Evening Herald. momiiay. fkhkuaky r, 1&01. TIUUD EDITION mai.kvii.i.i:. Patrick an ' Willlnni Welcli, Henry Harris and othei elec tric inllwaj t inlty f yctcr. day paid their ei in 1 1 r . entx to the h ratio new inuterinaii that ariivt-d at tbe homo of Abe DavU. Several of our light anil fratherwwly.lita, mniniK them Abe IIiumcIi. will be In tli Al.iliHTnij ( it; opera house till i-vi n in to fjlvo I'al Met 'art by a ko on bin $50 oiler to atiy iiihii eimidiiig four rounds beioro tbo champion. Hlcliaid .lotus baa bought tho fanioua ijrey- hound, "Sprlnii," trmn llujili Stride, of llahaiioy City, and will nut his now pur chase in tiainniK lor a race with souie&chuyl kill county crack racer. Timoiliy (iraney baa a 10 pound dog be la ready to bui k with r bundnil dollars a(atliat any 1ok the county, Schuylkill rules, Flank W hiriity's c!o(t prcftmd. Lichlle (lurhy, who baa been confined to tbo house lor many months with puiutnoiiln, in now n in li unproved, except for a little Krrciit ie. at hung buncotd out of 05 cents by "1'oct' Mulhall, the liogus agent of the &itiiy A' rJ-s Timothy Uruney baa just finished a con tract tor Uerber and Seaman nt tho Furnace vollieiy, culling h tilntty-foot tunnel to the Mammo'li vein, vihich, at thit-fpoiut, is forty feet thick A quartette of Shenandoah politicians called ai Stc ve Middleton yesterday afternoon and tiled to induce that well known politician and ciihI uiaguato to permit bis namo lie Usui as n caiidldato for tl.c Stato Legislature l'aul Matthews, the Hungarian stonkiM'pcr, will Eton move to Shenandoah. The Republicans say they are going to ' do" tbo Mai7cvillc "lainmony ring" in thi coming political fight. MAIIANOl I. ANK. Charles Uitz and a number of companion returned from a eltigh rido to t'ottsvlllo at 2 o'clock jc-terday uiorniDg. Jacob Kliuo stays In doors with a case of grippo. Peter McClckey, of Frackvlllo, and James ltoyle, of Mahanoy l'l no, aro fkcn nf as prouauie applicants lor tho Jleichants' Hotel, which will soon bo vacated. J. F Iteynohls entertained Beveral news paiicr men yesterday afternoon In his gallery of huropcun art views which he recently purchased for several hundred dollars, and he tikes great pleasure in exhibiting them to Ilia Menus J. K. MrKeon called on friends in Maize yille ycatriday. John Miuibof and frbnils, of Mahanoy Citv went sleighing through tbo borough yeb terdav I) F (Irrrn. of Shatnnkin, la tbo guest of ma daughter, Mis J. U. Kntorliue. TAS1AQUA. Hurry Haldi man, of Mahanoy t ity, called upon oue oi our nolle jesterday. Edward Ilillijnu), Kdward Shepp, Kdward Warner uiiil Inane Hadoaty drovo to Frank bchivartz's yesterday afternoon. Sol Levin contemplates a trip to Ashland on i uursuay eveutng. riofcswi (ioorso Iioyer oelchrated tho arrival of a prelty llttlo girl l y inviting his lriemis to a uuniputotts supper on siturday evening Mist Friedonbergtr is visiting friends In jiiaiianoy t ity. Mis i' Surah Waters, Carrlo lliitle, and Mcsr- iii.in Noifirl, Johu and Hobirt Jlarrl3 and several othnra of high Bocioty formed a sli ighini! party that drove to Wud I'cno on Saturday night. llrorge Miller, of Mftbanov City, drovo alone to our town on Saturday evening. Lieutenant Jamoa Sbindle, U. S. N,who naa necn nmlergolng treatment at a Philadel phia hospital, was brought borne buro on Baiuruay mi-lit in a very low condition. When Piby was sick, we gave tier Caorte, Whco she waa a Child, she cried for Catortfc, Wieo ne oecame MIm, shechmg to Caatortt, Vheu aha nnd Cliil Jron, he rate tliam OasScn Series No. 1. tile frVagic City Coupon No. 11. i'ui out one of tbose Coupons 1 1 or bring them In person in." of the Hebai.ii, with ten ilw