is only a question of
time, as the opponents of the measure
have practically abandoned hope of de
feating the bill, it will bo brought to a
vote if need bo by a fjpecial order from tho
committee ou rules, the speaker having
promUed a spociid rulo If tho emergency
demands it. On Weduei.riny the Joy
O'Xelll contested election case will come
tip, and after it has been disused of the
Cobb-Whntley case and the Euglish-Hil-born
case may follow. If not, the remain
der of the week will probably be devoted
to appropriation bills.
Senators Daniel, Callrey and White, of
California, have given notice of speeches
on the Hawaiian resolution for this week,
aud it is probable that other senators will
speak upon the subject liefore next Satur
day. There will be an effort to have tho
resolution disposed of during the week, as
there will also be to get Senator Stewart's
bond resolution oil the calendar. There
will probably be some ajieeches on tills
question also. Indeed, the senate will
make the week as far M possible a clean
ing up week, so a to make way for the
tariff debate.
Illlctl 111 tho Itlin-C!lllne! Nrgotlntlont.
St. PktkhsHURG. Feb. 19. The negotia
tions between Chlnti and Ituaaia in regard
totlie I'amirs are meeting with serious
obstacles. A satisfactory conclusion now
seems improbable. The Chinose maintain
that the Pamirs form part of their em
pire. The Itussiana iusUt that the coun
try has been theirs siuce 1875, owing to
their conmiest ol nuoKanu. Jtussia, it
will be remembered, declined tho propo
sition of a joint negotiation on tho Pamir
question with (Jreut llrltain aud China,
preferring to deal with each of thee pow
ers separately.
I'our Men Kllli'il at a Cock right
Leon, Mex., Feb. 10. A grand cocking
main was bing given at the City oj Lazos,
near here, when a dispute arose bet ween the
owner of two birds pitted against euch
other, lloth men drew knives and at
tacked each other. Two friends of the
men took up the dispute nud tho fight lie
came general, resulting in four men being
stabbed to death and several others seri
ously wounded. The riot was finally
quelled by the police, who made many
Anothar ltmnli In l'arla.
l'AHis, Feb. 19. A iKimb, similar in its
composition to that used by Valllaut and
Henry, was found yesterday ou the stair
case of the jiolice station in the Hue du
Temple, one of the busiest streets of the
olty, aud which leads to the Hotel do
Ville. In this street is the Marche du
Teuiple, which occupied the site of the
Tour de Temple during the revolution,
used as a prison lor toe royal rnumy.
Will AvHK l'allsa.
IlAltCELOKA, Feb. 19. Six of the leading
auarahists who have been arrested have
confessed that they were accomplices in
the attempt upon the lire of the civil gov
ernor. Tills attempt, they said, was au
art of vengeance for the death of Pallas.
They declared that their comrades who
hae not been arrested would aveugethem.
llpaciuiri from the leo Floe.
St. I'ETKltsBUBO, Feb. 19. The ftsher-
meu who ou Tuesday night last were car
ried off on au ice floe which broke away
from the coast of Ingermaun Uiud wei-u
rescued on Saturday on a bridge cf pole
plunks which had been laid across the no.
Their safe return was the occasiouof much
excitement and enthusiasm.
lllew Out the Can.
Kenosha, Win, Feb. lB.-Two men, one
Freil Meyers, ot tills Iilaoe, and the other
a stratiKer. were fouml deiul in their room
at the lirunt Ilouso yesterday. They liad
evidently blown out the gas when they
The Weather.
Kairj colder; variable winds.
Sips of Health.
You don't have to look
twice to detect them bright
eyes, bright color, bright
bright in
every ac
tion. Disease is
only when
weak tissue
is replaced by the he. 'thy
kind. Scott's Emulsion of
cod liver oil effects cure by
building up sound flesh. It
is agreeable to taste and
easy of assimilation.