r, or two nickels, and Port I of tbe Magic City will m (I to you. 4 V Voyage Around The World! n II. Number 12. Numbers change dally i Ins coupon out and keep It until oirtirent nu t bera are aecuniu i lu n bring or forward them to r unii Savan Cant to this .mil you will receive the portfolio m 1 1 1 sed, Cull und see sample. Cut This Coupon Out. t 4 jjkja CENTS PER YARD Cor all-wool lea 'it per janitor Hou eniude Hug i iirpeis that will wash at C. f) Fr cKe's Carpet Store, 10 Bi'Uth Junllu 8tret. , 60 MAHANOY CITY. Mauanoy City, Feb. fi. Robert Parflt and Amhrofo and Christopher lloner paid Mahanoy City friends a cull last I nvnt,inir . UVUIIIllh. I We are Informed that .Tnhn Htilllban, Thomas liair. rtj, Itohert I'atflt and Patrick Welch, of (lllber appeared at the Mansion , Iioumi on Friday ovcning hy a aunpneim on a Coinnioiiwealth fonn and were rigidly ox 1 n in In cd by Ijiwvera McLaiiKlilln. Heelitcl and Kyali, of I'ottaville, on Arthur W'eavill'g actions (luring tro Hlliiertnn riot. Aiming tho questions said to bavo been put I" them, wero, where tin y stood whon Wcavlll'a gun was discharged, how far Weavill'a gun oxiuinlcd out the window al the moment of firing, and bow many shota ho tired. (Jeorge llrltt, of town, visltwl Johu flreen in (lirardvllle yesterday. Tbo Mahanoy Valley Ministerial Asooela will meet in tho Methodist church on Mon day evening, February l'.ltb, to heal reports from tho many mlnlstora in the district. Addresses will he made hy IIovs. 1'owIck, of HlienatidoHh, Kphraim l'olts, of Wm. 1'enn, and, clergjincn irem l'hilndclplila. William A. llensinger purcliaed a hand some sleigh from Mart. Oihhart. Ilev. J. A. Wirt, of HugliiBville. Is exHCtcd In town today to asaist liev I.I'. Zimmerman during the continuance nl tho revival services in St. John's Ihigliah Lutheran church. Ilev Wiit is ver popular, being an oloqueut api akir and not er tails to iraw a largo gallic ing. Messrs 1' J Fcrvunii, A. 1'. Itlakslec, of tlie Lehigh Vallev railroad, Superviwr Ward, il tlie Jleaillng Kallioail, aicoiiipanliil liy I). I). Phillips and Dallas Sai ilcrj, of the L.iku- Ide liailwiiy, load over tho Lehigh Valley Hun yistpiday in the Witch. 'I heir trip was itesumauly In connection with gratlo criaa ugs of the three linos. .1 nines l.Hwli r. of Shenandoah, and a hand- some young niinau finin the anne town, drove through town on Sunday evenln., bo Ulna a pacer ol the tluee minute class. Metrs. Joeenh and John Mauley, of Shen andoah, panned Sunday with friends about town P. Lnwler, of Shamokln. vitiled numerous mends about town yesterday. Tomorialiat J J. ICyan visited the homo stead at Port Carbon ytsttrda). At Lakeside, ytslciday aflcinoou, a hnrsse lCnccli MorgHii, of ton li, was drivlne turned suddenly and broke tho thal'is, coiuiuliug too oicupants ol tho nkigh to cooio homo Hi another vehicle. Lsan iteotois thohanpy recipient of a brand new girl that arrived nu Saturday night. Mrs. John Weber Is confined to the house with tho giippe. Mrs. Wilhelm Diptier prefented ber hiif. hand with a bourn lug baby Sunday nit lit. Mr. and Mrs. Lllis, ot west Centre street, wcio made happy on Friday night by the arrival ol tneir lirstcniiu a ooy. James Median and Miss Mary Whitaker wont Blelghing tuward Ashland jcbtituaj aiicmoon An inlant child of Ollicer John Ilossi I died on Saturday night, of diphtheria. This is the third ot Mr. Masters children to die from the aiiuie malady vtiihiu two weeks. Yucca, tho strong woman, and Cal Mcf,ar thy. tho ex chumpion feaiherweigbt puguilint. will be atlractiois at tho opera house ibis evuning. loiing Gillcn, who was to bavo sparicd Gilletiine in tbo Armory on Saturday night, will take MeCarthy's oiler to spar four rouuos lorlrOi'on the singe of the opera hoiue The body of Joseph McBiiJe, aged about CO years, waa interred in the Catholic ccmc tery en the hill thi-i morning. Tho deceased moviil to this city from St. Clair about 20 ytars ago Ho is survived by a wife and oue daughter, Mrs. William llradloy. A. Lattimer is transacting biibiness in New l ork to day. Oliver Folweihr, of Hazleton, is visiting bia hiotbcr, Albert Folwtller, of Kast Centre street. George Hcintz has returned from a visit to Washington, 1). u Tho iiiturancc men's conference of this district was held in ehamokiu on Saturday afternoon. Mahanoy City Wis rtpriaeuted ny u. I. lewellyn. i. Hi ' ' "I, J, Moiingban, I . J Kuguui, John uuio, .lames P. Murpbj-, O. W. Iieese and ll. J. Flaherty There was a strict parade with 10S liustliug agenia in line, ncaucii ny a HUaiuukin immi Tho geutlcniou hnil their pictures taken in body and afterwards marched to the City Hotel, where a big fpiead was wailing to aausiy their Hearty Hptlt, Prayer was made by ov. II. O. Arthur, and toasts followed by (J. C. Ileckman, of Newark, N J., I. A. Koth. of Pottbville. L I). Ward aud J. F. Drydeu, ol Newark, and Dr. Glllaie, of UIIUCIICU. I'lHra AVanted In order to complete files lour copies of the Evknimi Hkkald of September Kith, Octo ber 'Ml and astli, lbU3, aro wantra, Addreae, 11kuai.ii olllcc, Shenandoah, Pa. Jloll't Ab.llliloil Hope If you havo the Asthma. Try SchHluianu' Asthma Cure. It has never been known t lull. Tiial packages fno of druggist, or by mall. Address, Dr. IJ. Schill'inann, St. Paul, Minn, Mention this paper. Fire Alarm lloxoa. ' ho rullowinK Hat shows Ih location ot iiarm no job of tbe 'Jhfln&ridofch Wire "psrlmonl: I.O0ATI0N. 16 Coal and llowera Bireota, It Bowers and Centre streets, M Bridge and Centre streets, Main and Centre streets M Main and Poplar streets. Ja Mtiln and Coal streets l Gilbert and Centre streets a Gilbert and Cherry atresia, da Chestnut aud Coal a tree la. To send an alarm open the box, pull down fca hook once and let go. When on Harm tent In the ore bell will sound tbe number of .ie box and repeat tbe larm four ttmoa HOW TO LOOATK AUAHUS. ,r trie alarm la sounded from box it the are tell w strike one, then pause and strike five fhlen will Indicate that the lire la In tbe rlolDltyo No. U box. Every alarm ts repeated oar tint ex Ohio's SlrlMiiK Miners. A K If ON, O Feb . At tbe Silver Creek mines, a few nilles HOiith of this city. Kh) nilnera have gone out liecuiiae of a reduo Hon just Hiiii'iuocuil fioin eighty live cents H tou lor coal to aeveiity-nve cents . trouble lias yet incurred, but should n agreement be reached and an attempt be made to nil tbe mines wttli new men. it la reured there may be an ou break: Nmv York's Heuaturlal Headloefc. Albany. Feb .1. The senalo when il Bieeta lonlghl will ooiiiist of Iliiriy-thre memhera. for IhjUi (Viiittors McRnrty and Wolfert.' of the Sixth district, will lie mi the msr. Senatnr MoCiirty will claim I lie seal hy virtue of the decision of Lieilten ant Governor Hheclian that be la hi ill the le-ial represeutal h e. ami "iii Uor Wolfert on the grouml that President Pro Tetn Knxtoii bus declaroil him M-ated Until tin- matter la finally sealed no business can bo done by tbe somite MURDER MYSTERY CLEARED. Th" of "J ,rr N"" " '" " ' , CAMDEN, N. J , If). 