I'repured br Scott & Ilowne, N. Y. All dragctsts.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for
Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, I.e
hlataton, SlutlnKton, White Hall, Catasauqua
Allentown, lietblehcm, Enston. Philadelphia
an? Weatherly at 6.04. 7 .IS, w.15 a m, 12.13,
i 67 p. m
or New York. B.04, 7.3S.9.15 . m.. 18.43, ZK.
For Quakaho Kwitchbick, Gerhards and Hud
sondale, 0 01, 0 15 a. m , and 2.S7 p. m.
For Wllkea-Uarre, While ituvat, Pittston,
LaceyTllle, Tnwanda, Sayr Waverly and
Elimra. 6.114. 9.15 a. m.. 2.W, 5 27 p. tn.
For Rochester. UuSalo, Ntarara Falls and
iheWoat 6.04,9.15a.m and 2 57 6.27 p. m,
For Delvldcre, Delaware Water Gap and
'itro'ldf.burc, 6.04 a. m., 2.57 p. m.
For Lnmbcrtvllle and Trenton, 9.16 a. m.
For Tutikhonnock.6.04. 9.15a. m.,!'.67,5.27p. m.
For Ithaca and Geneva 6.01, 9.15 a. m. 5.27
p. m
For Auburn 9.15 a. m. 5.27 p. m.
For Jennoavllle, LuYlston and Beaver Meaf ow,
7.:t8 a. ra., 12 43, 8.03 p. m.
For Audenrlod. Hazleton.Stocktor. and Lum
ber Yard, 6.0t, 7.28, 9.15, a. m., 12.48, 2.57
5 27 p. rfl.
For Scranton, fl.lll, 9.15 . m 2.7 p. m.
For Razlnhrook, Jeddo, Drlf ton and Frcclacd,
.(ll, 1.31, 9.15, a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 5.27 p. f .
For Asbland. Glrardvlllo and Lost Creek. 4.5K.
7.61, 8.52, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.22, 9.U
p. in.
Pgr Haven Run, Centralla, Mount Carmel ard
anamoiun, Y.eo, e.ou, ii.if a. m., i.uj, 4.4U,
rj ro.
For Yateevllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City ano
ueiuno. o.ih,, ii.uo a m., 13.43, 3.0
27. 8.08. 9.33. 10.28 D. m,
Trains will leave Shamokln at 6.45, 8.15, 11.45
a. m., 1.5a. 4.80 9.S0 p. m., and arrive at Sncnan
doah a 7.38,9.16 a. m.. 12.43, 2.67, 5.27, 11.15 p. m
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 7.3E
9.U, 11.05 U.3J a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 4.10 6.27, 8.0t
p. m.
Leave PottPvllle for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.35, 10 1M1.(S a. ra., 12.32, 8.00,. 410, 5.20, 7.16,
7.5S 10.00 p. m.
Lea vi. Shonandoah for Hazlcton. 6.04, 7.33. 9.15
a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 5.27, 8.08 p. m.
Lravc Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 7.35, 10.00,
11.00 a. m., 12.16, 2M, 5.30, 7.25, 7.56 p. to.
TmhiH let ve for Ashland. Glrardvlllo and Lo t
Orerlt. 7 29. 9.40 a. m.. 12.30. 2.4a tl. m.
For liazipion. uiacK ureea junoiion. recn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Uethlebem, Easton and New York, 8.40 a m.,
vi.m, 2.&5 p. m.
For Philadelphia 12.30, Z.55 p m.
For Yateevllle, Park Place, Mahanoy Cltyatd
Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. m., 12.U0, 2.55, 4.40 C.03 p. re.
Loiivo Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 8.3U, ll.Se
.v m., 1.16, 5.30 p.m.
Lcuve Sbenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.50, 8.40,
' 80 a. m., 2.46 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.4'
i m.,1.85. 5.15 p. m
R. H. W1LUUR, OenL Bupt. Eastern Dlv
South Iletblehdm, Pa
t'HAS S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Act..