5--The mystery diirrnu nillriK the miiriler of Henry Knlrer, . . , , , . , "",.,,...,. -j glars nt Ins homo here on the morning ;of Deo. 3. W has been clenrcd up by the cuiiinmuiiui wu wnni ". " arrested in tills city yesterday. The two men, who irlvo the namei of Joseph Stevens and George Greenleaf, weretnken before Captnln of Detectives Miller, and whim charged with the murder of Knlrer they tnmle a full confession, which fas tened the orlmo on Theodore Lambert, nlso colored, who wm nrrmted on sus picion on the tiny of the murder, but who on Id not be Identified However, ha waa bold on the charge of having committed numerous burglaries in Camden. 1 be two men arrested yesterday aaid that Lambert bud shown them tho watch which whs stolen from Knirer'a house at tho time of tlie murder and waa after words recovered In n pawn shop In this city They also wild tbnt Lambert had Kiven them the tevolvcr with which tbe hootlni? was done, nud they bud disposed It I hi? revolver was produced una they Identified It. The rooms formerly occupied by Lambert were searched yes- erday mid a Inrije quantity of Roods stolen from bouses near the Knlrer resi dence was discovered. Knforrlng the Dlnpttnsnry Lair, Sl'AltTANSHUltii, S C, Feb. 6. A war rant was placed in the hands of Sheriff Dean for Ilnllew, William Center, Perry Moore and his two sons for vlolntlou of the dispensary luw. Iloyce Dean, tho herilf's deputy, mid five constables went out to make tbo arrest They reached Hallow's about midnight. Perry Moore llretl on them, mid In return Mooro waa shot through the leu- About twenty shots were exchanged 1 ho constables then went towards Hallow's housunnil met him out In a Held. Dean ordeied him to hold up bia hands He did not obey, and Con stable iMasviiy shot him in tbe hi east, kill ing li I in instantly Shot hy a lirlliiken Juvenile. Hazlkio.v, Pa. Fell. S. -Cra.eil with drink Alexander Mnrchunkufsic, a 15-yiiai-old I'olaiiiler, ran wildly up Hrond street yesterday afternoon, terrorizing women and children lomiuu; from Sun dny school When lie readied tbe corner of Vino street lie met Nathan Sruver. aged G5 years He ordered the latter to gel him n drink at once Upon Sruver's relusing the boy drew a revolver and fired two shuts in quick succession, both of which look effect in the old man's breast The boy was locked up Sruver will lecover. An Kx-rolict-inan Turns Iturular. Pmi.Aliri.rillA, Feb. r. George Hoopes, a former police oflicer of tills city, was ar rested yesterday on tbechnrgeof having been implicated in numerous extensive robberies which occurred lust month in Altoouu nud neighboring towns. There were supposed to have been four men in the gang;, nud the value of their booty foots up into the thousands. Hoopes has been identified by nn oflicer from Johns town as one of ii suspicious looking; Kimg which had been seen in the towns where the burglaries wero committed. Uesperate I'lKht Over Politics. ScitANTON, Pa., Feb. 5. Henry Smith and Joseph Judge were arrested yester day for making; n murderous assault upon Joseph Mat ulis. oi Hinir avenue. Smith and Judge attacked him with an ax ami beat him In a terrible manner, fracturing his skull anil inlllcting numerous severe wounds about tbe liend. Tbe three men are well known residents of the north cud portion of the city and had a quarrel over politics. His Pace Pounded to n Jelly. Chicago, Feb .1. John Kins, r0 years of nge, and a watchman in the Snn Diego building, 4T Hivcr street, wm murdered early yesterday morning, his head and face being pounded to u jelly with nn iron bar. The polype are looking for Charles Kern, a young man who was watchman of tho building before Koss, and wdio wus discharged for cause. lie is known to have been very bitter against Koss toi taking his place. A Lawyer Ariested fur Abdllrtlon. llKLVIDKHH, N. J., Fell. 6. Charles K, Wildrick, aged 70 years, a lawyer residing at Illairsiown, waa arrested and brought before Justice Harris, charged witli the abduction of Mnry A. Hoyt, the 13-yeur- old daughter of Aiiiin .1. Iloyt, of that place Wildrick first claimed that they wero married, but afterward refused to say when or by whom i hey were married. He gave ball for a hea-. i; leu. M. riirmilng Murderous Indians. TucgON, Ariz., Feb. 5. Authentic ad vices have reached here of a battle in the Hunker Hill mining district, about sixty five miles from Tucsou, between Hualu pah Clark, a well-known ex-United States scout, and a small Oanil or luuiuns unuei the leadership of the renegade Kid, which resulted in ono hiiiiuw being killed. number of cattlemen and miners are now in pursuit of the Indians. lloliiinii Snre of He-election. Siiki.bvvim.Ii:, Intl., Feb. 5. The time worn cry of great opposition to Ilolman has been going over this district for months and yet every township electa a Hnlman delegate. There are eight counties In the district, and the probabil ity ts not ten of tbe ninety-live delegates lu convention will be against him. A WoiiIiI-Iki Itobbur Killed. NomilSTowN. I'a., Feb. 5. K. V. Kun kin, at at ion agent at Valley Forge, shot and killed a colored man named Kuen, ol that vlllaue Mr. Kunkle was confronted by Kuen on his way from the station witb Shift of the company's money. Kuen nrnn dished h club and threatened robbery, an Mr. Kuukle shot In self defeuse. Ilroekwav Acaln In Command. Kl.MIRA. X. Y.. Feb. 8. At n liieetlnc o the Itoard of managers at the Rlmlnv re formatory resolutions were adopted In dorsing Superintendent Ilrookway's man agement at mat liisiltutiou, anil directing blm to resume bis duties. 1 Viiutbflll Swindler Hreltka Jltll. HlillKifcToN, X. .1., Feb. 5. Aaron lliick etei). U years old, has succeeded in mak ing his escape from the Jameaburg Ite- form school, to which lie was sent ny tn Cumberland county courts a few weeks ago for swindling. Harry Hunter Acquitted. PlIILAUKI.l'HIA, Feb, a. lu the ease ot Harry Hunter, who bus been on trial for several duys clinked witb conaplruoy and election frauds, tbe jury returned a ver dict of not guilty ADMIRAL DA GAMA'S THREATS. The Itvonts Tbnt I.ml tn Admiral Iln hum's Vlcorom Action Hlo DK JAN'Ullto, Feb, 5 The Asso ciated Press correspondent In this city has mnilo as thorough nn lnvrstljntlnn ns Is possible under the circumstances of the causes which led up to the recent demon stration by Admiral ileiiham, In this har bor, In defense of American shipping. So long ns Admiral d Mcllo was In charge of the Insurgent vessels In Hio buy no blocknile wns permitted In this barlKir. When Admiral tin Gamn, niter Issuing bla prntiunciamcntn against Pelx oto. deserted the government, joined De Mello and Issued bia famous imperial manifesto, lie declared with ft great deal of emphiials that bo meant from that time forth to stop all commerce with Hlo do Inneiro, and by this mentis practically de stroy the levenue which the Hrazllian government was receiving from this source Following close noon Ibis declaration lie Issued a warning to all vessels, no mat ter to what nationality they belonged, that they must not attempt to discharge heir cargoes or they would rue It. United Stales Minister Thompson made vigorous protest, mid also paid n visit to Commander Henry F Picking, who was ben In command of the American war- hips here, and asked him In the most de nied manner to afford protection to all American vessels Commander Picking said that if nn American sailor was shot while his vessel was in the nctof discharg ing hor curgo he would promptly prose cute tbe captain of tho rebel warship which was responsible for the sailor's lenth Iloyond this Commander Picking eenied unwilling to go, and Minister Tiompson wns tbua