A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. O. P. A.,
South Uethlebem, a
NOVEM1I15U 19th, 1898.
Trains will leave Sbenandoah after tho above
date for Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, Nan
Che tie, St. Olalr, PottsvUlo, Hamburg, Heading,
Fottetov Phconlxvlllo,
adelpbls (II -oad street station) at 8:00 asd 11:16
a. m. ano 4. 15 p. m. on weekdays For Potts
vllle and Intermediate stations 9:10 a. m.
Tor Wlgcan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, Ner
Castle, St. Clair, Pottuvillo at 6:00. 9:40a. m
and 3:10 p.m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts
town, Phcnnlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 6:00,9:40 a. m.. 3:10 p. in.
Trains leave Fraokvlllo for Shenandoah
10:40a. m and 12:14, 6:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p m
nr.Jttj-B, 11:13 a. m. and 6-40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Sbenandoah at 10.16
11.48a. m.and4:40,7:15andl0:00p m.Sunaayp
at 10: 40 a. m. and 6: 15 p. m.
ueavc muaaeipnia (uroao. street station) to
Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 5 67 and 8 85 a rn
4 10 and 711pm week days. On Sundays leavr
at 6 50 a m. For Pottsvllle. 9 38 a m.
For New York Express, week days,
at S 20, 4 06, 4 50, 5 15, 6 50, 7 83, 8 20, 8 50, 11 00
11 14 a m. 12 00 noon, 12 11 p. m. (Limited Ex
press 1 06 and 4 50 p m. dining cars.) 1 40,
XS0. 8 DO, 4 00, 5 00, 6 00. 6 50, 7 25, 812,
10 00 1 m, IS 01 night. Sundays 8 20, 4 05, 4 50,
515,812,95a 1103113), a m. 12 44,1 40,2 30,4 00
(limited 4 50) D fcl. 6 20. 6 50. 7 25 and B 12 pm and
12 01 nigbt.
For Sea Girt. Long llrancb ana Intermediate
stations, 8 20, 11 14 a ra, and 4 Ou, p m
For lialtlrnore and Washington 3 50, 7 20, 8 SI
9 10, 1020, 11 18 a na, 12 10, (12 85 limited dlninf
car.) 1 30, 46, 4 41, (5 16 Congressional Llmltec
Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Car), 617,
6 65. 7 40 asd 1138 p. m week dava. Sun
days, 8 50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18 am.. 1210, 141, 0 55,
ll ea una 4 w p m.
For Richmond 7 00 a m, 13 10 and 11 33 p
dnl'.j' and 1 30 p. m. wecit days.
Titsins will leave Uarrlsbure for Plttsburt
an., the West every day at 1 20, 8 10 a m, (S 20
unlimited), 8 50, 7 30, 1166 p ni every day.
Vav tor Aitoonn at 8 18 am and 6 00 t m evorv
day. For Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 20 a m
ivory day.
Trams will leave aucDurv tor vrnuamsnort.
Glmlra, Canandalgua, Koobester, UuSalo and
Niagara Falls at 1 35. 6 18 a m.and 1 85 d m week
days. For Elmlra at 6 41 p m week days, For
ana lntermoauu) points at d is am dally
,M r.ui, I II --.rt H . ... - 1 1 ,
i m
and 6 4)piu week days For Rennvo at 6 11 1
m. lttand Bllnm week dava. and a is a na on
Sundays only. For Kane it ill m, daily,
lltn week days.
H. M. PRIVOSI, I. It. Woou
Kaisers Oyster Bay t
127 South Main Street,
A, P. KAISER, Proprietor.
tre rhe bast-oysters in all styles at all hours
Delcamp's Livery Stable
WEST STEEET, Between Centre and Lloyd,
Slicitatidunti, Pcnnn,
Teams to hire for all purposes on reasonable
3 fHTO,000 capital PfIv uroofrtru'dlUl.nuaM
uu'. him uw vw ft Alt I litU.