rendered powerless. Now everything ia changed, owing to tho determined nction of Admiral lien- am, who has assured the captains of American vessels that he will protect their ships and lighters so far as he Is able to do so. At the some time, how- ver. he ' is warned these captains that be cairn .irevent them from running tbe riak of chance shots at the wharves. Admiral Ilenbnm thinks the risk at the wharves is slight, but he refuses at pres- ut tn advise American captains how they hntild net. He is determined, however, o alTord them all the protection be cnu 1 he repot t that the town of Mchteroy Iihs heen captured by the Insurgents Is false The loyal garrison still holds out lubboiuly against the bombardment. Killed Ills llrntal Father. Col I MBLS. Ga., Feb 5. At Kast High lands, a suburb of Columbus, James Thompson, a machinist, turned bis wilo and three young chlldien nut of doors in furious rainstorm on Saturday night. She returned ill the morning, and was at once set upon by her husband, who would have killed her but for tlie timely arrival of her sou, a young man of ii,), whoisdeaf ami dumb. Springing In bis mother's rescue a terrific conflict ensued with tlie father, which ended in the elder Thomp son having Ills throat cut mid expiring instantly. Public sympathy Is with young Thompson, who surrendered him self. Denouncing Kmployer nf Children. Nkw YoitK, Feb. 5.- President Samuel Gompers, of tho American tVderattdu of La I hi r, spoke last night before the congre gation of the Church of tlie Divine Fra ernity, this city. He said, among other things- "I cluelly desire to emphasize the fnct that a labor union comes into exist ence without opposition Ooncertof action Is essential when capital' combines lo grind lalsir under its heel How men and women who are employers of child labor can come to chinch and do the pious act. passes all uudeistandltig. They have (tie blood of inuoteut chlldien on their hands " He Denies t'lmrgei nf Cruelty. Willi i: Plains, N Y., Feb 5 Superin tendent Pierce, of the Temporary Home for Children, who has been accused of ill treating the children of the home, re turned to white Plains yesterday from a moetlngof tbe Friends nt Chnppaqtia. Ho was seen soon after he reached the homo and denied the story of ill trentment of tho children He mnilo a statement in which lie admits whipping the children. nud also with using other correctional methods, but says that he never did any thing more than would lie dune by a purent An International Kchiitenrefit. SAN Fkascim o, Feb B - The interna tional midwinter fair shooting festival, held under t he auspices of the Sifn Frnn-r.is-cn Sclmetzen vereiu and open to the marksmen of the world, begun yesterday afternoon nt Shellmoiiml Park. Alameda county Over $10,tKi0 lu coin prizes and many iiiui'iiifieent special trophies have been bung There are about HI.) contest ants. I lie 1 1 1 1 1 1 v I ( 1 1 i a I shooting was gen ernllv good. Shooting will continue this nftei'iionii ami evei-v Wednesday and Sat urd.iv i mil the -!-' if t he fesi n a I Goupoxi Hoi 23s "lstEifis:;: Fttn tbe Ail Galium of the World." ijjumters'4 Cliariged Bully Send or bring to tbe office of this Paper one Coupon, together with ten cents In money, and you will receive the great Portfollcof Art. pO QUIT BUSINESS, The undeiBigned will poll his entire Btoek of Boots, and Shoes, E .Below Cost. This is u genuine closing out enlo. The goods must bo sold baforo April 1st. Don't iniBB the BARGAINS. FreMman, 29 N. Main St., Sheaandoah. WPP .vtllAj.P kind ; 'lraSSPr That j iHwGU RES; Rev. A. J. DAY, East UrccnbUBh, N. Y. SCROFULA ND ECZEMA A A WONDERFUL MINISTER'S 4 CURE TESTIMONY i I wish to extol thovlrtncs of DANA'S 3 SAItSAPARILLA. Mrs.Day'shealthwasJ nl! ,.nrwl imlftlhAnirn nf JO. At.lllls! Ettmo scrofula taint manffested ltBclf In 3 form of Uczema. Wo bad used n variety J P.,mHlna. with lmtltr tin o-nnd result, hut 2 Cblnationolremcuia i agents. 