COOK REMEDY CO., Culcsno, 111.
.vrtt7uKMMtiictoU-.a4iYft-i 1
Professional Cards.
jyj- 8. KIBTLEK, M. I).,
Office U0 North Jardln street, Shenasdcat.
Is prepared to Rive instructions on piano, organ,
Mrfnitnnd band Instruments. Forfnrthcr in
formation call on or addrexs OnoiiLEii Urtos.,
No. 1 North Main street, stnenandoah.
Office Ueddall building. Rbenandoah, Pa.
Room3. Mountain Cltvllanlt Uulldinc. Potta-
Office Room 3, P, O. Building, dhenandoal
DdEsterly building, Pottsvllle.
rnynaan and surgeon.
Advice free at druff store. 107 Houth Main
street. Private consultation at residence, 112
outn jarain street, irom e to 7:sjj p. m.
No. 25 East Coal street,
Office Hours 1:30 to 3 and 0:30 to !) p. in.
J No 31 South JarJinSlrect.Shcnandoih.
OrncG Hocus: 1:30 to 3 and 0:30 to 8 P. M
Except Thursday evening.
A'o office work on fim'fav ejeevt bu nrranae
ment. A itricl adherence to the office honrt
u aoiotuiety nece)ary.
10-31-6m NIGHT VISITS, S1.B0.
.........Teacher of........
Ravine had sixteen vears' experience as a
teacher of instrumental mulo Elvlnz lnstrno
uon on ino noove insirumenis. wi ra lcit ai
urumm's Jewelry store will receive prompt at
Horses ono Carnagqs to Hire.
loullnt of all kinds promptly attended Ui
Horsoe taken to board, at rates
that are liberal.
hl'RAR aLLEY, Rear of the Coffee House
139 Nuntli Main Htrect,
Bli.oxi.azi.d.oili, "Po..
All work euaranteed to be first-class In evert
rcsrect. e respoctfully solicit a share ol
your patronage, uoouscaueaiornnaaeuverea
Silk tics and Lace Curtains a upeclalty.
Celebfaled Poiter, k and Bee
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
P att's Popular Saloon
(Formerly Joe Vfyatt's)
19 xnd 21 West Oak Street
'ir stoeked with the best beer, perter, ait
-' is, brandies, wines, ete. Finest ol tare
i!.; 7 h- rtttaohed. CoHilal invitation to al
(Successors to Coakley nil's.)
Mo. 38 Kant Centre H-reet,
Our Motto: Host Quality at Loweat Cas
Prices. Patronage respectfully solicited.
Lakeside Railway Co.
First Mort&se 30 Years B Per Cent-
Olfoved to Public Subscription atpar
Theae bouda are lsaued and offered to Huh.
sorlbern In denominations of 8100, IfiOOand 11,000
eacn, interest payable seml-aunuallv in Ma;
and Noremner of each year, until the principal
01 me oona matures in iwsi. unless sooner re
deemed The company will reserve the right
iu rcuwm 1 tie oonus hi any lime prior to ma
turlly at 1106. with aocruedlnteresL
The total authoi-lied I&eue ltiSOfi00. ot which
1150.0(0 will he sold at present The remainder
can be used only for the oxtenslon of the ro .d
to Delano and Laktslde Park, and the purchase
of ears and other equipment for the same.
The morieage securing these bond is au ab
Bolu' e first leln upon all rights and franchises
of the Lakeside Itailway Company, together
with Its line of railway between Shenandoah
and Mahanoy City, already constructed, and
mo uAicimiuu iu ijukuuiuu iar& to ne con
struotedai anearlv riav.
The Lakeside Hallway between Bhenandoah
and Mahanoy City is constructed tn a most
morougn ana suostantui m inner. The road
way Is laid with 7'' pound T rails, the bridges
are all Iron, and Hie overuead eleclrloal work
iaoi ui' very Dtn cnaraoier.