4 t My eon was also troubled with Eczema, I his arms, from hands to elbows, being one ( C solid mass of scabs. Ho baa also been cu red , t by tho Uf 0 of DANA'S 8 AnsAPAUILUA. 1 KEV.A.J.DAY,EastGroenbush,N.l. S ... nnnm.Tfl . umiii eaDcsDAtm t & r.rv. nAttset. m. Notlie to Societies, Ktc. The Hkiialii ollico is prepaid to furnish, on short notice, prccTamnies, badges, etc., guaranteeing tho finest woikmanshlp at the lowest tates. 100(1 samples to select fiorii. Tho most exquisite designs to suit any society ir organization. Buy lityttont floor Bo ure that the name. Lkssio & Baku. Ashland, Ph., ia 'iriotod on every tisck -It-Htaw Ua Wji.tj' LsvtmvBT 1M.dk. taw Mi: 'itwms teoidrr out. lash psesse tajuiy wo Urs ifirssi flntd hy (Klar AMXTSEME35TS. .IKKUUhONV TllEATItK. P. J. KFllfiDMON. MANAGE!!. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, '94 ntnsii. vcca's Vaudeville andAthletin Company Honded ly tl.o &Strongist Woman on Earth An- Mme. Yucca, and a crmpsny c f vaudeville siare. Also the ex-ohornplciri feather weight of tbe world, -Cnl. Hctaitx,- w lio w 111 mi et all comers In bis eliss Prices, as, 35 and 50 Cent. Reserved seats nt Klrlln's drugstore. Hooks & Brown. Wqolcsale and ri tall 4 S. Mam Street M3CSCE:LANFOTTS. TJIOIt ltllNT Astoreandcwelllng. corner ot i; Cemrennd Alaruet .-Hefts, occupiea ai orf pent bv John McGownn. shoedeidor. Pos session (liven April 1st Apply to Dornback, IW Euat c entre unet, wnenanaoun z-z-ii rf7K flfl A WEKK paid to ladles, and gents ij)0.UU to sell tho Rapid Dish Washer. Washes and drloa them in two minutes with out vetting ice but as. No experience neios- sarv: sells at sicni: rermacent position. au dreaa W. 1. Hairlson & to., Clerk No. It, Col umbus, Ohio. OH KENT. Store-room, with or without dwellimr. at on sent oecuD'.ert bv I Fried man, sroedenler. Possession Riven April 1st. Apply to J. K. Kchlcr, 216 North Main street, Shenandoah. l-'iTliw HOIMU AND LOTS POIt SAI.B -Klcb' lots, 84 sti ry house with '2H story Kitchen, largo i bed. two good wells end atroam of water running through tho property; nice bi aring fruit trees; lots In guod state of cultivation; linown formerly as Psrk Hotel Suitable for any Kind of bi-tiness. For further particulars write or oall on MUS. L. K. FIHHEK, l-20-3m IlrMtidonvllIe, Scb. Co., Pa. OFPIPK OP CONTROL I Kit OK COUNTY c t hcbuylklll, l'ottsvlllu.Pa , Jan. 81, 1)1. Notice im alert nroDosils will bo received by the uudeisigried, tho Controller of bchujlki l county, until 2 o'clock p in, Tuesday, the 6tb dny of February, IS4H, to furnish the county Commissioners wlihsufllcleiit number ol elec tion ballots complete for ensuing election, to he furnished no lalor than 4 p. m , tho 15th clay ot i-euruury. isui. run anuoi mpieio iniorma tlon can be bed at the Commissioners' ofrlco Bond of Wfti will bo esaoted for contract for printing ot ballots, liy order ot County Commissioners, 11. It. fcKVKRN, Ult Controller. Proposels for Coal. T1HOPOSAI.S are Invited and will be re- I ceived by the undersigned, until noon ot Msndav. February 12th, for furnlHilnir UK) tone of buckwheat coal, Hio tons of pea coal and 60 tons ot siove coal, uenvereu i. o. o at Aims house ooal yard, Pennsylvania ltallroad, Iloaidof Poor Directors. P O. Hoi 4. tk'buylklll Haven. Pennsyl vania, i- eDruury ibi, joui. z-a i-eou I S ! M ASTCRPIECES. From the Art Galleries of the World This collection of tho lost Beautiful ictures"-flaffl Havo bcon solected by a lover of pictures after years of labor and great expense. They will represent everything that is popular lu pictures. . Thoy are thn I k'k Pictures Tbe kM Mists ! They are (tlven away to readers of this paper. i OTiljy.aro Issued In parts contalnlnp 15 trJalwrpieces anil old pago of descriptive matter about tho picture and tho artist. Tliojtirst of tboso parts is now ready for delivery and will bo mailed to any of pur readers who will cut out tho coupon on the fourth page of this paper and for ward It to us with ten cents, either in coin or postage stamps. To city subscri bers It will bo dolivuictl over our counter nn ir cuipt of Otic Coupon and ten cents. 'Succeeding parts will bo sent on re ceipt of Six Coupons and ten ceuts. Every ono who has t-coii tho part says that It Is woll worth two dollars. Wo rely upon tbo increase of subscrip tions to repay us for our cxpenso. Thnrefnro wo ask you to givo tho extra. (iotipons this week to your friends and lavo them get tho first part. Wo know that when they pet tho first thoy wilt want all tho others and will havo to tako tho paper renulaily to net the coupous. That is thoA holo Idea. This Stm& f art pictures will bo tho most- complete aud magnificent ever published. Every artist of note.through tho world, contributes his or hor best work to tho sories, Tho engravings aro of tho very highest grade of Photographic Copper half-tones, and aro perfect reproductions of tho mag nificent, originals. Do not neglect to cut out the coupon to-day and get your part Immediately aud don't forget your frionds. Tho Story of tho Work. A lover of pictures, a man of means, making a tour of the art galleiits of tho world, realized that tho luxuiy of seeing all Iheso beauties was limited to tho very wealthy, and to them only hy wearisome aud expensive traveling and time. "Why not in tlio present age of perfect photogra phic reproduction, why not reproduce tho most beautiful, tho most popular, the most noted of these art ticasures?" was. tho question ho asked himtclf. Why not indeed; no sooner thought of than he applied his means and pteslige to socuro largo photographs of tho choice pictures. Ths result is "JIastkm'IF.cf.s fiiom THE AliT GALI.KltlES OK T1IK WoitLD," The original idea was to Issue the book in parts jutt as is now being done; but to charge J2.I50 a part or $100.00 in all. Now, a syndicate of newspaper pub lishers has purchased the photographs and plates and is issuing them to "Boom Circulation." Now, every one may have this magni. fieent work whiuh was originally iutonded for the rloh man's palace. Suoli ia the force of nineteenth century Invention, machinery, enterprise, aud desire for olroulatlon The Way To Get It. For the first pait, bring to this office one of the coupons printed ou page 4 and 10 cents. For subsequent parts, sond six coupons and 10 ceuts. Out of town readers may send their coupons and irouey hy letter to us and the parts will bo mailed to Uioni direct from New York. What We Expect Y on to Do For Us. Every day a coupon will bo printed on tho fourth pago of this paper. For this, FiitBT, you require only ouoof these cou pons, give tho others to different friends who uhovld be readcrt of Hits pokier. Induce them to bring tho coupons to the office aud secure tbe first part of "Mas terpieces." After that we are quite sure they will tako and read tho paper regularly to obtain the other parts. If alter that we cannot hold them as regular readers, It will ho our own fault. Do not be unaasy if you do not receive your mall order for a fow days. The demand is to great that it is sometimes Impossible to keep up with.ordorB.