The COmmorilnuM flrc-Tlrnaf TmwAr hnn M Attn.
ated on Nortb ltallroad strret. lu Muhuooy built of stone Hnd corrugated Iron and
Is 111 ipped with a double set of electric gene-
The electric nlant isof the latiet tVottlnir.
h ubo pal tern of the finest characi-r
Tl e Hhenanloab branoh Is nbou S 01 miles In
length, etthracinfl a population of aboui 83 00,
lm-lucllr.g sbeuandouh, Mahanoy City and In-
1er111u1111.11, J'UllllS U1U11K IUU 11UU
The distance to LaKesldefrom Mahanoy City
viaUoblnscn's. llowman's, HhoemakerV, park
Place. Trenton and Delano is about 7 tnllou.
The line to Lakeside I'Jrli with Us fa-llltles for
travi l and easy access to tht- most popular sum
mer resort in the Anthracite coal regions, will
be a proll table adjunct to the ontlre line In the
summer months, and a prent pleasure road.
The Equitable Tiusi Oompmy, ot Pbllodrlpnia,
la trustee tn tho mortgaue for the bonds of tho
LakeKide Hallway Company and the bonds are
an absolute llrat leln on all tie right, fran
chises and property of tho company.
For further particulars apply at
Of OlrardvUlc, Pa.
Soaj) Works
Third and Race Sts.
r I "N11E SOAP BUSINESS established h
I a century ago by tho lata Charles
JL Kopitzsch, was reccntly purenasea
now resumed bulncss under tntlrely new m
agemont, but wo have retained In the ma
f acturlngdeparlmcnt tho old employes farail
in i
witn the process of soap making that
mado the Kopltisch Soans so famous for
superiority over all other brands for laun
and general houseliold use,
factU'lng, we are now picparelto fllk
oraers from tne trade.
are favorite brands, and we guarantee
made of puro materials arid free, from adul
Hons ot any kind.
U and bo convinced of its exccllonc
the wrappers for rewards.
-l-i- creene And nnan fut.
WM. HIJAI.n. Ulnimier.1
No. 207 West Coal Street,
Porter, Ale and
Fine Old Stock Ale.
W. J. DECH'S h
Wheelwright SI
Has been removed to Pear Alley F
iletween Centre and Lloyd Htreet
11 v it t u (i v a ia, a vi n
"Wagon nuilding, IlorseslvJ
and Qenoral Repairiiif' fll
kinds promptly attended tl
Beer and Porter
T AM AOKN T for t II
-1- Thus Itettig's L i'Vm
brated Beer and Porter (J I
At. .1 Tl ' I
mis viciuuy, aipo otn,
Jtr Pnoll rtnlafotcf JL
Pillfl AlAS ftllfl Olll Jl
Orders will receive promAJ
of Liquors and Cigars.
120 South Main Strctil
Rag Carpet VVeaw
If von want a iroo.l n'ecr of rzr c-M
woven, take yourr. p-i and have thj
up in oarpeta. 11 win p iv you la s -
All Kinds, witn or wuunui. s npea, m
order; beautllui rainbow stripes. dj
205 West Oak Street, Shenalyl
Dottlers of all kinds of
W-iss Ueer a Specialty. Alsobottitil
t inest ucer
17 and 19 1'earh Alley, HUKN,
For a. Teat and Cleaa. I,
--.! Ml
to-Czi C-w v ..-cji
O GO TO O ),
Febouson House Ulohk.J
Evervthlre in the ton or at iln. 00 1
nlasssMle Kvrvrhlnir n"ft' m ii eh-
Combines every eiemi
beauty and purity. It i
fying, soothing, healing, )i
ml, and Harmless, and
rigntiy useu is mvibiuie.
delicate and desirable pro'
to the lace in this climate
w .1 . . Ws i
iniui upon naving- 4 ge
til TM&s&nSimMi m
11 in